Exemplo n.º 1
int ILSSymmLqLanczos::solveLin ( const GenericMatrix & gm, const Vector & b, Vector & x )
  if ( b.size() != gm.rows() ) {
    fthrow(Exception, "Size of vector b (" << b.size() << ") mismatches with the size of the given GenericMatrix (" << gm.rows() << ").");

  if ( x.size() != gm.cols() )
    x.set(0.0); // bad initial solution, but whatever

//   if ( verbose ) cerr << "initial solution: " << x << endl;

  // SYMMLQ-Method based on Lanczos vectors: implementation based on the following:
  // C.C. Paige and M.A. Saunders: "Solution of sparse indefinite systems of linear equations". SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, p. 617--629, vol. 12, no. 4, 1975
  // http://www.netlib.org/templates/templates.pdf
  // declare some helpers
  double gamma = 0.0;
  double gamma_bar = 0.0;
  double alpha = 0.0; // alpha_j = v_j^T * A * v_j for new Lanczos vector v_j
  double beta = b.normL2(); // beta_1 = norm(b), in general beta_j = norm(v_j) for new Lanczos vector v_j
  double beta_next = 0.0; // beta_{j+1}
  double c_new = 0.0;
  double c_old = -1.0;
  double s_new = 0.0;
  double s_old = 0.0;
  double z_new = 0.0;
  double z_old = 0.0;
  double z_older = 0.0;
  double delta_new = 0.0;
  double epsilon_next = 0.0;

  // init some helping vectors
  Vector Av(b.size(),0.0); // Av = A * v_j
  Vector Ac(b.size(),0.0); // Ac = A * c_j
  Vector *v_new = new Vector(b.size(),0.0); // new Lanczos vector v_j
  Vector *v_old = 0; // Lanczos vector of the iteration before: v_{j-1}
  Vector *v_next = new Vector(b.size(),0.0); // Lanczos vector of the next iteration: v_{j+1}
  Vector *w_new = new Vector(b.size(),0.0); 
  Vector *w_bar = new Vector(b.size(),0.0); 
  Vector x_L (b.size(),0.0); 
//   Vector x_C (b.size(),0.0); // x_C is a much better approximation than x_L (according to the paper mentioned above)
// NOTE we store x_C in output variable x and only update this solution if the residual decreases (we are able to calculate the residual of x_C without calculating x_C)
  // first iteration + initialization, where b will be used as the first Lanczos vector
  *v_new = (1/beta)*b; // init v_1, v_1 = b / norm(b)
  gm.multiply(Av,*v_new); // Av = A * v_1
  alpha = v_new->scalarProduct(Av); // alpha_1 = v_1^T * A * v_1  
  gamma_bar = alpha; // (gamma_bar_1 is equal to alpha_1 in ILSConjugateGradientsLanczos)
  *v_next = Av - (alpha*(*v_new));
  beta_next = v_next->normL2();
  gamma = sqrt( (gamma_bar*gamma_bar) + (beta_next*beta_next) );
  c_new = gamma_bar/gamma;
  s_new = beta_next/gamma;
  z_new = beta/gamma;
  *w_bar = *v_new;
  *w_new = c_new*(*w_bar) + s_new*(*v_next);
  *w_bar = s_new*(*w_bar) - c_new*(*v_next);
  x_L = z_new*(*w_new); // first approximation of x
  // calculate current residual of x_C
  double res_x_C = (beta*beta)*(s_new*s_new)/(c_new*c_new);
  // store minimal residual
  double res_x_C_min = res_x_C;
  // store optimal solution x_C in output variable x instead of additional variable x_C
  x = x_L + (z_new/c_new)*(*w_bar); // x_C = x_L + (z_new/c_new)*(*w_bar); 
  // calculate delta of x_L
  double delta_x_L = fabs(z_new) * w_new->normL2();
  if ( verbose ) {
    cerr << "ILSSymmLqLanczos: iteration 1 / " << maxIterations << endl;
    if ( x.size() <= 20 )
      cerr << "ILSSymmLqLanczos: current solution x_L: " << x_L << endl;
    cerr << "ILSSymmLqLanczos: delta_x_L = " << delta_x_L << endl;
  // start with second iteration
  uint j = 2;
  while (j <= maxIterations )
    // prepare next iteration
    if ( v_old == 0 ) v_old = v_new;
    else {
      delete v_old;
      v_old = v_new;
    v_new = v_next;
    v_next = new Vector(b.size(),0.0);
    beta = beta_next;
    z_older = z_old;
    z_old = z_new;
    s_old = s_new;
    res_x_C *= (c_new*c_new);
    // start next iteration:
    // calculate next Lanczos vector v_ {j+1} based on older ones
    alpha = v_new->scalarProduct(Av);
    *v_next = Av - (alpha*(*v_new)) - (beta*(*v_old)); // calculate v_{j+1} 
    beta_next = v_next->normL2(); // calculate beta_{j+1} 
    v_next->normalizeL2(); // normalize v_{j+1}  
    // calculate elements of matrix L_bar_{j}
    gamma_bar = -c_old*s_new*beta - c_new*alpha; // calculate gamma_bar_{j} 
    delta_new = -c_old*c_new*beta + s_new*alpha; // calculate delta_{j} 
    //NOTE updating c_old after using it to calculate gamma_bar and delta_new is important!!
    c_old = c_new;
    // calculate helpers (equation 5.6 in the paper mentioned above)
    gamma = sqrt( (gamma_bar*gamma_bar) + (beta_next*beta_next) ); // calculate gamma_{j}
    c_new = gamma_bar/gamma; // calculate c_{j-1}
    s_new = beta_next/gamma; // calculate s_{j-1}
    // calculate next component z_{j} of vector z
    z_new = - (delta_new*z_old + epsilon_next*z_older)/gamma;
    //NOTE updating epsilon_next after using it to calculate z_new is important!!
    epsilon_next = s_old*beta_next; // calculate epsilon_{j+1} of matrix L_bar_{j+1}

    // calculate residual of current solution x_C without computing this solution x_C before
    res_x_C *= (s_new*s_new)/(c_new*c_new);
    // we only update our solution x (originally x_C ) if the residual is smaller
    if ( res_x_C < res_x_C_min ) 
      x = x_L + (z_new/c_new)*(*w_bar);  // x_C = x_L + (z_new/c_new)*(*w_bar); // update x
      res_x_C_min = res_x_C;
    // calculate new vectors w_{j} and w_bar_{j+1} according to equation 5.9 of the paper mentioned above
    *w_new = c_new*(*w_bar) + s_new*(*v_next);
    *w_bar = s_new*(*w_bar) - c_new*(*v_next);
    x_L += z_new*(*w_new); // update x_L
    if ( verbose ) {
      cerr << "ILSSymmLqLanczos: iteration " << j << " / " << maxIterations << endl;
      if ( x.size() <= 20 )
        cerr << "ILSSymmLqLanczos: current solution x_L: " << x_L << endl;

    // check convergence
    delta_x_L = fabs(z_new) * w_new->normL2();
    if ( verbose ) {
      cerr << "ILSSymmLqLanczos: delta_x_L = " << delta_x_L << endl;
      cerr << "ILSSymmLqLanczos: residual = " << res_x_C << endl;

    if ( delta_x_L < minDelta ) {
      if ( verbose )
        cerr << "ILSSymmLqLanczos: small delta_x_L" << endl;
//   if ( verbose ) {
    cerr << "ILSSymmLqLanczos: iterations needed: " << std::min<uint>(j,maxIterations) << endl;
    cerr << "ILSSymmLqLanczos: minimal residual achieved: " << res_x_C_min << endl;
    if ( x.size() <= 20 )
      cerr << "ILSSymmLqLanczos: optimal solution: " << x << endl;
//   }
//   Vector tmp;
//   gm.multiply(tmp,x_C);
//   Vector res ( b - tmp );
//   double res_x_C = res.scalarProduct(res);
//   gm.multiply(tmp,x_L);
//   res = b - tmp;
//   double res_x_L = res.scalarProduct(res);
//   if ( res_x_L < res_x_C )
//   {
//     x = x_L;
//     if ( verbose )
//       cerr << "ILSSymmLqLanczos: x_L used with residual " << res_x_L << " < " << res_x_C << endl;
//   } else 
//   {
//     x = x_C;
//     if ( verbose )
//       cerr << "ILSSymmLqLanczos: x_C used with residual " << res_x_C << " < " << res_x_L << endl;    
//   }
  delete v_new;
  delete v_old;
  delete v_next;
  delete w_new;
  delete w_bar;
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
int ILSConjugateGradients::solveLin ( const GenericMatrix & gm, const Vector & b, Vector & x )
  Timer t;

  if ( timeAnalysis )

  if ( b.size() != gm.rows() ) {
    fthrow(Exception, "Size of vector b (" << b.size() << ") mismatches with the size of the given GenericMatrix (" << gm.rows() << ").");

  if ( x.size() != gm.cols() )
    x.set(0.0); // bad initial solution, but whatever

  // CG-Method: http://www.netlib.org/templates/templates.pdf

  Vector a;

  // compute r^0 = b - A*x^0
  gm.multiply( a, x ); 
  Vector r = b - a;
  if ( timeAnalysis ) {
    cerr << "r = " << r << endl;
    cerr << "ILSConjugateGradients: TIME " << t.getSum() << " " << r.normL2() << " " << r.normInf() << endl;

  Vector rold ( r.size(), 0.0 );

  // store optimal values 
  double res_min = r.scalarProduct(r);
  Vector current_x = x;
  double rhoold = 0.0;
  Vector z ( r.size() );
  Vector p ( z.size() );

  uint i = 1;
  while ( i <= maxIterations )
    // pre-conditioned vector, currently M=I, i.e. no pre-condition
    // otherwise set z = M * r
    if ( jacobiPreconditioner.size() != r.size() )
      z = r;
    else {
      // use simple Jacobi pre-conditioning
      for ( uint jj = 0 ; jj < z.size() ; jj++ )
        z[jj] = r[jj] / jacobiPreconditioner[jj];

    double rho = z.scalarProduct( r );

    if ( verbose ) {
      cerr << "ILSConjugateGradients: iteration " << i << " / " << maxIterations << endl;
      if ( current_x.size() <= 20 )
        cerr << "ILSConjugateGradients: current solution " << current_x << endl;

    if ( i == 1 ) {
      p = z;
    } else {
      double beta;
      if ( useFlexibleVersion ) {
        beta = ( rho - z.scalarProduct(rold) ) / rhoold;
      } else {
        beta = rho / rhoold;
      p = z + beta * p;
    Vector q ( gm.rows() );
    // q = A*p
    gm.multiply ( q, p );

    // sp = p^T A p
    // if A is next to zero this gets nasty, because we divide by sp
    // later on
    double sp = p.scalarProduct(q);
    if ( fabs(sp) < 1e-20 ) {
      // we achieved some kind of convergence, at least this
      // is a termination condition used in the wiki article
      if ( verbose )
        cerr << "ILSConjugateGradients: p^T*q is quite small" << endl;
    double alpha = rho / sp;
    current_x = current_x + alpha * p;

    rold = r;
    r = r - alpha * q;
    double res = r.scalarProduct(r);
    double resMax = r.normInf();

    // store optimal x that produces smallest residual
    if (res < res_min) {
      x = current_x;
      res_min = res;
    // check convergence
    double delta = fabs(alpha) * p.normL2();
    if ( verbose ) {
      cerr << "ILSConjugateGradients: delta = " << delta << " lower bound = " << minDelta << endl;
      cerr << "ILSConjugateGradients: residual = " << res << endl;
      cerr << "ILSConjugateGradients: L_inf residual = " << resMax << " lower bound = " << minResidual << endl;      
      if (resMax < 0)
        std::cerr << "WARNING: resMax is smaller than zero! " << std::endl;
        std::cerr << "ILSConjugateGradients: vector r: " << r << std::endl;
    if ( timeAnalysis ) {
      cerr << "ILSConjugateGradients: TIME " << t.getSum() << " " << res << " " << resMax << endl;

    if ( delta < minDelta ) {
      if ( verbose )
        cerr << "ILSConjugateGradients: small delta" << endl;

    //fabs was necessary, since the IPP-implementation from normInf was not working correctly
//     if ( fabs(resMax) < minResidual ) {
    if ( resMax < minResidual ) {      
      if ( verbose )
        cerr << "ILSConjugateGradients: small residual -- resMax: "<< resMax << " minRes: " << minResidual << endl;

    rhoold = rho;
  if (verbose)
    cerr << "ILSConjugateGradients: iterations needed: " << std::min<uint>(i,maxIterations) << endl;
    cerr << "ILSConjugateGradients: minimal residual achieved: " << res_min << endl;
  if (verbose)
    if ( x.size() <= 20 )
      cerr << "ILSConjugateGradients: optimal solution: " << x << endl;
  return 0;
int ILSConjugateGradientsLanczos::solveLin ( const GenericMatrix & gm, const Vector & b, Vector & x )
  if ( b.size() != gm.rows() ) {
    fthrow(Exception, "Size of vector b (" << b.size() << ") mismatches with the size of the given GenericMatrix (" << gm.rows() << ").");

  if ( x.size() != gm.cols() )
    x.set(0.0); // bad initial solution, but whatever

//   if ( verbose ) cerr << "initial solution: " << x << endl;

  // CG-Method based on Lanczos vectors: implementation based on the following:
  // C.C. Paige and M.A. Saunders: "Solution of sparse indefinite systems of linear equations". SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, p. 617--629, vol. 12, no. 4, 1975
  // http://www.netlib.org/templates/templates.pdf

  // init some helping vectors
  Vector Av(b.size(),0.0); // Av = A * v_j
  Vector Ac(b.size(),0.0); // Ac = A * c_j
  Vector r(b.size(),0.0); // current residual
  Vector *v_new = new Vector(x.size(),0.0); // new Lanczos vector v_j
  Vector *v_old = new Vector(x.size(),0.0); // Lanczos vector v_{j-1} of the iteration before 
  Vector *v_older = 0; // Lanczos vector v_{j-2} of the iteration before 
  Vector *c_new = new Vector(x.size(),0.0); // current update vector c_j for the solution x
  Vector *c_old = 0; // update vector of iteration before

  // declare some helpers
  double d_new = 0; // current element of diagonal matrix D normally obtained from Cholesky factorization of tridiagonal matrix T, where T consists alpha and beta as below
  double d_old = 0; // corresponding element of the iteration before
  double l_new = 0; // current element of lower unit bidiagonal matrix L normally obtained from Cholesky factorization of tridiagonal matrix T
  double p_new = 0; // current element of vector p, where p is the solution of the modified linear system
  double p_old = 0; // corresponding element of the iteration before
  double alpha = 0; // alpha_j = v_j^T * A * v_j for new Lanczos vector v_j
  double beta = b.normL2(); // beta_1 = norm(b), in general beta_j = norm(v_j) for new Lanczos vector v_j
  // first iteration + initialization, where b will be used as the first Lanczos vector
  *v_new = (1/beta)*b; // init v_1, v_1 = b / norm(b)
  gm.multiply(Av,*v_new); // Av = A * v_1
  alpha = v_new->scalarProduct(Av); // alpha_1 = v_1^T * A * v_1
  d_new=alpha; // d_1 = alpha_1, d_1 is the first element of diagonal matrix D
  p_new = beta/d_new; // p_1 = beta_1 / d_1
  *c_new = *v_new; // c_1 = v_1
  Ac = Av; // A*c_1 = A*v_1
  // store current solution
  Vector current_x = (p_new*(*c_new)); // first approx. of x: x_1 = p_1 * c_1

  // calculate current residual
  r = b - (p_new*Ac);
  double res = r.scalarProduct(r);
  // store minimal residual
  double res_min = res;
  // store optimal solution in output variable x
  x = current_x;
  double delta_x = fabs(p_new) * c_new->normL2();
  if ( verbose ) {
    cerr << "ILSConjugateGradientsLanczos: iteration 1 / " << maxIterations << endl;
    if ( current_x.size() <= 20 )
      cerr << "ILSConjugateGradientsLanczos: current solution " << current_x << endl;
    cerr << "ILSConjugateGradientsLanczos: delta_x = " << delta_x << endl;
    cerr << "ILSConjugateGradientsLanczos: residual = " << r.scalarProduct(r) << endl;
  // start with second iteration
  uint j = 2;
  while (j <= maxIterations )
    // prepare d and p for next iteration
    d_old = d_new;
    p_old = p_new;
    // prepare vectors v_older, v_old, v_new for next iteration
    if ( v_older == 0) v_older = v_old;
    else {
      delete v_older;
      v_older = v_old;
    v_old = v_new;
    v_new = new Vector(v_old->size(),0.0);
    // prepare vectors c_old, c_new for next iteration
    if ( c_old == 0 ) c_old = c_new;
    else {
      delete c_old;
      c_old = c_new;
    c_new = new Vector(c_old->size(),0.0);
    //start next iteration:
    // calulate new Lanczos vector v_j based on older ones
    *v_new = Av - (alpha*(*v_old)) - (beta*(*v_older)); // unnormalized v_j = ( A * v_{j-1} ) - ( alpha_{j-1} * v_{j-1} ) - ( beta_{j-1} * v_{j-2} )

    // calculate new weight beta_j and normalize v_j
    beta = v_new->normL2(); // beta_j = norm(v_j) 
    v_new->normalizeL2(); // normalize v_j 

    // calculate new weight alpha_j
    gm.multiply(Av,*v_new); // Av = A * v_j
    alpha = v_new->scalarProduct(Av); // alpha_j =  v_j^T * A * v_j

    // calculate l_j and d_j as the elements of the Cholesky Factorization of current tridiagonal matrix T, where T = L * D * L^T  with diagonal matrix D and
    // lower bidiagonal matrix L; l_j and d_j are necessary for computing the new update vector c_j for the solution x and the corresponding weight
    l_new = beta/sqrt(d_old); // unnormalized l_j = beta_j / sqrt(d_{j-1})
    d_new = alpha-(l_new*l_new); // d_j = alpha_j - l_j^2

    l_new/=sqrt(d_old); // normalize l_j by sqrt(d_{j-1})

    // calculate the new weight p_j of the new update vector c_j for the solution x
    p_new = -p_old*l_new*d_old/d_new; 

    // calculate the new update vector c_j for the solution x
    *c_new = *v_new - (l_new*(*c_old));

    // calculate new residual vector
    Ac = Av - (l_new*Ac);
    res = r.scalarProduct(r);
    // update solution x
    if ( verbose ) {
      cerr << "ILSConjugateGradientsLanczos: iteration " << j << " / " << maxIterations << endl;
      if ( current_x.size() <= 20 )
        cerr << "ILSConjugateGradientsLanczos: current solution " << current_x << endl;
    // store optimal x that produces smallest residual
    if (res < res_min) {
      x = current_x;
      res_min = res;

    // check convergence
    delta_x = fabs(p_new) * c_new->normL2();
    if ( verbose ) {
      cerr << "ILSConjugateGradientsLanczos: delta_x = " << delta_x << endl;
      cerr << "ILSConjugateGradientsLanczos: residual = " << r.scalarProduct(r) << endl;

    if ( delta_x < minDelta ) {
      if ( verbose )
        cerr << "ILSConjugateGradientsLanczos: small delta_x" << endl;
//   if ( verbose ) {
    cerr << "ILSConjugateGradientsLanczos: iterations needed: " << std::min<uint>(j,maxIterations) << endl;
    cerr << "ILSConjugateGradientsLanczos: minimal residual achieved: " << res_min << endl;
    if ( x.size() <= 20 )
      cerr << "ILSConjugateGradientsLanczos: optimal solution: " << x << endl;
//   }  
  delete v_new;
  delete v_old;
  delete v_older;
  delete c_new;
  delete c_old;

  return 0;