Exemplo n.º 1
 * @brief Return normalization of radial source for Monte Carlo simulations
 * @param[in] dir Centre of simulation cone.
 * @param[in] radius Radius of simulation cone (degrees).
 * @return Normalization.
 * Returns the normalization for a radial source within a circular region.
 * The normalization is 1 if the radial source falls within the circle
 * defined by @p dir and @p radius, 0 otherwise.
double GModelSpatialRadial::mc_norm(const GSkyDir& dir,
                                    const double&  radius) const
    double norm = (dir.dist_deg(this->dir()) <= radius+theta_max()) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
    return (norm);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * @brief GSkymap_wcs_construct
void TestGSky::test_GSkymap_wcs_construct(void)
    // Set precision
    double eps = 1.0e-5;

    // Test void constructor
    test_try("Test void constructor");
    try {
        GSkymap map;
    catch (std::exception &e) {

    // Test non-Healpix constructors
    test_try("Test non-Healpix constructors");
    try {
        GSkymap map1("CAR", "GAL", 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 100, 100);
    catch (std::exception &e) {

    // Test CAR projection
    test_try("Test CAR projection");
    try {
        GSkymap map1("CAR", "GAL", 138.817, 37.293, 0.521, 0.931, 100, 100);
        GSkyDir dir;
        for (int l = -180; l < 180; ++l) {
            for (int b = -90; b < 90; ++b) {
                GSkyPixel pixel    = map1.dir2pix(dir);
                GSkyDir   dir_back = map1.pix2dir(pixel);
                double    dist     = dir.dist_deg(dir_back);
                if (dist > eps) {
                    throw exception_failure("Sky direction differs: dir="+dir.print()+" pixel="+pixel.print()+" dir_back"+ dir_back.print()+" dist="+gammalib::str(dist)+" deg");
    catch (std::exception &e) {

    // Exit test

Exemplo n.º 3
 * @brief Return zenith angle of sky direction in COMPTEL coordinates
 * @param[in] sky Sky direction.
 * @return Zenith angle of sky direction in COMPTEL coordinates (deg).
 * Returns the zenith angle of a sky direction in COMPTEL coordinates.
double GCOMOad::theta(const GSkyDir& sky) const
    return (m_zaxis.dist_deg(sky));
Exemplo n.º 4
 * @brief Set Monte Carlo simulation cone
 * @param[in] centre Simulation cone centre.
 * @param[in] radius Simulation cone radius (degrees).
 * Sets the simulation cone centre and radius that defines the directions
 * that will be simulated using the mc() method.
void GModelSpatialDiffuseCube::set_mc_cone(const GSkyDir& centre,
                                           const double&  radius)
    // Initialise cache

    // Fetch cube

    // Determine number of cube pixels and maps
    int npix  = pixels();
    int nmaps = maps();

    // Continue only if there are pixels and maps
    if (npix > 0 && nmaps > 0) {

        // Reserve space for all pixels in cache

        // Loop over all maps
        for (int i = 0; i < nmaps; ++i) {

            // Compute pixel offset
            int offset = i * (npix+1);

            // Set first cache value to 0

            // Initialise cache with cumulative pixel fluxes and compute
            // total flux in skymap for normalization. Negative pixels are
            // excluded from the cumulative map.
            double total_flux = 0.0;
        	for (int k = 0; k < npix; ++k) {

                // Derive effective pixel radius from half opening angle
                // that corresponds to the pixel's solid angle. For security,
                // the radius is enhanced by 50%.
                double pixel_radius =
                       std::acos(1.0 - m_cube.solidangle(k)/gammalib::twopi) *
                       gammalib::rad2deg * 1.5;

                // Add up flux with simulation cone radius + effective pixel
                // radius. The effective pixel radius is added to make sure
                // that all pixels that overlap with the simulation cone are
                // taken into account. There is no problem of having even
                // pixels outside the simulation cone taken into account as
                // long as the mc() method has an explicit test of whether a
                // simulated event is contained in the simulation cone.
                double distance = centre.dist_deg(m_cube.pix2dir(k));
                if (distance <= radius+pixel_radius) {
                    double flux = m_cube(k,i) * m_cube.solidangle(k);
                    if (flux > 0.0) {
                        total_flux += flux;

                // Push back flux
        		m_mc_cache.push_back(total_flux); // units: ph/cm2/s/MeV

            // Normalize cumulative pixel fluxes so that the values in the
            // cache run from 0 to 1
            if (total_flux > 0.0) {
        		for (int k = 0; k < npix; ++k) {
        			m_mc_cache[k+offset] /= total_flux;

            // Make sure that last pixel in the cache is >1
            m_mc_cache[npix+offset] = 1.0001;

            // Store centre flux in node array
            if (m_logE.size() == nmaps) {
                GEnergy energy;
                // Only append node if flux > 0
                if (total_flux > 0.0) {
                	m_mc_spectrum.append(energy, total_flux);


        } // endfor: looped over all maps

        // Dump cache values for debugging
        #if defined(G_DEBUG_CACHE)
        for (int i = 0; i < m_mc_cache.size(); ++i) {
            std::cout << "i=" << i;
            std::cout << " c=" << m_mc_cache[i] << std::endl;

    } // endif: there were cube pixels and maps

    // Return