Exemplo n.º 1
 * Compute the controls for a simulation.
 * This method alters the control set in order to control the simulation.
void CMC::
computeControls(SimTK::State& s, ControlSet &controlSet)
    _tf = s.getTime() + _targetDT;

    int i,j;


    double tiReal = s.getTime(); 
    double tfReal = _tf; 

    cout<<"CMC.computeControls:  t = "<<s.getTime()<<endl;
    if(_verbose) { 
        cout<<"integration step size = "<<_targetDT<<",  target time = "<<_tf<<endl;

    int nq = _model->getNumCoordinates();
    int nu = _model->getNumSpeeds();
    FunctionSet *qSet = _predictor->getCMCActSubsys()->getCoordinateTrajectories();
    FunctionSet *uSet = _predictor->getCMCActSubsys()->getSpeedTrajectories();
    Array<double> qDesired(0.0,nq),uDesired(0.0,nu);
    if(uSet!=NULL) {
    } else {
    Array<double> qCorrection(0.0,nq),uCorrection(0.0,nu);
       const Vector& q = s.getQ();
       const Vector& u = s.getU();

    for(i=0;i<nq;i++) qCorrection[i] = q[i] - qDesired[i];
    for(i=0;i<nu;i++) uCorrection[i] = u[i] - uDesired[i];


    if( _verbose ) {
        cout << "\n=============================" << endl;
        cout << "\nCMC:computeControls"  << endl;
        cout << "\nq's = " << s.getQ() << endl;
        cout << "\nu's = " << s.getU() << endl;
        cout << "\nz's = " << s.getZ() << endl;
        cout<<"\nqDesired:"<<qDesired << endl;
        cout<<"\nuDesired:"<<uDesired << endl;
        cout<<"\nQCorrections:"<<qCorrection << endl;
        cout<<"\nUCorrections:"<<uCorrection << endl;

    // realize to Velocity because some tasks (eg. CMC_Point) need to be
    // at velocity to compute errors
    _model->getMultibodySystem().realize(s, Stage::Velocity );

    // ERRORS
    _taskSet->computeErrors(s, tiReal);
    Array<double> &pErr = _taskSet->getPositionErrors();
    Array<double> &vErr = _taskSet->getVelocityErrors();
    if(_verbose) cout<<"\nErrors at time "<<s.getTime()<<":"<<endl;
    int e=0;
    for(i=0;i<_taskSet->getSize();i++) {
        TrackingTask& task = _taskSet->get(i);

        if(_verbose) {
            for(j=0;j<task.getNumTaskFunctions();j++) {
                cout<<task.getName()<<":  ";
                cout<<"pErr="<<pErr[e]<<" vErr="<<vErr[e]<<endl;

    double *err = new double[pErr.getSize()];
    for(i=0;i<pErr.getSize();i++) err[i] = pErr[i];
    for(i=0;i<vErr.getSize();i++) err[i] = vErr[i];

    _taskSet->computeDesiredAccelerations(s, tiReal,tfReal);

    // Set the weight of the stress term in the optimization target based on this sigmoid-function-blending
    // Note that if no task limits are set then by default the weight will be 1.
    // TODO: clean this up -- currently using dynamic_casts to make sure we're not using fast target, etc.
    if(dynamic_cast<ActuatorForceTarget*>(_target)) {
        double relativeTau = 0.1;
        ActuatorForceTarget *realTarget = dynamic_cast<ActuatorForceTarget*>(_target);
        Array<double> &pErr = _taskSet->getPositionErrors();
        double stressTermWeight = 1;
        for(i=0;i<_taskSet->getSize();i++) {
            if(dynamic_cast<CMC_Joint*>(&_taskSet->get(i))) {
                CMC_Joint& jointTask = dynamic_cast<CMC_Joint&>(_taskSet->get(i));
                if(jointTask.getLimit()) {
                    double w = ForwardTool::SigmaDn(jointTask.getLimit() * relativeTau, jointTask.getLimit(), fabs(pErr[i]));
                    if(_verbose) cout << "Task " << i << ": err=" << pErr[i] << ", limit=" << jointTask.getLimit() << ", sigmoid=" << w << endl;
                    stressTermWeight = min(stressTermWeight, w);
        if(_verbose) cout << "Setting stress term weight to " << stressTermWeight << " (relativeTau was " << relativeTau << ")" << std::endl;

        for(i=0;i<vErr.getSize();i++) err[i] = vErr[i];

    int N = _predictor->getNX();
    Array<double> xmin(0.0,N),xmax(1.0,N);
    for(i=0;i<N;i++) {
        Control& x = controlSet.get(i);
        xmin[i] = x.getControlValueMin(tiReal);
        xmax[i] = x.getControlValueMax(tiReal);

    if(_verbose) {

    Array<double> zero(0.0,N);
    Array<double> fmin(0.0,N),fmax(0.0,N);
    _predictor->evaluate(s, &xmin[0], &fmin[0]);
    _predictor->evaluate(s, &xmax[0], &fmax[0]);

    SimTK::State newState = _predictor->getCMCActSubsys()->getCompleteState();
     if(_verbose) {
        cout<<"\ntiReal = "<<tiReal<<"  tfReal = "<<tfReal<<endl;
        cout<<"Min forces:\n";
        cout<<"Max forces:\n";

    // Print actuator force range if range is small
    double range;
    for(i=0;i<N;i++) {
        range = fmax[i] - fmin[i];
        if(range<1.0) {
            cout << "CMC::computeControls WARNING- small force range for "
                 << getActuatorSet()[i].getName()
                 << " ("<<fmin[i]<<" to "<<fmax[i]<<")\n" << endl;
            // if the force range is so small it means the control value, x, 
            // is inconsequential and we might as well choose the smallest control
            // value possible, or else the RootSolver will choose the last value
            // it used to evaluate the force, which will be the maximum control
            // value. In other words, if the fiber length is so short that no level
            // of activation can produce force, the RootSolver gets the same answer
            // for force if it uses xmin or:: xmax, but since it uses xmax last
            // it returns xmax as the control value. Make xmax = xmin to avoid that.
            xmax[i] = xmin[i];

    SimTK::Vector lowerBounds(N), upperBounds(N);
    for(i=0;i<N;i++) {
        if(fmin[i]<fmax[i]) {
            lowerBounds[i] = fmin[i];
            upperBounds[i] = fmax[i];
        } else {
            lowerBounds[i] = fmax[i];
            upperBounds[i] = fmin[i];

    _target->setParameterLimits(lowerBounds, upperBounds);


    if(!_target->prepareToOptimize(newState, &_f[0])) {
        // No direct solution, need to run optimizer
        Vector fVector(N,&_f[0],true);

        try {
        catch (const SimTK::Exception::Base& ex) {
            cout << ex.getMessage() << endl;
            cout << "OPTIMIZATION FAILED..." << endl;

            ostringstream msg;
            msg << "CMC.computeControls: ERROR- Optimizer could not find a solution." << endl;
            msg << "Unable to find a feasible solution at time = " << s.getTime() << "." << endl;
            msg << "Model cannot generate the forces necessary to achieve the target acceleration." << endl;
            msg << "Possible issues: 1. not all model degrees-of-freedom are actuated, " << endl;
            msg << "2. there are tracking tasks for locked coordinates, and/or" << endl;
            msg << "3. there are unnecessary control constraints on reserve/residual actuators." << endl;

         throw(new OpenSim::Exception(msg.str(), __FILE__,__LINE__));
    } else {
        // Got a direct solution, don't need to run optimizer

    if(_verbose) _target->printPerformance(&_f[0]);

    if(_verbose) {
        cout<<"\nDesired actuator forces:\n";

    RootSolver rootSolver(_predictor);
    Array<double> tol(4.0e-3,N);
    Array<double> fErrors(0.0,N);
    Array<double> controls(0.0,N);
    controls = rootSolver.solve(s, xmin,xmax,tol);
    if(_verbose) {
       cout<<"\n\nXXX t=" << _tf << "   Controls:" <<controls<<endl;
    if(_useCurvatureFilter) FilterControls(s, controlSet,_targetDT,controls,_verbose);


/** Solve the inverse dynamics system of equations for generalized coordinate forces, Tau. 
    Now the state is not given, but is constructed from known coordinates, q as functions of time.
	Coordinate functions must be twice differentiable. 
	NOTE: state dependent forces and other applied loads are NOT computed since these may depend on
	state variables (like muscle fiber lengths) that are not known */
Vector InverseDynamicsSolver::solve(State &s, const FunctionSet &Qs, double time)
	int nq = getModel().getNumCoordinates();

	if(Qs.getSize() != nq){
		throw Exception("InverseDynamicsSolver::solve invalid number of q functions.");

	if( nq != getModel().getNumSpeeds()){
		throw Exception("InverseDynamicsSolver::solve using FunctionSet, nq != nu not supported.");

	// update the State so we get the correct gravity and coriolis effects
	// direct references into the state so no allocation required
	s.updTime() = time;
	Vector &q = s.updQ();
	Vector &u = s.updU();
	Vector &udot = s.updUDot();

	for(int i=0; i<nq; i++){
		q[i] = Qs.evaluate(i, 0, time);
		u[i] = Qs.evaluate(i, 1, time);
		udot[i] = Qs.evaluate(i, 2, time);

	// Perform general inverse dynamics
	return solve(s,	udot);
Exemplo n.º 3
/// Add the functions called by a function to the function set
/// \param func
///   The function for which all called functions will be added
/// \param funcSet
///   The set of currently called functions
/// \param funcList
///   The list of all functions
/// \return
///   True if all functions are found in the funcList, false otherwise.
bool HlslLinker::addCalledFunctions( GlslFunction *func, FunctionSet& funcSet, std::vector<GlslFunction*> &funcList )
	const std::set<std::string> &cf = func->getCalledFunctions();

	for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator cit=cf.begin(); cit != cf.end(); cit++)
		std::vector<GlslFunction*>::iterator it = funcList.begin();

		//This might be better as a more efficient search
		while (it != funcList.end())
			if ( *cit == (*it)->getMangledName())

		//check to see if it really exists
		if ( it == funcList.end())
			infoSink.info << "Failed to find function '" << *cit <<"'\n";
			return false;

		//add the function (if it's not there already) and recurse
		if (std::find (funcSet.begin(), funcSet.end(), *it) == funcSet.end())
			funcSet.push_back (*it);
		addCalledFunctions( *it, funcSet, funcList); 

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
query_function_entry(void *addr)
    FunctionSet::iterator it = function_entries.find(addr);

    if (it == function_entries.end()) return false;
    else return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
void FunctionManager::destroy_functions_in_set(FunctionSet &function_set)
    // We iterate over the set like this because destroy_function() will erase
    // the function from function_set, thereby invalidating any iterator we are
    // holding on to.
    while (!function_set.empty())
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Set the velocity functions for the tasks.  Functions are set based on the
 * correspondence of the function and the task.  For example,
 * a task with the name "x" will search for a function or functions
 * with the name "x".  For tasks that require 3 functions, such
 * as CMC_Point tasks, the assumption is that there will be three
 * consecutive functions named "x" in the function set.  If the correct
 * number of functions is not found, the task is disabled.
 * @param aFuncSet Function set.
 * @return Pointer to the previous function set.
void CMC_TaskSet::
setFunctionsForVelocity(FunctionSet &aFuncSet)
    int i,j,iFunc=0;
    int nTrk;
    string name;
    Function *f[3];

    const CoordinateSet& coords = getModel()->getCoordinateSet(); 

    for(i=0;i<getSize();i++) {

        // OBJECT
        TrackingTask& ttask = get(i);

        // If CMC_Task process same way as pre 2.0.2
        if (dynamic_cast<CMC_Task*>(&ttask)==NULL) 

        CMC_Task& task = dynamic_cast<CMC_Task&>(ttask);

        // NAME
        name = task.getName();
        if(name.empty()) continue;

        const Coordinate& coord = coords.get(name);

        // FIND FUNCTION(S)
        f[0] = f[1] = f[2] = NULL;
        nTrk = task.getNumTaskFunctions();
        iFunc = aFuncSet.getIndex(coord.getSpeedName(),iFunc);

        if (iFunc < 0){
            name = coord.getJoint().getName() + "/" + coord.getSpeedName();
            iFunc = aFuncSet.getIndex(name, iFunc);
            if (iFunc < 0){
                string msg = "CMC_TaskSet::setFunctionsForVelocity: function for task '";
                msg += name + " not found.";
                throw Exception(msg);

        for(j=0;j<nTrk;j++) {
            try {
                f[j] = &aFuncSet.get(iFunc);
            } catch(const Exception& x) {
            if(f[j]==NULL) break;
Exemplo n.º 7
// Free the function_entries map, the Function objects in the map, the
// excluded_function_entries set and cbranges intervals.
    FunctionSet::iterator it;

    for (it = function_entries.begin(); it != function_entries.end(); it++) {
        Function *f = it->second;
        delete f->comment;
        delete f;
    num_entries_total = 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
static void EmitCalledFunctions (std::stringstream& shader, const FunctionSet& functions)
	if (functions.empty())

	// Functions must be emitted in reverse order as they are sorted topologically in top to bottom.
	for (FunctionSet::const_reverse_iterator fit = functions.rbegin(); fit != functions.rend(); fit++)
		shader << "\n";
		OutputLineDirective(shader, (*fit)->getLine());
		shader << (*fit)->getPrototype() << " {\n";
		shader << (*fit)->getCode() << "\n"; //has embedded }
		shader << "\n";
void FPInferredTargetsAnalysis::findAllFunctionPointersInValue(Value* V, ValueContextPairList& worklist, ValueSet& visited) {
  if (!visited.count(V)) {
    if (GlobalVariable* G = dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(V)) {
      SDEBUG("soaap.analysis.infoflow.fp.infer", 3, dbgs() << INDENT_1 << "Global var: " << G->getName() << "\n");
      // don't look in the llvm.global.annotations array
      if (G->getName() != "llvm.global.annotations" && G->hasInitializer()) {
        findAllFunctionPointersInValue(G->getInitializer(), worklist, visited);
    else if (ConstantArray* CA = dyn_cast<ConstantArray>(V)) {
      SDEBUG("soaap.analysis.infoflow.fp.infer", 3, dbgs() << INDENT_1 << "Constant array, num of operands: " << CA->getNumOperands() << "\n");
      for (int i=0; i<CA->getNumOperands(); i++) {
        Value* V2 = CA->getOperand(i)->stripInBoundsOffsets();
        findAllFunctionPointersInValue(V2, worklist, visited);
    else if (Function* F = dyn_cast<Function>(V)) {
      SDEBUG("soaap.analysis.infoflow.fp.infer", 3, dbgs() << INDENT_1 << "Func: " << F->getName() << "\n");
      setBitVector(state[ContextUtils::NO_CONTEXT][V], F);
      addToWorklist(V, ContextUtils::NO_CONTEXT, worklist);
    else if (ConstantStruct* S = dyn_cast<ConstantStruct>(V)) {
      SDEBUG("soaap.analysis.infoflow.fp.infer", 3, dbgs() << INDENT_1 << "Struct, num of fields: " << S->getNumOperands() << "\n");
      for (int j=0; j<S->getNumOperands(); j++) {
        Value* V2 = S->getOperand(j)->stripInBoundsOffsets();
        findAllFunctionPointersInValue(V2, worklist, visited);
Exemplo n.º 10
entries_in_range(void *start, void *end, vector<void *> &result)
    printf("function entries for range [%p, %p]\n", start, end);
    FunctionSet::iterator it = function_entries.find(start);
    for (; it != function_entries.end(); it++) {
        void *addr = (*it).first;
        if (addr > end) return;
        printf("  %p\n", addr);
Exemplo n.º 11
static void EmitCalledFunctions (std::stringstream& shader, const FunctionSet& functions)
	if (functions.empty())

	for (FunctionSet::const_reverse_iterator fit = functions.rbegin(); fit != functions.rend(); fit++) // emit backwards, will put least used ones in front
		shader << (*fit)->getPrototype() << ";\n";

	for (FunctionSet::const_reverse_iterator fit = functions.rbegin(); fit != functions.rend(); fit++) // emit backwards, will put least used ones in front
		shader << (*fit)->getPrototype() << " {\n";
		shader << (*fit)->getLocalDecls(1) << "\n";
		shader << (*fit)->getCode() << "\n"; //has embedded }
		shader << "\n";
Exemplo n.º 12
add_function_entry(void *addr, const string *comment, bool isvisible,
                   int call_count)
    FunctionSet::iterator it = function_entries.find(addr);

    if (it == function_entries.end()) {
        new_function_entry(addr, comment ? new string(*comment) : NULL,
                           isvisible, call_count);
    } else {
        Function *f = (*it).second;
        if (comment) {
        } else if (f->comment) {
            f->isvisible = true;
        f->call_count += call_count;
Exemplo n.º 13
void FPInferredTargetsAnalysis::addInferredFunction(
    Function *F, ContextVector contexts, Value *V,
    ValueContextPairList& worklist) {


  for (Context* Ctx : contexts) {
    setBitVector(state[Ctx][V], F);
    addToWorklist(V, Ctx, worklist);
Exemplo n.º 14
    char buffer[1024];
    FunctionSet::iterator i = function_entries.begin();

    for (; i != function_entries.end();) {
        Function *f = (*i).second;

        const char *name;
        if (!f->isvisible && !(f->call_count > 1) && !is_possible_fn(f->address)) continue;
        if (f->comment) {
            name = f->comment->c_str();
        else {
            // inferred functions must be at least 16 bytes long
            if (i != function_entries.end()) {
                Function *nextf = (*i).second;
                if (f->call_count == 0 &&
                        (((unsigned long) nextf->address) -
                         ((unsigned long) f->address)) < 16)  {
                    long offset = offset_for_fn(f->address);
                    if (offset == 0) {
                        // if f->address lies within a valid code range, its
                        // offset will be non-zero. if offset is zero, the
                        // address cannot be a valid function start.
                    if (!range_contains_control_flow((char *) f->address + offset,
                                                     ((char *) nextf->address +
            sprintf(buffer,"stripped_%p", f->address);
            name = buffer;
        dump_function_entry(f->address, name);
Exemplo n.º 15
void HlslLinker::buildUniformsAndLibFunctions(const FunctionSet& calledFunctions, std::vector<GlslSymbol*>& constants, std::set<TOperator>& libFunctions)
	for (FunctionSet::const_iterator it = calledFunctions.begin(); it != calledFunctions.end(); ++it) {
		const std::vector<GlslSymbol*> &symbols = (*it)->getSymbols();
		unsigned n_symbols = symbols.size();
		for (unsigned i = 0; i != n_symbols; ++i) {
			GlslSymbol* s = symbols[i];
			if (s->getQualifier() == EqtUniform || s->getQualifier() == EqtMutableUniform)
		//take each referenced library function, and add it to the set
		const std::set<TOperator> &referencedFunctions = (*it)->getLibFunctions();
		libFunctions.insert( referencedFunctions.begin(), referencedFunctions.end());
    // std::unique only removes contiguous duplicates, so vector must be sorted to remove them all
    std::sort(constants.begin(), constants.end(), GlslSymbolSorter());

	// Remove duplicates
	constants.resize(std::unique(constants.begin(), constants.end()) - constants.begin());
Exemplo n.º 16
bool TraceMem::TraceMemPass::runOnModule(Module &M) {
    FunctionSet fAdded;

    trace_read = dyn_cast<Function>(M.getOrInsertFunction("trace_readi32",
    trace_write = dyn_cast<Function>(M.getOrInsertFunction("trace_writei32",

    seq = 0;

    // Process each function
    for (auto i = M.begin(), ie = M.end(); i != ie; ++i) {
        auto func = i;
        auto it = fAdded.find(func);
        if (it == fAdded.end()) {

            if (func->size()) {
            } else {

    num_instructions_analyzed = fAnalyzedInstructions.size();

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 17
// Write one function entry in one format: server, C or text.
static void
dump_function_entry(void *addr, const char *comment)

    if (server_mode()) {
        syserv_add_addr(addr, function_entries.size());

    if (c_mode()) {
        if (num_entries_total > 1) {
        printf("  0x%" PRIxPTR "  /* %s */", (uintptr_t) addr, comment);

    // default is text mode
    printf("0x%" PRIxPTR "    %s\n", (uintptr_t) addr, comment);
Exemplo n.º 18
 * This method creates a SimmMotionTrial instance with the markerFile and
 * timeRange parameters. It also creates a Storage instance with the
 * coordinateFile parameter. Then it updates the coordinates and markers in
 * the model, if specified. Then it does IK to fit the model to the static
 * pose. Then it uses the current model pose to relocate all non-fixed markers
 * according to their locations in the SimmMotionTrial. Then it writes the
 * output files selected by the user.
 * @param aModel the model to use for the marker placing process.
 * @return Whether the marker placing process was successful or not.
bool MarkerPlacer::processModel(Model* aModel,
        const string& aPathToSubject) const {

    if(!getApply()) return false;

    cout << endl << "Step 3: Placing markers on model" << endl;

    if (_timeRange.getSize()<2) 
        throw Exception("MarkerPlacer::processModel, time_range is unspecified.");

    /* Load the static pose marker file, and average all the
    * frames in the user-specified time range.
    TimeSeriesTableVec3 staticPoseTable{aPathToSubject + _markerFileName};
    const auto& timeCol = staticPoseTable.getIndependentColumn();

    // Users often set a time range that purposely exceeds the range of
    // their data with the mindset that all their data will be used.
    // To allow for that, we have to narrow the provided range to data
    // range, since the TimeSeriesTable will correctly throw that the 
    // desired time exceeds the data range.
    if (_timeRange[0] < timeCol.front())
        _timeRange[0] = timeCol.front();
    if (_timeRange[1] > timeCol.back())
        _timeRange[1] = timeCol.back();

    const auto avgRow = staticPoseTable.averageRow(_timeRange[0],
    for(size_t r = staticPoseTable.getNumRows(); r-- > 0; )
    staticPoseTable.appendRow(_timeRange[0], avgRow);
                     "MarkerPlacer::processModel -- Marker file does not have "
    double scaleFactor = staticPoseUnits.convertTo(aModel->getLengthUnits());
                     "Model has unspecified units.");
    if(std::fabs(scaleFactor - 1) >= SimTK::Eps) {
        for(unsigned r = 0; r < staticPoseTable.getNumRows(); ++r)
            staticPoseTable.updRowAtIndex(r) *= scaleFactor;

        staticPoseUnits = aModel->getLengthUnits();
    MarkerData* staticPose = new MarkerData(aPathToSubject + _markerFileName);
    staticPose->averageFrames(_maxMarkerMovement, _timeRange[0], _timeRange[1]);

    /* Delete any markers from the model that are not in the static
     * pose marker file.

    // Construct the system and get the working state when done changing the model
    SimTK::State& s = aModel->initSystem();
    s.updTime() = _timeRange[0];
    // Create references and WeightSets needed to initialize InverseKinemaicsSolver
    Set<MarkerWeight> markerWeightSet;
    _ikTaskSet.createMarkerWeightSet(markerWeightSet); // order in tasks file
    // MarkersReference takes ownership of marker data (staticPose)
    MarkersReference markersReference(staticPoseTable, &markerWeightSet);
    SimTK::Array_<CoordinateReference> coordinateReferences;

    // Load the coordinate data
    // create CoordinateReferences for Coordinate Tasks
    FunctionSet *coordFunctions = NULL;
    // bool haveCoordinateFile = false;
    if(_coordinateFileName != "" && _coordinateFileName != "Unassigned"){
        Storage coordinateValues(aPathToSubject + _coordinateFileName);
        // haveCoordinateFile = true;
        coordFunctions = new GCVSplineSet(5,&coordinateValues);
    int index = 0;
    for(int i=0; i< _ikTaskSet.getSize(); i++){
        IKCoordinateTask *coordTask = dynamic_cast<IKCoordinateTask *>(&_ikTaskSet[i]);
        if (coordTask && coordTask->getApply()){
            std::unique_ptr<CoordinateReference> coordRef{};
            if(coordTask->getValueType() == IKCoordinateTask::FromFile){
                index = coordFunctions->getIndex(coordTask->getName(), index);
                if(index >= 0){
                    coordRef.reset(new CoordinateReference(coordTask->getName(),coordFunctions->get(index)));
            else if((coordTask->getValueType() == IKCoordinateTask::ManualValue)){
                Constant reference(Constant(coordTask->getValue()));
                coordRef.reset(new CoordinateReference(coordTask->getName(), reference));
            else{ // assume it should be held at its current/default value
                double value = aModel->getCoordinateSet().get(coordTask->getName()).getValue(s);
                Constant reference = Constant(value);
                coordRef.reset(new CoordinateReference(coordTask->getName(), reference));

            if(coordRef == NULL)
                throw Exception("MarkerPlacer: value for coordinate "+coordTask->getName()+" not found.");

            // We have a valid coordinate reference so now set its weight according to the task
    double constraintWeight = std::numeric_limits<SimTK::Real>::infinity();

    InverseKinematicsSolver ikSol(*aModel, markersReference,
                                  coordinateReferences, constraintWeight);

    // Call realize Position so that the transforms are updated and  markers can be moved correctly
    aModel->getMultibodySystem().realize(s, SimTK::Stage::Position);
    // Report marker errors to assess the quality 
    int nm = markerWeightSet.getSize();
    SimTK::Array_<double> squaredMarkerErrors(nm, 0.0);
    SimTK::Array_<Vec3> markerLocations(nm, Vec3(0));
    double totalSquaredMarkerError = 0.0;
    double maxSquaredMarkerError = 0.0;
    int worst = -1;
    // Report in the same order as the marker tasks/weights
    for(int j=0; j<nm; ++j){
        totalSquaredMarkerError += squaredMarkerErrors[j];
        if(squaredMarkerErrors[j] > maxSquaredMarkerError){
            maxSquaredMarkerError = squaredMarkerErrors[j];
            worst = j;
    cout << "Frame at (t=" << s.getTime() << "):\t";
    cout << "total squared error = " << totalSquaredMarkerError;
    cout << ", marker error: RMS=" << sqrt(totalSquaredMarkerError/nm);
    cout << ", max=" << sqrt(maxSquaredMarkerError) << " (" << ikSol.getMarkerNameForIndex(worst) << ")" << endl;
    /* Now move the non-fixed markers on the model so that they are coincident
     * with the measured markers in the static pose. The model is already in
     * the proper configuration so the coordinates do not need to be changed.
    if(_moveModelMarkers) moveModelMarkersToPose(s, *aModel, *staticPose);

    // Make a storage file containing the solved states and markers for display in GUI.
    Storage motionData;
    StatesReporter statesReporter(aModel);
    _outputStorage.reset(new Storage(statesReporter.updStatesStorage()));
    _outputStorage->setName("static pose");

    if(_printResultFiles) {
        std::string savedCwd = IO::getCwd();

        try { // writing can throw an exception
            if (_outputModelFileNameProp.isValidFileName()) {
                aModel->print(aPathToSubject + _outputModelFileName);
                cout << "Wrote model file " << _outputModelFileName <<
                    " from model " << aModel->getName() << endl;

            if (_outputMarkerFileNameProp.isValidFileName()) {
                aModel->writeMarkerFile(aPathToSubject + _outputMarkerFileName);
                cout << "Wrote marker file " << _outputMarkerFileName <<
                    " from model " << aModel->getName() << endl;

            if (_outputMotionFileNameProp.isValidFileName()) {
                _outputStorage->print(aPathToSubject + _outputMotionFileName,
                    "w", "File generated from solving marker data for model "
                    + aModel->getName());
        } // catch the exception so we can reset the working directory
        catch (std::exception& ex) {
            OPENSIM_THROW_FRMOBJ(Exception, ex.what());

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 19
 * This method creates a SimmMotionTrial instance with the markerFile and
 * timeRange parameters. It also creates a Storage instance with the
 * coordinateFile parameter. Then it updates the coordinates and markers in
 * the model, if specified. Then it does IK to fit the model to the static
 * pose. Then it uses the current model pose to relocate all non-fixed markers
 * according to their locations in the SimmMotionTrial. Then it writes the
 * output files selected by the user.
 * @param aModel the model to use for the marker placing process.
 * @return Whether the marker placing process was successful or not.
bool MarkerPlacer::processModel(Model* aModel, const string& aPathToSubject)
    if(!getApply()) return false;

    cout << endl << "Step 3: Placing markers on model" << endl;

    /* Load the static pose marker file, and average all the
     * frames in the user-specified time range.
    MarkerData staticPose(aPathToSubject + _markerFileName);
    if (_timeRange.getSize()<2) 
        throw Exception("MarkerPlacer::processModel, time_range is unspecified.");

    staticPose.averageFrames(_maxMarkerMovement, _timeRange[0], _timeRange[1]);

    /* Delete any markers from the model that are not in the static
     * pose marker file.

    // Construct the system and get the working state when done changing the model
    SimTK::State& s = aModel->initSystem();
    // Create references and WeightSets needed to initialize InverseKinemaicsSolver
    Set<MarkerWeight> markerWeightSet;
    _ikTaskSet.createMarkerWeightSet(markerWeightSet); // order in tasks file
    MarkersReference markersReference(staticPose, &markerWeightSet);
    SimTK::Array_<CoordinateReference> coordinateReferences;

    // Load the coordinate data
    // create CoordinateReferences for Coordinate Tasks
    FunctionSet *coordFunctions = NULL;
    bool haveCoordinateFile = false;
    if(_coordinateFileName != "" && _coordinateFileName != "Unassigned"){
        Storage coordinateValues(aPathToSubject + _coordinateFileName);
        haveCoordinateFile = true;
        coordFunctions = new GCVSplineSet(5,&coordinateValues);
    int index = 0;
    for(int i=0; i< _ikTaskSet.getSize(); i++){
        IKCoordinateTask *coordTask = dynamic_cast<IKCoordinateTask *>(&_ikTaskSet[i]);
        if (coordTask && coordTask->getApply()){
            CoordinateReference *coordRef = NULL;
            if(coordTask->getValueType() == IKCoordinateTask::FromFile){
                index = coordFunctions->getIndex(coordTask->getName(), index);
                if(index >= 0){
                    coordRef = new CoordinateReference(coordTask->getName(),coordFunctions->get(index));
            else if((coordTask->getValueType() == IKCoordinateTask::ManualValue)){
                Constant reference(Constant(coordTask->getValue()));
                coordRef = new CoordinateReference(coordTask->getName(), reference);
            else{ // assume it should be held at its current/default value
                double value = aModel->getCoordinateSet().get(coordTask->getName()).getValue(s);
                Constant reference = Constant(value);
                coordRef = new CoordinateReference(coordTask->getName(), reference);

            if(coordRef == NULL)
                throw Exception("MarkerPlacer: value for coordinate "+coordTask->getName()+" not found.");

            // We have a valid coordinate reference so now set its weight according to the task
    double constraintWeight = std::numeric_limits<SimTK::Real>::infinity();

    InverseKinematicsSolver ikSol(*aModel, markersReference,
                                  coordinateReferences, constraintWeight);

    // Call realize Position so that the transforms are updated and  markers can be moved correctly
    aModel->getMultibodySystem().realize(s, SimTK::Stage::Position);
    // Report marker errors to assess the quality 
    int nm = markerWeightSet.getSize();
    SimTK::Array_<double> squaredMarkerErrors(nm, 0.0);
    SimTK::Array_<Vec3> markerLocations(nm, Vec3(0));
    double totalSquaredMarkerError = 0.0;
    double maxSquaredMarkerError = 0.0;
    int worst = -1;
    // Report in the same order as the marker tasks/weights
    for(int j=0; j<nm; ++j){
        totalSquaredMarkerError += squaredMarkerErrors[j];
        if(squaredMarkerErrors[j] > maxSquaredMarkerError){
            maxSquaredMarkerError = squaredMarkerErrors[j];
            worst = j;
    cout << "Frame at (t=" << s.getTime() << "):\t";
    cout << "total squared error = " << totalSquaredMarkerError;
    cout << ", marker error: RMS=" << sqrt(totalSquaredMarkerError/nm);
    cout << ", max=" << sqrt(maxSquaredMarkerError) << " (" << ikSol.getMarkerNameForIndex(worst) << ")" << endl;
    /* Now move the non-fixed markers on the model so that they are coincident
     * with the measured markers in the static pose. The model is already in
     * the proper configuration so the coordinates do not need to be changed.
    if(_moveModelMarkers) moveModelMarkersToPose(s, *aModel, staticPose);

    if (_outputStorage!= NULL){
        delete _outputStorage;
    // Make a storage file containing the solved states and markers for display in GUI.
    Storage motionData;
    StatesReporter statesReporter(aModel);
    _outputStorage = new Storage(statesReporter.updStatesStorage());
    _outputStorage->setName("static pose");
    Storage markerStorage;
    statesReporter.updStatesStorage().addToRdStorage(*_outputStorage, s.getTime(), s.getTime());

    if(_printResultFiles) {
        if (!_outputModelFileNameProp.getValueIsDefault())
            aModel->print(aPathToSubject + _outputModelFileName);
            cout << "Wrote model file " << _outputModelFileName << " from model " << aModel->getName() << endl;

        if (!_outputMarkerFileNameProp.getValueIsDefault())
            aModel->writeMarkerFile(aPathToSubject + _outputMarkerFileName);
            cout << "Wrote marker file " << _outputMarkerFileName << " from model " << aModel->getName() << endl;
        if (!_outputMotionFileNameProp.getValueIsDefault())
            _outputStorage->print(aPathToSubject + _outputMotionFileName, 
                "w", "File generated from solving marker data for model "+aModel->getName());

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 20
bool HlslLinker::link(HlslCrossCompiler* compiler, const char* entryFunc, bool usePrecision)
	std::vector<GlslFunction*> globalList;
	std::vector<GlslFunction*> functionList;
	std::string entryPoint;
	GlslFunction* funcMain = NULL;
	FunctionSet calledFunctions;
	std::set<TOperator> libFunctions;
	std::map<std::string,GlslSymbol*> globalSymMap;
	std::map<std::string,GlslStruct*> structMap;

	if (!compiler)
		infoSink.info << "No shader compiler provided\n";
		return false;

	EShLanguage lang = compiler->getLanguage();

	if (!entryFunc)
		infoSink.info << "No shader entry function provided\n";
		return false;

	entryPoint = GetEntryName (entryFunc);

	//build the list of functions
	HlslCrossCompiler *comp = static_cast<HlslCrossCompiler*>(compiler);

	std::vector<GlslFunction*> &fl = comp->functionList;

	for ( std::vector<GlslFunction*>::iterator fit = fl.begin(); fit < fl.end(); fit++)
		if ( (*fit)->getName() == "__global__")
			globalList.push_back( *fit);
			functionList.push_back( *fit);

		if ((*fit)->getName() == entryPoint)
			if (funcMain)
				infoSink.info << kShaderTypeNames[lang] << " entry function cannot be overloaded\n";
				return false;
			funcMain = *fit;

	// check to ensure that we found the entry function
	if (!funcMain)
		infoSink.info << "Failed to find entry function: '" << entryPoint <<"'\n";
		return false;

	//add all the called functions to the list
	calledFunctions.push_back (funcMain);
	if (!addCalledFunctions (funcMain, calledFunctions, functionList))
		infoSink.info << "Failed to resolve all called functions in the " << kShaderTypeNames[lang] << " shader\n";

	//iterate over the functions, building a global list of structure declaractions and symbols
	// assume a single compilation unit for expediency (eliminates name clashes, as type checking
	// withing a single compilation unit has been performed)
	for (FunctionSet::iterator it=calledFunctions.begin(); it != calledFunctions.end(); it++)
		//get each symbol and each structure, and add them to the map
		// checking that any previous entries are equivalent
		const std::vector<GlslSymbol*> &symList = (*it)->getSymbols();

		for (std::vector<GlslSymbol*>::const_iterator cit = symList.begin(); cit < symList.end(); cit++)
			if ( (*cit)->getIsGlobal())
				//should check for already added ones here
				globalSymMap[(*cit)->getName()] = *cit;

		//take each referenced library function, and add it to the set
		const std::set<TOperator> &libSet = (*it)->getLibFunctions();

		libFunctions.insert( libSet.begin(), libSet.end());

	// The following code is what is used to generate the actual shader and "main"
	// function. The process is to take all the components collected above, and
	// write them to the appropriate code stream. Finally, a main function is
	// generated that calls the specified entrypoint. That main function uses
	// semantics on the arguments and return values to connect items appropriately.

	// Write Library Functions & required extensions
	std::string shaderExtensions, shaderLibFunctions;
	if (!libFunctions.empty())
		for (std::set<TOperator>::iterator it = libFunctions.begin(); it != libFunctions.end(); it++)
			const std::string &func = getHLSLSupportCode(*it, shaderExtensions, lang==EShLangVertex);
			if (!func.empty())
				shaderLibFunctions += func;
				shaderLibFunctions += '\n';
	shader << shaderExtensions;
	shader << shaderLibFunctions;

	//Structure addition hack
	// Presently, structures are not tracked per function, just dump them all
	// This could be improved by building a complete list of structures for the
	// shaders based on the variables in each function
		HlslCrossCompiler *comp = static_cast<HlslCrossCompiler*>(compiler);
		std::vector<GlslStruct*> &sList = comp->structList;

		if (!sList.empty())
			for (std::vector<GlslStruct*>::iterator it = sList.begin(); it < sList.end(); it++)
				shader << (*it)->getDecl() << "\n";

	// Write global variables

	if (!globalSymMap.empty())
		for (std::map<std::string,GlslSymbol*>::iterator sit = globalSymMap.begin(); sit != globalSymMap.end(); sit++)
			shader << ";\n";

			if ( sit->second->getIsMutable() )
				sit->second->writeDecl(shader, true, false);
				shader << ";\n";

	// Write function declarations and definitions
	EmitCalledFunctions (shader, calledFunctions);

	// Gather the uniforms into the uniform list
	for (std::map<std::string, GlslSymbol*>::iterator it = globalSymMap.begin(); it != globalSymMap.end(); it++)
		if (it->second->getQualifier() != EqtUniform)

		ShUniformInfo infoStruct;
		infoStruct.name = new char[it->first.size()+1];
		strcpy( infoStruct.name, it->first.c_str());
		if (it->second->getSemantic() != "")
			infoStruct.semantic = new char[it->second->getSemantic().size()+1];
			strcpy( infoStruct.semantic, it->second->getSemantic().c_str());
			infoStruct.semantic = 0;

		//gigantic hack, the enumerations are kept in alignment
		infoStruct.type = (EShType)it->second->getType();
		infoStruct.arraySize = it->second->getArraySize();

		if ( it->second->hasInitializer() )
			int initSize = it->second->initializerSize();
			infoStruct.init = new float[initSize];
			memcpy( infoStruct.init, it->second->getInitializer(), sizeof(float) * initSize);
			infoStruct.init = 0;

		//TODO: need to add annotation

		uniforms.push_back( infoStruct);

	// Generate the main function

		std::stringstream attrib;
		std::stringstream uniform;
		std::stringstream preamble;
		std::stringstream postamble;
		std::stringstream varying;
		std::stringstream call;
		const int pCount = funcMain->getParameterCount();

		preamble << "void main() {\n";
		const EGlslSymbolType retType = funcMain->getReturnType();
		GlslStruct *retStruct = funcMain->getStruct();
		if (  retType == EgstStruct)
			preamble << "    " << retStruct->getName() << " xl_retval;\n";
			if ( retType != EgstVoid)
				preamble << "    ";
				writeType (preamble, retType, NULL, usePrecision?funcMain->getPrecision():EbpUndefined);
				preamble << " xl_retval;\n";

		// Write all mutable initializations
		if ( calledFunctions.size() > 0 )
			for (FunctionSet::iterator fit = calledFunctions.begin(); fit != calledFunctions.end(); fit++)
				std::string mutableDecls = (*fit)->getMutableDecls(1, calledFunctions.begin(), fit);

				if ( mutableDecls.size() > 0 )
					preamble << mutableDecls;

		call << "    ";
		if (retType != EgstVoid)
			call << "xl_retval = " << funcMain->getName() << "( ";
			call << funcMain->getName() << "( ";

		// pass main function parameters
		for (int ii=0; ii<pCount; ii++)
			GlslSymbol *sym = funcMain->getParameter(ii);
			EAttribSemantic attrSem = parseAttributeSemantic( sym->getSemantic());

			switch (sym->getQualifier())

			// -------- IN & OUT parameters
			case EqtIn:
			case EqtInOut:
				if ( sym->getType() != EgstStruct)
					std::string name, ctor;
					int pad;

					if ( getArgumentData( sym, lang==EShLangVertex ? EClassAttrib : EClassVarIn, name, ctor, pad) )
						// In fragment shader, pass zero for POSITION inputs
						bool ignoredPositionInFragment = false;
						if (lang == EShLangFragment && attrSem == EAttrSemPosition)
							call << ctor << "(0.0)";
							ignoredPositionInFragment = true;
						// For "in" parameters, just call directly to the main
						else if ( sym->getQualifier() != EqtInOut )
							call << ctor << "(" << name;
							for (int ii = 0; ii<pad; ii++)
								call << ", 0.0";
							call << ")";
						// For "inout" parameters, declare a temp and initialize the temp
							preamble << "    ";
							writeType (preamble, sym->getType(), NULL, usePrecision?sym->getPrecision():EbpUndefined);
							preamble << " xlt_" << sym->getName() << " = ";
							preamble << ctor << "(" << name;
							for (int ii = 0; ii<pad; ii++)
								preamble << ", 0.0";
							preamble << ");\n";

						if (lang == EShLangVertex) // vertex shader: deal with gl_ attributes
							if ( strncmp( name.c_str(), "gl_", 3))
								int typeOffset = 0;

								// If the type is integer or bool based, we must convert to a float based
								// type.  This is because GLSL does not allow int or bool based vertex attributes.
								if ( sym->getType() >= EgstInt && sym->getType() <= EgstInt4)
									typeOffset += 4;

								if ( sym->getType() >= EgstBool && sym->getType() <= EgstBool4)
									typeOffset += 8;

								// This is an undefined attribute
								attrib << "attribute " << getTypeString((EGlslSymbolType)(sym->getType() + typeOffset)) << " " << name << ";\n";

						if (lang == EShLangFragment) // deal with varyings
							if (!ignoredPositionInFragment)
								AddToVaryings (varying, sym->getPrecision(), ctor, name);
						//should deal with fall through cases here
						infoSink.info << "Unsupported type for shader entry parameter (";
						infoSink.info << getTypeString(sym->getType()) << ")\n";
					//structs must pass the struct, then process per element
					GlslStruct *Struct = sym->getStruct();

					//first create the temp
					std::string tempVar = "xlt_" + sym->getName();
					preamble << "    " << Struct->getName() << " ";
					preamble << tempVar <<";\n";
					call << tempVar;

					const int elem = Struct->memberCount();
					for (int jj=0; jj<elem; jj++)
						const GlslStruct::member &current = Struct->getMember(jj);
						EAttribSemantic memberSem = parseAttributeSemantic (current.semantic);
						std::string name, ctor;
						int pad;
						int numArrayElements = 1;
						bool bIsArray = false;

						// If it is an array, loop over each member
						if ( current.arraySize > 0 )
							numArrayElements = current.arraySize;
							bIsArray = true;

						for ( int arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex <  numArrayElements; arrayIndex++ )
							if ( getArgumentData2( current.name, current.semantic, current.type,
								lang==EShLangVertex ? EClassAttrib : EClassVarIn, name, ctor, pad, arrayIndex ) )

								preamble << "    ";
								preamble << tempVar << "." << current.name;

								if ( bIsArray )
									preamble << "[" << arrayIndex << "]";

								// In fragment shader, pass zero for POSITION inputs
								bool ignoredPositionInFragment = false;
								if (lang == EShLangFragment && memberSem == EAttrSemPosition)
									preamble << " = " << ctor << "(0.0);\n";
									ignoredPositionInFragment = true;
									preamble << " = " << ctor << "( " << name;
									for (int ii = 0; ii<pad; ii++)
										preamble << ", 0.0";
									preamble << ");\n";

								if (lang == EShLangVertex) // vertex shader: gl_ attributes
									if ( strncmp( name.c_str(), "gl_", 3))

										int typeOffset = 0;

										// If the type is integer or bool based, we must convert to a float based
										// type.  This is because GLSL does not allow int or bool based vertex attributes.
										if ( current.type >= EgstInt && current.type <= EgstInt4)
											typeOffset += 4;

										if ( current.type >= EgstBool && current.type <= EgstBool4)
											typeOffset += 8;

										// This is an undefined attribute
										attrib << "attribute " << getTypeString((EGlslSymbolType)(current.type + typeOffset)) << " " << name << ";\n";

								if (lang == EShLangFragment) // deal with varyings
									if (!ignoredPositionInFragment)
										AddToVaryings (varying, current.precision, ctor, name);
								//should deal with fall through cases here
								infoSink.info << "Unsupported type for struct element in shader entry parameter (";
								infoSink.info << getTypeString(current.type) << ")\n";

				// NOTE: This check only breaks out of the case if we have an "in" parameter, for
				//       "inout" it will fallthrough to the next case
				if ( sym->getQualifier() != EqtInOut )

			// -------- OUT parameters; also fall-through for INOUT (see the check above)
			case EqtOut:

				if ( sym->getType() != EgstStruct)
					std::string name, ctor;
					int pad;

					if ( getArgumentData( sym, lang==EShLangVertex ? EClassVarOut : EClassRes, name, ctor, pad) )
						// For "inout" parameters, the preamble was already written so no need to do it here.
						if ( sym->getQualifier() != EqtInOut )
							preamble << "    ";
							writeType (preamble, sym->getType(), NULL, usePrecision?sym->getPrecision():EbpUndefined);
							preamble << " xlt_" << sym->getName() << ";\n";                     
						if (lang == EShLangVertex) // deal with varyings
							AddToVaryings (varying, sym->getPrecision(), ctor, name);

						call << "xlt_" << sym->getName();

						postamble << "    ";
						postamble << name << " = " << ctor << "( xlt_" <<sym->getName();
						for (int ii = 0; ii<pad; ii++)
							postamble << ", 0.0";

						postamble << ");\n";
						//should deal with fall through cases here
						infoSink.info << "Unsupported type for shader entry parameter (";
						infoSink.info << getTypeString(sym->getType()) << ")\n";
					//structs must pass the struct, then process per element
					GlslStruct *Struct = sym->getStruct();

					//first create the temp
					std::string tempVar = "xlt_" + sym->getName();

					// For "inout" parmaeters the preamble and call were already written, no need to do it here
					if ( sym->getQualifier() != EqtInOut )
						preamble << "    " << Struct->getName() << " ";
						preamble << tempVar <<";\n";
						call << tempVar;

					const int elem = Struct->memberCount();
					for (int ii=0; ii<elem; ii++)
						const GlslStruct::member &current = Struct->getMember(ii);
						std::string name, ctor;
						int pad;

						if ( getArgumentData2( current.name, current.semantic, current.type, lang==EShLangVertex ? EClassVarOut : EClassRes, name, ctor, pad, 0) )
							postamble << "    ";
							postamble << name << " = " << ctor;
							postamble << "( " << tempVar << "." << current.name;
							for (int ii = 0; ii<pad; ii++)
								postamble << ", 0.0";

							postamble << ");\n";

							if (lang == EShLangVertex) // deal with varyings
								AddToVaryings (varying, current.precision, ctor, name);
							//should deal with fall through cases here
							infoSink.info << "Unsupported type in struct element for shader entry parameter (";
							infoSink.info << getTypeString(current.type) << ")\n";

			case EqtUniform:
				uniform << "uniform ";
				writeType (uniform, sym->getType(), NULL, usePrecision?sym->getPrecision():EbpUndefined);
				uniform << " xlu_" << sym->getName() << ";\n";
				call << "xlu_" << sym->getName();

			if (ii != pCount -1)
				call << ", ";

		call << ");\n";

		// -------- return value of main entry point
		if (retType != EgstVoid)

			if (retType != EgstStruct)
				std::string name, ctor;
				int pad;

				if ( getArgumentData2( "", funcMain->getSemantic(), retType, lang==EShLangVertex ? EClassVarOut : EClassRes,
					name, ctor, pad, 0) )

					postamble << "    ";
					postamble << name << " = " << ctor << "( xl_retval";
					for (int ii = 0; ii<pad; ii++)
						postamble << ", 0.0";

					postamble << ");\n";

					if (lang == EShLangVertex) // deal with varyings
						AddToVaryings (varying, funcMain->getPrecision(), ctor, name);
					//should deal with fall through cases here
					infoSink.info << (lang==EShLangVertex ? "Unsupported type for shader return value (" : "Unsupported return type for shader entry function (");
					infoSink.info << getTypeString(retType) << ")\n";
				const int elem = retStruct->memberCount();
				for (int ii=0; ii<elem; ii++)
					const GlslStruct::member &current = retStruct->getMember(ii);
					std::string name, ctor;
					int pad;
					int numArrayElements = 1;
					bool bIsArray = false;

					if (lang == EShLangVertex) // vertex shader
						// If it is an array, loop over each member
						if ( current.arraySize > 0 )
							numArrayElements = current.arraySize;
							bIsArray = true;

					for ( int arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex < numArrayElements; arrayIndex++ )

						if ( getArgumentData2( current.name, current.semantic, current.type, lang==EShLangVertex ? EClassVarOut : EClassRes, name, ctor, pad, arrayIndex) )
							postamble << "    ";
							postamble << name;                                                            
							postamble << " = " << ctor;
							postamble << "( xl_retval." << current.name;
							if ( bIsArray )
								postamble << "[" << arrayIndex << "]";
							for (int ii = 0; ii<pad; ii++)
								postamble << ", 0.0";

							postamble << ");\n";

							if (lang == EShLangVertex) // deal with varyings
								AddToVaryings (varying, current.precision, ctor, name);
							//should deal with fall through cases here
							infoSink.info << (lang==EShLangVertex ? "Unsupported element type in struct for shader return value (" : "Unsupported struct element type in return type for shader entry function (");
							infoSink.info << getTypeString(current.type) << ")\n";
							return false;
			if (lang == EShLangFragment) // fragment shader
				// If no return type, close off the output
				postamble << ";\n";

		postamble << "}\n\n";

		EmitIfNotEmpty (shader, uniform);
		EmitIfNotEmpty (shader, attrib);
		EmitIfNotEmpty (shader, varying);

		shader << preamble.str() << "\n";
		shader << call.str() << "\n";
		shader << postamble.str() << "\n";

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 21
bool contains_function_entry(void *address)
    FunctionSet::iterator it = function_entries.find(address);
    if (it != function_entries.end()) return true;
    else return false;
Exemplo n.º 22
 * Set the functions for the tasks.  Functions are set based on the
 * correspondence of the function and the task.  For example,
 * a task with the name "x" will search for a function or functions
 * with the name "x".  For tasks that require 3 functions, such
 * as CMC_Point tasks, the assumption is that there will be three
 * consecutive functions named "x" in the function set.  If the correct
 * number of functions is not found, the task is disabled.
 * @param aFuncSet Function set.
 * @return Pointer to the previous function set.
void CMC_TaskSet::
setFunctions(FunctionSet &aFuncSet)
    int i,j,iFunc=0;
    int nTrk;
    string name;
    Function *f[3];
    for(i=0;i<getSize();i++) {

        // OBJECT
        TrackingTask& ttask = get(i);

        if (dynamic_cast<StateTrackingTask*>(&ttask)!=NULL) {
            StateTrackingTask& sTask = dynamic_cast<StateTrackingTask&>(ttask);
            if (aFuncSet.contains(sTask.getName())){
                cout << "State tracking task " << sTask.getName() 
                    << "has no data to track and will be ignored" << std::endl;
        // If CMC_Task process same way as pre 2.0.2
        if (dynamic_cast<CMC_Task*>(&ttask)==NULL) 

        CMC_Task& task = dynamic_cast<CMC_Task&>(ttask);
        // NAME
        name = task.getName();
        if(name.empty()) continue;

        // FIND FUNCTION(S)
        f[0] = f[1] = f[2] = NULL;
        nTrk = task.getNumTaskFunctions();
        iFunc = aFuncSet.getIndex(name,iFunc);
        if (iFunc < 0){
            const Coordinate& coord = _model->getCoordinateSet().get(name);
            name = coord.getJoint().getName() + "/" + name + "/value";
            iFunc = aFuncSet.getIndex(name, iFunc);
            if (iFunc < 0){
                string msg = "CMC_TaskSet::setFunctionsForVelocity: function for task '";
                msg += name + " not found.";
                throw Exception(msg);

        for(j=0;j<nTrk;j++) {
            try {
                f[j] = &aFuncSet.get(iFunc);
            } catch(const Exception& x) {
            if(f[j]==NULL) break;
            if(name == f[j]->getName()) {
            } else {
                f[j] = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 23
void FPInferredTargetsAnalysis::initialise(ValueContextPairList& worklist, Module& M, SandboxVector& sandboxes) {
  FPTargetsAnalysis::initialise(worklist, M, sandboxes);

  SDEBUG("soaap.analysis.infoflow.fp.infer", 3, dbgs() << "Running FP inferred targets analysis\n");

  bool debug = false;
  SDEBUG("soaap.analysis.infoflow.fp.infer", 3, debug = true);
  if (debug) {
    dbgs() << "Program statistics:\n";

    // find all assignments of functions and propagate them!
    long numFuncs = 0;
    long numFPFuncs = 0;
    long numFPcalls = 0;
    long numInsts = 0;
    long numAddFuncs = 0;
    long loadInsts = 0;
    long storeInsts = 0;
    long intrinsInsts = 0;
    for (Function& F : M.functions()) {
      if (F.hasAddressTaken()) numAddFuncs++;
      bool hasFPcall = false;
      for (Instruction& I : instructions(&F)) {
        if (IntrinsicInst* II = dyn_cast<IntrinsicInst>(&I)) {
        else if (CallInst* C = dyn_cast<CallInst>(&I)) {
          if (CallGraphUtils::isIndirectCall(C)) {
            hasFPcall = true;
        else if (LoadInst* L = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(&I)) {
        else if (StoreInst* S = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(&I)) {
      if (hasFPcall) {
    dbgs() << "Num of funcs (total): " << numFuncs << "\n";
    dbgs() << "Num of funcs (w/ fp calls): " << numFPFuncs << "\n";
    dbgs() << "Num of funcs (addr. taken): " << numAddFuncs << "\n";
    dbgs() << "Num of fp calls: " << numFPcalls << "\n";
    dbgs() << "Num of instructions: " << numInsts << "\n";
    dbgs() << INDENT_1 << "loads: " << loadInsts << "\n";
    dbgs() << INDENT_1 << "stores: " << storeInsts << "\n";
    dbgs() << INDENT_1 << "intrinsics: " << intrinsInsts << "\n";
  for (Function& F : M.functions()) {
    if (F.isDeclaration()) continue;
    SDEBUG("soaap.analysis.infoflow.fp.infer", 3, dbgs() << F.getName() << "\n");
    for (Instruction& I : instructions(&F)) {
      ContextVector contexts = ContextUtils::getContextsForInstruction(&I, contextInsensitive, sandboxes, M);
      if (StoreInst* S = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(&I)) { // assignments
        //SDEBUG("soaap.analysis.infoflow.fp.infer", 3, dbgs() << F->getName() << ": " << *S);
        Value* Rval = S->getValueOperand()->stripInBoundsConstantOffsets();
        if (Function* T = dyn_cast<Function>(Rval)) {
          // we are assigning a function
          Value* Lvar = S->getPointerOperand()->stripInBoundsConstantOffsets();
          for (Context* C : contexts) {
            setBitVector(state[C][Lvar], T);
            SDEBUG("soaap.analysis.infoflow.fp.infer", 3, dbgs() << "Adding " << Lvar->getName() << " to worklist\n");
            addToWorklist(Lvar, C, worklist);

            if (isa<GetElementPtrInst>(Lvar)) {
              SDEBUG("soaap.analysis.infoflow.fp.infer", 3, dbgs() << "Rewinding back to alloca\n");
              ValueSet visited;
              propagateToAggregate(Lvar, C, Lvar, visited, worklist, sandboxes, M);
      else if (SelectInst* S = dyn_cast<SelectInst>(&I)) {
        if (Function* F = dyn_cast<Function>(S->getTrueValue()->stripPointerCasts())) {
          addInferredFunction(F, contexts, S, worklist);
        if (Function* F = dyn_cast<Function>(S->getFalseValue()->stripPointerCasts())) {
          addInferredFunction(F, contexts, S, worklist);
      else if (CallInst* C = dyn_cast<CallInst>(&I)) { // passing functions as params
        if (Function* callee = CallGraphUtils::getDirectCallee(C)) {
          int argIdx = 0;
          for (Argument& AI : callee->args()) {
            Value* Arg = C->getArgOperand(argIdx)->stripPointerCasts();
            if (Function* T = dyn_cast<Function>(Arg)) {
              addInferredFunction(T, contexts, &AI, worklist);

  SDEBUG("soaap.analysis.infoflow.fp.infer", 3, dbgs() << "Globals:\n");
  // In some applications, functions are stored within globals aggregates like arrays
  // We search for such arrays conflating any structure contained within
  ValueSet visited;
  for (GlobalVariable& G : M.globals()) {
    findAllFunctionPointersInValue(&G, worklist, visited);

  if (debug) {
    dbgs() << "num of fp targets: " << fpTargetsUniv.size() << "\n";

Exemplo n.º 24
static void
new_function_entry(void *addr, string *comment, bool isvisible, int call_count)
    Function *f = new Function(addr, comment, isvisible, call_count);
    function_entries.insert(pair<void*, Function*>(addr, f));
Exemplo n.º 25
 * Run the inverse Dynamics tool.
bool InverseDynamicsTool::run()
	bool success = false;
	bool modelFromFile=true;
		//Load and create the indicated model
		if (!_model) 
			_model = new Model(_modelFileName);
			modelFromFile = false;

		cout<<"Running tool " << getName() <<".\n"<<endl;

		// Do the maneuver to change then restore working directory 
		// so that the parsing code behaves properly if called from a different directory.
		string saveWorkingDirectory = IO::getCwd();
		string directoryOfSetupFile = IO::getParentDirectory(getDocumentFileName());

		const CoordinateSet &coords = _model->getCoordinateSet();
		int nq = _model->getNumCoordinates();

		FunctionSet *coordFunctions = NULL;
		//Storage *coordinateValues = NULL;

			if(_lowpassCutoffFrequency>=0) {
				cout<<"\n\nLow-pass filtering coordinates data with a cutoff frequency of "<<_lowpassCutoffFrequency<<"..."<<endl<<endl;
				if (getVerboseLevel()==Debug) _coordinateValues->print("coordinateDataFiltered.sto");
			// Convert degrees to radian if indicated
			// Create differentiable splines of the coordinate data
			coordFunctions = new GCVSplineSet(5, _coordinateValues);

			//Functions must correspond to model coordinates and their order for the solver
			for(int i=0; i<nq; i++){
					coordFunctions->insert(i,new Constant(coords[i].getDefaultValue()));
					std::cout << "InverseDynamicsTool: coordinate file does not contain coordinate " << coords[i].getName() << " assuming default value" << std::endl;
			if(coordFunctions->getSize() > nq){
			throw Exception("InverseDynamicsTool: no coordinate file found.");


		bool externalLoads = createExternalLoads(_externalLoadsFileName, *_model, _coordinateValues);
		// Initialize the the model's underlying computational system and get its default state.
		SimTK::State& s = _model->initSystem();

		// Exclude user-specified forces from the dynamics for this analysis
		disableModelForces(*_model, s, _excludedForces);

		double first_time = _coordinateValues->getFirstTime();
		double last_time = _coordinateValues->getLastTime();

		// Determine the starting and final time for the Tool by comparing to what data is available
		double start_time = ( first_time > _timeRange[0]) ? first_time : _timeRange[0];
		double final_time = ( last_time < _timeRange[1]) ? last_time : _timeRange[1];
		int start_index = _coordinateValues->findIndex(start_time);
		int final_index = _coordinateValues->findIndex(final_time);

		// create the solver given the input data
		InverseDynamicsSolver ivdSolver(*_model);

		const clock_t start = clock();

		int nt = final_index-start_index+1;
		Array_<double> times(nt, 0.0);
		for(int i=0; i<nt; i++){

		// Preallocate results
		Array_<Vector> genForceTraj(nt, Vector(nq, 0.0));

		// solve for the trajectory of generlized forces that correspond to the coordinate
		// trajectories provided
		ivdSolver.solve(s, *coordFunctions, times, genForceTraj);

		success = true;

		cout << "InverseDynamicsTool: " << nt << " time frames in " <<(double)(clock()-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s\n" <<endl;
		JointSet jointsForEquivalentBodyForces;
		getJointsByName(*_model, _jointsForReportingBodyForces, jointsForEquivalentBodyForces);
		int nj = jointsForEquivalentBodyForces.getSize();

		Array<string> labels("time", nq+1);
		for(int i=0; i<nq; i++){
			labels[i+1] = coords[i].getName();
			labels[i+1] += (coords[i].getMotionType() == Coordinate::Rotational) ? "_moment" : "_force";

		Array<string> body_force_labels("time", 6*nj+1);
		string XYZ = "XYZ";
		for(int i=0; i<nj; i++){
			string joint_body_label = jointsForEquivalentBodyForces[i].getName()+"_";
			joint_body_label += jointsForEquivalentBodyForces[i].getBody().getName();
			for(int k=0; k<3; ++k){
				body_force_labels[6*i+k+1] =  joint_body_label+"_F"+XYZ[k]; //first label is time
				body_force_labels[6*i+k+3+1] =  joint_body_label+"_M"+XYZ[k];

		Storage genForceResults(nt);
		Storage bodyForcesResults(nt);
		SpatialVec equivalentBodyForceAtJoint;

		for(int i=0; i<nt; i++){
			StateVector genForceVec(times[i], nq, &((genForceTraj[i])[0]));

			// if there are joints requested for equivalent body forces then calculate them
				Vector forces(6*nj, 0.0);
				StateVector bodyForcesVec(times[i], 6*nj, &forces[0]);

				s.updTime() = times[i];
				Vector &q = s.updQ();
				Vector &u = s.updU();

				for(int j=0; j<nq; ++j){
					q[j] = coordFunctions->evaluate(j, 0, times[i]);
					u[j] = coordFunctions->evaluate(j, 1, times[i]);
				for(int j=0; j<nj; ++j){
					equivalentBodyForceAtJoint = jointsForEquivalentBodyForces[j].calcEquivalentSpatialForce(s, genForceTraj[i]);
					for(int k=0; k<3; ++k){
						// body force components
						bodyForcesVec.setDataValue(6*j+k, equivalentBodyForceAtJoint[1][k]); 
						// body torque components
						bodyForcesVec.setDataValue(6*j+k+3, equivalentBodyForceAtJoint[0][k]);


		genForceResults.setName("Inverse Dynamics Generalized Forces");

		Storage::printResult(&genForceResults, _outputGenForceFileName, getResultsDir(), -1, ".sto");

		// if body forces to be reported for specified joints
		if(nj >0){
			bodyForcesResults.setName("Inverse Dynamics Body Forces at Specified Joints");

			Storage::printResult(&bodyForcesResults, _outputBodyForcesAtJointsFileName, getResultsDir(), -1, ".sto");

	catch (const OpenSim::Exception& ex) {
		std::cout << "InverseDynamicsTool Failed: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
		throw (Exception("InverseDynamicsTool Failed, please see messages window for details..."));

	if (modelFromFile) delete _model;
	return success;