Exemplo n.º 1
      // Casts Rinex3NavData to a GPSEphemeris object.
   Rinex3NavData::operator GPSEphemeris() const throw()
      GPSEphemeris gpse;

      // fill the OrbitEph parts
      OrbitEph* ptr = dynamic_cast<OrbitEph*>(&gpse);
      castTo(ptr);                                 //sets dataLoadedFlag

      // is it right?
      if(gpse.satID.system != SatID::systemGPS)
         gpse.dataLoadedFlag = false;

         return gpse;          // throw?

         // Special case to address common problem in IGS aggregate brdc
         // files.   In some cases (typ. beginning of week) the last
         // SF 1/2/3 for the previous day is being output with a HOWtime of 
         // zero.  This leaves it in conflict with the first SF 1/2/3 of
         // the new day (which typically has a HOW of zero)
      long adjHOWtime = HOWtime;
      short adjWeeknum = weeknum;
      long lToc = (long) Toc;
      if ((HOWtime%SEC_PER_DAY)==0 && 
         ((lToc)%SEC_PER_DAY)==0 &&
           HOWtime == lToc) 
         adjHOWtime = HOWtime - 30;  
         if (adjHOWtime<0)
            adjHOWtime += FULLWEEK;  
         // end special case adjustment (except for use of adjHOWtime below)

      // get the epochs right
      CommonTime ct = time;
      //unsigned int year = static_cast<CivilTime>(ct).year;

      // Get week for clock, to build Toc
      double dt = Toc - adjHOWtime;
      int week = adjWeeknum;
      if(dt < -HALFWEEK) week++; else if(dt > HALFWEEK) week--;
      gpse.ctToc = GPSWeekSecond(week, Toc, TimeSystem::GPS);

      // now load the GPS-specific parts
      gpse.IODC = IODC;
      gpse.IODE = IODE;
      gpse.health = health;
      gpse.accuracyFlag = accuracy;
      gpse.Tgd = Tgd;

      gpse.HOWtime = HOWtime;
      week = static_cast<GPSWeekSecond>(gpse.ctToe).getWeek();
      gpse.transmitTime = GPSWeekSecond(adjWeeknum, static_cast<double>(adjHOWtime),

      gpse.codeflags = codeflgs;
      gpse.L2Pdata = L2Pdata;

      // NB IODC must be set first...
      gpse.fitint = fitint;
      gpse.setFitIntervalFlag(int(fitint));  // calls adjustValidity();

      return gpse;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   string Usage(
      "Usage: bc2sp3 <RINEX nav file(s)> [options]\n"
      " Read RINEX nav file(s) and write to SP3(a or c) file.\n"
      " Options (defaults):\n"
      "  --in <file>   Read the input file <file> (--in is optional, repeatable) ()\n"
      "  --out <file>  Name the output file <file> (sp3.out)\n"
      "  --tb <time>   Output beginning epoch; <time> = week,sec-of-week (earliest in input)\n"
      "  --te <time>   Output ending epoch; <time> = week,sec-of-week (latest in input)\n"
      "  --outputC     Output version c (no correlation) (otherwise a)\n"
      "  --msg \"...\"   Add ... as a comment to the output header (repeatable)\n"
      "  --verbose     Output to screen: dump headers, data, etc\n"
      "  --help        Print this message and quit\n"
   if(argc < 2) { cout << Usage; return -1; }

      bool verbose=false;
      //char version_out='a';
      SP3Header::Version version_out(SP3Header::SP3a);
      int i,j;
      size_t k,nfile;
      string fileout("sp3.out");
      vector<string> inputFiles;
      vector<string> comments;
      map<SatID,long> IODEmap;
      CommonTime begTime=CommonTime::BEGINNING_OF_TIME;
      CommonTime endTime=CommonTime::END_OF_TIME;
      CommonTime tt;
      GPSEphemerisStore BCEph;
      SP3Header sp3header;
      SP3Data sp3data;

      for(i=1; i<argc; i++) {

         if(argv[i][0] == '-') {
            string arg(argv[i]);
            if(arg == string("--outputC")) {
               version_out = SP3Header::SP3c;   //'c';
               if(verbose) cout << " Output version c\n";
            else if(arg == string("--in")) {
               if(verbose) cout << " Input file name "
                  << inputFiles[inputFiles.size()-1] << endl;
            else if(arg == string("--out")) {
               fileout = string(argv[++i]);
               if(verbose) cout << " Output file name " << fileout << endl;
            else if(arg == string("--tb")) {
               arg = string(argv[++i]);
               int wk=StringUtils::asInt(StringUtils::stripFirstWord(arg,','));
               double sow=StringUtils::asDouble(StringUtils::stripFirstWord(arg,','));
               if(verbose) cout << " Begin time "
                  << printTime(begTime,"%Y/%02m/%02d %2H:%02M:%06.3f = %F/%10.3g")
                  << endl;
            else if(arg == string("--te")) {
               arg = string(argv[++i]);
               int wk=StringUtils::asInt(StringUtils::stripFirstWord(arg,','));
               double sow=StringUtils::asDouble(StringUtils::stripFirstWord(arg,','));
               if(verbose) cout << " End time   "
                  << printTime(endTime,"%Y/%02m/%02d %2H:%02M:%06.3f = %F/%10.3g")
                  << endl;
            else if(arg == string("--msg")) {
               if(verbose) cout << " Add comment " << comments[comments.size()-1]
                  << endl;
            else if(arg == string("--help")) {
               cout << Usage;
               return -1;
            else if(arg == string("--verbose"))
               verbose = true;
               cout << "Ignore unknown option: " << arg << endl;
         else {
            if(verbose) cout << " Input file name "
               << inputFiles[inputFiles.size()-1] << endl;

      if(inputFiles.size() == 0) {
         cout << "Error - no input filename specified. Abort.\n";
         return -1;

      // open the output SP3 file
      SP3Stream outstrm(fileout.c_str(),ios::out);

      for(nfile=0; nfile<inputFiles.size(); nfile++) {
         RinexNavHeader rnh;
         RinexNavData rnd;

         RinexNavStream rns(inputFiles[nfile].c_str());
         if(!rns) {
            cout << "Could not open input file " << inputFiles[nfile] << endl;

         if(verbose) cout << "Reading file " << inputFiles[nfile] << endl;

         rns >> rnh;
         if(verbose) {
            cout << "Input";

         while(rns >> rnd)
            if(rnd.health == 0) BCEph.addEphemeris(rnd);

      if (verbose) 
         cout << "Number of ephemerides loaded: " << BCEph.size() << endl;
	 cout << " Initial time: " << printTime(BCEph.getInitialTime(),"%03j.%02H:%02M:%02S, %P") << endl;
	 cout << "   Final time: " << printTime(BCEph.getFinalTime(),"%03j.%02H:%02M:%02S, %P") << endl;

      // time limits, if not given by user
      if(begTime == CommonTime::BEGINNING_OF_TIME)
         begTime = BCEph.getInitialTime();
      if(endTime == CommonTime::END_OF_TIME)
         endTime = BCEph.getFinalTime();

      // define the data version and the header info
      if(version_out == SP3Header::SP3c) {
         // data and header must have the correct version
         //sp3data.version =
         sp3header.version = SP3Header::SP3c;

         sp3header.system = SP3SatID();
         sp3header.timeSystem = TimeSystem::GPS;
         sp3header.basePV = 0.0;
         sp3header.baseClk = 0.0;
      else {
         //sp3data.version =
         sp3header.version = SP3Header::SP3a; //'a';

      // fill the header
      //sp3header.pvFlag = 'V';
      sp3header.containsVelocity = true;
      sp3header.time = CommonTime::END_OF_TIME;
      sp3header.epochInterval = 900.0;          // hardcoded here only
      sp3header.dataUsed = "BCE";
      sp3header.coordSystem = "WGS84";
      sp3header.orbitType = "   ";
      sp3header.agency = "ARL";

      // determine which SVs, with accuracy, start time, epoch interval,
      // number of epochs, for header
      // this is a pain....
      sp3header.numberOfEpochs = 0;
      tt = begTime;

      while(tt < endTime) {
         bool foundSome = false;
         for(i=1; i<33; i++) {            // for each PRN ...
            SatID sat(i,SatID::systemGPS);
            try { GPSEphemeris ee = BCEph.findEphemeris(sat, tt); }
            catch(InvalidRequest& nef) 

            if(sp3header.satList.find(sat) == sp3header.satList.end()) {
               sp3header.satList[sat] = 0;        // sat accuracy = ?
               IODEmap[sat] = -1;

            if(!foundSome) {
               foundSome = true;
               if(tt < sp3header.time) sp3header.time = tt;
         tt += sp3header.epochInterval;

      // add comments
      if(comments.size() > 0) {
         // try to keep existing comments
         for(k=0; k<comments.size(); k++) {
            if(k > 3) {
               cout << "Warning - only 4 comments are allowed in SP3 header.\n";

      // dump the SP3 header
      if(verbose) sp3header.dump(cout);

      // write the header
      outstrm << sp3header;

      // sigmas to output (version c)
      for(j=0; j<4; j++) sp3data.sig[j]=0;   // sigma = ?

      tt = begTime;
      while(tt < endTime) {
         bool epochOut=false;

         for(i=1; i<33; i++) {
            long iode;
            SatID sat(i,SatID::systemGPS);
            Xvt xvt;
            GPSEphemeris ee;

            try { ee = BCEph.findEphemeris(sat, tt); }
            catch(InvalidRequest& nef) { continue; }

            sp3data.sat = sat;
            xvt = BCEph.getXvt(sat, tt);

            // epoch
            if(!epochOut) {
               sp3data.time = tt;
               sp3data.RecType = '*';
               outstrm << sp3data;
               if(verbose) sp3data.dump(cout);
               epochOut = true;

            // Position
            sp3data.RecType = 'P';
            for(j=0; j<3; j++) sp3data.x[j] = xvt.x[j]/1000.0;       // km
            // must remove the relativity correction from Xvt::clkbias
            // see EngEphemeris::svXvt() - also convert to microsec
            sp3data.clk = (xvt.clkdrift - ee.svRelativity(tt)) * 1000000.0;

            //if(version_out == 'c') for(j=0; j<4; j++) sp3data.sig[j]=...
            iode = ee.IODE;
            if(IODEmap[sat] == -1) IODEmap[sat] = iode;
            if(IODEmap[sat] != iode) {
               sp3data.orbitManeuverFlag = true;
               IODEmap[sat] = iode;
            else sp3data.orbitManeuverFlag = false;

            outstrm << sp3data;
            if(verbose) sp3data.dump(cout);

            // Velocity
            sp3data.RecType = 'V';
            for(j=0; j<3; j++) sp3data.x[j] = xvt.v[j]/10.0;         // dm/s
            sp3data.clk = xvt.clkdrift;                                // s/s
            //if(version_out == 'c') for(j=0; j<4; j++) sp3data.sig[j]=...

            outstrm << sp3data;
            if(verbose) sp3data.dump(cout);

         tt += sp3header.epochInterval;
      // don't forget this
      outstrm << "EOF" << endl;


      if(verbose) cout << "Wrote " << sp3header.numberOfEpochs << " records" << endl;
   catch (Exception& e)
      cout << e;
      return -1;
   catch (...)
      cout << "Caught an unknown exception" << endl;
      return -1;

   return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
   // Convert this RinexNavData to a GPSEphemeris object.
   // for backward compatibility only - use Rinex3NavData
   RinexNavData::operator GPSEphemeris() const
      GPSEphemeris gpse;
      try {
         // Overhead
         gpse.satID = SatID(PRNID, SatID::systemGPS);
         gpse.ctToe = time;

         // clock model
         gpse.af0 = af0;
         gpse.af1 = af1;
         gpse.af2 = af2;
         // Major orbit parameters
         gpse.M0 = M0;
         gpse.dn = dn;
         gpse.ecc = ecc;
         gpse.A = Ahalf * Ahalf;
         gpse.OMEGA0 = OMEGA0;
         gpse.i0 = i0;
         gpse.w = w;
         gpse.OMEGAdot = OMEGAdot;
         gpse.idot = idot;
         // modern nav msg
         gpse.dndot = 0.;
         gpse.Adot = 0.;
         // Harmonic perturbations
         gpse.Cuc = Cuc;
         gpse.Cus = Cus;
         gpse.Crc = Crc;
         gpse.Crs = Crs;
         gpse.Cic = Cic;
         gpse.Cis = Cis;
         gpse.dataLoadedFlag = true;

         // get the epochs right
         CommonTime ct = time;
         //unsigned int year = static_cast<CivilTime>(ct).year;

         // Get week for clock, to build Toc
         double dt = Toc - HOWtime;
         int week = weeknum;
         if(dt < -HALFWEEK) week++; else if(dt > HALFWEEK) week--;
         gpse.ctToc = GPSWeekSecond(week, Toc, TimeSystem::GPS);

         // now load the GPS-specific parts
         gpse.IODC = IODC;
         gpse.IODE = IODE;
         gpse.health = health;
         gpse.accuracyFlag = accuracy;
         gpse.Tgd = Tgd;

         gpse.HOWtime = HOWtime;
         week = static_cast<GPSWeekSecond>(gpse.ctToe).getWeek();
         gpse.transmitTime = GPSWeekSecond(week, static_cast<double>(HOWtime),

         gpse.codeflags = codeflgs;
         gpse.L2Pdata = L2Pdata;

         // NB IODC must be set first...
         gpse.fitint = fitint;
         gpse.setFitIntervalFlag(int(fitint));  // calls adjustValidity();
      catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }

      return gpse;