Exemplo n.º 1
bool CModelExporter::ExportNode( IGameNode* pNode )
    IGameMesh* pMesh = (IGameMesh*)pNode->GetIGameObject();
    IGameMaterial* pRootMat = pNode->GetNodeMaterial();

    int uFaceCount = pMesh->GetNumberOfFaces();

    for(int i = 0; i < uFaceCount; ++i)
        FaceEx* pFace = pMesh->GetFace(i);
        for(int  j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
            DWORD mapIndex[3];
            Point3 ptUV;
            int indexUV = pFace->texCoord[j];
            IGameTextureMap* pMap = GetTextureMap(pRootMat, ID_DI);
            int nChannel = pMap->GetMapChannel();
            if(pMesh->GetMapFaceIndex(nChannel, pFace->meshFaceIndex, mapIndex))
                ptUV = pMesh->GetMapVertex(nChannel, mapIndex[j]);
                ptUV = pMesh->GetMapVertex(nChannel, indexUV);

            int indexPos = pFace->vert[j];
            Point3 pos = pMesh->GetVertex(indexPos);

    return true;
void Unreal3DExport::GetAnim()
    // Export vertex animation
    int lastvert = 0;
    FMeshVert nullvert = FMeshVert();
    for( int t=0; t<FrameCount; ++t )
        // Progress
        pInt->ProgressUpdate(Progress+((float)t/FrameCount*U3D_PROGRESS_ANIM), FALSE, ProgressMsg.data());
        // Set frame
        int frameverts = 0;
        int curframe = FrameStart + t;
        // Write mesh verts
        for( int n=0; n<Nodes.Count(); ++n )

            IGameMesh * mesh = (IGameMesh*)Nodes[n]->GetIGameObject();          
            if( mesh->InitializeData() )
                int vertcount = mesh->GetNumberOfVerts();
                for( int i=0; i<vertcount; ++i )
                    Point3 p;
                    if( mesh->GetVertex(i,p) )
                        Points[lastvert++] = p;
                frameverts += vertcount;

        // Check number of verts in this frame
        if( frameverts != VertsPerFrame )
            throw MAXException(ProgressMsg.data());
    Progress += U3D_PROGRESS_ANIM;

Exemplo n.º 3
Scene3DMesh* SGMExporter::ConvertMesh(IGameNode* meshNode)
	std::string meshNodeName = StringUtils::ToNarrow(meshNode->GetName());

	Log::LogT("exporting node '%s'", meshNodeName.c_str());

	IGameMesh *gMesh = (IGameMesh*)meshNode ->GetIGameObject();

	if (!gMesh ->InitializeData())
		Log::LogT("error: couldnt initialize data, skipping node");
		return NULL;

	if (!gMesh->IsObjectSkinned())
		Log::LogT("Mesh '%s' is not skinned", meshNodeName.c_str());
		return NULL;
		Log::LogT("Mesh '%s' is skinned", meshNodeName.c_str());

	Scene3DMesh *mesh = new Scene3DMesh();

	mesh->id = meshNode->GetNodeID();
	mesh->name = StringUtils::ToNarrow(meshNode->GetName());

	CollectProperties(mesh, gMesh);

	IGameMaterial *mat = meshNode ->GetNodeMaterial();

	if (mat != NULL)
		mesh->materialName = StringUtils::ToNarrow(mat->GetMaterialName());

	IGameSkin* skin = gMesh->GetIGameSkin();
	for (int i = 0; i < skin->GetTotalSkinBoneCount(); i++)

	for (int i = 0; i < gMesh ->GetNumberOfFaces(); i++)
		ExtractVertices(skin, gMesh ->GetFace(i), gMesh, mesh->vertices);

	Log::LogT("Min bones = %d, max bones = %d", dbgMinBonesCount, dbgMaxBonesCount);

	meshNode ->ReleaseIGameObject();

	return mesh;
Exemplo n.º 4
void TrianExporter::ExportNodeInfo( IGameNode * node )
	//If the node is a group owner, do nothing with it.
	if( !node->IsGroupOwner() )
		//Get the game object.
		IGameObject * obj = node->GetIGameObject();

		//We will only dump the info if it is a IGAME_MESH.
		if( obj->GetIGameType() == IGameObject::IGAME_MESH )
			//Get the Mesh.
			IGameMesh * gm = ( IGameMesh * )obj;

			//If initialization works, dump the mesh.
			if( gm->InitializeData() )
				DumpMesh( gm );
Exemplo n.º 5
void CModelExporter::ExportMesh( IGameNode* pNode )
    IGameMesh* pMesh = (IGameMesh*)pNode->GetIGameObject();


    IGameMaterial* pRootMat = pNode->GetNodeMaterial();
    if(pRootMat != NULL)
        size_t uMatCnt = 0;
        GetMaterialCnt(pRootMat, uMatCnt);

        m_serializer << uMatCnt;
        for(size_t x = 0; x < uMatCnt; x++)
            size_t index = x;
            int nChildID;
            IGameMaterial* pParentMat;
            IGameMaterial* pMat = GetMaterial(index, pRootMat, NULL, -1, &pParentMat, &nChildID);

            int nMatID = 0;
            if(pParentMat != NULL)
                nMatID = pParentMat->GetMaterialID(nChildID);
                BEATS_ASSERT(pParentMat->GetSubMaterial(nChildID) == pMat);

            if(pMat != NULL)
                ExportMeshMaterial(pNode, pMesh, pMat, nMatID, pRootMat->IsMultiType());
                ExportMeshVertex(pNode, pMesh,pMat,nMatID,pRootMat->IsMultiType());

Exemplo n.º 6
int	maxProject2::DoExport(const TCHAR *name,ExpInterface *ei,Interface *i, BOOL suppressPrompts, DWORD options)
	//TODO: Implement the actual file Export here and 
	//		return TRUE If the file is exported properly

	 _cprintf( "Export Begin\n" );//¼ÇµÃ#include <conio.h>
	IGameConversionManager * cm = GetConversionManager();
	cm->SetCoordSystem( IGameConversionManager::IGAME_D3D );
	IGameScene* pSce=GetIGameInterface();


	int num=pSce->GetTopLevelNodeCount();
//	_cprintf("node count %d \n",num);
//	_cprintf("%s \n",name);

	TSTR outBuf;
	int matCount = pSce->GetRootMaterialCount();
//	_cprintf("MaterialCount count %d \n",matCount);
	FILE* file=freopen(name, "w", stdout);

		return FALSE;
	/*cout<<"MatreialRootList Num: "<<matCount<<endl;
	for(int j =0;j<matCount;j++){	
		IGameMaterial* rootmat=pSce->GetRootMaterial(j);
		int num=rootmat->GetSubMaterialCount();
		TCHAR* name= rootmat->GetMaterialName();
		cout<<"\tMatrial mutiType :"<<rootmat->IsMultiType()<<endl;
		cout<<"\ttMatreialRoot name : "<<name<<endl;
		cout<<"\t\tMatreialRoot #"<<j<<" ----SubMatNum : "<<num<<endl;
		for(int i=0;i<num;i++){
			IGameMaterial* submat=rootmat->GetSubMaterial(i);
			cout<<"\t\tMatrial mutiType"<<submat->IsMultiType()<<endl;
			cout<<"\t\tSubMatName : "<<submat->GetMaterialName()<<endl;
			cout<<"\t\tSubMatSubNum : "<<submat->GetSubMaterialCount()<<endl;
	int nodecount=pSce->GetTopLevelNodeCount();
	int frame=pSce->GetSceneStartTime();
/*	cout<<pSce->GetSceneStartTime()<<endl;
//	cout<<"top level node count:"<<nodecount<<endl;
	for(int i=0;i<nodecount;i++)
		IGameNode* topnode=pSce->GetTopLevelNode(i);
		IGameObject* obj=topnode->GetIGameObject();
//		cout<<"\tnode #:"<<i<<endl;
			cout<<"\t\t bone"<<endl;
			IGameSupportObject * hO = (IGameSupportObject*)obj;
			IGameMesh * hm = hO->GetMeshObject();
				int num = hm->GetNumberOfVerts();
				cout<<"\t\t number of vertex : "<<num<<endl;
				cout<<"\t\t number of texcoord : "<<hm->GetNumberOfTexVerts()<<endl;
				cout<<"\t\t number of normals : "<<hm->GetNumberOfNormals()<<endl;
				cout<<"\t\tHAS SKIN"<<endl;
			IGameControl* con=topnode->GetIGameControl();

			IGameKeyTab keys;
			int num=keys.Count();

			_cprintf( "keys count %d \n",keys.Count());//¼ÇµÃ#include <conio.h>
	//		if(num>1)
			//	num=1;
			for(int i=0;i<num;i++){
				Matrix3 t=keys[i].sampleKey.gval.ExtractMatrix3();

				_cprintf("\tkey frame time : %d\n",keys[i].t);
				_cprintf("\tkey frame pos : %d\n",keys[i].t/pSce->GetSceneTicks());
				AffineParts ap;
				float rotAngle;
				Point3 rotAxis;
				float scaleAxAngle;	
				Point3 scaleAxis;

				decomp_affine(t, &ap);

					// Quaternions are dumped as angle axis.
				AngAxisFromQ(ap.q, &rotAngle, rotAxis);
				AngAxisFromQ(ap.u, &scaleAxAngle, scaleAxis);

				/*_cprintf("\ttrans%f %f %f\n",ap.t.x,ap.t.y,ap.t.z);			
				_cprintf("\trot%f %f %f %f\n",rotAxis.x, rotAxis.y, rotAxis.z, rotAngle);
				_cprintf("%f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", ap.k.x, ap.k.y, ap.k.z, scaleAxis.x,scaleAxis.y,scaleAxis.z, scaleAxAngle);*/


		}else if(obj->GetIGameType()==IGameObject::IGAME_MESH){
		//	cout<<"\t\t mesh"<<endl;
			IGameMesh * hm = (IGameMesh*)obj;

			IGameSkin* skin=obj->GetIGameSkin();
		/*	if(skin){
				cout<<"\t\tHAS SKIN"<<endl;

				if(skin->GetSkinType()== IGameSkin::IGAME_PHYSIQUE)
				int bn=skin->GetNumberOfBones(0);
				cout<<"\t\t\t number of bones for 0 :"<<skin->GetNumberOfBones(0)<<endl;
				for(int i=0;i<bn;i++){

				cout<<"\t\t\t total number of bones :"<<skin->GetTotalBoneCount()<<endl;

				int num = hm->GetNumberOfVerts();
			/*	cout<<"\t\t number of vertex : "<<num<<endl;
				cout<<"\t\t number of texcoord : "<<hm->GetNumberOfTexVerts()<<endl;
				cout<<"\t\t number of normals : "<<hm->GetNumberOfNormals()<<endl;*/
				for(int iv=0;iv<num;iv++){
					Point3 v=hm->GetVertex(iv);
					cout<<"v "<<v.x<<" "<<v.y<<" "<<v.z<<endl;
						int bonenum=skin->GetNumberOfBones(iv);
						for(int bi=0;bi<bonenum;bi++)
							INode* bone=skin->GetBone(iv,bi);
							int boneid=skin->GetBoneID(iv,bi);
							cout<<"\t bone ID : "<<boneid<<" bone weight : "<<skin->GetWeight(iv,bi)<<endl;
				int tn=hm->GetNumberOfFaces();
				for(int tv=0;tv<tn;tv++){
					FaceEx* f=hm->GetFace(tv);
					cout<<"i "<<f->vert[0]<<" "<<f->vert[1]<<" "<<f->vert[2]<<endl;
//			cout<<"\t\t else"<<endl;


				maxProject2OptionsDlgProc, (LPARAM)this);*/
	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 7
bool ExporterF3D::ExportMesh(IGameNode* node, CMesh* mesh)
    IGameMesh* gameMesh = (IGameMesh*)node->GetIGameObject();
    if (!gameMesh->InitializeData() || !gameMesh->IsRenderable())
        LOG_WARNING("Skipping %s - The object is not renderable", TCHARToString((node->GetName())).c_str());
        return true;


    Box3 bbox; 

    s32 numVerts = gameMesh->GetNumberOfVerts();
    s32 numNormals = gameMesh->GetNumberOfNormals();
    s32 numBinormals = gameMesh->GetNumberOfBinormals();
    s32 numTangents = gameMesh->GetNumberOfTangents();
    s32 numTexVerts = gameMesh->GetNumberOfTexVerts();
    s32 numColorVerts = gameMesh->GetNumberOfColorVerts();
    s32 numAlphaVerts = gameMesh->GetNumberOfAlphaVerts();

    LOG_INFO("Verts : %d", numVerts);
    LOG_INFO("Normals : %d", numNormals);
    LOG_INFO("Binormals : %d", numBinormals);
    LOG_INFO("Tangents : %d", numTangents);
    LOG_INFO("TexVerts : %d", numTexVerts);
    LOG_INFO("ColorVerts : %d", numColorVerts);
    LOG_INFO("AlphaVerts : %d", numAlphaVerts);

    Tab<s32> materialList = gameMesh->GetActiveMatIDs();
    s32 materialCount = materialList.Count();
    LOG_INFO("MaterialCount : %d", materialCount);

    MaterialPtr& material = const_cast<MaterialPtr&>(mesh->getMaterial());
    GeometryPtr& geomerty = const_cast<GeometryPtr&>(mesh->getGeometry());
    geomerty = std::make_shared<CGeometryNull>(nullptr);

    for (u32 i = 0; i < materialCount; ++i)
        s32 matID = materialList[i];
        Tab<FaceEx*> faceList = gameMesh->GetFacesFromMatID(matID);
        s32 numFaces = faceList.Count();
        LOG_INFO("numFaces : %d", numFaces);
        STileUV tile;

        IGameMaterial* sourceMaterial = gameMesh->GetMaterialFromFace(faceList[0]);
        if (ExporterF3D::ExportMaterial(sourceMaterial, material, tile))
            for (u32 j = 0; j < numFaces; ++j)
                FaceEx* sourceFace = faceList[j];
                for (u32 k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
                    s32 crrIndex = ExporterF3D::findVertex(geomerty, gameMesh->GetVertex(sourceFace->vert[k], m_settings->isExportObjectSpace()));
                    if (m_settings->isExportIndices())
                        LOG_DEBUG("add Index : %d", sourceFace->vert[k]);
                        geomerty->addIndex((crrIndex >= 0) ? crrIndex : geomerty->getData().verticesSize());

                    if (!m_settings->isExportIndices() || crrIndex < 0)
                        Point3 vertex = gameMesh->GetVertex(sourceFace->vert[k], m_settings->isExportObjectSpace());
                        LOG_DEBUG("add Vertex : (%f, %f, %f)", vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z);

                        if (m_settings->isExportNormals())
                            Point3 normal = gameMesh->GetNormal(sourceFace->norm[k], m_settings->isExportObjectSpace()).Normalize();
                            LOG_DEBUG("add Normal : (%f, %f, %f)", normal.x, normal.y, normal.z);

                        if (m_settings->isExportBinormals())
                            s32 binormalTangentIndex = gameMesh->GetFaceVertexTangentBinormal(j, k);
                            Point3 binormal = gameMesh->GetBinormal(binormalTangentIndex).Normalize();
                            LOG_DEBUG("add Binormal : (%f, %f, %f)", binormal.x, binormal.y, binormal.z);

                        if (m_settings->isExportTangents())
                            s32 binormalTangentIndex = gameMesh->GetFaceVertexTangentBinormal(j, k);
                            Point3 tangent = gameMesh->GetTangent(binormalTangentIndex).Normalize();
                            LOG_DEBUG("add Tangent : (%f, %f, %f)", tangent.x, tangent.y, tangent.z);

                        if (m_settings->isExportColors())
                            Point3 color = gameMesh->GetColorVertex(sourceFace->color[k]);
                            core::Vector3D col = convertPointToVector3(color);
                            col.x = core::abs(col.x);
                            col.y = core::abs(col.y);
                            col.z = core::abs(col.z);
                            LOG_DEBUG("add Color : (%f, %f, %f)", col.x, col.y, col.z);

                        if (m_settings->isExportTexCoords())
                            u32 layer = 0;
                            Point2 texCoord = gameMesh->GetTexVertex(sourceFace->texCoord[k]);
                            texCoord.x *= tile._u;
                            texCoord.y *= tile._v;
                            //TODO: texcoord layers
                            LOG_DEBUG("add TexCoord : (%f, %f)", texCoord.x, texCoord.y);
                            geomerty->addTexCoord(layer, convertPointToVector2(texCoord));

    return true;
	//bool MeshXMLExporter::streamSubmesh(std::ostream &of, IGameNode *node, std::string &mtlName) {
	bool MeshXMLExporter::streamSubmesh(std::ostream &of, IGameObject *obj, std::string &mtlName) {
		//IGameObject* obj = node->GetIGameObject();
		if (obj->GetIGameType() != IGameMesh::IGAME_MESH)
			return false;

		// InitializeData() is important -- it performs all of the WSM/time eval for us; no face data without it
//		obj->InitializeData();
		IGameMesh* mesh = (IGameMesh*) obj;
		int vertCount = mesh->GetNumberOfVerts();
		int faceCount = mesh->GetNumberOfFaces();

		Tab<int> matIds = mesh->GetActiveMatIDs();
		Tab<DWORD> smGrpIds = mesh->GetActiveSmgrps();
		Tab<int> texMaps = mesh->GetActiveMapChannelNum();

		of << "\t\t<submesh ";
		if (mtlName.length() > 0)
			of << "material=\"" << mtlName << "\" ";

		of << "usesharedvertices=\"false\" use32bitindexes=\"";
		of << (vertCount > 65535);
		of << "\">" << std::endl;

		// *************** Export Face List ***************
		of << "\t\t\t<faces count=\"" << faceCount << "\">" << std::endl;


		// iterate the face list, putting vertices in the list for this submesh
		VertexList vertexList;

		for (int i=0; i<faceCount; i++) {

			of << "\t\t\t\t<face";
			FaceEx* face = mesh->GetFace(i);

			// do this for each vertex on the face
			for (int vi=0; vi<3; vi++) {
				Point3 p = mesh->GetVertex(face->vert[vi]);

				Vertex v(p.x, p.y, p.z);

				if (m_config.getExportVertexColours()) {
					Point3 c = mesh->GetColorVertex(face->vert[vi]);
					float a = mesh->GetAlphaVertex(face->vert[vi]);

					v.setColour(c.x, c.y, c.z, a);

				Point3 n = mesh->GetNormal(face, vi);
				v.setNormal(n.x, n.y, n.z);

				// get each set of texcoords for this vertex
				for (int ch=0; ch < texMaps.Count(); ch++) {

					Point3 tv;
					DWORD indices[3];

					if (mesh->GetMapFaceIndex(texMaps[ch], i, indices))
						tv = mesh->GetMapVertex(texMaps[ch], indices[vi]);
						tv = mesh->GetMapVertex(texMaps[ch], face->vert[vi]);

					v.addTexCoord(texMaps[ch], tv.x, tv.y, tv.z);

				int actualVertexIndex = vertexList.add(v);

				of << " v" << vi + 1 << "=\"" << actualVertexIndex << "\"";
			of << " />" << std::endl;

		of << "\t\t\t</faces>" << std::endl;
		// *************** End Export Face List ***************

		// *************** Export Geometry ***************
		of << "\t\t\t<geometry vertexcount=\"" << vertexList.size() << "\">" << std::endl;

		// *************** Export Vertex Buffer ***************
		bool exportNormals = true;

		of << std::boolalpha;
		of << "\t\t\t\t<vertexbuffer positions=\"true\" normals=\"" << exportNormals << "\" colours_diffuse=\"" << m_config.getExportVertexColours() << "\" texture_coords=\"" << texMaps.Count() << "\"";
		for (int i=0; i<texMaps.Count(); i++)
			of << " texture_coords_dimensions_" << i << "=\"2\"";
		of << ">" << std::endl;

		int numVerts = vertexList.size();
		for (int i=0; i < numVerts; i++) 
			const Vertex& v = vertexList.front();

			of << "\t\t\t\t\t<vertex>" << std::endl;
			of << std::showpoint;

			const Ogre::Vector3& p = v.getPosition();
			float x = p.x;
			float y = p.y;
			float z = p.z;

			of << "\t\t\t\t\t\t<position x=\"" << x << "\" y=\"" << y << "\" z=\"" << z << "\" />" << std::endl;

			if (m_config.getExportVertexColours()) 

				float r = v.getColour().r;
				float g = v.getColour().g;
				float b = v.getColour().b;

				of << "\t\t\t\t\t\t<colour_diffuse value=\"\t" << r << "\t" << g << "\t" << b << "\" />" << std::endl;

			if (exportNormals) {

				const Ogre::Vector3& n = v.getNormal();
				float x = n.x;
				float y = n.y;
				float z = n.z;

				of << "\t\t\t\t\t\t<normal x=\"" << x << "\" y=\"" << y << "\" z=\"" << z << "\" />" << std::endl;

			// output the tex coords for each map used
			for (int ti=0; ti<texMaps.Count(); ti++) {
				int texMap = texMaps[ti];

				const Ogre::Vector3& uvw = v.getUVW(texMap); 

				switch (m_config.getTexCoord2D()) {
					case OgreMax::UV:
						of << "\t\t\t\t\t\t<texcoord u=\"" << uvw.x << "\" v=\"" << (1.0 - uvw.y) << "\" />" << std::endl; 
					case OgreMax::VW:
						of << "\t\t\t\t\t\t<texcoord v=\"" << uvw.y << "\" w=\"" << (1.0 - uvw.z) << "\" />" << std::endl; 
					case OgreMax::WU:
						of << "\t\t\t\t\t\t<texcoord w=\"" << uvw.z << "\" u=\"" << (1.0 - uvw.x) << "\" />" << std::endl; 
			of << std::noshowpoint;
			of << "\t\t\t\t\t</vertex>" << std::endl;

		of << "\t\t\t\t</vertexbuffer>" << std::endl;
		// *************** End Export Vertex Buffer ***************

		of << "\t\t\t</geometry>" << std::endl;
		// *************** End Export Geometry ***********

		of << "\t\t</submesh>" << std::endl;

		// this skin extraction code based on an article found here:
		// http://www.cfxweb.net/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1029
/*		Object *oRef = node->GetObjectRef();

		if (oRef->SuperClassID() == GEN_DERIVOB_CLASS_ID) {
			IDerivedObject *dObj = (IDerivedObject *)oRef;
			Modifier *oMod = dObj->GetModifier(0);

			if (oMod->ClassID() == SKIN_CLASSID) {

				// flag the export of a skeleton link element
				m_createSkeletonLink = true;

				// stream the boneassignments element
				streamBoneAssignments(of, oMod, node);

		of << "\t\t</submesh>" << std::endl;

		if (obj != tri)
			delete tri;
//		node->ReleaseIGameObject();
		return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
bool Optimizer::
dumpPhysXCookMesh(IGameNode* gameNode, const std::string& nodeName, int flag)
	// 受缩放影响
	GMatrix worldTM = gameNode->GetWorldTM();
	Point3 scale = worldTM.Scaling();
	// 世界矩阵的逆矩阵
	GMatrix nodeInvWorldTM = gameNode->GetWorldTM().Inverse();
	IGameObject* gameObject = gameNode->GetIGameObject();
	IGameMesh* gameMesh = static_cast<IGameMesh*>(gameObject);
	int numFaces = gameMesh->GetNumberOfFaces();
	int numVertex = numFaces * 3;
	std::vector<physx::PxVec3> pxVertices;
	oiram::IndexBuffer indexBuffer;
	indexBuffer.use32BitIndices = numVertex > 65535;
	indexBuffer.use32BitIndices ? indexBuffer.uiIndexBuffer.reserve(numVertex) : indexBuffer.usIndexBuffer.reserve(numVertex);
	for (int i = 0; i < numFaces; ++i)
		FaceEx* face = gameMesh->GetFace(i);
		for (int v = 0; v < 3; ++v)
			Point3 position = gameMesh->GetVertex(face->vert[v], false);
			position = position * nodeInvWorldTM;
			pxVertices.push_back(physx::PxVec3(position.x * scale.x, position.y * scale.y, position.z * scale.z));
			if (indexBuffer.use32BitIndices)
				indexBuffer.uiIndexBuffer.push_back(static_cast<unsigned int>(indexBuffer.uiIndexBuffer.size()));
				indexBuffer.usIndexBuffer.push_back(static_cast<unsigned short>(indexBuffer.usIndexBuffer.size()));

	// 初始化physx对象
	physx::PxDefaultAllocator s_defAlloc;
	PxOiramErrorCallback s_defErrCb;
	physx::PxFoundation* pFound = PxCreateFoundation(PX_PHYSICS_VERSION, s_defAlloc, s_defErrCb);
	physx::PxCooking* pCooking = PxCreateCooking(PX_PHYSICS_VERSION, *pFound, physx::PxCookingParams());

	// 优化物理模型顶点
	optimizePhysXMesh(flag, mD3DDevice, mEpsilon, pxVertices, indexBuffer);

	bool success = false;
	PxCookMesh cookMesh;
	switch (flag)
	// cookConvexMesh
	case 1:
			physx::PxConvexMeshDesc meshDesc;
			meshDesc.points.data = pxVertices.data();
			meshDesc.points.count = static_cast<physx::PxU32>(pxVertices.size());
			meshDesc.points.stride = sizeof(physx::PxVec3);
			meshDesc.flags = physx::PxConvexFlag::eCOMPUTE_CONVEX;

			// 先尝试导出
			success = meshDesc.isValid() && pCooking->cookConvexMesh(meshDesc, cookMesh);
			if (!success)
				// polygon数量大于255的时候需要加上eINFLATE_CONVEX
				meshDesc.flags |= physx::PxConvexFlag::eINFLATE_CONVEX;
				success = meshDesc.isValid() && pCooking->cookConvexMesh(meshDesc, cookMesh);

	// cookTriangleMesh
	case 2:
			physx::PxTriangleMeshDesc meshDesc;
			meshDesc.points.data = pxVertices.data();
			meshDesc.points.count = static_cast<physx::PxU32>(pxVertices.size());
			meshDesc.points.stride = sizeof(physx::PxVec3);

			if (indexBuffer.use32BitIndices)
				meshDesc.triangles.data = indexBuffer.uiIndexBuffer.data();
				meshDesc.triangles.count = static_cast<physx::PxU32>(indexBuffer.uiIndexBuffer.size()) / 3;
				meshDesc.triangles.stride = sizeof(physx::PxU32) * 3;
				meshDesc.triangles.data = indexBuffer.usIndexBuffer.data();
				meshDesc.triangles.count = static_cast<physx::PxU16>(indexBuffer.usIndexBuffer.size()) / 3;
				meshDesc.triangles.stride = sizeof(physx::PxU16) * 3;
				meshDesc.flags = physx::PxMeshFlag::e16_BIT_INDICES;

			success = meshDesc.isValid();
			success = success && pCooking->cookTriangleMesh(meshDesc, cookMesh);

	if (success)
		std::string pxName = nodeName + ".px";
		LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage(false, "Exporting: %s", pxName.c_str());

		pxName = config.exportPath + pxName;
		FILE* fp = fopen(pxName.c_str(), "wb");
		if (fp)
			fwrite(cookMesh.getData(), cookMesh.getSize(), 1, fp);

	return success;
void Unreal3DExport::GetTris()
    // Export triangle data
    FJSMeshTri nulltri = FJSMeshTri();
    for( int n=0; n<Nodes.Count(); ++n )
        IGameNode* node = Nodes[n];
        IGameMesh* mesh = static_cast<IGameMesh*>(node->GetIGameObject());
        if( mesh->InitializeData() )
            int vertcount = mesh->GetNumberOfVerts();
            int tricount = mesh->GetNumberOfFaces();
            if( vertcount > 0 && tricount > 0 )
                // Progress
                pInt->ProgressUpdate(Progress+(static_cast<float>(n)/Nodes.Count()*U3D_PROGRESS_MESH), FALSE, ProgressMsg.data());

                // Alloc triangles space

                // Append triangles
                for( int i=0; i!=tricount; ++i )
                    FaceEx* f = mesh->GetFace(i);
                    if( f )
                        FJSMeshTri tri(nulltri);

                        // TODO: add material id listing
                        RegisterMaterial( node, mesh, f, &tri );

                        tri.iVertex[0] = VertsPerFrame + f->vert[0];
                        tri.iVertex[1] = VertsPerFrame + f->vert[1];
                        tri.iVertex[2] = VertsPerFrame + f->vert[2];

                        Point2 p;
                        if( mesh->GetTexVertex(f->texCoord[0],p) ){
                            tri.Tex[0] = FMeshUV(p);
                        if( mesh->GetTexVertex(f->texCoord[1],p) ){
                            tri.Tex[1] = FMeshUV(p);
                        if( mesh->GetTexVertex(f->texCoord[2],p) ){
                            tri.Tex[2] = FMeshUV(p);

                VertsPerFrame += vertcount;
                // remove invalid node
    Progress += U3D_PROGRESS_MESH;
Exemplo n.º 11
void MeshExporter::ExtractMesh(IGameNode * node)
	IGameObject* obj = node->GetIGameObject();

	// export option
	bool expColor = ExportConfig::Instance()->IsExportColor();
	bool expNormal = ExportConfig::Instance()->IsExportNormal();
	bool expTexcoord = ExportConfig::Instance()->IsExportTexcoord();
	bool expLightmapUV = ExportConfig::Instance()->IsExportLightmapUV();


	const char * nodeName = node->GetName();

	IGameNode * parent = node->GetNodeParent();
	IGameMesh::ObjectTypes type = obj->GetIGameType();

	if (type == IGameMesh::IGAME_MESH)
		IGameMesh* mesh = (IGameMesh*) obj;
		Tab<int> texMaps = mesh->GetActiveMapChannelNum();

		mMeshData.VertexElems |= MeshSerializer::VE_POSITION;

		// position
		for (int i = 0; i < mesh->GetNumberOfVerts(); ++i)

		// vertex color
		for (int i = 0; expColor && i < mesh->GetNumberOfColorVerts(); ++i)
			Point3 c = mesh->GetColorVertex(i);
			float a = mesh->GetAlphaVertex(i);

			mMeshData.C.PushBack(Float4(c.x, c.y, c.z, a));
			mMeshData.VertexElems |= MeshSerializer::VE_COLOR;

		// normal
		for (int i = 0; expNormal && i < mesh->GetNumberOfNormals(); ++i)
			mMeshData.VertexElems |= MeshSerializer::VE_NORMAL;

		// uv
		for (int i = 0;  expTexcoord && texMaps.Count() > 1 && i < mesh->GetNumberOfMapVerts(texMaps[1]); ++i)
			Point3 tv = mesh->GetMapVertex(texMaps[1], i);

			mMeshData.UV.PushBack(Float2(tv.x, 1 - tv.y));
			mMeshData.VertexElems |= MeshSerializer::VE_TEXCOORD;

		// light map uv
		for (int i = 0;  expLightmapUV && texMaps.Count() > 2 && i < mesh->GetNumberOfMapVerts(texMaps[2]); ++i)
			Point3 tv = mesh->GetMapVertex(texMaps[2], i);

			mMeshData.LUV.PushBack(Float2(tv.x, 1 - tv.y));
			mMeshData.VertexElems |= MeshSerializer::VE_LIGHTMAPUV;

		IGameSkin * skin = obj->GetIGameSkin();
		if (skin != NULL)
		else if (parent != NULL && parent->GetIGameObject()->GetIGameType() == IGameMesh::IGAME_BONE)



	for(int i=0;i<node->GetChildCount();i++)
		IGameNode * child = node->GetNodeChild(i);
		// we deal with targets in the light/camera section


Exemplo n.º 12
int	MaxExporter::DoExport(const TCHAR *name,ExpInterface *ei,Interface *i, BOOL suppressPrompts, DWORD options)

				MaxExporterOptionsDlgProc, (LPARAM)this);*/

	#pragma message(TODO("return TRUE If the file is exported properly"))

	Node::s_nextID = 1;
	ofstream myFile;
	wstring wFileName( name );
	string fileName( wFileName.begin(), wFileName.end() );
	//f= fopen( fileName.c_str(),"wb");
	BinaryFile = loadSave( fileName.c_str() );
	//BinaryFile.saveInt( 5 );
	myFile << "Start Export\n";

	IGameScene* gameScene = GetIGameInterface();
	int nodeCount = gameScene->GetTopLevelNodeCount();
	myFile << "Number of top level nodes: " << nodeCount << "\n";
	//get all of the materials
	for( int nodeNumber = 0; nodeNumber < nodeCount; ++nodeNumber)
		IGameNode* gameNode = gameScene->GetTopLevelNode( nodeNumber );
		Node* myNode = new Node( gameNode );
		m_NodeList.push_back( myNode );
		findFaces( myNode, myFile );

	myFile << "Number of materials\n";
	myFile << m_materialSet.size() << "\n";

	int totalBatches = 0;
	//myFile<< "Number of triangleBatchMaps: " << m_triangleBatchesPerNode.size() << "\n";
	for( auto nodeIter = m_NodeList.begin(); nodeIter != m_NodeList.end(); ++nodeIter )
		std::map< IGameMaterial*, TriangleBatch* > triangleBatches = (*nodeIter)->m_triangleBatchesPerMaterial;
		myFile << "Invidiual triangleBatch size: " << triangleBatches.size() << "\n";

		for( auto materialIter = m_materialSet.begin(); materialIter != m_materialSet.end(); ++materialIter )
			auto found = triangleBatches.find( * materialIter );
			if( found != triangleBatches.end() )

	BinaryFile.saveInt( m_NodeList.size() );
	myFile << "Number of Nodes: " << m_NodeList.size() << "\n";
	for( auto nodeIter = m_NodeList.begin(); nodeIter != m_NodeList.end(); ++nodeIter )
		std::map< IGameMaterial*, TriangleBatch* > triangleBatches = (*nodeIter)->m_triangleBatchesPerMaterial;
		std::map<IGameMaterial*, std::vector< NodeFace > > facesPerMaterial = (*nodeIter)->m_facesPerMaterial;
		IGameNode* currentNode = (*nodeIter)->m_gameNode;
		IGameNode* parentNode;
		GMatrix parentWTM;
		GMatrix toParentMatrix;
		GMatrix worldTM;
		GMatrix localTM;
		int time = gameScene->GetSceneStartTime();
		for( ; time < gameScene->GetSceneEndTime(); time += 4800/30 )
			if( (*nodeIter)->m_parentID != 0 )
				myFile << "Trying to find parent... \n";
				parentNode = (*nodeIter)->m_parent->m_gameNode;
				if( parentNode != nullptr )
					myFile << "Parent found \n";
					parentWTM = parentNode->GetWorldTM( time );
					toParentMatrix = parentWTM.Inverse();

					worldTM = currentNode->GetWorldTM(  time ) * toParentMatrix;


				worldTM = currentNode->GetWorldTM( time );
			(*nodeIter)->m_toParentMatrix.push_back( Matrix4x4( worldTM[0], worldTM[1], worldTM[2], worldTM[3] ) );

		localTM = currentNode->GetWorldTM().Inverse();
		(*nodeIter)->m_worldToLocal = Matrix4x4(  localTM[0], localTM[1], localTM[2], localTM[3] );

		//Save the node
		BinaryFile.saveNode( *nodeIter, myFile );
		BinaryFile.saveInt( (*nodeIter)->m_triangleBatchesPerMaterial.size() );
		for( auto materialIter = m_materialSet.begin(); materialIter != m_materialSet.end(); ++materialIter )
			//Set the current material's VBO and IBO
			IGameMaterial* currentMaterial = *materialIter;
			TriangleBatch* currentBatch = triangleBatches[ currentMaterial ];
			GMatrix localTMNoTrans = localTM;
			localTMNoTrans.SetRow( 3, Point4( 0,0,0,1) );
			if( currentBatch != nullptr )
				MaxMaterial* currentMaxMaterial = currentBatch->m_material;
				VBO* currentVBO = currentBatch->m_vbo;
				IBO* currentIBO = currentBatch->m_ibo;
				vector< NodeFace >& faceVector = facesPerMaterial.find( currentMaterial )->second;

				//Get texture materials and export them
				if( currentMaterial != nullptr )
					int numOfTexMaps = currentMaterial->GetNumberOfTextureMaps();
					myFile << "Number of texture maps: " << numOfTexMaps << "\n";
					for( int i = 0; i < numOfTexMaps; ++i )
						IGameTextureMap* gameTextureMap = currentMaterial->GetIGameTextureMap( i );
						if( gameTextureMap != nullptr && gameTextureMap->IsEntitySupported() )
							int stdMapSlot = gameTextureMap->GetStdMapSlot();
							if( stdMapSlot == ID_DI )
								wstring wBitmapFileName;
								wBitmapFileName = gameTextureMap->GetBitmapFileName();
								if( wBitmapFileName.size() > 0 )
									BitmapInfo bi( gameTextureMap->GetBitmapFileName() );
									BMMGetFullFilename( &bi );
									wBitmapFileName = bi.Name();
									std::string fullBitmapFileName( wBitmapFileName.begin(), wBitmapFileName.end() );
									if( fullBitmapFileName.size() > 0 )
										int lastSlash = fullBitmapFileName.find_last_of('\\') + 1;
										if( lastSlash != string::npos )
											const std::string bitmapFileName = fullBitmapFileName.substr( lastSlash );
											wstring nameAsWString( name );
											std::string nameAsString( nameAsWString.begin(), nameAsWString.end() );
											const std::string extension = nameAsString.substr( 0, nameAsString.find_last_of('\\') + 1 );
											std::string newFileName = extension;
											newFileName.append( bitmapFileName );
											wstring wNewFileName(newFileName.begin(), newFileName.end());
											if( CopyFile( wBitmapFileName.c_str(), wNewFileName.c_str(), false ) )
												if( stdMapSlot == ID_DI )
													currentMaxMaterial->m_diffuseTexture = bitmapFileName;
													currentMaxMaterial->bHasDiffuseTexture = true;
											//BinaryFile.saveString( bitmapFileName );
												myFile << GetLastError() << "\n";
												myFile << "copying the file FAILED.\n";
				myFile<< "Number of faces for this material: " << faceVector.size() << "\n";
				for( int face = 0; face < faceVector.size(); ++face )
					FaceEx* meshFace = faceVector[face].m_face;
					IGameMesh* gameMesh = faceVector[face].m_mesh;
					IGameSkin* gameSkin = gameMesh->GetIGameSkin();
					int position, normal, color, texCoordinate, maxPosition;
					for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
						maxPosition = (int)meshFace->vert[i];
						Point3 tempPos = gameMesh->GetVertex( maxPosition );
						tempPos = tempPos * localTM;
						Vector3D positionVec3( tempPos.x, tempPos.y, tempPos.z );
						position = currentVBO->insertPosition(positionVec3);

						normal = (int)meshFace->norm[i];
						Point3 tempNormal = gameMesh->GetNormal( normal );
						tempNormal = tempNormal * localTMNoTrans;
						tempNormal = tempNormal.Normalize();
						Vector3D normalVec3( tempNormal.x, tempNormal.y, tempNormal.z );
						normal = currentVBO->insertNormal(normalVec3);

						texCoordinate = (int)meshFace->texCoord[i];
						Point2 tempTexCoord = gameMesh->GetTexVertex( texCoordinate );
						Vector2 texCoordVec2( tempTexCoord.x, tempTexCoord.y );
						texCoordinate = currentVBO->insertTexCoord(texCoordVec2);
						VertexIndex VI( position, normal, texCoordinate );
						if( gameSkin != nullptr )
							int numberOfBones = gameSkin->GetNumberOfBones( maxPosition );
							for( int boneIndex = 0; boneIndex < numberOfBones; ++boneIndex )
								float boneWeight = gameSkin->GetWeight( maxPosition, boneIndex );
								IGameNode* bone = gameSkin->GetIGameBone( maxPosition, boneIndex );
								myFile << "Bone node ID: " << bone->GetNodeID() << "\n";
								int nodeIDForBone = m_boneIDToNodeID[ bone->GetNodeID() ];
								myFile << "Node ID: " << nodeIDForBone << "\n";
								VI.addBoneWeight( nodeIDForBone, boneWeight );

								/*for( auto boneIter = m_NodeList.begin(); boneIter != m_NodeList.end(); ++boneIter )
									if( (*boneIter)->m_gameNode == bone )
										myFile << "Found the bone!\n"; 

						int vertIndex = currentVBO->insertVertex( VI );
						currentIBO->addIndex( vertIndex );


				BinaryFile.saveTriangleMesh( currentBatch, myFile );


	for( int nodeNumber = 0; nodeNumber < nodeCount; ++nodeNumber)
		IGameNode* gameNode = gameScene->GetTopLevelNode( nodeNumber );
		if( gameNode != nullptr )
			tearDown( gameNode );

	return TRUE;

	//return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 13
void MaxExporter::findFaces( Node* myNode, ofstream& myFile )
	myFile << "NewNode\n";
	if( myNode != nullptr && myNode->m_gameNode != nullptr )
		IGameObject* gameObject = myNode->m_gameNode->GetIGameObject();
		if( gameObject != nullptr )
			m_boneIDToNodeID[ myNode->m_gameNode->GetNodeID() ] = myNode->m_id;
			if( gameObject->GetIGameType() == IGameObject::IGAME_MESH )
				myFile << "Is a game mesh \n"; 
				IGameMesh* gameMesh = (IGameMesh*)gameObject;
				if( gameMesh != nullptr)
					int numberOfFaces = gameMesh->GetNumberOfFaces();
					//std::map< IGameMaterial*, TriangleBatch* > triangleBatches;
					//std::map<IGameMaterial*, std::vector< NodeFace > > nodeFacePerMat;
					for( int i = 0; i < numberOfFaces; ++i )
						FaceEx* meshFace = gameMesh->GetFace( i );
						NodeFace nodeFace( gameMesh, meshFace );
						IGameMaterial* gameMaterial = gameMesh->GetMaterialFromFace( meshFace );

						m_materialSet.insert( gameMaterial );
						auto found = myNode->m_triangleBatchesPerMaterial.find( gameMaterial );
						if( found == myNode->m_triangleBatchesPerMaterial.end() )
							MaxMaterial* material = new MaxMaterial( gameMaterial );
							myNode->m_triangleBatchesPerMaterial[ gameMaterial ] = new TriangleBatch( material, new VBO(), new IBO() );
							std::vector< NodeFace > faces;
							myNode->m_facesPerMaterial[ gameMaterial ] = faces;
							auto findFace = myNode->m_facesPerMaterial.find( gameMaterial );
							findFace->second.push_back( nodeFace );

					//myNode->addNodeFaces( nodeFacePerMat );
					//m_triangleBatchesPerNode[gameNode] = triangleBatches;

		int childCount = myNode->m_gameNode->GetChildCount();
		myFile<< childCount << "\n";
		for( int j = 0; j < childCount; ++j )

			IGameNode* childGameNode = myNode->m_gameNode->GetNodeChild( j );
			if( childGameNode != nullptr )
				Node* childNode = new Node( childGameNode );
				childNode->setParent( myNode );
				m_NodeList.push_back( childNode );
				findFaces( childNode, myFile );
