void process_commands(std::string preface) {
  for (;;) try {
    std::string command = menu_prompt(preface);

    if (command == "an") {
      std::string n = ics::prompt_string("  Enter node name");

    else if (command == "ae") {
      std::string o = ics::prompt_string("  Enter origin      node name");
      std::string d = ics::prompt_string("  Enter destination node name");
      int v = ics::prompt_int           ("  Enter value for this edge  ");

    else if (command == "rn") {
      std::string n = ics::prompt_string("  Enter node name");

    else if (command == "re") {
      std::string o = ics::prompt_string("  Enter origin      node name");
      std::string d = ics::prompt_string("  Enter destination node name");

    else if (command == "x")

    else if (command == "=") {
      ics::HashGraph<int> g2(ics::prompt_graph());
      g = g2;

    else if (command == "m")
      std::cout << "  empty() = " << g.empty() << std::endl;

    else if (command == "#n")
      std::cout << "  node_count() = " << g.node_count() << std::endl;

    else if (command == "#e")
      std::cout << "  edge_count() = " << g.edge_count() << std::endl;

    else if (command == "n") {
      std::string n = ics::prompt_string("  Enter node name");
      std::cout << "  has_node(...) = " << g.has_node(n) << std::endl;

    else if (command == "e") {
      std::string o = ics::prompt_string("  Enter origin      node name");
      std::string d = ics::prompt_string("  Enter destination node name");
      std::cout << "  has_edge(...) = " << g.has_edge(o,d) << std::endl;

    else if (command == "v") {
      std::string o = ics::prompt_string("  Enter origin      node name");
      std::string d = ics::prompt_string("  Enter destination node name");
      std::cout << "  edge_value(...) = " << g.edge_value(o,d) << std::endl;

    else if (command == "i") {
      std::string n = ics::prompt_string("  Enter node name");
      std::cout << "  in_degree(...) = " << g.in_degree(n) << std::endl;

    else if (command == "o") {
      std::string n = ics::prompt_string("  Enter node name");
      std::cout << "  out_degree(...) = " << g.out_degree(n) << std::endl;

    else if (command == "d") {
      std::string n = ics::prompt_string("  Enter node name");
      std::cout << "  degree(...) = " << g.degree(n) << std::endl;

    else if (command == "<")
      std::cout << preface+"  << = " << g << std::endl;

    else if (command == "r") {
      std::cout << "  g == g = " << (g == g) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "  g != g = " << (g != g) << std::endl;

      ics::HashGraph<int> g2(ics::prompt_graph());
      std::cout << "  g == g2 = " << (g == g2) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "  g != g2 = " << (g != g2) << std::endl;

    else if (command == "l") {
      std::string separator = prompt_string("  Enter separator used in file");
      std::ifstream in_file;
      ics::safe_open(in_file,"  Enter file name to read graph from","graph.txt");

    else if (command == "s") {
      std::string separator = prompt_string("  Enter separator to use in file");
      std::ofstream out_file;
      out_file.open(ics::prompt_string("  Enter file name to store graph in").c_str());
      if (out_file.fail())
        std::cout << "  Illegal file name" << std :: endl;

    else if (command == "q")

      std::cout << preface+"\""+command+"\" is unknown command" << std::endl;

  } catch (ics::IcsError& e) {
    std::cout << preface+"  " << e.what() << std::endl;
