Exemplo n.º 1
 * Constructor. Creates a tree of GLActors. Each actor is responsible for displaying insrument components in 3D.
 * Some of the components have "pick ID" assigned to them. Pick IDs can be uniquely converted to a RGB colour value
 * which in turn can be used for picking the component from the screen.
 * @param wsName :: Workspace name
 * @param autoscaling :: True to start with autoscaling option on. If on the min and max of
 *   the colormap scale are defined by the min and max of the data.
 * @param scaleMin :: Minimum value of the colormap scale. Used to assign detector colours. Ignored if autoscaling == true.
 * @param scaleMax :: Maximum value of the colormap scale. Used to assign detector colours. Ignored if autoscaling == true.
InstrumentActor::InstrumentActor(const QString &wsName, bool autoscaling, double scaleMin, double scaleMax):
    // settings

    auto sharedWorkspace = m_workspace.lock();
    if (!sharedWorkspace)
        throw std::logic_error("InstrumentActor passed a workspace that isn't a MatrixWorkspace");

    // set up the color map
    if (!m_currentColorMapFilename.isEmpty())

    // set up data ranges and colours
    setUpWorkspace(sharedWorkspace, scaleMin, scaleMax);

    Instrument_const_sptr instrument = getInstrument();

    // If the instrument is empty, maybe only having the sample and source
    const int nelements = instrument->nelements();
    if ( ( nelements == 0 ) ||
            ( nelements == 1 && ( instrument->getSource() || instrument->getSample() ) ) ||
            ( nelements == 2 && instrument->getSource() && instrument->getSample() )
        QMessageBox::warning(NULL,"MantidPlot - Warning","This instrument appears to contain no detectors","OK");

    // this adds actors for all instrument components to the scene and fills in m_detIDs
    m_scene.addActor(new CompAssemblyActor(*this,instrument->getComponentID()));

    if ( !m_showGuides )
        // hide guide and other components
        showGuides( m_showGuides );