Exemplo n.º 1
 void Init(float lengthInSeconds, float updateRateInHz, float attackTime, float releaseTime, float samplerate)
     attack = 1.0f - powf(0.01f, 1.0f / (samplerate * attackTime));
     release = 1.0f - powf(0.01f, 1.0f / (samplerate * releaseTime));
     updateperiod = samplerate / updateRateInHz;
     int length = (int)ceilf(lengthInSeconds * updateRateInHz);
Exemplo n.º 2
BasicTerminalBuffer::_ResizeHistory(int32 width, int32 historyCapacity)
	if (width == fWidth && historyCapacity == HistoryCapacity())
		return B_OK;

	if (historyCapacity <= 0) {
		// new history capacity is 0 -- delete the old history object
		delete fHistory;
		fHistory = NULL;

		return B_OK;

	HistoryBuffer* history = new(std::nothrow) HistoryBuffer;
	if (history == NULL)
		return B_NO_MEMORY;

	status_t error = history->Init(width, historyCapacity);
	if (error != B_OK) {
		delete history;
		return error;

	// Transfer the lines from the old history to the new one.
	if (fHistory != NULL) {
		int32 historySize = min_c(HistorySize(), historyCapacity);
		TerminalLine* lineBuffer = ALLOC_LINE_ON_STACK(fWidth);
		for (int32 i = historySize - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
			TerminalLine* line = fHistory->GetTerminalLineAt(i, lineBuffer);
			if (line->length > width)
				_TruncateLine(line, width);

	delete fHistory;
	fHistory = history;

	return B_OK;
Exemplo n.º 3
BasicTerminalBuffer::_ResizeRewrap(int32 width, int32 height,
	int32 historyCapacity)
//debug_printf("BasicTerminalBuffer::_ResizeRewrap(): (%ld, %ld, history: %ld) -> "
//"(%ld, %ld, history: %ld)\n", fWidth, fHeight, HistoryCapacity(), width, height,

	// The width stays the same. _ResizeSimple() does exactly what we need.
	if (width == fWidth)
		return _ResizeSimple(width, height, historyCapacity);

	// The width changes. We have to allocate a new line array, a new history
	// and re-wrap all lines.

	TerminalLine** screen = _AllocateLines(width, height);
	if (screen == NULL)
		return B_NO_MEMORY;

	HistoryBuffer* history = NULL;

	if (historyCapacity > 0) {
		history = new(std::nothrow) HistoryBuffer;
		if (history == NULL) {
			_FreeLines(screen, height);
			return B_NO_MEMORY;

		status_t error = history->Init(width, historyCapacity);
		if (error != B_OK) {
			_FreeLines(screen, height);
			delete history;
			return error;

	int32 historySize = HistorySize();
	int32 totalLines = historySize + fHeight;

	// re-wrap
	TerminalLine* lineBuffer = ALLOC_LINE_ON_STACK(fWidth);
	TermPos cursor;
	int32 destIndex = 0;
	int32 sourceIndex = 0;
	int32 sourceX = 0;
	int32 destTotalLines = 0;
	int32 destScreenOffset = 0;
	int32 maxDestTotalLines = INT_MAX;
	bool newDestLine = true;
	bool cursorSeen = false;
	TerminalLine* sourceLine = _HistoryLineAt(-historySize, lineBuffer);

	while (sourceIndex < totalLines) {
		TerminalLine* destLine = screen[destIndex];

		if (newDestLine) {
			// Clear a new dest line before using it. If we're about to
			// overwrite an previously written line, we push it to the
			// history first, though.
			if (history != NULL && destTotalLines >= height)
			destLine->Clear(fAttributes, width);
			newDestLine = false;

		int32 sourceLeft = sourceLine->length - sourceX;
		int32 destLeft = width - destLine->length;
//debug_printf("    source: %ld, left: %ld, dest: %ld, left: %ld\n",
//sourceIndex, sourceLeft, destIndex, destLeft);

		if (sourceIndex == historySize && sourceX == 0) {
			destScreenOffset = destTotalLines;
			if (destLeft == 0 && sourceLeft > 0)
			maxDestTotalLines = destScreenOffset + height;
//debug_printf("      destScreenOffset: %ld\n", destScreenOffset);

		int32 toCopy = min_c(sourceLeft, destLeft);
		// If the last cell to copy is the first cell of a
		// full-width char, don't copy it yet.
		if (toCopy > 0 && IS_WIDTH(
				sourceLine->cells[sourceX + toCopy - 1].attributes)) {
//debug_printf("      -> last char is full-width -- don't copy it\n");

		// translate the cursor position
		if (fCursor.y + historySize == sourceIndex
			&& fCursor.x >= sourceX
			&& (fCursor.x < sourceX + toCopy
				|| (destLeft >= sourceLeft
					&& sourceX + sourceLeft <= fCursor.x))) {
			cursor.x = destLine->length + fCursor.x - sourceX;
			cursor.y = destTotalLines;

			if (cursor.x >= width) {
				// The cursor was in free space after the official end
				// of line.
				cursor.x = width - 1;
//debug_printf("      cursor: (%ld, %ld)\n", cursor.x, cursor.y);

			cursorSeen = true;

		if (toCopy > 0) {
			memcpy(destLine->cells + destLine->length,
				sourceLine->cells + sourceX, toCopy * sizeof(TerminalCell));
			destLine->length += toCopy;

		destLine->attributes = sourceLine->attributes;

		bool nextDestLine = false;
		if (toCopy == sourceLeft) {
			if (!sourceLine->softBreak)
				nextDestLine = true;
			sourceX = 0;
			sourceLine = _HistoryLineAt(sourceIndex - historySize,
		} else {
			destLine->softBreak = true;
			nextDestLine = true;
			sourceX += toCopy;

		if (nextDestLine) {
			destIndex = (destIndex + 1) % height;
			newDestLine = true;
			if (cursorSeen && destTotalLines >= maxDestTotalLines)

	// If the last source line had a soft break, the last dest line
	// won't have been counted yet.
	if (!newDestLine) {
		destIndex = (destIndex + 1) % height;

//debug_printf("  total lines: %ld -> %ld\n", totalLines, destTotalLines);

	if (destTotalLines - destScreenOffset > height)
		destScreenOffset = destTotalLines - height;

	cursor.y -= destScreenOffset;

	// When there are less lines (starting with the screen offset) than
	// there's room in the screen, clear the remaining screen lines.
	for (int32 i = destTotalLines; i < destScreenOffset + height; i++) {
		// Move the line we're going to clear to the history, if that's a
		// line we've written earlier.
		TerminalLine* line = screen[i % height];
		if (history != NULL && i >= height)
		line->Clear(fAttributes, width);

	// Update the values
	_FreeLines(fScreen, fHeight);
	delete fHistory;

	fScreen = screen;
	fHistory = history;

	if (fWidth != width) {
		status_t error = _ResetTabStops(width);
		if (error != B_OK)
			return error;

//debug_printf("  cursor: (%ld, %ld) -> (%ld, %ld)\n", fCursor.x, fCursor.y,
//cursor.x, cursor.y);
	fCursor.x = cursor.x;
	fCursor.y = cursor.y;
	fSoftWrappedCursor = false;
//debug_printf("  screen offset: %ld -> %ld\n", fScreenOffset, destScreenOffset % height);
	fScreenOffset = destScreenOffset % height;
//debug_printf("  height %ld -> %ld\n", fHeight, height);
//debug_printf("  width %ld -> %ld\n", fWidth, width);
	fHeight = height;
	fWidth = width;

	fScrollTop = 0;
	fScrollBottom = fHeight - 1;
	fOriginMode = fSavedOriginMode = false;

	return B_OK;