Exemplo n.º 1
 * @brief Get application parameters
 * Get all task parameters from parameter file or (if required) by querying
 * the user. The parameters are read in the correct order.
void ctmodel::get_parameters(void)
    // Reset cube append flag
    m_append_cube = false;

    // If there are no observations in container then load them via user
    // parameters.
    if (m_obs.size() == 0) {

    // If we have now excactly one CTA observation (but no cube has yet been
    // appended to the observation) then check whether this observation
    // is a binned observation, and if yes, extract the counts cube for
    // model generation
    if ((m_obs.size() == 1) && (m_append_cube == false)) {

        // Get CTA observation
        GCTAObservation* obs = dynamic_cast<GCTAObservation*>(m_obs[0]);

        // Continue only if observation is a CTA observation
        if (obs != NULL) {

            // Check for binned observation
            if (obs->eventtype() == "CountsCube") {

                // Set cube from binned observation
                GCTAEventCube* evtcube = dynamic_cast<GCTAEventCube*>(const_cast<GEvents*>(obs->events()));


                // Signal that cube has been set
                m_has_cube = true;

                // Signal that we are in binned mode
                m_binned = true;

            } // endif: observation was binned

        } // endif: observation was CTA

    } // endif: had exactly one observation

    // Read model definition file if required
    if (m_obs.models().size() == 0) {

        // Get model filename
        std::string inmodel = (*this)["inmodel"].filename();

        // Load models from file

    } // endif: there were no models

    // Get energy dispersion flag parameters
    m_apply_edisp = (*this)["edisp"].boolean();

    // If we do not have yet a counts cube for model computation then check
    // whether we should read it from the "incube" parameter or whether we
    // should create it from scratch using the task parameters
    if (!m_has_cube) {

        // Read cube definition file
        std::string incube = (*this)["incube"].filename();

        // If no cube file has been specified then create a cube from
        // the task parameters ...
        if ((incube == "NONE") ||
            (gammalib::strip_whitespace(incube) == "")) {
            // Create cube from scratch
            m_cube = create_cube(m_obs);


        // ... otherwise load the cube from file and reset all bins
        // to zero
        else {

            // Load cube from given file

            // Set all cube bins to zero
            for (int i = 0; i < m_cube.size(); ++i) {

        // Signal that cube has been set
        m_has_cube = true;

    } // endif: we had no cube yet

    // Read optionally output cube filenames
    if (read_ahead()) {
        m_outcube = (*this)["outcube"].filename();

    // If cube should be appended to first observation then do that now.
    // This is a kluge that makes sure that the cube is passed as part
    // of the observation in case that a cube response is used. The kluge
    // is needed because the GCTACubeSourceDiffuse::set method needs to
    // get the full event cube from the observation. It is also at this
    // step that the GTI, which may just be a dummy GTI when create_cube()
    // has been used, will be set.
    if (m_append_cube) {

        //TODO: Check that energy boundaries are compatible

        // Attach GTI of observations to model cube
        // Attach model cube to observations

    } // endif: cube was scheduled for appending

    // Return
Exemplo n.º 2
 * @brief Generate the model map(s)
 * This method reads the task parameters from the parfile, sets up the
 * observation container, loops over all CTA observations in the container
 * and generates a model map for each CTA observation.
void ctmodel::run(void)
    // If we're in debug mode then all output is also dumped on the screen
    if (logDebug()) {

    // Get task parameters

    // Write parameters into logger
    if (logTerse()) {
        log << std::endl;

    // Set energy dispersion flag for all CTA observations and save old
    // values in save_edisp vector
    std::vector<bool> save_edisp;
    save_edisp.assign(m_obs.size(), false);
    for (int i = 0; i < m_obs.size(); ++i) {
        GCTAObservation* obs = dynamic_cast<GCTAObservation*>(m_obs[i]);
        if (obs != NULL) {
            save_edisp[i] = obs->response()->apply_edisp();

    // Write observation(s) into logger
    if (logTerse()) {
        log << std::endl;
        if (m_obs.size() > 1) {
        else {
        log << m_obs << std::endl;

    // Write models into logger
    if (logTerse()) {
        log << std::endl;
        log << m_obs.models() << std::endl;

    // Write header
    if (logTerse()) {
        log << std::endl;
        log.header1("Generate model cube");

    // Loop over all observations in the container
    for (int i = 0; i < m_obs.size(); ++i) {

        // Write header for observation
        if (logTerse()) {
            std::string header = m_obs[i]->instrument() + " observation";
            if (m_obs[i]->name().length() > 1) {
                header += " \"" + m_obs[i]->name() + "\"";
            if (m_obs[i]->id().length() > 1) {
                header += " (id=" + m_obs[i]->id() +")";

        // Get CTA observation
        GCTAObservation* obs = dynamic_cast<GCTAObservation*>(m_obs[i]);

        // Skip observation if it's not CTA
        if (obs == NULL) {
            if (logTerse()) {
                log << " Skipping ";
                log << m_obs[i]->instrument();
                log << " observation" << std::endl;

        // Fill cube and leave loop if we are binned mode (meaning we 
        // only have one binned observation)
        if (m_binned) {

        // Skip observation if we have a binned observation
        if (obs->eventtype() == "CountsCube") {
            if (logTerse()) {
                log << " Skipping binned ";
                log << obs->instrument();
                log << " observation" << std::endl;

        // Fill the cube

        // Dispose events to free memory if event file exists on disk
        if (obs->eventfile().length() > 0 &&
            gammalib::file_exists(obs->eventfile())) {

    } // endfor: looped over observations

    // Log cube
    if (logTerse()) {
        log << std::endl;
        log.header1("Model cube");
        log << m_cube << std::endl;

    // Restore energy dispersion flag for all CTA observations
    for (int i = 0; i < m_obs.size(); ++i) {
        GCTAObservation* obs = dynamic_cast<GCTAObservation*>(m_obs[i]);
        if (obs != NULL) {

    // Return