Exemplo n.º 1
static void format_collection( JsonIn &jsin, JsonOut &jsout, int depth,
                               std::function<void(JsonIn &, JsonOut &, int, bool )>write_func )
    if( depth > 1 ) {
        // We're backtracking by storing jsin and jsout state before formatting
        // and restoring it afterwards if necessary.
        int in_start_pos = jsin.tell();
        bool ate_seperator = jsin.get_ate_separator();
        int out_start_pos = jsout.tell();
        bool need_separator = jsout.get_need_separator();
        write_func( jsin, jsout, depth, false );
        if( jsout.tell() - out_start_pos <= 120 ) {
            // Line is short enough, so we're done.
        } else {
            // Reset jsin and jsout to their initial state,
            // and we'll serialize while forcing wrapping.
            jsin.seek( in_start_pos );
            jsin.set_ate_separator( ate_seperator );
            jsout.seek( out_start_pos );
            if( need_separator ) {
    write_func( jsin, jsout, depth, true );
Exemplo n.º 2
void zone_manager::deserialize( JsonIn &jsin )

    while( !jsin.end_array() ) {
        JsonObject jo_zone = jsin.get_object();

        const std::string name = jo_zone.get_string( "name" );
        const std::string type = jo_zone.get_string( "type" );

        const bool invert = jo_zone.get_bool( "invert" );
        const bool enabled = jo_zone.get_bool( "enabled" );

        // Z coords need to have a default value - old saves won't have those
        const int start_x = jo_zone.get_int( "start_x" );
        const int start_y = jo_zone.get_int( "start_y" );
        const int start_z = jo_zone.get_int( "start_z", 0 );
        const int end_x = jo_zone.get_int( "end_x" );
        const int end_y = jo_zone.get_int( "end_y" );
        const int end_z = jo_zone.get_int( "end_z", 0 );

        if( has_type( type ) ) {
            add( name, type, invert, enabled,
                 tripoint( start_x, start_y, start_z ),
                 tripoint( end_x, end_y, end_z ) );
        } else {
            debugmsg( "Invalid zone type: %s", type.c_str() );
Exemplo n.º 3
     mabuff_id get_next( JsonIn &jin ) const {
         if( jin.test_string() ) {
             return mabuff_id( jin.get_string() );
         JsonObject jsobj = jin.get_object();
         return ma_buffs.load( jsobj ).id;
Exemplo n.º 4
void NameGenerator::load( JsonIn &jsin )
    while( !jsin.end_array() ) {
        JsonObject json_name = jsin.get_object();
        load_name( json_name );
Exemplo n.º 5
static void write_array( JsonIn &jsin, JsonOut &jsout, int depth, bool force_wrap )
    jsout.start_array( force_wrap );
    while( !jsin.end_array() ) {
        format( jsin, jsout, depth );
Exemplo n.º 6
static void write_object( JsonIn &jsin, JsonOut &jsout, int depth, bool force_wrap )
    jsout.start_object( force_wrap );
    while( !jsin.end_object() ) {
        std::string name = jsin.get_member_name();
        jsout.member( name );
        format( jsin, jsout, depth );
Exemplo n.º 7
void load_season_array( JsonIn &js, C &container, F load_func )
    if( js.test_array() ) {
        for( auto &season_entry : container ) {
            season_entry = load_func( js );
            js.end_array(); // consume separator
    } else {
        container.fill( load_func( js ) );
Exemplo n.º 8
 profession::itypedec get_next( JsonIn &jin ) const {
     // either a plain item type id string, or an array with item type id
     // and as second entry the item description.
     if( jin.test_string() ) {
         return profession::itypedec( jin.get_string(), "" );
     JsonArray jarr = jin.get_array();
     const auto id = jarr.get_string( 0 );
     const auto s = jarr.get_string( 1 );
     const auto snippet = _( s.c_str() );
     return profession::itypedec( id, snippet );
Exemplo n.º 9
long string_to_symbol( JsonIn &js )
    const std::string s = js.get_string();
    if( s == "LINE_XOXO" ) {
        return LINE_XOXO;
    } else if( s == "LINE_OXOX" ) {
        return LINE_OXOX;
    } else if( s.length() != 1 ) {
        js.error( "Symbol string must be exactly 1 character long." );
    return s[0];
Exemplo n.º 10
static void write_object( JsonIn &jsin, JsonOut &jsout, int depth, bool force_wrap )
    jsout.start_object( force_wrap );
    while( !jsin.end_object() ) {
        std::string name = jsin.get_member_name();
        jsout.member( name );
        bool override_wrap = false;
        if( name == "rows" || name == "blueprint" ) {
            // Introspect into the row, if it has more than one element, force it to wrap.
            int in_start_pos = jsin.tell();
            bool ate_seperator = jsin.get_ate_separator();
                JsonArray arr = jsin.get_array();
                if( arr.size() > 1 ) {
                    override_wrap = true;
            jsin.seek( in_start_pos );
            jsin.set_ate_separator( ate_seperator );
        format( jsin, jsout, depth, override_wrap );
Exemplo n.º 11
void auto_pickup::deserialize(JsonIn &jsin)
    vRules[(bChar) ? CHARACTER : GLOBAL].clear();

    while (!jsin.end_array()) {
        JsonObject jo = jsin.get_object();

        const std::string sRule = jo.get_string("rule");
        const bool bActive = jo.get_bool("active");
        const bool bExclude = jo.get_bool("exclude");

        vRules[(bChar) ? CHARACTER : GLOBAL].push_back(cRules(sRule, bActive, bExclude));
Exemplo n.º 12
void zone_data::deserialize( JsonIn &jsin )
    JsonObject data = jsin.get_object();
    data.read( "name", name );
    data.read( "type", type );
    data.read( "invert", invert );
    data.read( "enabled", enabled );
    //Legacy support
    if( data.has_member( "is_vehicle" ) ) {
        data.read( "is_vehicle", is_vehicle );
    } else {
        is_vehicle = false;
    //Legacy support
    if( data.has_member( "start_x" ) ) {
        tripoint s;
        tripoint e;
        data.read( "start_x", s.x );
        data.read( "start_y", s.y );
        data.read( "start_z", s.z );
        data.read( "end_x", e.x );
        data.read( "end_y", e.y );
        data.read( "end_z", e.z );
        start = s;
        end = e;
    } else {
        data.read( "start", start );
        data.read( "end", end );
    auto new_options = zone_options::create( type );
    new_options->deserialize( data );
    options = new_options;
Exemplo n.º 13
void item_location::deserialize( JsonIn &js )
    auto obj = js.get_object();
    auto type = obj.get_string( "type" );

    int idx = -1;
    tripoint pos = tripoint_min;

    obj.read( "idx", idx );
    obj.read( "pos", pos );

    if( type == "character" ) {
        ptr.reset( new impl::item_on_person( g->u, idx ) );

    } else if( type == "map" ) {
        ptr.reset( new impl::item_on_map( pos, idx ) );

    } else if( type == "vehicle" ) {
        auto *veh = g->m.veh_at( pos );
        int part = obj.get_int( "part" );
        if( veh && part >= 0 && part < int( veh->parts.size() ) ) {
            ptr.reset( new impl::item_on_vehicle( vehicle_cursor( *veh, part ), idx ) );
Exemplo n.º 14
////////////////// mission.h
void mission::deserialize(JsonIn &jsin)
    JsonObject jo = jsin.get_object();

    if (jo.has_member("type_id")) {
        type = &(g->mission_types[jo.get_int("type_id")]);
    jo.read("description", description);
    jo.read("failed", failed);
    jo.read("value", value);
    jo.read("reward", reward);
    jo.read("uid", uid );
    JsonArray ja = jo.get_array("target");
    if (ja.size() == 2) {
        target.x = ja.get_int(0);
        target.y = ja.get_int(1);
    follow_up = mission_id(jo.get_int("follow_up", follow_up));
    item_id = itype_id(jo.get_string("item_id", item_id));
    jo.read("deadline", deadline );
    jo.read("step", step );
    jo.read("count", count );
    jo.read("npc_id", npc_id );
    jo.read("good_fac_id", good_fac_id );
    jo.read("bad_fac_id", bad_fac_id );
Exemplo n.º 15
 * vehicle_part
void vehicle_part::deserialize(JsonIn &jsin)
    JsonObject data = jsin.get_object();
    int intpid;
    std::string pid;
    if ( data.read("id_enum", intpid) && intpid < 74 ) {
        pid = legacy_vpart_id[intpid];
    } else {
    // if we don't know what type of part it is, it'll cause problems later.
    if (vehicle_part_types.find(pid) == vehicle_part_types.end()) {
        if (pid == "wheel_underbody") {
            pid = "wheel_wide";
        } else {
            throw (std::string)"bad vehicle part, id: %s" + pid;
    data.read("mount_dx", mount_dx);
    data.read("mount_dy", mount_dy);
    data.read("hp", hp );
    data.read("amount", amount );
    data.read("blood", blood );
    data.read("bigness", bigness );
    data.read( "flags", flags );
    data.read( "passenger_id", passenger_id );
    data.read("items", items);
Exemplo n.º 16
// The loaded name is one of usage with optional gender.
// The combinations used in names files are as follows.
// Backer | (Female|Male|Unisex)
// Given  | (Female|Male)        // unisex names are duplicated in each group
// Family | Unisex
// City
// World
static void load( JsonIn &jsin )

    while( !jsin.end_array() ) {
        JsonObject jo = jsin.get_object();

        // get flags of name.
        const nameFlags type =
            usage_flag( jo.get_string( "usage" ) )
            | gender_flag( jo.get_string( "gender", "" ) );

        // find group type and add name to group
        names[type].push_back( jo.get_string( "name" ) );
Exemplo n.º 17
////////////////// faction.h
void faction::deserialize(JsonIn &jsin)
    JsonObject jo = jsin.get_object();

    jo.read("id", id);
    jo.read("name", name);
    goal = faction_goal(jo.get_int("goal", goal));
    values = jo.get_int("values", values);
    job1 = faction_job(jo.get_int("job1", job1));
    job2 = faction_job(jo.get_int("job2", job2));
    jo.read("likes_u", likes_u);
    jo.read("respects_u", respects_u);
    jo.read("known_by_u", known_by_u);
    jo.read("strength", strength);
    jo.read("sneak", sneak);
    jo.read("crime", crime);
    jo.read("cult", cult);
    jo.read("good", good);
    jo.read("omx", omx);
    jo.read("omy", omy);
    jo.read("mapx", mapx);
    jo.read("mapy", mapy);
    jo.read("size", size);
    jo.read("power", power);
    if (jo.has_array("opinion_of")) {
        opinion_of = jo.get_int_array("opinion_of");
Exemplo n.º 18
void Messages::game_message::deserialize( JsonIn &jsin )
    JsonObject obj = jsin.get_object();
    turn = obj.get_int( "turn" );
    message = obj.get_string( "message" );
    count = obj.get_int( "count" );
    type = static_cast<game_message_type>( obj.get_int( "type" ) );
Exemplo n.º 19
void translation::deserialize( JsonIn &jsin )
    if( jsin.test_string() ) {
        ctxt = cata::nullopt;
        raw = jsin.get_string();
        needs_translation = true;
    } else {
        JsonObject jsobj = jsin.get_object();
        if( jsobj.has_string( "ctxt" ) ) {
            ctxt = jsobj.get_string( "ctxt" );
        } else {
            ctxt = cata::nullopt;
        raw = jsobj.get_string( "str" );
        needs_translation = true;
Exemplo n.º 20
Trait_group_tag trait_group::load_trait_group( JsonIn &stream, const std::string &default_subtype )
    if( stream.test_string() ) {
        return Trait_group_tag( stream.get_string() );
    } else if( stream.test_object() ) {
        const Trait_group_tag group = get_unique_trait_group_id();

        JsonObject jo = stream.get_object();
        const std::string subtype = jo.get_string( "subtype", default_subtype );

        mutation_branch::load_trait_group( jo, group, subtype );

        return group;
    } else if( stream.test_array() ) {
        const Trait_group_tag group = get_unique_trait_group_id();

        JsonArray jarr = stream.get_array();
        if( default_subtype != "collection" && default_subtype != "distribution" ) {
            jarr.throw_error( "invalid subtype for trait group" );

        mutation_branch::load_trait_group( jarr, group, default_subtype == "collection" );
        return group;
    } else {
        stream.error( "invalid trait group, must be string (group id) or object/array (the group data)" );
        return Trait_group_tag{};
Exemplo n.º 21
Group_tag item_group::load_item_group( JsonIn& stream, const std::string& default_subtype )
    if( stream.test_string() ) {
        return stream.get_string();
    } else if( stream.test_object() ) {
        const Group_tag group = get_unique_group_id();

        JsonObject jo = stream.get_object();
        const std::string subtype = jo.get_string( "subtype", default_subtype );
        item_controller->load_item_group( jo, group, subtype );

        return group;
    } else if( stream.test_array() ) {
        const Group_tag group = get_unique_group_id();

        JsonArray jarr = stream.get_array();
        // load_item_group needs a bool, invalid subtypes are unexpected and most likely errors
        // from the caller of this function.
        if( default_subtype != "collection" && default_subtype != "distribution" ) {
            debugmsg( "invalid subtype for item group: %s", default_subtype.c_str() );
        item_controller->load_item_group( jarr, group, default_subtype == "collection" );

        return group;
    } else {
        stream.error( "invalid item group, must be string (group id) or object/array (the group data)" );
        // stream.error always throws, this is here to prevent a warning
        return Group_tag{};
Exemplo n.º 22
void npc_combat_rules::deserialize(JsonIn &jsin)
    JsonObject data = jsin.get_object();
    int tmpeng;
    data.read("engagement", tmpeng);
    engagement = (combat_engagement)tmpeng;
    data.read( "use_guns", use_guns);
    data.read( "use_grenades", use_grenades);
    data.read( "use_silent", use_silent);
Exemplo n.º 23
void npc_opinion::deserialize(JsonIn &jsin)
    JsonObject data = jsin.get_object();
Exemplo n.º 24
 * Load vehicle from a json blob that might just exceed player in size.
void vehicle::deserialize(JsonIn &jsin)
    JsonObject data = jsin.get_object();

    int fdir, mdir;

    data.read("type", type);
    data.read("posx", posx);
    data.read("posy", posy);
    data.read("levx", levx);
    data.read("levy", levy);
    data.read("om_id", om_id);
    data.read("faceDir", fdir);
    data.read("moveDir", mdir);
    data.read("turn_dir", turn_dir);
    data.read("velocity", velocity);
    data.read("cruise_velocity", cruise_velocity);
    data.read("cruise_on", cruise_on);
    data.read("engine_on", engine_on);
    data.read("has_pedals", has_pedals);
    data.read("tracking_on", tracking_on);
    data.read("lights_on", lights_on);
    data.read("overhead_lights_on", overhead_lights_on);
    data.read("fridge_on", fridge_on);
    data.read("recharger_on", recharger_on);
    data.read("skidding", skidding);
    data.read("turret_mode", turret_mode);
    data.read("of_turn_carry", of_turn_carry);

    face.init (fdir);
    move.init (mdir);

    data.read("parts", parts);
    for(int i=0;i < parts.size();i++ ) {
    /* After loading, check if the vehicle is from the old rules and is missing
     * frames. */
    if ( savegame_loading_version < 11 ) {
    find_horns ();
    find_parts ();
    find_power ();
    find_fuel_tanks ();
    find_exhaust ();
    insides_dirty = true;
    precalc_mounts (0, face.dir());

Exemplo n.º 25
void safemode::deserialize( JsonIn &jsin )
    auto &temp_rules = ( is_character ) ? character_rules : global_rules;

    while( !jsin.end_array() ) {
        JsonObject jo = jsin.get_object();

        const std::string rule = jo.get_string( "rule" );
        const bool active = jo.get_bool( "active" );
        const bool whitelist = jo.get_bool( "whitelist" );
        const Creature::Attitude attitude = ( Creature::Attitude ) jo.get_int( "attitude" );
        const int proximity = jo.get_int( "proximity" );

            rules_class( rule, active, whitelist, attitude, proximity )
Exemplo n.º 26
void zone_manager::deserialize( JsonIn &jsin )
    jsin.read( zones );
    for( auto it = zones.begin(); it != zones.end(); ++it ) {
        const zone_type_id zone_type = it->get_type();
        if( !has_type( zone_type ) ) {
            zones.erase( it );
            debugmsg( "Invalid zone type: %s", zone_type.c_str() );
Exemplo n.º 27
void inventory::json_load_items(JsonIn &jsin)
    try {
        JsonArray ja = jsin.get_array();
        while ( ja.has_more() ) {
            JsonObject jo = ja.next_object();
            add_item(item( jo ), false, false);
    } catch (std::string& jsonerr) {
         debugmsg("bad inventory json:\n%s", jsonerr.c_str() );
Exemplo n.º 28
void color_manager::deserialize( JsonIn &jsin )
    while( !jsin.end_array() ) {
        JsonObject joColors = jsin.get_object();

        const std::string name = joColors.get_string( "name" );
        const std::string name_custom = joColors.get_string( "custom" );
        const std::string name_invert_custom = joColors.get_string( "invertcustom" );

        color_id id = name_to_id( name );
        auto &entry = color_array[id];

        if( !name_custom.empty() ) {
            entry.name_custom = name_custom;

        if( !name_invert_custom.empty() ) {
            entry.name_invert_custom = name_invert_custom;
Exemplo n.º 29
void npc_favor::deserialize(JsonIn &jsin)
    JsonObject jo = jsin.get_object();
    type = npc_favor_type(jo.get_int("type"));
    jo.read("value", value);
    jo.read("itype_id", item_id);
    skill = NULL;
    if (jo.has_int("skill_id")) {
        skill = Skill::skill(jo.get_int("skill_id"));
    } else if (jo.has_string("skill_id")) {
        skill = Skill::skill(jo.get_string("skill_id"));
Exemplo n.º 30
void SkillLevel::deserialize(JsonIn & jsin)
    JsonObject data = jsin.get_object();
    int lastpractice=0;
    data.read( "level", _level );
    data.read( "exercise", _exercise );
    data.read( "istraining", _isTraining );
    data.read( "lastpracticed", lastpractice );
    if(lastpractice == 0) {
        _lastPracticed = HOURS(OPTIONS["INITIAL_TIME"]);
    } else {
        _lastPracticed = lastpractice;