Exemplo n.º 1
// @ ::IsPointInTriangle()
// Returns true if point on triangle plane lies inside triangle (3D version)
// Assumes triangle is not degenerate
bool IsPointInTriangle( const IvVector3& point, const IvVector3& P0,
                        const IvVector3& P1, const IvVector3& P2 )
    IvVector3 v0 = P1 - P0;
    IvVector3 v1 = P2 - P1;
    IvVector3 n = v0.Cross(v1);

    IvVector3 wTest = v0.Cross(point - P0);
    if ( wTest.Dot(n) < 0.0f )
        return false;

    wTest = v1.Cross(point - P1);
    if ( wTest.Dot(n) < 0.0f )
        return false;

    IvVector3 v2 = P0 - P2;
    wTest = v2.Cross(point - P2);
    if ( wTest.Dot(n) < 0.0f )
        return false;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
// @ ::DistanceSquared()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the distance squared between lines.
float DistanceSquared( const IvLine3& line0, const IvLine3& line1, 
                       float& s_c, float& t_c )
    IvVector3 w0 = line0.mOrigin - line1.mOrigin;
    float a = line0.mDirection.Dot( line0.mDirection );
    float b = line0.mDirection.Dot( line1.mDirection );
    float c = line1.mDirection.Dot( line1.mDirection );
    float d = line0.mDirection.Dot( w0 );
    float e = line1.mDirection.Dot( w0 );
    float denom = a*c - b*b;
    if ( IvIsZero(denom) )
        s_c = 0.0f;
        t_c = e/c;
        IvVector3 wc = w0 - t_c*line1.mDirection;
        return wc.Dot(wc);
        s_c = ((b*e - c*d)/denom);
        t_c = ((a*e - b*d)/denom);
        IvVector3 wc = w0 + s_c*line0.mDirection
                          - t_c*line1.mDirection;
        return wc.Dot(wc);

}   // End of ::DistanceSquared()
Exemplo n.º 3
// @ ::DistanceSquared()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the distance squared between line and point.
float DistanceSquared( const IvLine3& line, const IvVector3& point, float& t_c )
    IvVector3 w = point - line.mOrigin;
    float vsq = line.mDirection.Dot(line.mDirection);
    float proj = w.Dot(line.mDirection);
    t_c = proj/vsq; 

    return w.Dot(w) - t_c*proj;

}   // End of ::DistanceSquared()
Exemplo n.º 4
// @ SimObject::HandleCollision()
// Handle collisions between this object and another one
SimObject::HandleCollision( SimObject* other )
    IvVector3 collisionNormal, collisionPoint;
    float penetration;

    // if the two objects are colliding
    if (Colliding(other, collisionNormal, collisionPoint, penetration))
        // push out by penetration, scaled by relative masses
        float relativeMass = mMass/(mMass + other->mMass);
        mTranslate -= (1.0f-relativeMass)*penetration*collisionNormal;
        other->mTranslate += relativeMass*penetration*collisionNormal;

        // compute relative velocity
        IvVector3 r1 = collisionPoint - mTranslate;
        IvVector3 r2 = collisionPoint - other->mTranslate;
        IvVector3 vel1 = mVelocity + Cross( mAngularVelocity, r1 );
        IvVector3 vel2 = other->mVelocity + Cross( other->mAngularVelocity, r2 );
        IvVector3 relativeVelocity = vel1 - vel2;

        // determine if we're heading away from each other
        float vDotN = relativeVelocity.Dot( collisionNormal );
        if (vDotN < 0)

        // compute impulse factor
        float denominator = (1.0f/mMass + 1.0f/other->mMass)*(collisionNormal.Dot(collisionNormal));

        // compute angular factors
        IvVector3 cross1 = Cross(r1, collisionNormal);
        IvVector3 cross2 = Cross(r2, collisionNormal);
        cross1 = mWorldMomentsInverse*cross1;
        cross2 = other->mWorldMomentsInverse*cross2;
        IvVector3 sum = Cross(cross1, r1) + Cross(cross2, r2);
        denominator += (sum.Dot(collisionNormal));

        // compute j
        float modifiedVel = vDotN/denominator;
        float j1 = -(1.0f+mElasticity)*modifiedVel;
        float j2 = (1.0f+mElasticity)*modifiedVel;

        // update velocities
        mVelocity += j1/mMass*collisionNormal;
        other->mVelocity += j2/other->mMass*collisionNormal;

        // update angular velocities
        mAngularMomentum += Cross(r1, j1*collisionNormal);
        mAngularVelocity = mWorldMomentsInverse*mAngularMomentum;
        other->mAngularMomentum += Cross(r2, j2*collisionNormal);
        other->mAngularVelocity = other->mWorldMomentsInverse*other->mAngularMomentum;

}   // End of SimObject::HandleCollision()
Exemplo n.º 5
// @ IvLine3::ClosestPoint()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the closest point on line to point.
IvVector3 IvLine3::ClosestPoint(const IvVector3& point) const
    IvVector3 w = point - mOrigin;
    float vsq = mDirection.Dot(mDirection);
    float proj = w.Dot(mDirection);

    return mOrigin + (proj/vsq)*mDirection;

}   // End of IvLine3::ClosestPoint()
Exemplo n.º 6
// @ ::TestLineOverlap()
// Helper for TriangleIntersect()
// This tests whether the rearranged triangles overlap, by checking the intervals
// where their edges cross the common line between the two planes.  If the
// interval for P is [i,j] and Q is [k,l], then there is intersection if the
// intervals overlap.  Previous algorithms computed these intervals directly,
// this tests implictly by using two "plane tests."
inline bool
TestLineOverlap( const IvVector3& P0, const IvVector3& P1,
                 const IvVector3& P2, const IvVector3& Q0,
                 const IvVector3& Q1, const IvVector3& Q2 )
    // get "plane normal"
    IvVector3 normal = (P1-P0).Cross(Q0-P0);

    // fails test, no intersection
    if ( normal.Dot( Q1 - P0 ) > kEpsilon )
        return false;

    // get "plane normal"
    normal = (P2-P0).Cross(Q2-P0);

    // fails test, no intersection
    if ( normal.Dot( Q0 - P0 ) > kEpsilon )
        return false;

    // intersection!
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 7
// @ ::TriangleIntersect()
// Returns true if ray intersects triangle
TriangleIntersect( float& t, const IvVector3& P0, const IvVector3& P1,
                   const IvVector3& P2, const IvRay3& ray )
    // test ray direction against triangle
    IvVector3 e1 = P1 - P0;
    IvVector3 e2 = P2 - P0;
    IvVector3 p = ray.GetDirection().Cross(e2);
    float a = e1.Dot(p);

    // if result zero, no intersection or infinite intersections
    // (ray parallel to triangle plane)
    if ( IvIsZero(a) )
        return false;

    // compute denominator
    float f = 1.0f/a;

    // compute barycentric coordinates
    IvVector3 s = ray.GetOrigin() - P0;
    float u = f*s.Dot(p);

    // ray falls outside triangle
    if (u < 0.0f || u > 1.0f)
        return false;

    IvVector3 q = s.Cross(e1);
    float v = f*ray.GetDirection().Dot(q);

    // ray falls outside triangle
    if (v < 0.0f || u+v > 1.0f)
        return false;

    // compute line parameter
    t = f*e2.Dot(q);

    return (t >= 0.0f);
Exemplo n.º 8
// @ IvQuat::Set()
// Set quaternion based on start and end vectors
IvQuat::Set( const IvVector3& from, const IvVector3& to )
    // Ensure that our vectors are unit
    ASSERT( from.IsUnit() && to.IsUnit() );

    // get axis of rotation
    IvVector3 axis = from.Cross( to );
    // get cos of angle between vectors
    float costheta = from.Dot( to );

    // if vectors are 180 degrees apart
    if ( costheta <= -1.0f )
        // find orthogonal vector
        IvVector3 orthoVector;

        w = 0.0f;
        x = orthoVector.x;
        y = orthoVector.y;
        z = orthoVector.z;


    // use trig identities to get the values we want
    float factor = IvSqrt( 2.0f*(1.0f + costheta) );
    float scaleFactor = 1.0f/factor;

    // set values
    w = 0.5f*factor;
    x = scaleFactor*axis.x;
    y = scaleFactor*axis.y;
    z = scaleFactor*axis.z;

}   // End of IvQuat::Set()
Exemplo n.º 9
// @ ::TriangleIntersect()
// Returns true if triangles P0P1P2 and Q0Q1Q2 intersect
// Assumes triangle is not degenerate
// This is not the algorithm presented in the text.  Instead, it is based on a
// recent article by Guigue and Devillers in the July 2003 issue Journal of
// Graphics Tools.  As it is faster than the ERIT algorithm, under ordinary
// circumstances it would have been discussed in the text, but it arrived too late.
// More information and the original source code can be found at
// http://www.acm.org/jgt/papers/GuigueDevillers03/
// A nearly identical algorithm was in the same issue of JGT, by Shen Heng and
// Tang.  See http://www.acm.org/jgt/papers/ShenHengTang03/ for source code.
// Yes, this is complicated.  Did you think testing triangles would be easy?
bool TriangleIntersect( const IvVector3& P0, const IvVector3& P1,
                        const IvVector3& P2, const IvVector3& Q0,
                        const IvVector3& Q1, const IvVector3& Q2 )
    // test P against Q's plane
    IvVector3 normalQ = (Q1-Q0).Cross(Q2-Q0);

    float testP0 = normalQ.Dot( P0 - Q0 );
    float testP1 = normalQ.Dot( P1 - Q0 );
    float testP2 = normalQ.Dot( P2 - Q0 );

    // P doesn't intersect Q's plane
    if (testP0*testP1 > kEpsilon && testP0*testP2 > kEpsilon )
        return false;

    // test Q against P's plane
    IvVector3 normalP = (P1-P0).Cross(P2-P0);

    float testQ0 = normalP.Dot( Q0 - P0 );
    float testQ1 = normalP.Dot( Q1 - P0 );
    float testQ2 = normalP.Dot( Q2 - P0 );

    // Q doesn't intersect P's plane
    if (testQ0*testQ1 > kEpsilon && testQ0*testQ2 > kEpsilon )
        return false;

    // now we rearrange P's vertices such that the lone vertex (the one that lies
    // in its own half-space of Q) is first.  We also permute the other
    // triangle's vertices so that P0 will "see" them in counterclockwise order

    // Once reordered, we pass the vertices down to a helper function which will
    // reorder Q's vertices, and then test

    // P0 in Q's positive half-space
    if (testP0 > kEpsilon)
        // P1 in Q's positive half-space (so P2 is lone vertex)
        if (testP1 > kEpsilon)
            return AdjustQ(P2, P0, P1, Q0, Q2, Q1, testQ0, testQ2, testQ1, normalP);
        // P2 in Q's positive half-space (so P1 is lone vertex)
        else if (testP2 > kEpsilon)
            return AdjustQ(P1, P2, P0, Q0, Q2, Q1, testQ0, testQ2, testQ1, normalP);
        // P0 is lone vertex
            return AdjustQ(P0, P1, P2, Q0, Q1, Q2, testQ0, testQ1, testQ2, normalP);
    // P0 in Q's negative half-space
    else if (testP0 < -kEpsilon)
        // P1 in Q's negative half-space (so P2 is lone vertex)
        if (testP1 < -kEpsilon)
            return AdjustQ(P2, P0, P1, Q0, Q1, Q2, testQ0, testQ1, testQ2, normalP);
        // P2 in Q's negative half-space (so P1 is lone vertex)
        else if (testP2 < -kEpsilon)
            return AdjustQ(P1, P2, P0, Q0, Q1, Q2, testQ0, testQ1, testQ2, normalP);
        // P0 is lone vertex
            return AdjustQ(P0, P1, P2, Q0, Q2, Q1, testQ0, testQ2, testQ1, normalP);
    // P0 on Q's plane
        // P1 in Q's negative half-space
        if (testP1 < -kEpsilon)
            // P2 in Q's negative half-space (P0 is lone vertex)
            if (testP2 < -kEpsilon)
                return AdjustQ(P0, P1, P2, Q0, Q1, Q2, testQ0, testQ1, testQ2, normalP);
            // P2 in positive half-space or on plane (P1 is lone vertex)
                return AdjustQ(P1, P2, P0, Q0, Q2, Q1, testQ0, testQ2, testQ1, normalP);
        // P1 in Q's positive half-space
        else if (testP1 > kEpsilon)
            // P2 in Q's positive half-space (P0 is lone vertex)
            if (testP2 > kEpsilon)
                return AdjustQ(P0, P1, P2, Q0, Q2, Q1, testQ0, testQ2, testQ1, normalP);
            // P2 in negative half-space or on plane (P1 is lone vertex)
                return AdjustQ(P1, P2, P0, Q0, Q1, Q2, testQ0, testQ1, testQ2, normalP);
        // P1 lies on Q's plane too
            // P2 in Q's positive half-space (P2 is lone vertex)
            if (testP2 > kEpsilon)
                return AdjustQ(P2, P0, P1, Q0, Q1, Q2, testQ0, testQ1, testQ2, normalP);
            // P2 in Q's negative half-space (P2 is lone vertex)
            // note different ordering for Q vertices
            else if (testP2 < -kEpsilon)
                return AdjustQ(P2, P0, P1, Q0, Q2, Q1, testQ0, testQ2, testQ1, normalP);
            // all three points lie on Q's plane, default to 2D test
                return CoplanarTriangleIntersect(P0, P1, P2, Q0, Q1, Q2, normalP);