Exemplo n.º 1
 * Recursive Computer Search
 * Recursively searches the Boggle board to find all the
 * words that can be made on the board and haven't
 * been guessed correctly by the human player
void recursiveComputer(int row, int col, string word, Grid<string>& board, Lexicon& dictionary, Set<string>& results, Grid<bool>& visitedCubes, int& computerScore, Set<string>& usedWords){
    if(!board.inBounds(row, col)) return;
    if(dictionary.contains(word) && word.length() >= 4) {
        if (!results.contains(word) && !usedWords.contains(word)) {
            computerScore += word.length() - 3;

    word = word + board[row][col];

    visitedCubes[row][col] = true;

    for(int i = -1; i <= 1; i++){
        for(int j = -1; j <= 1; j++){
            if(visitedCubes.inBounds(row + i, col + j) && !visitedCubes[row + i][col + j]){
                recursiveComputer(row + i, col + j, word, board, dictionary, results, visitedCubes, computerScore, usedWords);
            if(visitedCubes.inBounds(row + i, col + j) && dictionary.contains(word) && !results.contains(word) && word.length() >=4) {
                computerScore += word.length() - 3;
    visitedCubes[row][col] = false;
TIMED_TEST(LexiconTests, basicTest_Lexicon, TEST_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) {
    std::initializer_list<std::string> words = {
    std::initializer_list<std::string> badWords = {
    std::initializer_list<std::string> badPrefixes = {

    Lexicon lex;
    for (std::string word : words) {
    assertEquals("Lexicon size", words.size(), lex.size());

    for (std::string word : words) {
        assertTrue("Lexicon contains " + word, lex.contains(word));

    for (std::string word : badWords) {
        assertFalse("Lexicon contains " + word, lex.contains(word));

    for (std::string word : words) {
        for (int i = 0; i < (int) word.length(); i++) {
            std::string prefix = word.substr(0, i);
            assertTrue("Lexicon containsPrefix " + word, lex.containsPrefix(word));

    for (std::string word : badPrefixes) {
        assertFalse("Lexicon containsPrefix " + word, lex.containsPrefix(word));
/* The function to solve the problem
 * Parameters:
 * start, dest => the two words to connect (MUST BE VALID WORDS)
 * dict        => Lexicon restores words
 * Return: The ladder / an empty Vector (when there is no solution)
 * No side effects
Vector<string> find_ladder(const string & start, const string & dest, const Lexicon & dict)
    Vector<LadderStep> steps;  //keep answers
    Lexicon appeared;          //word that has appeared
    Queue<int> queue;          //the queue, saves the labels of steps

    int last = NO_MORE_STEP;   //the last step of the answer

    //main loop
        int cur = queue.dequeue();

        if (steps[cur].str == dest) //arrives destination
            last = cur;            //mark position

        for (int i = 0; i < steps[cur].str.size(); ++i){
            for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; ++c){           //generate all possible steps
                string next(steps[cur].str);
                next[i] = c;
                //A valid word that hasn't appeared yet?
                if (dict.contains(next)&& !appeared.contains(next)){
                    steps.push_back(LadderStep(next, cur));
                    queue.enqueue(steps.size() - 1);

    Vector<string> tmp;       //the answer, reversed
    while(last != NO_MORE_STEP){       //has more steps?
        last = steps[last].forward;    //go forward

    //reverse to get the answer
    Vector<string> res;
    for (int i = tmp.size() - 1; i>=0; --i){

    return res;
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Function: oneHopAway
 * This helper function loops through each letter of the alphabet
 * at each position for a word passed through, checking whether
 * the newly formed word is both English and hasn't been used 
 * previously.  The latter check is maintained by a Lexicon
 * passed through by reference.
 * Parameters: dictionary cleared in main as constant reference, Lexicon of used words
 * passed by reference since it can be altered, constant reference to the word 
 * looking to build off of
static Lexicon oneHopAway(const Lexicon& dictionary, Lexicon& usedWords, const string& topWord) {
	Lexicon oneHopAway;
	string alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
	for(int i = 0; i < topWord.length(); i++) {
		for(int j = 0; j < alphabet.length(); j++) {
			string testWord = topWord;
			testWord[i] = alphabet[j];
			if(dictionary.contains(testWord) && !usedWords.contains(testWord)) {
	return oneHopAway;
Exemplo n.º 5
/* Change the current word by one letter to create new true word.
 * Copy last ladder into new, and add new word to it.
void createNextLadder(string &currentWord, Vector<string>& firstLadder, Lexicon& usedWords, Queue<Vector<string>>& result, Lexicon& english){
    for(int i = 0; i < currentWord.length (); i++){
        for(char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++){
            if(currentWord[i] != c){
                string newWord = currentWord;
                newWord[i] = c;
                if(english.contains (newWord) && !usedWords.contains (newWord)){
                    Vector<string> nextLadder = firstLadder;
                    result.enqueue (nextLadder);
Exemplo n.º 6
static void generateAllPossibleWords(const Grid<char> & boggleBoard, Set<string> & wordsSpottedSoFar,
                                     const Lexicon & english, int rowIndex, int colIndex, string buildingWord,
                                     Set<coord> wordPath){
    buildingWord += boggleBoard[rowIndex][colIndex];
    if (buildingWord.size() >= kMinGuessLength && english.contains(buildingWord)
           && !wordsSpottedSoFar.contains(buildingWord)) {
         recordWordForPlayer(buildingWord, COMPUTER);
    if (!english.containsPrefix(buildingWord)) return;
    for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
        for (int j = -1; j <=1; j++){
            if(isShiftValid(boggleBoard, rowIndex, colIndex, i, j)){
                coord nextPos;
                nextPos.row = rowIndex + i;
                nextPos.col = colIndex + j;
                if (!wordPath.contains(nextPos)){
                    generateAllPossibleWords(boggleBoard, wordsSpottedSoFar, english,
                                             rowIndex + i, colIndex + j, buildingWord, wordPath);
Exemplo n.º 7
static void tryPlayerGuess(const Grid<char> & boggleBoard, Set<string> & playerAnswers,
                           string playerGuess, const Lexicon & english) {
    if (playerGuess.size() < kMinGuessLength){
        cout << endl << "Words need to be at least " +
             integerToString(kMinGuessLength) + " characters long" << endl;
    if (!english.contains(playerGuess)){
        cout << endl << "That word is not in the english language" << endl;
    playerGuess = toUpperCase(playerGuess);
    if (playerAnswers.contains(playerGuess)){
        cout << endl << "You have already guessed that word" << endl;
    for(int i = 0; i < boggleBoard.numRows(); i++){
        for(int j = 0; j < boggleBoard.numCols(); j++){
            Set <coord> wordPath;
            coord pos;
            pos.row = i;
            pos.col = j;
            if(tryPlayerGuess(boggleBoard, playerAnswers,
                           playerGuess, english, "", i, j, wordPath)){
                recordWordForPlayer(playerGuess, HUMAN);
    cout << endl << "That word is not on the board." << endl;
Exemplo n.º 8
//credit to erickwill, his code guided me to the answer
void recursiveFindWord(int row, int col,std::string soFar, Grid<char> &grid, Lexicon words, Vector<std::string> &foundWords)
    char orig = grid.get(row,col);
    soFar = soFar + grid.get(row,col);
    cout << "row = " << row << " col = " << col << endl;
    cout << "sofar = " << soFar << endl;

    if(words.contains(soFar) && !containsWord(foundWords,soFar)){
        cout << "contains word: " << soFar << endl;
        cout << "does not contain prefix: " << soFar << endl;

    for(int i = -1; i < 2; i++){
        for(int j = -1; j < 2; j++){
            if(row+i>=0 && col+j >=0 && row+i < grid.numRows() && col+j < grid.numCols() && (row+i < grid.numRows() && col+j < grid.numCols())
               && !(i==0 && j==0) && grid.get(row+i,col+j) != '~')

Exemplo n.º 9
//return a string vector as the shortest ladder, if found
//return an empty vector, if not found
Vector<string> bfs(string &startingWord, string &endingWord) {
	Lexicon english("EnglishWords.dat");
	Lexicon wordUsed;
	Queue<Vector<string>> queue;
	Vector<string> ladder;

	while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
		Vector<string> front = queue.dequeue();
		if (front.get(front.size() - 1) == endingWord)
			return front;
		string current = front.get(front.size() - 1);
		for (int i = 0; i < current.size(); i++)
			for (char j = 'a'; j <= 'z'; j++) 
				if (current[i] != j){
					string next = current;
					next[i] = j;
					if (!english.contains(next))
					if (wordUsed.contains(next))
					Vector<string> nextLadder = front;

	Vector<string> empty;
	return empty;
static string getWord(Lexicon& english, string prompt) {
    while (true) {
        string response = trim(toLowerCase(getLine(prompt)));
        if (response.empty() || english.contains(response)) return response;
        cout << "Your response needs to be an English word, so please try again." << endl;
Exemplo n.º 11
bool isInLexicon(string word, Lexicon & lex) {
    if (lex.contains(word)) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
Exemplo n.º 12
/* ListCompletions(string, Lexicon):
 * Prints all words from the lexicon that can be formed by extending
 * the given digit sequence.
void ListCompletions(string digits, Lexicon & lex) {
	int index=0;
	/*find the first digit*/
	while(index<(int)digits.length() && !isdigit(digits[index]))

	/*Don't start checking until the digits have been entirely converted to letters*/
	if(index == digits.length() ){
		string word = digits; //redundant, but helps me understand
		/*Lexicon doesn't containPrefix=>these aren't the droids I'm looking for*/
		if(!lex.containsPrefix(word)) return;
		/*Otherwise check if the current word is in the lexicon and print it if it is*/
		if( lex.contains(word)){
			cout << "\t" << word << endl;

		/*...and then try recursively checking after adding each letter*/
		for( char ch='a'; ch<='z'; ++ch){
			string newWord = digits + ch;
			ListCompletions(newWord, lex);

	/*make a prefix out of the current letters, check what could come next, and recursively check each*/
	string prefix = digits.substr(0, index);
	string digitLetters = letterSets[digits[index] - '0'];	//subtracting '0' converts digits[index] a char to an int
	int i=0;												//not intuitive at all
		ListCompletions(prefix + digitLetters[i] + digits.substr(index + 1), lex );
Exemplo n.º 13
/*Check the entered words with specified parameters. Convert them to lower case */
void readWords(string & firstWord, string & secondWord, Lexicon & lexicon){
    string quit = "RETURN";
    firstWord = getLine("Enter start word (RETURN to exit): ");
    if(firstWord == "" || !lexicon.contains (firstWord)){
        cout << "You entered not valid word. Try again..." << endl;
    } else if (firstWord == quit){
    firstWord = toLowerCase (firstWord);
    secondWord = toLowerCase (getLine ("Enter destination word: "));
    if(secondWord == "" || !lexicon.contains (secondWord)){
        cout << "You entered not valid word. Try again..." << endl;
    } else if (secondWord.length () != firstWord.length ()){
        cout << "The length of both words must be the same. Try again...";
Exemplo n.º 14
/* main */
int main() {
    Lexicon english;
    int total = 0;
    int totalWords = english.size();
    // C++11 "for" iteration loop
    for (string str : english) {
        string prefix = "s" + str;
        string suffix = str + "s";
        if (english.contains(prefix) && english.contains(suffix)) {
            cout << str << " :: " << prefix << " & " << suffix << endl;
    cout << endl << "The total number of words: " << totalWords << endl;
    cout << "The total S words: " << total << endl;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 15
 * Function: computersTurn
 * Usage: computersTurn(Lexicon &dictionary, Lexicon &usedWords, Grid<char> &charGrid, int gSize);
 * --------------------------
 * Accepts a lexicon of the English dictionary, a lexicon of the words which the human player 
 * has found, a character grid representing the current letters on the display and the board
 * size. For each word in the dictionary, if it is four letters or more and has a prefix that
 * corresponds to a current location on the display, the word is checked if it can be formed 
 * at that position on the board. Word that the player has already found are subtracted from the 
 * words which the computer has found. The computers points are then totaled.
void computersTurn(Lexicon &dictionary, Lexicon &usedWords, Grid<char> &charGrid, int gSize) {
	cout << endl << "Now the computer is taking its turn, prepare to lose! " << endl;
	Lexicon allWords = findAllWords(dictionary, charGrid, gSize);
	foreach(string word in allWords)  {
		if(!usedWords.contains(word)) {
			recordWordForPlayer(word, COMPUTER);
Exemplo n.º 16
 * Function: isValid()
 * --------------------------
 * Determines the validity of a word according to 4 requirements:
 * • It is at least four letters long.
 * • It has not already been included in the player’s word list (even if there is an alternate path on the
 *	 board to form the same word, the word is counted at most once).
 * • It is contained in the English lexicon.
 * • (function call) It can be formed on the board (i.e., it is composed of adjoining letters and each cube is used at most once).
bool isValid(string& word, Grid<char>& board, Grid<bool>& usedLetters, Lexicon& usedWords, Lexicon& english){
	if (word.length()<4){
		cout<<"\tSorry, that word is too short (4 character minimum)"<<endl;
		return false;
	if (usedWords.contains(word)){
		cout<<"\tSorry, that word has already been counted."<<endl;
		return false;
	if (!english.contains(word)){
		cout<<"\tSorry, that word is not in my dictionary."<<endl;
		return false;
	if(!canBeMade(word, board, usedLetters, 0, 0, board.numRows()-1)){
		cout<<"\tSorry, that word can't be made from the available board."<<endl;
		return false;
	else return true;
Exemplo n.º 17
bool isElementSpellable(string text, Lexicon& symbols) {
    for (int i = 1; i <= text.length() && i <=3 ; i++) {
        string tmp = text.substr(0, i);
        if(symbols.contains(text.substr(0, i)) && isElementSpellable(text.substr(i), symbols))
                            return true;  
    return false;
void ListCompletionsRec(Vector<string>prefixes, Lexicon & lex) {
    for (int i = 0; i < prefixes.size(); i ++) {
        string current = prefixes[i];
        if (lex.contains(current) || lex.containsPrefix(current)) {
            for (int i = 0; i < alphabet.length(); i ++) {
                current += alphabet[i];
                ListCompletionsRec(prefixes, lex);
Exemplo n.º 19
 * Function: getEnglishWord
 * getEnglishWord is similar to the Stanford getLine function but also adds
 * the program-specific requirements of checking if the user's input is an
 * English word or blank. Rather than calling a separate helper function
 * to determine if the user's input is an English word and housing all
 * condition checks in the main, this function can be called to check any word.
 * It returns a boolean as the check.
 * Parameters: dictionary declared in main as constant reference, a user-inputted word
 * that needs to be validated as a constant reference, and the prompt as a literal
static bool getEnglishWord(const Lexicon& dictionary, string& word, string prompt) {
	while(true) {
		cout << prompt;
		getline(cin, word);
		if(word.empty()) {
			return true;
		} else if(dictionary.contains(word)) {
			return false;
		cout << "Your response needs to be an English word, so please try again." << endl;
Exemplo n.º 20
bool isElementSpellable(string text, Lexicon& symbol) {
    // Base Case 0 (if there is no text at all):
    if (text == "") return true;
    for (int i = 1; i <= text.size() && i <= MAX_SYMBOL_SIZE; i++) {
        if (symbol.contains(text.substr(0, i)) && isElementSpellable(text.substr(i), symbol)) {
            return true;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 21
 * Function: humansTurn
 * Usage: humansTurn(Lexicon dictionary, Lexicon &usedWords, Grid<char> &charGrid, int gSize);
 * --------------------------
 * Accepts a lexicon of an English dictionary, a lexicon to store used words,
 * a grid of the current letters displayed and the size of the board.
 * Implements the human players turn by first prompting them to input an word then
 * it runs a series of checks on the word. If the word meets all the criteria, it
 * it added to the players score. The player is allowed to enter words until the enter nothing.
void humansTurn(Lexicon &dictionary, Lexicon &usedWords, Grid<char> &charGrid, int gSize) {
	cout << endl << "Take as long as you need to find as many words as you can within the Boggle display. " << endl;
	cout << endl << "Signal you are finished by entering an empty line. " << endl;
	string word = "";
	word = getLine("Enter a word: ");
	for(int i = 0; i < word.size(); i++) {
		word[i] = toupper(word[i]);
	while(word != "") {
		bool flag = true;
		if(word.length() < MIN_WORD_LENGTH) {  
			cout << endl << "Please enter a word that is four letters or more." << endl;
			flag = false;
		if(flag && !dictionary.contains(word)) {
			cout << endl << "This word is not found in the dictionary." << endl;
			flag = false;
		if(flag && usedWords.contains(word)) {
			cout << endl << "You have already used this word." << endl;
			flag = false;
		int count = 0;
		Grid<bool> boolGrid(gSize, gSize);
		if(flag && !checkWord(charGrid, boolGrid, gSize, word, count, 0, 0)) {
			cout << endl << "The word could not be found on the board." << endl;
			flag = false;
		/* If all of the criteria is met (flags are true), the word it recorded. */
		if(flag) {
			recordWordForPlayer(word, HUMAN);
			displayWord(boolGrid, gSize);
		word = getLine("Enter a word: ");
		for(int i = 0; i < word.size(); i++) {
			word[i] = toupper(word[i]);	
Exemplo n.º 22
 * Tries to identify a ladder of words from src to trg using Beadth-First Search
Stack<string> createLadder(Lexicon& dict, string& src, string& trg){
    Queue<Stack<string> > queue;
    bool complete = false;

    // Create initial stack for queue, containing source word
    // and push onto queue.
    Stack<string> init;

    // usedWords keeps track of words already used
    HashSet<string> usedWords;
    Stack<string> currentChain;
    Stack<string> newChain;
    string last, test;

     // This loop will iterate through the queue, adding new longer
     // ladder of words to the back of the queue if found. If a
     // ladder is identified as having the target word at it's top,
     // it is flaged as the successful ladder and returned after the
     // loop.

    while(!complete && !queue.isEmpty()){
        currentChain = queue.dequeue();
        last = currentChain.peek();
        if(last == trg){
            complete = true;
            for(int i=0; i<last.length(); i++){
                for(char c='a'; c<='z'; c++){
                    test = last.substr(0,i) + c + last.substr(i+1);
                    if(dict.contains(test) && !usedWords.contains(test)){
                        newChain = currentChain;
        return currentChain;
        // empty stack indicated no ladder found.
        Stack<string> empty;
        return empty;
static void generateLadder(Lexicon& english, string start, string end) {
    Lexicon usedWord;
    Queue<Vector<string> > queue;
    Vector<string> initialWordLadder;
    while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
        Vector<string> wordLadder = queue.dequeue();
        string topWord = wordLadder.get(wordLadder.size() - 1);
        if (topWord == end) {
            cout << "Found Ladder: ";
            for (int i = 0; i < wordLadder.size(); i++) {
                cout << wordLadder.get(i) << " ";
            cout << endl << endl;
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < topWord.length(); i++) {
                for (int j = 'a'; j <= 'z'; j++) {
                    if (topWord.at(i) != j) {
                        string newWord = topWord.substr(0, i) + char(j)
                        + topWord.substr(i + 1, topWord.length() - i - 1);
                        if (english.contains(newWord) && !usedWord.contains(newWord)) {
                            Vector<string> wordLadderClone = wordLadder;
Exemplo n.º 24
string wordLadder(string start, string destination, Lexicon& english){
	Queue< Vector<string> > ladderQueue;
	Lexicon usedWords;
	Vector<string> ladder, newLadder;
	string lastWordInLadder, newWord;
	int n;
		ladder = ladderQueue.dequeue();
		lastWordInLadder = ladder[ladder.size() - 1];

		if(lastWordInLadder == destination)return printLadder(ladder);
		for( n = 0; n < lastWordInLadder.length(); n++){
			newWord = lastWordInLadder;

			for(char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'  ; c++){
				newWord[n] = c;
				if(english.contains(newWord) && !usedWords.contains(newWord)){
					newLadder = ladder;

	return "No ladder found" ;
Recursive function used to populate a vector of words found from an initial position on the board and used to search words for 
the computer. This function returns a Vector of string elements.
Vector<string> ComputerWordSearch(Grid<char> &Board,string Candidate,Location Cursor,Lexicon &English)
	//Board copy to make recursive call
	Grid<char> NewBoard=Grid<char>();
	Location Pos;
	//Vector to store results
	Vector<string> Aux=Vector<string>();
	//vector to indicate failure, empty vector
	Vector<string> EmptyVec=Vector<string>();

	//if the search is heading to failure finish it
	if((!English.containsPrefix(Candidate))||Candidate.length()>8) return EmptyVec;

	//if you found a valid word, add it to your vector
	//search the adjacent cubes in search of a valid word path
	for(int dx=-1;dx<=1;dx++)
		for(int dy=-1;dy<=1;dy++)
			//if I point to the same cube or I am out of the board or I already used the cube do not search that way
				//add char to candidate
				//create board copy and mark used the char taken

				//if you can find a word using the path chosen, add the word to aux
				//backtracking, if I could not find a word this way I need to remove the last char from my candidate
	//return your vector full of valid words
	return Aux;
Exemplo n.º 26
void playOneGame(Boggle& boggle) {
        if(yesOrNo("Manually enter a board configuration? (Y/N) ")){
    Lexicon dic;
    vector<string> foundWords;
    string input;

        cout << "Your score: " << boggle.userScore() << endl;
        cout << "Type a word (or press Enter to end your turn): " << endl;
        getline(cin, input);
        std::transform(input.begin(), input.end(), input.begin(), ::toupper);
        if (input.size() <= 16 && input.size() > 3 && dic.contains(input)){
            if(boggle.possibleWord(input, dic)){
                cout << "You found a new word! " << input << endl;
    cout << "It's my turn!" << endl;
    cout << "My score: " << boggle.computerScore() << endl;
    if(boggle.computerScore() > boggle.userScore()){
        cout << "Ha ha ha, I destroyed you. Better luck next time, puny human!" << endl;
TIMED_TEST(LexiconTests, initializerListTest_Lexicon, TEST_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) {
    std::initializer_list<std::string> lexlist = {"sixty", "seventy"};
    std::initializer_list<std::string> lexallwords = {
        "ten", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy"

    Lexicon lex {"ten", "twenty", "thirty"};
    assertEqualsString("init list Lexicon", "{\"ten\", \"thirty\", \"twenty\"}", lex.toString());
    assertEqualsInt("init list Lexicon size", 3, lex.size());
    assertTrue("init list Lexicon contains ten", lex.contains("ten"));
    assertTrue("init list Lexicon contains twenty", lex.contains("twenty"));
    assertTrue("init list Lexicon contains thirty", lex.contains("thirty"));
    assertFalse("init list Lexicon contains forty", lex.contains("forty"));
    assertFalse("init list Lexicon contains fifty", lex.contains("fifty"));

    lex += {"forty", "fifty"};
    assertEqualsString("after += Lexicon", "{\"fifty\", \"forty\", \"ten\", \"thirty\", \"twenty\"}", lex.toString());
    assertEqualsInt("after += Lexicon size", 5, lex.size());
    assertTrue("init list Lexicon contains ten", lex.contains("ten"));
    assertTrue("init list Lexicon contains twenty", lex.contains("twenty"));
    assertTrue("init list Lexicon contains thirty", lex.contains("thirty"));
    assertTrue("init list Lexicon contains forty", lex.contains("forty"));
    assertTrue("init list Lexicon contains fifty", lex.contains("fifty"));
    assertFalse("init list Lexicon contains sixty", lex.contains("sixty"));
    assertFalse("init list Lexicon contains seventy", lex.contains("seventy"));

    Lexicon lex2 = (lex + lexlist);
    assertEqualsString("after += Lexicon", "{\"fifty\", \"forty\", \"ten\", \"thirty\", \"twenty\"}", lex.toString());
    assertEqualsInt("after + Lexicon size", 5, lex.size());
    assertTrue("init list Lexicon contains ten", lex.contains("ten"));
    assertTrue("init list Lexicon contains twenty", lex.contains("twenty"));
    assertTrue("init list Lexicon contains thirty", lex.contains("thirty"));
    assertTrue("init list Lexicon contains forty", lex.contains("forty"));
    assertTrue("init list Lexicon contains fifty", lex.contains("fifty"));
    assertFalse("init list Lexicon contains sixty", lex.contains("sixty"));
    assertFalse("init list Lexicon contains seventy", lex.contains("seventy"));

    assertEqualsString("after + Lexicon 2", "{\"fifty\", \"forty\", \"seventy\", \"sixty\", \"ten\", \"thirty\", \"twenty\"}", lex2.toString());
    assertEqualsInt("after + Lexicon 2 size", 7, lex2.size());
    assertTrue("init list Lexicon contains ten", lex2.contains("ten"));
    assertTrue("init list Lexicon contains twenty", lex2.contains("twenty"));
    assertTrue("init list Lexicon contains thirty", lex2.contains("thirty"));
    assertTrue("init list Lexicon contains forty", lex2.contains("forty"));
    assertTrue("init list Lexicon contains fifty", lex2.contains("fifty"));
    assertTrue("init list Lexicon contains sixty", lex2.contains("sixty"));
    assertTrue("init list Lexicon contains seventy", lex2.contains("seventy"));
Exemplo n.º 28
static int generateLadder(string start, string end) {
    // A queue of vector <string> holds data from breadth first search
    Queue < Vector <string> > wordLadder;
    // add a base case which just includes the start word
    Vector <string> base;
    // Lexicon from data file
    Lexicon english("EnglishWords.dat");
    // Lexicon holds words previously encountered
    Lexicon previousWords;
        Vector<string> currentVector = wordLadder.dequeue();
        // if the last string in the Vector equals the end word, we have found a complete ladder
        if (currentVector[currentVector.size()-1]==end) {
            cout << "Found ladder: ";
                for (int i = 0; i < currentVector.size()-1; i++){
                    cout << currentVector[i] << " ";
                cout << endl;
                return 1;
            else {
                // for loop that goes through each character position in the word
                for (int i = 0; i < start.length(); i ++){
                    // loops through the letters of the alphabet
                    for (char alphabet = 'a'; alphabet < '{'; alphabet++){
                        string wordAltered = currentVector[currentVector.size()-1];
                        // replacing the character in that index position with each of the 26 letters in turn
                        // if end word isn't in dictionary but is found, cout ladder.
                            if (wordAltered==end){
                                // N.B. don't use currentVector.size()-1 because the currentVector hasn't been updated with end word
                                for (int i = 0; i < currentVector.size(); i++){
                                    cout << currentVector[i] << " ";
                                cout << end << endl;
                                return 1;
                            // if wordAltered is in dictionary and hasn't been reached before, update word ladder
                            if (english.contains(wordAltered.c_str()) && !previousWords.contains(wordAltered.c_str())){
                                // copy currentVector, add the wordAltered to the newWords vector, update previous words Lexicon, enqueue newWords vector
                                Vector <string> newWords = currentVector;
    // if queue becomes empty, can't create a ladder. Ask user to play again
        cout << "Can't create a word ladder between " << start << " and " << end << endl;
        cout << "Try again" << endl;
    return 0;