Exemplo n.º 1
    void GLSLESProgramPipeline::updateUniformBlocks(GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params,
                                                  uint16 mask, GpuProgramType fromProgType)
        // Iterate through the list of uniform buffers and update them as needed
        GLUniformBufferIterator currentBuffer = mGLUniformBufferReferences.begin();
        GLUniformBufferIterator endBuffer = mGLUniformBufferReferences.end();

        const GpuProgramParameters::GpuSharedParamUsageList& sharedParams = params->getSharedParameters();

        GpuProgramParameters::GpuSharedParamUsageList::const_iterator it, end = sharedParams.end();
        for (it = sharedParams.begin(); it != end; ++it)
            for (;currentBuffer != endBuffer; ++currentBuffer)
                GLES2HardwareUniformBuffer* hwGlBuffer = static_cast<GLES2HardwareUniformBuffer*>(currentBuffer->get());
                GpuSharedParametersPtr paramsPtr = it->getSharedParams();

                // Block name is stored in mSharedParams->mName of GpuSharedParamUsageList items
                GLint UniformTransform;
                OGRE_CHECK_GL_ERROR(UniformTransform = glGetUniformBlockIndex(mGLProgramHandle, it->getName().c_str()));
                OGRE_CHECK_GL_ERROR(glUniformBlockBinding(mGLProgramHandle, UniformTransform, hwGlBuffer->getGLBufferBinding()));

                hwGlBuffer->writeData(0, hwGlBuffer->getSizeInBytes(), &paramsPtr->getFloatConstantList().front());
Exemplo n.º 2
    bool frameRenderingQueued(const FrameEvent& evt)
        // update uniform buffer value
        Real seconds = Root::getSingleton().getTimer()->getMilliseconds()/1000.0f;
        GpuSharedParametersPtr param = GpuProgramManager::getSingleton().getSharedParameters("DataBlock");
        param->setNamedConstant("roll", seconds);

        return SdkSample::frameRenderingQueued(evt); 
Exemplo n.º 3
void ShadowManager::setManagedMaterialSplitPoints(Ogre::PSSMShadowCameraSetup::SplitPointList splitPointList)
    Ogre::Vector4 splitPoints;

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        splitPoints[i] = splitPointList[i];

    GpuSharedParametersPtr p = GpuProgramManager::getSingleton().getSharedParameters("pssm_params");
    p->setNamedConstant("pssmSplitPoints", splitPoints);
    void GLSLSeparableProgram::updateUniformBlocks(GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params,
                                                   uint16 mask, GpuProgramType fromProgType)
        //TODO Support uniform block arrays - need to figure how to do this via material.

        // Iterate through the list of uniform blocks and update them as needed.
        SharedParamsBufferMap::const_iterator currentPair = mSharedParamsBufferMap.begin();
        SharedParamsBufferMap::const_iterator endPair = mSharedParamsBufferMap.end();

        // const GpuProgramParameters::GpuSharedParamUsageList& sharedParams = params->getSharedParameters();

        // const GpuProgramParameters::GpuSharedParamUsageList& sharedParams = params->getSharedParameters();
        // GpuProgramParameters::GpuSharedParamUsageList::const_iterator it, end = sharedParams.end();

        for (; currentPair != endPair; ++currentPair)
            GpuSharedParametersPtr paramsPtr = currentPair->first;

            //FIXME Possible buffer does not exist if no associated uniform block.
            GL3PlusHardwareUniformBuffer* hwGlBuffer = static_cast<GL3PlusHardwareUniformBuffer*>(currentPair->second.get());

            if (!paramsPtr->isDirty()) continue;

            //FIXME does not check if current progrtype, or if shared param is active

            GpuConstantDefinitionIterator parami = paramsPtr->getConstantDefinitionIterator();

            for (int i = 0; parami.current() != parami.end(); parami.moveNext(), i++)
                //String name = parami->;
                //GpuConstantDefinition * param = GpuConstantConstantDefinition(name);

                //const String* name = &parami.current()->first;
                const GpuConstantDefinition* param = &parami.current()->second;

                BaseConstantType baseType = GpuConstantDefinition::getBaseType(param->constType);

                void* dataPtr;

                size_t index =  param->physicalIndex;

                //TODO Maybe move to GpuSharedParams?  Otherwise create bool buffer.
                switch (baseType)
                case BCT_FLOAT:
                    dataPtr = paramsPtr->getFloatPointer(index);
                case BCT_INT:
                    dataPtr = paramsPtr->getIntPointer(index);
                case BCT_DOUBLE:
                    dataPtr = paramsPtr->getDoublePointer(index);
                case BCT_UINT:
                case BCT_BOOL:
                    dataPtr = paramsPtr->getUnsignedIntPointer(index);
                case BCT_SAMPLER:
                case BCT_SUBROUTINE:
                    //TODO implement me!
                    //TODO error handling

                // in bytes
                size_t length = param->arraySize * param->elementSize * 4;
                size_t offset = hwGlBuffer->mBufferParamsLayout.offsets[i];
                hwGlBuffer->writeData(offset, length, dataPtr);

    void GLSLProgramManagerCommon::parseIndividualConstant(const String& src, GpuNamedConstants& defs,
                                                             String::size_type currPos,
                                                             const String& filename, GpuSharedParametersPtr sharedParams)
        GpuConstantDefinition def;
        String paramName = "";
        String::size_type endPos = src.find(";", currPos);
        String line = src.substr(currPos, endPos - currPos);

        // Remove spaces before opening square braces, otherwise
        // the following split() can split the line at inappropriate
        // places (e.g. "vec3 something [3]" won't work).
        for (String::size_type sqp = line.find (" ["); sqp != String::npos;
             sqp = line.find (" ["))
            line.erase (sqp, 1);
        // Split into tokens
        StringVector parts = StringUtil::split(line, ", \t\r\n");

        for (StringVector::iterator i = parts.begin(); i != parts.end(); ++i)
            // Is this a type?
            StringToEnumMap::iterator typei = mTypeEnumMap.find(*i);
            if (typei != mTypeEnumMap.end())
                completeDefInfo(typei->second, def);
                // if this is not a type, and not empty, it should be a name
                if (i->empty()) continue;

                // Skip over precision keywords
                if(StringUtil::match((*i), "lowp") ||
                   StringUtil::match((*i), "mediump") ||
                   StringUtil::match((*i), "highp"))

                String::size_type arrayStart = i->find("[", 0);
                if (arrayStart != String::npos)
                    // potential name (if butted up to array)
                    String name = i->substr(0, arrayStart);
                    if (!name.empty())
                        paramName = name;

                    String::size_type arrayEnd = i->find("]", arrayStart);
                    String arrayDimTerm = i->substr(arrayStart + 1, arrayEnd - arrayStart - 1);
                    // the array term might be a simple number or it might be
                    // an expression (e.g. 24*3) or refer to a constant expression
                    // we'd have to evaluate the expression which could get nasty
                    // TODO
                    def.arraySize = StringConverter::parseInt(arrayDimTerm);
                    paramName = *i;
                    def.arraySize = 1;

                // Name should be after the type, so complete def and add
                // We do this now so that comma-separated params will do
                // this part once for each name mentioned
                if (def.constType == GCT_UNKNOWN)
                    LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("Problem parsing the following GLSL Uniform: '"
                                                          + line + "' in file " + filename);
                    // next uniform

                // Special handling for shared parameters
                    // Complete def and add
                    // increment physical buffer location
                    def.logicalIndex = 0; // not valid in GLSL
                    if (def.isFloat())
                        def.physicalIndex = defs.floatBufferSize;
                        defs.floatBufferSize += def.arraySize * def.elementSize;
                        def.physicalIndex = defs.intBufferSize;
                        defs.intBufferSize += def.arraySize * def.elementSize;
                    defs.map.insert(GpuConstantDefinitionMap::value_type(paramName, def));

                    // Generate array accessors
                    defs.generateConstantDefinitionArrayEntries(paramName, def);
                        const GpuConstantDefinition &sharedDef = sharedParams->getConstantDefinition(paramName);
                        (void)sharedDef;    // Silence warning
                    catch (Exception& e)
                        // This constant doesn't exist so we'll create a new one
                        sharedParams->addConstantDefinition(paramName, def.constType);