Exemplo n.º 1
void StructureMgrSingleton::ShowAllParts()
    FeaStructure* fea_struct = GetFeaStruct( m_CurrStructIndex );
    Vehicle* veh = VehicleMgr.GetVehicle();

    if ( fea_struct && veh )
        string parent_id = fea_struct->GetParentGeomID();

        Geom* parent = veh->FindGeom( parent_id );
        if ( parent )
            parent->SetSetFlag( 1, true ); //add to shown
            parent->SetSetFlag( 2, false ); //remove from show

        vector < FeaPart* > part_vec = fea_struct->GetFeaPartVec();

        for ( size_t i = 0; i < part_vec.size(); i++ )
            part_vec[i]->m_DrawFeaPartFlag.Set( true );

        vector < SubSurface* > ss_vec = fea_struct->GetFeaSubSurfVec();

        for ( size_t i = 0; i < ss_vec.size(); i++ )
            ss_vec[i]->m_DrawFeaPartFlag.Set( true );
Exemplo n.º 2
void TreeDlg::OnTreeComputePath() 

    HTREEITEM hSelectedItem = mpTreeCtrl->GetSelectedItem();
    if (hSelectedItem == NULL)
        AppendOutputText("No item is selected");
        GvPath *selectedItemPath = PathOfItem(hSelectedItem);
        if (selectedItemPath == NULL)
            AppendOutputText("[PathOfItem(...) returned NULL");
            UtScalarArray<int> *indexArray = selectedItemPath->GetIndexArray();
            int count = selectedItemPath->GetIndexCount();
            AppendOutputText("Selected ");
            Geom *g = selectedItemPath->Resolve();
            AppendOutputText(" at path");
            char buf[20];
            for (int i=0; i<count; ++i) {
                sprintf(buf, " %d", (*indexArray)[i]);
Exemplo n.º 3
void GvPath::GetCumulativeTransform(Transform3 *T)
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<mAncestryLength; ++i) {
    Geom *g = mAncestry[i];
    if (g->IsInstanceOf(TYPE_INFO(GeomWrapped))) {
      Transform3 *M = ((GeomWrapped*)g)->GetTransform();
      // Explanation of the order of multiplication: Our
      // transform libarary treats data points as row vectors;
      // transforms act on them by right multiplication, i.e.
      // [point] * [matrix] = [new point].  Transforms lower in
      // the heirarchy are closer to the data points (the one
      // just above the leaf node Geom being the one that acts
      // on it first), so the order in which the product of
      // transformations act on a point is:
      //  [point] * [transf n] * ... * [transf 1] * [transf 0]
      //   = [new point]
      // At this point, we've accumulated the product
      //  [transf i-1] ... [transf 0]
      // in T, and we're about to multiply it by [transf i]
      // (which is in M), so the order should be M * T.
      T->Concat(M, T);
Exemplo n.º 4
void VSPAEROMgrSingleton::Update()
    if( m_RefFlag() == MANUAL_REF )
        Geom* refgeom = VehicleMgr.GetVehicle()->FindGeom( m_RefGeomID );

        if( refgeom )
            if( refgeom->GetType().m_Type == MS_WING_GEOM_TYPE )
                WingGeom* refwing = (WingGeom*) refgeom;
                m_Sref.Set( refwing->m_TotalArea() );
                m_bref.Set( refwing->m_TotalSpan() );
                m_cref.Set( refwing->m_TotalChord() );


Exemplo n.º 5
//==== Get copy of sub surfaces from geom by id and surf number ====//
vector< SubSurface*> SubSurfaceMgrSingleton::GetSubSurfs( string comp_id, int surfnum )
    vector< SubSurface* > ret_vec;

    Geom* geom = GetGeom( comp_id );
    if ( !geom )
        return ret_vec;

    vector< SubSurface* > all_vec;
    all_vec = geom->GetSubSurfVec();

    int imain = geom->GetMainSurfID( surfnum );

    for ( int i = 0; i < all_vec.size(); i++ )
        if ( imain == all_vec[i]->m_MainSurfIndx() )
            ret_vec.push_back( all_vec[i] );

    return ret_vec;
Exemplo n.º 6
//==== Show/NoShow Active Geoms and Children ====//
void ManageGeomScreen::NoShowActiveGeoms( bool flag )

    //==== Load Active Geom IDs And Children ====//
    vector<string> geom_id_vec;
    vector<string> active_geom_vec = m_VehiclePtr->GetActiveGeomVec();
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( int )active_geom_vec.size() ; i++ )
        Geom* gPtr = m_VehiclePtr->FindGeom( active_geom_vec[i] );
        if ( gPtr )
            gPtr->LoadIDAndChildren( geom_id_vec );

    //==== Set No Show Flag ====//
    vector< Geom* > geom_vec = m_VehiclePtr->FindGeomVec( geom_id_vec );
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( int )geom_vec.size() ; i++ )
        if ( geom_vec[i] )
            geom_vec[i]->SetSetFlag( SET_SHOWN , !flag );
            geom_vec[i]->SetSetFlag( SET_NOT_SHOWN , flag );

//jrg FIX!!!
//  aircraftPtr->triggerDraw();
Exemplo n.º 7
void ModelBody::RebuildCollisionMesh()
	if (m_geom) {
		if (GetFrame()) RemoveGeomsFromFrame(GetFrame());

	m_collMesh = m_model->GetCollisionMesh();

	//static geom
	m_geom = new Geom(m_collMesh->GetGeomTree());
	m_geom->MoveTo(GetOrient(), GetPosition());

	//have to figure out which collision geometries are responsible for which geomtrees
	DynGeomFinder dgf;

	//dynamic geoms
	for (auto it = m_collMesh->GetDynGeomTrees().begin(); it != m_collMesh->GetDynGeomTrees().end(); ++it) {
		Geom *dynG = new Geom(*it);
		dynG->MoveTo(GetOrient(), GetPosition());
		dynG->m_animTransform = matrix4x4d::Identity();
		SceneGraph::CollisionGeometry *cg = dgf.GetCgForTree(*it);
		if (cg)

	if (GetFrame()) AddGeomsToFrame(GetFrame());
Exemplo n.º 8
void CustomGeomMgrSingleton::SetupCustomDefaultSource(  int type, int surf_index,
                                                        double l1, double r1, double u1, double w1,
                                                        double l2, double r2, double u2, double w2 )
    Geom* gptr = VehicleMgr.GetVehicle()->FindGeom( m_CurrGeom );

    //==== Check If Geom is Valid and Correct Type ====//
    if ( gptr && gptr->GetType().m_Type == CUSTOM_GEOM_TYPE )
        CustomGeom* custom_geom = dynamic_cast<CustomGeom*>( gptr );

        SourceData sd;
        sd.m_Type = type;
        sd.m_SurfIndex = surf_index;
        sd.m_Len1 = l1;
        sd.m_Rad1 = r1;
        sd.m_U1 = u1;
        sd.m_W1 = w1;
        sd.m_Len2 = l2;
        sd.m_Rad2 = r2;
        sd.m_U2 = u2;
        sd.m_W2 = w2;

        custom_geom->SetUpDefaultSource( sd );
Exemplo n.º 9
double KellyTypeAdapt::eval_boundary_estimator(KellyTypeAdapt::ErrorEstimatorForm* err_est_form, RefMap *rm, SurfPos* surf_pos)
  // determine the integration order
  int inc = (this->sln[err_est_form->i]->get_num_components() == 2) ? 1 : 0;
  Func<Ord>** oi = new Func<Ord>* [num];
  for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
    oi[i] = init_fn_ord(this->sln[i]->get_edge_fn_order(surf_pos->surf_num) + inc);

  // Order of additional external functions.
  ExtData<Ord>* fake_ext = dp.init_ext_fns_ord(err_est_form->ext, surf_pos->surf_num);

  double fake_wt = 1.0;
  Geom<Ord>* fake_e = init_geom_ord();
  Ord o = err_est_form->ord(1, &fake_wt, oi, oi[err_est_form->i], fake_e, fake_ext);
  int order = rm->get_inv_ref_order();
  order += o.get_order();


  // Clean up.
  for (int i = 0; i < this->num; i++)
    if (oi[i] != NULL) { oi[i]->free_ord(); delete oi[i]; }
  delete [] oi;
  delete fake_e;
  delete fake_ext;

  // eval the form
  Quad2D* quad = this->sln[err_est_form->i]->get_quad_2d();
  int eo = quad->get_edge_points(surf_pos->surf_num, order);
  double3* pt = quad->get_points(eo);
  int np = quad->get_num_points(eo);

  // init geometry and jacobian*weights
  Geom<double>* e = init_geom_surf(rm, surf_pos, eo);
  double3* tan = rm->get_tangent(surf_pos->surf_num, eo);
  double* jwt = new double[np];
  for(int i = 0; i < np; i++)
    jwt[i] = pt[i][2] * tan[i][2];

  // function values
  Func<scalar>** ui = new Func<scalar>* [num];
  for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
    ui[i] = init_fn(this->sln[i], eo);
  ExtData<scalar>* ext = dp.init_ext_fns(err_est_form->ext, rm, eo);

  scalar res = boundary_scaling_const *
                err_est_form->value(np, jwt, ui, ui[err_est_form->i], e, ext);

  for (int i = 0; i < this->num; i++)
    if (ui[i] != NULL) { ui[i]->free_fn(); delete ui[i]; }
  delete [] ui;
  if (ext != NULL) { ext->free(); delete ext; }
  e->free(); delete e;
  delete [] jwt;

  return std::abs(0.5*res);   // Edges are parameterized from 0 to 1 while integration weights
                              // are defined in (-1, 1). Thus multiplying with 0.5 to correct
                              // the weights.
Exemplo n.º 10
double KellyTypeAdapt::eval_volumetric_estimator(KellyTypeAdapt::ErrorEstimatorForm* err_est_form, RefMap *rm)
  // determine the integration order
  int inc = (this->sln[err_est_form->i]->get_num_components() == 2) ? 1 : 0;

  Func<Ord>** oi = new Func<Ord>* [num];
  for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
    oi[i] = init_fn_ord(this->sln[i]->get_fn_order() + inc);

  // Order of additional external functions.
  ExtData<Ord>* fake_ext = dp.init_ext_fns_ord(err_est_form->ext);

  double fake_wt = 1.0;
  Geom<Ord>* fake_e = init_geom_ord();
  Ord o = err_est_form->ord(1, &fake_wt, oi, oi[err_est_form->i], fake_e, fake_ext);
  int order = rm->get_inv_ref_order();
  order += o.get_order();


  // Clean up.
  for (int i = 0; i < this->num; i++)
    if (oi[i] != NULL) { oi[i]->free_ord(); delete oi[i]; }
  delete [] oi;
  delete fake_e;
  delete fake_ext;

  // eval the form
  Quad2D* quad = this->sln[err_est_form->i]->get_quad_2d();
  double3* pt = quad->get_points(order);
  int np = quad->get_num_points(order);

  // init geometry and jacobian*weights
  Geom<double>* e = init_geom_vol(rm, order);
  double* jac = rm->get_jacobian(order);
  double* jwt = new double[np];
  for(int i = 0; i < np; i++)
    jwt[i] = pt[i][2] * jac[i];

  // function values
  Func<scalar>** ui = new Func<scalar>* [num];
  for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
    ui[i] = init_fn(this->sln[i], order);
  ExtData<scalar>* ext = dp.init_ext_fns(err_est_form->ext, rm, order);

  scalar res = volumetric_scaling_const *
                err_est_form->value(np, jwt, ui, ui[err_est_form->i], e, ext);

  for (int i = 0; i < this->num; i++)
    if (ui[i] != NULL) { ui[i]->free_fn(); delete ui[i]; }
  delete [] ui;
  if (ext != NULL) { ext->free(); delete ext; }
  e->free(); delete e;
  delete [] jwt;

  return std::abs(res);
Exemplo n.º 11
void FourWheeler::create(World* in_world, Pose3D in_pose3D)
	// TODO use full position data
	Pose in_pose(in_pose3D.point().x(), in_pose3D.point().y(), Deg(0));
	msg::Subs<num::Pose> pose(m_pChannel,"true-pose");
	msg::Subs<num::Speed, FourWheeler> reqSpeed(m_pChannel,"speed-requested", this, &FourWheeler::reqSpeed);
	msg::Subs<num::Speed> currentSpeed(m_pChannel, "speed-current");

	pose.value = in_pose;

	m_pSpace = new SimpleSpace(in_world->getSpace());

  m_pChassis = new Body(in_world);
	m_pChassisBox = new BoxGeom(m_pChassis, m_pSpace, ROBOT_LENGTH().m(),ROBOT_WIDTH().m(),ROBOT_HEIGHT().m());

	m_wheels = new Body[4];

	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		dQuaternion q;
		dQFromAxisAndAngle (q,1,0,0,M_PI*0.5);
		Geom* geom = new SphereGeom(&m_wheels[i], m_pSpace, RADIUS().m());
    // Magic number (see Pisvejc): make it too big, and turning won't be possible, make it too small, and 
		// robot will just stay on place, regardless of how fast wheels are turning
		geom->m_contactData.mu = 0.75; 

	for (int i=0; i<4;i++)
		m_joints[i] = new Hinge2Joint(in_world);
		double a[3];
    m_joints[i]->setAnchor (a[0],a[1],a[2]);
		m_joints[i]->setAxis1(0,0,(i<2 ? 1 : -1));
scalar HcurlOrthoHP::eval_error(biform_val_t bi_fn, biform_ord_t bi_ord,
                             MeshFunction *sln1, MeshFunction *sln2, MeshFunction *rsln1, MeshFunction *rsln2,
                             RefMap *rv1,        RefMap *rv2,        RefMap *rrv1,        RefMap *rrv2)
  // determine the integration order
  int inc = (rsln1->get_num_components() == 2) ? 1 : 0;
  Func<Ord>* ou = init_fn_ord(rsln1->get_fn_order() + inc);
  Func<Ord>* ov = init_fn_ord(rsln2->get_fn_order() + inc);

  double fake_wt = 1.0;
  Geom<Ord>* fake_e = init_geom_ord();
  Ord o = bi_ord(1, &fake_wt, ou, ov, fake_e, NULL);
  int order = rrv1->get_inv_ref_order();
  order += o.get_order();

  ou->free_ord(); delete ou;
  ov->free_ord(); delete ov;
  delete fake_e;

  // eval the form
  Quad2D* quad = sln1->get_quad_2d();
  double3* pt = quad->get_points(order);
  int np = quad->get_num_points(order);

  // init geometry and jacobian*weights
  Geom<double>* e = init_geom_vol(rrv1, order);
  double* jac = rrv1->get_jacobian(order);
  double* jwt = new double[np];
  for(int i = 0; i < np; i++)
    jwt[i] = pt[i][2] * jac[i];

  // function values and values of external functions
  Func<scalar>* err1 = init_fn(sln1, rv1, order);
  Func<scalar>* err2 = init_fn(sln2, rv2, order);
  Func<scalar>* v1 = init_fn(rsln1, rrv1, order);
  Func<scalar>* v2 = init_fn(rsln2, rrv2, order);

  for (int i = 0; i < np; i++)
    err1->val0[i] = err1->val0[i] - v1->val0[i];
    err1->val1[i] = err1->val1[i] - v1->val1[i];
    err1->curl[i] = err1->curl[i] - v1->curl[i];
    err2->val0[i] = err2->val0[i] - v2->val0[i];
    err2->val1[i] = err2->val1[i] - v2->val1[i];
    err2->curl[i] = err2->curl[i] - v2->curl[i];

  scalar res = bi_fn(np, jwt, err1, err2, e, NULL);

  e->free(); delete e;
  delete [] jwt;
  err1->free_fn(); delete err1;
  err2->free_fn(); delete err2;
  v1->free_fn(); delete v1;
  v2->free_fn(); delete v2;

  return res;
Exemplo n.º 13
Transform3  *GvPath::GetLocalTransform()
  if (mAncestryLength <= 1) { return &Transform3::IDENTITY; }
  Geom *parent = mAncestry[mAncestryLength-2];
  if (!parent->IsInstanceOf(TYPE_INFO(GeomWrapped))) {
    return NULL;
  return ((GeomWrapped*)parent)->GetTransform();
Exemplo n.º 14
//==== Item in Geom Browser Was Selected ====//
void ManageGeomScreen::GeomBrowserCallback()
    //==== Find Vector of All Selections ====//
    vector< string > selVec = GetSelectedBrowserItems();

    //==== Find Last Selected Geom ====//
    int last = m_GeomUI->geomBrowser->value();
    if ( ( last >= 2 ) && Fl::event_state( FL_ALT ) )   // Select Children
        Geom* lastSelGeom = m_VehiclePtr->FindGeom( m_DisplayedGeomVec[last - 2] );
        if ( lastSelGeom )
            vector<string> cVec;
            lastSelGeom->LoadIDAndChildren( cVec );
            for ( int i = 1 ; i < ( int )cVec.size(); i++ )
                SelectGeomBrowser( cVec[i] );
                selVec.push_back( cVec[i] );

    //==== Check if Geom Already Selected ====//
    m_CollapseFlag = false;
    if ( m_LastSelectedGeomID != "NONE" && selVec.size() == 1 )
        string lastSel = selVec[0];
        if ( lastSel == m_LastSelectedGeomID  )
            m_CollapseFlag = true;
            Geom* lastSelGeom = m_VehiclePtr->FindGeom( m_LastSelectedGeomID );
            if ( lastSelGeom )
                if ( lastSelGeom->GetChildIDVec().size() == 0 )     // No Children Dont Collapse
                    lastSelGeom->m_GuiDraw.SetDisplayChildrenFlag( true );
    m_LastSelectedGeomID = "NONE";
    if ( selVec.size() == 1 )
        m_LastSelectedGeomID = selVec[0];

    m_VehiclePtr->SetActiveGeomVec( selVec );

//  m_ScreenMgr->UpdateAllScreens();

//jrg FIX!!!
//  aircraftPtr->triggerDraw();

Exemplo n.º 15
//===== Check And Clear Trigger Event ====//
bool CustomGeomMgrSingleton::CheckClearTriggerEvent( int gui_id )
    Geom* gptr = VehicleMgr.GetVehicle()->FindGeom( m_CurrGeom );
    //==== Check If Geom is Valid and Correct Type ====//
    if ( gptr && gptr->GetType().m_Type == CUSTOM_GEOM_TYPE )
        CustomGeom* custom_geom = dynamic_cast<CustomGeom*>( gptr );
        return custom_geom->CheckClearTriggerEvent( gui_id );
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 16
//==== Remove XSec Surface To Current Geom ====//
void CustomGeomMgrSingleton::RemoveXSecSurf( const string& id )
    Geom* gptr = VehicleMgr.GetVehicle()->FindGeom( m_CurrGeom );

    //==== Check If Geom is Valid and Correct Type ====//
    if ( gptr && gptr->GetType().m_Type == CUSTOM_GEOM_TYPE )
        CustomGeom* custom_geom = dynamic_cast<CustomGeom*>( gptr );
        custom_geom->RemoveXSecSurf( id );
Exemplo n.º 17
//==== Skin XSec Surf =====//
void CustomGeomMgrSingleton::SkinXSecSurf( bool closed_flag )
    Geom* gptr = VehicleMgr.GetVehicle()->FindGeom( m_CurrGeom );

    //==== Check If Geom is Valid and Correct Type ====//
    if ( gptr && gptr->GetType().m_Type == CUSTOM_GEOM_TYPE )
        CustomGeom* custom_geom = dynamic_cast<CustomGeom*>( gptr );
        custom_geom->SkinXSecSurf(closed_flag );
Exemplo n.º 18
void CustomGeomMgrSingleton::SetCustomCenter( double x, double y, double z )
   Geom* gptr = VehicleMgr.GetVehicle()->FindGeom( m_CurrGeom );

    //==== Check If Geom is Valid and Correct Type ====//
    if ( gptr && gptr->GetType().m_Type == CUSTOM_GEOM_TYPE )
        CustomGeom* custom_geom = dynamic_cast<CustomGeom*>( gptr );
        custom_geom->SetCenter( x, y, z );
Exemplo n.º 19
//==== Clone Surf And Apply Transform =====//
void CustomGeomMgrSingleton::TransformSurf( int index, Matrix4d & mat )
    Geom* gptr = VehicleMgr.GetVehicle()->FindGeom( m_CurrGeom );

    //==== Check If Geom is Valid and Correct Type ====//
    if ( gptr && gptr->GetType().m_Type == CUSTOM_GEOM_TYPE )
        CustomGeom* custom_geom = dynamic_cast<CustomGeom*>( gptr );
        custom_geom->TransformSurf( index, mat );
Exemplo n.º 20
//==== Set VSP Surf Type For Current Custom Geom =====//
void CustomGeomMgrSingleton::SetVspSurfCfdType( int type, int surf_id )
    Geom* gptr = VehicleMgr.GetVehicle()->FindGeom( m_CurrGeom );

    //==== Check If Geom is Valid and Correct Type ====//
    if ( gptr && gptr->GetType().m_Type == CUSTOM_GEOM_TYPE )
        CustomGeom* custom_geom = dynamic_cast<CustomGeom*>( gptr );
        custom_geom->SetVspSurfCfdType( type, surf_id );
Exemplo n.º 21
void CustomGeomMgrSingleton::ClearAllCustomDefaultSources()
   Geom* gptr = VehicleMgr.GetVehicle()->FindGeom( m_CurrGeom );

    //==== Check If Geom is Valid and Correct Type ====//
    if ( gptr && gptr->GetType().m_Type == CUSTOM_GEOM_TYPE )
        CustomGeom* custom_geom = dynamic_cast<CustomGeom*>( gptr );
Exemplo n.º 22
string CustomGeomMgrSingleton::GetCustomParm( int index )
    Geom* gptr = VehicleMgr.GetVehicle()->FindGeom( m_CurrGeom );

    //==== Check If Geom is Valid and Correct Type ====//
    if ( gptr && gptr->GetType().m_Type == CUSTOM_GEOM_TYPE )
        CustomGeom* custom_geom = dynamic_cast<CustomGeom*>( gptr );
        return custom_geom->FindParmID( index );
    return string();
Exemplo n.º 23
//==== Get copy of sub surfaces from geom by id ====//
vector< SubSurface*> SubSurfaceMgrSingleton::GetSubSurfs( string comp_id )
    vector< SubSurface* > ret_vec;

    Geom* geom = GetGeom( comp_id );
    if ( !geom )
        return ret_vec;

    return geom->GetSubSurfVec();
Exemplo n.º 24
//==== Build Update Gui Instruction Vector ====//
vector< GuiUpdate > CustomGeomMgrSingleton::GetGuiUpdateVec()
    Geom* gptr = VehicleMgr.GetVehicle()->FindGeom( m_CurrGeom );
    //==== Check If Geom is Valid and Correct Type ====//
    if ( gptr && gptr->GetType().m_Type == CUSTOM_GEOM_TYPE )
        CustomGeom* custom_geom = dynamic_cast<CustomGeom*>( gptr );

        return custom_geom->GetGuiUpdateVec();
    vector< GuiUpdate > defvec;
    return defvec;
Exemplo n.º 25
bool GeomScreen::isParentSelected( Geom* geomPtr, vector< Geom* > & selVec )
	Geom* checkGeom = geomPtr;
	while ( checkGeom )
		for ( int i = 0 ; i < (int)selVec.size() ; i++ )
			if ( checkGeom == selVec[i] )
				return true;

		checkGeom = checkGeom->getParent();
	return false;
Exemplo n.º 26
//==== Is Parent (or Higher) Selected ====//
bool ManageGeomScreen::IsParentSelected( string geom_id, vector< string > & selVec )
    Geom* checkGeom = m_VehiclePtr->FindGeom( geom_id );
    while ( checkGeom )
        if ( vector_contains_val( selVec, checkGeom->GetID() ) )
            return true;

        string parent_id = checkGeom->GetParentID();
        checkGeom = m_VehiclePtr->FindGeom( parent_id );
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 27
//==== Update Gui ====//
void CustomGeomMgrSingleton::AddUpdateGui( int gui_id, const string & parm_id )
    Geom* gptr = VehicleMgr.GetVehicle()->FindGeom( m_CurrGeom );
    //==== Check If Geom is Valid and Correct Type ====//
    if ( gptr && gptr->GetType().m_Type == CUSTOM_GEOM_TYPE )
        CustomGeom* custom_geom = dynamic_cast<CustomGeom*>( gptr );

        GuiUpdate gu;
        gu.m_GuiID = gui_id;
        gu.m_ParmID = parm_id;

        custom_geom->AddUpdateGui( gu );
Exemplo n.º 28
//==== Add Parm To Current Custom Geom ====//
string CustomGeomMgrSingleton::AddParm( int type, const string & name, const string & group )
    Vehicle* veh = VehicleMgr.GetVehicle();
    Geom* gptr = veh->FindGeom( m_CurrGeom );

    //==== Check If Geom is Valid and Correct Type ====//
    if ( gptr && gptr->GetType().m_Type == CUSTOM_GEOM_TYPE )
        CustomGeom* custom_geom = dynamic_cast<CustomGeom*>( gptr );

        return custom_geom->AddParm( type, name, group );

    return string();
Exemplo n.º 29
//==== Init Custom Geom ====//
void CustomGeomMgrSingleton::InitGeom( const string& id, const string& module_name )
    Vehicle* veh = VehicleMgr.GetVehicle();
    Geom* gptr = veh->FindGeom( id );

    //==== Check If Geom is Valid and Correct Type ====//
    if ( gptr && gptr->GetType().m_Type == CUSTOM_GEOM_TYPE )
        m_CurrGeom = id;
        CustomGeom* custom_geom = dynamic_cast<CustomGeom*>( gptr );
        custom_geom->SetScriptModuleName( module_name );

        m_ModuleGeomIDMap[ module_name ] = id;
Exemplo n.º 30
 static GeomPtr
 normalize(const Geom& g)
     GeomPtr g2(g.clone());
     return g2;