Exemplo n.º 1
void PRECO_ILUT::Solve( PROJECT* project, EQS* eqs, double* B, double* X )
  int      neq    = crsi->m_neq;
  int      neq_dn = crsi->m_neq_dn;
  int      neq_up = crsi->m_neq_up;

  int*     width  = crsi->m_width;
  int**    index  = crsi->m_index;
  REALPR** ILU    = crsi->m_A;

  // 1.  forward solve: manipulate vector B with lower part of matrix ILU
  // 1.1 MPI: forward solve for interior subdomain nodes

# ifdef _MPI_DBG
  REPORT::rpt.Output( " (PRECO_ILUT::Solve)     starting with 1.1\n" );
# endif

  for( int i=0; i<neq_up; i++ )
    X[i] = B[i];

    for( int j=1; j<width[i]; j++ )
      int eq = index[i][j];

      if( eq < i )  // L-matrix
        X[i] += ILU[i][j] * X[eq];

  // 1.2 MPI communication:
  //     receive from subdomains with smaller pid  (2 <- 1)
  //     s < pid  ==> upstream interface nodes

# ifdef _MPI_DBG
  REPORT::rpt.Output( " (PRECO_ILUT::Solve)     starting with 1.2\n" );
# endif

# ifdef _MPI_

  if( project->subdom.npr > 1 )
    SUBDOM* subdom = &project->subdom;
    INFACE* inface = subdom->inface;

    MPI_Status status;

    int df = eqs->dfcn;

    for( int s=subdom->npr-1; s>=0; s-- )
      int np = inface[s].np;                      // number of interface nodes

      if( np > 0  &&  s < subdom->pid )           // upstream interface nodes
        int cnt = 0;

#       ifdef _MPI_DBG
          char text[200];
          sprintf( text, " ### receiving from %d:", s+1 );
          REPORT::rpt.Output( text );
#       endif

        MPI_Recv( &cnt, 1, MPI_INT, s, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status );

#       ifdef _MPI_DBG
          char text[200];
          sprintf( text, " %d values\n", cnt );
          REPORT::rpt.Output( text );
#       endif

        if( cnt )
          MPI_Recv( inface[s].recv, cnt, MPI_DOUBLE, s, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status );

          cnt = 0;

          for( int n=0; n<np; n++ )
            NODE* nd = inface[s].node[n];

            if( !isFS(nd->flag, NODE::kDry) )       // nothing received if node is dry...
              SUB* sub = nd->sub;
              while( sub )
                if( sub->no == s )  break;
                sub = sub->next;

              if( !sub->dry )                       // ...or if the node is dry in
              {                                     // any adjacent subdomain
                for( int e=0; e<df; e++ )
                  int eqno = eqs->GetEqno( nd, e );

                  if( eqno >= 0 )
                    X[eqno] = inface[s].recv[cnt];

  // 1.3 MPI: forward solve for upstream interface nodes
  //          Note: X[i] is not initialized with B[i] since
  //                this was performed in prior subdomain

# ifdef _MPI_DBG
  REPORT::rpt.Output( " (PRECO_ILUT::Solve)     starting with 1.3\n" );
# endif

  for( int i=neq_up; i<neq_dn; i++ )
    for( int j=1; j<width[i]; j++ )
      int eq = index[i][j];

      if( eq < i )
        X[i] += ILU[i][j] * X[eq];

  // 1.4 MPI: faktorisation of downstream interface nodes

# ifdef _MPI_DBG
  REPORT::rpt.Output( " (PRECO_ILUT::Solve)     starting with 1.4\n" );
# endif

  for( int i=neq_dn; i<neq; i++ )
    X[i] = B[i];

    for( int j=1; j<width[i]; j++ )
      int eq = index[i][j];

      if( eq < neq_dn )
        X[i] += ILU[i][j] * X[eq];

  // 1.5 MPI communication:
  //     send to subdomains with larger pid        (2 -> 3)
  //     s > pid  ==> downstream interface nodes

# ifdef _MPI_DBG
  REPORT::rpt.Output( " (PRECO_ILUT::Solve)     starting with 1.5\n" );
# endif

  if( project->subdom.npr > 1 )
    SUBDOM* subdom = &project->subdom;
    INFACE* inface = subdom->inface;

    int df = eqs->dfcn;

    for( int s=0; s<subdom->npr; s++ )
      int np = inface[s].np;                      // number of interface nodes

      if( np > 0  &&  s > subdom->pid )           // downstream interface nodes
        int cnt = 0;

        for( int n=0; n<np; n++ )
          NODE* nd = inface[s].node[n];

          if( !isFS(nd->flag, NODE::kDry) )       // nothing to send if the node is dry...
            SUB* sub = nd->sub;
            while( sub )
              if( sub->no == s )  break;
              sub = sub->next;

            if( !sub->dry )                       // ...or if the node is dry in
            {                                     // any adjacent subdomain
              for( int e=0; e<df; e++ )
                int eqno = eqs->GetEqno( nd, e );

                if( eqno >= 0 )
                  inface[s].send[cnt] = X[eqno];

#       ifdef _MPI_DBG
          char text[200];
          sprintf( text, " ### sending %d values to %d\n", cnt, s+1 );
          REPORT::rpt.Output( text );
#       endif

        MPI_Send( &cnt, 1, MPI_INT, s, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
        if( cnt ) MPI_Send( inface[s].send, cnt, MPI_DOUBLE, s, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD );

# endif

# ifdef kDebug
    FILE* dbg;
    char  filename[80];

    MODEL* model  = project->M2D;
    GRID*  region = model->region;

    if( project->subdom.npr == 1 )
      sprintf( filename, "forwX.dbg" );
      sprintf( filename, "forwX_%02d.dbg", project->subdom.pid );

    dbg = fopen( filename, "w" );
    fprintf( dbg, "%d\n", region->Getnp() );

    for( int n=0; n<region->Getnp(); n++ )
      NODE* nd = region->Getnode( n );
      for( int e=0; e<eqs->dfcn; e++ )
        int eqno = eqs->GetEqno( nd, e );
        fprintf( dbg, "%5d %1d ", nd->Getname(), e );
        if( eqno >= 0 )
          fprintf( dbg, "%14.6le\n", X[eqno] );
          fprintf( dbg, "%14.6le\n", 0.0 );

    fclose( dbg );
# endif

# ifdef _MPI_DBG
  REPORT::rpt.Output( " (PRECO_ILUT::Solve)     forward solve finished\n" );
# endif

  // 2.  solve for X with upper part of matrix ILU (backward substitution)
  // 2.1 MPI communication:
  //     receive from subdomains with larger pid    (2 <- 3)
  //     s > pid  ==> downstream interface nodes

# ifdef _MPI_DBG
  REPORT::rpt.Output( " (PRECO_ILUT::Solve)     starting with 2.1\n" );
# endif

# ifdef _MPI_

  if( project->subdom.npr > 1 )
    SUBDOM* subdom = &project->subdom;
    INFACE* inface = subdom->inface;

    MPI_Status status;

    int df = eqs->dfcn;

    for( int s=subdom->npr-1; s>=0; s-- )
      int np = inface[s].np;                // number of interface nodes

      if( np > 0  &&  s > subdom->pid )     // downstream interface nodes
        int cnt = 0;

#       ifdef _MPI_DBG
          char text[200];
          sprintf( text, " ### receiving from %d:", s+1 );
          REPORT::rpt.Output( text );
#       endif

        MPI_Recv( &cnt, 1, MPI_INT, s, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status );

#       ifdef _MPI_DBG
          char text[200];
          sprintf( text, " %d values\n", cnt );
          REPORT::rpt.Output( text );
#       endif

        if( cnt )
          MPI_Recv( inface[s].recv, cnt, MPI_DOUBLE, s, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status );

          cnt = 0;

          for( int n=0; n<np; n++ )
            NODE* nd = inface[s].node[n];

            if( !isFS(nd->flag, NODE::kDry) )       // nothing received if node is dry...
              SUB* sub = nd->sub;
              while( sub )
                if( sub->no == s )  break;
                sub = sub->next;

              if( !sub->dry )                       // ...or if the node is dry in
              {                                     // any adjacent subdomain
                for( int e=0; e<df; e++ )
                  int req = eqs->GetEqno( nd, e );

                  if( req >= 0 )
                    X[req] = inface[s].recv[cnt];

  // 2.2 MPI: solve for upstream interface nodes

# ifdef _MPI_DBG
  REPORT::rpt.Output( " (PRECO_ILUT::Solve)     starting with 2.2\n" );
# endif

  for( int i=neq_dn-1; i>=neq_up; i-- )
    for( int j=1; j<width[i]; j++ )
      int eq = index[i][j];

      if( eq > i )
        X[i] -= ILU[i][j] * X[eq];

    if( fabs(ILU[i][0]) < kZero )
      REPORT::rpt.Error( kParameterFault, "division by zero - EQS::ILU_solver(1)" );

    X[i] /= ILU[i][0];

  // 2.3 MPI communication:
  //     send to subdomains with smaller pid        (2 -> 1)
  //     s < pid  ==> upstream interface nodes

# ifdef _MPI_DBG
  REPORT::rpt.Output( " (PRECO_ILUT::Solve)     starting with 2.3\n" );
# endif

  if( project->subdom.npr > 1 )
    SUBDOM* subdom = &project->subdom;
    INFACE* inface = subdom->inface;

    int df = eqs->dfcn;

    for( int s=0; s<subdom->npr; s++ )
      int np = inface[s].np;                      // number of interface nodes

      if( np > 0  &&  s < subdom->pid )           // upstream interface nodes
        int cnt = 0;

        for( int n=0; n<np; n++ )
          NODE* nd = inface[s].node[n];

          if( !isFS(nd->flag, NODE::kDry) )       // nothing to send if node is dry...
            SUB* sub = nd->sub;
            while( sub )
              if( sub->no == s )  break;
              sub = sub->next;

            if( !sub->dry )                       // ...or if the node is dry in
            {                                     // any adjacent subdomain
              for( int e=0; e<df; e++ )
                int eqno = eqs->GetEqno( nd, e );

                if( eqno >= 0 )
                  inface[s].send[cnt] = X[eqno];

#       ifdef _MPI_DBG
          char text[200];
          sprintf( text, " ### sending %d values to %d\n", cnt, s+1 );
          REPORT::rpt.Output( text );
#       endif

        MPI_Send( &cnt, 1, MPI_INT, s, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
        if( cnt )  MPI_Send( inface[s].send, cnt, MPI_DOUBLE, s, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD );

# endif

  // 2.4 MPI: backward solve for interior nodes

# ifdef _MPI_DBG
  REPORT::rpt.Output( " (PRECO_ILUT::Solve)     starting with 2.4\n" );
# endif

  for( int i=neq_up-1; i>=0; i-- )
    for( int j=1; j<width[i]; j++ )
      int eq = index[i][j];

      if( eq > i )
        X[i] -= ILU[i][j] * X[eq];

    if( fabs(ILU[i][0]) < kZero )
      REPORT::rpt.Error( kParameterFault, "division by zero - EQS::ILU_solver(2)" );

    X[i] /= ILU[i][0];

# ifdef kDebug
    FILE* dbg;
    char  filename[80];

    MODEL* model  = project->M2D;
    GRID*  region = model->region;

    if( project->subdom.npr == 1 )
      sprintf( filename, "backX.dbg" );
      sprintf( filename, "backX_%02d.dbg", project->subdom.pid );

    dbg = fopen( filename, "w" );
    fprintf( dbg, "%d\n", region->Getnp() );

    for( int n=0; n<region->Getnp(); n++ )
      NODE* nd = region->Getnode( n );
      for( int e=0; e<eqs->dfcn; e++ )
        fprintf( dbg, "%5d %1d ", nd->Getname(), e );

        int eqno = eqs->GetEqno( nd, e );

        if( eqno >= 0 )
          fprintf( dbg, "%14.6le\n", X[eqno] );
          fprintf( dbg, "%14.6le\n", 0.0 );

    fclose( dbg );

  MPI_Barrier( MPI_COMM_WORLD );

# endif

# ifdef _MPI_DBG
  REPORT::rpt.Output( " (PRECO_ILUT::Solve)     backward solve finished\n" );
# endif
Exemplo n.º 2
void EQS_KL2D::Dissipation( PROJECT* project )
  double cm = project->KD.cm;
  double cd = project->KD.cd;

  MODEL* model = project->M2D;
  GRID*  rg    = model->region;

  // initialization ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  for( int n=0; n<rg->Getnp(); n++ )
    NODE* nd = rg->Getnode(n);
    nd->v.D = 0.0;

  double* ndarea = (double*) MEMORY::memo.Array_nd( rg->Getnp() );

  for( int n=0; n<rg->Getnp(); n++ )  ndarea[n] = 0.0;

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // loop on elements
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  for( int e=0; e<rg->Getne(); e++ )
    ELEM* el = rg->Getelem(e);

    if( !isFS(el->flag, ELEM::kDry) )
      TYPE* type = TYPE::Getid( el->type );

      int nnd = el->Getnnd();

      NODE** nd = el->nd;

      // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // compute coordinates relative to first node
      // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
      double x[kMaxNodes2D], y[kMaxNodes2D];

      xmin = xmax = x[0] = nd[0]->x;
      ymin = ymax = y[0] = nd[0]->y;

      for( int i=1; i<nnd; i++ )
        if( nd[i]->x < xmin )  xmin = nd[i]->x;
        if( nd[i]->x > xmax )  xmax = nd[i]->x;

        if( nd[i]->y < ymin )  ymin = nd[i]->y;
        if( nd[i]->y > ymax )  ymax = nd[i]->y;

        x[i] = nd[i]->x - x[0];
        y[i] = nd[i]->y - y[0];

      x[0] = y[0] = 0.0;

      double lm = type->lm;

      // grid depending lm ---------------------------------------------------------------

      if( isFS(project->actualTurb, BCONSET::kVtLES) )
        lm *= sqrt( (xmax-xmin)*(ymax-ymin) );

      double area = el->area();

      for( int i=0; i<nnd; i++ )
        double K  = nd[i]->v.K;
        if( K <= 0.0 )  K = project->minK;

        double ls = lm / sqrt( sqrt(cm*cm*cm/cd) );

        nd[i]->v.D += area * cd * sqrt(K*K*K) / ls;

        ndarea[nd[i]->Getno()] += area;

  for( int n=0; n<rg->Getnp(); n++ )
    NODE* nd = rg->Getnode(n);

    if( ndarea[n] > 0.0 )  nd->v.D /= ndarea[n];

  MEMORY::memo.Detach( ndarea );
Exemplo n.º 3
void MODEL::LastNode()
  GRID* rg = region;

  // allocate temporary memory for counter vector and initialize -------------------------

  int* counter = (int*) MEMORY::memo.Array_nd( rg->Getnp() );

  for( int i=0; i<rg->Getnp(); i++ )  counter[i] = 0;

  // initialize the elem->isLast array ---------------------------------------------------

  for( int e=0; e<ne; e++ )
    ELEM* el = elem[e];

    int nnd = el->Getnnd();

    for( int i=0; i<nnd; i++ )  el->isLast[0][i] = 0;

  // determine the number of elements associated to nodes ----------------------------------

  for( int e=0; e<ne; e++ )
    ELEM* el = elem[e];

    int nnd = el->Getnnd();

    for( int i=0; i<nnd; i++ )
      int no = el->nd[i]->Getno();


  // determine the last occurence of nodes -----------------------------------------------

  for( int e=0; e<ne; e++ )
    ELEM* el = elem[e];

    int nnd = el->Getnnd();

    for( int i=0; i<nnd; i++ )
      int no = el->nd[i]->Getno();


      if( counter[no] <  0 )
        REPORT::rpt.Error( kUnexpectedFault, "wrong count of nodes (MODEL::lastNode - 2)" );

      if( counter[no] == 0 )  el->isLast[0][i] = 1;

  MEMORY::memo.Detach( counter );

  char text[100];
  sprintf( text, "\n%-25s%s\n", " (MODEL::LastNode)",
                 "last occurence of nodes determined" );
  REPORT::rpt.Output( text, 2 );