Exemplo n.º 1
void WsAccount::parseSet( TiXmlNode* syncNode, IMAccountList& imAccountList )
	TiXmlNode*  networkNode = NULL;

	IMAccount imAccount;
	_userProfile.initImAccountParameters( &imAccount );

	IMAccountXMLSerializer serializer( imAccount );
	TiXmlHandle h(syncNode);
	serializer.unserializeWebService(h, imAccount.getIMAccountParameters() );

	//VOXOX - JRT - 2009.06.02  we currently get empty node if no UserNetworks exist on server.
	if ( imAccount.getProtocol() != EnumIMProtocol::IMProtocolUnknown )
		//VOXOX - JRT - 2009.07.13 - HACK to remove old voxox domain accounts.
		if ( !imAccount.isOldVoxOxDomain() )	//Just throw this away.
			imAccountList.Add( &imAccount );
		int xxx = 1;	//TODO: we get here is network already exists and was 'saved' with NID == 0.
Exemplo n.º 2
void WsAccount::parseGet( TiXmlNode* syncNode, IMAccountList& imAccountList )
	TiXmlNode* networkNode = syncNode->FirstChild( "NTWK" );

	if ( networkNode )
		std::string nodeData = "";
		nodeData << *networkNode;
		IMAccount imAccount;
		_userProfile.initImAccountParameters( &imAccount );

		IMAccountListXMLSerializer serializer( const_cast<IMAccountList&>(imAccountList));
		TiXmlHandle h(networkNode);
		serializer.unserializeWebService(h, imAccount.getIMAccountParameters() );