Exemplo n.º 1
JSRuntime::cloneSelfHostedFunctionScript(JSContext *cx, HandlePropertyName name,
                                         HandleFunction targetFun)
    RootedId id(cx, NameToId(name));
    RootedValue funVal(cx);
    if (!GetUnclonedValue(cx, HandleObject::fromMarkedLocation(&selfHostingGlobal_), id, &funVal))
        return false;

    RootedFunction sourceFun(cx, &funVal.toObject().as<JSFunction>());
    // JSFunction::generatorKind can't handle lazy self-hosted functions, so we make sure there
    // aren't any.
    RootedScript sourceScript(cx, sourceFun->getOrCreateScript(cx));
    if (!sourceScript)
        return false;
    JSScript *cscript = CloneScript(cx, NullPtr(), targetFun, sourceScript);
    if (!cscript)
        return false;

    JS_ASSERT(sourceFun->nargs() == targetFun->nargs());
    // The target function might have been relazified after it's flags changed.
    targetFun->setFlags((targetFun->flags() & ~JSFunction::INTERPRETED_LAZY) |
                        sourceFun->flags() | JSFunction::EXTENDED);
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
FrameIter::matchCallee(JSContext *cx, HandleFunction fun) const
    RootedFunction currentCallee(cx, calleeTemplate());

    // As we do not know if the calleeTemplate is the real function, or the
    // template from which it would be cloned, we compare properties which are
    // stable across the cloning of JSFunctions.
    if (((currentCallee->flags() ^ fun->flags()) & JSFunction::STABLE_ACROSS_CLONES) != 0 ||
        currentCallee->nargs() != fun->nargs())
        return false;

    // Only some lambdas are optimized in a way which cannot be recovered without
    // invalidating the frame. Thus, if one of the function is not a lambda we can just
    // compare it against the calleeTemplate.
    if (!fun->isLambda() || !currentCallee->isLambda())
        return currentCallee == fun;

    // Use the same condition as |js::CloneFunctionObject|, to know if we should
    // expect both functions to have the same JSScript. If so, and if they are
    // different, then they cannot be equal.
    bool useSameScript = CloneFunctionObjectUseSameScript(fun->compartment(), currentCallee);
    if (useSameScript &&
        (currentCallee->hasScript() != fun->hasScript() ||
         currentCallee->nonLazyScript() != fun->nonLazyScript()))
        return false;

    // If none of the previous filters worked, then take the risk of
    // invalidating the frame to identify the JSFunction.
    return callee(cx) == fun;