Exemplo n.º 1
bool ShortcutChooser::onShortcutKeyPress(GdkEventKey* ev)
	std::string statusText("");

	/** greebo: Workaround for allowing Shift+TAB as well (Tab becomes ISO_Left_Tab in that case)
	if (ev->keyval == GDK_ISO_Left_Tab)
		ev->keyval = GDK_Tab;

	// Store the shortcut string representation into the Entry field

	// Store this key/modifier combination for later use (UPPERCASE!)
	_keyval = gdk_keyval_to_upper(ev->keyval);
	_state = ev->state;

	IEventPtr foundEvent = GlobalEventManager().findEvent(ev);

	// Only display the note if any event was found and it's not the "self" event
	if (!foundEvent->empty() && foundEvent != _event)
		statusText = (boost::format(_("Note: This is already assigned to: <b>%s</b>")) %


	return true; // don't propagate
Exemplo n.º 2
// Loads the default shortcuts from the registry
void EventManager::loadAccelerators() {
	if (_debugMode) {
		std::cout << "EventManager: Loading accelerators...\n";

	xml::NodeList shortcutSets = GlobalRegistry().findXPath("user/ui/input//shortcuts");

	if (_debugMode) {
		std::cout << "Found " << shortcutSets.size() << " sets.\n";

	// If we have two sets of shortcuts, delete the default ones
	if (shortcutSets.size() > 1) {

	// Find all accelerators
	xml::NodeList shortcutList = GlobalRegistry().findXPath("user/ui/input/shortcuts//shortcut");

	if (shortcutList.size() > 0) {
		rMessage() << "EventManager: Shortcuts found in Registry: " <<
			static_cast<int>(shortcutList.size()) << std::endl;
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < shortcutList.size(); i++) {
			const std::string key = shortcutList[i].getAttributeValue("key");

			if (_debugMode) {
				std::cout << "Looking up command: " << shortcutList[i].getAttributeValue("command") << "\n";
				std::cout << "Key is: >> " << key << " << \n";

			// Try to lookup the command
			IEventPtr event = findEvent(shortcutList[i].getAttributeValue("command"));

			// Check for a non-empty key string
			if (key != "") {
				 // Check for valid command definitions were found
				if (!event->empty()) {
					// Get the modifier string (e.g. "SHIFT+ALT")
					const std::string modifierStr = shortcutList[i].getAttributeValue("modifiers");

					if (!duplicateAccelerator(key, modifierStr, event)) {
						// Create the accelerator object
						IAccelerator& accelerator = addAccelerator(key, modifierStr);

						// Connect the newly created accelerator to the command
				else {
					rWarning() << "EventManager: Cannot load shortcut definition (command invalid)."
						<< std::endl;
	else {
		// No accelerator definitions found!
		rWarning() << "EventManager: No shortcut definitions found..." << std::endl;
bool EventManager::QueueEvent(const IEventPtr& pEvent)
	CB_ASSERT(m_ActiveQueue >= 0);

	if (!pEvent)
		CB_ERROR("Invalid Event");
		return false;
	CB_LOG("Events", "Attempting to queue event: " + std::string(pEvent->GetName()));

	// make sure there are listeners for this event
	auto findIt = m_EventListeners.find(pEvent->GetEventType());
	if (findIt != m_EventListeners.end())
		CB_LOG("Events", "Successfully queued event: " + std::string(pEvent->GetName()));
		return true;
		CB_LOG("Events", "No listeners for event: " + std::string(pEvent->GetName()));
		return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
void TestPubSub() {
	IEventPtr events = IEventPtr(new TEvent());
	IIOCPEventedPtr iocp_evented = IIOCPEventedPtr(new TIOCPEvented(events));

	for(;;) {
Exemplo n.º 5
void TestEcho() {
	IEventPtr events = IEventPtr(new TEvent());
	IIOCPEventedPtr iocp_evented = IIOCPEventedPtr(new TIOCPEvented(events));
	TEchoTest echo_test(iocp_evented, "", 333, 128);

	for(;;) {
Exemplo n.º 6
/* Checks the passed xmlNode for a recognized item (ToolButton, ToggleToolButton, Separator)
 * Returns the widget or NULL if nothing useful is found   
GtkWidget* ToolbarManager::createToolItem(xml::Node& node) {
	const std::string nodeName = node.getName();
	GtkWidget* toolItem;
	if (nodeName == "separator") {
		toolItem = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_separator_tool_item_new());			
	else if (nodeName == "toolbutton" || nodeName == "toggletoolbutton") {
		// Found a button, load the values that are shared by both types
		const std::string name 		= node.getAttributeValue("name");
		const std::string icon 		= node.getAttributeValue("icon");
		const std::string tooltip 	= _(node.getAttributeValue("tooltip").c_str());
		const std::string action 	= node.getAttributeValue("action");
		if (nodeName == "toolbutton") {
			// Create a new GtkToolButton and assign the right callback
			toolItem = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_tool_button_new(NULL, name.c_str()));
		else {
			// Create a new GtkToggleToolButton and assign the right callback
			toolItem = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_toggle_tool_button_new());
		IEventPtr event = GlobalEventManager().findEvent(action);
		if (!event->empty()) {

			// Tell the event to update the state of this button
		else {
			globalErrorStream() << "ToolbarManager: Failed to lookup command " << action << std::endl; 
		// Set the tooltip, if not empty
		if (tooltip != "") {
			gtk_tool_item_set_tooltip(GTK_TOOL_ITEM(toolItem), _tooltips, tooltip.c_str(), "");
		// Load and assign the icon, if specified
		if (icon != "") {
			GtkWidget* image = gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(GlobalUIManager().getLocalPixbufWithMask(icon));
			gtk_tool_button_set_icon_widget(GTK_TOOL_BUTTON(toolItem), image);
	else {
		return NULL;
	return toolItem;
Exemplo n.º 7
// Connects the given accelerator to the given command (identified by the string)
void EventManager::connectAccelerator(IAccelerator& accelerator, const std::string& command) {
	IEventPtr event = findEvent(command);

	if (!event->empty()) {
		// Command found, connect it to the accelerator by passing its pointer
	else {
		// Command NOT found
		rWarning() << "EventManager: Unable to connect command: " << command << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 8
// Checks if the eventName is already registered and writes to rMessage, if so
bool EventManager::alreadyRegistered(const std::string& eventName) {
	// Try to find the command and see if it's already registered
	IEventPtr foundEvent = findEvent(eventName);

	if (foundEvent->empty()) {
		return false;
	else {
		rWarning() << "EventManager: Event " << eventName
			<< " already registered!" << std::endl;
		return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
void EventManager::disconnectAccelerator(const std::string& command) {
	IEventPtr event = findEvent(command);

	if (!event->empty()) {
		// Cycle through the accelerators and check for matches
		for (AcceleratorList::iterator i = _accelerators.begin(); i != _accelerators.end(); i++) {
			if (i->match(event)) {
				// Connect the accelerator to the empty event (disable the accelerator)
	else {
		// Command NOT found
		rWarning() << "EventManager: Unable to disconnect command: " << command << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 10
bool EventManager::TriggerEvent(const IEventPtr& pEvent) const
	CB_LOG("Events", "Attempting to trigger event " + std::string(pEvent->GetName()));
	bool processed = false;

	// iterate the map looking for this event type
	auto findIt = m_EventListeners.find(pEvent->GetEventType());
	if (findIt != m_EventListeners.end())
		// iterate the listener list and send the event to each listener
		const EventListenerList& listeners = findIt->second;
		for (EventListenerList::const_iterator it = listeners.begin(); it != listeners.end(); ++it)
			EventListenerDelegate listener = (*it);
			CB_LOG("Events", "Sending event " + std::string(pEvent->GetName()) + " to delegate listener."); 
			processed = true;

	return processed;
Exemplo n.º 11
    // Add one additional toolbar for particle-related stuff
    Gtk::Toolbar* toolbar = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Toolbar);

    _showAxesButton = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::ToggleToolButton);
        sigc::mem_fun(this, &ParticlePreview::queue_draw)
    _showAxesButton->set_icon_widget(*Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Image(
    _showAxesButton->set_tooltip_text(_("Show coordinate axes"));

    Gtk::ToolButton* reloadButton = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::ToolButton);
    reloadButton->set_icon_widget(*Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Image(Gtk::Stock::REFRESH, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_MENU)));
    reloadButton->set_tooltip_text(_("Reload Particle Defs"));
    IEventPtr ev = GlobalEventManager().findEvent("ReloadParticles");

    _showWireFrameButton = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::ToggleToolButton);
    _showWireFrameButton->set_icon_widget(*Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Image(
    _showWireFrameButton->set_tooltip_text(_("Show wireframe"));
        sigc::mem_fun(this, &ParticlePreview::queue_draw)

    _automaticLoopButton = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::ToggleToolButton(_("Auto Loop")));
    _automaticLoopButton->set_tooltip_text(_("Auto Loop"));

    toolbar->insert(*_showAxesButton, 0);
    toolbar->insert(*_showWireFrameButton, 0);
    toolbar->insert(*_automaticLoopButton, 0);
    toolbar->insert(*reloadButton, 0);

Exemplo n.º 12
//  Push event into active queue
bool EventManager::VQueueEvent( const IEventPtr& pEvent )
   ENG_ASSERT( m_ActiveQueue >= 0 );
   auto mapIt = m_EventListeners.find( pEvent->VGetEventType() );
   // If no one is listening, abort
   if( mapIt == m_EventListeners.end() || !mapIt->second.size() )
      return false;
   m_EventQueues[m_ActiveQueue].push_back( pEvent );
   return true;
Exemplo n.º 13
// Make all listeners process the event right now instead of add the event into queue
bool EventManager::VTriggerEvent( IEventPtr pEvent ) const
   auto mapIt = m_EventListeners.find( pEvent->VGetEventType() );
   // corresponding listing list is not exist
   if( mapIt == m_EventListeners.end() )
      return false;
   auto eventListenerList = mapIt->second;
   bool processed = false;
   for( auto listIt = eventListenerList.begin(); listIt != eventListenerList.end(); ++listIt )
      EventListenerDelegate listener = (*listIt);
      // trigger event
      listener( pEvent );
      processed = true;
   return processed;
Exemplo n.º 14
bool EventManager::VUpdate( unsigned long maxMs ) 
   unsigned long currMs = (unsigned long) ( GetGlobalTimer()->GetTime() * 1000.0 );
   unsigned long targetMs = ( maxMs == kINFINITE )? kINFINITE: currMs + maxMs;

	// swap active queues and clear the new queue after the swap
    int queueToProcess = m_ActiveQueue;
	m_ActiveQueue = (m_ActiveQueue + 1) % EVENTMANAGER_NUM_QUEUES;

   std::string s( ( "EventLoop", "Processing Event Queue " +
      ToStr( queueToProcess ) + "; " +
      ToStr( ( unsigned long ) m_EventQueues[ queueToProcess ].size() )
      + " events to process" ) ); \
      Logger::Log( "EventLoop", s, NULL, NULL, 0 ); \
   /*ENG_LOG("EventLoop", "Processing Event Queue " + 
            ToStr(queueToProcess) + "; " + 
            ToStr((unsigned long)m_EventQueues[queueToProcess].size()) 
            + " events to process");*/

	// Process the queue
	while ( !m_EventQueues[queueToProcess].empty() )
      // pop the front of the queue
		IEventPtr pEvent = m_EventQueues[queueToProcess].front();
      ENG_LOG( "EventLoop", "\t\tProcessing Event " + std::string( pEvent->GetName() ) );

		const EventType& eventType = pEvent->VGetEventType();

      // find all the delegate functions registered for this event
		auto findIt = m_EventListeners.find(eventType);
		if (findIt != m_EventListeners.end())
			const EventListenerList& eventListeners = findIt->second;
         ENG_LOG("EventLoop", "\t\tFound " + ToStr((unsigned long)eventListeners.size()) + " delegates");

         // call each listener
			for (auto it = eventListeners.begin(); it != eventListeners.end(); ++it)
            EventListenerDelegate listener = (*it);
            ENG_LOG("EventLoop", "\t\tSending event " + std::string(pEvent->GetName()) + " to delegate");

        // check to see if time ran out
		currMs = (unsigned long) ( GetGlobalTimer()->GetTime() * 1000.0 );
		if ( targetMs != IEventManager::kINFINITE && currMs >= targetMs )
         ENG_LOG("EventLoop", "Aborting event processing; time ran out");
	// If we couldn't process all of the events, push the remaining events to the new active queue.
	// Note: To preserve sequencing, go back-to-front, inserting them at the head of the active queue
	bool queueFlushed = ( m_EventQueues[queueToProcess].empty() );
	if ( !queueFlushed )
		while (!m_EventQueues[queueToProcess].empty())
			IEventPtr pEvent = m_EventQueues[queueToProcess].back();
	return queueFlushed;
Exemplo n.º 15
bool ShortcutChooser::assignShortcut()
	bool shortcutsChanged = false;

	// Check, if the user has pressed a meaningful key
	if (_keyval != 0)
		// Construct an eventkey structure to be passed to the EventManager query
		GdkEventKey eventKey;

		eventKey.keyval = _keyval;
		eventKey.state = _state;

		// Try to lookup an existing command with the same shortcut
		IEventPtr foundEvent = GlobalEventManager().findEvent(&eventKey);

		// Only react on non-empty and non-"self" events
		if (!foundEvent->empty() && foundEvent != _event)
			// There is already a command connected to this shortcut, ask the user
			const std::string foundEventName = GlobalEventManager().getEventName(foundEvent);

			// Construct the message
			std::string message =
				(boost::format(_("The specified shortcut is already assigned to <b>%s</b>"
				"\nOverwrite the current setting and assign this shortcut to <b>%s</b> instead?")) %
				foundEventName % _commandName).str();

			// Fire up the dialog to ask the user what action to take
			IDialogPtr popup = GlobalDialogManager().createMessageBox(
				_("Overwrite existing shortcut?"), message, ui::IDialog::MESSAGE_ASK);

			// Only react on "YES"
			if (popup->run() == ui::IDialog::RESULT_YES)
				// Disconnect both the found command and the new command

				// Create a new accelerator and connect it to the selected command
				IAccelerator& accel = GlobalEventManager().addAccelerator(&eventKey);
				GlobalEventManager().connectAccelerator(accel, _commandName);

				shortcutsChanged = true;
			// No command is using the accelerator up to now, so assign it

			// Disconnect the current command to avoid duplicate accelerators

			// Create a new accelerator and connect it to the selected command
			IAccelerator& accel = GlobalEventManager().addAccelerator(&eventKey);
			GlobalEventManager().connectAccelerator(accel, _commandName);

			shortcutsChanged = true;
		// No key is specified, disconnect the command

		shortcutsChanged = true;

	return shortcutsChanged;
Exemplo n.º 16
bool EventManager::Update(unsigned long maxMillis)
	unsigned long currMS = GetTickCount();
	// set the max milliseconds to process events
	unsigned long maxMS = (maxMillis == IEventManager::kINFINITE) ? IEventManager::kINFINITE : currMS + maxMillis;

	// handle events from other threads
	IEventPtr pRealtimeEvent;
	while (m_RealTimeEventQueue.try_pop(pRealtimeEvent))
		currMS = GetTickCount();

		if (maxMillis != IEventManager::kINFINITE)
			if (currMS >= maxMS)
				CB_ERROR("Too many real time processes hitting the event manager");

	// swap active queues and clear the new active after the swap
	int queueToProcess = m_ActiveQueue;
	m_ActiveQueue = (m_ActiveQueue + 1) % EVENTMANAGER_NUM_QUEUES;

	CB_LOG("EventLoop", "Processing Event Queue " + ToStr(queueToProcess) + "; " + ToStr((unsigned long)m_Queues[queueToProcess].size()) + " events to process");

	// process the queue of events
	while (!m_Queues[queueToProcess].empty())
		// process the first event and pop it
		IEventPtr pEvent = m_Queues[queueToProcess].front();
		CB_LOG("EventLoop", "\t\tProcessing Event " + std::string(pEvent->GetName()));

		const EventType& eventType = pEvent->GetEventType();

		// find all the listeners registered for this event in the map
		auto findIt = m_EventListeners.find(eventType);
		if (findIt != m_EventListeners.end())
			// get the list of listeners
			const EventListenerList& listeners = findIt->second;
			CB_LOG("Event Loop", "\t\tFound " + ToStr((unsigned long)listeners.size()) + " listeners");

			// call each listener for this event type
			for (auto it = listeners.begin(); it != listeners.end(); ++it)
				EventListenerDelegate listener = *it;
				CB_LOG("EventLoop", "\t\tSending event " + std::string(pEvent->GetName()) + " to listener");

		// check to see if time ran out
		currMS = GetTickCount();
		if (maxMillis != IEventManager::kINFINITE && currMS >= maxMS)
			CB_LOG("EventLoop", "Aborting event processing, time ran out");
	bool queueFlushed = m_Queues[queueToProcess].empty();
	// if we couldn't process all events, push remaining events on the new active queue
	if (!queueFlushed)
		while (!m_Queues[queueToProcess].empty())
			IEventPtr pEvent = m_Queues[queueToProcess].back();

	return queueFlushed;