Exemplo n.º 1
	void CFixedJoint::getLocalTransform(JointBody body, Vector3& position, Quaternion& rotation)
		position = mPositions[(int)body];
		rotation = mRotations[(int)body];

		HRigidbody rigidbody = mBodies[(int)body];
		if (rigidbody == nullptr) // Get world space transform if no relative to any body
			Quaternion worldRot = SO()->getWorldRotation();

			rotation = worldRot*rotation;
			position = worldRot.rotate(position) + SO()->getWorldPosition();
			// Find world space transform
			Quaternion worldRot = rigidbody->SO()->getWorldRotation();

			rotation = worldRot * rotation;
			position = worldRot.rotate(position) + rigidbody->SO()->getWorldPosition();

			// Get transform of the joint local to the object
			Quaternion invRotation = rotation.inverse();

			position = invRotation.rotate(SO()->getWorldPosition() - position);
			rotation = invRotation * SO()->getWorldRotation();
Exemplo n.º 2
	void CSliderJoint::getLocalTransform(JointBody body, Vector3& position, Quaternion& rotation)
		position = mPositions[(UINT32)body];
		rotation = mRotations[(UINT32)body];

		HRigidbody rigidbody = mBodies[(UINT32)body];
		const Transform& tfrm = SO()->getTransform();
		if (rigidbody == nullptr) // Get world space transform if no relative to any body
			Quaternion worldRot = tfrm.getRotation();

			rotation = worldRot*rotation;
			position = worldRot.rotate(position) + tfrm.getPosition();
			const Transform& rigidbodyTfrm = rigidbody->SO()->getTransform();

			// Use only the offset for positioning, but for rotation use both the offset and target SO rotation.
			// (Needed because we need to rotate the joint SO in order to orient the slider direction, so we need an
			// additional transform that allows us to orient the object)
			position = rotation.rotate(position);
			rotation = (rigidbodyTfrm.getRotation()*rotation).inverse()*tfrm.getRotation();