Exemplo n.º 1
                   LevelData<double >& a_phi,
                   const LevelData<double >& a_delta
  BLIterator blit(m_bl);
  BoxLayout blCoarse = a_delta.getBoxLayout();
  Box bxKernel(getZeros(),getOnes());

  for (blit.begin();blit != blit.end();++blit)
      Box bx0 = blCoarse[*blit];
      const RectMDArray<double >& delta = a_delta[*blit];
      Box bxc = a_delta.getBoxLayout()[*blit];
      RectMDArray<double >& phi = a_phi[*blit];  
      for (Point ptsten = getZeros();
          phi += g_FineInterp(delta,bx0);
Exemplo n.º 2
void initialize(LevelData<double, 1> & a_phi,
                LevelData<double, 1> & a_lphExac,
                const     double     & a_dx)
  const BoxLayout& layout = a_phi.getBoxLayout();

  for(BLIterator blit(layout); blit != blit.end(); ++blit)
      Box bx = layout[*blit];
      initialize(a_phi    [*blit],
                 a_dx, bx
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: copyTest.cpp Projeto: 8l/rose
void initialize(LevelData<double >& a_phi,double a_dx)
  BoxLayout bl = a_phi.getBoxLayout();
  for (BLIterator blit(bl); blit != blit.end(); ++blit)
      RectMDArray<double >& phi = a_phi[*blit];
      Box bx = bl[*blit];
      for (Point pt = bx.getLowCorner(); bx.notDone(pt); bx.increment(pt))
          phi[pt] = 1.;
          for (int idir = 0; idir < DIM ; idir++)
              phi[pt] = phi[pt]*sin((M_PI*2*pt[idir])*a_dx);
Exemplo n.º 4
void getError(LevelData<double, 1> & a_error,
              double               & a_maxError,
              const double         & a_dx)

  BoxLayout layout = a_error.getBoxLayout();

  LevelData<double, 1> phi(layout, s_nghost);
  LevelData<double, 1> lphcalc(layout, 0);
  LevelData<double, 1> lphexac(layout, 0);

  //  cout << "initializing phi to sum_dir(sin 2*pi*xdir)" << endl;
  initialize(phi,lphexac, a_dx);

  //set ghost cells of phi
  //  dumpLevelRDA(&phi);
  Stencil<double> laplace;
  setStencil(laplace, a_dx);

  //apply stencil operator independently on each box
  a_maxError = 0;
  for(BLIterator blit(layout); blit != blit.end(); ++blit)
      RectMDArray<double>& phiex =     phi[*blit];
      RectMDArray<double>& lphca = lphcalc[*blit];
      RectMDArray<double>& lphex = lphexac[*blit];
      RectMDArray<double>& error = a_error[*blit];

      //apply is set as an increment so need to set this to zero initially

      Box bxdst=layout[*blit];
      Stencil<double>::apply(laplace, phiex, lphca, bxdst);
      //error = lphicalc -lphiexac
      //here err holds lphi calc
      double maxbox = forall_max(error, lphex, &errorF, bxdst);

      a_maxError = max(maxbox, a_maxError);
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: copyTest.cpp Projeto: 8l/rose
void testlap(LevelData<double >& a_phi, double a_dx,char* a_str)
  double coef = 1./(a_dx*a_dx);
  Stencil<double> Laplacian(make_pair(getZeros(),-DIM*2*coef));
  BoxLayout bl = a_phi.getBoxLayout();
  for (int dir = 0; dir < DIM ; dir++)
      Point edir = getUnitv(dir);
      Stencil<double> plus(make_pair(Shift(edir),coef));
      Stencil<double> minus(make_pair(Shift(edir*(-1)),coef));
      Laplacian = Laplacian + minus + plus;
  RectMDArray<double> LPhi00(bl.getDomain());
  for (BLIterator blit(bl); blit != blit.end(); ++blit)
      LPhi00 |= Laplacian(a_phi[*blit],bl[*blit]);
Exemplo n.º 6
                      LevelData<double >& a_resc,
                      const LevelData<double >& a_res
  // Conservative, finite-volume averaging from coarse to fine.
  BLIterator blit(m_bl);

  for (blit.begin();blit !=blit.end();++blit)
      RectMDArray<double >& resc = a_resc[*blit];
      Box bxc = a_resc.getBoxLayout()[*blit];
      const RectMDArray<double >& res = a_res[*blit];

      for (int i = 0; i < (1 << DIM); i++)
        resc += g_AvgDown[i](res,bxc);
Exemplo n.º 7
void getError(LevelData<double, 1> & a_error,
              double               & a_maxError,
              const double         & a_dx)

  BoxLayout layout = a_error.getBoxLayout();

  LevelData<double, 1> phi(layout, s_nghost);
  LevelData<double, 1> lphcalc(layout, 0);
  LevelData<double, 1> lphexac(layout, 0);

  //  cout << "initializing phi to sum_dir(sin 2*pi*xdir)" << endl;
  initialize(phi,lphexac, a_dx);

  //set ghost cells of phi
  //  dumpLevelRDA(&phi);
  Stencil<double> laplace;
  setStencil(laplace, a_dx);

  //apply stencil operator independently on each box
  a_maxError = 0;
  for(BLIterator blit(layout); blit != blit.end(); ++blit)
      RectMDArray<double>& phiex =     phi[*blit];
      RectMDArray<double>& lphca = lphcalc[*blit];
      RectMDArray<double>& lphex = lphexac[*blit];
      RectMDArray<double>& error = a_error[*blit];

      //apply is set as an increment so need to set this to zero initially

      Box bxdst=layout[*blit];
//      Stencil<double>::apply(laplace, phiex, lphca, bxdst);
  const class Box sourceBoxRef = phiex . getBox();
  const class Box destinationBoxRef = lphca . getBox();
  int iter_lb2 = bxdst .  getLowCorner ()[2];
  int src_lb2 = sourceBoxRef .  getLowCorner ()[2];
  int dest_lb2 = destinationBoxRef .  getLowCorner ()[2];
  int k = 0;
  int iter_ub2 = bxdst .  getHighCorner ()[2];
  int src_ub2 = sourceBoxRef .  getHighCorner ()[2];
  int dest_ub2 = destinationBoxRef .  getHighCorner ()[2];
  int arraySize_X = bxdst .  size (0);
  int arraySize_X_src = sourceBoxRef .  size (0);
  int iter_lb1 = bxdst .  getLowCorner ()[1];
  int src_lb1 = sourceBoxRef .  getLowCorner ()[1];
  int dest_lb1 = destinationBoxRef .  getLowCorner ()[1];
  int j = 0;
  int iter_ub1 = bxdst .  getHighCorner ()[1];
  int src_ub1 = sourceBoxRef .  getHighCorner ()[1];
  int dest_ub1 = destinationBoxRef .  getHighCorner ()[1];
  int arraySize_Y = bxdst .  size (1);
  int arraySize_Y_src = sourceBoxRef .  size (1);
  int iter_lb0 = bxdst .  getLowCorner ()[0];
  int src_lb0 = sourceBoxRef .  getLowCorner ()[0];
  int dest_lb0 = destinationBoxRef .  getLowCorner ()[0];
  int i = 0;
  int iter_ub0 = bxdst .  getHighCorner ()[0];
  int src_ub0 = sourceBoxRef .  getHighCorner ()[0];
  int dest_ub0 = destinationBoxRef .  getHighCorner ()[0];
  int arraySize_Z = bxdst .  size (2);
  int arraySize_Z_src = sourceBoxRef .  size (2);
  double *sourceDataPointer = phiex . getPointer();
  double *destinationDataPointer = lphca . getPointer();
  for (k = iter_lb2; k < iter_ub2; ++k) {
    for (j = iter_lb1; j < iter_ub1; ++j) {
      for (i = iter_lb0; i < iter_ub0; ++i) {
        destinationDataPointer[arraySize_X * (arraySize_Y * (k - dest_lb2) + (j - dest_lb1)) + (i - dest_lb0)] = 
          (1.0*sourceDataPointer[arraySize_X_src * (arraySize_Y_src * (k - src_lb2 + -1) + (j - src_lb1)) + (i - src_lb0)] + 
           1.0*sourceDataPointer[arraySize_X_src * (arraySize_Y_src * (k - src_lb2 + 1) + (j - src_lb1)) + (i - src_lb0)] + 
           1.0*sourceDataPointer[arraySize_X_src * (arraySize_Y_src * (k - src_lb2) + (j - src_lb1 + -1)) + (i - src_lb0)] + 
           1.0*sourceDataPointer[arraySize_X_src * (arraySize_Y_src * (k - src_lb2) + (j - src_lb1 + 1)) + (i - src_lb0)] + 
           1.0*sourceDataPointer[arraySize_X_src * (arraySize_Y_src * (k - src_lb2) + (j - src_lb1)) + (i - src_lb0 + -1)] + 
           1.0*sourceDataPointer[arraySize_X_src * (arraySize_Y_src * (k - src_lb2) + (j - src_lb1)) + (i - src_lb0 + 1)] + 
          (-2.0*DIM)*sourceDataPointer[arraySize_X_src * (arraySize_Y_src * (k - src_lb2) + (j - src_lb1)) + (i - src_lb0)]) * (1.0/a_dx/a_dx);
//cout << destinationDataPointer[arraySize_X * (arraySize_Y * (k - dest_lb2) + (j - dest_lb1)) + (i - dest_lb0)] << " " << lphex.getPointer()[arraySize_X * (arraySize_Y * (k - dest_lb2) + (j - dest_lb1)) + (i - dest_lb0)] << endl;
      //error = lphicalc -lphiexac
      //here err holds lphi calc
      double maxbox = forall_max(error, lphex, &errorF, bxdst);
cout << "maxbox= " << maxbox << endl;

      a_maxError = max(maxbox, a_maxError);
Exemplo n.º 8
void getError(LevelData<double, 1> & a_error,
              double               & a_maxError,
              const double         & a_dx)
  int rank, nprocs;
  MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
  MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs);
  std::cout << "I am rank " << rank << " of " <<  nprocs << " processes" <<  std::endl;

  BoxLayout* layout = new BoxLayout();
  int npatches;
  int nPatchPerProc, iStartIdx, iEndIdx;
  int patchID = -1;
  double local_maxError = 0;

  LevelData<double, 1> *phi;
  LevelData<double, 1> *lphcalc;
  LevelData<double, 1> *lphexac;

  if(rank == 0)
    *layout = a_error.getBoxLayout();
    npatches = layout->size();
    phi = new LevelData<double, 1>(*layout, s_nghost);
    lphcalc = new LevelData<double, 1>(*layout, 0);
    lphexac = new LevelData<double, 1>(*layout, 0);
    //  cout << "initializing phi to sum_dir(sin 2*pi*xdir)" << endl;
    initialize(*phi,*lphexac, a_dx);
    //set ghost cells of phi
  if(nprocs > 1)
    MPI_Bcast( &npatches, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  if(npatches == 1)
   nPatchPerProc = 1;
    nPatchPerProc = npatches/nprocs;
  iStartIdx = rank * nPatchPerProc;
  iEndIdx = (npatches < (rank+1)*nPatchPerProc) ? npatches-1 : ((rank+1)*nPatchPerProc-1);
  nPatchPerProc = iEndIdx - iStartIdx + 1; 
  std::cout << "I am rank " << rank << " working from " <<  iStartIdx << " to " << iEndIdx <<  std::endl;

// barrier to sync halo exchange


  if(rank == 0)
    Box bxdst, bxsrc;
    MPI_Request reqs[5];
    MPI_Status status[5];
    int iwait = 0;
    for(BLIterator blit(*layout); blit != blit.end(); ++blit)
      //bxdst= (*layout)[*blit];
      bool mypatch = patchID >= iStartIdx && patchID <=iEndIdx;
      RectMDArray<double>& phiex =     (*phi)[patchID];
      RectMDArray<double>& lphca = (*lphcalc)[patchID];
      RectMDArray<double>& lphex = (*lphexac)[patchID];
      RectMDArray<double>& error = a_error[patchID];
      bxsrc = phiex . getBox();
      bxdst = lphca . getBox();
cout << "Rank 0 is working on patch " << patchID << endl;
        double tmp;
        tmp = doWork(bxdst, phiex, lphca, lphex, error, a_dx);
        local_maxError = (local_maxError > tmp) ? local_maxError : tmp; 
        int dest = patchID / nPatchPerProc;
//        MPI_Isend(&phiex, sizeof(RectMDArray<double>),MPI_CHAR, dest, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&reqs[0]);
//cout << "master send out patch " <<  patchID<< " sourceDataPointer with size " << phiex.getBox().sizeOf() << endl;
//        MPI_Isend(&lphca, sizeof(RectMDArray<double>),MPI_CHAR, dest, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&reqs[1]);
//cout << "master send out patch " <<  patchID<< " destinationDataPointer with size " << lphca.getBox().sizeOf() << endl;
        MPI_Isend(&bxsrc, sizeof(Box),MPI_CHAR, dest, 4, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&reqs[0]);
cout << "master send out patch " <<  patchID<< " bxdst Box with size " << sizeof(Box)<< endl;
        MPI_Isend(&bxdst, sizeof(Box),MPI_CHAR, dest, 4, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&reqs[1]);
cout << "master send out patch " <<  patchID<< " bxdst Box with size " << sizeof(Box)<< endl;
        double *sourceDataPointer = phiex . getPointer();
        double *destinationDataPointer = lphca . getPointer();
        MPI_Isend(sourceDataPointer, phiex.getBox().sizeOf(),MPI_DOUBLE, dest, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&reqs[2]);
        MPI_Isend(destinationDataPointer, lphca.getBox().sizeOf(),MPI_DOUBLE, dest, 3, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&reqs[3]);
cout << "Rank 0 is sending patch " << patchID << " to rank " << dest << endl;

    if(npatches == 1)
     nPatchPerProc = 0;
      nPatchPerProc = npatches/nprocs;
    int src = 0;
    if(nPatchPerProc > 0)
//      MPI_Request reqs[5];
      MPI_Status status[5];
      Box bxdst, bxsrc;
      RectMDArray<double>* phiex = new RectMDArray<double>();
      RectMDArray<double>* lphca = new RectMDArray<double>();
      RectMDArray<double>* lphex = new RectMDArray<double>();
      RectMDArray<double>* error = new RectMDArray<double>();
      int idx;
      for(idx = 0; idx < nPatchPerProc; idx++)      
//        Box bxdst=((const BoxLayout&) layout)[*blit];
//        MPI_Recv(phiex, sizeof(RectMDArray<double>), MPI_CHAR, src, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status[0]);
//        MPI_Recv(lphca, sizeof(RectMDArray<double>), MPI_CHAR, src, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status[1]);
//        double *sourceDataPointer = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*phiex->getBox().sizeOf());
        MPI_Recv(&bxsrc, sizeof(Box), MPI_CHAR, src, 4, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status[0]);
cout << "Rank " << rank << " receive patch " << idx << " bxdst with size " << sizeof(Box)<< endl;
        MPI_Recv(&bxdst, sizeof(Box), MPI_CHAR, src, 4, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status[1]);
cout << "Rank " << rank << " receive patch " << idx << " bxdst with size " << sizeof(Box)<< endl;
        MPI_Recv(phiex -> getPointer(), phiex->getBox().sizeOf(), MPI_DOUBLE, src, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status[2]);
cout << "Rank " << rank << " receive patch " << idx << " sourceDataPointer with size " << phiex->getBox().sizeOf() << endl;
//        double *destinationDataPointer = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*lphca->getBox().sizeOf());
        MPI_Recv(lphca -> getPointer(), lphca->getBox().sizeOf(), MPI_DOUBLE, src, 3, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status[3]);
cout << "Rank " << rank << " receive patch " << idx << " destinationDataPointer with size " << lphca->getBox().sizeOf() << endl;
cout << "Rank " << rank << " is working on patch " << npatches << endl;
        double tmp;
        tmp = doWork(bxdst,  *phiex, *lphca, *lphex, *error, a_dx);
        local_maxError = (local_maxError > tmp) ? local_maxError : tmp; 
  MPI_Allreduce(&local_maxError, &a_maxError, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  if(rank == 0)
   cout << "max Error is: " << a_maxError << endl;