Exemplo n.º 1
void   KKJobManager::ProcessNextExpansion (ostream&  o)
  KKJobListPtr jobsJustCompleted = new KKJobList (this);
  jobsJustCompleted->Owner (false);
    // Add jobs completed since last expansion to this list.
    KKJobList::iterator  idx;
    for  (idx = jobs->begin ();  idx != jobs->end ();  idx++)
      KKJobPtr  j = *idx;
      if  (j->JobId () >= expansionFirstJobId)
        jobsJustCompleted->PushOnBack (j);

  // Derived class will now peform expansion.  
  KKJobListPtr  expandedJobs = JobsExpandNextSetOfJobs (jobsJustCompleted);
    if  (expandedJobs)
      expandedJobs->Owner (false);
      KKJobList::iterator  idx;
      for  (idx = expandedJobs->begin ();  idx != expandedJobs->end ();  idx++)
        KKJobPtr  j = *idx;
        if  (j->JobId () < expansionFirstJobId)
          expansionFirstJobId = j->JobId ();

        jobs->PushOnBack (j);
        o << "KKJob" << "\t" << j->JobType () << "\t" << j->ToStatusStr () << endl;
    delete  expandedJobs;
    expandedJobs = NULL;

  delete  jobsJustCompleted;
  jobsJustCompleted = NULL;

  o << "NextJobId"            << "\t" << nextJobId            << endl
    << "ExpansionCount"       << "\t" << expansionCount       << endl
    << "ExpansionFirstJobId"  << "\t" << expansionFirstJobId  << endl;

}  /* ProcessNextExpansion */
Exemplo n.º 2
void   KKJobManager::Run ()
  log.Level (10) << "KKJobManager::Run." << endl;

  bool  keepOnRunning = true;

  KKJobListPtr  executedJobs  = NULL;
  KKJobListPtr  jobsToExecute = GetNextSetOfJobs (NULL);

  while  (keepOnRunning  &&  (!quitRunning))
    if  (jobsToExecute)
      delete  executedJobs;  executedJobs = NULL;

      executedJobs = new KKJobList (this);
      executedJobs->Owner (true);

      KKJobList::iterator  idx;
      for  (idx = jobsToExecute->begin ();  idx != jobsToExecute->end ();  idx++)
        KKJobPtr  j = *idx;
        j->ProcessNode ();
        executedJobs->PushOnBack (j->Duplicate ());
      delete  jobsToExecute;  jobsToExecute = NULL;
      if  (!(jobs->JobsStillRunning ()))
        keepOnRunning = false;
        // We will sleep for a bit until there are more jobs to run
        log.Level (10) << "KKJobManager::Run     No jobs avaialble to run; will sleep a bit." << endl;
        osSleep ((float)(30 + rand () % 10)); 

    if  (keepOnRunning)
      jobsToExecute = GetNextSetOfJobs (executedJobs);

    delete  executedJobs;  executedJobs = NULL;

  Block ();
  StatusFileRefresh ();
  if  ((!quitRunning)  &&  (status != KKJob::jsDone))
    if  (status != KKJob::jsDone)
      GenerateFinalResultsReport ();
      status = KKJob::jsDone;
      ofstream*  statusFile = StatusFileOpen (ios::app);

      *statusFile << "Status" << "\t" << StatusStr () << endl;

      ReportCpuTimeUsed (statusFile);

      statusFile->close ();
      delete  statusFile;
  EndBlock ();

  log.Level (10) << "KKJobManager::Run    Exiting." << endl;
}  /* Run */
Exemplo n.º 3
KKJobListPtr  KKJobManager::GetNextSetOfJobs (KKJobListPtr  completedJobs)
  log.Level (20) << "KKJobManager::GetNextSetOfJobs." << endl;

  Block  ();

  StatusFileRefresh ();
  if  (completedJobs)
    // We will first write out results of jobs that have been completed,
    ofstream* statusFile = StatusFileOpen (ios::app);

    KKJobList::iterator  idx;
    for  (idx = completedJobs->begin ();  idx != completedJobs->end ();  idx++)
      KKJobPtr  j = *idx;

      *statusFile << "KKJob" << "\t" << j->JobType () << "\t" << j->ToStatusStr () << endl;
      if  (supportCompletedJobData)
        *statusFile << "<KKJob JobType=" << j->JobType () << ", " << "JobId=" << j->JobId () << ">" << endl;
        j->CompletedJobDataWrite (*statusFile);
        *statusFile << "</job>" << endl;

      KKJobPtr  existingJob = jobs->LookUpByJobId (j->JobId ());
      if  (existingJob)
        existingJob->ReFresh (*j);
        log.Level (-1) << endl << endl << endl
                       << "GetNextSetOfJobs     *** ERROR ***"  << endl
                       << endl
                       << "           Could not locate KKJob[" << j->JobId () << "]" << endl
                       << endl;
        return  NULL;

    statusFile->close ();
    delete  statusFile;  statusFile = NULL;

  KKJobListPtr  jobsToExecute = new KKJobList (this);
  jobsToExecute->Owner (false);

  if  (!quitRunning)
    ofstream* statusFile = StatusFileOpen (ios::app);

    KKJobPtr  nextJob = jobs->LocateOpenJob ();

    if  (!nextJob)
      if  (jobs->AreAllJobsDone ())
        // There are no jobs to do;  we will have to expand some existing jobs then
        ProcessNextExpansion (*statusFile);
        nextJob = jobs->LocateOpenJob ();
        // There are still some jobs that are running.   We are going to go to
        // for now and try again later.
        // By leaving  "nextJob = NULL" we will drop strait through the rest of
        // this method and return to the caller with 'jobsToExecute' empty
        // signaling that it will need to sleep for a while before calling 
        // us again.

    while  (nextJob  &&  (jobsToExecute->QueueSize () < numJobsAtATime))
      jobsToExecute->PushOnBack (nextJob);
      nextJob->Status (jsStarted);
      *statusFile << "JobStatusChange" << "\t" << nextJob->JobId () << "\t" << nextJob->StatusStr () << endl;
      nextJob = jobs->LocateOpenJob ();

    statusFile->close ();

  if  (jobsToExecute->QueueSize () < 1)
    delete  jobsToExecute;
    jobsToExecute = NULL;

  EndBlock ();

  log.Level (20) << "KKJobManager::GetNextSetOfJobs   Exiting." << endl;

  return  jobsToExecute;
}  /* GetNextSetOfJobs */