Exemplo n.º 1
 * This function assemble the stiffnes matrix KK and the residual vector Res
 * Using automatic differentiation for Newton iterative scheme
 *                  J(u0) w =  - F(u0)  ,
 *                  with u = u0 + w
 *                  - F = f(x) - J u = Res
 *                  J = \grad_u F
 * thus
 *                  J w = f(x) - J u0
void AssemblePoissonProblem_AD(MultiLevelProblem& ml_prob) {
  //  ml_prob is the global object from/to where get/set all the data
  //  level is the level of the PDE system to be assembled
  //  levelMax is the Maximum level of the MultiLevelProblem
  //  assembleMatrix is a flag that tells if only the residual or also the matrix should be assembled

  // call the adept stack object

  adept::Stack& s = FemusInit::_adeptStack;

  //  extract pointers to the several objects that we are going to use

  LinearImplicitSystem* mlPdeSys  = &ml_prob.get_system<LinearImplicitSystem> ("Poisson");   // pointer to the linear implicit system named "Poisson"
  const unsigned level = mlPdeSys->GetLevelToAssemble();
  const unsigned levelMax = mlPdeSys->GetLevelMax();
  const bool assembleMatrix = mlPdeSys->GetAssembleMatrix();

  Mesh*                    msh = ml_prob._ml_msh->GetLevel(level);    // pointer to the mesh (level) object
  elem*                     el = msh->el;  // pointer to the elem object in msh (level)

  MultiLevelSolution*    mlSol = ml_prob._ml_sol;  // pointer to the multilevel solution object
  Solution*                sol = ml_prob._ml_sol->GetSolutionLevel(level);    // pointer to the solution (level) object

  LinearEquationSolver* pdeSys = mlPdeSys->_LinSolver[level]; // pointer to the equation (level) object
  SparseMatrix*             KK = pdeSys->_KK;  // pointer to the global stifness matrix object in pdeSys (level)
  NumericVector*           RES = pdeSys->_RES; // pointer to the global residual vector object in pdeSys (level)

  const unsigned  dim = msh->GetDimension(); // get the domain dimension of the problem
  unsigned dim2 = (3 * (dim - 1) + !(dim - 1));        // dim2 is the number of second order partial derivatives (1,3,6 depending on the dimension)
  const unsigned maxSize = static_cast< unsigned >(ceil(pow(3, dim)));          // conservative: based on line3, quad9, hex27

  unsigned    iproc = msh->processor_id(); // get the process_id (for parallel computation)

  //solution variable
  unsigned soluIndex;
  soluIndex = mlSol->GetIndex("u");    // get the position of "u" in the ml_sol object
  unsigned soluType = mlSol->GetSolutionType(soluIndex);    // get the finite element type for "u"

  unsigned soluPdeIndex;
  soluPdeIndex = mlPdeSys->GetSolPdeIndex("u");    // get the position of "u" in the pdeSys object

  vector < adept::adouble >  solu; // local solution

  vector < vector < double > > x(dim);    // local coordinates
  unsigned xType = 2; // get the finite element type for "x", it is always 2 (LAGRANGE QUADRATIC)

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < dim; i++) {

  vector <double> phi;  // local test function
  vector <double> phi_x; // local test function first order partial derivatives
  vector <double> phi_xx; // local test function second order partial derivatives
  double weight; // gauss point weight

  phi_x.reserve(maxSize * dim);
  phi_xx.reserve(maxSize * dim2);

  vector< adept::adouble > aRes; // local redidual vector

  vector< int > l2GMap; // local to global mapping
  vector< double > Res; // local redidual vector
  vector < double > Jac;
  Jac.reserve(maxSize * maxSize);

  if (assembleMatrix)
    KK->zero(); // Set to zero all the entries of the Global Matrix

  // element loop: each process loops only on the elements that owns
  for (int iel = msh->IS_Mts2Gmt_elem_offset[iproc]; iel < msh->IS_Mts2Gmt_elem_offset[iproc + 1]; iel++) {

    unsigned kel = msh->IS_Mts2Gmt_elem[iel]; // mapping between paralell dof and mesh dof
    short unsigned kelGeom = el->GetElementType(kel);    // element geometry type
    unsigned nDofu  = el->GetElementDofNumber(kel, soluType);    // number of solution element dofs
    unsigned nDofx = el->GetElementDofNumber(kel, xType);    // number of coordinate element dofs

    // resize local arrays

    for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {

    aRes.resize(nDofu);    //resize
    std::fill(aRes.begin(), aRes.end(), 0);    //set aRes to zero

    // local storage of global mapping and solution
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < nDofu; i++) {
      unsigned iNode = el->GetMeshDof(kel, i, soluType);    // local to global solution node
      unsigned solDof = msh->GetMetisDof(iNode, soluType);    // global to global mapping between solution node and solution dof
      solu[i] = (*sol->_Sol[soluIndex])(solDof);      // global extraction and local storage for the solution
      l2GMap[i] = pdeSys->GetKKDof(soluIndex, soluPdeIndex, iNode);    // global to global mapping between solution node and pdeSys dof

    // local storage of coordinates
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < nDofx; i++) {
      unsigned iNode = el->GetMeshDof(kel, i, xType);    // local to global coordinates node
      unsigned xDof  = msh->GetMetisDof(iNode, xType);    // global to global mapping between coordinates node and coordinate dof

      for (unsigned jdim = 0; jdim < dim; jdim++) {
        x[jdim][i] = (*msh->_coordinate->_Sol[jdim])(xDof);      // global extraction and local storage for the element coordinates

    if (level == levelMax || !el->GetRefinedElementIndex(kel)) {      // do not care about this if now (it is used for the AMR)
      // start a new recording of all the operations involving adept::adouble variables

      // *** Gauss point loop ***
      for (unsigned ig = 0; ig < msh->_finiteElement[kelGeom][soluType]->GetGaussPointNumber(); ig++) {
        // *** get gauss point weight, test function and test function partial derivatives ***
        msh->_finiteElement[kelGeom][soluType]->Jacobian(x, ig, weight, phi, phi_x, phi_xx);

        // evaluate the solution, the solution derivatives and the coordinates in the gauss point
        adept::adouble solu_gss = 0;
        vector < adept::adouble > gradSolu_gss(dim, 0.);
        vector < double > x_gss(dim, 0.);

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < nDofu; i++) {
          solu_gss += phi[i] * solu[i];

          for (unsigned jdim = 0; jdim < dim; jdim++) {
            gradSolu_gss[jdim] += phi_x[i * dim + jdim] * solu[i];
            x_gss[jdim] += x[jdim][i] * phi[i];

        // *** phi_i loop ***
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < nDofu; i++) {

          adept::adouble laplace = 0.;

          for (unsigned jdim = 0; jdim < dim; jdim++) {
            laplace   +=  phi_x[i * dim + jdim] * gradSolu_gss[jdim];

          double srcTerm = - GetExactSolutionLaplace(x_gss);
          aRes[i] += (srcTerm * phi[i] - laplace) * weight;

        } // end phi_i loop
      } // end gauss point loop
    } // endif single element not refined or fine grid loop

    // Add the local Matrix/Vector into the global Matrix/Vector

    //copy the value of the adept::adoube aRes in double Res and store
    Res.resize(nDofu);    //resize

    for (int i = 0; i < nDofu; i++) {
      Res[i] = - aRes[i].value();

    RES->add_vector_blocked(Res, l2GMap);

    if (assembleMatrix) {

      // define the dependent variables
      s.dependent(&aRes[0], nDofu);

      // define the independent variables
      s.independent(&solu[0], nDofu);

      // get the jacobian matrix (ordered by row major )
      Jac.resize(nDofu * nDofu);    //resize
      s.jacobian(&Jac[0], true);

      //store K in the global matrix KK
      KK->add_matrix_blocked(Jac, l2GMap, l2GMap);

  } //end element loop for each process


  if (assembleMatrix) KK->close();

  // ***************** END ASSEMBLY *******************