Exemplo n.º 1
/// Advance across the current instruction.
void RegPressureTracker::advance(const RegisterOperands &RegOpers) {
  assert(!TrackUntiedDefs && "unsupported mode");
  assert(CurrPos != MBB->end());
  if (!isTopClosed())

  SlotIndex SlotIdx;
  if (RequireIntervals)
    SlotIdx = getCurrSlot();

  // Open the bottom of the region using slot indexes.
  if (isBottomClosed()) {
    if (RequireIntervals)

  for (const RegisterMaskPair &Use : RegOpers.Uses) {
    unsigned Reg = Use.RegUnit;
    LaneBitmask LiveMask = LiveRegs.contains(Reg);
    LaneBitmask LiveIn = Use.LaneMask & ~LiveMask;
    if (LiveIn.any()) {
      discoverLiveIn(RegisterMaskPair(Reg, LiveIn));
      increaseRegPressure(Reg, LiveMask, LiveMask | LiveIn);
      LiveRegs.insert(RegisterMaskPair(Reg, LiveIn));
    // Kill liveness at last uses.
    if (RequireIntervals) {
      LaneBitmask LastUseMask = getLastUsedLanes(Reg, SlotIdx);
      if (LastUseMask.any()) {
        LiveRegs.erase(RegisterMaskPair(Reg, LastUseMask));
        decreaseRegPressure(Reg, LiveMask, LiveMask & ~LastUseMask);

  // Generate liveness for defs.
  for (const RegisterMaskPair &Def : RegOpers.Defs) {
    LaneBitmask PreviousMask = LiveRegs.insert(Def);
    LaneBitmask NewMask = PreviousMask | Def.LaneMask;
    increaseRegPressure(Def.RegUnit, PreviousMask, NewMask);

  // Boost pressure for all dead defs together.

  // Find the next instruction.
  CurrPos = skipDebugInstructionsForward(std::next(CurrPos), MBB->end());
Exemplo n.º 2
void LiveInterval::refineSubRanges(BumpPtrAllocator &Allocator,
    LaneBitmask LaneMask, std::function<void(LiveInterval::SubRange&)> Apply) {
  LaneBitmask ToApply = LaneMask;
  for (SubRange &SR : subranges()) {
    LaneBitmask SRMask = SR.LaneMask;
    LaneBitmask Matching = SRMask & LaneMask;
    if (Matching.none())

    SubRange *MatchingRange;
    if (SRMask == Matching) {
      // The subrange fits (it does not cover bits outside \p LaneMask).
      MatchingRange = &SR;
    } else {
      // We have to split the subrange into a matching and non-matching part.
      // Reduce lanemask of existing lane to non-matching part.
      SR.LaneMask = SRMask & ~Matching;
      // Create a new subrange for the matching part
      MatchingRange = createSubRangeFrom(Allocator, Matching, SR);
    ToApply &= ~Matching;
  // Create a new subrange if there are uncovered bits left.
  if (ToApply.any()) {
    SubRange *NewRange = createSubRange(Allocator, ToApply);
Exemplo n.º 3
/// Increase pressure for each pressure set provided by TargetRegisterInfo.
static void increaseSetPressure(std::vector<unsigned> &CurrSetPressure,
                                const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI, unsigned Reg,
                                LaneBitmask PrevMask, LaneBitmask NewMask) {
  assert((PrevMask & ~NewMask).none() && "Must not remove bits");
  if (PrevMask.any() || NewMask.none())

  PSetIterator PSetI = MRI.getPressureSets(Reg);
  unsigned Weight = PSetI.getWeight();
  for (; PSetI.isValid(); ++PSetI)
    CurrSetPressure[*PSetI] += Weight;
Exemplo n.º 4
/// Decrease pressure for each pressure set provided by TargetRegisterInfo.
static void decreaseSetPressure(std::vector<unsigned> &CurrSetPressure,
                                const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI, unsigned Reg,
                                LaneBitmask PrevMask, LaneBitmask NewMask) {
  //assert((NewMask & !PrevMask) == 0 && "Must not add bits");
  if (NewMask.any() || PrevMask.none())

  PSetIterator PSetI = MRI.getPressureSets(Reg);
  unsigned Weight = PSetI.getWeight();
  for (; PSetI.isValid(); ++PSetI) {
    assert(CurrSetPressure[*PSetI] >= Weight && "register pressure underflow");
    CurrSetPressure[*PSetI] -= Weight;
Exemplo n.º 5
void RegPressureTracker::increaseRegPressure(unsigned RegUnit,
                                             LaneBitmask PreviousMask,
                                             LaneBitmask NewMask) {
  if (PreviousMask.any() || NewMask.none())

  PSetIterator PSetI = MRI->getPressureSets(RegUnit);
  unsigned Weight = PSetI.getWeight();
  for (; PSetI.isValid(); ++PSetI) {
    CurrSetPressure[*PSetI] += Weight;
    P.MaxSetPressure[*PSetI] =
        std::max(P.MaxSetPressure[*PSetI], CurrSetPressure[*PSetI]);
Exemplo n.º 6
void GCNRegPressure::inc(unsigned Reg,
                         LaneBitmask PrevMask,
                         LaneBitmask NewMask,
                         const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI) {
  if (NewMask == PrevMask)

  int Sign = 1;
  if (NewMask < PrevMask) {
    std::swap(NewMask, PrevMask);
    Sign = -1;
#ifndef NDEBUG
  const auto MaxMask = MRI.getMaxLaneMaskForVReg(Reg);
  switch (auto Kind = getRegKind(Reg, MRI)) {
  case SGPR32:
  case VGPR32:
    assert(PrevMask.none() && NewMask == MaxMask);
    Value[Kind] += Sign;

  case SGPR_TUPLE:
  case VGPR_TUPLE:
    assert(NewMask < MaxMask || NewMask == MaxMask);
    assert(PrevMask < NewMask);

    Value[Kind == SGPR_TUPLE ? SGPR32 : VGPR32] +=
      Sign * (~PrevMask & NewMask).getNumLanes();

    if (PrevMask.none()) {
      Value[Kind] += Sign * MRI.getPressureSets(Reg).getWeight();

  default: llvm_unreachable("Unknown register kind");
Exemplo n.º 7
void LiveRangeCalc::calculate(LiveInterval &LI, bool TrackSubRegs) {
  assert(MRI && Indexes && "call reset() first");

  // Step 1: Create minimal live segments for every definition of Reg.
  // Visit all def operands. If the same instruction has multiple defs of Reg,
  // createDeadDef() will deduplicate.
  const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI = *MRI->getTargetRegisterInfo();
  unsigned Reg = LI.reg;
  for (const MachineOperand &MO : MRI->reg_nodbg_operands(Reg)) {
    if (!MO.isDef() && !MO.readsReg())

    unsigned SubReg = MO.getSubReg();
    if (LI.hasSubRanges() || (SubReg != 0 && TrackSubRegs)) {
      LaneBitmask SubMask = SubReg != 0 ? TRI.getSubRegIndexLaneMask(SubReg)
                                        : MRI->getMaxLaneMaskForVReg(Reg);
      // If this is the first time we see a subregister def, initialize
      // subranges by creating a copy of the main range.
      if (!LI.hasSubRanges() && !LI.empty()) {
        LaneBitmask ClassMask = MRI->getMaxLaneMaskForVReg(Reg);
        LI.createSubRangeFrom(*Alloc, ClassMask, LI);

      LaneBitmask Mask = SubMask;
      for (LiveInterval::SubRange &S : LI.subranges()) {
        // A Mask for subregs common to the existing subrange and current def.
        LaneBitmask Common = S.LaneMask & Mask;
        if (Common.none())
        LiveInterval::SubRange *CommonRange;
        // A Mask for subregs covered by the subrange but not the current def.
        LaneBitmask RM = S.LaneMask & ~Mask;
        if (RM.any()) {
          // Split the subrange S into two parts: one covered by the current
          // def (CommonRange), and the one not affected by it (updated S).
          S.LaneMask = RM;
          CommonRange = LI.createSubRangeFrom(*Alloc, Common, S);
        } else {
          assert(Common == S.LaneMask);
          CommonRange = &S;
        if (MO.isDef())
          createDeadDef(*Indexes, *Alloc, *CommonRange, MO);
        Mask &= ~Common;
      // Create a new SubRange for subregs we did not cover yet.
      if (Mask.any()) {
        LiveInterval::SubRange *NewRange = LI.createSubRange(*Alloc, Mask);
        if (MO.isDef())
          createDeadDef(*Indexes, *Alloc, *NewRange, MO);

    // Create the def in the main liverange. We do not have to do this if
    // subranges are tracked as we recreate the main range later in this case.
    if (MO.isDef() && !LI.hasSubRanges())
      createDeadDef(*Indexes, *Alloc, LI, MO);

  // We may have created empty live ranges for partially undefined uses, we
  // can't keep them because we won't find defs in them later.

  // Step 2: Extend live segments to all uses, constructing SSA form as
  // necessary.
  if (LI.hasSubRanges()) {
    for (LiveInterval::SubRange &S : LI.subranges()) {
      LiveRangeCalc SubLRC;
      SubLRC.reset(MF, Indexes, DomTree, Alloc);
      SubLRC.extendToUses(S, Reg, S.LaneMask, &LI);
  } else {
    extendToUses(LI, Reg, LaneBitmask::getAll());
Exemplo n.º 8
void HexagonExpandCondsets::updateDeadsInRange(unsigned Reg, LaneBitmask LM,
      LiveRange &Range) {
  if (Range.empty())

  // Return two booleans: { def-modifes-reg, def-covers-reg }.
  auto IsRegDef = [this,Reg,LM] (MachineOperand &Op) -> std::pair<bool,bool> {
    if (!Op.isReg() || !Op.isDef())
      return { false, false };
    unsigned DR = Op.getReg(), DSR = Op.getSubReg();
    if (!TargetRegisterInfo::isVirtualRegister(DR) || DR != Reg)
      return { false, false };
    LaneBitmask SLM = getLaneMask(DR, DSR);
    LaneBitmask A = SLM & LM;
    return { A.any(), A == SLM };

  // The splitting step will create pairs of predicated definitions without
  // any implicit uses (since implicit uses would interfere with predication).
  // This can cause the reaching defs to become dead after live range
  // recomputation, even though they are not really dead.
  // We need to identify predicated defs that need implicit uses, and
  // dead defs that are not really dead, and correct both problems.

  auto Dominate = [this] (SetVector<MachineBasicBlock*> &Defs,
                          MachineBasicBlock *Dest) -> bool {
    for (MachineBasicBlock *D : Defs)
      if (D != Dest && MDT->dominates(D, Dest))
        return true;

    MachineBasicBlock *Entry = &Dest->getParent()->front();
    SetVector<MachineBasicBlock*> Work(Dest->pred_begin(), Dest->pred_end());
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < Work.size(); ++i) {
      MachineBasicBlock *B = Work[i];
      if (Defs.count(B))
      if (B == Entry)
        return false;
      for (auto *P : B->predecessors())
    return true;

  // First, try to extend live range within individual basic blocks. This
  // will leave us only with dead defs that do not reach any predicated
  // defs in the same block.
  SetVector<MachineBasicBlock*> Defs;
  SmallVector<SlotIndex,4> PredDefs;
  for (auto &Seg : Range) {
    if (!Seg.start.isRegister())
    MachineInstr *DefI = LIS->getInstructionFromIndex(Seg.start);
    if (HII->isPredicated(*DefI))

  SmallVector<SlotIndex,8> Undefs;
  LiveInterval &LI = LIS->getInterval(Reg);
  LI.computeSubRangeUndefs(Undefs, LM, *MRI, *LIS->getSlotIndexes());

  for (auto &SI : PredDefs) {
    MachineBasicBlock *BB = LIS->getMBBFromIndex(SI);
    auto P = Range.extendInBlock(Undefs, LIS->getMBBStartIdx(BB), SI);
    if (P.first != nullptr || P.second)
      SI = SlotIndex();

  // Calculate reachability for those predicated defs that were not handled
  // by the in-block extension.
  SmallVector<SlotIndex,4> ExtTo;
  for (auto &SI : PredDefs) {
    if (!SI.isValid())
    MachineBasicBlock *BB = LIS->getMBBFromIndex(SI);
    if (BB->pred_empty())
    // If the defs from this range reach SI via all predecessors, it is live.
    // It can happen that SI is reached by the defs through some paths, but
    // not all. In the IR coming into this optimization, SI would not be
    // considered live, since the defs would then not jointly dominate SI.
    // That means that SI is an overwriting def, and no implicit use is
    // needed at this point. Do not add SI to the extension points, since
    // extendToIndices will abort if there is no joint dominance.
    // If the abort was avoided by adding extra undefs added to Undefs,
    // extendToIndices could actually indicate that SI is live, contrary
    // to the original IR.
    if (Dominate(Defs, BB))

  if (!ExtTo.empty())
    LIS->extendToIndices(Range, ExtTo, Undefs);

  // Remove <dead> flags from all defs that are not dead after live range
  // extension, and collect all def operands. They will be used to generate
  // the necessary implicit uses.
  // At the same time, add <dead> flag to all defs that are actually dead.
  // This can happen, for example, when a mux with identical inputs is
  // replaced with a COPY: the use of the predicate register disappears and
  // the dead can become dead.
  std::set<RegisterRef> DefRegs;
  for (auto &Seg : Range) {
    if (!Seg.start.isRegister())
    MachineInstr *DefI = LIS->getInstructionFromIndex(Seg.start);
    for (auto &Op : DefI->operands()) {
      auto P = IsRegDef(Op);
      if (P.second && Seg.end.isDead()) {
      } else if (P.first) {

  // Now, add implicit uses to each predicated def that is reached
  // by other defs.
  for (auto &Seg : Range) {
    if (!Seg.start.isRegister() || !Range.liveAt(Seg.start.getPrevSlot()))
    MachineInstr *DefI = LIS->getInstructionFromIndex(Seg.start);
    if (!HII->isPredicated(*DefI))
    // Construct the set of all necessary implicit uses, based on the def
    // operands in the instruction.
    std::set<RegisterRef> ImpUses;
    for (auto &Op : DefI->operands())
      if (Op.isReg() && Op.isDef() && DefRegs.count(Op))
    if (ImpUses.empty())
    MachineFunction &MF = *DefI->getParent()->getParent();
    for (RegisterRef R : ImpUses)
      MachineInstrBuilder(MF, DefI).addReg(R.Reg, RegState::Implicit, R.Sub);

Exemplo n.º 9
/// Recede across the previous instruction. If LiveUses is provided, record any
/// RegUnits that are made live by the current instruction's uses. This includes
/// registers that are both defined and used by the instruction.  If a pressure
/// difference pointer is provided record the changes is pressure caused by this
/// instruction independent of liveness.
void RegPressureTracker::recede(const RegisterOperands &RegOpers,
                                SmallVectorImpl<RegisterMaskPair> *LiveUses) {

  // Boost pressure for all dead defs together.

  // Kill liveness at live defs.
  // TODO: consider earlyclobbers?
  for (const RegisterMaskPair &Def : RegOpers.Defs) {
    unsigned Reg = Def.RegUnit;

    LaneBitmask PreviousMask = LiveRegs.erase(Def);
    LaneBitmask NewMask = PreviousMask & ~Def.LaneMask;

    LaneBitmask LiveOut = Def.LaneMask & ~PreviousMask;
    if (LiveOut.any()) {
      discoverLiveOut(RegisterMaskPair(Reg, LiveOut));
      // Retroactively model effects on pressure of the live out lanes.
      increaseSetPressure(CurrSetPressure, *MRI, Reg, LaneBitmask::getNone(),
      PreviousMask = LiveOut;

    if (NewMask.none()) {
      // Add a 0 entry to LiveUses as a marker that the complete vreg has become
      // dead.
      if (TrackLaneMasks && LiveUses != nullptr)
        setRegZero(*LiveUses, Reg);

    decreaseRegPressure(Reg, PreviousMask, NewMask);

  SlotIndex SlotIdx;
  if (RequireIntervals)
    SlotIdx = LIS->getInstructionIndex(*CurrPos).getRegSlot();

  // Generate liveness for uses.
  for (const RegisterMaskPair &Use : RegOpers.Uses) {
    unsigned Reg = Use.RegUnit;
    LaneBitmask PreviousMask = LiveRegs.insert(Use);
    LaneBitmask NewMask = PreviousMask | Use.LaneMask;
    if (NewMask == PreviousMask)

    // Did the register just become live?
    if (PreviousMask.none()) {
      if (LiveUses != nullptr) {
        if (!TrackLaneMasks) {
          addRegLanes(*LiveUses, RegisterMaskPair(Reg, NewMask));
        } else {
          auto I = find_if(*LiveUses, [Reg](const RegisterMaskPair Other) {
            return Other.RegUnit == Reg;
          bool IsRedef = I != LiveUses->end();
          if (IsRedef) {
            // ignore re-defs here...
            removeRegLanes(*LiveUses, RegisterMaskPair(Reg, NewMask));
          } else {
            addRegLanes(*LiveUses, RegisterMaskPair(Reg, NewMask));

      // Discover live outs if this may be the first occurance of this register.
      if (RequireIntervals) {
        LaneBitmask LiveOut = getLiveThroughAt(Reg, SlotIdx);
        if (LiveOut.any())
          discoverLiveOut(RegisterMaskPair(Reg, LiveOut));

    increaseRegPressure(Reg, PreviousMask, NewMask);
  if (TrackUntiedDefs) {
    for (const RegisterMaskPair &Def : RegOpers.Defs) {
      unsigned RegUnit = Def.RegUnit;
      if (TargetRegisterInfo::isVirtualRegister(RegUnit) &&
          (LiveRegs.contains(RegUnit) & Def.LaneMask).none())