Exemplo n.º 1
void exoFlickrUploadResponse::completedRaw(
										  U32 status,
										  const std::string& reason,
										  const LLChannelDescriptors& channels,
										  const LLIOPipe::buffer_ptr_t& buffer)
	LLBufferStream istr(channels, buffer.get());
	std::stringstream strstrm;
	strstrm << istr.rdbuf();
	std::string result = std::string(strstrm.str());

	LLSD output;
	bool success;

	LLXmlTree tree;
		LL_WARNS("FlickrAPI") << "Couldn't parse flickr response(" << status << "): " << result << LL_ENDL;
		mCallback(false, LLSD());
	LLXmlTreeNode* root = tree.getRoot();
		LL_WARNS("FlickrAPI") << "Bad root node: " << root->getName() << LL_ENDL;
		mCallback(false, LLSD());
	std::string stat;
	root->getAttributeString("stat", stat);
	output["stat"] = stat;
	if(stat == "ok")
		success = true;
		LLXmlTreeNode* photoid_node = root->getChildByName("photoid");
			output["photoid"] = photoid_node->getContents();
		success = false;
		LLXmlTreeNode* err_node = root->getChildByName("err");
			S32 code;
			std::string msg;
			err_node->getAttributeS32("code", code);
			err_node->getAttributeString("msg", msg);
			output["code"] = code;
			output["msg"] = msg;
	mCallback(success, output);
Exemplo n.º 2
BOOL LLGenePool::load()
	std::string filename;

	filename = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_CHARACTER,"genepool.xml");
	if( mLoaded )
		return TRUE;

	LLXmlTree xml_tree;
	BOOL success = xml_tree.parseFile( filename, FALSE );
	if( !success )
		return FALSE;

	LLXmlTreeNode* root = xml_tree.getRoot();
	if( !root )
		return FALSE;

	// <linden_genepool version="1.0"> (root)
	if( !root->hasName( "linden_genepool" ) )
		llwarns << "Invalid linden_genepool file header: " << filename << llendl;
		return FALSE;

	std::string version;
	static LLStdStringHandle version_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("version");
	if( !root->getFastAttributeString( version_string, version ) || (version != "1.0") )
		llwarns << "Invalid linden_genepool file version: " << version << llendl;
		return FALSE;

	// <archetype>
	for (LLXmlTreeNode* child = root->getChildByName( "archetype" );
		 child = root->getNextNamedChild())
		if( !loadNodeArchetype( child ) )
			return FALSE;

	mLoaded = TRUE;
	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 3
static BOOL loadAttentions()
	static BOOL first_time = TRUE;
	if( ! first_time) 
		return TRUE; // maybe not ideal but otherwise it can continue to fail forever.
	first_time = FALSE;
	std::string filename;
	filename = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_CHARACTER,"attentions.xml");
	LLXmlTree xml_tree;
	BOOL success = xml_tree.parseFile( filename, FALSE );
	if( !success )
		return FALSE;
	LLXmlTreeNode* root = xml_tree.getRoot();
	if( !root )
		return FALSE;

	// <linden_attentions version="1.0"> (root)
	if( !root->hasName( "linden_attentions" ) )
		llwarns << "Invalid linden_attentions file header: " << filename << llendl;
		return FALSE;

	std::string version;
	static LLStdStringHandle version_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("version");
	if( !root->getFastAttributeString( version_string, version ) || (version != "1.0") )
		llwarns << "Invalid linden_attentions file version: " << version << llendl;
		return FALSE;

	// <gender>
	for (LLXmlTreeNode* child = root->getChildByName( "gender" );
		 child = root->getNextNamedChild())
		if( !loadGender( child ) )
			return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
BOOL LLPolySkeletalDistortionInfo::parseXml(LLXmlTreeNode* node)
        llassert( node->hasName( "param" ) && node->getChildByName( "param_skeleton" ) );
        if (!LLViewerVisualParamInfo::parseXml(node))
                return FALSE;

        LLXmlTreeNode* skeletalParam = node->getChildByName("param_skeleton");

        if (NULL == skeletalParam)
                LL_WARNS() << "Failed to getChildByName(\"param_skeleton\")"
                        << LL_ENDL;
                return FALSE;

        for( LLXmlTreeNode* bone = skeletalParam->getFirstChild(); bone; bone = skeletalParam->getNextChild() )
                if (bone->hasName("bone"))
                        std::string name;
                        LLVector3 scale;
                        LLVector3 pos;
                        BOOL haspos = FALSE;
                        static LLStdStringHandle name_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("name");
                        if (!bone->getFastAttributeString(name_string, name))
                                LL_WARNS() << "No bone name specified for skeletal param." << LL_ENDL;

                        static LLStdStringHandle scale_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("scale");
                        if (!bone->getFastAttributeVector3(scale_string, scale))
                                LL_WARNS() << "No scale specified for bone " << name << "." << LL_ENDL;

                        // optional offset deformation (translation)
                        static LLStdStringHandle offset_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("offset");
                        if (bone->getFastAttributeVector3(offset_string, pos))
                                haspos = TRUE;
                        mBoneInfoList.push_back(LLPolySkeletalBoneInfo(name, scale, pos, haspos));
                        LL_WARNS() << "Unrecognized element " << bone->getName() << " in skeletal distortion" << LL_ENDL;
        return TRUE;
bool LLViewerFolderDictionary::initEnsemblesFromFile()
	std::string xml_filename = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_APP_SETTINGS,"foldertypes.xml");
	LLXmlTree folder_def;
	if (!folder_def.parseFile(xml_filename))
		llerrs << "Failed to parse folders file " << xml_filename << llendl;
		return false;

	LLXmlTreeNode* rootp = folder_def.getRoot();
	for (LLXmlTreeNode* ensemble = rootp->getFirstChild();
		 ensemble = rootp->getNextChild())
		if (!ensemble->hasName("ensemble"))
			llwarns << "Invalid ensemble definition node " << ensemble->getName() << llendl;

		S32 ensemble_type;
		static LLStdStringHandle ensemble_num_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("foldertype_num");
		if (!ensemble->getFastAttributeS32(ensemble_num_string, ensemble_type))
			llwarns << "No ensemble type defined" << llendl;

		if (ensemble_type < S32(LLFolderType::FT_ENSEMBLE_START) || ensemble_type > S32(LLFolderType::FT_ENSEMBLE_END))
			llwarns << "Exceeded maximum ensemble index" << LLFolderType::FT_ENSEMBLE_END << llendl;

		std::string xui_name;
		static LLStdStringHandle xui_name_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("xui_name");
		if (!ensemble->getFastAttributeString(xui_name_string, xui_name))
			llwarns << "No xui name defined" << llendl;

		std::string icon_name;
		static LLStdStringHandle icon_name_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("icon_name");
		if (!ensemble->getFastAttributeString(icon_name_string, icon_name))
			llwarns << "No ensemble icon name defined" << llendl;

		std::string allowed_names;
		static LLStdStringHandle allowed_names_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("allowed");
		if (!ensemble->getFastAttributeString(allowed_names_string, allowed_names))

		// Add the entry and increment the asset number.
		const static std::string new_ensemble_name = "New Ensemble";
		addEntry(LLFolderType::EType(ensemble_type), new ViewerFolderEntry(xui_name, new_ensemble_name, icon_name, allowed_names));

	return true;