Exemplo n.º 1
// virtual
GMatrix* GGraphCutTransducer::transduceInner(const GMatrix& features1, const GMatrix& labels1, const GMatrix& features2)
	// Use k-NN to compute a distance metric with good scale factors for prediction
	GKNN knn;
	knn.train(features1, labels1);
	GRowDistanceScaled* pMetric = knn.metric();

	// Merge the features into one dataset and build a kd-tree
	GMatrix both(features1.relation().clone());
	GReleaseDataHolder hBoth(&both);
	both.reserve(features1.rows() + features2.rows());
	for(size_t i = 0; i < features1.rows(); i++)
	for(size_t i = 0; i < features2.rows(); i++)
	GRowDistanceScaled metric2;
	GKdTree neighborFinder(&both, m_neighborCount, &metric2, false);
	GVec::copy(metric2.scaleFactors(), pMetric->scaleFactors(), features1.cols());

	// Transduce
	GMatrix* pOut = new GMatrix(labels1.relation().clone());
	Holder<GMatrix> hOut(pOut);
	for(size_t lab = 0; lab < labels1.cols(); lab++)
		// Use max-flow/min-cut graph-cut to separate out each label value
		int valueCount = (int)labels1.relation().valueCount(lab);
		for(int val = 1; val < valueCount; val++)
			// Add neighborhood edges
			GGraphCut gc(features1.rows() + features2.rows() + 2);
			for(size_t i = 0; i < both.rows(); i++)
				neighborFinder.neighbors(m_pNeighbors, m_pDistances, i);
				for(size_t j = 0; j < m_neighborCount; j++)
					if(m_pNeighbors[j] >= both.rows())
					gc.addEdge(2 + i, 2 + m_pNeighbors[j], (float)(1.0 / std::max(sqrt(m_pDistances[j]), 1e-9))); // connect neighbors

			// Add source and sink edges
			for(size_t i = 0; i < features1.rows(); i++)
				if((int)labels1[i][0] == val)
					gc.addEdge(0, 2 + i, 1e12f); // connect to source
					gc.addEdge(1, 2 + i, 1e12f); // connect to sink

			// Cut
			gc.cut(0, 1);

			// Label the unlabeled rows
			for(size_t i = 0; i < features2.rows(); i++)
				if(gc.isSource(2 + features1.rows() + i))
					pOut->row(i)[lab] = (double)val;
	return hOut.release();
Exemplo n.º 2
	virtual void initVector(double* pVector)
		GRowDistanceScaled* pMetric = m_pLearner->metric();
		GVec::copy(pVector, pMetric->scaleFactors(), relation()->size());