Exemplo n.º 1
LineOfSightTether::operator()(osg::Node* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv)
    if (nv->getVisitorType() == osg::NodeVisitor::UPDATE_VISITOR)
        LinearLineOfSightNode* los = static_cast<LinearLineOfSightNode*>(node);

        if ( los->getMapNode() )
            if (_startNode.valid())
                osg::Vec3d worldStart = getNodeCenter(_startNode);

                //Convert to mappoint since that is what LOS expects
                GeoPoint mapStart;
                mapStart.fromWorld( los->getMapNode()->getMapSRS(), worldStart );
                los->setStart( mapStart ); //.vec3d() );

            if (_endNode.valid())
                osg::Vec3d worldEnd = getNodeCenter( _endNode );

                //Convert to mappoint since that is what LOS expects
                GeoPoint mapEnd;
                mapEnd.fromWorld( los->getMapNode()->getMapSRS(), worldEnd );
                los->setEnd( mapEnd ); //.vec3d() );
    traverse(node, nv);
Exemplo n.º 2
    osg::Vec3d start = _los->getStartWorld();           
    GeoPoint startMap;
    startMap.fromWorld(_los->getMapNode()->getMapSRS(), start);
    _startDragger->setPosition( startMap, false );

    osg::Vec3d end = _los->getEndWorld();           
    GeoPoint endMap;
    endMap.fromWorld(_los->getMapNode()->getMapSRS(), end);    
    _endDragger->setPosition( endMap, false );
Exemplo n.º 3
void ElevationLOD::traverse( osg::NodeVisitor& nv)
    if (nv.getVisitorType() ==  osg::NodeVisitor::CULL_VISITOR)
        osgUtil::CullVisitor* cv = static_cast<osgUtil::CullVisitor*>( &nv );
        osg::Vec3d eye, center, up;        
        eye = cv->getViewPoint();

        float height = eye.z();
        if (_srs)
            GeoPoint mapPoint;
            mapPoint.fromWorld( _srs, eye );        
            height = mapPoint.z();

        //OE_NOTICE << "Height " << height << std::endl;

        if (height >= _minElevation && height <= _maxElevation)
            osg::Group::traverse( nv );
            //OE_NOTICE << "Elevation " << height << " outside of range " << _minElevation << " to " << _maxElevation << std::endl;
        osg::Group::traverse( nv );
Exemplo n.º 4
      bool handle( const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter& ea, osgGA::GUIActionAdapter& aa )
          if (ea.getEventType() == ea.PUSH && ea.getButton() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON)
              osg::Vec3d world;
              if ( _mapNode->getTerrain()->getWorldCoordsUnderMouse( aa.asView(), ea.getX(), ea.getY(), world ))
                  GeoPoint mapPoint;
                  mapPoint.fromWorld( _mapNode->getMapSRS(), world );
                  //_mapNode->getMap()->worldPointToMapPoint( world, mapPoint );

                  if (!_startValid)
                      _startValid = true;
                      _start = mapPoint.vec3d();
                      if (_featureNode.valid())
                          _root->removeChild( _featureNode.get() );
                          _featureNode = 0;
                      _end = mapPoint.vec3d();
                      _startValid = false;                    
          return false;
Exemplo n.º 5
AddPointHandler::addPoint( float x, float y, osgViewer::View* view )
    osg::Vec3d world;    
    MapNode* mapNode = _featureNode->getMapNode();

    if ( mapNode->getTerrain()->getWorldCoordsUnderMouse( view, x, y, world ) )
        // Get the map point from the world
        GeoPoint mapPoint;
        mapPoint.fromWorld( mapNode->getMapSRS(), world );

        Feature* feature = _featureNode->getFeature();

        if ( feature )            
            // Convert the map point to the feature's SRS
            GeoPoint featurePoint = mapPoint.transform( feature->getSRS() );

            feature->getGeometry()->push_back( featurePoint.vec3d() );            
            return true;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 6
    osg::Vec3d center = _los->getCenterWorld();             
    GeoPoint centerMap;
    centerMap.fromWorld(_los->getMapNode()->getMapSRS(), center);    
    _dragger->setPosition(centerMap, false);        
Exemplo n.º 7
void ElevationLOD::traverse( osg::NodeVisitor& nv)
    if (nv.getVisitorType()   == osg::NodeVisitor::CULL_VISITOR &&
        nv.getTraversalMode() == osg::NodeVisitor::TRAVERSE_ACTIVE_CHILDREN )
        bool rangeOK     = true;
        bool altitudeOK  = true;

        // first test the range:
        if ( _minRange.isSet() || _maxRange.isSet() )
            float range = nv.getDistanceToViewPoint( getBound().center(), true );
            rangeOK =
                (!_minRange.isSet() || (range >= *_minRange)) &&
                (!_maxRange.isSet() || (range <= *_maxRange));

        if ( rangeOK )
            if ( _minElevation.isSet() || _maxElevation.isSet() )
                double alt;

                // first see if we have a precalculated elevation:
                osgUtil::CullVisitor* cv = Culling::asCullVisitor(nv);

                osg::Vec3d eye = cv->getViewPoint();

                if ( _srs && !_srs->isProjected() )
                    GeoPoint mapPoint;
                    mapPoint.fromWorld( _srs.get(), eye );
                    alt = mapPoint.z();
                    alt = eye.z();

                // account for the LOD scale
                alt *= cv->getLODScale();

                altitudeOK =
                    (!_minElevation.isSet() || (alt >= *_minElevation)) &&
                    (!_maxElevation.isSet() || (alt <= *_maxElevation));

            if ( altitudeOK )
        osg::Group::traverse( nv );
Exemplo n.º 8
void TerrainProfileGraph::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
  if (_selecting)
    double selectEnd = mapToScene(e->pos()).x();

    double zoomStart = osg::minimum(_selectStart, selectEnd);
    double zoomEnd = osg::maximum(_selectStart, selectEnd);

    double startDistanceFactor = ((zoomStart - _graphField.x()) / (double)_graphField.width());
    double endDistanceFactor = ((zoomEnd - _graphField.x()) / (double)_graphField.width());

    osg::Vec3d worldStart, worldEnd;

    double newStartWorldX = (worldEnd.x() - worldStart.x()) * startDistanceFactor + worldStart.x();
    double newStartWorldY = (worldEnd.y() - worldStart.y()) * startDistanceFactor + worldStart.y();
    double newStartWorldZ = (worldEnd.z() - worldStart.z()) * startDistanceFactor + worldStart.z();

    GeoPoint newStart;
    newStart.fromWorld(_calculator->getStart().getSRS(), osg::Vec3d(newStartWorldX, newStartWorldY, newStartWorldZ));
    newStart.z() = 0.0;

    double newEndWorldX = (worldEnd.x() - worldStart.x()) * endDistanceFactor + worldStart.x();
    double newEndWorldY = (worldEnd.y() - worldStart.y()) * endDistanceFactor + worldStart.y();
    double newEndtWorldZ = (worldEnd.z() - worldStart.z()) * endDistanceFactor + worldStart.z();

    GeoPoint newEnd;
    newEnd.fromWorld(_calculator->getStart().getSRS(), osg::Vec3d(newEndWorldX, newEndWorldY, newEndtWorldZ));
    newEnd.z() = 0.0;

    if (osg::absolute(newEnd.x() - newStart.x()) > 0.001 || osg::absolute(newEnd.y() - newStart.y()) > 0.001)
      _calculator->setStartEnd(newStart, newEnd);
      _selecting = false;

  _selecting = false;
Exemplo n.º 9
    void update( float x, float y, osgViewer::View* view )
        bool yes = false;

        // look under the mouse:
        osg::Vec3d world;
        osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections hits;
        if ( view->computeIntersections(x, y, hits) )
            world = hits.begin()->getWorldIntersectPoint();

            // convert to map coords:
            GeoPoint mapPoint;
            mapPoint.fromWorld( s_mapNode->getMapSRS(), world );

            // Depending on the level of detail key you request, you will get a mesh that should line up exactly with the highest resolution mesh that the terrain engine will draw.
            // At level 15 that is a 257x257 heightfield.  If you select a higher lod, the mesh will be less dense.
            TileKey key = s_mapNode->getMap()->getProfile()->createTileKey(mapPoint.x(), mapPoint.y(), 15);
            OE_NOTICE << "Creating tile " << key.str() << std::endl;
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> node = s_mapNode->getTerrainEngine()->createTile(key);
            if (node.valid())
                // Extract the triangles from the node that was created and do our own rendering.  Simulates what you would do when passing in the triangles to a physics engine.
                OE_NOTICE << "Created tile for " << key.str() << std::endl;
                CollectTrianglesVisitor v;
                node = v.buildNode();

                if (_node.valid())
                    s_root->removeChild( _node.get() );

                osg::Group* group = new osg::Group;

                // Show the actual mesh.
                group->addChild( node.get() );

                _node = group;

                // Clamp the marker to the intersection of the triangles created by osgEarth.  This should line up with the mesh that is actually rendered.
                double z = 0.0;
                s_mapNode->getTerrain()->getHeight( node, s_mapNode->getMapSRS(), mapPoint.x(), mapPoint.y(), &z);

                GeoTransform* xform = new GeoTransform();
                xform->setPosition( osgEarth::GeoPoint(s_mapNode->getMapSRS(),mapPoint.x(),  mapPoint.y(), z, ALTMODE_ABSOLUTE) );
                xform->addChild( marker.get() );
                group->addChild( xform );

                s_root->addChild( _node.get() );
                OE_NOTICE << "Failed to create tile for " << key.str() << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 10
void ClipSpace::clampToLeft(GeoPoint& p)
    osg::Vec3d world;
    osg::Vec3d clip = world * _worldToClip;
    clip.x() = -1.0;
    world = clip * _clipToWorld;
    p.fromWorld(p.getSRS(), world);
Exemplo n.º 11
    void update( float x, float y, osgViewer::View* view )
        bool yes = false;

        // look under the mouse:
        osg::Vec3d world;
        if ( _terrain->getWorldCoordsUnderMouse(view, x, y, world) )
            // convert to map coords:
            GeoPoint mapPoint;
            mapPoint.fromWorld( _terrain->getSRS(), world );

            // do an elevation query:
            double query_resolution = 0.1; // 1/10th of a degree
            double out_hamsl        = 0.0;
            double out_resolution   = 0.0;

            bool ok = _query.getElevation( 
                &out_resolution );

            if ( ok )
                // convert to geodetic to get the HAE:
                mapPoint.z() = out_hamsl;
                GeoPoint mapPointGeodetic( s_mapNode->getMapSRS()->getGeodeticSRS(), mapPoint );

                static LatLongFormatter s_f;

                s_posLabel->setText( Stringify()
                    << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) 
                    << s_f.format(mapPointGeodetic.y())
                    << ", " 
                    << s_f.format(mapPointGeodetic.x()) );

                s_mslLabel->setText( Stringify() << out_hamsl );
                s_haeLabel->setText( Stringify() << mapPointGeodetic.z() );
                s_resLabel->setText( Stringify() << out_resolution );
                yes = true;

        if (!yes)
            s_posLabel->setText( "-" );
            s_mslLabel->setText( "-" );
            s_haeLabel->setText( "-" );
            s_resLabel->setText( "-" );
Exemplo n.º 12
 bool handle(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter& ea, osgGA::GUIActionAdapter& aa, osg::Object*, osg::NodeVisitor*)
     if (ea.getEventType() == ea.KEYDOWN && ea.getKey() == _c)
         osg::Vec3d world;
         _mapNode->getTerrain()->getWorldCoordsUnderMouse(aa.asView(), ea.getX(), ea.getY(), world);
         GeoPoint coords;
         coords.fromWorld(s_activeMap->getSRS(), world);
         osg::ref_ptr<ElevationEnvelope> env = s_activeMap->getElevationPool()->createEnvelope(s_activeMap->getSRS(), 23u);
         float ep_elev = env->getElevation(coords.x(), coords.y());
         OE_NOTICE << "Elevations under mouse. EP=" << ep_elev << "\n";
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 13
  void update(double time)
    double angle = (time / _time);
    angle = (angle - (int)angle) * osg::PI * 2.0;

    osg::Quat quat(angle, _up );
    osg::Vec3d spoke = quat * (_side * _radius);
    osg::Vec3d end = _center + spoke;

    GeoPoint mapPos;
    mapPos.fromWorld( _mapNode->getMapSRS(), end );
    //_mapNode->getMap()->worldPointToMapPoint(end, mapPos);

Exemplo n.º 14
LocalGeometryNode::computeBound() const
    osg::BoundingSphere bs = AnnotationNode::computeBound();
    // NOTE: this is the same code found in Feature.cpp. Consolidate?


    // add planes for the four sides of the BS. Normals point inwards.
    _boundingPT.add( osg::Plane(osg::Vec3d( 1, 0,0), osg::Vec3d(-bs.radius(),0,0)) );
    _boundingPT.add( osg::Plane(osg::Vec3d(-1, 0,0), osg::Vec3d( bs.radius(),0,0)) );
    _boundingPT.add( osg::Plane(osg::Vec3d( 0, 1,0), osg::Vec3d(0, -bs.radius(),0)) );
    _boundingPT.add( osg::Plane(osg::Vec3d( 0,-1,0), osg::Vec3d(0,  bs.radius(),0)) );

    const SpatialReference* srs = getPosition().getSRS();
    if ( srs )
        // for a projected feature, we're done. For a geocentric one, transform the polytope
        // into world (ECEF) space.
        if ( srs->isGeographic() && !srs->isPlateCarre() )
            const osg::EllipsoidModel* e = srs->getEllipsoid();

            // add a bottom cap, unless the bounds are sufficiently large.
            double minRad = std::min(e->getRadiusPolar(), e->getRadiusEquator());
            double maxRad = std::max(e->getRadiusPolar(), e->getRadiusEquator());
            double zeroOffset = bs.center().length();
            if ( zeroOffset > minRad * 0.1 )
                _boundingPT.add( osg::Plane(osg::Vec3d(0,0,1), osg::Vec3d(0,0,-maxRad+zeroOffset)) );

        // transform the clipping planes ito ECEF space
        GeoPoint refPoint;
        refPoint.fromWorld( srs, bs.center() );

        osg::Matrix local2world;
        refPoint.createLocalToWorld( local2world );

        _boundingPT.transform( local2world );

    return bs;
Exemplo n.º 15
RadialLineOfSightTether::operator()(osg::Node* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv)
    if (nv->getVisitorType() == osg::NodeVisitor::UPDATE_VISITOR)
        RadialLineOfSightNode* los = static_cast<RadialLineOfSightNode*>(node);

        osg::Vec3d worldCenter = getNodeCenter( _node );

        //Convert center to mappoint since that is what LOS expects
        GeoPoint mapCenter;
        mapCenter.fromWorld( los->getMapNode()->getMapSRS(), worldCenter );
        //los->getMapNode()->getMap()->worldPointToMapPoint( worldCenter, mapCenter );

        los->setCenter( mapCenter.vec3d() );      
    traverse(node, nv);
Exemplo n.º 16
Feature::getWorldBoundingPolytope(const SpatialReference* srs,
                                  osg::Polytope&          out_polytope) const
    osg::BoundingSphered bs;
    if ( getWorldBound(srs, bs) && bs.valid() )

        // add planes for the four sides of the BS. Normals point inwards.
        out_polytope.add( osg::Plane(osg::Vec3d( 1, 0,0), osg::Vec3d(-bs.radius(),0,0)) );
        out_polytope.add( osg::Plane(osg::Vec3d(-1, 0,0), osg::Vec3d( bs.radius(),0,0)) );
        out_polytope.add( osg::Plane(osg::Vec3d( 0, 1,0), osg::Vec3d(0, -bs.radius(),0)) );
        out_polytope.add( osg::Plane(osg::Vec3d( 0,-1,0), osg::Vec3d(0,  bs.radius(),0)) );

        // for a projected feature, we're done. For a geocentric one, transform the polytope
        // into world (ECEF) space.
        if ( srs->isGeographic() && !srs->isPlateCarre() )
            const osg::EllipsoidModel* e = srs->getEllipsoid();

            // add a bottom cap, unless the bounds are sufficiently large.
            double minRad = std::min(e->getRadiusPolar(), e->getRadiusEquator());
            double maxRad = std::max(e->getRadiusPolar(), e->getRadiusEquator());
            double zeroOffset = bs.center().length();
            if ( zeroOffset > minRad * 0.1 )
                out_polytope.add( osg::Plane(osg::Vec3d(0,0,1), osg::Vec3d(0,0,-maxRad+zeroOffset)) );

        // transform the clipping planes ito ECEF space
        GeoPoint refPoint;
        refPoint.fromWorld( srs, bs.center() );

        osg::Matrix local2world;
        refPoint.createLocalToWorld( local2world );

        out_polytope.transform( local2world );

        return true;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 17
MouseCoordsTool::handle( const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter& ea, osgGA::GUIActionAdapter& aa )
    if (ea.getEventType() == ea.MOVE || ea.getEventType() == ea.DRAG)
        osg::Vec3d world;
        if ( _mapNode->getTerrain()->getWorldCoordsUnderMouse(aa.asView(), ea.getX(), ea.getY(), world) )
            GeoPoint map;
            map.fromWorld( _mapNode->getMapSRS(), world );

            for( Callbacks::iterator i = _callbacks.begin(); i != _callbacks.end(); ++i )
                i->get()->set( map, aa.asView(), _mapNode );
            for( Callbacks::iterator i = _callbacks.begin(); i != _callbacks.end(); ++i )
                i->get()->reset( aa.asView(), _mapNode );

#if 1 // testing AGL, Dist to Point
        osg::Vec3d eye, center, up;
        aa.asView()->getCamera()->getViewMatrixAsLookAt(eye, center, up);
        DPLineSegmentIntersector* lsi = new DPLineSegmentIntersector(eye, osg::Vec3d(0,0,0));
        osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor iv(lsi);
        //iv.setUserData( new Map() );

        if ( !lsi->getIntersections().empty() )
            double agl = (eye - lsi->getFirstIntersection().getWorldIntersectPoint()).length();
            double dtp = (eye - world).length();
            //OE_NOTICE << "AGL = " << agl << "m; DPT = " << dtp << "m" << std::endl;
            Registry::instance()->startActivity("AGL", Stringify() << agl << " m");
            Registry::instance()->startActivity("Range", Stringify() << dtp << " m");

    return false;
Exemplo n.º 18
void LOSCreationDialog::centerMapOnNode(osg::Node* node)
  if (node && _map.valid() && _manager.valid() && _views)
    AnnotationNode* annoNode = dynamic_cast<AnnotationNode*>(node);
    if (annoNode && annoNode->getAnnotationData() && annoNode->getAnnotationData()->getViewpoint())
      _manager->doAction(this, new SetViewpointAction(osgEarth::Viewpoint(*annoNode->getAnnotationData()->getViewpoint()), *_views));
      osg::Vec3d center = node->getBound().center();

      GeoPoint output;
      output.fromWorld( _map->getSRS(), center );
      //_map->worldPointToMapPoint(center, output);

      _manager->doAction(this, new SetViewpointAction(osgEarth::Viewpoint(output.vec3d(), 0.0, -90.0, 1e5), *_views));
Exemplo n.º 19
    _bearing = osg::DegreesToRadians( 90.0 );
    //Get the radius dragger's position
    if (!_radiusDragger->getMatrix().isIdentity())
        // Get the current location of the center of the circle (in lat/long)
        GeoPoint location = _node->getPosition();

        // location of the radius dragger (in lat/long)
        GeoPoint radiusLocation;
        radiusLocation.fromWorld( location.getSRS(), _radiusDragger->getMatrix().getTrans() );

        // calculate the bearing b/w the 
        _bearing = GeoMath::bearing(
            osg::DegreesToRadians(location.y()), osg::DegreesToRadians(location.x()),
            osg::DegreesToRadians(radiusLocation.y()), osg::DegreesToRadians(radiusLocation.x()));
Exemplo n.º 20
MouseCoordsTool::handle( const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter& ea, osgGA::GUIActionAdapter& aa )
    if (ea.getEventType() == ea.MOVE || ea.getEventType() == ea.DRAG)
        osg::Vec3d world;
        if ( _mapNode->getTerrain()->getWorldCoordsUnderMouse(aa.asView(), ea.getX(), ea.getY(), world) )
            GeoPoint map;
            map.fromWorld( _mapNode->getMapSRS(), world );

            for( Callbacks::iterator i = _callbacks.begin(); i != _callbacks.end(); ++i )
                i->get()->set( map, aa.asView(), _mapNode );
            for( Callbacks::iterator i = _callbacks.begin(); i != _callbacks.end(); ++i )
                i->get()->reset( aa.asView(), _mapNode );

    return false;
Exemplo n.º 21
    void update( float x, float y, osgViewer::View* view )
        bool yes = false;

        // look under the mouse:
        osg::Vec3d world;
        osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections hits;
        if ( view->computeIntersections(x, y, hits) )
            world = hits.begin()->getWorldIntersectPoint();

            // convert to map coords:
            GeoPoint mapPoint;
            mapPoint.fromWorld( s_mapNode->getMapSRS(), world );

            TileKey key = s_mapNode->getMap()->getProfile()->createTileKey(mapPoint.x(), mapPoint.y(), 13);
            OE_NOTICE << "Creating tile " << key.str() << std::endl;
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> node = s_mapNode->getTerrainEngine()->createTile(key);
            if (node.valid())
                OE_NOTICE << "Created tile for " << key.str() << std::endl;
                CollectTrianglesVisitor v;

                osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> output = v.buildNode();
                osgDB::writeNodeFile( *output.get(), "createtile.osgt" );
                OE_NOTICE << "Wrote tile to createtile.osgt\n";
                OE_NOTICE << "Failed to create tile for " << key.str() << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 22
bool ElevationDragger::handle(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter& ea, osgGA::GUIActionAdapter& aa)
    bool ret = true;
    if (ea.getHandled()) {
        ret = false;
        bool handled = false;
        if (_elevationMode)
            if (ea.getEventType() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::PUSH)
                ret = osgEarth::Dragger::handle(ea, aa);
                if (ret) 
                    bool pressedAlt = ((ea.getModKeyMask() & _modKeyMask) > 0);
                    if (pressedAlt)

                        // set movement range
                        // TODO: values 0.0 and 300000.0 are rather experimental
                        GeoPoint posStart(_position.getSRS(), _position.x(), _position.y(), 0.0, ALTMODE_ABSOLUTE);
                        osg::Vec3d posStartXYZ;

                        GeoPoint posEnd(_position.getSRS(), _position.x(), _position.y(), 300000.0, ALTMODE_ABSOLUTE);
                        osg::Vec3d posEndXYZ;

                        _projector->setLine(posStartXYZ, posEndXYZ);

                        // set camera
                        osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections intersections;
                        osg::Node::NodeMask intersectionMask = 0xffffffff;
                        osgViewer::View* view = dynamic_cast<osgViewer::View*>(&aa);
                        if (view->computeIntersections(ea.getX(),ea.getY(),intersections, intersectionMask))
                            for (osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections::iterator hitr = intersections.begin(); hitr != intersections.end(); ++hitr)
                                _pointer.addIntersection(hitr->nodePath, hitr->getLocalIntersectPoint());
                            for (osg::NodePath::iterator itr = _pointer._hitList.front().first.begin(); itr != _pointer._hitList.front().first.end(); ++itr)
                                ElevationDragger* dragger = dynamic_cast<ElevationDragger*>(*itr);
                                if (dragger==this)
                                    osg::Camera *rootCamera = view->getCamera();
                                    osg::NodePath nodePath = _pointer._hitList.front().first;
                                    osg::NodePath::reverse_iterator ritr;
                                    for (ritr = nodePath.rbegin(); ritr != nodePath.rend(); ++ritr)
                                        osg::Camera* camera = dynamic_cast<osg::Camera*>(*ritr);
                                        if (camera && (camera->getReferenceFrame()!=osg::Transform::RELATIVE_RF || camera->getParents().empty()))
                                             rootCamera = camera;
                                    _pointer.setMousePosition(ea.getX(), ea.getY());

                        _elevationDragging = true;
                handled = true;
            else if (ea.getEventType() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::RELEASE)
                _elevationDragging = false;
            else if (ea.getEventType() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::DRAG) 
                if (_elevationDragging) 
                    _pointer._hitIter = _pointer._hitList.begin();
                    _pointer.setMousePosition(ea.getX(), ea.getY());

                    if (_projector->project(_pointer, _startProjectedPoint)) 
                        //Get the absolute mapPoint that they've drug it to.
                        GeoPoint projectedPos;
                        projectedPos.fromWorld(_position.getSRS(), _startProjectedPoint);

                        // make sure point is not dragged down below
                        // TODO: think of a better solution / HeightAboveTerrain performance issues?
                        if (projectedPos.z() > 0)
                            //If the current position is relative, we need to convert the absolute world point to relative.
                            //If the point is absolute then just emit the absolute point.
                            if (_position.altitudeMode() == ALTMODE_RELATIVE)
                                projectedPos.alt() = _position.alt();
                                projectedPos.altitudeMode() = ALTMODE_RELATIVE;

                            setPosition( projectedPos );

                    handled = true;
        if (!handled) {
            ret = osgEarth::Dragger::handle(ea, aa);
    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 23
OverlayNode::traverse( osg::NodeVisitor& nv )
    if ( !_overlayProxyContainer.valid() )
        osg::Group::traverse( nv );
        if ( nv.getVisitorType() == osg::NodeVisitor::CULL_VISITOR )
            if ( _active )
                // do nothing -- culling will happen via the OverlayProxy instead.
                // for a non-active node, just traverse children as usual.
                osg::Group::traverse( nv );

        else if ( nv.getVisitorType() == osg::NodeVisitor::UPDATE_VISITOR )
            if ( _dirty )
                _dirty = false;
                ADJUST_UPDATE_TRAV_COUNT( this, -1 );
            // traverse children directly, regardles of active status
            osg::Group::traverse( nv );

        else if (dynamic_cast<osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor*>(&nv))
               In order to properly intersect with overlay geometries, attempt to find the point on the terrain where the pick occurred
               cast a second intersector vertically at that point.

               Currently this is only imlpemented for our custom PrimitiveIntersector.
            osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor* iv = dynamic_cast<osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor*>(&nv);
            osgEarth::PrimitiveIntersector* pi = dynamic_cast<osgEarth::PrimitiveIntersector *>(iv->getIntersector());

            osg::ref_ptr<MapNode> mapNode;
            if (pi && !pi->getOverlayIgnore() && _mapNode.lock(mapNode))
                osg::NodePath path = iv->getNodePath();
                osg::NodePath prunedNodePath( path.begin(), path.end()-1 );
                osg::Matrix modelToWorld = osg::computeLocalToWorld(prunedNodePath);
                osg::Vec3d worldStart = pi->getStart() * modelToWorld;
                osg::Vec3d worldEnd = pi->getEnd() * modelToWorld;

                osg::ref_ptr<DPLineSegmentIntersector> lsi = new DPLineSegmentIntersector(worldStart, worldEnd);
                osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor ivTerrain(lsi.get());

                if (lsi->containsIntersections())
                  osg::Vec3d worldIntersect = lsi->getFirstIntersection().getWorldIntersectPoint();
                  GeoPoint mapIntersect;
                  mapIntersect.fromWorld(mapNode->getMapSRS(), worldIntersect);

                  osg::Vec3d newMapStart(mapIntersect.x(), mapIntersect.y(), 25000.0);
                  osg::Vec3d newMapEnd(mapIntersect.x(), mapIntersect.y(), -25000.0);

                  osg::Vec3d newWorldStart;
                  mapNode->getMapSRS()->transformToWorld(newMapStart, newWorldStart);

                  osg::Vec3d newWorldEnd;
                  mapNode->getMapSRS()->transformToWorld(newMapEnd, newWorldEnd);

                  osg::Matrix worldToModel;

                  osg::Vec3d newModelStart = newWorldStart * worldToModel;
                  osg::Vec3d newModelEnd = newWorldEnd * worldToModel;

                  osg::ref_ptr<osgEarth::PrimitiveIntersector> pi2 = new osgEarth::PrimitiveIntersector(osgUtil::Intersector::MODEL, newModelStart, newModelEnd, pi->getThickness(), true);
                  osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor iv2(pi2);

                  if (pi2->containsIntersections())
                    // Insert newlly found intersections into the original intersector.
                    for (PrimitiveIntersector::Intersections::iterator it = pi2->getIntersections().begin(); it != pi2->getIntersections().end(); ++it)
                      PrimitiveIntersector::Intersection intersection(*it);
                      intersection.ratio = 1.0;
                  //OE_WARN << LC << "No hits on terrain!" << std::endl;
              osg::Group::traverse( nv );

        // handle other visitor types (like intersections, etc) by simply
        // traversing the child graph.
        else // if ( nv.getNodeVisitor() == osg::NodeVisitor::NODE_VISITOR )
            osg::Group::traverse( nv );
Exemplo n.º 24
    void update( float x, float y, osgViewer::View* view )
        bool yes = false;

        // look under the mouse:
        osg::Vec3d world;
        osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections hits;
        if ( view->computeIntersections(x, y, hits) )
            world = hits.begin()->getWorldIntersectPoint();

            // convert to map coords:
            GeoPoint mapPoint;
            mapPoint.fromWorld( _terrain->getSRS(), world );

            // do an elevation query:
            double query_resolution = 0; // 1/10th of a degree
            double out_hamsl        = 0.0;
            double out_resolution   = 0.0;

            bool ok = _query.getElevation( 
                &out_resolution );

            if ( ok )
                // convert to geodetic to get the HAE:
                mapPoint.z() = out_hamsl;
                GeoPoint mapPointGeodetic( s_mapNode->getMapSRS()->getGeodeticSRS(), mapPoint );

                static LatLongFormatter s_f;

                s_posLabel->setText( Stringify()
                    << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) 
                    << s_f.format(mapPointGeodetic.y())
                    << ", " 
                    << s_f.format(mapPointGeodetic.x()) );

                s_mslLabel->setText( Stringify() << out_hamsl );
                s_haeLabel->setText( Stringify() << mapPointGeodetic.z() );
                s_resLabel->setText( Stringify() << out_resolution );

                yes = true;

            // finally, get a normal ISECT HAE point.
            GeoPoint isectPoint;
            isectPoint.fromWorld( _terrain->getSRS()->getGeodeticSRS(), world );
            s_mapLabel->setText( Stringify() << isectPoint.alt() );

        if (!yes)
            s_posLabel->setText( "-" );
            s_mslLabel->setText( "-" );
            s_haeLabel->setText( "-" );
            s_resLabel->setText( "-" );
Exemplo n.º 25
ElevationQuery::getElevationImpl(const GeoPoint& point,
                                 float&          out_elevation,
                                 double          desiredResolution,
                                 double*         out_actualResolution)
    // assertion.
    if ( !point.isAbsolute() )
        OE_WARN << LC << "Assertion failure; input must be absolute" << std::endl;
        return false;

    osg::Timer_t begin = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();

    // first try the terrain patches.
    if ( _terrainModelLayers.size() > 0 )
        osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor iv;

        if ( _ivrc.valid() )

        for(LayerVector::iterator i = _terrainModelLayers.begin(); i != _terrainModelLayers.end(); ++i)
            // find the scene graph for this layer:
            Layer* layer = i->get();
            osg::Node* node = layer->getNode();
            if ( node )
                // configure for intersection:
                osg::Vec3d surface;
                point.toWorld( surface );

                // trivial bounds check:
                if ( node->getBound().contains(surface) )
                    osg::Vec3d nvector;

                    osg::Vec3d start( surface + nvector*5e5 );
                    osg::Vec3d end  ( surface - nvector*5e5 );

                    // first time through, set up the intersector on demand
                    if ( !_lsi.valid() )
                        _lsi = new osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector(start, end);
                        _lsi->setIntersectionLimit( _lsi->LIMIT_NEAREST );
                        _lsi->setStart( start );
                        _lsi->setEnd  ( end );

                    // try it.
                    iv.setIntersector( _lsi.get() );
                    node->accept( iv );

                    // check for a result!!
                    if ( _lsi->containsIntersections() )
                        osg::Vec3d isect = _lsi->getIntersections().begin()->getWorldIntersectPoint();

                        // transform back to input SRS:
                        GeoPoint output;
                        output.fromWorld( point.getSRS(), isect );
                        out_elevation = (float)output.z();
                        if ( out_actualResolution )
                            *out_actualResolution = 0.0;

                        return true;
                    //OE_INFO << LC << "Trivial rejection (bounds check)" << std::endl;

    if (_elevationLayers.empty())
        // this means there are no heightfields.
        out_elevation = NO_DATA_VALUE;
        return true;

    // secure map pointer:
    osg::ref_ptr<const Map> map;
    if (!_map.lock(map))
        return false;

    // tile size (resolution of elevation tiles)
    unsigned tileSize = 257; // yes?

    // default LOD:
    unsigned lod = 23u;

    // attempt to map the requested resolution to an LOD:
    if (desiredResolution > 0.0)
        int level = map->getProfile()->getLevelOfDetailForHorizResolution(desiredResolution, tileSize);
        if ( level > 0 )
            lod = level;

    // do we need a new ElevationEnvelope?
    if (!_envelope.valid() ||
        !point.getSRS()->isHorizEquivalentTo(_envelope->getSRS()) ||
        lod != _envelope->getLOD())
        _envelope = map->getElevationPool()->createEnvelope(point.getSRS(), lod);

    // sample the elevation, and if requested, the resolution as well:
    if (out_actualResolution)
        std::pair<float, float> result = _envelope->getElevationAndResolution(point.x(), point.y());
        out_elevation = result.first;
        *out_actualResolution = result.second;
        out_elevation = _envelope->getElevation(point.x(), point.y());

    return out_elevation != NO_DATA_VALUE;
Exemplo n.º 26
bool Dragger::handle(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter& ea, osgGA::GUIActionAdapter& aa)
    if (ea.getHandled()) return false;

    osgViewer::View* view = dynamic_cast<osgViewer::View*>(&aa);
    if (!view) return false;
    if (!_mapNode.valid()) return false;

    if (ea.getEventType() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::PUSH)
        Picker picker( view, this );
        Picker::Hits hits;

        if ( picker.pick( ea.getX(), ea.getY(), hits ) )
            _dragging = true;
            return true;
    else if (ea.getEventType() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::RELEASE)
        _dragging = false;
    else if (ea.getEventType() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::DRAG)
        if (_dragging)
            osg::Vec3d world;
            if ( _mapNode->getTerrain()->getWorldCoordsUnderMouse(view, ea.getX(), ea.getY(), world) )
                //Get the absolute mapPoint that they've drug it to.
                GeoPoint mapPoint;
                mapPoint.fromWorld( _mapNode->getMapSRS(), world );
                //_mapNode->getMap()->worldPointToMapPoint(world, mapPoint);

                //If the current position is relative, we need to convert the absolute world point to relative.
                //If the point is absolute then just emit the absolute point.
                if (_position.altitudeMode() == ALTMODE_RELATIVE)
                    mapPoint.alt() = _position.alt();
                    mapPoint.altitudeMode() = ALTMODE_RELATIVE;
                setPosition( mapPoint );
                return true;
    else if (ea.getEventType() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::MOVE)
        Picker picker( view, this );
        Picker::Hits hits;

        if ( picker.pick( ea.getX(), ea.getY(), hits ) )
            setHover( true );
            setHover( false );
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 27
bool Dragger::handle(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter& ea, osgGA::GUIActionAdapter& aa)
    if (ea.getHandled()) return false;

    osgViewer::View* view = dynamic_cast<osgViewer::View*>(&aa);
    if (!view) return false;
    if (!_mapNode.valid()) return false;

    if (ea.getEventType() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::PUSH)
        Picker picker( view, this );
        Picker::Hits hits;

        if ( picker.pick( ea.getX(), ea.getY(), hits ) )
            _dragging = true;

            //Check for and handle vertical dragging if necessary
            bool pressedAlt = _modKeyMask && (ea.getModKeyMask() & _modKeyMask) > 0;
            _elevationDragging = (_defaultMode == Dragger::DRAGMODE_VERTICAL && !pressedAlt) || (_defaultMode == Dragger::DRAGMODE_HORIZONTAL && pressedAlt);

            if (_elevationDragging)

              // set movement range
              // TODO: values 0.0 and 300000.0 are rather experimental
              GeoPoint posStart(_position.getSRS(), _position.x(), _position.y(), 0.0, ALTMODE_ABSOLUTE);
              osg::Vec3d posStartXYZ;

              GeoPoint posEnd(_position.getSRS(), _position.x(), _position.y(), 300000.0, ALTMODE_ABSOLUTE);
              osg::Vec3d posEndXYZ;

              _projector->setLine(posStartXYZ, posEndXYZ);

              // set camera
              osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections intersections;
              osg::Node::NodeMask intersectionMask = 0xffffffff;
              osgViewer::View* view = dynamic_cast<osgViewer::View*>(&aa);
              if (view->computeIntersections(ea.getX(),ea.getY(),intersections, intersectionMask))
                  for (osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections::iterator hitr = intersections.begin(); hitr != intersections.end(); ++hitr)
                      _pointer.addIntersection(hitr->nodePath, hitr->getLocalIntersectPoint());

                  bool draggerFound = false;
                  for (osgManipulator::PointerInfo::IntersectionList::iterator piit = _pointer._hitList.begin(); piit != _pointer._hitList.end(); ++piit)
                      for (osg::NodePath::iterator itr = piit->first.begin(); itr != piit->first.end(); ++itr)
                          Dragger* dragger = dynamic_cast<Dragger*>(*itr);
                          if (dragger==this)
                            draggerFound = true;
                              osg::Camera *rootCamera = view->getCamera();
                              osg::NodePath nodePath = _pointer._hitList.front().first;
                              osg::NodePath::reverse_iterator ritr;
                              for (ritr = nodePath.rbegin(); ritr != nodePath.rend(); ++ritr)
                                  osg::Camera* camera = dynamic_cast<osg::Camera*>(*ritr);
                                  if (camera && (camera->getReferenceFrame()!=osg::Transform::RELATIVE_RF || camera->getParents().empty()))
                                       rootCamera = camera;
                              _pointer.setMousePosition(ea.getX(), ea.getY());


                      if (draggerFound)

            return true;
    else if (ea.getEventType() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::RELEASE)
        _elevationDragging = false;

        if ( _dragging )
            _dragging = false;

    else if (ea.getEventType() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::DRAG)
        if (_elevationDragging) 
            _pointer._hitIter = _pointer._hitList.begin();
            _pointer.setMousePosition(ea.getX(), ea.getY());

            if (_projector->project(_pointer, _startProjectedPoint)) 
                //Get the absolute mapPoint that they've drug it to.
                GeoPoint projectedPos;
                projectedPos.fromWorld(_position.getSRS(), _startProjectedPoint);

                // make sure point is not dragged down below
                // TODO: think of a better solution / HeightAboveTerrain performance issues?
                if (projectedPos.z() >= _verticalMinimum)
                    //If the current position is relative, we need to convert the absolute world point to relative.
                    //If the point is absolute then just emit the absolute point.
                    if (_position.altitudeMode() == ALTMODE_RELATIVE)
                        projectedPos.transformZ(ALTMODE_RELATIVE, getMapNode()->getTerrain());

                    setPosition( projectedPos );

            return true;
        if (_dragging)
            osg::Vec3d world;
            if ( getMapNode() && getMapNode()->getTerrain()->getWorldCoordsUnderMouse(view, ea.getX(), ea.getY(), world) )
                //Get the absolute mapPoint that they've drug it to.
                GeoPoint mapPoint;
                mapPoint.fromWorld( getMapNode()->getMapSRS(), world );
                //_mapNode->getMap()->worldPointToMapPoint(world, mapPoint);

                //If the current position is relative, we need to convert the absolute world point to relative.
                //If the point is absolute then just emit the absolute point.
                if (_position.altitudeMode() == ALTMODE_RELATIVE)
                    mapPoint.alt() = _position.alt();
                    mapPoint.altitudeMode() = ALTMODE_RELATIVE;

                setPosition( mapPoint );
                return true;
    else if (ea.getEventType() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::MOVE)
        Picker picker( view, this );
        Picker::Hits hits;

        if ( picker.pick( ea.getX(), ea.getY(), hits ) )
            setHover( true );
            setHover( false );
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 28
main(int argc, char** argv)
    osg::ArgumentParser arguments(&argc,argv);
    if ( arguments.read("--stencil") )
        osg::DisplaySettings::instance()->setMinimumNumStencilBits( 8 );

    //Setup a CompositeViewer
    osgViewer::CompositeViewer viewer(arguments);

    //Setup our main view that will show the loaded earth file.
    osgViewer::View* mainView = new osgViewer::View();
    mainView->setCameraManipulator( new EarthManipulator() );      
    mainView->setUpViewInWindow( 50, 50, 800, 800 );
    viewer.addView( mainView );
    //Setup a MiniMap View that will be embedded in the main view
    int miniMapWidth = 400;
    int miniMapHeight = 200;
    osgViewer::View* miniMapView = new osgViewer::View();
    miniMapView->getCamera()->setViewport( 0, 0, miniMapWidth, miniMapHeight);    
    miniMapView->setCameraManipulator( new EarthManipulator() );    
    miniMapView->getCamera()->setClearColor( osg::Vec4(0,0,0,0));
    miniMapView->getCamera()->setProjectionResizePolicy( osg::Camera::FIXED );
    miniMapView->getCamera()->setProjectionMatrixAsPerspective(30.0, double(miniMapWidth) / double(miniMapHeight), 1.0, 1000.0);
    //Share a graphics context with the main view
    miniMapView->getCamera()->setGraphicsContext( mainView->getCamera()->getGraphicsContext());        
    viewer.addView( miniMapView );
    // load an earth file, and support all or our example command-line options
    // and earth file <external> tags    
    osg::Node* node = MapNodeHelper().load( arguments, mainView );
    if ( node )
        MapNode* mapNode = MapNode::findMapNode(node);
        //Set the main view's scene data to the loaded earth file
        mainView->setSceneData( node );

        //Setup a group to hold the contents of the MiniMap
        osg::Group* miniMapGroup = new osg::Group;

        MapNode* miniMapNode = makeMiniMapNode();        
        miniMapGroup->addChild( miniMapNode );
        //Get the main MapNode so we can do tranformations between it and our minimap
        MapNode* mainMapNode = MapNode::findMapNode( node );
        //Set the scene data for the minimap
        miniMapView->setSceneData( miniMapGroup );        

        //Add a marker we can move around with the main view's eye point
        Style markerStyle;
        markerStyle.getOrCreate<IconSymbol>()->url()->setLiteral( "../data/placemark32.png" );
        PlaceNode* eyeMarker = new PlaceNode(miniMapNode, GeoPoint(miniMapNode->getMapSRS(), 0, 0), "", markerStyle);
        miniMapGroup->addChild( eyeMarker );        
        miniMapGroup->getOrCreateStateSet()->setRenderBinDetails(100, "RenderBin");

        osg::Node* bounds = 0;
        while (!viewer.done())
            //Reset the viewport so that the camera's viewport is static and doesn't resize with window resizes
            miniMapView->getCamera()->setViewport( 0, 0, miniMapWidth, miniMapHeight);    

            //Get the eye point of the main view
            osg::Vec3d eye, up, center;
            mainView->getCamera()->getViewMatrixAsLookAt( eye, center, up );

            //Turn the eye into a geopoint and transform it to the minimap's SRS
            GeoPoint eyeGeo;
            eyeGeo.fromWorld( mainMapNode->getMapSRS(), eye );
            eyeGeo.transform( miniMapNode->getMapSRS());

            //We want the marker to be positioned at elevation 0, so zero out any elevation in the eye point
            eyeGeo.z() = 0;           
            //Set the position of the marker
            eyeMarker->setPosition( eyeGeo );

            if (bounds)
                miniMapGroup->removeChild( bounds );
            GeoExtent extent = getExtent( mainView );
            bounds = drawBounds( miniMapNode, extent );
            miniMapGroup->addChild( bounds );

            << "\nUsage: " << argv[0] << " file.earth" << std::endl
            << MapNodeHelper().usage() << std::endl;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 29
    void update( float x, float y, osgViewer::View* view )
        bool yes = false;

        // look under the mouse:
        osg::Vec3d world;
        osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections hits;
        if ( view->computeIntersections(x, y, hits) )
            world = hits.begin()->getWorldIntersectPoint();

            // convert to map coords:
            GeoPoint mapPoint;
            mapPoint.fromWorld( _terrain->getSRS(), world );
            mapPoint.z() = 0;

            // do an elevation query:
            double query_resolution = 0; // max.
            double out_hamsl        = 0.0;
            double out_resolution   = 0.0;

            bool ok = _query.getElevation( 
                &out_resolution );
            mapPoint.z() = out_hamsl;
            _mapPoint = mapPoint;


            GeometryFactory factory(SpatialReference::create("wgs84"));
            Geometry* geom = 0;
            if (_tool == TOOL_RECTANGLE)
                geom = factory.createRectangle(mapPoint.vec3d(), _radius,_radius);
            else if (_tool == TOOL_CIRCLE || _tool == TOOL_BLAST)
                geom = factory.createCircle(mapPoint.vec3d(), _radius);

            Feature* feature = new Feature(geom, SpatialReference::create("wgs84"));

            if (_featureNode.valid())
                _root->removeChild( _featureNode );
                _featureNode = 0;

            Style style;
            style.getOrCreateSymbol<AltitudeSymbol>()->clamping() = AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_TO_TERRAIN;
            style.getOrCreateSymbol<AltitudeSymbol>()->technique() = AltitudeSymbol::TECHNIQUE_DRAPE;
            if (_tool != TOOL_BLAST)
                style.getOrCreateSymbol<PolygonSymbol>()->fill()->color() = Color(Color::Cyan, 0.5);
                style.getOrCreateSymbol<PolygonSymbol>()->fill()->color() = Color(Color::Red, 0.5);

            _featureNode = new FeatureNode( s_mapNode,
            _root->addChild( _featureNode );
Exemplo n.º 30
MapNode::traverse( osg::NodeVisitor& nv )
    if ( nv.getVisitorType() == nv.EVENT_VISITOR )
        unsigned int numBlacklist = Registry::instance()->getNumBlacklistedFilenames();
        if (numBlacklist != _lastNumBlacklistedFilenames)
            //Only remove the blacklisted filenames if new filenames have been added since last time.
            _lastNumBlacklistedFilenames = numBlacklist;
            RemoveBlacklistedFilenamesVisitor v;
            _terrainEngine->accept( v );

        // traverse:
        std::for_each( _children.begin(), _children.end(), osg::NodeAcceptOp(nv) );

    else if ( nv.getVisitorType() == nv.CULL_VISITOR )
        osgUtil::CullVisitor* cv = Culling::asCullVisitor(nv);
        if ( cv )
            // insert traversal data for this camera:
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Referenced> oldUserData = cv->getUserData();
            MapNodeCullData* cullData = getCullData( cv->getCurrentCamera() );
            cv->setUserData( cullData );

            cullData->_mapNode = this;

            // calculate altitude:
            osg::Vec3d eye = cv->getViewPoint();
            const SpatialReference* srs = getMapSRS();
            if ( srs && !srs->isProjected() )
                GeoPoint ecef;
                ecef.fromWorld( srs, eye );
                cullData->_cameraAltitude = ecef.alt();
                cullData->_cameraAltitude = eye.z();

            // window scale matrix:
            osg::Matrix  m4 = cv->getWindowMatrix();
            osg::Matrix3 m3( m4(0,0), m4(1,0), m4(2,0),
                             m4(0,1), m4(1,1), m4(2,1),
                             m4(0,2), m4(1,2), m4(2,2) );
            cullData->_windowScaleMatrix->set( m3 );

            // traverse:
            cv->pushStateSet( cullData->_stateSet.get() );
            std::for_each( _children.begin(), _children.end(), osg::NodeAcceptOp(nv) );

            // restore:
            cv->setUserData( oldUserData.get() );

        osg::Group::traverse( nv );