bool IntSet::isSubsetOf(const IntSet& otherIntSet) const
    int foundCount = 0;
    if( this->isEmpty() )
        return true;
	else if( this->size() > otherIntSet.size() )
	    return false;
        for( int thisI = 0; thisI < this->size(); thisI ++ )
            for( int otherI = 0 ; otherI < otherIntSet.size(); otherI ++ )
                if( this->data[thisI] ==[otherI] )
                    foundCount ++;
        if( foundCount == this->size() )  
            return true;
            return false;
bool equal(const IntSet& is1, const IntSet& is2)
    if(	is1.size() == is2.size() && // check if sets are same length
        is1.isSubsetOf(is2) &&	    // check if sets are subsets of each other
	is2.isSubsetOf(is1) )
	return true;                // if both conditions hold, return true
        return false;		    // else return false
bool operator==(const IntSet& is1, const IntSet& is2)

// this function checks to see if is1 == is2 by confirming if:
// *   each object's elements are subsets of one another
// *   each object's data[] array contains the same # elements
   if ( is1.size() == is2.size() &&      
        is1.isSubsetOf(is2) &&     
        is2.isSubsetOf(is1) )
      return true;                    
      return false;              
IntSet IntSet::subtract(const IntSet& otherIntSet) const
    // create temporary array object to hold values unique to this intSet
    IntSet tempArray;		
    int tempIndex = 0;
    bool tempFlag = false; // the tempFlag marks dupes

    for( int i = 0; i < this->size(); i ++ )
        for( int i2 = 0; i2 < otherIntSet.size(); i2 ++ )
            if( this->data[i] ==[i2] )
	        tempFlag = true; // if flag data matches, then true 
        if( !tempFlag ) // if tempFlag == false, then there's no dupes, so
        {[tempIndex] =	this->data[i]; // save the unique data 
	    tempArray.used ++; // increment the used variable
	    tempIndex ++; // increment the element index
        tempFlag = false; // reset the tempFlag for next iteration
    return tempArray; // return the IntSet obj
Exemplo n.º 5
 IntVar::IntVar(Space& home, const IntSet& ds)
   : VarImpVar<Int::IntVarImp>(new (home) Int::IntVarImp(home,ds)) {
   if (ds.size() == 0)
     throw Int::VariableEmptyDomain("IntVar::IntVar");
Exemplo n.º 6
			 * Accessor to indices.
			 * @return	pointer to indices collection.
			IntSet* getIndices()
				IntSet * newIndices = new IntSet();
				for(unsigned i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++)
				return newIndices;
Exemplo n.º 7
 inline void
 Limits::check(const IntSet& s, const char* l) {
   if ((s.size() > 0) &&
       ((s.min() < min) || (s.max() > max) ||
        (s.min() > max) || (s.max() < min)))
     throw OutOfLimits(l);
IntSet IntSet::intersect(const IntSet& otherIntSet) const
    IntSet tempArray;	 // create a temp IntSet object 
			 // to hold the intersection values
    int tempIndex = 0;
    int strikeCount = 0; // var to count # times that
			 // a value in IntSet does not
			 // match a value in otherIntSet
    bool removeSuccess;  // flag handle to call remove()

    // copy this IntSet into tempArray
    for( int i = 0; i < this->size(); i ++ )
    {[tempIndex] = this->data[i];
	tempArray.used ++;
        tempIndex ++;
    // remove the contents of tempArray if they're not contained
    // in the intersection of thisIntSet and otherIntSet
    for( int i = 0; i < this->size(); i ++ )
	for( int i2 = 0; i2 < otherIntSet.size(); i2 ++ )
	    if( this->data[i] !=[i2] )
	        strikeCount ++;

	if( strikeCount == otherIntSet.size() )
	    // strikeCount == otherIntSet.size(), then the
	    // IntSet value was not found in otherIntSet, so
	    // it's not part of the intersection and should be
	    // removed. . . 
	    removeSuccess = ( tempArray.remove(this->data[i]) ); // remove the value

	if( removeSuccess )  // here, i'm just using var f in a statement
	                     // in order to get rid of a compiler warning; 
	    strikeCount = 0; // reset the strike count for the next iteration
	    strikeCount = 0;
    return tempArray; // return intersection values
Exemplo n.º 9
 IntVarArgs::IntVarArgs(Space& home, int n, const IntSet& s)
   : VarArgArray<IntVar>(n) {
   if (s.size() == 0)
     throw Int::VariableEmptyDomain("IntVarArgs::IntVarArgs");
   for (int i = size(); i--; )
Exemplo n.º 10
        /** allocates memory for handling the specified number
         * of variables */
        void setup(size_t numVars) {
            size_t size = (1 + numVars) * 2;
            if (reasonLits.size() < size) {

                DBG(1, "reason allocated for " << size);

Exemplo n.º 11
 CachedView<View>::initCache(Space& home, const IntSet& s) {
   _firstRange = NULL;
   for (int i=s.ranges(); i--;) {
     _firstRange = new (home) RangeList(s.min(i),s.max(i),_firstRange);
     if (i==s.ranges()-1)
       _lastRange = _firstRange;
   _size = s.size();
Exemplo n.º 12
bool count(int s, int mod)
	IntSet set;
	for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
		const char *p = keyTbl[i];
		int h = hash(p, strlen(p), s, mod);
	return set.size() == N;
Exemplo n.º 13
//copy constructor
IntSet::IntSet(const IntSet& obj)
	maxSize = obj.maxSize; //copy the capacity of the argument's set
	set = new int[maxSize]; //allocate space for a set of integers
	numElements = 0; //initialize the number of elements

	for (int i = 0; i < obj.size(); i++) //copy all element from the argument's set into a new set
Exemplo n.º 14
** Description: Calculates the union of two or more sets, returning the set that represents that union.
IntSet IntSet::getUnion(const IntSet& obj) const
	IntSet unionSet = *this; //initialize a new set with the elements of the calling set

	for (int i = 0; i < obj.size(); i++) //loop through the set given as an argument
		if (!unionSet.contains(obj.set[i])) //if the current element is not already in the union set...
			unionSet.add(obj.set[i]); //add that element to the union set

	return unionSet; //return the union
Exemplo n.º 15
** Description: Calculates the intersection of two or more sets, returning the set that represents 
** that intersection.
IntSet IntSet::getIntersection(const IntSet& obj) const
	IntSet interSet;

	for (int i = 0; i < obj.size(); i++) //loop through the set given as an argument
		if (this->contains(obj.set[i])) //if the calling set contains the argument's current element...
			interSet.add(obj.set[i]); //add that element to the intersection set
	return interSet; //return the intersection
Exemplo n.º 16
** Description: Calculates the difference of two or more sets, returning the set that represents 
** that difference.
IntSet IntSet::getDifference(const IntSet& obj) const
	IntSet diffSet = *this; //initialize a new set with the elements of the calling set

	for (int i = 0; i < obj.size(); i++) //loop through the set given as an argument
		if (diffSet.contains(obj.set[i])) //if the current element is in the difference set...
			diffSet.remove(obj.set[i]); //then remove that element from the difference set

	return diffSet; //return the difference set
Exemplo n.º 17
void getSmallK(const vector<int>& data, IntSet& s, int k) {
	if (data.size() < k || k < 1)
	for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
		if (s.size() < k)
			if (data[k] < s.begin()) {
Exemplo n.º 18
    int maxCities(int n, vector <int> a, vector <int> b, vector <int> len) {
        if (n <= 2) {
            return n;
        int d[50][50];
        memset(d, 0x3f, sizeof(d));
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)a.size(); ++i) {
            d[a[i]-1][b[i]-1] = len[i];
            d[b[i]-1][a[i]-1] = len[i];

        for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
                    d[i][j] = min(d[i][j], d[i][k] + d[k][j]);

        int ans = 2;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            for (int j = i+1; j < n; ++j) {
                int r = d[i][j];
                if (r < 1e6) {
                    IntSet s;
                    for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
                        if (i != k && j != k) {
                            IntSet::const_iterator it;
                            for (it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); ++it) {
                                if (d[k][*it] != r) {
                            if (it == s.end()) {
                    ans = max(ans, (int)s.size());

        return ans;
Exemplo n.º 19
IntSet IntSet::intersect(const IntSet& otherIntSet) const

// this function creates a temporary IntSet object to collect
// the intersection of relevant values from IntSet and otherIntSet;
// any values not in the intersection are removed before 
// returning the intersection to the calling function
   IntSet tempArray(capacity);      // create a temp IntSet object 
                                    // to hold the intersection vals

   int strikeCount = 0;             // this var counts # times that
                                    // a value in IntSet does not
                                    // match a value in otherIntSet

   for( int i = 0; i < used; i ++ ) // copy IntSet into tempArray
   {[i] = data[i];
      tempArray.used ++;
   // now, remove the contents of tempArray if they're not contained
   // in the intersection of thisIntSet and otherIntSet:
   for( int i = 0; i < used; i ++ )
      for( int i2 = 0; i2 < otherIntSet.used; i2 ++ )
         if( data[i] !=[i2] )
            strikeCount ++;     

         if( strikeCount == otherIntSet.size() )
            // if strikeCount == otherIntSet.size(), then the
            // IntSet value was not found in otherIntSet, so
            // it's not part of the intersection and should be
            // removed. . . 
            assert ( tempArray.remove(data[i]) == true );
            strikeCount = 0;        // reset count for the next loop        
   return tempArray;                // return the intersection values
Exemplo n.º 20
    void init( const ObjModel* model, const IntSet& vidxs)
        _kddata = new kdtree::KDTreeArray;
        const int n = (int)vidxs.size();
        _kddata->resize( boost::extents[n][3]);
        _vmap = new std::vector<int>(n);

        int i = 0;
        for ( int vidx : vidxs)
            const cv::Vec3f& v = model->vtx(vidx);
            (*_kddata)[i][0] = v[0];
            (*_kddata)[i][1] = v[1];
            (*_kddata)[i][2] = v[2];
            _vmap->at(i++) = vidx;
        }   // end foreach
        _kdtree = new kdtree::KDTree( *_kddata);
    }   // end init
Exemplo n.º 21
IntSet IntSet::unionWith(const IntSet& otherIntSet) const
    assert( ( this->size() + (otherIntSet.subtract(*this)).size() ) <= MAX_SIZE );
    IntSet tempArray;
    int tempIndex = 0;
    bool tempFlag = false;

    // copy this IntSet into tempArray
    for( int i = 0; i < this->size(); i ++ )
    {[tempIndex] = this->data[i];
	tempArray.used ++;
        tempIndex ++;
    // add contents of otherIntSet to tempArray, ignoring dupes
    for( int i2 = 0; i2 < otherIntSet.size(); i2 ++ )
        for( int i = 0; i < this->size(); i ++ )
	    if([i2] == this->data[i] )
	        tempFlag = true;	// flag data matches (we don't want dupes)

        if( !tempFlag )				
        {[tempIndex] =[i2]; // save the unique data
	    tempArray.used ++; // increment used
            tempIndex ++; // increment index
	tempFlag = false; // reset tempFlag for next iteration
    return tempArray;   
Exemplo n.º 22
  sequence(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, const IntSet &s, 
           int q, int l, int u, IntConLevel) {

    if (x.size() == 0)
      throw TooFewArguments("Int::sequence");


    if (x.same(home))
      throw ArgumentSame("Int::sequence");

    if ((q < 1) || (q > x.size()))
      throw OutOfLimits("Int::sequence");

    if (home.failed())

    // Normalize l and u
    l=std::max(0,l); u=std::min(q,u);

    // Lower bound of values taken can never exceed upper bound
    if (u < l) {; return;

    // Already subsumed as any number of values taken is okay
    if ((0 == l) && (q == u)) 

    // All variables must take a value in s
    if (l == q) {
      for (int i=x.size(); i--; ) {
        IntView xv(x[i]);
        IntSetRanges ris(s);

    // No variable can take a value in s
    if (0 == u) {
      for (int i=x.size(); i--; ) {
        IntView xv(x[i]);
        IntSetRanges ris(s);

    ViewArray<IntView> xv(home,x);
    if (s.size() == 1) {
    } else {
Exemplo n.º 23
IntSet IntSet::unionWith(const IntSet& otherIntSet) const

// this function creates a temporary IntSet object to collect the union of
// relevant data values from IntSet and otherIntSet; the sequence 
// of values is maintained while duplicates are removed; if the union 
// requires more capacity, resize() is called;
   int totUnionVals = 0;                  // var to count # vals in union
   IntSet tempArray(capacity);            // create tempIntSet object

   int tempIndex = 0;                     // var to mark the index where
                                          // the union values from 
                                          // otherIntSet should begin
                                          // to be inserted

   bool tempFlag = false;                 // this flag used to mark dupes 
   // use an outer loop to copy IntSet values into tempArray;
   // use an inner loop to count up dupe values so that afterward
   // we can compute # values needed in final union:
   for( int i = 0; i < used; i ++ )
   {[i] = data[i];
      tempArray.used ++;
      tempIndex ++;

      for( int i2 = 0; i2 < otherIntSet.used; i2 ++ )
         if( data[i] ==[i2] )
            totUnionVals ++;

   // compute total # of vals needed in final union and resize if needed:

   totUnionVals = ( used + otherIntSet.used ) - totUnionVals;

   if( tempArray.capacity < totUnionVals ) 
   // now insert the content from otherIntSet into tempArray, w/o dupes:

   int otherUsed = otherIntSet.size();    // sentinel for outer loop

   for( int i2 = 0; i2 < otherUsed; i2 ++ )
      for( int i = 0; i < tempArray.used; i ++ )
         if([i2] ==[i] )
            tempFlag = true;              // flag the dupes 

      if( !tempFlag )                     // save non-dupes to tempArray
      {	[tempIndex] =      [i2];	
         tempArray.used ++;               
         tempIndex ++;                    
      tempFlag = false;                   // reset tempFlag for next pass
   return tempArray;   
Exemplo n.º 24
void NoisyCnaEnumerate::collapse(const StlIntVector& mapNewCharToOldChar,
                                 const StlIntVector& mapOldCharToNewChar,
                                 RootedCladisticNoisyAncestryGraph& G)
  typedef std::set<IntPair> IntPairSet;
  int k = _M.k();
  const auto& intervals = _M.intervals();
  for (const IntSet& interval : intervals)
    IntSet remappedInterval;
    for (int c : interval)
      int cc = mapOldCharToNewChar[c];
      if (cc != -1)
    if (remappedInterval.size() > 1)
      // get the copy states
      IntPairSet XY;
      const StateTree& S = G.S(*remappedInterval.begin());
      for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
        if (S.isPresent(i))
          const auto& xyz = _M.stateToTriple(i);
          // skip state 1,1
          if (xyz._x != 1 || xyz._y != 1)
            XY.insert(IntPair(xyz._x, xyz._y));
      for (const IntPair& xy : XY)
        assert(xy.first != 1 || xy.second != 1);
        // collect all char-state pairs correspond to CNAs
        IntPairSet toCollapse;
        for (int c : remappedInterval)
          const StateTree& S_c = G.S(c);
          for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
            if (S_c.isPresent(i) && _M.stateToTriple(i)._x == xy.first && _M.stateToTriple(i)._y == xy.second)
              int pi_i = S_c.parent(i);
              assert(0 <= pi_i && pi_i < k);
              if (_M.stateToTriple(pi_i)._x != xy.first || _M.stateToTriple(pi_i)._y != xy.second)
                // we got a CNA state
                toCollapse.insert(IntPair(c, i));
Exemplo n.º 25
void GameArbiter::process_command(Message *command) {
    switch (command->type) {
        case UnitMove: {
            auto cmd = dynamic_cast<UnitMoveMessage *>(command);
            int stack_id = cmd->data1;
            IntSet units = cmd->data2;
            Path& path = cmd->data3;
            int target_id = cmd->data4;

            UnitStack::pointer stack = game->stacks.get(stack_id);
            if (units.empty() || !stack->has_units(units) || path.empty()) {
                throw DataError() << "Invalid UnitMove message";

            /* Check that the move is allowed; shorten it if necessary */
            Point end_pos = path.back();
            UnitStack::pointer end_stack = game->level.tiles[end_pos].stack;
            int end_stack_id = end_stack ? end_stack->id : 0;
            if (end_stack_id != target_id) {
                target_id = 0;

            MovementModel movement(game);
            UnitStack::pointer selected_stack = stack->copy_subset(units);
            unsigned int allowed_steps = movement.check_path(*selected_stack, path);
            bool truncated = allowed_steps < path.size();
            int attack_target_id = target_id;
            if (truncated)
                target_id = 0;

            if (!path.empty()) {
                end_pos = path.back();
                /* Generate updates. */
                Faction::pointer faction = stack->owner;
                bool move = units.size() == stack->units.size() && target_id == 0;
                bool split = units.size() < stack->units.size() && target_id == 0;
                bool merge = units.size() == stack->units.size() && target_id != 0;

                UnitStack::pointer target = game->stacks.find(target_id);

                if (move)
                    target_id = stack_id;
                if (split)
                    target_id = game->get_free_stack_id();

                // Send the moves
                for (auto iter = path.begin(); iter != path.end(); iter++) {
                    emit(create_message(MoveUnits, stack_id, units, *iter));
                // If the stack is splitting to a new empty position, create a stack there
                if (split) {
                    emit(create_message(CreateStack, target_id, end_pos, faction->id));
                emit(create_message(TransferUnits, stack_id, units, path, target_id));
                // If the whole stack merged with an existing one, destroy it
                if (merge) {
                    emit(create_message(DestroyStack, stack_id));
            } else {
                end_pos = stack->position;

            UnitStack::pointer attack_target = game->stacks.find(attack_target_id);
            bool attack = attack_target && (attack_target->owner != stack->owner);
            if (attack) {
                BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Attack!";
                Point target_point = attack_target->position;
                Point attacking_point = end_pos;
                Battle battle(game, target_point, attacking_point);
                emit(create_message(DoBattle, end_stack_id, target_point, battle.moves));
        } break;

        case FactionReady: {
            auto cmd = dynamic_cast<FactionReadyMessage *>(command);
            int faction_id = cmd->data1;
            bool ready = cmd->data2;
            if (game->mark_faction_ready(faction_id, ready)) {
                emit(create_message(FactionReady, faction_id, ready));

            if (game->all_factions_ready()) {
                // process turn end

                emit(create_message(TurnBegin, game->turn_number));
        } break;

        case Chat: {
            auto chat_msg = dynamic_cast<ChatMessage *>(command);
            emit(create_message(Chat, chat_msg->data));
        } break;

        case SetLevelData:
        case CreateStructure:
        case DestroyStructure: {
        } break;
