Exemplo n.º 1
void Mangler::getNameWithPrefix(raw_ostream &OS, const GlobalValue *GV,
                                bool CannotUsePrivateLabel) const {
  ManglerPrefixTy PrefixTy = Default;
  if (GV->hasPrivateLinkage()) {
    if (CannotUsePrivateLabel)
      PrefixTy = LinkerPrivate;
      PrefixTy = Private;

  const DataLayout &DL = GV->getParent()->getDataLayout();
  if (!GV->hasName()) {
    // Get the ID for the global, assigning a new one if we haven't got one
    // already.
    unsigned &ID = AnonGlobalIDs[GV];
    if (ID == 0)
      ID = AnonGlobalIDs.size();

    // Must mangle the global into a unique ID.
    getNameWithPrefixImpl(OS, "__unnamed_" + Twine(ID), DL, PrefixTy);

  StringRef Name = GV->getName();
  char Prefix = DL.getGlobalPrefix();

  // Mangle functions with Microsoft calling conventions specially.  Only do
  // this mangling for x86_64 vectorcall and 32-bit x86.
  const Function *MSFunc = dyn_cast<Function>(GV);
  if (Name.startswith("\01"))
    MSFunc = nullptr; // Don't mangle when \01 is present.
  CallingConv::ID CC =
      MSFunc ? MSFunc->getCallingConv() : (unsigned)CallingConv::C;
  if (!DL.hasMicrosoftFastStdCallMangling() &&
      CC != CallingConv::X86_VectorCall)
    MSFunc = nullptr;
  if (MSFunc) {
    if (CC == CallingConv::X86_FastCall)
      Prefix = '@'; // fastcall functions have an @ prefix instead of _.
    else if (CC == CallingConv::X86_VectorCall)
      Prefix = '\0'; // vectorcall functions have no prefix.

  getNameWithPrefixImpl(OS, Name, PrefixTy, DL, Prefix);

  if (!MSFunc)

  // If we are supposed to add a microsoft-style suffix for stdcall, fastcall,
  // or vectorcall, add it.  These functions have a suffix of @N where N is the
  // cumulative byte size of all of the parameters to the function in decimal.
  if (CC == CallingConv::X86_VectorCall)
    OS << '@'; // vectorcall functions use a double @ suffix.
  FunctionType *FT = MSFunc->getFunctionType();
  if (hasByteCountSuffix(CC) &&
      // "Pure" variadic functions do not receive @0 suffix.
      (!FT->isVarArg() || FT->getNumParams() == 0 ||
       (FT->getNumParams() == 1 && MSFunc->hasStructRetAttr())))
    addByteCountSuffix(OS, MSFunc, DL);
Exemplo n.º 2
void Mangler::getNameWithPrefix(raw_ostream &OS, const GlobalValue *GV,
                                bool CannotUsePrivateLabel) const {
  ManglerPrefixTy PrefixTy = Mangler::Default;
  if (GV->hasPrivateLinkage()) {
    if (CannotUsePrivateLabel)
      PrefixTy = Mangler::LinkerPrivate;
      PrefixTy = Mangler::Private;

  if (!GV->hasName()) {
    // Get the ID for the global, assigning a new one if we haven't got one
    // already.
    unsigned &ID = AnonGlobalIDs[GV];
    if (ID == 0)
      ID = NextAnonGlobalID++;

    // Must mangle the global into a unique ID.
    getNameWithPrefix(OS, "__unnamed_" + Twine(ID), PrefixTy);

  StringRef Name = GV->getName();

  // No need to do anything special if the global has the special "do not
  // mangle" flag in the name.
  if (Name[0] == '\1') {
    OS << Name.substr(1);

  bool UseAt = false;
  const Function *MSFunc = nullptr;
  CallingConv::ID CC;
  if (DL->hasMicrosoftFastStdCallMangling()) {
    if ((MSFunc = dyn_cast<Function>(GV))) {
      CC = MSFunc->getCallingConv();
      // fastcall functions need to start with @ instead of _.
      if (CC == CallingConv::X86_FastCall)
        UseAt = true;

  getNameWithPrefixx(OS, Name, PrefixTy, *DL, UseAt);

  if (!MSFunc)

  // If we are supposed to add a microsoft-style suffix for stdcall/fastcall,
  // add it.
  // fastcall and stdcall functions usually need @42 at the end to specify
  // the argument info.
  FunctionType *FT = MSFunc->getFunctionType();
  if ((CC == CallingConv::X86_FastCall || CC == CallingConv::X86_StdCall) &&
      // "Pure" variadic functions do not receive @0 suffix.
      (!FT->isVarArg() || FT->getNumParams() == 0 ||
       (FT->getNumParams() == 1 && MSFunc->hasStructRetAttr())))
    AddFastCallStdCallSuffix(OS, MSFunc, *DL);
Exemplo n.º 3
/// getNameWithPrefix - Fill OutName with the name of the appropriate prefix
/// and the specified global variable's name.  If the global variable doesn't
/// have a name, this fills in a unique name for the global.
void Mangler::getNameWithPrefix(SmallVectorImpl<char> &OutName,
                                const GlobalValue *GV) {
  ManglerPrefixTy PrefixTy = Mangler::Default;
  if (GV->hasPrivateLinkage())
    PrefixTy = Mangler::Private;
  else if (GV->hasLinkerPrivateLinkage() || GV->hasLinkerPrivateWeakLinkage())
    PrefixTy = Mangler::LinkerPrivate;
  // If this global has a name, handle it simply.
  if (GV->hasName()) {
    StringRef Name = GV->getName();
    getNameWithPrefix(OutName, Name, PrefixTy);
    // No need to do anything else if the global has the special "do not mangle"
    // flag in the name.
    if (Name[0] == 1)
  } else {
    // Get the ID for the global, assigning a new one if we haven't got one
    // already.
    unsigned &ID = AnonGlobalIDs[GV];
    if (ID == 0) ID = NextAnonGlobalID++;
    // Must mangle the global into a unique ID.
    getNameWithPrefix(OutName, "__unnamed_" + Twine(ID), PrefixTy);

  // If we are supposed to add a microsoft-style suffix for stdcall/fastcall,
  // add it.
  if (DL->hasMicrosoftFastStdCallMangling()) {
    if (const Function *F = dyn_cast<Function>(GV)) {
      CallingConv::ID CC = F->getCallingConv();
      // fastcall functions need to start with @.
      // FIXME: This logic seems unlikely to be right.
      if (CC == CallingConv::X86_FastCall) {
        if (OutName[0] == '_')
          OutName[0] = '@';
          OutName.insert(OutName.begin(), '@');
      // fastcall and stdcall functions usually need @42 at the end to specify
      // the argument info.
      FunctionType *FT = F->getFunctionType();
      if ((CC == CallingConv::X86_FastCall || CC == CallingConv::X86_StdCall) &&
          // "Pure" variadic functions do not receive @0 suffix.
          (!FT->isVarArg() || FT->getNumParams() == 0 ||
           (FT->getNumParams() == 1 && F->hasStructRetAttr())))
        AddFastCallStdCallSuffix(OutName, F, *DL);
Exemplo n.º 4
/// isFreeCall - Returns non-null if the value is a call to the builtin free()
static const CallInst* isFreeCall(const Value* I) {
    const CallInst* CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(I);
    if (!CI)
        return 0;
    Function* Callee = CI->getCalledFunction();
    if (Callee == 0 || !Callee->isDeclaration())
        return 0;

    if (Callee->getName() != "free" /*&&
            Callee->getName() != "my_free" &&
            Callee->getName() != "_ZdlPv" && // operator delete(void*)
            Callee->getName() != "_ZdaPv"*/) // operator delete[](void*)
        return 0;

    // Check free prototype.
    // FIXME: workaround for PR5130, this will be obsolete when a nobuiltin
    // attribute will exist.
    FunctionType* FTy = Callee->getFunctionType();
    if (!FTy->getReturnType()->isVoidTy())
        return 0;
    if (FTy->getNumParams() != 1)
        return 0;
    if (FTy->getParamType(0) != Type::getInt8PtrTy(Callee->getContext()))
        return 0;

    return CI;
Exemplo n.º 5
/// isFreeCall - Returns non-null if the value is a call to the builtin free()
const CallInst *llvm::isFreeCall(const Value *I, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI) {
  const CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(I);
  if (!CI || isa<IntrinsicInst>(CI))
    return 0;
  Function *Callee = CI->getCalledFunction();
  if (Callee == 0 || !Callee->isDeclaration())
    return 0;

  StringRef FnName = Callee->getName();
  LibFunc::Func TLIFn;
  if (!TLI || !TLI->getLibFunc(FnName, TLIFn) || !TLI->has(TLIFn))
    return 0;

  if (TLIFn != LibFunc::free &&
      TLIFn != LibFunc::ZdlPv && // operator delete(void*)
      TLIFn != LibFunc::ZdaPv)   // operator delete[](void*)
    return 0;

  // Check free prototype.
  // FIXME: workaround for PR5130, this will be obsolete when a nobuiltin
  // attribute will exist.
  FunctionType *FTy = Callee->getFunctionType();
  if (!FTy->getReturnType()->isVoidTy())
    return 0;
  if (FTy->getNumParams() != 1)
    return 0;
  if (FTy->getParamType(0) != Type::getInt8PtrTy(Callee->getContext()))
    return 0;

  return CI;
Exemplo n.º 6
void TypeDuplicater::RemoveNonLocalTypes(Module &M){
  std::set<Function *> UndefinedFunctions;
  for(auto IF = M.begin(), EF = M.end(); IF != EF; ++IF){
    Function *F = &*IF;


  for(auto F: UndefinedFunctions){
    FunctionType *FuncType = cast<FunctionType>(F->getFunctionType());
    for(int i=0; i<FuncType->getNumParams(); i++){
      Type *T =FuncType->getParamType(i);

        T = T->getPointerElementType();
      if(auto *ST = dyn_cast<StructType>(T))

    Type *T =FuncType->getReturnType();
      T = T->getPointerElementType();
    if(auto *ST = dyn_cast<StructType>(T))
Exemplo n.º 7
void Mapper::remapInstruction(Instruction *I) {
  // Remap operands.
  for (Use &Op : I->operands()) {
    Value *V = mapValue(Op);
    // If we aren't ignoring missing entries, assert that something happened.
    if (V)
      Op = V;
      assert((Flags & RF_IgnoreMissingLocals) &&
             "Referenced value not in value map!");

  // Remap phi nodes' incoming blocks.
  if (PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(I)) {
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = PN->getNumIncomingValues(); i != e; ++i) {
      Value *V = mapValue(PN->getIncomingBlock(i));
      // If we aren't ignoring missing entries, assert that something happened.
      if (V)
        PN->setIncomingBlock(i, cast<BasicBlock>(V));
        assert((Flags & RF_IgnoreMissingLocals) &&
               "Referenced block not in value map!");

  // Remap attached metadata.
  SmallVector<std::pair<unsigned, MDNode *>, 4> MDs;
  for (const auto &MI : MDs) {
    MDNode *Old = MI.second;
    MDNode *New = cast_or_null<MDNode>(mapMetadata(Old));
    if (New != Old)
      I->setMetadata(MI.first, New);

  if (!TypeMapper)

  // If the instruction's type is being remapped, do so now.
  if (auto CS = CallSite(I)) {
    SmallVector<Type *, 3> Tys;
    FunctionType *FTy = CS.getFunctionType();
    for (Type *Ty : FTy->params())
        TypeMapper->remapType(I->getType()), Tys, FTy->isVarArg()));
  if (auto *AI = dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(I))
  if (auto *GEP = dyn_cast<GetElementPtrInst>(I)) {
Exemplo n.º 8
/// isFreeCall - Returns non-null if the value is a call to the builtin free()
const CallInst *llvm::isFreeCall(const Value *I, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI) {
  bool IsNoBuiltinCall;
  const Function *Callee =
      getCalledFunction(I, /*LookThroughBitCast=*/false, IsNoBuiltinCall);
  if (Callee == nullptr || IsNoBuiltinCall)
    return nullptr;

  StringRef FnName = Callee->getName();
  LibFunc TLIFn;
  if (!TLI || !TLI->getLibFunc(FnName, TLIFn) || !TLI->has(TLIFn))
    return nullptr;

  unsigned ExpectedNumParams;
  if (TLIFn == LibFunc_free ||
      TLIFn == LibFunc_ZdlPv || // operator delete(void*)
      TLIFn == LibFunc_ZdaPv || // operator delete[](void*)
      TLIFn == LibFunc_msvc_delete_ptr32 || // operator delete(void*)
      TLIFn == LibFunc_msvc_delete_ptr64 || // operator delete(void*)
      TLIFn == LibFunc_msvc_delete_array_ptr32 || // operator delete[](void*)
      TLIFn == LibFunc_msvc_delete_array_ptr64)   // operator delete[](void*)
    ExpectedNumParams = 1;
  else if (TLIFn == LibFunc_ZdlPvj ||              // delete(void*, uint)
           TLIFn == LibFunc_ZdlPvm ||              // delete(void*, ulong)
           TLIFn == LibFunc_ZdlPvRKSt9nothrow_t || // delete(void*, nothrow)
           TLIFn == LibFunc_ZdlPvSt11align_val_t || // delete(void*, align_val_t)
           TLIFn == LibFunc_ZdaPvj ||              // delete[](void*, uint)
           TLIFn == LibFunc_ZdaPvm ||              // delete[](void*, ulong)
           TLIFn == LibFunc_ZdaPvRKSt9nothrow_t || // delete[](void*, nothrow)
           TLIFn == LibFunc_ZdaPvSt11align_val_t || // delete[](void*, align_val_t)
           TLIFn == LibFunc_msvc_delete_ptr32_int ||      // delete(void*, uint)
           TLIFn == LibFunc_msvc_delete_ptr64_longlong || // delete(void*, ulonglong)
           TLIFn == LibFunc_msvc_delete_ptr32_nothrow || // delete(void*, nothrow)
           TLIFn == LibFunc_msvc_delete_ptr64_nothrow || // delete(void*, nothrow)
           TLIFn == LibFunc_msvc_delete_array_ptr32_int ||      // delete[](void*, uint)
           TLIFn == LibFunc_msvc_delete_array_ptr64_longlong || // delete[](void*, ulonglong)
           TLIFn == LibFunc_msvc_delete_array_ptr32_nothrow || // delete[](void*, nothrow)
           TLIFn == LibFunc_msvc_delete_array_ptr64_nothrow)   // delete[](void*, nothrow)
    ExpectedNumParams = 2;
  else if (TLIFn == LibFunc_ZdaPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t || // delete(void*, align_val_t, nothrow)
           TLIFn == LibFunc_ZdlPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t) // delete[](void*, align_val_t, nothrow)
    ExpectedNumParams = 3;
    return nullptr;

  // Check free prototype.
  // FIXME: workaround for PR5130, this will be obsolete when a nobuiltin
  // attribute will exist.
  FunctionType *FTy = Callee->getFunctionType();
  if (!FTy->getReturnType()->isVoidTy())
    return nullptr;
  if (FTy->getNumParams() != ExpectedNumParams)
    return nullptr;
  if (FTy->getParamType(0) != Type::getInt8PtrTy(Callee->getContext()))
    return nullptr;

  return dyn_cast<CallInst>(I);
Exemplo n.º 9
/// RemapInstruction - Convert the instruction operands from referencing the
/// current values into those specified by VMap.
void llvm::RemapInstruction(Instruction *I, ValueToValueMapTy &VMap,
                            RemapFlags Flags, ValueMapTypeRemapper *TypeMapper,
                            ValueMaterializer *Materializer){
  // Remap operands.
  for (User::op_iterator op = I->op_begin(), E = I->op_end(); op != E; ++op) {
    Value *V = MapValue(*op, VMap, Flags, TypeMapper, Materializer);
    // If we aren't ignoring missing entries, assert that something happened.
    if (V)
      *op = V;
      assert((Flags & RF_IgnoreMissingEntries) &&
             "Referenced value not in value map!");

  // Remap phi nodes' incoming blocks.
  if (PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(I)) {
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = PN->getNumIncomingValues(); i != e; ++i) {
      Value *V = MapValue(PN->getIncomingBlock(i), VMap, Flags);
      // If we aren't ignoring missing entries, assert that something happened.
      if (V)
        PN->setIncomingBlock(i, cast<BasicBlock>(V));
        assert((Flags & RF_IgnoreMissingEntries) &&
               "Referenced block not in value map!");

  // Remap attached metadata.
  SmallVector<std::pair<unsigned, MDNode *>, 4> MDs;
  for (SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<unsigned, MDNode *>>::iterator
           MI = MDs.begin(),
           ME = MDs.end();
       MI != ME; ++MI) {
    MDNode *Old = MI->second;
    MDNode *New = MapMetadata(Old, VMap, Flags, TypeMapper, Materializer);
    if (New != Old)
      I->setMetadata(MI->first, New);
  if (!TypeMapper)

  // If the instruction's type is being remapped, do so now.
  if (auto CS = CallSite(I)) {
    SmallVector<Type *, 3> Tys;
    FunctionType *FTy = CS.getFunctionType();
    for (Type *Ty : FTy->params())
        TypeMapper->remapType(I->getType()), Tys, FTy->isVarArg()));
  } else
Exemplo n.º 10
// We accept bswap for a limited set of types (i16, i32, i64).
// The various backends are able to generate instructions to
// implement the intrinsic.  Also, i16 and i64 are easy to
// implement as along as there is a way to do i32.
static bool isWhitelistedBswap(const Function *F) {
  FunctionType *FT = F->getFunctionType();
  if (FT->getNumParams() != 1)
    return false;
  Type *ParamType = FT->getParamType(0);
  LLVMContext &C = F->getContext();
  Type *AcceptableTypes[] = { Type::getInt16Ty(C),
                              Type::getInt64Ty(C) };
  return TypeAcceptable(ParamType, AcceptableTypes);
Exemplo n.º 11
/// isFreeCall - Returns non-null if the value is a call to the builtin free()
const CallInst *llvm::isFreeCall(const Value *I, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI) {
  const CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(I);
  if (!CI || isa<IntrinsicInst>(CI))
    return nullptr;
  Function *Callee = CI->getCalledFunction();
  if (Callee == nullptr)
    return nullptr;

  StringRef FnName = Callee->getName();
  LibFunc::Func TLIFn;
  if (!TLI || !TLI->getLibFunc(FnName, TLIFn) || !TLI->has(TLIFn))
    return nullptr;

  unsigned ExpectedNumParams;
  if (TLIFn == LibFunc::free ||
      TLIFn == LibFunc::ZdlPv || // operator delete(void*)
      TLIFn == LibFunc::ZdaPv || // operator delete[](void*)
      TLIFn == LibFunc::msvc_delete_ptr32 || // operator delete(void*)
      TLIFn == LibFunc::msvc_delete_ptr64 || // operator delete(void*)
      TLIFn == LibFunc::msvc_delete_array_ptr32 || // operator delete[](void*)
      TLIFn == LibFunc::msvc_delete_array_ptr64)   // operator delete[](void*)
    ExpectedNumParams = 1;
  else if (TLIFn == LibFunc::ZdlPvj ||              // delete(void*, uint)
           TLIFn == LibFunc::ZdlPvm ||              // delete(void*, ulong)
           TLIFn == LibFunc::ZdlPvRKSt9nothrow_t || // delete(void*, nothrow)
           TLIFn == LibFunc::ZdaPvj ||              // delete[](void*, uint)
           TLIFn == LibFunc::ZdaPvm ||              // delete[](void*, ulong)
           TLIFn == LibFunc::ZdaPvRKSt9nothrow_t || // delete[](void*, nothrow)
           TLIFn == LibFunc::msvc_delete_ptr32_int ||      // delete(void*, uint)
           TLIFn == LibFunc::msvc_delete_ptr64_longlong || // delete(void*, ulonglong)
           TLIFn == LibFunc::msvc_delete_ptr32_nothrow || // delete(void*, nothrow)
           TLIFn == LibFunc::msvc_delete_ptr64_nothrow || // delete(void*, nothrow)
           TLIFn == LibFunc::msvc_delete_array_ptr32_int ||      // delete[](void*, uint)
           TLIFn == LibFunc::msvc_delete_array_ptr64_longlong || // delete[](void*, ulonglong)
           TLIFn == LibFunc::msvc_delete_array_ptr32_nothrow || // delete[](void*, nothrow)
           TLIFn == LibFunc::msvc_delete_array_ptr64_nothrow)   // delete[](void*, nothrow)
    ExpectedNumParams = 2;
    return nullptr;

  // Check free prototype.
  // FIXME: workaround for PR5130, this will be obsolete when a nobuiltin
  // attribute will exist.
  FunctionType *FTy = Callee->getFunctionType();
  if (!FTy->getReturnType()->isVoidTy())
    return nullptr;
  if (FTy->getNumParams() != ExpectedNumParams)
    return nullptr;
  if (FTy->getParamType(0) != Type::getInt8PtrTy(Callee->getContext()))
    return nullptr;

  return CI;
Exemplo n.º 12
static void check(Value *Func, ArrayRef<Value *> Args) {
  FunctionType *FTy =

  assert((Args.size() == FTy->getNumParams() ||
          (FTy->isVarArg() && Args.size() > FTy->getNumParams())) &&
         "XXCalling a function with bad signature!");

  for (unsigned i = 0; i != Args.size(); ++i) {
    if (!(FTy->getParamType(i) == Args[i]->getType())) {
      errs() << "types:\n  ";
      errs() << "\n  ";
      errs() << "\n";
    assert((i >= FTy->getNumParams() ||
            FTy->getParamType(i) == Args[i]->getType()) &&
           "YYCalling a function with a bad signature!");
Exemplo n.º 13
/// \brief Returns the allocation data for the given value if it is a call to a
/// known allocation function, and NULL otherwise.
static const AllocFnsTy *getAllocationData(const Value *V, AllocType AllocTy,
                                           const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI,
                                           bool LookThroughBitCast = false) {
  // Skip all intrinsics but duetto.allocate
  if (const IntrinsicInst* II = dyn_cast<IntrinsicInst>(V))
    if (II->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::duetto_allocate)
      return &AllocationFnData[0];
    return 0;

  Function *Callee = getCalledFunction(V, LookThroughBitCast);
  if (!Callee)
    return 0;

  // Make sure that the function is available.
  StringRef FnName = Callee->getName();
  LibFunc::Func TLIFn;
  if (!TLI || !TLI->getLibFunc(FnName, TLIFn) || !TLI->has(TLIFn))
    return 0;

  unsigned i = 0;
  bool found = false;
  for ( ; i < array_lengthof(AllocationFnData); ++i) {
    if (AllocationFnData[i].Func == TLIFn) {
      found = true;
  if (!found)
    return 0;

  const AllocFnsTy *FnData = &AllocationFnData[i];
  if ((FnData->AllocTy & AllocTy) != FnData->AllocTy)
    return 0;

  // Check function prototype.
  int FstParam = FnData->FstParam;
  int SndParam = FnData->SndParam;
  FunctionType *FTy = Callee->getFunctionType();

  if (FTy->getReturnType() == Type::getInt8PtrTy(FTy->getContext()) &&
      FTy->getNumParams() == FnData->NumParams &&
      (FstParam < 0 ||
       (FTy->getParamType(FstParam)->isIntegerTy(32) ||
        FTy->getParamType(FstParam)->isIntegerTy(64))) &&
      (SndParam < 0 ||
       FTy->getParamType(SndParam)->isIntegerTy(32) ||
    return FnData;
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 14
/// Creates a hash-code for the function which is the same for any two
/// functions that will compare equal, without looking at the instructions
/// inside the function.
static unsigned profileFunction(const Function *F) {
  FunctionType *FTy = F->getFunctionType();

  FoldingSetNodeID ID;
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = FTy->getNumParams(); i != e; ++i)
  return ID.ComputeHash();
Exemplo n.º 15
void Function::BuildLazyArguments() const {
  // Create the arguments vector, all arguments start out unnamed.
  FunctionType *FT = getFunctionType();
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = FT->getNumParams(); i != e; ++i) {
    assert(!FT->getParamType(i)->isVoidTy() &&
           "Cannot have void typed arguments!");
    ArgumentList.push_back(new Argument(FT->getParamType(i)));
  // Clear the lazy arguments bit.
  unsigned SDC = getSubclassDataFromValue();
  const_cast<Function*>(this)->setValueSubclassData(SDC &= ~1);
Exemplo n.º 16
// a simple function 'prototype' printer
void printFuncProtoType(Function *F)
  errs() << " " << F->getName() << "(";
  FunctionType * FTY = F->getFunctionType();
  unsigned params = FTY->getNumParams();
  unsigned i;
  for (i = 0; i < params; i++) {
    if (i != params - 1)
      errs() << ",";
  errs() << ")";
Exemplo n.º 17
// Helper to find the set of values described by a TSpecifier
std::set<const Value*>
getValues(const ImmutableCallSite cs, TSpecifier TS) {
  std::set<const Value*> Values;
  switch (TS) {
    case Ret:
    case Arg0:
      assert(0 < cs.arg_size());
    case Arg1:
      assert(1 < cs.arg_size());
    case Arg2:
      assert(2 < cs.arg_size());
    case Arg3:
      assert(3 < cs.arg_size());
    case Arg4:
      assert(4 < cs.arg_size());
    case AllArgs:
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < cs.arg_size(); ++i)
    case VarArgs: {
      const Value *Callee = cs.getCalledValue()->stripPointerCasts();
      FunctionType *CalleeType =
      for (unsigned i = CalleeType->getNumParams(); i < cs.arg_size(); ++i)
  return Values;
static bool ExpandVarArgFunc(Module *M, Function *Func) {
  if (isEmscriptenJSArgsFunc(M, Func->getName()))
    return false;

  Type *PtrType = Type::getInt8PtrTy(Func->getContext());

  FunctionType *FTy = Func->getFunctionType();
  SmallVector<Type *, 8> Params(FTy->param_begin(), FTy->param_end());
  FunctionType *NFTy =
      FunctionType::get(FTy->getReturnType(), Params, /*isVarArg=*/false);
  Function *NewFunc = RecreateFunction(Func, NFTy);

  // Declare the new argument as "noalias".
      Func->getContext(), FTy->getNumParams() + 1, Attribute::NoAlias));

  // Move the arguments across to the new function.
  auto NewArg = NewFunc->arg_begin();
  for (Argument &Arg : Func->args()) {
  // The last argument is the new `i8 * noalias %varargs`.


  // Expand out uses of llvm.va_start in this function.
  for (BasicBlock &BB : *NewFunc) {
    for (auto BI = BB.begin(), BE = BB.end(); BI != BE;) {
      Instruction *I = BI++;
      if (auto *VAS = dyn_cast<VAStartInst>(I)) {
        IRBuilder<> IRB(VAS);
        Value *Cast = IRB.CreateBitCast(VAS->getArgList(),
                                        PtrType->getPointerTo(), "arglist");
        IRB.CreateStore(NewArg, Cast);

  return true;
Exemplo n.º 19
/// \brief Returns the allocation data for the given value if it is a call to a
/// known allocation function, and NULL otherwise.
static const AllocFnsTy *getAllocationData(const Value *V, AllocType AllocTy,
                                           const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI,
                                           bool LookThroughBitCast = false) {
  // Skip intrinsics
  if (isa<IntrinsicInst>(V))
    return nullptr;

  Function *Callee = getCalledFunction(V, LookThroughBitCast);
  if (!Callee)
    return nullptr;

  // Make sure that the function is available.
  StringRef FnName = Callee->getName();
  LibFunc::Func TLIFn;
  if (!TLI || !TLI->getLibFunc(FnName, TLIFn) || !TLI->has(TLIFn))
    return nullptr;

  const AllocFnsTy *FnData =
      std::find_if(std::begin(AllocationFnData), std::end(AllocationFnData),
                   [TLIFn](const AllocFnsTy &Fn) { return Fn.Func == TLIFn; });

  if (FnData == std::end(AllocationFnData))
    return nullptr;

  if ((FnData->AllocTy & AllocTy) != FnData->AllocTy)
    return nullptr;

  // Check function prototype.
  int FstParam = FnData->FstParam;
  int SndParam = FnData->SndParam;
  FunctionType *FTy = Callee->getFunctionType();

  if (FTy->getReturnType() == Type::getInt8PtrTy(FTy->getContext()) &&
      FTy->getNumParams() == FnData->NumParams &&
      (FstParam < 0 ||
       (FTy->getParamType(FstParam)->isIntegerTy(32) ||
        FTy->getParamType(FstParam)->isIntegerTy(64))) &&
      (SndParam < 0 ||
       FTy->getParamType(SndParam)->isIntegerTy(32) ||
    return FnData;
  return nullptr;
Exemplo n.º 20
static bool isCallocCall(const CallInst *CI) {
  if (!CI)
    return false;
  Function *Callee = CI->getCalledFunction();
  if (Callee == 0 || !Callee->isDeclaration())
    return false;
  if (Callee->getName() != "calloc")
    return false;
  // Check malloc prototype.
  // FIXME: workaround for PR5130, this will be obsolete when a nobuiltin 
  // attribute exists.
  FunctionType *FTy = Callee->getFunctionType();
  return FTy->getReturnType() == Type::getInt8PtrTy(FTy->getContext()) &&
  FTy->getNumParams() == 2 &&
  ((FTy->getParamType(0)->isIntegerTy(32) &&
    FTy->getParamType(1)->isIntegerTy(32)) ||
   (FTy->getParamType(0)->isIntegerTy(64) &&
Exemplo n.º 21
// TODO Copy-paste
static bool isMallocCall(const CallInst* CI) {
    if (!CI)
        return false;

    Function* Callee = CI->getCalledFunction();
    if (Callee == 0 || !Callee->isDeclaration())
        return false;
    if (Callee->getName() != "malloc" /*&&
            Callee->getName() != "my_malloc" &&
            Callee->getName() != "_Znwj" && // operator new(unsigned int)
            Callee->getName() != "_Znwm" && // operator new(unsigned long)
            Callee->getName() != "_Znaj" && // operator new[](unsigned int)
            Callee->getName() != "_Znam"*/) // operator new[](unsigned long)
        return false;

    // Check malloc prototype.
    // FIXME: workaround for PR5130, this will be obsolete when a nobuiltin
    // attribute will exist.
    FunctionType* FTy = Callee->getFunctionType();
    return FTy->getReturnType() == Type::getInt8PtrTy(FTy->getContext()) && FTy->getNumParams() == 1
           && (FTy->getParamType(0)->isIntegerTy(32) || FTy->getParamType(0)->isIntegerTy(64));
Exemplo n.º 22
/// Replace \p Thunk with a simple tail call to \p ToFunc. Also add parameters
/// to the call to \p ToFunc, which are defined by the FuncIdx's value in
/// \p Params.
void SwiftMergeFunctions::writeThunk(Function *ToFunc, Function *Thunk,
                                     const ParamInfos &Params,
                                     unsigned FuncIdx) {
  // Delete the existing content of Thunk.
  BasicBlock *BB = BasicBlock::Create(Thunk->getContext(), "", Thunk);
  IRBuilder<> Builder(BB);

  SmallVector<Value *, 16> Args;
  unsigned ParamIdx = 0;
  FunctionType *ToFuncTy = ToFunc->getFunctionType();
  // Add arguments which are passed through Thunk.
  for (Argument & AI : Thunk->args()) {
    Args.push_back(createCast(Builder, &AI, ToFuncTy->getParamType(ParamIdx)));
  // Add new arguments defined by Params.
  for (const ParamInfo &PI : Params) {
    assert(ParamIdx < ToFuncTy->getNumParams());
    Args.push_back(createCast(Builder, PI.Values[FuncIdx],

  CallInst *CI = Builder.CreateCall(ToFunc, Args);
  if (Thunk->getReturnType()->isVoidTy()) {
  } else {
    Builder.CreateRet(createCast(Builder, CI, Thunk->getReturnType()));

  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "    writeThunk: " << Thunk->getName() << '\n');
Exemplo n.º 23
/// \brief Returns the allocation data for the given value if it is a call to a
/// known allocation function, and NULL otherwise.
static const AllocFnsTy *getAllocationData(const Value *V, AllocType AllocTy,
                                           bool LookThroughBitCast = false) {
  Function *Callee = getCalledFunction(V, LookThroughBitCast);
  if (!Callee)
    return 0;

  unsigned i = 0;
  bool found = false;
  for ( ; i < array_lengthof(AllocationFnData); ++i) {
    if (Callee->getName() == AllocationFnData[i].Name) {
      found = true;
  if (!found)
    return 0;

  const AllocFnsTy *FnData = &AllocationFnData[i];
  if ((FnData->AllocTy & AllocTy) == 0)
    return 0;

  // Check function prototype.
  // FIXME: Check the nobuiltin metadata?? (PR5130)
  int FstParam = FnData->FstParam;
  int SndParam = FnData->SndParam;
  FunctionType *FTy = Callee->getFunctionType();

  if (FTy->getReturnType() == Type::getInt8PtrTy(FTy->getContext()) &&
      FTy->getNumParams() == FnData->NumParams &&
      (FstParam < 0 ||
       (FTy->getParamType(FstParam)->isIntegerTy(32) ||
        FTy->getParamType(FstParam)->isIntegerTy(64))) &&
      (SndParam < 0 ||
       FTy->getParamType(SndParam)->isIntegerTy(32) ||
    return FnData;
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 24
/// Returns the allocation data for the given value if it's either a call to a
/// known allocation function, or a call to a function with the allocsize
/// attribute.
static Optional<AllocFnsTy>
getAllocationDataForFunction(const Function *Callee, AllocType AllocTy,
                             const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI) {
  // Make sure that the function is available.
  StringRef FnName = Callee->getName();
  LibFunc TLIFn;
  if (!TLI || !TLI->getLibFunc(FnName, TLIFn) || !TLI->has(TLIFn))
    return None;

  const auto *Iter = find_if(
      AllocationFnData, [TLIFn](const std::pair<LibFunc, AllocFnsTy> &P) {
        return P.first == TLIFn;

  if (Iter == std::end(AllocationFnData))
    return None;

  const AllocFnsTy *FnData = &Iter->second;
  if ((FnData->AllocTy & AllocTy) != FnData->AllocTy)
    return None;

  // Check function prototype.
  int FstParam = FnData->FstParam;
  int SndParam = FnData->SndParam;
  FunctionType *FTy = Callee->getFunctionType();

  if (FTy->getReturnType() == Type::getInt8PtrTy(FTy->getContext()) &&
      FTy->getNumParams() == FnData->NumParams &&
      (FstParam < 0 ||
       (FTy->getParamType(FstParam)->isIntegerTy(32) ||
        FTy->getParamType(FstParam)->isIntegerTy(64))) &&
      (SndParam < 0 ||
       FTy->getParamType(SndParam)->isIntegerTy(32) ||
    return *FnData;
  return None;
bool SimplifyFortifiedLibCalls::fold(CallInst *CI, const DataLayout *TD,
                                     const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI) {
  // We really need DataLayout for later.
  if (!TD) return false;
  this->CI = CI;
  Function *Callee = CI->getCalledFunction();
  StringRef Name = Callee->getName();
  FunctionType *FT = Callee->getFunctionType();
  LLVMContext &Context = CI->getParent()->getContext();
  IRBuilder<> B(CI);

  if (Name == "__memcpy_chk") {
    // Check if this has the right signature.
    if (FT->getNumParams() != 4 || FT->getReturnType() != FT->getParamType(0) ||
        !FT->getParamType(0)->isPointerTy() ||
        !FT->getParamType(1)->isPointerTy() ||
        FT->getParamType(2) != TD->getIntPtrType(Context) ||
        FT->getParamType(3) != TD->getIntPtrType(Context))
      return false;

    if (isFoldable(3, 2, false)) {
      B.CreateMemCpy(CI->getArgOperand(0), CI->getArgOperand(1),
                     CI->getArgOperand(2), 1);
      return true;
    return false;

  // Should be similar to memcpy.
  if (Name == "__mempcpy_chk") {
    return false;

  if (Name == "__memmove_chk") {
    // Check if this has the right signature.
    if (FT->getNumParams() != 4 || FT->getReturnType() != FT->getParamType(0) ||
        !FT->getParamType(0)->isPointerTy() ||
        !FT->getParamType(1)->isPointerTy() ||
        FT->getParamType(2) != TD->getIntPtrType(Context) ||
        FT->getParamType(3) != TD->getIntPtrType(Context))
      return false;

    if (isFoldable(3, 2, false)) {
      B.CreateMemMove(CI->getArgOperand(0), CI->getArgOperand(1),
                      CI->getArgOperand(2), 1);
      return true;
    return false;

  if (Name == "__memset_chk") {
    // Check if this has the right signature.
    if (FT->getNumParams() != 4 || FT->getReturnType() != FT->getParamType(0) ||
        !FT->getParamType(0)->isPointerTy() ||
        !FT->getParamType(1)->isIntegerTy() ||
        FT->getParamType(2) != TD->getIntPtrType(Context) ||
        FT->getParamType(3) != TD->getIntPtrType(Context))
      return false;

    if (isFoldable(3, 2, false)) {
      Value *Val = B.CreateIntCast(CI->getArgOperand(1), B.getInt8Ty(),
      B.CreateMemSet(CI->getArgOperand(0), Val, CI->getArgOperand(2), 1);
      return true;
    return false;

  if (Name == "__strcpy_chk" || Name == "__stpcpy_chk") {
    // Check if this has the right signature.
    if (FT->getNumParams() != 3 ||
        FT->getReturnType() != FT->getParamType(0) ||
        FT->getParamType(0) != FT->getParamType(1) ||
        FT->getParamType(0) != Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context) ||
        FT->getParamType(2) != TD->getIntPtrType(Context))
      return 0;
    // If a) we don't have any length information, or b) we know this will
    // fit then just lower to a plain st[rp]cpy. Otherwise we'll keep our
    // st[rp]cpy_chk call which may fail at runtime if the size is too long.
    // TODO: It might be nice to get a maximum length out of the possible
    // string lengths for varying.
    if (isFoldable(2, 1, true)) {
      Value *Ret = EmitStrCpy(CI->getArgOperand(0), CI->getArgOperand(1), B, TD,
                              TLI, Name.substr(2, 6));
      if (!Ret)
        return false;
      return true;
    return false;

  if (Name == "__strncpy_chk" || Name == "__stpncpy_chk") {
    // Check if this has the right signature.
    if (FT->getNumParams() != 4 || FT->getReturnType() != FT->getParamType(0) ||
        FT->getParamType(0) != FT->getParamType(1) ||
        FT->getParamType(0) != Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context) ||
        !FT->getParamType(2)->isIntegerTy() ||
        FT->getParamType(3) != TD->getIntPtrType(Context))
      return false;

    if (isFoldable(3, 2, false)) {
      Value *Ret = EmitStrNCpy(CI->getArgOperand(0), CI->getArgOperand(1),
                               CI->getArgOperand(2), B, TD, TLI,
                               Name.substr(2, 7));
      if (!Ret)
        return false;
      return true;
    return false;

  if (Name == "__strcat_chk") {
    return false;

  if (Name == "__strncat_chk") {
    return false;

  return false;
// RemoveDeadStuffFromFunction - Remove any arguments and return values from F
// that are not in LiveValues. Transform the function and all of the callees of
// the function to not have these arguments and return values.
bool DAE::RemoveDeadStuffFromFunction(Function *F) {
  // Don't modify fully live functions
  if (LiveFunctions.count(F))
    return false;

  // Start by computing a new prototype for the function, which is the same as
  // the old function, but has fewer arguments and a different return type.
  FunctionType *FTy = F->getFunctionType();
  std::vector<Type*> Params;

  // Keep track of if we have a live 'returned' argument
  bool HasLiveReturnedArg = false;

  // Set up to build a new list of parameter attributes.
  SmallVector<AttributeSet, 8> AttributesVec;
  const AttributeSet &PAL = F->getAttributes();

  // Remember which arguments are still alive.
  SmallVector<bool, 10> ArgAlive(FTy->getNumParams(), false);
  // Construct the new parameter list from non-dead arguments. Also construct
  // a new set of parameter attributes to correspond. Skip the first parameter
  // attribute, since that belongs to the return value.
  unsigned i = 0;
  for (Function::arg_iterator I = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end();
       I != E; ++I, ++i) {
    RetOrArg Arg = CreateArg(F, i);
    if (LiveValues.erase(Arg)) {
      ArgAlive[i] = true;

      // Get the original parameter attributes (skipping the first one, that is
      // for the return value.
      if (PAL.hasAttributes(i + 1)) {
        AttrBuilder B(PAL, i + 1);
        if (B.contains(Attribute::Returned))
          HasLiveReturnedArg = true;
          push_back(AttributeSet::get(F->getContext(), Params.size(), B));
    } else {
      DEBUG(dbgs() << "DAE - Removing argument " << i << " (" << I->getName()
            << ") from " << F->getName() << "\n");

  // Find out the new return value.
  Type *RetTy = FTy->getReturnType();
  Type *NRetTy = nullptr;
  unsigned RetCount = NumRetVals(F);

  // -1 means unused, other numbers are the new index
  SmallVector<int, 5> NewRetIdxs(RetCount, -1);
  std::vector<Type*> RetTypes;

  // If there is a function with a live 'returned' argument but a dead return
  // value, then there are two possible actions:
  // 1) Eliminate the return value and take off the 'returned' attribute on the
  //    argument.
  // 2) Retain the 'returned' attribute and treat the return value (but not the
  //    entire function) as live so that it is not eliminated.
  // It's not clear in the general case which option is more profitable because,
  // even in the absence of explicit uses of the return value, code generation
  // is free to use the 'returned' attribute to do things like eliding
  // save/restores of registers across calls. Whether or not this happens is
  // target and ABI-specific as well as depending on the amount of register
  // pressure, so there's no good way for an IR-level pass to figure this out.
  // Fortunately, the only places where 'returned' is currently generated by
  // the FE are places where 'returned' is basically free and almost always a
  // performance win, so the second option can just be used always for now.
  // This should be revisited if 'returned' is ever applied more liberally.
  if (RetTy->isVoidTy() || HasLiveReturnedArg) {
    NRetTy = RetTy;
  } else {
    // Look at each of the original return values individually.
    for (unsigned i = 0; i != RetCount; ++i) {
      RetOrArg Ret = CreateRet(F, i);
      if (LiveValues.erase(Ret)) {
        RetTypes.push_back(getRetComponentType(F, i));
        NewRetIdxs[i] = RetTypes.size() - 1;
      } else {
        DEBUG(dbgs() << "DAE - Removing return value " << i << " from "
              << F->getName() << "\n");
    if (RetTypes.size() > 1) {
      // More than one return type? Reduce it down to size.
      if (StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(RetTy)) {
        // Make the new struct packed if we used to return a packed struct
        // already.
        NRetTy = StructType::get(STy->getContext(), RetTypes, STy->isPacked());
      } else {
        assert(isa<ArrayType>(RetTy) && "unexpected multi-value return");
        NRetTy = ArrayType::get(RetTypes[0], RetTypes.size());
    } else if (RetTypes.size() == 1)
      // One return type? Just a simple value then, but only if we didn't use to
      // return a struct with that simple value before.
      NRetTy = RetTypes.front();
    else if (RetTypes.size() == 0)
      // No return types? Make it void, but only if we didn't use to return {}.
      NRetTy = Type::getVoidTy(F->getContext());

  assert(NRetTy && "No new return type found?");

  // The existing function return attributes.
  AttributeSet RAttrs = PAL.getRetAttributes();

  // Remove any incompatible attributes, but only if we removed all return
  // values. Otherwise, ensure that we don't have any conflicting attributes
  // here. Currently, this should not be possible, but special handling might be
  // required when new return value attributes are added.
  if (NRetTy->isVoidTy())
    RAttrs = RAttrs.removeAttributes(NRetTy->getContext(),
    assert(!AttrBuilder(RAttrs, AttributeSet::ReturnIndex).
             overlaps(AttributeFuncs::typeIncompatible(NRetTy)) &&
           "Return attributes no longer compatible?");

  if (RAttrs.hasAttributes(AttributeSet::ReturnIndex))
    AttributesVec.push_back(AttributeSet::get(NRetTy->getContext(), RAttrs));

  if (PAL.hasAttributes(AttributeSet::FunctionIndex))

  // Reconstruct the AttributesList based on the vector we constructed.
  AttributeSet NewPAL = AttributeSet::get(F->getContext(), AttributesVec);

  // Create the new function type based on the recomputed parameters.
  FunctionType *NFTy = FunctionType::get(NRetTy, Params, FTy->isVarArg());

  // No change?
  if (NFTy == FTy)
    return false;

  // Create the new function body and insert it into the module...
  Function *NF = Function::Create(NFTy, F->getLinkage());
  // Insert the new function before the old function, so we won't be processing
  // it again.
  F->getParent()->getFunctionList().insert(F->getIterator(), NF);

  // Loop over all of the callers of the function, transforming the call sites
  // to pass in a smaller number of arguments into the new function.
  std::vector<Value*> Args;
  while (!F->use_empty()) {
    CallSite CS(F->user_back());
    Instruction *Call = CS.getInstruction();

    const AttributeSet &CallPAL = CS.getAttributes();

    // The call return attributes.
    AttributeSet RAttrs = CallPAL.getRetAttributes();

    // Adjust in case the function was changed to return void.
    RAttrs = RAttrs.removeAttributes(NRetTy->getContext(),
    if (RAttrs.hasAttributes(AttributeSet::ReturnIndex))
      AttributesVec.push_back(AttributeSet::get(NF->getContext(), RAttrs));

    // Declare these outside of the loops, so we can reuse them for the second
    // loop, which loops the varargs.
    CallSite::arg_iterator I = CS.arg_begin();
    unsigned i = 0;
    // Loop over those operands, corresponding to the normal arguments to the
    // original function, and add those that are still alive.
    for (unsigned e = FTy->getNumParams(); i != e; ++I, ++i)
      if (ArgAlive[i]) {
        // Get original parameter attributes, but skip return attributes.
        if (CallPAL.hasAttributes(i + 1)) {
          AttrBuilder B(CallPAL, i + 1);
          // If the return type has changed, then get rid of 'returned' on the
          // call site. The alternative is to make all 'returned' attributes on
          // call sites keep the return value alive just like 'returned'
          // attributes on function declaration but it's less clearly a win
          // and this is not an expected case anyway
          if (NRetTy != RetTy && B.contains(Attribute::Returned))
            push_back(AttributeSet::get(F->getContext(), Args.size(), B));

    // Push any varargs arguments on the list. Don't forget their attributes.
    for (CallSite::arg_iterator E = CS.arg_end(); I != E; ++I, ++i) {
      if (CallPAL.hasAttributes(i + 1)) {
        AttrBuilder B(CallPAL, i + 1);
          push_back(AttributeSet::get(F->getContext(), Args.size(), B));

    if (CallPAL.hasAttributes(AttributeSet::FunctionIndex))

    // Reconstruct the AttributesList based on the vector we constructed.
    AttributeSet NewCallPAL = AttributeSet::get(F->getContext(), AttributesVec);

    Instruction *New;
    if (InvokeInst *II = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(Call)) {
      New = InvokeInst::Create(NF, II->getNormalDest(), II->getUnwindDest(),
                               Args, "", Call->getParent());
    } else {
      New = CallInst::Create(NF, Args, "", Call);
      if (cast<CallInst>(Call)->isTailCall())


    if (!Call->use_empty()) {
      if (New->getType() == Call->getType()) {
        // Return type not changed? Just replace users then.
      } else if (New->getType()->isVoidTy()) {
        // Our return value has uses, but they will get removed later on.
        // Replace by null for now.
        if (!Call->getType()->isX86_MMXTy())
      } else {
        assert((RetTy->isStructTy() || RetTy->isArrayTy()) &&
               "Return type changed, but not into a void. The old return type"
               " must have been a struct or an array!");
        Instruction *InsertPt = Call;
        if (InvokeInst *II = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(Call)) {
          BasicBlock *NewEdge = SplitEdge(New->getParent(), II->getNormalDest());
          InsertPt = &*NewEdge->getFirstInsertionPt();

        // We used to return a struct or array. Instead of doing smart stuff
        // with all the uses, we will just rebuild it using extract/insertvalue
        // chaining and let instcombine clean that up.
        // Start out building up our return value from undef
        Value *RetVal = UndefValue::get(RetTy);
        for (unsigned i = 0; i != RetCount; ++i)
          if (NewRetIdxs[i] != -1) {
            Value *V;
            if (RetTypes.size() > 1)
              // We are still returning a struct, so extract the value from our
              // return value
              V = ExtractValueInst::Create(New, NewRetIdxs[i], "newret",
              // We are now returning a single element, so just insert that
              V = New;
            // Insert the value at the old position
            RetVal = InsertValueInst::Create(RetVal, V, i, "oldret", InsertPt);
        // Now, replace all uses of the old call instruction with the return
        // struct we built

    // Finally, remove the old call from the program, reducing the use-count of
    // F.

  // Since we have now created the new function, splice the body of the old
  // function right into the new function, leaving the old rotting hulk of the
  // function empty.
  NF->getBasicBlockList().splice(NF->begin(), F->getBasicBlockList());

  // Loop over the argument list, transferring uses of the old arguments over to
  // the new arguments, also transferring over the names as well.
  i = 0;
  for (Function::arg_iterator I = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end(),
       I2 = NF->arg_begin(); I != E; ++I, ++i)
    if (ArgAlive[i]) {
      // If this is a live argument, move the name and users over to the new
      // version.
    } else {
      // If this argument is dead, replace any uses of it with null constants
      // (these are guaranteed to become unused later on).
      if (!I->getType()->isX86_MMXTy())

  // If we change the return value of the function we must rewrite any return
  // instructions.  Check this now.
  if (F->getReturnType() != NF->getReturnType())
    for (Function::iterator BB = NF->begin(), E = NF->end(); BB != E; ++BB)
      if (ReturnInst *RI = dyn_cast<ReturnInst>(BB->getTerminator())) {
        Value *RetVal;

        if (NFTy->getReturnType()->isVoidTy()) {
          RetVal = nullptr;
        } else {
          assert(RetTy->isStructTy() || RetTy->isArrayTy());
          // The original return value was a struct or array, insert
          // extractvalue/insertvalue chains to extract only the values we need
          // to return and insert them into our new result.
          // This does generate messy code, but we'll let it to instcombine to
          // clean that up.
          Value *OldRet = RI->getOperand(0);
          // Start out building up our return value from undef
          RetVal = UndefValue::get(NRetTy);
          for (unsigned i = 0; i != RetCount; ++i)
            if (NewRetIdxs[i] != -1) {
              ExtractValueInst *EV = ExtractValueInst::Create(OldRet, i,
                                                              "oldret", RI);
              if (RetTypes.size() > 1) {
                // We're still returning a struct, so reinsert the value into
                // our new return value at the new index

                RetVal = InsertValueInst::Create(RetVal, EV, NewRetIdxs[i],
                                                 "newret", RI);
              } else {
                // We are now only returning a simple value, so just return the
                // extracted value.
                RetVal = EV;
        // Replace the return instruction with one returning the new return
        // value (possibly 0 if we became void).
        ReturnInst::Create(F->getContext(), RetVal, RI);

  // Patch the pointer to LLVM function in debug info descriptor.

  // Now that the old function is dead, delete it.

  return true;
Exemplo n.º 27
GenericValue MCJIT::runFunction(Function *F,
                                const std::vector<GenericValue> &ArgValues) {
  assert(F && "Function *F was null at entry to run()");

  void *FPtr = getPointerToFunction(F);
  assert(FPtr && "Pointer to fn's code was null after getPointerToFunction");
  FunctionType *FTy = F->getFunctionType();
  Type *RetTy = FTy->getReturnType();

  assert((FTy->getNumParams() == ArgValues.size() ||
          (FTy->isVarArg() && FTy->getNumParams() <= ArgValues.size())) &&
         "Wrong number of arguments passed into function!");
  assert(FTy->getNumParams() == ArgValues.size() &&
         "This doesn't support passing arguments through varargs (yet)!");

  // Handle some common cases first.  These cases correspond to common `main'
  // prototypes.
  if (RetTy->isIntegerTy(32) || RetTy->isVoidTy()) {
    switch (ArgValues.size()) {
    case 3:
      if (FTy->getParamType(0)->isIntegerTy(32) &&
          FTy->getParamType(1)->isPointerTy() &&
          FTy->getParamType(2)->isPointerTy()) {
        int (*PF)(int, char **, const char **) =
          (int(*)(int, char **, const char **))(intptr_t)FPtr;

        // Call the function.
        GenericValue rv;
        rv.IntVal = APInt(32, PF(ArgValues[0].IntVal.getZExtValue(),
                                 (char **)GVTOP(ArgValues[1]),
                                 (const char **)GVTOP(ArgValues[2])));
        return rv;
    case 2:
      if (FTy->getParamType(0)->isIntegerTy(32) &&
          FTy->getParamType(1)->isPointerTy()) {
        int (*PF)(int, char **) = (int(*)(int, char **))(intptr_t)FPtr;

        // Call the function.
        GenericValue rv;
        rv.IntVal = APInt(32, PF(ArgValues[0].IntVal.getZExtValue(),
                                 (char **)GVTOP(ArgValues[1])));
        return rv;
    case 1:
      if (FTy->getNumParams() == 1 &&
          FTy->getParamType(0)->isIntegerTy(32)) {
        GenericValue rv;
        int (*PF)(int) = (int(*)(int))(intptr_t)FPtr;
        rv.IntVal = APInt(32, PF(ArgValues[0].IntVal.getZExtValue()));
        return rv;

  // Handle cases where no arguments are passed first.
  if (ArgValues.empty()) {
    GenericValue rv;
    switch (RetTy->getTypeID()) {
    default: llvm_unreachable("Unknown return type for function call!");
    case Type::IntegerTyID: {
      unsigned BitWidth = cast<IntegerType>(RetTy)->getBitWidth();
      if (BitWidth == 1)
        rv.IntVal = APInt(BitWidth, ((bool(*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)());
      else if (BitWidth <= 8)
        rv.IntVal = APInt(BitWidth, ((char(*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)());
      else if (BitWidth <= 16)
        rv.IntVal = APInt(BitWidth, ((short(*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)());
      else if (BitWidth <= 32)
        rv.IntVal = APInt(BitWidth, ((int(*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)());
      else if (BitWidth <= 64)
        rv.IntVal = APInt(BitWidth, ((int64_t(*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)());
        llvm_unreachable("Integer types > 64 bits not supported");
      return rv;
    case Type::VoidTyID:
      rv.IntVal = APInt(32, ((int(*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)());
      return rv;
    case Type::FloatTyID:
      rv.FloatVal = ((float(*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)();
      return rv;
    case Type::DoubleTyID:
      rv.DoubleVal = ((double(*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)();
      return rv;
    case Type::X86_FP80TyID:
    case Type::FP128TyID:
    case Type::PPC_FP128TyID:
      llvm_unreachable("long double not supported yet");
    case Type::PointerTyID:
      return PTOGV(((void*(*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)());

  llvm_unreachable("Full-featured argument passing not supported yet!");
Exemplo n.º 28
/// cmpType - compares two types,
/// defines total ordering among the types set.
/// See method declaration comments for more details.
int FunctionComparator::cmpType(Type *TyL, Type *TyR) const {

  PointerType *PTyL = dyn_cast<PointerType>(TyL);
  PointerType *PTyR = dyn_cast<PointerType>(TyR);

  if (DL) {
    if (PTyL && PTyL->getAddressSpace() == 0) TyL = DL->getIntPtrType(TyL);
    if (PTyR && PTyR->getAddressSpace() == 0) TyR = DL->getIntPtrType(TyR);

  if (TyL == TyR)
    return 0;

  if (int Res = cmpNumbers(TyL->getTypeID(), TyR->getTypeID()))
    return Res;

  switch (TyL->getTypeID()) {
    llvm_unreachable("Unknown type!");
    // Fall through in Release mode.
  case Type::IntegerTyID:
  case Type::VectorTyID:
    // TyL == TyR would have returned true earlier.
    return cmpNumbers((uint64_t)TyL, (uint64_t)TyR);

  case Type::VoidTyID:
  case Type::FloatTyID:
  case Type::DoubleTyID:
  case Type::X86_FP80TyID:
  case Type::FP128TyID:
  case Type::PPC_FP128TyID:
  case Type::LabelTyID:
  case Type::MetadataTyID:
    return 0;

  case Type::PointerTyID: {
    assert(PTyL && PTyR && "Both types must be pointers here.");
    return cmpNumbers(PTyL->getAddressSpace(), PTyR->getAddressSpace());

  case Type::StructTyID: {
    StructType *STyL = cast<StructType>(TyL);
    StructType *STyR = cast<StructType>(TyR);
    if (STyL->getNumElements() != STyR->getNumElements())
      return cmpNumbers(STyL->getNumElements(), STyR->getNumElements());

    if (STyL->isPacked() != STyR->isPacked())
      return cmpNumbers(STyL->isPacked(), STyR->isPacked());

    for (unsigned i = 0, e = STyL->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i) {
      if (int Res = cmpType(STyL->getElementType(i),
        return Res;
    return 0;

  case Type::FunctionTyID: {
    FunctionType *FTyL = cast<FunctionType>(TyL);
    FunctionType *FTyR = cast<FunctionType>(TyR);
    if (FTyL->getNumParams() != FTyR->getNumParams())
      return cmpNumbers(FTyL->getNumParams(), FTyR->getNumParams());

    if (FTyL->isVarArg() != FTyR->isVarArg())
      return cmpNumbers(FTyL->isVarArg(), FTyR->isVarArg());

    if (int Res = cmpType(FTyL->getReturnType(), FTyR->getReturnType()))
      return Res;

    for (unsigned i = 0, e = FTyL->getNumParams(); i != e; ++i) {
      if (int Res = cmpType(FTyL->getParamType(i), FTyR->getParamType(i)))
        return Res;
    return 0;

  case Type::ArrayTyID: {
    ArrayType *ATyL = cast<ArrayType>(TyL);
    ArrayType *ATyR = cast<ArrayType>(TyR);
    if (ATyL->getNumElements() != ATyR->getNumElements())
      return cmpNumbers(ATyL->getNumElements(), ATyR->getNumElements());
    return cmpType(ATyL->getElementType(), ATyR->getElementType());
Exemplo n.º 29
// Method: visitCallSite()
// Description:
//  This method transforms a call site.  A call site may either be a call
//  instruction or an invoke instruction.
// Inputs:
//  CS - The call site representing the instruction that should be transformed.
void FuncTransform::visitCallSite(CallSite& CS) {
  const Function *CF = CS.getCalledFunction();
  Instruction *TheCall = CS.getInstruction();
  bool thread_creation_point = false;

  // Get the value that is called at this call site.  Strip away any pointer
  // casts that do not change the representation of the data (i.e., are
  // lossless casts).
  Value * CalledValue = CS.getCalledValue()->stripPointerCasts();

  // The CallSite::getCalledFunction() method is not guaranteed to strip off
  // pointer casts.  If no called function was found, manually strip pointer
  // casts off of the called value and see if we get a function.  If so, this
  // is a direct call, and we want to update CF accordingly.
  if (!CF) CF = dyn_cast<Function>(CalledValue);

  // Do not change any inline assembly code.
  if (isa<InlineAsm>(TheCall->getOperand(0))) {
    errs() << "INLINE ASM: ignoring.  Hoping that's safe.\n";

  // Ignore calls to NULL pointers or undefined values.
  if ((isa<ConstantPointerNull>(CalledValue)) ||
      (isa<UndefValue>(CalledValue))) {
    errs() << "WARNING: Ignoring call using NULL/Undef function pointer.\n";

  // If this function is one of the memory manipulating functions built into
  // libc, emulate it with pool calls as appropriate.
  if (CF && CF->isDeclaration()) {
    std::string Name = CF->getName();

    if (Name == "free" || Name == "cfree") {
    } else if (Name == "malloc") {
    } else if (Name == "calloc") {
    } else if (Name == "realloc") {
    } else if (Name == "memalign" || Name == "posix_memalign") {
    } else if (Name == "strdup") {
    } else if (Name == "valloc") {
      errs() << "VALLOC USED BUT NOT HANDLED!\n";
    } else if (unsigned PoolArgc = PAInfo.getNumInitialPoolArguments(Name)) {
      visitRuntimeCheck(CS, PoolArgc);
    } else if (Name == "pthread_create") {
      thread_creation_point = true;

      // Get DSNode representing the DSNode of the function pointer Value of
      // the pthread_create call
      DSNode* thread_callee_node = G->getNodeForValue(CS.getArgument(2)).getNode();
      if (!thread_callee_node) {
    	  assert(0 && "apparently you need this code");
    	  FuncInfo *CFI = PAInfo.getFuncInfo(*CF);
    	  thread_callee_node = G->getNodeForValue(CFI->MapValueToOriginal(CS.getArgument(2))).getNode();

      // Fill in CF with the name of one of the functions in thread_callee_node
      CF = const_cast<Function*>(dyn_cast<Function>(*thread_callee_node->globals_begin()));

  // We need to figure out which local pool descriptors correspond to the pool
  // descriptor arguments passed into the function call.  Calculate a mapping
  // from callee DSNodes to caller DSNodes.  We construct a partial isomophism
  // between the graphs to figure out which pool descriptors need to be passed
  // in.  The roots of this mapping is found from arguments and return values.
  DataStructures& Graphs = PAInfo.getGraphs();
  DSGraph::NodeMapTy NodeMapping;
  Instruction *NewCall;
  Value *NewCallee;
  std::vector<const DSNode*> ArgNodes;
  DSGraph *CalleeGraph;  // The callee graph

  // For indirect callees, find any callee since all DS graphs have been
  // merged.
  if (CF) {   // Direct calls are nice and simple.
    DEBUG(errs() << "  Handling direct call: " << *TheCall << "\n");

    // Do not try to add pool handles to the function if it:
    //  a) Already calls a cloned function; or
    //  b) Calls a function which was never cloned.
    // For such a call, just replace any arguments that take original functions
    // with their cloned function poiner values.
    FuncInfo *CFI = PAInfo.getFuncInfo(*CF);
    if (CFI == 0 || CFI->Clone == 0) {   // Nothing to transform...

    // Oh, dear.  We must add pool descriptors to this direct call.
    NewCallee = CFI->Clone;
    ArgNodes = CFI->ArgNodes;
    assert ((Graphs.hasDSGraph (*CF)) && "Function has no ECGraph!\n");
    CalleeGraph = Graphs.getDSGraph(*CF);
  } else {
    DEBUG(errs() << "  Handling indirect call: " << *TheCall << "\n");
    DSGraph *G =  Graphs.getGlobalsGraph();
    DSGraph::ScalarMapTy& SM = G->getScalarMap();

    // Here we fill in CF with one of the possible called functions.  Because we
    // merged together all of the arguments to all of the functions in the
    // equivalence set, it doesn't really matter which one we pick.
    // (If the function was cloned, we have to map the cloned call instruction
    // in CS back to the original call instruction.)
    Instruction *OrigInst =

    // Attempt to get one of the function targets of this indirect call site by
    // looking at the call graph constructed by the points-to analysis.  Be
    // sure to use the original call site from the original function; the
    // points-to analysis has no information on the clones we've created.
    // Also, look for the target that has the greatest number of arguments that
    // have associated DSNodes.  This ensures that we pass the maximum number
    // of pools possible and prevents us from eliding a pool because we're
    // examining a target that doesn't need it.
    const DSCallGraph & callGraph = Graphs.getCallGraph();

    DSCallGraph::callee_iterator I = callGraph.callee_begin(OrigInst);
    for (; I != callGraph.callee_end(OrigInst); ++I) {
      for(DSCallGraph::scc_iterator sccii = callGraph.scc_begin(*I),
                           sccee = callGraph.scc_end(*I); sccii != sccee; ++sccii){
        if(SM.find(SM.getLeaderForGlobal(*sccii)) == SM.end())
        // Get the information for this function.  Since this is coming from
        // DSA, it should be an original function.
        // This call site calls a function, that is not defined in this module
        if (!(Graphs.hasDSGraph(**sccii))) return;

        // For all other cases Func Info must exist.

        // If this target takes more DSNodes than the last one we found, then
        // make *this* target our canonical target.
        CF = *sccii;
    const Function *F1 = OrigInst->getParent()->getParent();
    F1 = callGraph.sccLeader(&*F1);

    for(DSCallGraph::scc_iterator sccii = callGraph.scc_begin(F1),
                           sccee = callGraph.scc_end(F1); sccii != sccee; ++sccii){
        if(SM.find(SM.getLeaderForGlobal(*sccii)) == SM.end())
        // Get the information for this function.  Since this is coming from DSA,
        // it should be an original function.
        // This call site calls a function, that is not defined in this module
        if (!(Graphs.hasDSGraph(**sccii))) return;
        // For all other cases Func Info must exist.

        // If this target takes more DSNodes than the last one we found, then
        // make *this* target our canonical target.
        CF = *sccii;
    // Assuming the call graph is always correct. And if the call graph reports,
    // no callees, we can assume that it is right.
    // If we didn't find the callee in the constructed call graph, try
    // checking in the DSNode itself.
    // This isn't ideal as it means that this call site didn't have inlining
    // happen.

    // If we still haven't been able to find a target function of the call site
    // to transform, do nothing.
    // One may be tempted to think that we should always have at least one
    // target, but this is not true.  There are perfectly acceptable (but
    // strange) programs for which no function targets exist.  Function
    // pointers loaded from undef values, for example, will have no targets.
    if (!CF) return;

    // It's possible that this program has indirect call targets that are
    // not defined in this module.  Do not transformation for such functions.
    if (!(Graphs.hasDSGraph(*CF))) return;

    // Get the common graph for the set of functions this call may invoke.
    assert ((Graphs.hasDSGraph(*CF)) && "Function has no DSGraph!\n");
    CalleeGraph = Graphs.getDSGraph(*CF);

#ifndef NDEBUG
    // Verify that all potential callees at call site have the same DS graph.
    DSCallGraph::callee_iterator E = Graphs.getCallGraph().callee_end(OrigInst);
    for (; I != E; ++I) {
      const Function * F = *I;
      assert (F);
      if (!(F)->isDeclaration())
        assert(CalleeGraph == Graphs.getDSGraph(**I) &&
               "Callees at call site do not have a common graph!");

    // Find the DS nodes for the arguments that need to be added, if any.
    FuncInfo *CFI = PAInfo.getFuncInfo(*CF);
    assert(CFI && "No function info for callee at indirect call?");
    ArgNodes = CFI->ArgNodes;

    if (ArgNodes.empty())
      return;           // No arguments to add?  Transformation is a noop!

    // Cast the function pointer to an appropriate type!
    std::vector<Type*> ArgTys(ArgNodes.size(),
    for (CallSite::arg_iterator I = CS.arg_begin(), E = CS.arg_end();
         I != E; ++I)
    FunctionType *FTy = FunctionType::get(TheCall->getType(), ArgTys, false);
    PointerType *PFTy = PointerType::getUnqual(FTy);
    // If there are any pool arguments cast the func ptr to the right type.
    NewCallee = CastInst::CreatePointerCast(CS.getCalledValue(), PFTy, "tmp", TheCall);

  // FIXME: Why do we disable strict checking when calling the
  //        DSGraph::computeNodeMapping() method?
  Function::const_arg_iterator FAI = CF->arg_begin(), E = CF->arg_end();
  CallSite::arg_iterator AI = CS.arg_begin() + (thread_creation_point ? 3 : 0);
  CallSite::arg_iterator AE = CS.arg_end();
  for ( ; FAI != E && AI != AE; ++FAI, ++AI)
    if (!isa<Constant>(*AI)) {
                                  getDSNodeHFor(*AI), NodeMapping, false);

  //assert(AI == AE && "Varargs calls not handled yet!");

  // Map the return value as well...
  if (isa<PointerType>(TheCall->getType()))
                                getDSNodeHFor(TheCall), NodeMapping, false);

  // This code seems redundant (and crashes occasionally)
  // There is no reason to map globals here, since they are not passed as
  // arguments

//   // Map the nodes that are pointed to by globals.
//    DSScalarMap &CalleeSM = CalleeGraph->getScalarMap();
//    for (DSScalarMap::global_iterator GI = G.getScalarMap().global_begin(), 
//           E = G.getScalarMap().global_end(); GI != E; ++GI)
//      if (CalleeSM.count(*GI))
//        DSGraph::computeNodeMapping(CalleeGraph->getNodeForValue(*GI),
//                                    getDSNodeHFor(*GI),
//                                    NodeMapping, false);

  // Okay, now that we have established our mapping, we can figure out which
  // pool descriptors to pass in...
  // Note:
  // There used to be code here that would create a new pool before the
  // function call and destroy it after the function call.  This could would
  // get triggered if bounds checking was disbled or the DSNode for the
  // argument was an array value.
  // I believe that code was incorrect; an argument may have a NULL pool handle
  // (i.e., no pool handle) because the pool allocation heuristic used simply
  // decided not to assign that value a pool.  The argument may alias data
  // that should not be freed after the function call is complete, so calling
  // pooldestroy() after the call would free data, causing dangling pointer
  // dereference errors.
  std::vector<Value*> Args;
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = ArgNodes.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    Value *ArgVal = Constant::getNullValue(PoolAllocate::PoolDescPtrTy);
    if (NodeMapping.count(ArgNodes[i])) {
      if (DSNode *LocalNode = NodeMapping[ArgNodes[i]].getNode())
        if (FI.PoolDescriptors.count(LocalNode))
          ArgVal = FI.PoolDescriptors.find(LocalNode)->second;

  // Add the rest of the arguments unless we're a thread creation point, in which case we only need the pools
	  Args.insert(Args.end(), CS.arg_begin(), CS.arg_end());
  // There are circumstances where a function is casted to another type and
  // then called (que horible).  We need to perform a similar cast if the
  // type doesn't match the number of arguments.
  if (Function * NewFunction = dyn_cast<Function>(NewCallee)) {
    FunctionType * NewCalleeType = NewFunction->getFunctionType();
    if (NewCalleeType->getNumParams() != Args.size()) {
      std::vector<Type *> Types;
      Type * FuncTy = FunctionType::get (NewCalleeType->getReturnType(),
      FuncTy = PointerType::getUnqual (FuncTy);
      NewCallee = new BitCastInst (NewCallee, FuncTy, "", TheCall);

  std::string Name = TheCall->getName();    TheCall->setName("");

  if(thread_creation_point) {
	Module *M = CS.getInstruction()->getParent()->getParent()->getParent();
	Value* pthread_replacement = M->getFunction("poolalloc_pthread_create");
	std::vector<Value*> thread_args;

	//Push back original thread arguments through the callee

	//Push back the integer argument saying how many uses there are

	//Make the thread creation call
	NewCall = CallInst::Create(pthread_replacement,
  else if (InvokeInst *II = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(TheCall)) {
    NewCall = InvokeInst::Create (NewCallee, II->getNormalDest(),
                                  Args, Name, TheCall);
  } else {
    NewCall = CallInst::Create (NewCallee, Args, Name,

  // Add all of the uses of the pool descriptor
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = ArgNodes.size(); i != e; ++i)
    AddPoolUse(*NewCall, Args[i], PoolUses);

  DEBUG(errs() << "  Result Call: " << *NewCall << "\n");

  if (!TheCall->getType()->isVoidTy()) {
    // If we are modifying the original function, update the DSGraph... 
    DSGraph::ScalarMapTy &SM = G->getScalarMap();
    DSGraph::ScalarMapTy::iterator CII = SM.find(TheCall);
    if (CII != SM.end()) {
      SM[NewCall] = CII->second;
      SM.erase(CII);                     // Destroy the CallInst
    } else if (!FI.NewToOldValueMap.empty()) {
      // Otherwise, if this is a clone, update the NewToOldValueMap with the new
      // CI return value.
      UpdateNewToOldValueMap(TheCall, NewCall);
  } else if (!FI.NewToOldValueMap.empty()) {
    UpdateNewToOldValueMap(TheCall, NewCall);

  // Copy over the calling convention and attributes of the original call
  // instruction to the new call instruction.

Exemplo n.º 30
void Lint::visitCallSite(CallSite CS) {
  Instruction &I = *CS.getInstruction();
  Value *Callee = CS.getCalledValue();

  visitMemoryReference(I, Callee, MemoryLocation::UnknownSize, 0, nullptr,

  if (Function *F = dyn_cast<Function>(findValue(Callee,
                                                 /*OffsetOk=*/false))) {
    Assert(CS.getCallingConv() == F->getCallingConv(),
           "Undefined behavior: Caller and callee calling convention differ",

    FunctionType *FT = F->getFunctionType();
    unsigned NumActualArgs = CS.arg_size();

    Assert(FT->isVarArg() ? FT->getNumParams() <= NumActualArgs
                          : FT->getNumParams() == NumActualArgs,
           "Undefined behavior: Call argument count mismatches callee "
           "argument count",

    Assert(FT->getReturnType() == I.getType(),
           "Undefined behavior: Call return type mismatches "
           "callee return type",

    // Check argument types (in case the callee was casted) and attributes.
    // TODO: Verify that caller and callee attributes are compatible.
    Function::arg_iterator PI = F->arg_begin(), PE = F->arg_end();
    CallSite::arg_iterator AI = CS.arg_begin(), AE = CS.arg_end();
    for (; AI != AE; ++AI) {
      Value *Actual = *AI;
      if (PI != PE) {
        Argument *Formal = &*PI++;
        Assert(Formal->getType() == Actual->getType(),
               "Undefined behavior: Call argument type mismatches "
               "callee parameter type",

        // Check that noalias arguments don't alias other arguments. This is
        // not fully precise because we don't know the sizes of the dereferenced
        // memory regions.
        if (Formal->hasNoAliasAttr() && Actual->getType()->isPointerTy())
          for (CallSite::arg_iterator BI = CS.arg_begin(); BI != AE; ++BI)
            if (AI != BI && (*BI)->getType()->isPointerTy()) {
              AliasResult Result = AA->alias(*AI, *BI);
              Assert(Result != MustAlias && Result != PartialAlias,
                     "Unusual: noalias argument aliases another argument", &I);

        // Check that an sret argument points to valid memory.
        if (Formal->hasStructRetAttr() && Actual->getType()->isPointerTy()) {
          Type *Ty =
          visitMemoryReference(I, Actual, DL->getTypeStoreSize(Ty),
                               DL->getABITypeAlignment(Ty), Ty,
                               MemRef::Read | MemRef::Write);

  if (CS.isCall() && cast<CallInst>(CS.getInstruction())->isTailCall())
    for (CallSite::arg_iterator AI = CS.arg_begin(), AE = CS.arg_end();
         AI != AE; ++AI) {
      Value *Obj = findValue(*AI, /*OffsetOk=*/true);
             "Undefined behavior: Call with \"tail\" keyword references "

  if (IntrinsicInst *II = dyn_cast<IntrinsicInst>(&I))
    switch (II->getIntrinsicID()) {
    default: break;

    // TODO: Check more intrinsics

    case Intrinsic::memcpy: {
      MemCpyInst *MCI = cast<MemCpyInst>(&I);
      // TODO: If the size is known, use it.
      visitMemoryReference(I, MCI->getDest(), MemoryLocation::UnknownSize,
                           MCI->getAlignment(), nullptr, MemRef::Write);
      visitMemoryReference(I, MCI->getSource(), MemoryLocation::UnknownSize,
                           MCI->getAlignment(), nullptr, MemRef::Read);

      // Check that the memcpy arguments don't overlap. The AliasAnalysis API
      // isn't expressive enough for what we really want to do. Known partial
      // overlap is not distinguished from the case where nothing is known.
      uint64_t Size = 0;
      if (const ConstantInt *Len =
        if (Len->getValue().isIntN(32))
          Size = Len->getValue().getZExtValue();
      Assert(AA->alias(MCI->getSource(), Size, MCI->getDest(), Size) !=
             "Undefined behavior: memcpy source and destination overlap", &I);
    case Intrinsic::memmove: {
      MemMoveInst *MMI = cast<MemMoveInst>(&I);
      // TODO: If the size is known, use it.
      visitMemoryReference(I, MMI->getDest(), MemoryLocation::UnknownSize,
                           MMI->getAlignment(), nullptr, MemRef::Write);
      visitMemoryReference(I, MMI->getSource(), MemoryLocation::UnknownSize,
                           MMI->getAlignment(), nullptr, MemRef::Read);
    case Intrinsic::memset: {
      MemSetInst *MSI = cast<MemSetInst>(&I);
      // TODO: If the size is known, use it.
      visitMemoryReference(I, MSI->getDest(), MemoryLocation::UnknownSize,
                           MSI->getAlignment(), nullptr, MemRef::Write);

    case Intrinsic::vastart:
             "Undefined behavior: va_start called in a non-varargs function",

      visitMemoryReference(I, CS.getArgument(0), MemoryLocation::UnknownSize, 0,
                           nullptr, MemRef::Read | MemRef::Write);
    case Intrinsic::vacopy:
      visitMemoryReference(I, CS.getArgument(0), MemoryLocation::UnknownSize, 0,
                           nullptr, MemRef::Write);
      visitMemoryReference(I, CS.getArgument(1), MemoryLocation::UnknownSize, 0,
                           nullptr, MemRef::Read);
    case Intrinsic::vaend:
      visitMemoryReference(I, CS.getArgument(0), MemoryLocation::UnknownSize, 0,
                           nullptr, MemRef::Read | MemRef::Write);

    case Intrinsic::stackrestore:
      // Stackrestore doesn't read or write memory, but it sets the
      // stack pointer, which the compiler may read from or write to
      // at any time, so check it for both readability and writeability.
      visitMemoryReference(I, CS.getArgument(0), MemoryLocation::UnknownSize, 0,
                           nullptr, MemRef::Read | MemRef::Write);