void KoPathControlPointMoveCommand::redo()
    KoPathShape * pathShape = m_pointData.pathShape;
    KoPathPoint * point = pathShape->pointByIndex(m_pointData.pointIndex);
    if (point) {

        if (m_pointType == KoPathPoint::ControlPoint1) {
            point->setControlPoint1(point->controlPoint1() + m_offset);
            if (point->properties() & KoPathPoint::IsSymmetric) {
                // set the other control point so that it lies on the line between the moved
                // control point and the point, with the same distance to the point as the moved point
                point->setControlPoint2(2.0 * point->point() - point->controlPoint1());
            } else if (point->properties() & KoPathPoint::IsSmooth) {
                // move the other control point so that it lies on the line through point and control point
                // keeping its distance to the point
                QPointF direction = point->point() - point->controlPoint1();
                direction /= sqrt(direction.x() * direction.x() + direction.y() * direction.y());
                QPointF distance = point->point() - point->controlPoint2();
                qreal length = sqrt(distance.x() * distance.x() + distance.y() * distance.y());
                point->setControlPoint2(point->point() + length * direction);
        } else if (m_pointType == KoPathPoint::ControlPoint2) {
            point->setControlPoint2(point->controlPoint2() + m_offset);
            if (point->properties() & KoPathPoint::IsSymmetric) {
                // set the other control point so that it lies on the line between the moved
                // control point and the point, with the same distance to the point as the moved point
                point->setControlPoint1(2.0 * point->point() - point->controlPoint2());
            } else if (point->properties() & KoPathPoint::IsSmooth) {
                // move the other control point so that it lies on the line through point and control point
                // keeping its distance to the point
                QPointF direction = point->point() - point->controlPoint2();
                direction /= sqrt(direction.x() * direction.x() + direction.y() * direction.y());
                QPointF distance = point->point() - point->controlPoint1();
                qreal length = sqrt(distance.x() * distance.x() + distance.y() * distance.y());
                point->setControlPoint1(point->point() + length * direction);

bool KoPathPointTypeCommand::appendPointData(KoPathPointData data)
    KoPathPoint *point = data.pathShape->pointByIndex(data.pointIndex);
    if (! point)
        return false;

    PointData pointData(data);
    pointData.m_oldControlPoint1 = data.pathShape->shapeToDocument(point->controlPoint1());
    pointData.m_oldControlPoint2 = data.pathShape->shapeToDocument(point->controlPoint2());
    pointData.m_oldProperties = point->properties();
    pointData.m_hadControlPoint1 = point->activeControlPoint1();
    pointData.m_hadControlPoint2 = point->activeControlPoint2();


    return true;
KoPathSegmentBreakCommand::KoPathSegmentBreakCommand(const KoPathPointData & pointData, KUndo2Command *parent)
        : KUndo2Command(parent)
        , m_pointData(pointData)
        , m_startIndex(-1, -1)
        , m_broken(false)
    if (m_pointData.pathShape->isClosedSubpath(m_pointData.pointIndex.first)) {
        m_startIndex = m_pointData.pointIndex;
        KoPathPoint * before = m_pointData.pathShape->pointByIndex(m_startIndex);
        if (before->properties() & KoPathPoint::CloseSubpath) {
            m_startIndex.second = 0;
        } else {
    setText(QObject::tr("Break subpath"));
    const QList<KoPathPointData> & pointDataList,
    PointType pointType,
    KUndo2Command *parent)
        : KoPathBaseCommand(parent)
        , m_pointType(pointType)
    QList<KoPathPointData>::const_iterator it(pointDataList.begin());
    for (; it != pointDataList.end(); ++it) {
        KoPathPoint *point = it->pathShape->pointByIndex(it->pointIndex);
        if (point) {
            PointData pointData(*it);
            pointData.m_oldControlPoint1 = it->pathShape->shapeToDocument(point->controlPoint1());
            pointData.m_oldControlPoint2 = it->pathShape->shapeToDocument(point->controlPoint2());
            pointData.m_oldProperties = point->properties();
            pointData.m_hadControlPoint1 = point->activeControlPoint1();
            pointData.m_hadControlPoint2 = point->activeControlPoint2();
    setText(QObject::tr("Set point type"));
void KoPathPointTypeCommand::redo()

    QList<PointData>::iterator it(m_oldPointData.begin());
    for (; it != m_oldPointData.end(); ++it) {
        KoPathPoint *point = it->m_pointData.pathShape->pointByIndex(it->m_pointData.pointIndex);
        KoPathPoint::PointProperties properties = point->properties();

        switch (m_pointType) {
        case Line: {
        case Curve: {
            KoPathPointIndex pointIndex = it->m_pointData.pointIndex;
            KoPathPointIndex prevIndex;
            KoPathPointIndex nextIndex;
            KoPathShape * path = it->m_pointData.pathShape;
            // get previous path node
            if (pointIndex.second > 0)
                prevIndex = KoPathPointIndex(pointIndex.first, pointIndex.second - 1);
            else if (pointIndex.second == 0 && path->isClosedSubpath(pointIndex.first))
                prevIndex = KoPathPointIndex(pointIndex.first, path->subpathPointCount(pointIndex.first) - 1);
            // get next node
            if (pointIndex.second < path->subpathPointCount(pointIndex.first) - 1)
                nextIndex = KoPathPointIndex(pointIndex.first, pointIndex.second + 1);
            else if (pointIndex.second < path->subpathPointCount(pointIndex.first) - 1
                     && path->isClosedSubpath(pointIndex.first))
                nextIndex = KoPathPointIndex(pointIndex.first, 0);

            KoPathPoint * prevPoint = path->pointByIndex(prevIndex);
            KoPathPoint * nextPoint = path->pointByIndex(nextIndex);

            if (prevPoint && ! point->activeControlPoint1() && appendPointData(KoPathPointData(path, prevIndex))) {
                KoPathSegment cubic = KoPathSegment(prevPoint, point).toCubic();
                if (prevPoint->activeControlPoint2()) {
                } else
            if (nextPoint && ! point->activeControlPoint2() && appendPointData(KoPathPointData(path, nextIndex))) {
                KoPathSegment cubic = KoPathSegment(point, nextPoint).toCubic();
                if (nextPoint->activeControlPoint1()) {
                } else
        case Symmetric: {
            properties &= ~KoPathPoint::IsSmooth;
            properties |= KoPathPoint::IsSymmetric;

            // calculate vector from node point to first control point and normalize it
            QPointF directionC1 = point->controlPoint1() - point->point();
            qreal dirLengthC1 = sqrt(directionC1.x() * directionC1.x() + directionC1.y() * directionC1.y());
            directionC1 /= dirLengthC1;
            // calculate vector from node point to second control point and normalize it
            QPointF directionC2 = point->controlPoint2() - point->point();
            qreal dirLengthC2 = sqrt(directionC2.x() * directionC2.x() + directionC2.y() * directionC2.y());
            directionC2 /= dirLengthC2;
            // calculate the average distance of the control points to the node point
            qreal averageLength = 0.5 * (dirLengthC1 + dirLengthC2);
            // compute position of the control points so that they lie on a line going through the node point
            // the new distance of the control points is the average distance to the node point
            point->setControlPoint1(point->point() + 0.5 * averageLength * (directionC1 - directionC2));
            point->setControlPoint2(point->point() + 0.5 * averageLength * (directionC2 - directionC1));
        case Smooth: {
            properties &= ~KoPathPoint::IsSymmetric;
            properties |= KoPathPoint::IsSmooth;

            // calculate vector from node point to first control point and normalize it
            QPointF directionC1 = point->controlPoint1() - point->point();
            qreal dirLengthC1 = sqrt(directionC1.x() * directionC1.x() + directionC1.y() * directionC1.y());
            directionC1 /= dirLengthC1;
            // calculate vector from node point to second control point and normalize it
            QPointF directionC2 = point->controlPoint2() - point->point();
            qreal dirLengthC2 = sqrt(directionC2.x() * directionC2.x() + directionC2.y() * directionC2.y());
            directionC2 /= dirLengthC2;
            // compute position of the control points so that they lie on a line going through the node point
            // the new distance of the control points is the average distance to the node point
            point->setControlPoint1(point->point() + 0.5 * dirLengthC1 * (directionC1 - directionC2));
            point->setControlPoint2(point->point() + 0.5 * dirLengthC2 * (directionC2 - directionC1));
        case Corner:
            properties &= ~KoPathPoint::IsSymmetric;
            properties &= ~KoPathPoint::IsSmooth;