 virtual void CallDeclareInput(Level & requestedLevel) const {
   if (requestedLevel.GetPreviousLevel() == Teuchos::null) {
     std::ostringstream errStr;
     errStr << "LevelID = " << requestedLevel.GetLevelID();
     throw Exceptions::DependencyError(errStr.str());
   DeclareInput(*requestedLevel.GetPreviousLevel(), requestedLevel);
Exemplo n.º 2
    virtual void CallBuild(Level & requestedLevel) const {
        TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION((multipleCallCheck_ == ENABLED) && (multipleCallCheckGlobal_ == ENABLED) && (lastLevel_ == &requestedLevel),
                                   this->ShortClassName() << "::Build() called twice for the same level (levelID=" << requestedLevel.GetLevelID()
                                   << "). This is likely due to a configuration error.");
        if (multipleCallCheck_ == FIRSTCALL) multipleCallCheck_ = ENABLED;
        lastLevel_ = &requestedLevel;

        TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(requestedLevel.GetPreviousLevel() == Teuchos::null, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "LevelID = " << requestedLevel.GetLevelID());
        Build(*requestedLevel.GetPreviousLevel(), requestedLevel);
    virtual void CallBuild(Level& requestedLevel) const {
      int levelID = requestedLevel.GetLevelID();

      // We cannot call Build method twice for the same level, but we can call it multiple times for different levels
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION((multipleCallCheck_ == ENABLED) && (multipleCallCheckGlobal_ == ENABLED) && (lastLevelID_ == levelID),
                                 this->ShortClassName() << "::Build() called twice for the same level (levelID=" << levelID
                                 << "). This is likely due to a configuration error.");
      if (multipleCallCheck_ == FIRSTCALL)
        multipleCallCheck_ = ENABLED;

      lastLevelID_ = levelID;
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(requestedLevel.GetPreviousLevel() == Teuchos::null, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "LevelID = " << levelID);

      RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > comm = requestedLevel.GetComm();
      if (comm.is_null()) {
        // Some factories are called before we constructed Ac, and therefore,
        // before we set the level communicator. For such factories we can get
        // the comm from the previous level, as all processes go there
        RCP<Level>& prevLevel = requestedLevel.GetPreviousLevel();
        if (!prevLevel.is_null())
          comm = prevLevel->GetComm();

      // Synchronization timer
      std::string syncTimer = this->ShortClassName() + ": Build sync (level=" + toString(requestedLevel.GetLevelID()) + ")";
      if (!comm.is_null()) {
        TimeMonitor timer(*this, syncTimer);

      Build(*requestedLevel.GetPreviousLevel(), requestedLevel);

      // Synchronization timer
      if (!comm.is_null()) {
        TimeMonitor timer(*this, syncTimer);

      GetOStream(Test) << *RemoveFactoriesFromList(GetParameterList()) << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 4
  void IfpackSmoother::Setup(Level &currentLevel) {
    FactoryMonitor m(*this, "Setup Smoother", currentLevel);
    if (SmootherPrototype::IsSetup() == true)
      GetOStream(Warnings0, 0) << "Warning: MueLu::IfpackSmoother::Setup(): Setup() has already been called";

    A_ = Factory::Get< RCP<Matrix> >(currentLevel, "A");

    double lambdaMax = -1.0;
    if (type_ == "Chebyshev") {
      std::string maxEigString   = "chebyshev: max eigenvalue";
      std::string eigRatioString = "chebyshev: ratio eigenvalue";

      try {
        lambdaMax = Teuchos::getValue<Scalar>(this->GetParameter(maxEigString));
        this->GetOStream(Statistics1, 0) << maxEigString << " (cached with smoother parameter list) = " << lambdaMax << std::endl;

      } catch (Teuchos::Exceptions::InvalidParameterName) {
        lambdaMax = A_->GetMaxEigenvalueEstimate();

        if (lambdaMax != -1.0) {
          this->GetOStream(Statistics1, 0) << maxEigString << " (cached with matrix) = " << lambdaMax << std::endl;
          this->SetParameter(maxEigString, ParameterEntry(lambdaMax));

      // Calculate the eigenvalue ratio
      const Scalar defaultEigRatio = 20;

      Scalar ratio = defaultEigRatio;
      try {
        ratio = Teuchos::getValue<Scalar>(this->GetParameter(eigRatioString));

      } catch (Teuchos::Exceptions::InvalidParameterName) {
        this->SetParameter(eigRatioString, ParameterEntry(ratio));

      if (currentLevel.GetLevelID()) {
        // Update ratio to be
        //   ratio = max(number of fine DOFs / number of coarse DOFs, defaultValue)
        // NOTE: We don't need to request previous level matrix as we know for sure it was constructed
        RCP<const Matrix> fineA = currentLevel.GetPreviousLevel()->Get<RCP<Matrix> >("A");
        size_t nRowsFine   = fineA->getGlobalNumRows();
        size_t nRowsCoarse = A_->getGlobalNumRows();

        ratio = std::max(ratio, as<Scalar>(nRowsFine)/nRowsCoarse);

        this->GetOStream(Statistics1, 0) << eigRatioString << " (computed) = " << ratio << std::endl;
        this->SetParameter(eigRatioString, ParameterEntry(ratio));

    RCP<Epetra_CrsMatrix> epA = Utils::Op2NonConstEpetraCrs(A_);

    Ifpack factory;
    prec_ = rcp(factory.Create(type_, &(*epA), overlap_));
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(prec_.is_null(), Exceptions::RuntimeError, "Could not create an Ifpack preconditioner with type = \"" << type_ << "\"");


    if (type_ == "Chebyshev" && lambdaMax == -1.0) {
      Teuchos::RCP<Ifpack_Chebyshev> chebyPrec = rcp_dynamic_cast<Ifpack_Chebyshev>(prec_);
      if (chebyPrec != Teuchos::null) {
        lambdaMax = chebyPrec->GetLambdaMax();
        this->GetOStream(Statistics1, 0) << "chebyshev: max eigenvalue (calculated by Ifpack)" << " = " << lambdaMax << std::endl;
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(lambdaMax == -1.0, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "MueLu::IfpackSmoother::Setup(): no maximum eigenvalue estimate");

    this->GetOStream(Statistics0, 0) << description() << std::endl;
  void Ifpack2Smoother<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node>::SetupChebyshev(Level& currentLevel) {
    if (this->IsSetup() == true)
      this->GetOStream(Warnings0) << "MueLu::Ifpack2Smoother::Setup(): Setup() has already been called" << std::endl;

    typedef Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC> STS;
    SC negone = -STS::one();

    SC lambdaMax = negone;
      std::string maxEigString   = "chebyshev: max eigenvalue";
      std::string eigRatioString = "chebyshev: ratio eigenvalue";

      ParameterList& paramList = const_cast<ParameterList&>(this->GetParameterList());

      // Get/calculate the maximum eigenvalue
      if (paramList.isParameter(maxEigString)) {
        if (paramList.isType<double>(maxEigString))
          lambdaMax = paramList.get<double>(maxEigString);
          lambdaMax = paramList.get<SC>(maxEigString);
        this->GetOStream(Statistics1) << maxEigString << " (cached with smoother parameter list) = " << lambdaMax << std::endl;

      } else {
        lambdaMax = A_->GetMaxEigenvalueEstimate();
        if (lambdaMax != negone) {
          this->GetOStream(Statistics1) << maxEigString << " (cached with matrix) = " << lambdaMax << std::endl;
          paramList.set(maxEigString, lambdaMax);

      // Calculate the eigenvalue ratio
      const SC defaultEigRatio = 20;

      SC ratio = defaultEigRatio;
      if (paramList.isParameter(eigRatioString)) {
        if (paramList.isType<double>(eigRatioString))
          ratio = paramList.get<double>(eigRatioString);
          ratio = paramList.get<SC>(eigRatioString);
      if (currentLevel.GetLevelID()) {
        // Update ratio to be
        //   ratio = max(number of fine DOFs / number of coarse DOFs, defaultValue)
        // NOTE: We don't need to request previous level matrix as we know for sure it was constructed
        RCP<const Matrix> fineA = currentLevel.GetPreviousLevel()->Get<RCP<Matrix> >("A");
        size_t nRowsFine   = fineA->getGlobalNumRows();
        size_t nRowsCoarse = A_->getGlobalNumRows();

        SC levelRatio = as<SC>(as<float>(nRowsFine)/nRowsCoarse);
        if (STS::magnitude(levelRatio) > STS::magnitude(ratio))
          ratio = levelRatio;

      this->GetOStream(Statistics1) << eigRatioString << " (computed) = " << ratio << std::endl;
      paramList.set(eigRatioString, ratio);

    RCP<const Tpetra::RowMatrix<SC, LO, GO, NO> > tpA = Utilities::Op2NonConstTpetraRow(A_);

    prec_ = Ifpack2::Factory::create(type_, tpA, overlap_);

    if (lambdaMax == negone) {
      typedef Tpetra::RowMatrix<SC, LO, GO, NO> MatrixType;

      Teuchos::RCP<Ifpack2::Chebyshev<MatrixType> > chebyPrec = rcp_dynamic_cast<Ifpack2::Chebyshev<MatrixType> >(prec_);
      if (chebyPrec != Teuchos::null) {
        lambdaMax = chebyPrec->getLambdaMaxForApply();
        this->GetOStream(Statistics1) << "chebyshev: max eigenvalue (calculated by Ifpack2)" << " = " << lambdaMax << std::endl;
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(lambdaMax == negone, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "MueLu::IfpackSmoother::Setup(): no maximum eigenvalue estimate");
Exemplo n.º 6
 virtual void CallDeclareInput(Level & requestedLevel) const {
     TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(requestedLevel.GetPreviousLevel() == Teuchos::null, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "LevelID = " << requestedLevel.GetLevelID());
     DeclareInput(*requestedLevel.GetPreviousLevel(), requestedLevel);