LayoutRect InlineFlowBoxPainter::paintRectForImageStrip(const LayoutPoint& paintOffset, const LayoutSize& frameSize, TextDirection direction) const
    // We have a fill/border/mask image that spans multiple lines.
    // We need to adjust the offset by the width of all previous lines.
    // Think of background painting on inlines as though you had one long line, a single continuous
    // strip. Even though that strip has been broken up across multiple lines, you still paint it
    // as though you had one single line. This means each line has to pick up the background where
    // the previous line left off.
    LayoutUnit logicalOffsetOnLine = 0;
    LayoutUnit totalLogicalWidth;
    if (direction == LTR) {
        for (InlineFlowBox* curr = m_inlineFlowBox.prevLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->prevLineBox())
            logicalOffsetOnLine += curr->logicalWidth();
        totalLogicalWidth = logicalOffsetOnLine;
        for (InlineFlowBox* curr = &m_inlineFlowBox; curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox())
            totalLogicalWidth += curr->logicalWidth();
    } else {
        for (InlineFlowBox* curr = m_inlineFlowBox.nextLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox())
            logicalOffsetOnLine += curr->logicalWidth();
        totalLogicalWidth = logicalOffsetOnLine;
        for (InlineFlowBox* curr = &m_inlineFlowBox; curr; curr = curr->prevLineBox())
            totalLogicalWidth += curr->logicalWidth();
    LayoutUnit stripX = paintOffset.x() - (m_inlineFlowBox.isHorizontal() ? logicalOffsetOnLine : LayoutUnit());
    LayoutUnit stripY = paintOffset.y() - (m_inlineFlowBox.isHorizontal() ? LayoutUnit() : logicalOffsetOnLine);
    LayoutUnit stripWidth = m_inlineFlowBox.isHorizontal() ? totalLogicalWidth : frameSize.width();
    LayoutUnit stripHeight = m_inlineFlowBox.isHorizontal() ? frameSize.height() : totalLogicalWidth;
    return LayoutRect(stripX, stripY, stripWidth, stripHeight);
Exemplo n.º 2
bool LineBoxList::hitTest(LayoutBoxModelObject* renderer, HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction hitTestAction) const
    if (hitTestAction != HitTestForeground)
        return false;

    ASSERT(renderer->isLayoutBlock() || (renderer->isLayoutInline() && renderer->hasLayer())); // The only way an inline could hit test like this is if it has a layer.

    // If we have no lines then we have no work to do.
    if (!firstLineBox())
        return false;

    LayoutPoint point = locationInContainer.point();
    LayoutRect rect(firstLineBox()->isHorizontal() ?
                    IntRect(point.x(), point.y() - locationInContainer.topPadding(), 1, locationInContainer.topPadding() + locationInContainer.bottomPadding() + 1) :
                    IntRect(point.x() - locationInContainer.leftPadding(), point.y(), locationInContainer.rightPadding() + locationInContainer.leftPadding() + 1, 1));

    if (!anyLineIntersectsRect(renderer, rect, accumulatedOffset))
        return false;

    // See if our root lines contain the point.  If so, then we hit test
    // them further.  Note that boxes can easily overlap, so we can't make any assumptions
    // based off positions of our first line box or our last line box.
    for (InlineFlowBox* curr = lastLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->prevLineBox()) {
        RootInlineBox& root = curr->root();
        if (rangeIntersectsRect(renderer, curr->logicalTopVisualOverflow(root.lineTop()), curr->logicalBottomVisualOverflow(root.lineBottom()), rect, accumulatedOffset)) {
            bool inside = curr->nodeAtPoint(result, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, root.lineTop(), root.lineBottom());
            if (inside) {
                renderer->updateHitTestResult(result, locationInContainer.point() - toLayoutSize(accumulatedOffset));
                return true;

    return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool RenderLineBoxList::hitTest(RenderBoxModelObject* renderer, const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, int x, int y, int tx, int ty, HitTestAction hitTestAction) const
    if (hitTestAction != HitTestForeground)
        return false;

    ASSERT(renderer->isRenderBlock() || (renderer->isRenderInline() && renderer->hasLayer())); // The only way an inline could hit test like this is if it has a layer.

    // If we have no lines then we have no work to do.
    if (!firstLineBox())
        return false;

    // We can check the first box and last box and avoid hit testing if we don't
    // contain the point.  This is a quick short-circuit that we can take to avoid walking any lines.
    // FIXME: This check is flawed in the following extremely obscure way:
    // if some line in the middle has a huge overflow, it might actually extend below the last line.
    if ((y >= ty + lastLineBox()->root()->bottomVisibleOverflow()) || (y < ty + firstLineBox()->root()->topVisibleOverflow()))
        return false;

    // See if our root lines contain the point.  If so, then we hit test
    // them further.  Note that boxes can easily overlap, so we can't make any assumptions
    // based off positions of our first line box or our last line box.
    for (InlineFlowBox* curr = lastLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->prevLineBox()) {
        if (y >= ty + curr->root()->topVisibleOverflow() && y < ty + curr->root()->bottomVisibleOverflow()) {
            bool inside = curr->nodeAtPoint(request, result, x, y, tx, ty);
            if (inside) {
                renderer->updateHitTestResult(result, IntPoint(x - tx, y - ty));
                return true;
    return false;