Exemplo n.º 1
int customexit(HyPerCol * hc, int argc, char ** argv) {
   pvadata_t correctvalue = 0.5f;
   pvadata_t tolerance = 1.0e-7f;

   if (hc->columnId()==0) {
      pvInfo().printf("Checking whether input layer has all values equal to %f ...\n", correctvalue);
   HyPerLayer * inputlayer = hc->getLayerFromName("input");
   PVLayerLoc const * loc = inputlayer->getLayerLoc();
   const int numNeurons = inputlayer->getNumNeurons();
   int status = PV_SUCCESS;

   int numExtended = inputlayer->getNumExtended();
   InterColComm * icComm = hc->icCommunicator();
   pvadata_t * layerData = (pvadata_t *) icComm->publisherStore(inputlayer->getLayerId())->buffer(LOCAL);
   int rootproc = 0;
   if (icComm->commRank()==rootproc) {
      pvadata_t * databuffer = (pvadata_t *) malloc(numExtended*sizeof(pvadata_t));
      for (int proc=0; proc<icComm->commSize(); proc++) {
         if (proc==rootproc) {
            memcpy(databuffer, layerData, numExtended*sizeof(pvadata_t));
         else {
            MPI_Recv(databuffer, numExtended*sizeof(pvadata_t),MPI_BYTE,proc,15,icComm->communicator(), MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
         // At this point, databuffer on rank 0 should contain the extended input layer on rank proc
         for (int k=0; k<numNeurons; k++) {
            int kExt = kIndexExtended(k,loc->nx,loc->ny,loc->nf,loc->halo.lt,loc->halo.rt,loc->halo.dn,loc->halo.up);
            pvadata_t value = databuffer[kExt];
            if (fabs(value-correctvalue)>=tolerance) {
               pvErrorNoExit().printf("Rank %d, restricted index %d, extended index %d, value is %f instead of %f\n",
                     proc, k, kExt, value, correctvalue);
               status = PV_FAILURE;
      if (status == PV_SUCCESS) {
         pvInfo().printf("%s succeeded.\n", argv[0]);
      else {
         pvError().printf("%s failed.\n", argv[0]);
   else {
   return status;
Exemplo n.º 2
int SegmentLayer::updateState(double timef, double dt) {
   pvdata_t* srcA = originalLayer->getActivity();
   pvdata_t* thisA = getActivity();

   const PVLayerLoc* loc = getLayerLoc();

   //Segment input layer based on segmentMethod
   if(strcmp(segmentMethod, "none") == 0){
      int numBatchExtended = getNumExtendedAllBatches();
      //Copy activity over
      //Since both buffers should be identical size, we can do a memcpy here
      memcpy(thisA, srcA, numBatchExtended * sizeof(pvdata_t));
      //This case should never happen

   assert(loc->nf == 1);

   //Clear centerIdxs
   for(int bi = 0; bi < loc->nbatch; bi++){

   for(int bi = 0; bi < loc->nbatch; bi++){
      pvdata_t* batchA = thisA + bi * getNumExtended();
      //Reset max/min buffers

      //Loop through this buffer to fill labelVec and idxVec
      //Looping through restricted, but indices are extended
      for(int yi = loc->halo.up; yi < loc->ny+loc->halo.up; yi++){
         for(int xi = loc->halo.lt; xi < loc->nx+loc->halo.lt; xi++){
            //Convert to local extended linear index
            int niLocalExt = yi * (loc->nx+loc->halo.lt+loc->halo.rt) + xi;
            //Convert yi and xi to global res index
            int globalResYi = yi - loc->halo.up + loc->ky0;
            int globalResXi = xi - loc->halo.lt + loc->kx0;

            //Get label value
            //Note that we're assuming that the activity here are integers,
            //even though the buffer is floats
            int labelVal = round(batchA[niLocalExt]);

            //Calculate max/min x and y for a single batch
            //If labelVal exists in map
               //Here, we're assuming the 4 maps are in sync, so we use the 
               //.at method, as it will throw an exception as opposed to the 
               //[] operator, which will simply add the key into the map
               if(globalResXi > maxX.at(labelVal)){
                  maxX[labelVal] = globalResXi;
               if(globalResXi < minX.at(labelVal)){
                  minX[labelVal] = globalResXi;
               if(globalResYi > maxY.at(labelVal)){
                  maxY[labelVal] = globalResYi;
               if(globalResYi < minY.at(labelVal)){
                  minY[labelVal] = globalResYi;
            //If doesn't exist, add into map with current vals
               maxX[labelVal] = globalResXi;
               minX[labelVal] = globalResXi;
               maxY[labelVal] = globalResYi;
               minY[labelVal] = globalResYi;

      //We need to mpi across processors in case a segment crosses an mpi boundary
      InterColComm * icComm = parent->icCommunicator();
      int numMpi = icComm->commSize();
      int rank = icComm->commRank();

      //Local comm rank
      //Non root processes simply send buffer size and then buffers
      int numLabels = maxX.size();

      if(rank != 0){
         //Load buffers
         //Send number of labels first
         MPI_Send(&numLabels, 1, MPI_INT, 0, rank, icComm->communicator());
         //Send labels, then max/min buffers
         MPI_Send(labelBuf, numLabels, MPI_INT, 0, rank, icComm->communicator());
         MPI_Send(maxXBuf, numLabels, MPI_INT, 0, rank, icComm->communicator());
         MPI_Send(maxYBuf, numLabels, MPI_INT, 0, rank, icComm->communicator());
         MPI_Send(minXBuf, numLabels, MPI_INT, 0, rank, icComm->communicator());
         MPI_Send(minYBuf, numLabels, MPI_INT, 0, rank, icComm->communicator());

         //Receive the full centerIdxBuf from root process
         int numCenterIdx = 0;
         MPI_Bcast(&numCenterIdx, 1, MPI_INT, 0, icComm->communicator());

         MPI_Bcast(allLabelsBuf, numCenterIdx, MPI_INT, 0, icComm->communicator());
         MPI_Bcast(centerIdxBuf, numCenterIdx, MPI_INT, 0, icComm->communicator());

         //Load buffer into centerIdx map
         loadCenterIdxMap(bi, numCenterIdx);
      //Root process stores everything
         //One recv per buffer
         for(int recvRank = 1; recvRank < numMpi; recvRank++){
            int numRecvLabels = 0;
            MPI_Recv(&numRecvLabels, 1, MPI_INT, recvRank, recvRank, icComm->communicator(), NULL);

            MPI_Recv(labelBuf, numRecvLabels, MPI_INT, recvRank, recvRank, icComm->communicator(), NULL);
            MPI_Recv(maxXBuf, numRecvLabels, MPI_INT, recvRank, recvRank, icComm->communicator(), NULL);
            MPI_Recv(maxYBuf, numRecvLabels, MPI_INT, recvRank, recvRank, icComm->communicator(), NULL);
            MPI_Recv(minXBuf, numRecvLabels, MPI_INT, recvRank, recvRank, icComm->communicator(), NULL);
            MPI_Recv(minYBuf, numRecvLabels, MPI_INT, recvRank, recvRank, icComm->communicator(), NULL);

            for(int i = 0; i < numRecvLabels; i++){
               int label = labelBuf[i];
               //Add on to maps
               //If the label already exists, fill with proper max/min
                  if(maxXBuf[i] > maxX.at(label)){
                     maxX[label] = maxXBuf[i];
                  if(maxYBuf[i] > maxY.at(label)){
                     maxY[label] = maxYBuf[i];
                  if(minXBuf[i] < minX.at(label)){
                     minX[label] = minXBuf[i];
                  if(minYBuf[i] < minY.at(label)){
                     minY[label] = minYBuf[i];
                  maxX[label] = maxXBuf[i];
                  maxY[label] = maxYBuf[i];
                  minX[label] = minXBuf[i];
                  minY[label] = minYBuf[i];

         //Maps are now filled with all segments from the image
         //Fill centerIdx based on max/min
         for(std::map<int, int>::iterator it = maxX.begin();
               it != maxX.end(); ++it){
            int label = it->first;
            int centerX = minX.at(label) + (maxX.at(label) - minX.at(label))/2;
            int centerY = minY.at(label) + (maxY.at(label) - minY.at(label))/2;
            //Convert centerpoints (in global res idx) to linear idx (in global res space)
            int centerIdxVal = centerY * (loc->nxGlobal) + centerX;
            //Add to centerIdxMap
            centerIdx[bi][label] = centerIdxVal;

         //Fill centerpoint buffer
         int numCenterIdx = centerIdx[bi].size();

         int idx = 0;
         for(std::map<int, int>::iterator it = centerIdx[bi].begin(); 
               it != centerIdx[bi].end(); ++it){
            allLabelsBuf[idx] = it->first;
            centerIdxBuf[idx] = it->second;

         //Broadcast buffers
         MPI_Bcast(&numCenterIdx, 1, MPI_INT, 0, icComm->communicator());
         MPI_Bcast(allLabelsBuf, numCenterIdx, MPI_INT, 0, icComm->communicator());
         MPI_Bcast(centerIdxBuf, numCenterIdx, MPI_INT, 0, icComm->communicator());
   } //End batch loop
   //centerIdx now stores each center coordinate of each segment
   return PV_SUCCESS;