Exemplo n.º 1
/*! The caller passes it a HandObjectState and a calculator that can be used
  to compute the quality (or in annealing terms "energy") of a HandObjectState.
  This function computes the next state in the annealing schedule.

  See SimAnn::Result declaration for possible return values.
SimAnn::iterate(GraspPlanningState *currentState, SearchEnergy *energyCalculator, GraspPlanningState *targetState)
  //using different cooling constants for probs and neighbors
  double T = cooling(mT0, mParams.YC, mCurrentStep, mParams.YDIMS);

  //attempt to compute a neighbor of the current state
  GraspPlanningState *newState;
  double energy; bool legal = false;
  int attempts = 0; int maxAttempts = 10;
  DBGP("Ngbr gen loop");
  while (!legal && attempts <= maxAttempts) {
    newState = stateNeighbor(currentState, T * mParams.NBR_ADJ, targetState);
    DBGP("Analyze state...");
    energyCalculator->analyzeState(legal, energy, newState);
    DBGP("Analysis done.");
    if (!legal) { delete newState; }

  if (!legal) {
    DBGP("Failed to compute a legal neighbor");
    //we have failed to compute a legal neighbor.
    //weather the SimAnn should advance a step and cool down the temperature even when it fails to compute a
    //legal neighbor is debatable. Might be more interactive (especially for the online planner) if it does.
    //mCurrentStep += 1;
    return FAIL;

  //we have a neighbor. Now we decide if we jump to it.
  DBGP("Legal neighbor computed; energy: " << energy)

  //using different cooling constants for probs and neighbors
  T = cooling(mT0, mParams.HC, mCurrentStep, mParams.HDIMS);

  double P = prob(mParams.ERR_ADJ * currentState->getEnergy(), mParams.ERR_ADJ * newState->getEnergy(), T);
  double U = ((double)rand()) / RAND_MAX;
  Result r = KEEP;
  if (P > U) {
    DBGP("Jump performed");
    r = JUMP;
  } else {
    DBGP("Jump rejected");

  mCurrentStep += 1; mTotalSteps += 1;
  DBGP("Main iteration done.")
  delete newState;

  if (mWriteResults && mCurrentStep % 2 == 0) {
    fprintf(mFile, "%ld %d %f %f %f %f\n", mCurrentStep, mTotalSteps, T, currentState->getEnergy(),

  return r;