Exemplo n.º 1
void mexFunction(
    int		  nlhs, 	/* number of expected outputs */
    mxArray	  *plhs[],	/* mxArray output pointer array */
    int		  nrhs, 	/* number of inputs */
    const mxArray	  *prhs[]	/* mxArray input pointer array */
    /* check number of arguments */
    if (nrhs != 3) {
        mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("GraphCut:NarginError","Wrong number of input argumnets");
    if (nlhs != 1) {
        mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("GraphCut:NargoutError","Wrong number of output argumnets");
    /* check inputs */
    if (mxGetClassID(prhs[0]) != mxSINGLE_CLASS ) {
        mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("GraphCut:DataCost", "DataCost argument is not of type float");
    if (mxGetClassID(prhs[1]) != mxSINGLE_CLASS ) {
        mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("GraphCut:SmoothnessCost", "SmoothnessCost argument is not of type float");
    if (! mxIsSparse(prhs[2]) ) {
        mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("GraphCut:SmoothnessCost", "Graph Structure Matrix is not sparse");
    GCoptimization::PixelType num_pixels;
    int num_labels;
    num_pixels = mxGetN(prhs[2]);
    if (mxGetM(prhs[2]) != num_pixels) {
        mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("GraphCut:SmoothnessCost", "Graph Structure Matrix is no square");
    num_labels = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[0])/num_pixels;
    if (mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[1]) != num_labels*num_labels) {
        mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("GraphCut:SmoothnessCost", "Size does not match number of labels");
    /* construct the graph */
    GCoptimization* MyGraph = new GCoptimization(num_pixels, num_labels, SET_ALL_AT_ONCE, SET_ALL_AT_ONCE);
    /* set the nieghbors and weights according to sparse matrix */
    double   *pr;
    mwIndex  *ir, *jc;
    mwSize   col, total=0;
    mwIndex  starting_row_index, stopping_row_index, current_row_index;

    /* Get the starting positions of all four data arrays. */
    pr = mxGetPr(prhs[2]);
    ir = mxGetIr(prhs[2]);
    jc = mxGetJc(prhs[2]);
    for (col=0; col<num_pixels; col++)  {
        starting_row_index = jc[col];
        stopping_row_index = jc[col+1];
        if (starting_row_index == stopping_row_index) {
        } else {
            for (current_row_index = starting_row_index;
                current_row_index < stopping_row_index;
                current_row_index++)  {
                    /* use only upper triangle of matrix */
                    if ( ir[current_row_index] >= col ) {
                        MyGraph->setNeighbors(ir[current_row_index], col, pr[total++]);
                    } else {
    Graph::captype *DataCost = (Graph::captype*)mxGetData(prhs[0]);
    Graph::captype *SmoothnessCost = (Graph::captype*)mxGetData(prhs[1]);
    /* set data term */
    /* set the smoothness term */
    /* create a container for the pointer */
    const mwSize dims[2] = {1,0};
    plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(1, /*(int*)*/dims, MATLAB_POINTER_TYPE, mxREAL);
    GraphHandle* gh;
    gh = (GraphHandle*) mxGetData(plhs[0]);
    *gh = (GraphHandle)(MyGraph);
Exemplo n.º 2
GCoptimization * GraphCut3dConstr(float* ContrastIn, float* DataCostIn, float* SmoothnessCostIn, int RIn, int CIn, int ZIn, int num_labels)
    Graph::captype *DataCost;
    Graph::captype *SmoothnessCost;
    Graph::captype *Contrast = NULL;
    //GCoptimization::LabelType *Labels;
    GCoptimization::PixelType R, C, Z; 
    GCoptimization *MyGraph = NULL;
	R = RIn;
	C = CIn;
	Z = ZIn;
	DataCost = (Graph::captype*)DataCostIn;
	SmoothnessCost = (Graph::captype*)SmoothnessCostIn;

	Contrast = (Graph::captype*)ContrastIn;
	//int uu1 = sizeof(ContrastIn[1]);
	//int uu2 = sizeof(Contrast[1]);
    //By Yousef: Estimate the number of needed edges
	long num_ed = 0;
	for ( int r = 0 ; r <= R - 2;  r++ )
		for ( int c = 0 ; c <= C - 2; c++ )
			for ( int z = 0 ; z <= Z - 2; z++ ) 
		for ( int z = 0 ; z <= Z -2 ; z++ )
	for ( int c = 0 ; c <= C - 2; c++ )
		for ( int z = 0 ; z <= Z - 2; z++ )
	for ( int z = 0 ; z <= Z - 2; z++ )

	MyGraph = new GCoptimization(R*C*Z, num_labels, SET_ALL_AT_ONCE, SET_ALL_AT_ONCE, num_ed);		

    /* neighborhod setup */
    GCoptimization::PixelType c(0), r(0), z(0), p(0), q(0);
    if (Contrast) {
		double sig = 30;//added by Yousef on 10-27-2008
        for ( r = 0 ; r <= R - 2;  r++ ) {
            for ( c = 0 ; c <= C - 2; c++ ) {
                for ( z = 0 ; z <= Z - 2; z++ ) {
                    /* all nodes with 3 nieghbors */					
                    p = r+c*R+z*R*C;/*c+r*C+z*R*C;*/
                    q = r+1+c*R+z*R*C;/*c+(r+1)*C+z*R*C;*/
                    MyGraph->setNeighbors(p, q, exp(-fabs(Contrast[p]-Contrast[q])/sig));
                    q = r+(c+1)*R+z*R*C;/*c+1+r*C+z*R*C;*/
                    MyGraph->setNeighbors(p, q, exp(-fabs(Contrast[p]-Contrast[q])/sig));
                    q = r+c*R+(z+1)*R*C;/*c+r*C+(z+1)*R*C;*/
                    MyGraph->setNeighbors(p, q, exp(-fabs(Contrast[p]-Contrast[q])/sig));
               /* top of Z has 2 n in c and r */				
                p = r+c*R+z*R*C;/*c+r*C+z*R*C;*/				
                q = r+1+c*R+z*R*C;/*c+(r+1)*C+z*R*C;*/
                MyGraph->setNeighbors(p, q, exp(-fabs(Contrast[p]-Contrast[q])/sig));
                q = r+(c+1)*R+z*R*C;/*c+1+r*C+z*R*C;*/
                MyGraph->setNeighbors(p, q, exp(-fabs(Contrast[p]-Contrast[q])/sig));
            /* end of c has 2 n in z and r */
            for ( z = 0 ; z <= Z -2 ; z++ ) {				
                p = r+c*R+z*R*C;/*c+r*C+z*R*C;*/
                q = r+1+c*R+z*R*C;/*c+(r+1)*C+z*R*C;*/
                MyGraph->setNeighbors(p, q, exp(-fabs(Contrast[p]-Contrast[q])/sig));
                q = r+c*R+(z+1)*R*C;/*c+r*C+(z+1)*R*C;*/
                MyGraph->setNeighbors(p, q, exp(-fabs(Contrast[p]-Contrast[q])/sig));
            /* end of c abd z has n in r */
            p = r+c*R+z*R*C;/*c+r*C+z*R*C;*/
            q = r+1+c*R+z*R*C;/*c+(r+1)*C+z*R*C;*/
            MyGraph->setNeighbors(p, q, exp(-fabs(Contrast[p]-Contrast[q])/sig));
        /* end of r has n in z and c */
        for ( c = 0 ; c <= C - 2; c++ ) {
            for ( z = 0 ; z <= Z - 2; z++ ) {
                p = r+c*R+z*R*C;/*c+r*C+z*R*C;*/
                q = r+c*R+(z+1)*R*C;/*c+r*C+(z+1)*R*C;*/
                MyGraph->setNeighbors(p, q, exp(-fabs(Contrast[p]-Contrast[q])));
                q = r+(c+1)*R+z*R*C;/*c+1+r*C+z*R*C;*/
                MyGraph->setNeighbors(p, q, exp(-fabs(Contrast[p]-Contrast[q])));
            p = r+c*R+z*R*C;/*c+r*C+z*R*C;*/
            q = r+(c+1)*R+z*R*C;/*c+1+r*C+z*R*C;*/
            MyGraph->setNeighbors(p, q, exp(-fabs(Contrast[p]-Contrast[q])));
        for ( z = 0 ; z <= Z - 2; z++ ) {
            p = r+c*R+z*R*C;/*c+r*C+z*R*C;*/
            q = r+c*R+(z+1)*R*C;/*c+r*C+(z+1)*R*C;*/
            MyGraph->setNeighbors(p, q, exp(-fabs(Contrast[p]-Contrast[q])));
        /* end of graph construction with contrast */
    } else {
        for ( r = 0 ; r <= R - 2;  r++ ) {
            for ( c = 0 ; c <= C - 2; c++ ) {
                for ( z = 0 ; z <= Z - 2; z++ ) {
                /* all nodes with 3 nieghbors */
            /* top of Z has 2 n in c and r */
        /* end of c has 2 n in z and r */
            for ( z = 0 ; z <= Z -2 ; z++ ) {
        /* end of c abd z has n in r */
    /* end of r has n in z and c */
        for ( c = 0 ; c <= C - 2; c++ ) {
            for ( z = 0 ; z <= Z - 2; z++ ) {
        for ( z = 0 ; z <= Z - 2; z++ ) {
	return MyGraph;