Exemplo n.º 1
BOOL LLVOWater::updateGeometry(LLDrawable *drawable)
	LLFace *face;

	if (drawable->getNumFaces() < 1)
		LLDrawPoolWater *poolp = (LLDrawPoolWater*) gPipeline.getPool(LLDrawPool::POOL_WATER);
		drawable->addFace(poolp, NULL);
	face = drawable->getFace(0);
	if (!face)
		return TRUE;

//	LLVector2 uvs[4];
//	LLVector3 vtx[4];

	LLStrider<LLVector3> verticesp, normalsp;
	LLStrider<LLVector2> texCoordsp;
	LLStrider<U16> indicesp;
	U16 index_offset;

	// A quad is 4 vertices and 6 indices (making 2 triangles)
	static const unsigned int vertices_per_quad = 4;
	static const unsigned int indices_per_quad = 6;

	static const LLCachedControl<bool> render_transparent_water("RenderTransparentWater",false);
	static const LLCachedControl<U32> water_subdiv("SianaVoidWaterSubdivision", 16);
	const S32 size = (render_transparent_water && LLGLSLShader::sNoFixedFunction) ? water_subdiv : 1;
	const S32 num_quads = size * size;
	face->setSize(vertices_per_quad * num_quads,
				  indices_per_quad * num_quads);
	LLVertexBuffer* buff = face->getVertexBuffer();
	if (!buff || !buff->isWriteable())
		buff = new LLVertexBuffer(LLDrawPoolWater::VERTEX_DATA_MASK, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW_ARB);
		buff->allocateBuffer(face->getGeomCount(), face->getIndicesCount(), TRUE);
		buff->resizeBuffer(face->getGeomCount(), face->getIndicesCount());
	index_offset = face->getGeometry(verticesp,normalsp,texCoordsp, indicesp);
	LLVector3 position_agent;
	position_agent = getPositionAgent();
	face->mCenterAgent = position_agent;
	face->mCenterLocal = position_agent;

	S32 x, y;
	F32 step_x = getScale().mV[0] / size;
	F32 step_y = getScale().mV[1] / size;

	const LLVector3 up(0.f, step_y * 0.5f, 0.f);
	const LLVector3 right(step_x * 0.5f, 0.f, 0.f);
	const LLVector3 normal(0.f, 0.f, 1.f);

	F32 size_inv = 1.f / size;

	F32 z_fudge = 0.f;

	if (getIsEdgePatch())
	{ //bump edge patches down 10 cm to prevent aliasing along edges
		z_fudge = -0.1f;

	for (y = 0; y < size; y++)
		for (x = 0; x < size; x++)
			S32 toffset = index_offset + 4*(y*size + x);
			position_agent = getPositionAgent() - getScale() * 0.5f;
			position_agent.mV[VX] += (x + 0.5f) * step_x;
			position_agent.mV[VY] += (y + 0.5f) * step_y;
			position_agent.mV[VZ] += z_fudge;

			*verticesp++  = position_agent - right + up;
			*verticesp++  = position_agent - right - up;
			*verticesp++  = position_agent + right + up;
			*verticesp++  = position_agent + right - up;

			*texCoordsp++ = LLVector2(x*size_inv, (y+1)*size_inv);
			*texCoordsp++ = LLVector2(x*size_inv, y*size_inv);
			*texCoordsp++ = LLVector2((x+1)*size_inv, (y+1)*size_inv);
			*texCoordsp++ = LLVector2((x+1)*size_inv, y*size_inv);
			*normalsp++   = normal;
			*normalsp++   = normal;
			*normalsp++   = normal;
			*normalsp++   = normal;

			*indicesp++ = toffset + 0;
			*indicesp++ = toffset + 1;
			*indicesp++ = toffset + 2;

			*indicesp++ = toffset + 1;
			*indicesp++ = toffset + 3;
			*indicesp++ = toffset + 2;

	return TRUE;