Exemplo n.º 1
void TestGeoData::parentingTest()
    GeoDataDocument *document = new GeoDataDocument;
    GeoDataFolder *folder = new GeoDataFolder;

    /// simple parenting test
    GeoDataPlacemark *placemark = new GeoDataPlacemark;
    QCOMPARE(placemark->parent(), document);

    /// simple append and child count test

    /// appending folder to document before feeding folder
    QCOMPARE(document->size(), 2);

    GeoDataPlacemark *placemark2 = new GeoDataPlacemark;
    QCOMPARE(folder->size(), 1);

    /// retrieve child and check it matches placemark
    GeoDataPlacemark *placemarkPtr;
    QCOMPARE(document->child(0)->nodeType(), placemark->nodeType());
    placemarkPtr = static_cast<GeoDataPlacemark*>(document->child(0));
    QCOMPARE(placemarkPtr, placemark);

    /// check retrieved placemark matches intented child
    int position = document->childPosition(placemarkPtr);
    QCOMPARE(position, 0);

    /// retrieve child two and check it matches folder
    GeoDataFolder *folderPtr;
    QCOMPARE(document->child(1)->nodeType(), folder->nodeType());
    folderPtr = static_cast<GeoDataFolder*>(document->child(1));
    QCOMPARE(folderPtr, folder);

    /// check retrieved folder matches intended child
    position = document->childPosition(folderPtr);
    QCOMPARE(position, 1);

    /// retrieve child three and check it matches placemark
    QCOMPARE(folderPtr->size(), 1);
    placemarkPtr = static_cast<GeoDataPlacemark*>(folderPtr->child(0));
    QCOMPARE(placemarkPtr->nodeType(), placemark2->nodeType());
    QCOMPARE(placemarkPtr, placemark2);

    /// check retrieved placemark matches intended child
    QCOMPARE(folderPtr->childPosition(placemarkPtr), 0);

    /// Set a style
    GeoDataIconStyle iconStyle;
    iconStyle.setIconPath( "myicon.png" );
    GeoDataStyle* style = new GeoDataStyle;
    style->setStyleId( "mystyle" );
    style->setIconStyle( iconStyle );
    GeoDataObject* noParent = 0;
    QCOMPARE( style->parent(), noParent );
    QCOMPARE( iconStyle.parent(), noParent );
    document->setStyle( style );
    QCOMPARE( style->parent(), document ); // Parent should be assigned now
    QCOMPARE( style->iconStyle().parent(), style );
    QCOMPARE( iconStyle.parent(), noParent ); // setIconStyle copies
    QCOMPARE( placemark->style()->parent(), noParent );
    placemark->setStyle( style );
    QCOMPARE( placemark->style()->parent(), placemark ); // Parent should be assigned now

    /// Set a style map
    GeoDataStyleMap* styleMap = new GeoDataStyleMap;
    styleMap->setStyleId( "mystylemap" );
    styleMap->insert( "normal", "#mystyle" );
    styleMap->insert( "highlight", "#mystyle" );
    document->addStyle( *style );
    document->setStyleMap( styleMap );
    QCOMPARE( placemark2->style()->parent(), noParent );
    placemark2->setStyleUrl( "#mystyle" );
    QCOMPARE( placemark2->style()->parent(), document ); // Parent is document, not placemark2
    QCOMPARE( iconStyle.iconPath(), QString( "myicon.png" ) );
    QCOMPARE( placemark2->style()->iconStyle().iconPath(), QString( "myicon.png" ) );