Exemplo n.º 1
void image_traversal(const ImageView& img, Container& container) 
   using namespace boost::gil;

   std::cout << "img height: " << img.height() << std::endl;
   std::cout << "img width : " << img.width() << std::endl;
   std::cout << " values:" << num_channels<ImageView>::value << std::endl;

   long cnt_row = 0;
   long cnt_col = 0;
   for (typename ImageView::iterator it=img.begin(); it!=img.end(); ++it )
      for (int c=0; c < num_channels<ImageView>::value; ++c)
         long val = (*it)[c];
         container[ cnt_row ][ cnt_col ][c] = val;

//         std::cout << "cntrow: " << cnt_row << "  cntcol: " << cnt_col << std::endl;

      if ( cnt_col == (img.width()-1) )
         cnt_col = 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
  gaussian_pyramid(const ImageView<T>& image,
                   const ImagePyramidParams& params = ImagePyramidParams())
    using Scalar = typename ImagePyramid<T>::scalar_type;

    // Resize the image with the appropriate factor.
    auto resize_factor = pow(2.f, -params.first_octave_index());
    auto I = enlarge(image, resize_factor);

    // Deduce the new camera sigma with respect to the dilated image.
    auto camera_sigma = Scalar(params.scale_camera())*resize_factor;

    // Blur the image so that its new sigma is equal to the initial sigma.
    auto init_sigma = Scalar(params.scale_initial());
    if (camera_sigma < init_sigma)
      Scalar sigma = sqrt(init_sigma*init_sigma - camera_sigma*camera_sigma);
      I = gaussian(I, sigma);

    // Deduce the maximum number of octaves.
    auto l = std::min(image.width(), image.height());
    auto b = params.image_padding_size();
    // l/2^k > 2b
    // 2^k < l/(2b)
    // k < log(l/(2b))/log(2)
    auto num_octaves = static_cast<int>(log(l/(2.f*b))/log(2.f));

    // Shorten names.
    auto k = Scalar(params.scale_geometric_factor());
    auto num_scales = params.num_scales_per_octave();
    auto downscale_index = int( floor( log(Scalar(2))/log(k)) );

    // Create the image pyramid
    auto G = ImagePyramid<T>{};
    G.reset(num_octaves, num_scales, init_sigma, k);

    for (auto o = 0; o < num_octaves; ++o)
      // Compute the octave scaling factor
      G.octave_scaling_factor(o) =
        (o == 0) ? 1.f/resize_factor : G.octave_scaling_factor(o-1)*2;

      // Compute the gaussians in octave \f$o\f$
      Scalar sigma_s_1 = init_sigma;
      G(0, o) = o == 0 ? I : downscale(G(downscale_index, o - 1), 2);

      for (auto s = 1; s < num_scales; ++s)
        auto sigma = sqrt(k*k*sigma_s_1*sigma_s_1 - sigma_s_1*sigma_s_1);
        G(s,o) = gaussian(G(s-1,o), sigma);
        sigma_s_1 *= k;

    // Done!
    return G;
Exemplo n.º 3
    //! @brief Operator.
    Image<descriptor_type> operator()(const ImageView<float>& image, int patch_size = 8)
      // Blur the image a little bit.
      // By default, sigma is '1.6' and is justified in A-SIFT paper [Morel, Yu].
      auto blurred_image = image.compute<DericheBlur>(1.6f);

      // Compute the image gradients in polar coordinates.
      auto gradients = gradient_polar_coordinates(blurred_image);

      // Compute the feature vector in each pixel.
      auto patch_radius = patch_size / 2;
      auto features = Image<descriptor_type> { image.sizes() };
      for (auto y = patch_radius; y < image.height() - patch_radius; ++y)
        for (auto x = patch_radius; x < image.width() - patch_radius; ++x)
          features(x, y) = _compute_feature(float(x), float(y), float(patch_radius),

      return features;
Exemplo n.º 4
inline void colorAberration(ImageView source, ImageView destination) {
    unsigned seed = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
    std::default_random_engine generator(seed);
    std::uniform_int_distribution<int> red_distribution(2,8);
    std::uniform_int_distribution<int> green_distribution(1,6);
    std::uniform_int_distribution<int> blue_distribution(-8,-2);
    std::uniform_real_distribution<double> distribution(0.9, 1.0);
    auto red_dice = std::bind(red_distribution, generator);
    auto blue_dice = std::bind(blue_distribution, generator);
    auto green_dice = std::bind(green_distribution, generator);
    auto noise_fn = std::bind(distribution, generator);
    using namespace boost::gil;
    rgb8_view_t::x_iterator src_it, dest_r_it, dest_g_it, dest_b_it;
    //#pragma omp parallel for
    for (int y = 0; y < source.height(); ++y) {
        src_it = source.row_begin(y);
        dest_r_it = destination.row_begin(y) + red_dice();
        dest_g_it = destination.row_begin(y) + green_dice();
        dest_b_it = destination.row_begin(y) + blue_dice();
        double noise = 0.0;
        for (; src_it < source.row_end(y); ++src_it, ++dest_r_it, ++dest_g_it, ++dest_b_it)  {
            noise = noise_fn();
            if (dest_r_it > destination.row_begin(y) && dest_r_it < destination.row_end(y)) {
                dest_r_it[0][0] = y % 2 == 1 ? src_it[0][0] * noise : src_it[0][0] * 0.9 * noise;
            if (dest_g_it > destination.row_begin(y) && dest_g_it < destination.row_end(y)) {
                dest_g_it[0][1] = y % 2 == 1 ? src_it[0][1] * noise : src_it[0][1] * 0.9 * noise;
            if (dest_b_it > destination.row_begin(y) && dest_b_it < destination.row_end(y)) {
                dest_b_it[0][2] = y % 2 == 1 ? src_it[0][2] * noise : src_it[0][2] * 0.9 * noise;
Exemplo n.º 5
  compute_region_inner_boundary(const ImageView<int>& regions, int region_id)
    const Vector2i dirs[] = {
      Vector2i{ 1,  0 },
      Vector2i{ 1,  1 },
      Vector2i{ 0,  1 },
      Vector2i{-1,  1 },
      Vector2i{-1,  0 },
      Vector2i{-1, -1 },
      Vector2i{ 0, -1 },
      Vector2i{ 1, -1 }
    const Vector2i dirs[] = {
      Vector2i{ 1,  0 },
      Vector2i{ 0,  1 },
      Vector2i{-1,  0 },
      Vector2i{ 0, -1 }

    const int num_dirs{ sizeof(dirs) / sizeof(Vector2i) };

    // Find the starting point.
    auto start_point = Point2i{ -1, -1 };
    for (int y = 0; y < regions.height(); ++y)
      for (int x = 0; x < regions.width(); ++x)
        if (regions(x, y) == region_id)
          start_point = Point2i(x, y);
    if (start_point == Point2i{ -1, -1 })
      return {};

    auto boundary = vector<Point2i>{ start_point };

    int dir = 7;
    int dir = 0;
    do {
      const Point2i& current_point{ boundary.back() };

      dir = (dir % 2) == 0 ? (dir + 7) % 8 : (dir + 6) % 8;
      dir = (dir + 3) % 4;
      for (int d = 0; d < num_dirs; ++d)
        Point2i next_point{ current_point + dirs[(dir + d) % num_dirs] };

        if (next_point.minCoeff() < 0 ||
            (regions.sizes() - next_point).minCoeff() <= 0)

        if (regions(next_point) == region_id)
          dir = (dir + d) % num_dirs;
    } while (boundary.back() != start_point);
    if (boundary.size() > 1)

    return boundary;
Exemplo n.º 6
 inline QImage as_QImage(ImageView<Rgb8>& image)
   return QImage{reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(image.data()),
                 image.width(), image.height(), image.width() * 3,