Exemplo n.º 1
void GeoDataPlacemark::unpack( QDataStream& stream )
    p()->m_geometry->setParent( this );
    GeoDataFeature::unpack( stream );

    stream >> p()->m_countrycode;
    stream >> p()->m_area;
    stream >> p()->m_population;
    int geometryId;
    stream >> geometryId;
    switch( geometryId ) {
        case InvalidGeometryId:
        case GeoDataPointId:
            GeoDataPoint* point = new GeoDataPoint;
            point->unpack( stream );
            delete p()->m_geometry;
            p()->m_geometry = point;
        case GeoDataLineStringId:
            GeoDataLineString* lineString = new GeoDataLineString;
            lineString->unpack( stream );
            delete p()->m_geometry;
            p()->m_geometry = lineString;
        case GeoDataLinearRingId:
            GeoDataLinearRing* linearRing = new GeoDataLinearRing;
            linearRing->unpack( stream );
            delete p()->m_geometry;
            p()->m_geometry = linearRing;
        case GeoDataPolygonId:
            GeoDataPolygon* polygon = new GeoDataPolygon;
            polygon->unpack( stream );
            delete p()->m_geometry;
            p()->m_geometry = polygon;
        case GeoDataMultiGeometryId:
            GeoDataMultiGeometry* multiGeometry = new GeoDataMultiGeometry;
            multiGeometry->unpack( stream );
            delete p()->m_geometry;
            p()->m_geometry = multiGeometry;
        case GeoDataModelId:
        default: break;
Exemplo n.º 2
void GeoDataMultiGeometry::unpack( QDataStream& stream )
    GeoDataGeometry::unpack( stream );

    int size = 0;

    stream >> size;

    for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
        int geometryId;
        stream >> geometryId;
        switch( geometryId ) {
        case InvalidGeometryId:
        case GeoDataPointId:
            GeoDataPoint *point = new GeoDataPoint;
            point->unpack( stream );
            p()->m_vector.append( point );
        case GeoDataLineStringId:
            GeoDataLineString *lineString = new GeoDataLineString;
            lineString->unpack( stream );
            p()->m_vector.append( lineString );
        case GeoDataLinearRingId:
            GeoDataLinearRing *linearRing = new GeoDataLinearRing;
            linearRing->unpack( stream );
            p()->m_vector.append( linearRing );
        case GeoDataPolygonId:
            GeoDataPolygon *polygon = new GeoDataPolygon;
            polygon->unpack( stream );
            p()->m_vector.append( polygon );
        case GeoDataMultiGeometryId:
            GeoDataMultiGeometry *multiGeometry = new GeoDataMultiGeometry;
            multiGeometry->unpack( stream );
            p()->m_vector.append( multiGeometry );
        case GeoDataModelId:
Exemplo n.º 3
GeoDataPoint::GeoDataPoint( const GeoDataPoint& other )
    : GeoDataGeometry( other )
    const GeoDataPointPrivate * const otherD = other.d_func();

    d->m_coordinates = otherD->m_coordinates;
    d->m_latLonAltBox = otherD->m_latLonAltBox;
Exemplo n.º 4
bool JsonParser::read( QIODevice* device )
    // Assert previous document got released.
    delete m_document;
    m_document = new GeoDataDocument;
    Q_ASSERT( m_document );

    // Read file data
    QJsonParseError error;
    const QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(device->readAll(), &error);

    if (jsonDoc.isNull()) {
        qDebug() << "Error parsing GeoJSON : " << error.errorString();
        return false;

    // Start parsing
    const QJsonValue featuresValue = jsonDoc.object().value(QStringLiteral("features"));

    // In GeoJSON format, geometries are stored in features, so we iterate on features
    if (featuresValue.isArray()) {
        const QJsonArray featureArray = featuresValue.toArray();

        // Parse each feature
        for (int featureIndex = 0; featureIndex < featureArray.size(); ++featureIndex) {
            const QJsonObject featureObject = featureArray[featureIndex].toObject();

            // Check if the feature contains a geometry
            const QJsonValue geometryValue = featureObject.value(QStringLiteral("geometry"));
            if (geometryValue.isObject()) {
                const QJsonObject geometryObject = geometryValue.toObject();

                // Variables for creating the geometry
                QList<GeoDataGeometry*> geometryList;
                QList<GeoDataPlacemark*> placemarkList;

                // Create the different geometry types
                const QString geometryType = geometryObject.value(QStringLiteral("type")).toString().toUpper();

                if (geometryType == QLatin1String("POLYGON")) {
                    // Check first that there are coordinates
                    const QJsonValue coordinatesValue = geometryObject.value(QStringLiteral("coordinates"));
                    if (coordinatesValue.isArray()) {
                        const QJsonArray coordinateArray = coordinatesValue.toArray();

                        GeoDataPolygon * geom = new GeoDataPolygon( RespectLatitudeCircle | Tessellate );

                        // Coordinates first array will be the outer boundary, if there are more
                        // positions those will be inner holes
                        for (int ringIndex = 0 ; ringIndex < coordinateArray.size(); ++ringIndex) {
                            const QJsonArray ringArray = coordinateArray[ringIndex].toArray();

                            GeoDataLinearRing linearRing;

                            for (int coordinatePairIndex = 0; coordinatePairIndex < ringArray.size(); ++coordinatePairIndex) {
                                const QJsonArray coordinatePairArray = ringArray[coordinatePairIndex].toArray();

                                const qreal longitude = coordinatePairArray.at(0).toDouble();
                                const qreal latitude = coordinatePairArray.at(1).toDouble();

                                linearRing.append( GeoDataCoordinates( longitude , latitude , 0 , GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );

                            // Outer ring
                            if (ringIndex == 0) {
                                geom->setOuterBoundary( linearRing );
                            // Inner holes
                            else {
                                geom->appendInnerBoundary( linearRing );
                        geometryList.append( geom );

                } else if (geometryType == QLatin1String("MULTIPOLYGON")) {
                    // Check first that there are coordinates
                    const QJsonValue coordinatesValue = geometryObject.value(QStringLiteral("coordinates"));
                    if (coordinatesValue.isArray()) {
                        const QJsonArray coordinateArray = coordinatesValue.toArray();

                        for (int polygonIndex = 0; polygonIndex < coordinateArray.size(); ++polygonIndex) {
                            const QJsonArray polygonArray = coordinateArray[polygonIndex].toArray();

                            GeoDataPolygon * geom = new GeoDataPolygon( RespectLatitudeCircle | Tessellate );

                            // Coordinates first array will be the outer boundary, if there are more
                            // positions those will be inner holes
                            for (int ringIndex = 0 ; ringIndex < polygonArray.size(); ++ringIndex) {
                                const QJsonArray ringArray = polygonArray[ringIndex].toArray();

                                GeoDataLinearRing linearRing;

                                for (int coordinatePairIndex = 0; coordinatePairIndex < ringArray.size(); ++coordinatePairIndex) {
                                    const QJsonArray coordinatePairArray = ringArray[coordinatePairIndex].toArray();

                                    const qreal longitude = coordinatePairArray.at(0).toDouble();
                                    const qreal latitude = coordinatePairArray.at(1).toDouble();

                                    linearRing.append( GeoDataCoordinates( longitude , latitude , 0 , GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );

                                // Outer ring
                                if (ringIndex == 0) {
                                    geom->setOuterBoundary( linearRing );
                                // Inner holes
                                else {
                                    geom->appendInnerBoundary( linearRing );
                            geometryList.append( geom );

                } else if (geometryType == QLatin1String("LINESTRING")) {

                    // Check first that there are coordinates
                    const QJsonValue coordinatesValue = geometryObject.value(QStringLiteral("coordinates"));
                    if (coordinatesValue.isArray()) {
                        const QJsonArray coordinateArray = coordinatesValue.toArray();

                        GeoDataLineString * geom = new GeoDataLineString( RespectLatitudeCircle | Tessellate );

                        for (int coordinatePairIndex = 0; coordinatePairIndex < coordinateArray.size(); ++coordinatePairIndex) {
                            const QJsonArray coordinatePairArray = coordinateArray[coordinatePairIndex].toArray();

                            const qreal longitude = coordinatePairArray.at(0).toDouble();
                            const qreal latitude = coordinatePairArray.at(1).toDouble();

                            geom->append( GeoDataCoordinates( longitude , latitude , 0 , GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );
                        geometryList.append( geom );

                } else if (geometryType == QLatin1String("MULTILINESTRING")) {

                    // Check first that there are coordinates
                    const QJsonValue coordinatesValue = geometryObject.value(QStringLiteral("coordinates"));
                    if (coordinatesValue.isArray()) {
                        const QJsonArray coordinateArray = coordinatesValue.toArray();

                        for (int lineStringIndex = 0; lineStringIndex < coordinateArray.size(); ++lineStringIndex) {
                            const QJsonArray lineStringArray = coordinateArray[lineStringIndex].toArray();

                            GeoDataLineString * geom = new GeoDataLineString( RespectLatitudeCircle | Tessellate );

                            for (int coordinatePairIndex = 0; coordinatePairIndex < lineStringArray.size(); ++coordinatePairIndex) {
                                const QJsonArray coordinatePairArray = lineStringArray[coordinatePairIndex].toArray();

                                const qreal longitude = coordinatePairArray.at(0).toDouble();
                                const qreal latitude = coordinatePairArray.at(1).toDouble();

                                geom->append( GeoDataCoordinates( longitude , latitude , 0 , GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );
                            geometryList.append( geom );

                } else if (geometryType == QLatin1String("POINT")) {

                    // Check first that there are coordinates
                    const QJsonValue coordinatesValue = geometryObject.value(QStringLiteral("coordinates"));
                    if (coordinatesValue.isArray()) {
                        const QJsonArray coordinatePairArray = coordinatesValue.toArray();

                        GeoDataPoint * geom = new GeoDataPoint();

                        const qreal longitude = coordinatePairArray.at(0).toDouble();
                        const qreal latitude = coordinatePairArray.at(1).toDouble();

                        geom->setCoordinates( GeoDataCoordinates( longitude , latitude , 0 , GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );

                        geometryList.append( geom );
                } else if (geometryType == QLatin1String("MULTIPOINT")) {

                    // Check first that there are coordinates
                    const QJsonValue coordinatesValue = geometryObject.value(QStringLiteral("coordinates"));
                    if (coordinatesValue.isArray()) {
                        const QJsonArray coordinateArray = coordinatesValue.toArray();

                        for (int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < coordinateArray.size(); ++pointIndex) {
                            const QJsonArray coordinatePairArray = coordinateArray[pointIndex].toArray();

                            GeoDataPoint * geom = new GeoDataPoint();

                            const qreal longitude = coordinatePairArray.at(0).toDouble();
                            const qreal latitude = coordinatePairArray.at(1).toDouble();

                            geom->setCoordinates( GeoDataCoordinates( longitude , latitude , 0 , GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );

                            geometryList.append( geom );

                // Parse the features properties
                const QJsonValue propertiesValue = featureObject.value(QStringLiteral("properties"));
                if (!geometryList.isEmpty() && propertiesValue.isObject()) {
                    const QJsonObject propertiesObject = propertiesValue.toObject();

                    // First create a placemark for each geometry, there could be multi geometries
                    // that are translated into more than one geometry/placemark
                    for ( int numberGeometries = 0 ; numberGeometries < geometryList.length() ; numberGeometries++ ) {
                        GeoDataPlacemark * placemark = new GeoDataPlacemark();
                        placemarkList.append( placemark );

                    OsmPlacemarkData osmData;

                    QJsonObject::ConstIterator it = propertiesObject.begin();
                    const QJsonObject::ConstIterator end = propertiesObject.end();
                    for ( ; it != end; ++it) {
                        if (it.value().isObject() || it.value().isArray()) {
                            qDebug() << "Skipping property, values of type arrays and objects not supported:" << it.key();

                        // pass value through QVariant to also get bool & numbers
                        osmData.addTag(it.key(), it.value().toVariant().toString());

                    // If the property read, is the features name
                    const auto tagIter = osmData.findTag(QStringLiteral("name"));
                    if (tagIter != osmData.tagsEnd()) {
                        const QString& name = tagIter.value();
                        for (int pl = 0 ; pl < placemarkList.length(); ++pl) {

                    const GeoDataPlacemark::GeoDataVisualCategory category = StyleBuilder::determineVisualCategory(osmData);
                    if (category != GeoDataPlacemark::None) {
                        // Add the visual category to all the placemarks
                        for (int pl = 0 ; pl < placemarkList.length(); ++pl) {

                // Add the geometry to the document
                if ( geometryList.length() == placemarkList.length() ) {

                    while( placemarkList.length() > 0 ) {

                        GeoDataPlacemark * placemark = placemarkList.last();

                        GeoDataGeometry * geom = geometryList.last();

                        placemark->setGeometry( geom );
                        placemark->setVisible( true );
                        m_document->append( placemark );

                // If geometries or placemarks missing inside the lists, delete them
                qDeleteAll( geometryList.begin(), geometryList.end() );
                qDeleteAll( placemarkList.begin(), placemarkList.end() );
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
bool GeoDataPoint::operator==( const GeoDataPoint &other ) const
    return equals(other) &&
           coordinates() == other.coordinates();
Exemplo n.º 6
void CountryByShape::postQuestion( QObject *gameObject )
    //Find a random placemark

    Q_ASSERT_X( d->m_countryNames, "CountryByShape::postQuestion",
                "CountryByShapePrivate::m_countryNames is NULL" );

    QVector<GeoDataPlacemark*> countryPlacemarks = d->m_countryNames->placemarkList();

    uint randomSeed = uint(QTime::currentTime().msec());
    qsrand( randomSeed );

    bool found = false;
    GeoDataPlacemark *placemark =0;
    GeoDataPoint *point = 0;
    GeoDataCoordinates coord;
    GeoDataLatLonAltBox box;
    QVariantList answerOptions;
    while ( !found ) {
        int randomIndex = qrand()%countryPlacemarks.size();
        placemark = countryPlacemarks[randomIndex];
        point = dynamic_cast<GeoDataPoint*>( placemark->geometry() );
        coord = point->coordinates();

        if ( point ) {
             * Find the country geometry and fetch corresponding
             * GeoDataLatLonAltBox to zoom in to that country so that
             * it fills the viewport.

            Q_ASSERT_X( d->m_countryBoundaries, "CountryByShape::postQuestion",
                        "CountryByShapePrivate::m_countryBoundaries is NULL" );

            QVector<GeoDataFeature*>::Iterator i = d->m_countryBoundaries->begin();
            QVector<GeoDataFeature*>::Iterator const end = d->m_countryBoundaries->end();
            for ( ; i != end; ++i ) {
                GeoDataPlacemark *country = static_cast<GeoDataPlacemark*>( *i );

                GeoDataPolygon *polygon = dynamic_cast<GeoDataPolygon*>( country->geometry() );
                GeoDataLinearRing *linearring = dynamic_cast<GeoDataLinearRing*>( country->geometry() );
                GeoDataMultiGeometry *multigeom = dynamic_cast<GeoDataMultiGeometry*>( country->geometry() );

                if ( polygon &&
                    polygon->contains( coord ) &&
                    !d->m_continentsAndOceans.contains(country->name(), Qt::CaseSensitive) )
                    box = polygon->latLonAltBox();
                    found = true;
                if ( linearring &&
                    linearring->contains( coord ) &&
                    !d->m_continentsAndOceans.contains(country->name(), Qt::CaseSensitive) )
                    box = linearring->latLonAltBox();
                    found = true;
                if ( multigeom ) {
                    QVector<GeoDataGeometry*>::Iterator iter = multigeom->begin();
                    QVector<GeoDataGeometry*>::Iterator const end = multigeom->end();

                    for ( ; iter != end; ++iter ) {
                        GeoDataPolygon *poly  = dynamic_cast<GeoDataPolygon*>( *iter );
                        if ( poly &&
                            poly->contains( coord ) &&
                            !d->m_continentsAndOceans.contains(country->name(), Qt::CaseSensitive) )
                            box = poly->latLonAltBox();
                            found = true;
                if ( found ) {
    d->m_marbleWidget->setHighlightEnabled( true );
    emit announceHighlight( coord.longitude(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree),
                            GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );

     * Now disable the highlight feature so that
     * the user click doesn't disturbe the highlight
     * we did to ask question.
    d->m_marbleWidget->setHighlightEnabled( false );

    d->m_marbleWidget->centerOn( box, true );

    answerOptions << placemark->name()
    << countryPlacemarks[qrand()%countryPlacemarks.size()]->name()
    << countryPlacemarks[qrand()%countryPlacemarks.size()]->name()
    << countryPlacemarks[qrand()%countryPlacemarks.size()]->name();

    // Randomize options in list answerOptions
    for ( int i = 0; i < answerOptions.size(); ++i ) {
        QVariant option = answerOptions.takeAt( qrand()%answerOptions.size() );
        answerOptions.append( option );

    if ( gameObject ) {
        QMetaObject::invokeMethod( gameObject, "countryByShapeQuestion",
                                   Q_ARG(QVariant, QVariant(answerOptions)),
                                   Q_ARG(QVariant, QVariant(placemark->name())) );