Exemplo n.º 1
jsvalue JsEngine::WrappedFromV8(Handle<Object> obj)
    jsvalue v;
	if (js_object_marshal_type == JSOBJECT_MARSHAL_TYPE_DYNAMIC) {
		v.length = 0;
        // A Persistent<Object> is exactly the size of an IntPtr, right?
		// If not we're in deep deep trouble (on IA32 and AMD64 should be).
		// We should even cast it to void* because C++ doesn't allow to put
		// it in a union: going scary and scarier here.    
		v.value.ptr = new Persistent<Object>(Persistent<Object>::New(obj));
	} else {
		Local<Array> names = obj->GetOwnPropertyNames();
		v.length = names->Length();
		jsvalue* values = new jsvalue[v.length * 2];
		if (values != NULL) {
			for(int i = 0; i < v.length; i++) {
				int indx = (i * 2);
				Local<Value> key = names->Get(i);
				values[indx] = AnyFromV8(key);
				values[indx+1] = AnyFromV8(obj->Get(key));
			v.value.arr = values;

	return v;
Exemplo n.º 2
// Initializes commentary data, reading it from the language.dat file
void commentary::init_commentary(Handle<Object> languageDat)
    HandleScope scope;
    // Read languageDat line by line, updating the
    // commentary database
    const Local<Array> props = languageDat->GetOwnPropertyNames();
    const uint32_t length = props->Length();
    Local<String> key;
    Local<Array> value;
    Local<String> event, comment;
    char strKey[64];
    char strValue[128];

    for (uint32_t i=0 ; i<length ; ++i) {
        key = props->Get(i)->ToString();
        value = Local<Array>::Cast(languageDat->Get(key));

        event = value->Get(0)->ToString();

        comment = value->Get(1)->ToString();

        // Add line to the commentary database 
        comm_data[toAscii(event, strKey)].push_back(toAscii(comment, strValue));
Exemplo n.º 3
void V8Util::objectExtend(Handle<Object> dest, Handle<Object> src)
	Handle<Array> names = src->GetOwnPropertyNames();
	int length = names->Length();

	for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
		Handle<Value> name = names->Get(i);
		Handle<Value> value = src->Get(name);
		dest->Set(name, value);
METHOD_RETURN_TYPE DocumentCopyingContextDriver::ReplaceSourceObjects(const ARGS_TYPE& args)
    // getting a dictionary mapping source to target object, translating to the C++ map...and on we go

    DocumentCopyingContextDriver* copyingContextDriver = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<DocumentCopyingContextDriver>(args.This());
		THROW_EXCEPTION("copying context object not initialized, create using pdfWriter.createPDFCopyingContext or PDFWriter.createPDFCopyingContextForModifiedFile");
    if(args.Length() != 0 ||
 		THROW_EXCEPTION("Wrong arguments. provide 1 arugment, which is an object mapping source object ids to map to target object IDs");
    // create an object that will serve as the map
    ObjectIDTypeToObjectIDTypeMap resultMap;
    Handle<Object> anObject = args[0]->ToObject();
    Handle<Array> objectKeys = anObject->GetOwnPropertyNames();
    for(unsigned long i=0; i < objectKeys->Length(); ++i)
        Handle<String> key  = objectKeys->Get(NEW_NUMBER(0))->ToString();
        Handle<Value> value = anObject->Get(key);
Exemplo n.º 5
     Processing of Binds Object

     Handle Object, eBaton struct

     Overloaded function
void Connection::GetBinds (Handle<Object> bindobj, eBaton* executeBaton)
  HandleScope scope;
  std::string str;
  Local<Array> array = bindobj->GetOwnPropertyNames();

  for(unsigned int index=0; index<array->Length(); index++)
    Bind* bind = new Bind;
    Handle<String> temp = array->Get(index).As<String>();
    NJSString(str, temp);
    bind->key = ":"+std::string(str);
    Handle<Value> val__ = bindobj->Get(String::New((char*)str.c_str(),
						   (int) str.length()));
    Connection::GetBindUnit(val__, bind, executeBaton);
      goto exitGetBinds;
Handle<Value> DocumentCopyingContextDriver::ReplaceSourceObjects(const v8::Arguments& args)
    // getting a dictionary mapping source to target object, translating to the C++ map...and on we go
    HandleScope scope;
    DocumentCopyingContextDriver* copyingContextDriver = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<DocumentCopyingContextDriver>(args.This());
		ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("copying context object not initialized, create using pdfWriter.createPDFCopyingContext or PDFWriter.createPDFCopyingContextForModifiedFile")));
        return scope.Close(Undefined());
    if(args.Length() != 0 ||
 		ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("Wrong arguments. provide 1 arugment, which is an object mapping source object ids to map to target object IDs")));
        return scope.Close(Undefined());
    // create an object that will serve as the map
    ObjectIDTypeToObjectIDTypeMap resultMap;
    Handle<Object> anObject = args[0]->ToObject();
    Handle<Array> objectKeys = anObject->GetOwnPropertyNames();
    for(unsigned long i=0; i < objectKeys->Length(); ++i)
        Handle<String> key  = objectKeys->Get(Number::New(0))->ToString();
        Handle<Value> value = anObject->Get(key);
    return scope.Close(Undefined());
//delete the returned local reference after use
jobjectArray NativeScriptRuntime::GetMethodOverrides(JEnv& env, const Handle<Object>& implementationObject)
	if (implementationObject.IsEmpty())
		return JavaObjectArrayCache::GetJavaStringArray(0);

	vector<jstring> methodNames;
	auto propNames = implementationObject->GetOwnPropertyNames();
	for (int i = 0; i < propNames->Length(); i++)
		auto name = propNames->Get(i).As<String>();
		auto method = implementationObject->Get(name);

		bool methodFound = !method.IsEmpty() && method->IsFunction();

		if (methodFound)
			String::Utf8Value stringValue(name);
			jstring value = env.NewStringUTF(*stringValue);

	int methodCount = methodNames.size();

	jobjectArray methodOverrides = JavaObjectArrayCache::GetJavaStringArray(methodCount);
	for (int i = 0; i < methodCount; i++)
		env.SetObjectArrayElement(methodOverrides, i, methodNames[i]);

	for (int i = 0; i < methodCount; i++)

	return methodOverrides;
Exemplo n.º 8
	(JNIEnv *env, jobject object, jlong ptr, jobject jprops)
	titanium::JNIScope jniScope(env);

	Handle<Object> jsProxy;
	if (ptr != 0) {
		jsProxy = Persistent<Object>((Object *) ptr);
	} else {
		jsProxy = TypeConverter::javaObjectToJsValue(env, object)->ToObject();

	Handle<Object> proxyProperties = jsProxy->Get(Proxy::propertiesSymbol)->ToObject();
	Handle<Object> properties = TypeConverter::javaHashMapToJsValue(env, jprops);
	Handle<Array> names = properties->GetOwnPropertyNames();
	int length = names->Length();

	for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
		Handle<Value> name = names->Get(i);
		Handle<Value> value = properties->Get(name);
		bool isProperty = true;
		if (name->IsString()) {
			Handle<String> nameString = name->ToString();
			if (!jsProxy->HasRealNamedCallbackProperty(nameString)
				&& !jsProxy->HasRealNamedProperty(nameString)) {
				jsProxy->Set(name, value);
				isProperty = false;
		if (isProperty) {
			proxyProperties->Set(name, value);
Exemplo n.º 9
extern "C" Handle<Value> getOwnPropertyNames(Persistent<Context> context, Handle<Object> object) {
    HandleScope handle_scope;
    Context::Scope context_scope(context);
    Persistent<Array> names = Persistent<Array>::New(object->GetOwnPropertyNames());
    return names;
Exemplo n.º 10
Handle<Value> Proxy::proxyConstructor(const Arguments& args)
	HandleScope scope;
	JNIEnv *env = JNIScope::getEnv();
	Local<Object> jsProxy = args.Holder();

	Handle<Object> properties = Object::New();
	jsProxy->Set(propertiesSymbol, properties, PropertyAttribute(DontEnum));

	Handle<Object> prototype = jsProxy->GetPrototype()->ToObject();

	Handle<Function> constructor = Handle<Function>::Cast(prototype->Get(constructorSymbol));
	jclass javaClass = (jclass) External::Unwrap(constructor->Get(javaClassSymbol));

	// If ProxyFactory::createV8Proxy invoked us, unwrap
	// the pre-created Java proxy it sent.
	jobject javaProxy = ProxyFactory::unwrapJavaProxy(args);
	bool deleteRef = false;
	if (!javaProxy) {
		javaProxy = ProxyFactory::createJavaProxy(javaClass, jsProxy, args);
		deleteRef = true;

	JNIUtil::logClassName("Create proxy: %s", javaClass);

	Proxy *proxy = new Proxy(javaProxy);

	int length = args.Length();

	if (length > 0 && args[0]->IsObject()) {
		Handle<Value> argsStr = V8Util::jsonStringify(args[0]);
		String::Utf8Value str(argsStr);
		LOGV(TAG, "    with args: %s", *str);

		bool extend = true;
		Handle<Object> createProperties = args[0]->ToObject();
		Local<String> constructorName = createProperties->GetConstructorName();
		if (strcmp(*String::Utf8Value(constructorName), "Arguments") == 0) {
			extend = false;
			int32_t argsLength = createProperties->Get(String::New("length"))->Int32Value();
			if (argsLength > 1) {
				Handle<Value> properties = createProperties->Get(1);
				if (properties->IsObject()) {
					extend = true;
					createProperties = properties->ToObject();

		if (extend) {
			Handle<Array> names = createProperties->GetOwnPropertyNames();
			int length = names->Length();

			for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
				Handle<Value> name = names->Get(i);
				Handle<Value> value = createProperties->Get(name);
				bool isProperty = true;
				if (name->IsString()) {
					Handle<String> nameString = name->ToString();
					if (!jsProxy->HasRealNamedCallbackProperty(nameString)
						&& !jsProxy->HasRealNamedProperty(nameString)) {
						jsProxy->Set(name, value);
						isProperty = false;
				if (isProperty) {
					properties->Set(name, value);

	if (!args.Data().IsEmpty() && args.Data()->IsFunction()) {
		Handle<Function> proxyFn = Handle<Function>::Cast(args.Data());
		Handle<Value> *fnArgs = new Handle<Value>[length];
		for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
			fnArgs[i] = args[i];
		proxyFn->Call(jsProxy, length, fnArgs);

	if (deleteRef) {
		JNIEnv *env = JNIScope::getEnv();
		if (env) {

	return jsProxy;