Exemplo n.º 1
//	3Dポリゴン
//		固定機能版	
void	iexPolygon::Render3D( LPLVERTEX lpVertex, int Num, iex2DObj* lpObj, u32 dwFlags )
	LPDEVICE	lpDevice = iexSystem::Device;
	//	ワールド行列設定
	Matrix	mat( 1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1 );
	lpDevice->SetTransform( D3DTS_WORLD, (D3DMATRIX*)&mat );

	//	レンダーステート更新
	if( lpObj ) iexRenderState::Set( dwFlags & 0x0F, NULL, lpObj->GetTexture() );
	 else		iexRenderState::Set( dwFlags & 0x0F, NULL, NULL );

	lpDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE );

	 //	レンダリング
	lpDevice->DrawPrimitiveUP( D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, Num, lpVertex, sizeof(LVERTEX) );

	lpDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_LIGHTING, TRUE );
void PrepareFor3DDrawing(
        LPDEVICE pDevice, 
        int viewport_width,
        int viewport_height,
        float fov_in_degrees, 
        float near_clip,
        float far_clip,
        DISX_VECTOR3* pvEye,
		DISX_VECTOR3* pvLookat,
    // This function sets up DirectX up for 3D rendering.
    // Only call it once per frame, as it is VERY slow.
    // INPUTS:
    //    pDevice           a pointer to the D3D device
    //    viewport_width    the width of the client area of the window
    //    viewport_height   the height of the client area of the window
    //    fov_in_degrees    the field of view, in degrees
    //    near_clip         the distance to the near clip plane; should be > 0!
    //    far_clip          the distance to the far clip plane
    //    eye               the eyepoint coordinates, in world space
    //    lookat            the point toward which the eye is looking, in world space
    //    up                a vector indicating which dir. is up; usually <0,1,0>
    // What this function does NOT do:
    //    1. set the current texture (SetTexture)
    //    2. set up the texture stages for texturing (SetTextureStageState)
    //    3. set the current vertex format (SetVertexShader)
    //    4. set up the world matrix (SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, &my_world_matrix))

    // set up render state to some nice defaults:
        // some defaults
        pDevice->SetRenderState( DISRS_ZENABLE, TRUE );
        pDevice->SetRenderState( DISRS_ZWRITEENABLE, TRUE );
        pDevice->SetRenderState( DISRS_ZFUNC,     DIS_CMP_LESSEQUAL );
        pDevice->SetRenderState( DISRS_CULLMODE, DIS_CULL_NONE );
        pDevice->SetRenderState( DISRS_CLIPPING, TRUE );
        pDevice->SetRenderState( DISRS_LIGHTING, FALSE );
        pDevice->SetRenderState( DISRS_COLORVERTEX, TRUE );
        pDevice->SetRenderState( DISRS_SHADEMODE, DIS_SHADE_GOURAUD );
        pDevice->SetRenderState( DISRS_FILLMODE,  DIS_FILL_SOLID );
        pDevice->SetRenderState( DISRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, FALSE );

        // turn fog off
        pDevice->SetRenderState( DISRS_FOGENABLE, FALSE );
        pDevice->SetRenderState( DISRS_RANGEFOGENABLE, FALSE );
        // turn on high-quality bilinear interpolations
        pDevice->SetSamplerState(0, DIS_SAMP_MAGFILTER, DIS_TEXF_LINEAR); 
		pDevice->SetSamplerState(1, DIS_SAMP_MAGFILTER, DIS_TEXF_LINEAR);
		pDevice->SetSamplerState(0, DIS_SAMP_MINFILTER, DIS_TEXF_LINEAR);
		pDevice->SetSamplerState(1, DIS_SAMP_MINFILTER, DIS_TEXF_LINEAR);
		pDevice->SetSamplerState(0, DIS_SAMP_MIPFILTER, DIS_TEXF_LINEAR);
		pDevice->SetSamplerState(1, DIS_SAMP_MIPFILTER, DIS_TEXF_LINEAR);

    // set up view & projection matrices (but not the world matrix!)
        // if the window is not square, instead of distorting the scene,
        // clip it so that the longer dimension of the window has the
        // regular FOV, and the shorter dimension has a reduced FOV.
        float fov_x = fov_in_degrees * 3.1415927f/180.0f;
        float fov_y = fov_in_degrees * 3.1415927f/180.0f;
        float aspect = (float)viewport_height / (float)viewport_width;
        if (aspect < 1)
            fov_y *= aspect;
            fov_x /= aspect;
        if (near_clip < 0.1f)
            near_clip = 0.1f;
        if (far_clip < near_clip + 1.0f)
            far_clip = near_clip + 1.0f;

        DISX_MATRIX proj;
        MakeProjectionMatrix(&proj, near_clip, far_clip, fov_x, fov_y);
        pDevice->SetTransform(DIS_TS_PROJECTION, &proj);
        DISX_MatrixLookAtLH(&view, pvEye, pvLookat, pvUp);
        pDevice->SetTransform(DIS_TS_VIEW, &view);

        // Optimization note: "You can minimize the number of required calculations 
        // by concatenating your world and view matrices into a world-view matrix 
        // that you set as the world matrix, and then setting the view matrix 
        // to the identity."
        //D3DXMatrixMultiply(&world, &world, &view);                
void PrepareFor2DDrawing(LPDEVICE pDevice)
    // New 2D drawing area will have x,y coords in the range <-1,-1> .. <1,1>
    //         +--------+ Y=-1
    //         |        |
    //         | screen |             Z=0: front of scene
    //         |        |             Z=1: back of scene
    //         +--------+ Y=1
    //       X=-1      X=1
    // NOTE: After calling this, be sure to then call (at least):
    //  1. SetVertexShader()
    //  2. SetTexture(), if you need it
    // before rendering primitives!
    // Also, be sure your sprites have a z coordinate of 0.
    pDevice->SetRenderState( DISRS_ZENABLE, TRUE );
    pDevice->SetRenderState( DISRS_ZWRITEENABLE, TRUE );
    pDevice->SetRenderState( DISRS_ZFUNC,     D3DCMP_LESSEQUAL );
    pDevice->SetRenderState( DISRS_SHADEMODE, D3DSHADE_FLAT );
    pDevice->SetRenderState( DISRS_FILLMODE,  D3DFILL_SOLID );
    pDevice->SetRenderState( DISRS_FOGENABLE, FALSE );
    pDevice->SetRenderState( DISRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE );
    pDevice->SetRenderState( DISRS_CLIPPING, TRUE ); 
    pDevice->SetRenderState( DISRS_LIGHTING, FALSE );
    pDevice->SetRenderState( DISRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, FALSE );
    pDevice->SetRenderState( DISRS_LOCALVIEWER, FALSE );
    pDevice->SetTexture(0, NULL);
    pDevice->SetTexture(1, NULL);
    pDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, DIS_TSS_COLOROP, DIS_TOP_MODULATE );
    pDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, DIS_TSS_COLORARG1, DIS_TA_TEXTURE );
    pDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, DIS_TSS_COLORARG2, DIS_TA_CURRENT );
    pDevice->SetTextureStageState(1, DIS_TSS_COLOROP, DIS_TOP_DISABLE );

    pDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, DIS_TSS_ALPHAOP, DIS_TOP_SELECTARG1 );
    pDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, DIS_TSS_ALPHAARG1, DIS_TA_DIFFUSE );
    pDevice->SetTextureStageState(1, DIS_TSS_ALPHAOP, DIS_TOP_DISABLE );

    pDevice->SetRenderState( DISRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, FALSE );
    // set up for 2D drawing:
        DISX_MATRIX Ortho2D;    
        DISX_MATRIX Identity;
        DISX_MatrixOrthoLH(&Ortho2D, 2.0f, -2.0f, 0.f, 1.0f);
		//DISX_MatrixPerspectiveLH(&Ortho2D, 1280.0f, 1024.0f, 0.1f, 100.0f);

        pDevice->SetTransform(DIS_TS_PROJECTION, &Ortho2D);
        pDevice->SetTransform(DIS_TS_WORLD, &Identity);
        pDevice->SetTransform(DIS_TS_VIEW, &Identity);