Exemplo n.º 1
std::unique_ptr<Problem> Pal::extract( const QgsRectangle &extent, const QgsGeometry &mapBoundary )
  // to store obstacles
  RTree<FeaturePart *, double, 2, double> *obstacles = new RTree<FeaturePart *, double, 2, double>();

  std::unique_ptr< Problem > prob = qgis::make_unique< Problem >();

  int i, j;

  double bbx[4];
  double bby[4];

  double amin[2];
  double amax[2];

  int max_p = 0;

  LabelPosition *lp = nullptr;

  bbx[0] = bbx[3] = amin[0] = prob->bbox[0] = extent.xMinimum();
  bby[0] = bby[1] = amin[1] = prob->bbox[1] = extent.yMinimum();
  bbx[1] = bbx[2] = amax[0] = prob->bbox[2] = extent.xMaximum();
  bby[2] = bby[3] = amax[1] = prob->bbox[3] = extent.yMaximum();

  prob->pal = this;

  QLinkedList<Feats *> *fFeats = new QLinkedList<Feats *>;

  FeatCallBackCtx context;

  // prepare map boundary
  geos::unique_ptr mapBoundaryGeos( QgsGeos::asGeos( mapBoundary ) );
  geos::prepared_unique_ptr mapBoundaryPrepared( GEOSPrepare_r( QgsGeos::getGEOSHandler(), mapBoundaryGeos.get() ) );

  context.fFeats = fFeats;
  context.obstacles = obstacles;
  context.candidates = prob->candidates;
  context.mapBoundary = mapBoundaryPrepared.get();

  ObstacleCallBackCtx obstacleContext;
  obstacleContext.obstacles = obstacles;
  obstacleContext.obstacleCount = 0;

  // first step : extract features from layers

  int previousFeatureCount = 0;
  int previousObstacleCount = 0;

  QStringList layersWithFeaturesInBBox;

  const auto constMLayers = mLayers;
  for ( Layer *layer : constMLayers )
    if ( !layer )
      // invalid layer name

    // only select those who are active
    if ( !layer->active() )

    // check for connected features with the same label text and join them
    if ( layer->mergeConnectedLines() )



    // find features within bounding box and generate candidates list
    context.layer = layer;
    layer->mFeatureIndex->Search( amin, amax, extractFeatCallback, static_cast< void * >( &context ) );
    // find obstacles within bounding box
    layer->mObstacleIndex->Search( amin, amax, extractObstaclesCallback, static_cast< void * >( &obstacleContext ) );


    if ( context.fFeats->size() - previousFeatureCount > 0 || obstacleContext.obstacleCount > previousObstacleCount )
      layersWithFeaturesInBBox << layer->name();
    previousFeatureCount = context.fFeats->size();
    previousObstacleCount = obstacleContext.obstacleCount;

  prob->nbLabelledLayers = layersWithFeaturesInBBox.size();
  prob->labelledLayersName = layersWithFeaturesInBBox;

  if ( fFeats->isEmpty() )
    delete fFeats;
    delete obstacles;
    return nullptr;

  prob->nbft = fFeats->size();
  prob->nblp = 0;
  prob->featNbLp = new int [prob->nbft];
  prob->featStartId = new int [prob->nbft];
  prob->inactiveCost = new double[prob->nbft];

  Feats *feat = nullptr;

  // Filtering label positions against obstacles
  amin[0] = amin[1] = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest();
  amax[0] = amax[1] = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
  FilterContext filterCtx;
  filterCtx.cdtsIndex = prob->candidates;
  filterCtx.pal = this;
  obstacles->Search( amin, amax, filteringCallback, static_cast< void * >( &filterCtx ) );

  if ( isCanceled() )
    const auto constFFeats = *fFeats;
    for ( Feats *feat : constFFeats )
      qDeleteAll( feat->lPos );

    qDeleteAll( *fFeats );
    delete fFeats;
    delete obstacles;
    return nullptr;

  int idlp = 0;
  for ( i = 0; i < prob->nbft; i++ ) /* foreach feature into prob */
    feat = fFeats->takeFirst();

    prob->featStartId[i] = idlp;
    prob->inactiveCost[i] = std::pow( 2, 10 - 10 * feat->priority );

    switch ( feat->feature->getGeosType() )
      case GEOS_POINT:
        max_p = point_p;
        max_p = line_p;
      case GEOS_POLYGON:
        max_p = poly_p;

    // sort candidates by cost, skip less interesting ones, calculate polygon costs (if using polygons)
    max_p = CostCalculator::finalizeCandidatesCosts( feat, max_p, obstacles, bbx, bby );

    // only keep the 'max_p' best candidates
    while ( feat->lPos.count() > max_p )
      // TODO remove from index
      feat->lPos.last()->removeFromIndex( prob->candidates );
      delete feat->lPos.takeLast();

    // update problem's # candidate
    prob->featNbLp[i] = feat->lPos.count();
    prob->nblp += feat->lPos.count();

    // add all candidates into a rtree (to speed up conflicts searching)
    for ( j = 0; j < feat->lPos.count(); j++, idlp++ )
      lp = feat->lPos.at( j );
      lp->setProblemIds( i, idlp ); // bugfix #1 (maxence 10/23/2008)
    fFeats->append( feat );

  int nbOverlaps = 0;

  while ( !fFeats->isEmpty() ) // foreach feature
    if ( isCanceled() )
      const auto constFFeats = *fFeats;
      for ( Feats *feat : constFFeats )
        qDeleteAll( feat->lPos );

      qDeleteAll( *fFeats );
      delete fFeats;
      delete obstacles;
      return nullptr;

    feat = fFeats->takeFirst();
    while ( !feat->lPos.isEmpty() ) // foreach label candidate
      lp = feat->lPos.takeFirst();

      // make sure that candidate's cost is less than 1

      prob->addCandidatePosition( lp );
      //prob->feat[idlp] = j;

      lp->getBoundingBox( amin, amax );

      // lookup for overlapping candidate
      prob->candidates->Search( amin, amax, LabelPosition::countOverlapCallback, static_cast< void * >( lp ) );

      nbOverlaps += lp->getNumOverlaps();
    delete feat;
  delete fFeats;

  //delete candidates;
  delete obstacles;

  nbOverlaps /= 2;
  prob->all_nblp = prob->nblp;
  prob->nbOverlap = nbOverlaps;

  return prob;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * \Brief Problem Factory
  * Select features from user's choice layers within
  * a specific bounding box
  * param nbLayers # wanted layers
  * param layersFactor layers importance
  * param layersName layers in problem
  * param lambda_min west bbox
  * param phi_min south bbox
  * param lambda_max east bbox
  * param phi_max north bbox
  * param scale the scale
  Problem* Pal::extract( int nbLayers, char **layersName, double *layersFactor, double lambda_min, double phi_min, double lambda_max, double phi_max, double scale, std::ofstream *svgmap )
    // to store obstacles
    RTree<PointSet*, double, 2, double> *obstacles = new RTree<PointSet*, double, 2, double>();

    Problem *prob = new Problem();

    int i, j;

    double bbx[4];
    double bby[4];

    double amin[2];
    double amax[2];

    int max_p = 0;

    LabelPosition* lp;

    bbx[0] = bbx[3] = amin[0] = prob->bbox[0] = lambda_min;
    bby[0] = bby[1] = amin[1] = prob->bbox[1] = phi_min;
    bbx[1] = bbx[2] = amax[0] = prob->bbox[2] = lambda_max;
    bby[2] = bby[3] = amax[1] = prob->bbox[3] = phi_max;

    prob->scale = scale;
    prob->pal = this;

    LinkedList<Feats*> *fFeats = new LinkedList<Feats*> ( ptrFeatsCompare );

    FeatCallBackCtx *context = new FeatCallBackCtx();
    context->fFeats = fFeats;
    context->scale = scale;
    context->obstacles = obstacles;
    context->candidates = prob->candidates;

    context->bbox_min[0] = amin[0];
    context->bbox_min[1] = amin[1];

    context->bbox_max[0] = amax[0];
    context->bbox_max[1] = amax[1];

#ifdef _EXPORT_MAP_
    context->svgmap = svgmap;

#ifdef _VERBOSE_
    std::cout <<  nbLayers << "/" << layers->size() << " layers to extract " << std::endl;
    std::cout << "scale is 1:" << scale << std::endl << std::endl;


    /* First step : extract feature from layers
     * */
    int oldNbft = 0;
    Layer *layer;

    std::list<char*> *labLayers = new std::list<char*>();

    for ( i = 0; i < nbLayers; i++ )
      for ( std::list<Layer*>::iterator it = layers->begin(); it != layers->end(); it++ ) // iterate on pal->layers
        layer = *it;
        // Only select those who are active and labellable (with scale constraint) or those who are active and which must be treated as obstaclewhich must be treated as obstacle
        if ( layer->active
             && ( layer->obstacle || ( layer->toLabel && layer->isScaleValid( scale ) ) ) )

          // check if this selected layers has been selected by user
          if ( strcmp( layersName[i], layer->name ) == 0 )
            // check for connected features with the same label text and join them
            if ( layer->getMergeConnectedLines() )

            context->layer = layer;
            context->priority = layersFactor[i];
            // lookup for feature (and generates candidates list)

#ifdef _EXPORT_MAP_
            *svgmap << "<g inkscape:label=\"" << layer->name << "\"" << std::endl
            <<  "    inkscape:groupmode=\"layer\"" << std::endl
            <<  "    id=\"" << layer->name << "\">" << std::endl << std::endl;

            context->layer->rtree->Search( amin, amax, extractFeatCallback, ( void* ) context );

#ifdef _EXPORT_MAP_
            *svgmap  << "</g>" << std::endl << std::endl;

#ifdef _VERBOSE_
            std::cout << "Layer's name: " << layer->getName() << std::endl;
            std::cout << "     scale range: " << layer->getMinScale() << "->" << layer->getMaxScale() << std::endl;
            std::cout << "     active:" << layer->isToLabel() << std::endl;
            std::cout << "     obstacle:" << layer->isObstacle() << std::endl;
            std::cout << "     toLabel:" << layer->isToLabel() << std::endl;
            std::cout << "     # features: " << layer->getNbFeatures() << std::endl;
            std::cout << "     # extracted features: " << context->fFeats->size() - oldNbft << std::endl;
            if ( context->fFeats->size() - oldNbft > 0 )
              char *name = new char[strlen( layer->getName() ) +1];
              strcpy( name, layer->getName() );
              labLayers->push_back( name );
            oldNbft = context->fFeats->size();

    delete context;

    prob->nbLabelledLayers = labLayers->size();
    prob->labelledLayersName = new char*[prob->nbLabelledLayers];
    for ( i = 0; i < prob->nbLabelledLayers; i++ )
      prob->labelledLayersName[i] = labLayers->front();

    delete labLayers;

    if ( fFeats->size() == 0 )
#ifdef _VERBOSE_
      std::cout << std::endl << "Empty problem" << std::endl;
      delete fFeats;
      delete prob;
      delete obstacles;
      return NULL;

    prob->nbft = fFeats->size();
    prob->nblp = 0;
    prob->featNbLp = new int [prob->nbft];
    prob->featStartId = new int [prob->nbft];
    prob->inactiveCost = new double[prob->nbft];

    Feats *feat;

#ifdef _VERBOSE_
    std::cout << "FIRST NBFT : " << prob->nbft << std::endl;

    // Filtering label positions against obstacles
    amin[0] = amin[1] = -DBL_MAX;
    amax[0] = amax[1] = DBL_MAX;
    FilterContext filterCtx;
    filterCtx.cdtsIndex = prob->candidates;
    filterCtx.scale = prob->scale;
    filterCtx.pal = this;
    obstacles->Search( amin, amax, filteringCallback, ( void* ) &filterCtx );

    int idlp = 0;
    for ( i = 0; i < prob->nbft; i++ ) /* foreach feature into prob */
      feat = fFeats->pop_front();
#ifdef _DEBUG_FULL_
      std::cout << "Feature:" << feat->feature->layer->name << "/" << feat->feature->uid << std::endl;
      prob->featStartId[i] = idlp;
      prob->inactiveCost[i] = pow( 2, 10 - 10 * feat->priority );

      switch ( feat->feature->getGeosType() )
        case GEOS_POINT:
          max_p = point_p;
        case GEOS_LINESTRING:
          max_p = line_p;
        case GEOS_POLYGON:
          max_p = poly_p;

      // sort candidates by cost, skip less interesting ones, calculate polygon costs (if using polygons)
      max_p = CostCalculator::finalizeCandidatesCosts( feat, max_p, obstacles, bbx, bby );

#ifdef _DEBUG_FULL_
      std::cout << "All Cost are setted" << std::endl;
      // only keep the 'max_p' best candidates
      for ( j = max_p; j < feat->nblp; j++ )
        // TODO remove from index
        feat->lPos[j]->removeFromIndex( prob->candidates );
        delete feat->lPos[j];
      feat->nblp = max_p;

      // update problem's # candidate
      prob->featNbLp[i] = feat->nblp;
      prob->nblp += feat->nblp;

      // add all candidates into a rtree (to speed up conflicts searching)
      for ( j = 0; j < feat->nblp; j++, idlp++ )
        lp = feat->lPos[j];
        lp->setProblemIds( i, idlp ); // bugfix #1 (maxence 10/23/2008)
      fFeats->push_back( feat );

#ifdef _DEBUG_FULL_
    std::cout << "Malloc problem...." << std::endl;

    idlp = 0;
    int nbOverlaps = 0;
    prob->labelpositions = new LabelPosition*[prob->nblp];
    //prob->feat = new int[prob->nblp];

#ifdef _DEBUG_FULL_
    std::cout << "problem malloc'd" << std::endl;

    j = 0;
    while ( fFeats->size() > 0 ) // foreach feature
      feat = fFeats->pop_front();
      for ( i = 0; i < feat->nblp; i++, idlp++ )  // foreach label candidate
        lp = feat->lPos[i];

        // make sure that candidate's cost is less than 1

        prob->labelpositions[idlp] = lp;
        //prob->feat[idlp] = j;

        lp->getBoundingBox( amin, amax );

        // lookup for overlapping candidate
        prob->candidates->Search( amin, amax, LabelPosition::countOverlapCallback, ( void* ) lp );

        nbOverlaps += lp->getNumOverlaps();
#ifdef _DEBUG_FULL_
        std::cout << "Nb overlap for " << idlp << "/" << prob->nblp - 1 << " : " << lp->nbOverlap << std::endl;
      delete[] feat->lPos;
      delete feat;
    delete fFeats;

    //delete candidates;
    delete obstacles;

    nbOverlaps /= 2;
    prob->all_nblp = prob->nblp;
    prob->nbOverlap = nbOverlaps;

#ifdef _VERBOSE_
    std::cout << "nbOverlap: " << prob->nbOverlap << std::endl;
    std::cerr << scale << "\t"
              << prob->nbft << "\t"
              << prob->nblp << "\t"
              << prob->nbOverlap << "\t";

    return prob;