Exemplo n.º 1
void RenderSVGRoot::computeIntrinsicRatioInformation(FloatSize& intrinsicSize, double& intrinsicRatio) const
    // Spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/coords.html#IntrinsicSizing
    // SVG needs to specify how to calculate some intrinsic sizing properties to enable inclusion within other languages.

    // The intrinsic aspect ratio of the viewport of SVG content is necessary for example, when including SVG from an ‘object’
    // element in HTML styled with CSS. It is possible (indeed, common) for an SVG graphic to have an intrinsic aspect ratio but
    // not to have an intrinsic width or height. The intrinsic aspect ratio must be calculated based upon the following rules:
    // - The aspect ratio is calculated by dividing a width by a height.
    // - If the ‘width’ and ‘height’ of the rootmost ‘svg’ element are both specified with unit identifiers (in, mm, cm, pt, pc,
    //   px, em, ex) or in user units, then the aspect ratio is calculated from the ‘width’ and ‘height’ attributes after
    //   resolving both values to user units.
    intrinsicSize.setWidth(floatValueForLength(svgSVGElement().intrinsicWidth(), 0));
    intrinsicSize.setHeight(floatValueForLength(svgSVGElement().intrinsicHeight(), 0));

    if (!intrinsicSize.isEmpty())
        intrinsicRatio = intrinsicSize.width() / static_cast<double>(intrinsicSize.height());
    else {
        // - If either/both of the ‘width’ and ‘height’ of the rootmost ‘svg’ element are in percentage units (or omitted), the
        //   aspect ratio is calculated from the width and height values of the ‘viewBox’ specified for the current SVG document
        //   fragment. If the ‘viewBox’ is not correctly specified, or set to 'none', the intrinsic aspect ratio cannot be
        //   calculated and is considered unspecified.
        FloatSize viewBoxSize = svgSVGElement().viewBox().size();
        if (!viewBoxSize.isEmpty()) {
            // The viewBox can only yield an intrinsic ratio, not an intrinsic size.
            intrinsicRatio = viewBoxSize.width() / static_cast<double>(viewBoxSize.height());
Exemplo n.º 2
FloatPoint FixedPositionViewportConstraints::layerPositionForViewportRect(const FloatRect& viewportRect) const
    FloatSize offset;

    if (hasAnchorEdge(AnchorEdgeLeft))
        offset.setWidth(viewportRect.x() - m_viewportRectAtLastLayout.x());
    else if (hasAnchorEdge(AnchorEdgeRight))
        offset.setWidth(viewportRect.maxX() - m_viewportRectAtLastLayout.maxX());

    if (hasAnchorEdge(AnchorEdgeTop))
        offset.setHeight(viewportRect.y() - m_viewportRectAtLastLayout.y());
    else if (hasAnchorEdge(AnchorEdgeBottom))
        offset.setHeight(viewportRect.maxY() - m_viewportRectAtLastLayout.maxY());

    return m_layerPositionAtLastLayout + offset;
Exemplo n.º 3
FloatSize LayoutReplaced::constrainIntrinsicSizeToMinMax(
    const IntrinsicSizingInfo& intrinsicSizingInfo) const {
    // Constrain the intrinsic size along each axis according to minimum and
    // maximum width/heights along the opposite axis. So for example a maximum
    // width that shrinks our width will result in the height we compute here
    // having to shrink in order to preserve the aspect ratio. Because we compute
    // these values independently along each axis, the final returned size may in
    // fact not preserve the aspect ratio.
    // TODO(davve): Investigate using only the intrinsic aspect ratio here.
    FloatSize constrainedSize = intrinsicSizingInfo.size;
    if (!intrinsicSizingInfo.aspectRatio.isEmpty() &&
            !intrinsicSizingInfo.size.isEmpty() && style()->logicalWidth().isAuto() &&
            style()->logicalHeight().isAuto()) {
        // We can't multiply or divide by 'intrinsicSizingInfo.aspectRatio' here, it
        // breaks tests, like fast/images/zoomed-img-size.html, which
        // can only be fixed once subpixel precision is available for things like
        // intrinsicWidth/Height - which include zoom!
        constrainedSize.setWidth(LayoutBox::computeReplacedLogicalHeight() *
                                 intrinsicSizingInfo.size.width() /
        constrainedSize.setHeight(LayoutBox::computeReplacedLogicalWidth() *
                                  intrinsicSizingInfo.size.height() /
    return constrainedSize;
Exemplo n.º 4
void Image::drawTiled(GraphicsContext* ctxt, const FloatRect& destRect, const FloatPoint& srcPoint, const FloatSize& scaledTileSize, SkXfermode::Mode op, const IntSize& repeatSpacing)
    FloatSize intrinsicTileSize = size();
    if (hasRelativeWidth())
    if (hasRelativeHeight())

    FloatSize scale(scaledTileSize.width() / intrinsicTileSize.width(),
                    scaledTileSize.height() / intrinsicTileSize.height());

    FloatSize actualTileSize(scaledTileSize.width() + repeatSpacing.width(), scaledTileSize.height() + repeatSpacing.height());
    FloatRect oneTileRect;
    oneTileRect.setX(destRect.x() + fmodf(fmodf(-srcPoint.x(), actualTileSize.width()) - actualTileSize.width(), actualTileSize.width()));
    oneTileRect.setY(destRect.y() + fmodf(fmodf(-srcPoint.y(), actualTileSize.height()) - actualTileSize.height(), actualTileSize.height()));

    // Check and see if a single draw of the image can cover the entire area we are supposed to tile.
    if (oneTileRect.contains(destRect)) {
        FloatRect visibleSrcRect;
        visibleSrcRect.setX((destRect.x() - oneTileRect.x()) / scale.width());
        visibleSrcRect.setY((destRect.y() - oneTileRect.y()) / scale.height());
        visibleSrcRect.setWidth(destRect.width() / scale.width());
        visibleSrcRect.setHeight(destRect.height() / scale.height());
        ctxt->drawImage(this, destRect, visibleSrcRect, op, DoNotRespectImageOrientation);

    FloatRect tileRect(FloatPoint(), intrinsicTileSize);
    drawPattern(ctxt, tileRect, scale, oneTileRect.location(), op, destRect, repeatSpacing);

Exemplo n.º 5
void Image::drawTiled(GraphicsContext& ctxt,
                      const FloatRect& destRect,
                      const FloatPoint& srcPoint,
                      const FloatSize& scaledTileSize,
                      SkBlendMode op,
                      const FloatSize& repeatSpacing) {
  FloatSize intrinsicTileSize = FloatSize(size());
  if (hasRelativeSize()) {

  FloatSize scale(scaledTileSize.width() / intrinsicTileSize.width(),
                  scaledTileSize.height() / intrinsicTileSize.height());

  const FloatRect oneTileRect = computeTileContaining(
      destRect.location(), scaledTileSize, srcPoint, repeatSpacing);

  // Check and see if a single draw of the image can cover the entire area we
  // are supposed to tile.
  if (oneTileRect.contains(destRect)) {
    const FloatRect visibleSrcRect =
        computeSubsetForTile(oneTileRect, destRect, intrinsicTileSize);
    ctxt.drawImage(this, destRect, &visibleSrcRect, op,

  FloatRect tileRect(FloatPoint(), intrinsicTileSize);
  drawPattern(ctxt, tileRect, scale, oneTileRect.location(), op, destRect,

Exemplo n.º 6
FloatSize Frame::resizePageRectsKeepingRatio(const FloatSize& originalSize, const FloatSize& expectedSize)
    FloatSize resultSize;
    if (!contentRenderer())
        return FloatSize();

    if (contentRenderer()->style()->isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
        float ratio = originalSize.height() / originalSize.width();
        resultSize.setHeight(floorf(resultSize.width() * ratio));
    } else {
        float ratio = originalSize.width() / originalSize.height();
        resultSize.setWidth(floorf(resultSize.height() * ratio));
    return resultSize;
Exemplo n.º 7
// FIXME: Merge with the other drawTiled eventually, since we need a combination of both for some things.
void Image::drawTiled(GraphicsContext* ctxt, const FloatRect& dstRect, const FloatRect& srcRect,
    const FloatSize& providedTileScaleFactor, TileRule hRule, TileRule vRule, CompositeOperator op)
    if (mayFillWithSolidColor()) {
        fillWithSolidColor(ctxt, dstRect, solidColor(), op);

    // FIXME: We do not support 'space' yet. For now just map it to 'repeat'.
    if (hRule == SpaceTile)
        hRule = RepeatTile;
    if (vRule == SpaceTile)
        vRule = RepeatTile;

    // FIXME: if this code is used for background-repeat: round (in addition to
    // border-image-repeat), then add logic to deal with the background-size: auto
    // special case. The aspect ratio should be maintained in this case.
    FloatSize tileScaleFactor = providedTileScaleFactor;
    bool useLowInterpolationQuality = false;
    if (hRule == RoundTile) {
        float hRepetitions = std::max(1.0f, roundf(dstRect.width() / (tileScaleFactor.width() * srcRect.width())));
        tileScaleFactor.setWidth(dstRect.width() / (srcRect.width() * hRepetitions));
    if (vRule == RoundTile) {
        float vRepetitions = std::max(1.0f, roundf(dstRect.height() / (tileScaleFactor.height() * srcRect.height())));
        tileScaleFactor.setHeight(dstRect.height() / (srcRect.height() * vRepetitions));
    if (hRule == RoundTile || vRule == RoundTile) {
        // High interpolation quality rounds the scaled tile to an integer size (see Image::drawPattern).
        // To avoid causing a visual problem, linear interpolation must be used instead.
        // FIXME: Allow using high-quality interpolation in this case, too.
        useLowInterpolationQuality = true;

    // We want to construct the phase such that the pattern is centered (when stretch is not
    // set for a particular rule).
    float hPhase = tileScaleFactor.width() * srcRect.x();
    float vPhase = tileScaleFactor.height() * srcRect.y();
    float scaledTileWidth = tileScaleFactor.width() * srcRect.width();
    float scaledTileHeight = tileScaleFactor.height() * srcRect.height();
    if (hRule == Image::RepeatTile)
        hPhase -= (dstRect.width() - scaledTileWidth) / 2;
    if (vRule == Image::RepeatTile)
        vPhase -= (dstRect.height() - scaledTileHeight) / 2;
    FloatPoint patternPhase(dstRect.x() - hPhase, dstRect.y() - vPhase);

    if (useLowInterpolationQuality) {
        InterpolationQuality previousInterpolationQuality = ctxt->imageInterpolationQuality();
        drawPattern(ctxt, srcRect, tileScaleFactor, patternPhase, op, dstRect);
    } else {
        drawPattern(ctxt, srcRect, tileScaleFactor, patternPhase, op, dstRect);

Exemplo n.º 8
FloatSize LocalFrame::resizePageRectsKeepingRatio(const FloatSize& originalSize, const FloatSize& expectedSize)
    FloatSize resultSize;
    if (!contentRenderer())
        return FloatSize();

    if (contentRenderer()->style()->isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
        ASSERT(fabs(originalSize.width()) > std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());
        float ratio = originalSize.height() / originalSize.width();
        resultSize.setHeight(floorf(resultSize.width() * ratio));
    } else {
        ASSERT(fabs(originalSize.height()) > std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());
        float ratio = originalSize.width() / originalSize.height();
        resultSize.setWidth(floorf(resultSize.height() * ratio));
    return resultSize;
Exemplo n.º 9
static inline void ensureRadiiDoNotOverlap(FloatRect &bounds, FloatSize &radii)
    float widthRatio = bounds.width() / (2 * radii.width());
    float heightRatio = bounds.height() / (2 * radii.height());
    float reductionRatio = std::min<float>(widthRatio, heightRatio);
    if (reductionRatio < 1) {
        radii.setWidth(reductionRatio * radii.width());
        radii.setHeight(reductionRatio * radii.height());
Exemplo n.º 10
FloatSize MediaStreamPrivate::intrinsicSize() const
    FloatSize size;

    if (m_activeVideoTrack) {
        const RealtimeMediaSourceStates& states = m_activeVideoTrack->source()->states();

    return size;
Exemplo n.º 11
FloatSize MediaStreamPrivate::intrinsicSize() const
    FloatSize size;

    if (m_activeVideoTrack) {
        const RealtimeMediaSourceSettings& setting = m_activeVideoTrack->settings();

    return size;
Exemplo n.º 12
void RenderReplaced::computeAspectRatioInformationForRenderBox(RenderBox* contentRenderer, FloatSize& constrainedSize, double& intrinsicRatio, bool& isPercentageIntrinsicSize) const
    FloatSize intrinsicSize;
    if (contentRenderer) {
        contentRenderer->computeIntrinsicRatioInformation(intrinsicSize, intrinsicRatio, isPercentageIntrinsicSize);
        if (intrinsicRatio)

        // Handle zoom & vertical writing modes here, as the embedded document doesn't know about them.
        if (!isPercentageIntrinsicSize) {
            if (isRenderImage())

        if (hasAspectRatio() && isPercentageIntrinsicSize)
            intrinsicRatio = 1;
        // Update our intrinsic size to match what the content renderer has computed, so that when we
        // constrain the size below, the correct intrinsic size will be obtained for comparison against
        // min and max widths.
        if (intrinsicRatio && !isPercentageIntrinsicSize && !intrinsicSize.isEmpty())
            m_intrinsicSize = LayoutSize(intrinsicSize);

        if (!isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
            if (intrinsicRatio)
                intrinsicRatio = 1 / intrinsicRatio;
            intrinsicSize = intrinsicSize.transposedSize();
    } else {
        computeIntrinsicRatioInformation(intrinsicSize, intrinsicRatio, isPercentageIntrinsicSize);
        if (intrinsicRatio) {
            if (!intrinsicSize.isEmpty())
                m_intrinsicSize = LayoutSize(isHorizontalWritingMode() ? intrinsicSize : intrinsicSize.transposedSize());

    // Now constrain the intrinsic size along each axis according to minimum and maximum width/heights along the
    // opposite axis. So for example a maximum width that shrinks our width will result in the height we compute here
    // having to shrink in order to preserve the aspect ratio. Because we compute these values independently along
    // each axis, the final returned size may in fact not preserve the aspect ratio.
    // FIXME: In the long term, it might be better to just return this code more to the way it used to be before this
    // function was added, since all it has done is make the code more unclear.
    constrainedSize = intrinsicSize;
    if (intrinsicRatio && !isPercentageIntrinsicSize && !intrinsicSize.isEmpty() && style().logicalWidth().isAuto() && style().logicalHeight().isAuto()) {
        // We can't multiply or divide by 'intrinsicRatio' here, it breaks tests, like fast/images/zoomed-img-size.html, which
        // can only be fixed once subpixel precision is available for things like intrinsicWidth/Height - which include zoom!
        constrainedSize.setWidth(RenderBox::computeReplacedLogicalHeight() * intrinsicSize.width() / intrinsicSize.height());
        constrainedSize.setHeight(RenderBox::computeReplacedLogicalWidth() * intrinsicSize.height() / intrinsicSize.width());
bool RenderSVGResourceFilter::fitsInMaximumImageSize(const FloatSize& size, FloatSize& scale)
    bool matchesFilterSize = true;
    if (size.width() > kMaxFilterSize) {
        scale.setWidth(scale.width() * kMaxFilterSize / size.width());
        matchesFilterSize = false;
    if (size.height() > kMaxFilterSize) {
        scale.setHeight(scale.height() * kMaxFilterSize / size.height());
        matchesFilterSize = false;

    return matchesFilterSize;
Exemplo n.º 14
void RenderSVGRoot::computeIntrinsicRatioInformation(FloatSize& intrinsicSize, double& intrinsicRatio, bool& isPercentageIntrinsicSize) const
    // Spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/coords.html#IntrinsicSizing
    // SVG needs to specify how to calculate some intrinsic sizing properties to enable inclusion within other languages.
    // The intrinsic width and height of the viewport of SVG content must be determined from the ‘width’ and ‘height’ attributes.
    // If either of these are not specified, a value of '100%' must be assumed. Note: the ‘width’ and ‘height’ attributes are not
    // the same as the CSS width and height properties. Specifically, percentage values do not provide an intrinsic width or height,
    // and do not indicate a percentage of the containing block. Rather, once the viewport is established, they indicate the portion
    // of the viewport that is actually covered by image data.
    SVGSVGElement* svg = toSVGSVGElement(node());
    Length intrinsicWidthAttribute = svg->intrinsicWidth(SVGSVGElement::IgnoreCSSProperties);
    Length intrinsicHeightAttribute = svg->intrinsicHeight(SVGSVGElement::IgnoreCSSProperties);

    // The intrinsic aspect ratio of the viewport of SVG content is necessary for example, when including SVG from an ‘object’
    // element in HTML styled with CSS. It is possible (indeed, common) for an SVG graphic to have an intrinsic aspect ratio but
    // not to have an intrinsic width or height. The intrinsic aspect ratio must be calculated based upon the following rules:
    // - The aspect ratio is calculated by dividing a width by a height.
    // - If the ‘width’ and ‘height’ of the rootmost ‘svg’ element are both specified with unit identifiers (in, mm, cm, pt, pc,
    //   px, em, ex) or in user units, then the aspect ratio is calculated from the ‘width’ and ‘height’ attributes after
    //   resolving both values to user units.
    if (intrinsicWidthAttribute.isFixed() || intrinsicHeightAttribute.isFixed()) {
        if (intrinsicWidthAttribute.isFixed())
            intrinsicSize.setWidth(floatValueForLength(intrinsicWidthAttribute, 0));
        if (intrinsicHeightAttribute.isFixed())
            intrinsicSize.setHeight(floatValueForLength(intrinsicHeightAttribute, 0));
        if (!intrinsicSize.isEmpty())
            intrinsicRatio = intrinsicSize.width() / static_cast<double>(intrinsicSize.height());

    // - If either/both of the ‘width’ and ‘height’ of the rootmost ‘svg’ element are in percentage units (or omitted), the
    //   aspect ratio is calculated from the width and height values of the ‘viewBox’ specified for the current SVG document
    //   fragment. If the ‘viewBox’ is not correctly specified, or set to 'none', the intrinsic aspect ratio cannot be
    //   calculated and is considered unspecified.
    intrinsicSize = svg->viewBox().size();
    if (!intrinsicSize.isEmpty()) {
        // The viewBox can only yield an intrinsic ratio, not an intrinsic size.
        intrinsicRatio = intrinsicSize.width() / static_cast<double>(intrinsicSize.height());
        intrinsicSize = FloatSize();

    // If our intrinsic size is in percentage units, return those to the caller through the intrinsicSize. Notify the caller
    // about the special situation, by setting isPercentageIntrinsicSize=true, so it knows how to interpret the return values.
    if (intrinsicWidthAttribute.isPercent() && intrinsicHeightAttribute.isPercent()) {
        isPercentageIntrinsicSize = true;
        intrinsicSize = FloatSize(intrinsicWidthAttribute.percent(), intrinsicHeightAttribute.percent());
Exemplo n.º 15
void Image::drawTiled(GraphicsContext* ctxt, const FloatRect& destRect, const FloatPoint& srcPoint, const FloatSize& scaledTileSize, ColorSpace styleColorSpace, CompositeOperator op)
    if (mayFillWithSolidColor()) {
        fillWithSolidColor(ctxt, destRect, solidColor(), styleColorSpace, op);

    // See <https://webkit.org/b/59043>.
    ASSERT(!isBitmapImage() || notSolidColor());

    FloatSize intrinsicTileSize = size();
    if (hasRelativeWidth())
    if (hasRelativeHeight())

    FloatSize scale(scaledTileSize.width() / intrinsicTileSize.width(),
                    scaledTileSize.height() / intrinsicTileSize.height());

    FloatRect oneTileRect;
    oneTileRect.setX(destRect.x() + fmodf(fmodf(-srcPoint.x(), scaledTileSize.width()) - scaledTileSize.width(), scaledTileSize.width()));
    oneTileRect.setY(destRect.y() + fmodf(fmodf(-srcPoint.y(), scaledTileSize.height()) - scaledTileSize.height(), scaledTileSize.height()));
    // Check and see if a single draw of the image can cover the entire area we are supposed to tile.    
    if (oneTileRect.contains(destRect)) {
        FloatRect visibleSrcRect;
        visibleSrcRect.setX((destRect.x() - oneTileRect.x()) / scale.width());
        visibleSrcRect.setY((destRect.y() - oneTileRect.y()) / scale.height());
        visibleSrcRect.setWidth(destRect.width() / scale.width());
        visibleSrcRect.setHeight(destRect.height() / scale.height());
        draw(ctxt, destRect, visibleSrcRect, styleColorSpace, op);

    AffineTransform patternTransform = AffineTransform().scaleNonUniform(scale.width(), scale.height());
    FloatRect tileRect(FloatPoint(), intrinsicTileSize);    
    drawPattern(ctxt, tileRect, patternTransform, oneTileRect.location(), styleColorSpace, op, destRect);
Exemplo n.º 16
void RenderReplaced::computeIntrinsicRatioInformation(FloatSize& intrinsicSize, double& intrinsicRatio, bool& isPercentageIntrinsicSize) const
    // If there's an embeddedContentBox() of a remote, referenced document available, this code-path should never be used.
    isPercentageIntrinsicSize = false;
    intrinsicSize = FloatSize(intrinsicLogicalWidth(), intrinsicLogicalHeight());

    // Figure out if we need to compute an intrinsic ratio.
    if (intrinsicSize.isEmpty() || !rendererHasAspectRatio(this))

    intrinsicRatio = intrinsicSize.width() / intrinsicSize.height();
    if (style()->logicalWidth().isAuto() && style()->logicalHeight().isAuto()) {
        // We can't multiply or divide by 'intrinsicRatio' here, it breaks tests, like fast/images/zoomed-img-size.html, which
        // can only be fixed once subpixel precision is available for things like intrinsicWidth/Height - which include zoom!
        intrinsicSize.setWidth(RenderBox::computeReplacedLogicalHeight() * intrinsicLogicalWidth() / intrinsicLogicalHeight());
        intrinsicSize.setHeight(RenderBox::computeReplacedLogicalWidth() * intrinsicLogicalHeight() / intrinsicLogicalWidth());
Exemplo n.º 17
void RenderImage::computeIntrinsicRatioInformation(FloatSize& intrinsicSize, double& intrinsicRatio, bool& isPercentageIntrinsicSize) const
    RenderReplaced::computeIntrinsicRatioInformation(intrinsicSize, intrinsicRatio, isPercentageIntrinsicSize);

    // Our intrinsicSize is empty if we're rendering generated images with relative width/height. Figure out the right intrinsic size to use.
    if (intrinsicSize.isEmpty() && (m_imageResource->imageHasRelativeWidth() || m_imageResource->imageHasRelativeHeight())) {
        RenderObject* containingBlock = isOutOfFlowPositioned() ? container() : this->containingBlock();
        if (containingBlock->isBox()) {
            RenderBox* box = toRenderBox(containingBlock);
    // Don't compute an intrinsic ratio to preserve historical WebKit behavior if we're painting alt text and/or a broken image.
    if (m_imageResource && m_imageResource->errorOccurred()) {
        intrinsicRatio = 1;
Exemplo n.º 18
IntSize SVGImage::containerSize() const
    SVGSVGElement* rootElement = svgRootElement(m_page.get());
    if (!rootElement)
        return IntSize();

    LayoutSVGRoot* layoutObject = toLayoutSVGRoot(rootElement->layoutObject());
    if (!layoutObject)
        return IntSize();

    // If a container size is available it has precedence.
    IntSize containerSize = layoutObject->containerSize();
    if (!containerSize.isEmpty())
        return containerSize;

    // Assure that a container size is always given for a non-identity zoom level.
    ASSERT(layoutObject->style()->effectiveZoom() == 1);

    FloatSize intrinsicSize;
    double intrinsicRatio = 0;
    layoutObject->computeIntrinsicRatioInformation(intrinsicSize, intrinsicRatio);

    if (intrinsicSize.isEmpty() && intrinsicRatio) {
        if (!intrinsicSize.width() && intrinsicSize.height())
            intrinsicSize.setWidth(intrinsicSize.height() * intrinsicRatio);
        else if (intrinsicSize.width() && !intrinsicSize.height())
            intrinsicSize.setHeight(intrinsicSize.width() / intrinsicRatio);

    // TODO(davve): In order to maintain aspect ratio the intrinsic
    // size is faked from the viewBox as a last resort. This may cause
    // unwanted side effects. Preferably we should be able to signal
    // the intrinsic ratio in another way.
    if (intrinsicSize.isEmpty())
        intrinsicSize = rootElement->currentViewBoxRect().size();

    if (!intrinsicSize.isEmpty())
        return expandedIntSize(intrinsicSize);

    // As last resort, use CSS replaced element fallback size.
    return IntSize(300, 150);
Exemplo n.º 19
void LayoutImage::computeIntrinsicRatioInformation(FloatSize& intrinsicSize, double& intrinsicRatio) const
    LayoutReplaced::computeIntrinsicRatioInformation(intrinsicSize, intrinsicRatio);

    // Our intrinsicSize is empty if we're laying out generated images with relative width/height. Figure out the right intrinsic size to use.
    if (intrinsicSize.isEmpty() && (m_imageResource->imageHasRelativeWidth() || m_imageResource->imageHasRelativeHeight())) {
        LayoutObject* containingBlock = isOutOfFlowPositioned() ? container() : this->containingBlock();
        if (containingBlock->isBox()) {
            LayoutBox* box = toLayoutBox(containingBlock);
    // Don't compute an intrinsic ratio to preserve historical WebKit behavior if we're painting alt text and/or a broken image.
    // Video is excluded from this behavior because video elements have a default aspect ratio that a failed poster image load should not override.
    if (m_imageResource && m_imageResource->errorOccurred() && !isVideo()) {
        intrinsicRatio = 1;
Exemplo n.º 20
void Image::drawTiled(GraphicsContext* ctxt, const FloatRect& destRect, const FloatPoint& srcPoint, const FloatSize& scaledTileSize, CompositeOperator op, WebBlendMode blendMode, const IntSize& repeatSpacing)
    if (mayFillWithSolidColor()) {
        fillWithSolidColor(ctxt, destRect, solidColor(), op);

    // See <https://webkit.org/b/59043>.
    ASSERT(!isBitmapImage() || notSolidColor());

    FloatSize intrinsicTileSize = size();
    if (hasRelativeWidth())
    if (hasRelativeHeight())

    FloatSize scale(scaledTileSize.width() / intrinsicTileSize.width(),
                    scaledTileSize.height() / intrinsicTileSize.height());

    FloatSize actualTileSize(scaledTileSize.width() + repeatSpacing.width(), scaledTileSize.height() + repeatSpacing.height());
    FloatRect oneTileRect;
    oneTileRect.setX(destRect.x() + fmodf(fmodf(-srcPoint.x(), actualTileSize.width()) - actualTileSize.width(), actualTileSize.width()));
    oneTileRect.setY(destRect.y() + fmodf(fmodf(-srcPoint.y(), actualTileSize.height()) - actualTileSize.height(), actualTileSize.height()));

    // Check and see if a single draw of the image can cover the entire area we are supposed to tile.
    if (oneTileRect.contains(destRect)) {
        FloatRect visibleSrcRect;
        visibleSrcRect.setX((destRect.x() - oneTileRect.x()) / scale.width());
        visibleSrcRect.setY((destRect.y() - oneTileRect.y()) / scale.height());
        visibleSrcRect.setWidth(destRect.width() / scale.width());
        visibleSrcRect.setHeight(destRect.height() / scale.height());
        draw(ctxt, destRect, visibleSrcRect, op, blendMode);

    FloatRect tileRect(FloatPoint(), intrinsicTileSize);
    drawPattern(ctxt, tileRect, scale, oneTileRect.location(), op, destRect, blendMode, repeatSpacing);

Exemplo n.º 21
void Image::drawTiled(GraphicsContext* ctxt, const FloatRect& destRect, const FloatPoint& srcPoint, const FloatSize& scaledTileSize, ColorSpace styleColorSpace, CompositeOperator op, BlendMode blendMode)
    if (mayFillWithSolidColor()) {
        fillWithSolidColor(ctxt, destRect, solidColor(), styleColorSpace, op);

    ASSERT(!isBitmapImage() || notSolidColor());

    FloatSize intrinsicTileSize = size();
    if (hasRelativeWidth())
    if (hasRelativeHeight())

    FloatSize scale(scaledTileSize.width() / intrinsicTileSize.width(),
                    scaledTileSize.height() / intrinsicTileSize.height());

    FloatRect oneTileRect;
    FloatSize actualTileSize(scaledTileSize.width() + spaceSize().width(), scaledTileSize.height() + spaceSize().height());
    oneTileRect.setX(destRect.x() + fmodf(fmodf(-srcPoint.x(), actualTileSize.width()) - actualTileSize.width(), actualTileSize.width()));
    oneTileRect.setY(destRect.y() + fmodf(fmodf(-srcPoint.y(), actualTileSize.height()) - actualTileSize.height(), actualTileSize.height()));
    // Check and see if a single draw of the image can cover the entire area we are supposed to tile.    
    if (oneTileRect.contains(destRect) && !ctxt->drawLuminanceMask()) {
        FloatRect visibleSrcRect;
        visibleSrcRect.setX((destRect.x() - oneTileRect.x()) / scale.width());
        visibleSrcRect.setY((destRect.y() - oneTileRect.y()) / scale.height());
        visibleSrcRect.setWidth(destRect.width() / scale.width());
        visibleSrcRect.setHeight(destRect.height() / scale.height());
        draw(ctxt, destRect, visibleSrcRect, styleColorSpace, op, blendMode, ImageOrientationDescription());

    AffineTransform patternTransform = AffineTransform().scaleNonUniform(scale.width(), scale.height());
    FloatRect tileRect(FloatPoint(), intrinsicTileSize);
    drawPattern(ctxt, tileRect, patternTransform, oneTileRect.location(), styleColorSpace, op, destRect, blendMode);

Exemplo n.º 22
void RenderReplaced::computeAspectRatioInformationForRenderBox(FloatSize& constrainedSize, double& intrinsicRatio) const
    FloatSize intrinsicSize;
    computeIntrinsicRatioInformation(intrinsicSize, intrinsicRatio);
    if (intrinsicRatio && !intrinsicSize.isEmpty())
        m_intrinsicSize = LayoutSize(intrinsicSize);

    // Now constrain the intrinsic size along each axis according to minimum and maximum width/heights along the
    // opposite axis. So for example a maximum width that shrinks our width will result in the height we compute here
    // having to shrink in order to preserve the aspect ratio. Because we compute these values independently along
    // each axis, the final returned size may in fact not preserve the aspect ratio.
    // FIXME: In the long term, it might be better to just return this code more to the way it used to be before this
    // function was added, since all it has done is make the code more unclear.
    constrainedSize = intrinsicSize;
    if (intrinsicRatio && !intrinsicSize.isEmpty() && style()->logicalWidth().isAuto() && style()->logicalHeight().isAuto()) {
        // We can't multiply or divide by 'intrinsicRatio' here, it breaks tests, like fast/images/zoomed-img-size.html, which
        // can only be fixed once subpixel precision is available for things like intrinsicWidth/Height.
        constrainedSize.setWidth(RenderBox::computeReplacedLogicalHeight() * intrinsicSize.width() / intrinsicSize.height());
        constrainedSize.setHeight(RenderBox::computeReplacedLogicalWidth() * intrinsicSize.height() / intrinsicSize.width());
Exemplo n.º 23
void Image::drawTiled(GraphicsContext* ctxt, const FloatRect& destRect, const FloatPoint& srcPoint, const FloatSize& scaledTileSize, CompositeOperator op)
    if (mayFillWithSolidColor()) {
        fillWithSolidColor(ctxt, destRect, solidColor(), op);

    FloatSize intrinsicTileSize = size();
    if (hasRelativeWidth())
    if (hasRelativeHeight())

    FloatSize scale(scaledTileSize.width() / intrinsicTileSize.width(),
                    scaledTileSize.height() / intrinsicTileSize.height());
    AffineTransform patternTransform = AffineTransform().scale(scale.width(), scale.height());

    FloatRect oneTileRect;
    oneTileRect.setX(destRect.x() + fmodf(fmodf(-srcPoint.x(), scaledTileSize.width()) - scaledTileSize.width(), scaledTileSize.width()));
    oneTileRect.setY(destRect.y() + fmodf(fmodf(-srcPoint.y(), scaledTileSize.height()) - scaledTileSize.height(), scaledTileSize.height()));
    // Check and see if a single draw of the image can cover the entire area we are supposed to tile.    
    if (oneTileRect.contains(destRect)) {
        FloatRect visibleSrcRect;
        visibleSrcRect.setX((destRect.x() - oneTileRect.x()) / scale.width());
        visibleSrcRect.setY((destRect.y() - oneTileRect.y()) / scale.height());
        visibleSrcRect.setWidth(destRect.width() / scale.width());
        visibleSrcRect.setHeight(destRect.height() / scale.height());
        draw(ctxt, destRect, visibleSrcRect, op);

    FloatRect tileRect(FloatPoint(), intrinsicTileSize);    
    drawPattern(ctxt, tileRect, patternTransform, oneTileRect.location(), op, destRect);
Exemplo n.º 24
void Gradient::adjustParametersForTiledDrawing(FloatSize& size, FloatRect& srcRect, const FloatSize& spacing)
    if (m_radial)

    if (srcRect.isEmpty())

    if (!spacing.isZero())

    if (m_p0.x() == m_p1.x()) {
    if (m_p0.y() != m_p1.y())

Exemplo n.º 25
// TODO(cavalcantii): see crbug.com/662504.
void Image::drawTiled(GraphicsContext& ctxt,
                      const FloatRect& dstRect,
                      const FloatRect& srcRect,
                      const FloatSize& providedTileScaleFactor,
                      TileRule hRule,
                      TileRule vRule,
                      SkBlendMode op) {
  // TODO(cavalcantii): see crbug.com/662513.
  FloatSize tileScaleFactor = providedTileScaleFactor;
  if (vRule == RoundTile) {
    float vRepetitions =
        std::max(1.0f, roundf(dstRect.height() /
                              (tileScaleFactor.height() * srcRect.height())));
    tileScaleFactor.setHeight(dstRect.height() /
                              (srcRect.height() * vRepetitions));

  if (hRule == RoundTile) {
    float hRepetitions = std::max(
        roundf(dstRect.width() / (tileScaleFactor.width() * srcRect.width())));
    tileScaleFactor.setWidth(dstRect.width() /
                             (srcRect.width() * hRepetitions));

  // We want to construct the phase such that the pattern is centered (when
  // stretch is not set for a particular rule).
  float vPhase = tileScaleFactor.height() * srcRect.y();
  float hPhase = tileScaleFactor.width() * srcRect.x();
  if (vRule == Image::RepeatTile) {
    float scaledTileHeight = tileScaleFactor.height() * srcRect.height();
    vPhase -= (dstRect.height() - scaledTileHeight) / 2;

  if (hRule == Image::RepeatTile) {
    float scaledTileWidth = tileScaleFactor.width() * srcRect.width();
    hPhase -= (dstRect.width() - scaledTileWidth) / 2;

  FloatSize spacing;
  auto calculateSpaceNeeded = [](
      const float destination, const float source) -> std::tuple<bool, float> {
    DCHECK_GT(source, 0);
    DCHECK_GT(destination, 0);

    float repeatTilesCount = floorf(destination / source);
    if (!repeatTilesCount)
      return std::make_tuple(false, -1);

    float space = destination;
    space -= source * repeatTilesCount;
    space /= repeatTilesCount + 1.0;

    return std::make_tuple(true, space);

  if (vRule == SpaceTile) {
    std::tuple<bool, float> space =
        calculateSpaceNeeded(dstRect.height(), srcRect.height());
    if (!std::get<0>(space))

    vPhase = srcRect.y();
    vPhase -= spacing.height();

  if (hRule == SpaceTile) {
    std::tuple<bool, float> space =
        calculateSpaceNeeded(dstRect.width(), srcRect.width());
    if (!std::get<0>(space))

    hPhase = srcRect.x();
    hPhase -= spacing.width();

  FloatPoint patternPhase(dstRect.x() - hPhase, dstRect.y() - vPhase);

  // TODO(cavalcantii): see crbug.com/662507.
  if ((hRule == RoundTile || vRule == RoundTile)) {
    InterpolationQuality previousInterpolationQuality =
    drawPattern(ctxt, srcRect, tileScaleFactor, patternPhase, op, dstRect);
  } else {
    drawPattern(ctxt, srcRect, tileScaleFactor, patternPhase, op, dstRect,

Exemplo n.º 26
// FIXME: Merge with the other drawTiled eventually, since we need a combination of both for some things.
void Image::drawTiled(GraphicsContext& ctxt, const FloatRect& dstRect, const FloatRect& srcRect,
    const FloatSize& tileScaleFactor, TileRule hRule, TileRule vRule, CompositeOperator op)
    if (mayFillWithSolidColor()) {
        fillWithSolidColor(ctxt, dstRect, solidColor(), op);
    FloatSize tileScale = tileScaleFactor;
    FloatSize spacing;
    // FIXME: These rules follow CSS border-image rules, but they should not be down here in Image.
    bool centerOnGapHorizonally = false;
    bool centerOnGapVertically = false;
    switch (hRule) {
    case RoundTile: {
        int numItems = std::max<int>(floorf(dstRect.width() / srcRect.width()), 1);
        tileScale.setWidth(dstRect.width() / (srcRect.width() * numItems));
    case SpaceTile: {
        int numItems = floorf(dstRect.width() / srcRect.width());
        if (!numItems)
        spacing.setWidth((dstRect.width() - srcRect.width() * numItems) / (numItems + 1));
        centerOnGapHorizonally = !(numItems & 1);
    case StretchTile:
    case RepeatTile:

    switch (vRule) {
    case RoundTile: {
        int numItems = std::max<int>(floorf(dstRect.height() / srcRect.height()), 1);
        tileScale.setHeight(dstRect.height() / (srcRect.height() * numItems));
    case SpaceTile: {
        int numItems = floorf(dstRect.height() / srcRect.height());
        if (!numItems)
        spacing.setHeight((dstRect.height() - srcRect.height() * numItems) / (numItems + 1));
        centerOnGapVertically = !(numItems & 1);
    case StretchTile:
    case RepeatTile:

    AffineTransform patternTransform = AffineTransform().scaleNonUniform(tileScale.width(), tileScale.height());

    // We want to construct the phase such that the pattern is centered (when stretch is not
    // set for a particular rule).
    float hPhase = tileScale.width() * srcRect.x();
    float vPhase = tileScale.height() * srcRect.y();
    float scaledTileWidth = tileScale.width() * srcRect.width();
    float scaledTileHeight = tileScale.height() * srcRect.height();

    if (centerOnGapHorizonally)
        hPhase -= spacing.width();
    else if (hRule == Image::RepeatTile || hRule == Image::SpaceTile)
        hPhase -= (dstRect.width() - scaledTileWidth) / 2;

    if (centerOnGapVertically)
        vPhase -= spacing.height();
    else if (vRule == Image::RepeatTile || vRule == Image::SpaceTile)
        vPhase -= (dstRect.height() - scaledTileHeight) / 2;

    FloatPoint patternPhase(dstRect.x() - hPhase, dstRect.y() - vPhase);
    drawPattern(ctxt, srcRect, patternTransform, patternPhase, spacing, op, dstRect);

Exemplo n.º 27
void Image::drawTiled(GraphicsContext& ctxt, const FloatRect& destRect, const FloatPoint& srcPoint, const FloatSize& scaledTileSize, const FloatSize& spacing, CompositeOperator op, BlendMode blendMode)
    if (mayFillWithSolidColor()) {
        fillWithSolidColor(ctxt, destRect, solidColor(), op);

    ASSERT(!isBitmapImage() || notSolidColor());

    FloatSize intrinsicTileSize = originalSize();
    FloatSize intrinsicTileSize = size();
    if (hasRelativeWidth())
    if (hasRelativeHeight())

    FloatSize scale(scaledTileSize.width() / intrinsicTileSize.width(),
                    scaledTileSize.height() / intrinsicTileSize.height());

    FloatRect oneTileRect;
    FloatSize actualTileSize(scaledTileSize.width() + spacing.width(), scaledTileSize.height() + spacing.height());
    oneTileRect.setX(destRect.x() + fmodf(fmodf(-srcPoint.x(), actualTileSize.width()) - actualTileSize.width(), actualTileSize.width()));
    oneTileRect.setY(destRect.y() + fmodf(fmodf(-srcPoint.y(), actualTileSize.height()) - actualTileSize.height(), actualTileSize.height()));
    // Check and see if a single draw of the image can cover the entire area we are supposed to tile.
    if (oneTileRect.contains(destRect) && !ctxt.drawLuminanceMask()) {
        FloatRect visibleSrcRect;
        visibleSrcRect.setX((destRect.x() - oneTileRect.x()) / scale.width());
        visibleSrcRect.setY((destRect.y() - oneTileRect.y()) / scale.height());
        visibleSrcRect.setWidth(destRect.width() / scale.width());
        visibleSrcRect.setHeight(destRect.height() / scale.height());
        draw(ctxt, destRect, visibleSrcRect, op, blendMode, ImageOrientationDescription());

    // When using accelerated drawing on iOS, it's faster to stretch an image than to tile it.
    if (ctxt.isAcceleratedContext()) {
        if (size().width() == 1 && intersection(oneTileRect, destRect).height() == destRect.height()) {
            FloatRect visibleSrcRect;
            visibleSrcRect.setY((destRect.y() - oneTileRect.y()) / scale.height());
            visibleSrcRect.setHeight(destRect.height() / scale.height());
            draw(ctxt, destRect, visibleSrcRect, op, BlendModeNormal, ImageOrientationDescription());
        if (size().height() == 1 && intersection(oneTileRect, destRect).width() == destRect.width()) {
            FloatRect visibleSrcRect;
            visibleSrcRect.setX((destRect.x() - oneTileRect.x()) / scale.width());
            visibleSrcRect.setWidth(destRect.width() / scale.width());
            draw(ctxt, destRect, visibleSrcRect, op, BlendModeNormal, ImageOrientationDescription());

    // Patterned images and gradients can use lots of memory for caching when the
    // tile size is large (<rdar://problem/4691859>, <rdar://problem/6239505>).
    // Memory consumption depends on the transformed tile size which can get
    // larger than the original tile if user zooms in enough.
    const float maxPatternTilePixels = 512 * 512;
    const float maxPatternTilePixels = 2048 * 2048;
    FloatRect transformedTileSize = ctxt.getCTM().mapRect(FloatRect(FloatPoint(), scaledTileSize));
    float transformedTileSizePixels = transformedTileSize.width() * transformedTileSize.height();
    FloatRect currentTileRect = oneTileRect;
    if (transformedTileSizePixels > maxPatternTilePixels) {
        GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(ctxt);

        float toY = currentTileRect.y();
        while (toY < destRect.maxY()) {
            float toX = currentTileRect.x();
            while (toX < destRect.maxX()) {
                FloatRect toRect(toX, toY, currentTileRect.width(), currentTileRect.height());
                FloatRect fromRect(toFloatPoint(currentTileRect.location() - oneTileRect.location()), currentTileRect.size());
                fromRect.scale(1 / scale.width(), 1 / scale.height());

                draw(ctxt, toRect, fromRect, op, BlendModeNormal, ImageOrientationDescription());
                toX += currentTileRect.width();
            toY += currentTileRect.height();

    AffineTransform patternTransform = AffineTransform().scaleNonUniform(scale.width(), scale.height());
    FloatRect tileRect(FloatPoint(), intrinsicTileSize);
    drawPattern(ctxt, tileRect, patternTransform, oneTileRect.location(), spacing, op, destRect, blendMode);
