Exemplo n.º 1
void Body::SetActive(bool flag)
	assert(m_world->IsLocked() == false);

	if (flag == IsActive())

	if (flag)
		m_flags |= activeFlag;

		// Create all proxies.
		BroadPhase* broadPhase = &m_world->m_contactManager.m_broadPhase;
		for (Fixture* f = m_fixtureList; f; f = f->m_next)
			f->CreateProxies(broadPhase, m_xf);

		// Contacts are created the next time step.
		m_flags &= ~activeFlag;

		// Destroy all proxies.
		BroadPhase* broadPhase = &m_world->m_contactManager.m_broadPhase;
		for (Fixture* f = m_fixtureList; f; f = f->m_next)

		// Destroy the attached contacts.
		ContactEdge* ce = m_contactList;
		while (ce)
			ContactEdge* ce0 = ce;
			ce = ce->next;
		m_contactList = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 2
Fixture* Body::CreateFixture(const FixtureDef* def)
	assert(m_world->IsLocked() == false);
	if (m_world->IsLocked() == true)
		return NULL;

	BlockAllocator* allocator = &m_world->m_blockAllocator;

	void* memory = allocator->Allocate(sizeof(Fixture));
	Fixture* fixture = new (memory) Fixture;
	fixture->Create(allocator, this, def);

	if (m_flags & activeFlag)
		BroadPhase* broadPhase = &m_world->m_contactManager.m_broadPhase;
		fixture->CreateProxies(broadPhase, m_xf);

	fixture->m_next = m_fixtureList;
	m_fixtureList = fixture;

	fixture->m_body = this;

	// Adjust mass properties if needed.
	if (fixture->m_density > 0.0f)

	// Let the world know we have a new fixture. This will cause new contacts
	// to be created at the beginning of the next time step.
	m_world->m_flags |= World::newFixture;

	return fixture;