Exemplo n.º 1
void CollationServiceTest::TestRegisterFactory(void)
    int32_t n1, n2, n3;
    Locale fu_FU("fu", "FU", "");
    Locale fu_FU_FOO("fu", "FU", "FOO");

    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

    Hashtable* fuFUNames = new Hashtable(FALSE, status);
    if (!fuFUNames) {
        errln("memory allocation error");

    fuFUNames->put(fu_FU.getName(), new UnicodeString("ze leetle bunny Fu-Fu"), status);
    fuFUNames->put(fu_FU_FOO.getName(), new UnicodeString("zee leetel bunny Foo-Foo"), status);
    fuFUNames->put(Locale::getDefault().getName(), new UnicodeString("little bunny Foo Foo"), status);

    Collator* frcol = Collator::createInstance(Locale::getFrance(), status);
    Collator* gecol = Collator::createInstance(Locale::getGermany(), status);
    Collator* jpcol = Collator::createInstance(Locale::getJapan(), status);
    if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
      errcheckln(status, "Failed to create collators with %s", u_errorName(status));
      delete frcol;
      delete gecol;
      delete jpcol;
      delete fuFUNames;

    CollatorInfo** info = new CollatorInfo*[4];
    if (!info) {
        errln("memory allocation error");

    info[0] = new CollatorInfo(Locale::getUS(), frcol, NULL);
    info[1] = new CollatorInfo(Locale::getFrance(), gecol, NULL);
    info[2] = new CollatorInfo(fu_FU, jpcol, fuFUNames);
    info[3] = NULL;

    TestFactory* factory = new TestFactory(info);
    if (!factory) {
        errln("memory allocation error");

    Collator* uscol = Collator::createInstance(Locale::getUS(), status);
    Collator* fucol = Collator::createInstance(fu_FU, status);

        n1 = checkAvailable("before registerFactory");

        URegistryKey key = Collator::registerFactory(factory, status);

        n2 = checkAvailable("after registerFactory");
        assertTrue("count after > count before", n2 > n1);

        Collator* ncol = Collator::createInstance(Locale::getUS(), status);
        if (*frcol != *ncol) {
            errln("frcoll for en_US failed");
        delete ncol; ncol = NULL;

        ncol = Collator::createInstance(fu_FU_FOO, status);
        if (*jpcol != *ncol) {
            errln("jpcol for fu_FU_FOO failed");

        // The requested locale may be the same as the valid locale,
        // or may not be supported at all. See ticket #10477.
        Locale loc = ncol->getLocale(ULOC_REQUESTED_LOCALE, status);
        if (U_SUCCESS(status) && loc != fu_FU_FOO && loc != fu_FU) {
            errln(UnicodeString("requested locale for fu_FU_FOO is not fu_FU_FOO nor fu_FU but ") + loc.getName());
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        loc = ncol->getLocale(ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, status);
        if (loc != fu_FU) {
            errln(UnicodeString("valid locale for fu_FU_FOO is not fu_FU but ") + loc.getName());
        delete ncol; ncol = NULL;

        UnicodeString locName = fu_FU.getName();
        StringEnumeration* localeEnum = Collator::getAvailableLocales();
        UBool found = FALSE;
        const UnicodeString* locStr;
        for (locStr = localeEnum->snext(status);
            !found && locStr != NULL;
            locStr = localeEnum->snext(status))
            if (locName == *locStr) {
                found = TRUE;
        delete localeEnum;

        if (!found) {
            errln("new locale fu_FU not reported as supported locale");

        UnicodeString name;
        Collator::getDisplayName(fu_FU, name);
        if (name != "little bunny Foo Foo") {
            errln(UnicodeString("found ") + name + " for fu_FU");

        Collator::getDisplayName(fu_FU, fu_FU_FOO, name);
        if (name != "zee leetel bunny Foo-Foo") {
            errln(UnicodeString("found ") + name + " for fu_FU in fu_FU_FOO");

        if (!Collator::unregister(key, status)) {
            errln("failed to unregister factory");
        // ja, fr, ge collators no longer valid

        ncol = Collator::createInstance(fu_FU, status);
        if (*fucol != *ncol) {
            errln("collator after unregister does not match original fu_FU");
        delete ncol;

        n3 = checkAvailable("after unregister");
        assertTrue("count after unregister == count before register", n3 == n1);

    delete fucol;
    delete uscol;
Exemplo n.º 2
QVariant ChartItemModel::data( const QModelIndex &index, int role ) const
    QVariant result;
    if ( role == Qt::DisplayRole ) {
        if ( ! m_localizeValues ) {
            return data( index, Qt::EditRole );
        } else {
            QLocale locale;
            // TODO: temporary workaround while KLocale/money logic still used
            Locale *planLocale;
            Locale *tmpPlanLocale = 0;
            if (project()) {
                planLocale = project()->locale();
            } else {
                tmpPlanLocale = new Locale();
                planLocale = tmpPlanLocale;
            switch ( index.column() ) {
            case BCWSCost: result = planLocale->formatMoney( bcwsCost( index.row() ), QString(), 0 ); break;
            case BCWPCost: result = planLocale->formatMoney( bcwpCost( index.row() ), QString(), 0 ); break;
            case ACWPCost: result = planLocale->formatMoney( acwpCost( index.row() ), QString(), 0 ); break;
            case BCWSEffort: result = locale.toString( bcwsEffort( index.row() ), 'f', 0 ); break;
            case BCWPEffort: result = locale.toString( bcwpEffort( index.row() ), 'f', 0 ); break;
            case ACWPEffort: result = locale.toString( acwpEffort( index.row() ), 'f', 0 ); break;
            case SPICost: result = locale.toString( spiCost( index.row() ), 'f', 2 ); break;
            case CPICost: result = locale.toString( cpiCost( index.row() ), 'f', 2 ); break;
            case SPIEffort: result = locale.toString( spiEffort( index.row() ), 'f', 2 ); break;
            case CPIEffort: result = locale.toString( cpiEffort( index.row() ), 'f', 2 ); break;
            default: break;
            delete tmpPlanLocale;
        return result;
    } else if ( role == Qt::EditRole ) {
        switch ( index.column() ) {
        case BCWSCost: result = bcwsCost( index.row() ); break;
        case BCWPCost: result = bcwpCost( index.row() ); break;
        case ACWPCost: result = acwpCost( index.row() ); break;
        case BCWSEffort: result = bcwsEffort( index.row() ); break;
        case BCWPEffort: result = bcwpEffort( index.row() ); break;
        case ACWPEffort: result = acwpEffort( index.row() ); break;
        case SPICost: result = spiCost( index.row() ); break;
        case CPICost: result = cpiCost( index.row() ); break;
        case SPIEffort: result = spiEffort( index.row() ); break;
        case CPIEffort: result = cpiEffort( index.row() ); break;
        default: break;
        return result;
    } else if ( role == Qt::ForegroundRole ) {
        double v = 0.0;
        switch ( index.column() ) {
        case SPICost: v = spiCost( index.row() ); break;
        case CPICost: v = cpiCost( index.row() ); break;
        case SPIEffort: v = spiEffort( index.row() ); break;
        case CPIEffort: v = cpiEffort( index.row() ); break;
        default: break;
        if ( v > 0.0 && v < 1.0 ) {
            result = QBrush( Qt::red );
        return result;
    }  else if ( role == KChart::DatasetBrushRole ) {
        return headerData( index.column(), Qt::Horizontal, role );
    }  else if ( role == KChart::DatasetPenRole ) {
        return headerData( index.column(), Qt::Horizontal, role );
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 3
CalendarData::CalendarData(const Locale& loc, const char *type, UErrorCode& status)
  : fFillin(NULL), fOtherFillin(NULL), fBundle(NULL), fFallback(NULL) {
  initData(loc.getBaseName(), type, status);
Exemplo n.º 4
DecimalFormatSymbols::initialize(const Locale& loc, UErrorCode& status, UBool useLastResortData)
    static const char *gNumberElementKeys[kFormatSymbolCount] = {
        NULL, /* Native zero digit is deprecated from CLDR - get it from the numbering system */
        NULL, /* Pattern digit character is deprecated from CLDR - use # by default always */
        NULL, /* currency symbol - We don't really try to load this directly from CLDR until we know the currency */
        NULL, /* intl currency symbol - We don't really try to load this directly from CLDR until we know the currency */
        NULL, /* Escape padding character - not in CLDR */
        NULL, /* Significant digit symbol - not in CLDR */
        NULL, /* one digit - get it from the numbering system */
        NULL, /* two digit - get it from the numbering system */
        NULL, /* three digit - get it from the numbering system */
        NULL, /* four digit - get it from the numbering system */
        NULL, /* five digit - get it from the numbering system */
        NULL, /* six digit - get it from the numbering system */
        NULL, /* seven digit - get it from the numbering system */
        NULL, /* eight digit - get it from the numbering system */
        NULL, /* nine digit - get it from the numbering system */

    static const char *gLatn =  "latn";
    static const char *gSymbols = "symbols";
    const char *nsName;
    const UChar *sym = NULL;
    int32_t len = 0;

    *validLocale = *actualLocale = 0;
    currPattern = NULL;
    if (U_FAILURE(status))

    const char* locStr = loc.getName();
    UResourceBundle *resource = ures_open((char *)0, locStr, &status);
    UResourceBundle *numberElementsRes = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(resource, gNumberElements, NULL, &status);

    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        if ( useLastResortData ) {
            status = U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING;
    } else {

        // First initialize all the symbols to the fallbacks for anything we can't find

        // Next get the numbering system for this locale and set zero digit
        // and the digit string based on the numbering system for the locale

        NumberingSystem* ns = NumberingSystem::createInstance(loc,status);
        if (U_SUCCESS(status) && ns->getRadix() == 10 && !ns->isAlgorithmic()) {
            nsName = ns->getName();
            UnicodeString digitString(ns->getDescription());
            setSymbol(kZeroDigitSymbol,  digitString.tempSubString(0, 1), FALSE);
            setSymbol(kOneDigitSymbol,   digitString.tempSubString(1, 1), FALSE);
            setSymbol(kTwoDigitSymbol,   digitString.tempSubString(2, 1), FALSE);
            setSymbol(kThreeDigitSymbol, digitString.tempSubString(3, 1), FALSE);
            setSymbol(kFourDigitSymbol,  digitString.tempSubString(4, 1), FALSE);
            setSymbol(kFiveDigitSymbol,  digitString.tempSubString(5, 1), FALSE);
            setSymbol(kSixDigitSymbol,   digitString.tempSubString(6, 1), FALSE);
            setSymbol(kSevenDigitSymbol, digitString.tempSubString(7, 1), FALSE);
            setSymbol(kEightDigitSymbol, digitString.tempSubString(8, 1), FALSE);
            setSymbol(kNineDigitSymbol,  digitString.tempSubString(9, 1), FALSE);
        } else {
            nsName = gLatn;
        UBool isLatn = !uprv_strcmp(nsName,gLatn);

        UErrorCode nlStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        UResourceBundle *nonLatnSymbols = NULL;
        if ( !isLatn ) {
            nonLatnSymbols = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(numberElementsRes, nsName, NULL, &nlStatus);
            nonLatnSymbols = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(nonLatnSymbols, gSymbols, nonLatnSymbols, &nlStatus);

        UResourceBundle *latnSymbols = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(numberElementsRes, gLatn, NULL, &status);
        latnSymbols = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(latnSymbols, gSymbols, latnSymbols, &status);

        UBool kMonetaryDecimalSet = FALSE;
        UBool kMonetaryGroupingSet = FALSE;
        for(int32_t i = 0; i<kFormatSymbolCount; i++) {
            if ( gNumberElementKeys[i] != NULL ) {
                UErrorCode localStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                if ( !isLatn ) {
                    sym = ures_getStringByKeyWithFallback(nonLatnSymbols,gNumberElementKeys[i],&len,&localStatus);
                    // If we can't find the symbol in the numbering system specific resources,
                    // use the "latn" numbering system as the fallback.
                    if ( U_FAILURE(localStatus) ) {
                        localStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                        sym = ures_getStringByKeyWithFallback(latnSymbols,gNumberElementKeys[i],&len,&localStatus);
                } else {
                        sym = ures_getStringByKeyWithFallback(latnSymbols,gNumberElementKeys[i],&len,&localStatus);

                if ( U_SUCCESS(localStatus) ) {
                    setSymbol((ENumberFormatSymbol)i, UnicodeString(TRUE, sym, len));
                    if ( i == kMonetarySeparatorSymbol ) {
                        kMonetaryDecimalSet = TRUE;
                    } else if ( i == kMonetaryGroupingSeparatorSymbol ) {
                        kMonetaryGroupingSet = TRUE;

        if ( !isLatn ) {

        // If monetary decimal or grouping were not explicitly set, then set them to be the
        // same as their non-monetary counterparts.

        if ( !kMonetaryDecimalSet ) {
        if ( !kMonetaryGroupingSet ) {

        if (ns) {
            delete ns;

        // Obtain currency data from the currency API.  This is strictly
        // for backward compatibility; we don't use DecimalFormatSymbols
        // for currency data anymore.
        UErrorCode internalStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR; // don't propagate failures out
        UChar curriso[4];
        UnicodeString tempStr;
        ucurr_forLocale(locStr, curriso, 4, &internalStatus);

        // Reuse numberElements[0] as a temporary buffer
        uprv_getStaticCurrencyName(curriso, locStr, tempStr, internalStatus);
        if (U_SUCCESS(internalStatus)) {
            fSymbols[kIntlCurrencySymbol].setTo(curriso, -1);
            fSymbols[kCurrencySymbol] = tempStr;
        /* else use the default values. */

        U_LOCALE_BASED(locBased, *this);
                              ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, &status),
                              ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE, &status));
        //load the currency data
        UChar ucc[4]={0}; //Currency Codes are always 3 chars long
        int32_t uccLen = 4;
        const char* locName = loc.getName();
        UErrorCode localStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        uccLen = ucurr_forLocale(locName, ucc, uccLen, &localStatus);

        if(U_SUCCESS(localStatus) && uccLen > 0) {
            char cc[4]={0};
            u_UCharsToChars(ucc, cc, uccLen);
            /* An explicit currency was requested */
            UResourceBundle *currencyResource = ures_open(U_ICUDATA_CURR, locStr, &localStatus);
            UResourceBundle *currency = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(currencyResource, "Currencies", NULL, &localStatus);
            currency = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(currency, cc, currency, &localStatus);
            if(U_SUCCESS(localStatus) && ures_getSize(currency)>2) { // the length is 3 if more data is present
                currency = ures_getByIndex(currency, 2, currency, &localStatus);
                int32_t currPatternLen = 0;
                currPattern = ures_getStringByIndex(currency, (int32_t)0, &currPatternLen, &localStatus);
                UnicodeString decimalSep = ures_getUnicodeStringByIndex(currency, (int32_t)1, &localStatus);
                UnicodeString groupingSep = ures_getUnicodeStringByIndex(currency, (int32_t)2, &localStatus);
                    fSymbols[kMonetaryGroupingSeparatorSymbol] = groupingSep;
                    fSymbols[kMonetarySeparatorSymbol] = decimalSep;
                    //pattern.setTo(TRUE, currPattern, currPatternLen);
                    status = localStatus;
            /* else An explicit currency was requested and is unknown or locale data is malformed. */
            /* ucurr_* API will get the correct value later on. */
            // else ignore the error if no currency

        // Currency Spacing.
        localStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        UResourceBundle *currencyResource = ures_open(U_ICUDATA_CURR, locStr, &localStatus);
        UResourceBundle *currencySpcRes = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(currencyResource,
                                           gCurrencySpacingTag, NULL, &localStatus);

        if (localStatus == U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING || U_SUCCESS(localStatus)) {
            const char* keywords[UNUM_CURRENCY_SPACING_COUNT] = {
                gCurrencyMatchTag, gCurrencySudMatchTag, gCurrencyInsertBtnTag
            localStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            UResourceBundle *dataRes = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(currencySpcRes,
                                       gBeforeCurrencyTag, NULL, &localStatus);
            if (localStatus == U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING || U_SUCCESS(localStatus)) {
                localStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                for (int32_t i = 0; i < UNUM_CURRENCY_SPACING_COUNT; i++) {
                  currencySpcBeforeSym[i] = ures_getUnicodeStringByKey(dataRes, keywords[i], &localStatus);
            dataRes = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(currencySpcRes,
                                      gAfterCurrencyTag, NULL, &localStatus);
            if (localStatus == U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING || U_SUCCESS(localStatus)) {
                localStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                for (int32_t i = 0; i < UNUM_CURRENCY_SPACING_COUNT; i++) {
                  currencySpcAfterSym[i] = ures_getUnicodeStringByKey(dataRes, keywords[i], &localStatus);

Exemplo n.º 5
CurrencyPluralInfo::setupCurrencyPluralPattern(const Locale& loc, UErrorCode& status) {
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {

    if (fPluralCountToCurrencyUnitPattern) {
    fPluralCountToCurrencyUnitPattern = initHash(status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {

    UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UResourceBundle *rb = ures_open(NULL, loc.getName(), &ec);
    rb = ures_getByKey(rb, gNumberElementsTag, rb, &ec);
    rb = ures_getByKey(rb, gLatnTag, rb, &ec);
    rb = ures_getByKey(rb, gPatternsTag, rb, &ec);
    int32_t ptnLen;
    const UChar* numberStylePattern = ures_getStringByKeyWithFallback(rb, gDecimalFormatTag, &ptnLen, &ec);
    int32_t numberStylePatternLen = ptnLen;
    const UChar* negNumberStylePattern = NULL;
    int32_t negNumberStylePatternLen = 0;
    // TODO: Java
    // parse to check whether there is ";" separator in the numberStylePattern
    UBool hasSeparator = false;
    if (U_SUCCESS(ec)) {
        for (int32_t styleCharIndex = 0; styleCharIndex < ptnLen; ++styleCharIndex) {
            if (numberStylePattern[styleCharIndex] == gNumberPatternSeparator) {
                hasSeparator = true;
                // split the number style pattern into positive and negative
                negNumberStylePattern = numberStylePattern + styleCharIndex + 1;
                negNumberStylePatternLen = ptnLen - styleCharIndex - 1;
                numberStylePatternLen = styleCharIndex;

    if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {

    UResourceBundle *currRb = ures_open(U_ICUDATA_CURR, loc.getName(), &ec);
    UResourceBundle *currencyRes = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(currRb, gCurrUnitPtnTag, NULL, &ec);
    std::cout << "in set up\n";
    StringEnumeration* keywords = fPluralRules->getKeywords(ec);
    if (U_SUCCESS(ec)) {
        const char* pluralCount;
        while ((pluralCount = keywords->next(NULL, ec)) != NULL) {
            if ( U_SUCCESS(ec) ) {
                int32_t ptnLen;
                UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                const UChar* patternChars = ures_getStringByKeyWithFallback(
                    currencyRes, pluralCount, &ptnLen, &err);
                if (U_SUCCESS(err) && ptnLen > 0) {
                    UnicodeString* pattern = new UnicodeString(patternChars, ptnLen);
                    char result_1[1000];
                    pattern->extract(0, pattern->length(), result_1, "UTF-8");
                    std::cout << "pluralCount: " << pluralCount << "; pattern: " << result_1 << "\n";
                      UnicodeString(numberStylePattern, numberStylePatternLen));
                    pattern->findAndReplace(gPart1, gTripleCurrencySign);

                    if (hasSeparator) {
                        UnicodeString negPattern(patternChars, ptnLen);
                          UnicodeString(negNumberStylePattern, negNumberStylePatternLen));
                        negPattern.findAndReplace(gPart1, gTripleCurrencySign);
                    pattern->extract(0, pattern->length(), result_1, "UTF-8");
                    std::cout << "pluralCount: " << pluralCount << "; pattern: " << result_1 << "\n";

                    fPluralCountToCurrencyUnitPattern->put(UnicodeString(pluralCount), pattern, status);
    delete keywords;
Exemplo n.º 6
LocaleDisplayNamesImpl::localeDisplayName(const Locale& locale,
                                          UnicodeString& result) const {
  UnicodeString resultName;

  const char* lang = locale.getLanguage();
  if (uprv_strlen(lang) == 0) {
    lang = "root";
  const char* script = locale.getScript();
  const char* country = locale.getCountry();
  const char* variant = locale.getVariant();

  UBool hasScript = uprv_strlen(script) > 0;
  UBool hasCountry = uprv_strlen(country) > 0;
  UBool hasVariant = uprv_strlen(variant) > 0;

  if (dialectHandling == ULDN_DIALECT_NAMES) {
    char buffer[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
    do { // loop construct is so we can break early out of search
      if (hasScript && hasCountry) {
        ncat(buffer, ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY, lang, "_", script, "_", country, (char *)0);
        localeIdName(buffer, resultName);
        if (!resultName.isBogus()) {
          hasScript = FALSE;
          hasCountry = FALSE;
      if (hasScript) {
        ncat(buffer, ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY, lang, "_", script, (char *)0);
        localeIdName(buffer, resultName);
        if (!resultName.isBogus()) {
          hasScript = FALSE;
      if (hasCountry) {
        ncat(buffer, ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY, lang, "_", country, (char*)0);
        localeIdName(buffer, resultName);
        if (!resultName.isBogus()) {
          hasCountry = FALSE;
    } while (FALSE);
  if (resultName.isBogus() || resultName.isEmpty()) {
    localeIdName(lang, resultName);

  UnicodeString resultRemainder;
  UnicodeString temp;
  StringEnumeration *e = NULL;
  UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

  if (hasScript) {
    resultRemainder.append(scriptDisplayName(script, temp));
  if (hasCountry) {
    appendWithSep(resultRemainder, regionDisplayName(country, temp));
  if (hasVariant) {
    appendWithSep(resultRemainder, variantDisplayName(variant, temp));

  e = locale.createKeywords(status);
  if (e && U_SUCCESS(status)) {
    UnicodeString temp2;
    const char* key;
    while ((key = e->next((int32_t *)0, status)) != NULL) {
      locale.getKeywordValue(key, value, ULOC_KEYWORD_AND_VALUES_CAPACITY, status);
      keyDisplayName(key, temp);
      keyValueDisplayName(key, value, temp2);
      if (temp2 != UnicodeString(value, -1, US_INV)) {
        appendWithSep(resultRemainder, temp2);
      } else if (temp != UnicodeString(key, -1, US_INV)) {
        UnicodeString temp3;
        Formattable data[] = {
        FieldPosition fpos;
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        keyTypeFormat->format(data, 2, temp3, fpos, status);
        appendWithSep(resultRemainder, temp3);
      } else {
        appendWithSep(resultRemainder, temp)
          .append((UChar)0x3d /* = */)
    delete e;

  if (!resultRemainder.isEmpty()) {
    Formattable data[] = {
    FieldPosition fpos;
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    format->format(data, 2, result, fpos, status);
    return result;

  return result = resultName;
Exemplo n.º 7
void getSupportedKeySizes(Locale& locale, Vector<String>& sizes)
    sizes[0] = locale.queryString(blink::WebLocalizedString::KeygenMenuHighGradeKeySize);
    sizes[1] = locale.queryString(blink::WebLocalizedString::KeygenMenuMediumGradeKeySize);
Exemplo n.º 8
std::string L10n::GetLocaleCountry(const std::string& locale) const
	Locale loc = Locale::createCanonical(locale.c_str());
	return loc.getCountry();
Exemplo n.º 9
TZGNCore::initialize(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status) {
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {

    // TimeZoneNames
    fTimeZoneNames = TimeZoneNames::createInstance(locale, status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {

    // Initialize format patterns
    UnicodeString rpat(TRUE, gDefRegionPattern, -1);
    UnicodeString fpat(TRUE, gDefFallbackPattern, -1);

    UErrorCode tmpsts = U_ZERO_ERROR;   // OK with fallback warning..
    UResourceBundle *zoneStrings = ures_open(U_ICUDATA_ZONE, locale.getName(), &tmpsts);
    zoneStrings = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(zoneStrings, gZoneStrings, zoneStrings, &tmpsts);

    if (U_SUCCESS(tmpsts)) {
        const UChar *regionPattern = ures_getStringByKeyWithFallback(zoneStrings, gRegionFormatTag, NULL, &tmpsts);
        if (U_SUCCESS(tmpsts) && u_strlen(regionPattern) > 0) {
            rpat.setTo(regionPattern, -1);
        tmpsts = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        const UChar *fallbackPattern = ures_getStringByKeyWithFallback(zoneStrings, gFallbackFormatTag, NULL, &tmpsts);
        if (U_SUCCESS(tmpsts) && u_strlen(fallbackPattern) > 0) {
            fpat.setTo(fallbackPattern, -1);

    fRegionFormat = new MessageFormat(rpat, status);
    if (fRegionFormat == NULL) {
    fFallbackFormat = new MessageFormat(fpat, status);
    if (fFallbackFormat == NULL) {
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {

    // locale display names
    fLocaleDisplayNames = LocaleDisplayNames::createInstance(locale);

    // hash table for names - no key/value deleters
    fLocationNamesMap = uhash_open(uhash_hashUChars, uhash_compareUChars, NULL, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {

    fPartialLocationNamesMap = uhash_open(hashPartialLocationKey, comparePartialLocationKey, NULL, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    uhash_setKeyDeleter(fPartialLocationNamesMap, uprv_free);
    // no value deleter

    // target region
    const char* region = fLocale.getCountry();
    int32_t regionLen = uprv_strlen(region);
    if (regionLen == 0) {
        char loc[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
        uloc_addLikelySubtags(fLocale.getName(), loc, sizeof(loc), &status);

        regionLen = uloc_getCountry(loc, fTargetRegion, sizeof(fTargetRegion), &status);
        if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
            fTargetRegion[regionLen] = 0;
        } else {
    } else if (regionLen < (int32_t)sizeof(fTargetRegion)) {
        uprv_strcpy(fTargetRegion, region);
    } else {
        fTargetRegion[0] = 0;

    // preload generic names for the default zone
    TimeZone *tz = TimeZone::createDefault();
    const UChar *tzID = ZoneMeta::getCanonicalCLDRID(*tz);
    if (tzID != NULL) {
    delete tz;
Exemplo n.º 10
TimeZoneNamesDelegate::TimeZoneNamesDelegate(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status) {
    Mutex lock(&gTimeZoneNamesLock);
    if (!gTimeZoneNamesCacheInitialized) {
        // Create empty hashtable if it is not already initialized.
        gTimeZoneNamesCache = uhash_open(uhash_hashChars, uhash_compareChars, NULL, &status);
        if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
            uhash_setKeyDeleter(gTimeZoneNamesCache, uprv_free);
            uhash_setValueDeleter(gTimeZoneNamesCache, deleteTimeZoneNamesCacheEntry);
            gTimeZoneNamesCacheInitialized = TRUE;
            ucln_i18n_registerCleanup(UCLN_I18N_TIMEZONENAMES, timeZoneNames_cleanup);

    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {

    // Check the cache, if not available, create new one and cache
    TimeZoneNamesCacheEntry *cacheEntry = NULL;

    const char *key = locale.getName();
    cacheEntry = (TimeZoneNamesCacheEntry *)uhash_get(gTimeZoneNamesCache, key);
    if (cacheEntry == NULL) {
        TimeZoneNames *tznames = NULL;
        char *newKey = NULL;

        tznames = new TimeZoneNamesImpl(locale, status);
        if (tznames == NULL) {
            status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
        if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
            newKey = (char *)uprv_malloc(uprv_strlen(key) + 1);
            if (newKey == NULL) {
                status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
            } else {
                uprv_strcpy(newKey, key);
        if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
            cacheEntry = (TimeZoneNamesCacheEntry *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(TimeZoneNamesCacheEntry));
            if (cacheEntry == NULL) {
                status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
            } else {
                cacheEntry->names = tznames;
                cacheEntry->refCount = 1;
                cacheEntry->lastAccess = (double)uprv_getUTCtime();

                uhash_put(gTimeZoneNamesCache, newKey, cacheEntry, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            if (tznames != NULL) {
                delete tznames;
            if (newKey != NULL) {
            if (cacheEntry != NULL) {
            cacheEntry = NULL;
    } else {
        // Update the reference count
        cacheEntry->lastAccess = (double)uprv_getUTCtime();
    if (gAccessCount >= SWEEP_INTERVAL) {
        // sweep
        gAccessCount = 0;
    fTZnamesCacheEntry = cacheEntry;
Exemplo n.º 11
    virtual void run()
        fTraceInfo                     = 1;
        LocalPointer<NumberFormat> percentFormatter;
        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

#if 0
        // debugging code,
        for (int i=0; i<4000; i++) {
            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            UDataMemory *data1 = udata_openChoice(0, "res", "en_US", isAcceptable, 0, &status);
            UDataMemory *data2 = udata_openChoice(0, "res", "fr", isAcceptable, 0, &status);
            if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                error("udata_openChoice failed.\n");

#if 0
        // debugging code,
        int m;
        for (m=0; m<4000; m++) {
            status         = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            UResourceBundle *res   = NULL;
            const char *localeName = NULL;

            Locale  loc = Locale::getEnglish();

            localeName = loc.getName();
            // localeName = "en";

            // ResourceBundle bund = ResourceBundle(0, loc, status);
            res = ures_open(NULL, localeName, &status);


            if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                error("Resource bundle construction failed.\n");

        // Keep this data here to avoid static initialization.
        FormatThreadTestData kNumberFormatTestData[] =
            FormatThreadTestData((double)5.0, UnicodeString("5", "")),
                FormatThreadTestData( 6.0, UnicodeString("6", "")),
                FormatThreadTestData( 20.0, UnicodeString("20", "")),
                FormatThreadTestData( 8.0, UnicodeString("8", "")),
                FormatThreadTestData( 8.3, UnicodeString("8.3", "")),
                FormatThreadTestData( 12345, UnicodeString("12,345", "")),
                FormatThreadTestData( 81890.23, UnicodeString("81,890.23", "")),
        int32_t kNumberFormatTestDataLength = UPRV_LENGTHOF(kNumberFormatTestData);

        // Keep this data here to avoid static initialization.
        FormatThreadTestData kPercentFormatTestData[] =
            FormatThreadTestData((double)5.0, CharsToUnicodeString("500\\u00a0%")),
                FormatThreadTestData( 1.0, CharsToUnicodeString("100\\u00a0%")),
                FormatThreadTestData( 0.26, CharsToUnicodeString("26\\u00a0%")),
                   16384.99, CharsToUnicodeString("1\\u00a0638\\u00a0499\\u00a0%")), // U+00a0 = NBSP
                    81890.23, CharsToUnicodeString("8\\u00a0189\\u00a0023\\u00a0%")),
        int32_t kPercentFormatTestDataLength = UPRV_LENGTHOF(kPercentFormatTestData);
        int32_t iteration;

        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        LocalPointer<NumberFormat> formatter(NumberFormat::createInstance(Locale::getEnglish(),status));
        if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
            IntlTest::gTest->dataerrln("%s:%d Error %s on NumberFormat::createInstance().",
                    __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status));
            goto cleanupAndReturn;

        if(U_FAILURE(status))             {
            IntlTest::gTest->errln("%s:%d Error %s on NumberFormat::createPercentInstance().",
                    __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status));
            goto cleanupAndReturn;

        for(iteration = 0;!IntlTest::gTest->getErrors() && iteration<kFormatThreadIterations;iteration++)

            int32_t whichLine = (iteration + fOffset)%kNumberFormatTestDataLength;

            UnicodeString  output;

            formatter->format(kNumberFormatTestData[whichLine].number, output);

            if(0 != output.compare(kNumberFormatTestData[whichLine].string)) {
                IntlTest::gTest->errln("format().. expected " + kNumberFormatTestData[whichLine].string
                        + " got " + output);
                goto cleanupAndReturn;

            // Now check percent.
            whichLine = (iteration + fOffset)%kPercentFormatTestDataLength;

            percentFormatter->format(kPercentFormatTestData[whichLine].number, output);
            if(0 != output.compare(kPercentFormatTestData[whichLine].string))
                IntlTest::gTest->errln("percent format().. \n" +
                goto cleanupAndReturn;

            // Test message error
            const int       kNumberOfMessageTests = 3;
            UErrorCode      statusToCheck;
            UnicodeString   patternToCheck;
            Locale          messageLocale;
            Locale          countryToCheck;
            double          currencyToCheck;

            UnicodeString   expected;

            // load the cases.
            switch((iteration+fOffset) % kNumberOfMessageTests)
            case 0:
                statusToCheck=                      U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR;
                patternToCheck=        "0:Someone from {2} is receiving a #{0}"
                                       " error - {1}. Their telephone call is costing "
                                       "{3,number,currency}."; // number,currency
                messageLocale=                      Locale("en","US");
                countryToCheck=                     Locale("","HR");
                currencyToCheck=                    8192.77;
                expected=  "0:Someone from Croatia is receiving a #4 error - "
                            "U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR. Their telephone call is costing $8,192.77.";
            case 1:
                statusToCheck=                      U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR;
                patternToCheck=                     "1:A customer in {2} is receiving a #{0} error - {1}. "
                                                    "Their telephone call is costing {3,number,currency}."; // number,currency
                messageLocale=                      Locale("de","DE@currency=DEM");
                countryToCheck=                     Locale("","BF");
                currencyToCheck=                    2.32;
                expected=                           CharsToUnicodeString(
                                                    "1:A customer in Burkina Faso is receiving a #8 error - U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR. "
                                                    "Their telephone call is costing 2,32\\u00A0DM.");
            case 2:
                statusToCheck=                      U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
                patternToCheck=   "2:user in {2} is receiving a #{0} error - {1}. "
                                  "They insist they just spent {3,number,currency} "
                                  "on memory."; // number,currency
                messageLocale=                      Locale("de","AT@currency=ATS"); // Austrian German
                countryToCheck=                     Locale("","US"); // hmm
                currencyToCheck=                    40193.12;
                expected=       CharsToUnicodeString(
                            "2:user in Vereinigte Staaten is receiving a #7 error"
                            " - U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR. They insist they just spent"
                            " \\u00f6S\\u00A040\\u00A0193,12 on memory.");

            UnicodeString result;
            UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                UnicodeString tmp(u_errorName(status));
                IntlTest::gTest->errln("Failure on message format, pattern=" + patternToCheck +
                        ", error = " + tmp);
                goto cleanupAndReturn;

            if(result != expected)
                IntlTest::gTest->errln("PatternFormat: \n" + showDifference(expected,result));
                goto cleanupAndReturn;
            // test the Thread Safe Format
            UnicodeString appendErr;
            if(!fTSF->doStuff(fNum, appendErr, status)) {
              goto cleanupAndReturn;
        }   /*  end of for loop */

        fTraceInfo = 2;
Exemplo n.º 12
void AlphabeticIndex::getIndexExemplars(UnicodeSet  &dest, const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status) {
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {

    LocalULocaleDataPointer uld(ulocdata_open(locale.getName(), &status));
    UnicodeSet exemplars;
    ulocdata_getExemplarSet(uld.getAlias(), exemplars.toUSet(), 0, ULOCDATA_ES_INDEX, &status);
    if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;  // Clear out U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR

    // Locale data did not include explicit Index characters.
    // Synthesize a set of them from the locale's standard exemplar characters.

    ulocdata_getExemplarSet(uld.getAlias(), exemplars.toUSet(), 0, ULOCDATA_ES_STANDARD, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {

    // Upper-case any that aren't already so.
    //   (We only do this for synthesized index characters.)

    UnicodeSetIterator it(exemplars);
    UnicodeString upperC;
    UnicodeSet  lowersToRemove;
    UnicodeSet  uppersToAdd;
    while (it.next()) {
        const UnicodeString &exemplarC = it.getString();
        upperC = exemplarC;
        if (exemplarC != upperC) {

    // get the exemplars, and handle special cases

    // question: should we add auxiliary exemplars?
    if (exemplars.containsSome(*CORE_LATIN)) {
    if (exemplars.containsSome(*HANGUL)) {
        // cut down to small list
        UnicodeSet BLOCK_HANGUL_SYLLABLES(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[:block=hangul_syllables:]"), status);
    if (exemplars.containsSome(*ETHIOPIC)) {
        // cut down to small list
        // make use of the fact that Ethiopic is allocated in 8's, where
        // the base is 0 mod 8.
        UnicodeSetIterator  it(*ETHIOPIC);
        while (it.next() && !it.isString()) {
            if ((it.getCodepoint() & 0x7) != 0) {
void NUMBER_Format(sLONG_PTR *pResult, PackagePtr pParams)
	C_REAL Param1;
	C_TEXT Param2;
	C_LONGINT Param3;
	C_TEXT Param4;
	C_TEXT Param5;
	C_LONGINT returnValue;
	Param1.fromParamAtIndex(pParams, 1);
	Param3.fromParamAtIndex(pParams, 3);
	Param4.fromParamAtIndex(pParams, 4);
	Param5.fromParamAtIndex(pParams, 5);
	// --- write the code of NUMBER_Format here...
	UErrorCode	status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
	UParseError	perror;
	Locale locale;
		CUTF8String u;
		Locale inLocale = Locale((const char *)u.c_str());
			locale = Locale(inLocale);
	if(status == U_ZERO_ERROR){
		int mode = Param3.getIntValue();
				UnicodeString rules = UnicodeString((const UChar *)Param5.getUTF16StringPtr());
				RuleBasedNumberFormat fmt = RuleBasedNumberFormat(rules, locale, perror, status);
				if(status == U_ZERO_ERROR || status == U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING || status == U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING){
					UnicodeString numberString;
					fmt.format(Param1.getDoubleValue(), numberString);
					DT::setUnicodeString(Param2, numberString);
					status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
			switch (mode) {
					RuleBasedNumberFormat fmt = RuleBasedNumberFormat((URBNFRuleSetTag)mode, locale, status);
					if(status == U_ZERO_ERROR || status == U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING || status == U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING){
						UnicodeString numberString;
						fmt.format(Param1.getDoubleValue(), numberString);
						DT::setUnicodeString(Param2, numberString);
						status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
	Param2.toParamAtIndex(pParams, 2);
Exemplo n.º 14
std::string L10n::GetDictionaryLocale(const std::string& configLocaleString) const
	Locale out;
	GetDictionaryLocale(configLocaleString, out);
	return out.getName();
Exemplo n.º 15
RuleBasedNumberFormat::RuleBasedNumberFormat(URBNFRuleSetTag tag, const Locale& alocale, UErrorCode& status)
  : ruleSets(NULL)
  , defaultRuleSet(NULL)
  , locale(alocale)
  , collator(NULL)
  , decimalFormatSymbols(NULL)
  , lenient(FALSE)
  , lenientParseRules(NULL)
  , localizations(NULL)
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {

    const char* rules_tag = "RBNFRules";
    const char* fmt_tag = "";
    switch (tag) {
    case URBNF_SPELLOUT: fmt_tag = "SpelloutRules"; break;
    case URBNF_ORDINAL: fmt_tag = "OrdinalRules"; break;
    case URBNF_DURATION: fmt_tag = "DurationRules"; break;
    case URBNF_NUMBERING_SYSTEM: fmt_tag = "NumberingSystemRules"; break;
    default: status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR; return;

    // TODO: read localization info from resource
    LocalizationInfo* locinfo = NULL;

    UResourceBundle* nfrb = ures_open(U_ICUDATA_RBNF, locale.getName(), &status);
    if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
        setLocaleIDs(ures_getLocaleByType(nfrb, ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, &status),
                     ures_getLocaleByType(nfrb, ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE, &status));

        UResourceBundle* rbnfRules = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(nfrb, rules_tag, NULL, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        UResourceBundle* ruleSets = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(rbnfRules, fmt_tag, NULL, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {

        UnicodeString desc;
        while (ures_hasNext(ruleSets)) {
        UParseError perror;

        init (desc, locinfo, perror, status);

        //TODO: we need a real fix - see #6895 / #6896
        noParse = FALSE;
        if (tag == URBNF_SPELLOUT) {
            const char *lang = alocale.getLanguage();
            for (int32_t i = 0; NO_SPELLOUT_PARSE_LANGUAGES[i] != NULL; i++) {
                if (uprv_strcmp(lang, NO_SPELLOUT_PARSE_LANGUAGES[i]) == 0) {
                    noParse = TRUE;
        //TODO: end

Exemplo n.º 16
std::string L10n::GetLocaleBaseName(const std::string& locale) const
	Locale loc = Locale::createCanonical(locale.c_str());
	return loc.getBaseName();
Exemplo n.º 17
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
  int status;
  unsigned short i;

  if ( (argc < 3) || (argc > 4) ) {
    cerr << "Invalid number of arguments\n"
            "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <datafile> <outfile> [<gfxdir>]" << endl;

  if ( SDL_Init(0) < 0 ) {
    cerr << "Couldn't init SDL: " << SDL_GetError() << endl;

  status = 0;

  UnitsetHeader info;
  vector<EdUnitType> units;
  map<string, Language> names;
  CFParser parser;
  SectionHandler *h;
  UnitsetCallback cb;
  Locale locale;

  parser.AddHandler( "unitset", new UnitsetHandler( info ) );

  h = new UnitHandler( info, units, names );
  h->SetEnabled( false );
  parser.AddHandler( "unit", h );

  parser.SetCallback( &cb );
  status = parser.Parse( argv[1] );

  if ( status == 0 ) {
    // validate what we have parsed
    if ( info.images.size() == 0 ) {
      cerr << "Error: No images defined" << endl;
      status = -1;
    } else {
      if ( argc == 4 ) {
        string gfxdir( argv[3] );
        append_path_delim( gfxdir );
        info.images.insert( 0, gfxdir );
      if ( !File::Exists( info.images ) ) {
        cerr << "Error: Could not find file " << info.images << endl;
        status = -1;

    if ( units.size() == 0 ) {
      cerr << "Error: No units defined" << endl;
      status = -1;

    for ( map<string, Language>::iterator it = names.begin();
          it != names.end(); ++it ) {
      locale.AddLanguage( it->second );
    if ( !locale.SetDefaultLanguage( CF_LANG_DEFAULT ) ) {
      cerr << "Error: Could not find info for default language (" << CF_LANG_DEFAULT << ")" << endl;
      status = -1;

  if ( status == 0 ) {
    File out( argv[2] );
    if ( !out.Open( "wb" ) ) {
      cerr << "Couldn't open output file " << argv[2] << endl;
      status = -1;
    } else {
      // write data file header
      out.Write32( FID_UNITSET );
      out.Write16( units.size() );

      // write sound file names
      out.Write8( info.sfx.size() );
      for ( i = 0; i < info.sfx.size(); ++i ) {
        out.Write8( info.sfx[i].size() );
        out.WriteS( info.sfx[i] );

      // write unit data
      for ( i = 0; i < units.size(); ++i ) {
        out.Write16( units[i].Terrain() );
        out.Write16( units[i].Image() );
        out.Write16( units[i].Flags() );
        out.Write8( units[i].Speed() );
        out.Write8( units[i].Weight() );
        out.Write8( units[i].Armour() );
        out.Write8( units[i].Firepower( U_GROUND) );
        out.Write8( units[i].Firepower( U_SHIP ) );
        out.Write8( units[i].Firepower( U_AIR ) );
        out.Write8( units[i].MinFOF( U_GROUND ) );
        out.Write8( units[i].MaxFOF( U_GROUND ) );
        out.Write8( units[i].MinFOF( U_SHIP ) );
        out.Write8( units[i].MaxFOF( U_SHIP ) );
        out.Write8( units[i].MinFOF( U_AIR ) );
        out.Write8( units[i].MaxFOF( U_AIR) );
        out.Write8( units[i].Cost() );
        out.Write8( UT_NO_SOUND ); // move sound
        out.Write8( UT_NO_SOUND ); // fire sound
        out.Write8( units[i].Slots() );
        out.Write8( units[i].MinWeight() );
        out.Write8( units[i].MaxWeight() );
        out.Write8( i );
        out.Write8( units[i].Portrait() );

      locale.Save( out );

      // load graphics
      MkSurface img;
      status = img.SaveImageData( info.images, out, true );

      // load optional unit portraits
      out.Write8( info.portraits.size() );
      for ( i = 0; (i <info.portraits.size()) && (status == 0); ++i ) {
        if ( argc == 4 ) {
          string gfxdir( argv[3] );
          append_path_delim( gfxdir );
          info.portraits[i].insert( 0, gfxdir );
        status = img.SaveImageData( info.portraits[i], out, false );

  return status;
Exemplo n.º 18
std::string L10n::GetLocaleScript(const std::string& locale) const
	Locale loc = Locale::createCanonical(locale.c_str());
	return loc.getScript();
void UserTaskClaimEmailGenerator::run()
    qDebug() << "EmailGenerator - Generating UserTaskClaim";

    UserTaskClaim email_message;

    ConfigParser settings;
    QString error = "";
    QSharedPointer<Email> email = QSharedPointer<Email>(new Email());
    QSharedPointer<User> user = QSharedPointer<User>();
    QSharedPointer<Task> task = QSharedPointer<Task>();
    QSharedPointer<MySQLHandler> db = MySQLHandler::getInstance();

    user = UserDao::getUser(db, email_message.user_id());
    task = TaskDao::getTask(db, email_message.task_id());

    if(user.isNull() || task.isNull()) {
        error = "Failed to generate UserTaskClaim email: Unable to find relevant ";
        error += "data in the Database. Searched for User ID ";
        error += QString::number(email_message.user_id()) + " and Task ID ";
        error += QString::number(email_message.task_id()) + ".";

    if(error.compare("") == 0) {
        ctemplate::TemplateDictionary dict("user_task_claim");
        if(user->display_name() != "") {
            dict.SetValue("USERNAME", user->display_name());
        } else {

        QString task_url = settings.get("site.url");
        task_url += "task/" + QString::number(task->id()) + "/id";
        dict.SetValue("TASK_PAGE", task_url.toStdString());
        dict.SetValue("SITE_NAME", settings.get("site.name").toStdString());
        dict.SetValue("TASK_TITLE", task->title());

        QString task_type = "Translation";
            case 1:
                task_type = "Segmentation";
            case 2:
                task_type = "Translation";
            case 3:
                task_type = "Proofreading";
            case 4:
                task_type = "Desegmentation";

        dict.SetValue("TASK_TYPE", task_type.toStdString());

        Locale taskSourceLocale =  task->sourcelocale();
        Locale taskTargetLocale = task->targetlocale();

        bool footer_enabled=(QString::compare("y", settings.get("email-footer.enabled")) == 0);
        if (footer_enabled)
            QString donate_link = settings.get("email-footer.donate_link");
            ctemplate::TemplateDictionary* footer_dict = dict.AddIncludeDictionary("FOOTER");
            QString footer_location = QString(TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY) + "emails/footer.tpl";
            footer_dict -> SetValue("DONATE_LINK",donate_link.toStdString());
            footer_dict -> SetFilename(footer_location.toStdString());

        std::string email_body;
        QString template_location = QString(TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY) + "emails/user-task-claim.tpl";
        ctemplate::ExpandTemplate(template_location.toStdString(), ctemplate::DO_NOT_STRIP, &dict, &email_body);

        email->setSubject(settings.get("site.name") + ": Task Claim Notification");
    } else {
        email = this->generateErrorEmail(error);

    this->emailQueue->insert(email, currentMessage);
Exemplo n.º 20
ResourceBundle::ResourceBundle(const char* path, const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& err) 
                               :UObject(), fLocale(NULL)
    fResource = ures_open(path, locale.getName(), &err);
Exemplo n.º 21
PluralRules::getRuleFromResource(const Locale& locale, UPluralType type, UErrorCode& errCode) {
    UnicodeString emptyStr;

    if (U_FAILURE(errCode)) {
        return emptyStr;
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer rb(ures_openDirect(NULL, "plurals", &errCode));
    if(U_FAILURE(errCode)) {
        return emptyStr;
    const char *typeKey;
    switch (type) {
        typeKey = "locales";
        typeKey = "locales_ordinals";
        // Must not occur: The caller should have checked for valid types.
        return emptyStr;
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer locRes(ures_getByKey(rb.getAlias(), typeKey, NULL, &errCode));
    if(U_FAILURE(errCode)) {
        return emptyStr;
    int32_t resLen=0;
    const char *curLocaleName=locale.getName();
    const UChar* s = ures_getStringByKey(locRes.getAlias(), curLocaleName, &resLen, &errCode);

    if (s == NULL) {
        // Check parent locales.
        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        char parentLocaleName[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
        const char *curLocaleName=locale.getName();
        uprv_strcpy(parentLocaleName, curLocaleName);

        while (uloc_getParent(parentLocaleName, parentLocaleName,
                                       ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY, &status) > 0) {
            s = ures_getStringByKey(locRes.getAlias(), parentLocaleName, &resLen, &status);
            if (s != NULL) {
                errCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    if (s==NULL) {
        return emptyStr;

    char setKey[256];
    UChar result[256];
    u_UCharsToChars(s, setKey, resLen + 1);
    // printf("\n PluralRule: %s\n", setKey);

    LocalUResourceBundlePointer ruleRes(ures_getByKey(rb.getAlias(), "rules", NULL, &errCode));
    if(U_FAILURE(errCode)) {
        return emptyStr;
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer setRes(ures_getByKey(ruleRes.getAlias(), setKey, NULL, &errCode));
    if (U_FAILURE(errCode)) {
        return emptyStr;

    int32_t numberKeys = ures_getSize(setRes.getAlias());
    char *key=NULL;
    int32_t len=0;
    for(int32_t i=0; i<numberKeys; ++i) {
        int32_t keyLen;
        s=ures_getNextString(setRes.getAlias(), &resLen, (const char**)&key, &errCode);
        keyLen = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(key);
        u_charsToUChars(key, result+len, keyLen);
        len += keyLen;
        uprv_memcpy(result+len, s, resLen*sizeof(UChar));
        len += resLen;
    u_UCharsToChars(result, setKey, len);
    // printf(" Rule: %s\n", setKey);

    return UnicodeString(result);
Exemplo n.º 22
DecimalFormatSymbols::initialize(const Locale& loc, UErrorCode& status, UBool useLastResortData)
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; }
    *validLocale = *actualLocale = 0;
    currPattern = NULL;

    // First initialize all the symbols to the fallbacks for anything we can't find

    // Next get the numbering system for this locale and set zero digit
    // and the digit string based on the numbering system for the locale
    LocalPointer<NumberingSystem> ns(NumberingSystem::createInstance(loc, status));
    const char *nsName;
    if (U_SUCCESS(status) && ns->getRadix() == 10 && !ns->isAlgorithmic()) {
        nsName = ns->getName();
        UnicodeString digitString(ns->getDescription());
        int32_t digitIndex = 0;
        UChar32 digit = digitString.char32At(0);
        for (int32_t i = kOneDigitSymbol; i <= kNineDigitSymbol; ++i) {
            digitIndex += U16_LENGTH(digit);
            digit = digitString.char32At(digitIndex);
    } else {
        nsName = gLatn;

    // Open resource bundles
    const char* locStr = loc.getName();
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer resource(ures_open(NULL, locStr, &status));
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer numberElementsRes(
        ures_getByKeyWithFallback(resource.getAlias(), gNumberElements, NULL, &status));

    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        if ( useLastResortData ) {
            status = U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING;

    // Set locale IDs
    // TODO: Is there a way to do this without depending on the resource bundle instance?
    U_LOCALE_BASED(locBased, *this);
            ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, &status),
            ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE, &status));

    // Now load the rest of the data from the data sink.
    // Start with loading this nsName if it is not Latin.
    DecFmtSymDataSink sink(*this);
    if (uprv_strcmp(nsName, gLatn) != 0) {
        CharString path;
        path.append(gNumberElements, status)
            .append('/', status)
            .append(nsName, status)
            .append('/', status)
            .append(gSymbols, status);
        ures_getAllItemsWithFallback(resource.getAlias(), path.data(), sink, status);

        // If no symbols exist for the given nsName and resource bundle, silently ignore
        // and fall back to Latin.
        if (status == U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR) {
            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        } else if (U_FAILURE(status)) {

    // Continue with Latin if necessary.
    if (!sink.seenAll()) {
        ures_getAllItemsWithFallback(resource.getAlias(), gNumberElementsLatnSymbols, sink, status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; }

    // Let the monetary number separators equal the default number separators if necessary.

    // Obtain currency data from the currency API.  This is strictly
    // for backward compatibility; we don't use DecimalFormatSymbols
    // for currency data anymore.
    UErrorCode internalStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR; // don't propagate failures out
    UChar curriso[4];
    UnicodeString tempStr;
    ucurr_forLocale(locStr, curriso, 4, &internalStatus);

    uprv_getStaticCurrencyName(curriso, locStr, tempStr, internalStatus);
    if (U_SUCCESS(internalStatus)) {
        fSymbols[kIntlCurrencySymbol].setTo(curriso, -1);
        fSymbols[kCurrencySymbol] = tempStr;
    /* else use the default values. */

    //load the currency data
    UChar ucc[4]={0}; //Currency Codes are always 3 chars long
    int32_t uccLen = 4;
    const char* locName = loc.getName();
    UErrorCode localStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    uccLen = ucurr_forLocale(locName, ucc, uccLen, &localStatus);

    if(U_SUCCESS(localStatus) && uccLen > 0) {
        char cc[4]={0};
        u_UCharsToChars(ucc, cc, uccLen);
        /* An explicit currency was requested */
        LocalUResourceBundlePointer currencyResource(ures_open(U_ICUDATA_CURR, locStr, &localStatus));
        LocalUResourceBundlePointer currency(
            ures_getByKeyWithFallback(currencyResource.getAlias(), "Currencies", NULL, &localStatus));
        ures_getByKeyWithFallback(currency.getAlias(), cc, currency.getAlias(), &localStatus);
        if(U_SUCCESS(localStatus) && ures_getSize(currency.getAlias())>2) { // the length is 3 if more data is present
            ures_getByIndex(currency.getAlias(), 2, currency.getAlias(), &localStatus);
            int32_t currPatternLen = 0;
            currPattern =
                ures_getStringByIndex(currency.getAlias(), (int32_t)0, &currPatternLen, &localStatus);
            UnicodeString decimalSep =
                ures_getUnicodeStringByIndex(currency.getAlias(), (int32_t)1, &localStatus);
            UnicodeString groupingSep =
                ures_getUnicodeStringByIndex(currency.getAlias(), (int32_t)2, &localStatus);
                fSymbols[kMonetaryGroupingSeparatorSymbol] = groupingSep;
                fSymbols[kMonetarySeparatorSymbol] = decimalSep;
                //pattern.setTo(TRUE, currPattern, currPatternLen);
                status = localStatus;
        /* else An explicit currency was requested and is unknown or locale data is malformed. */
        /* ucurr_* API will get the correct value later on. */
        // else ignore the error if no currency

    // Currency Spacing.
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer currencyResource(ures_open(U_ICUDATA_CURR, locStr, &status));
    CurrencySpacingSink currencySink(*this);
    ures_getAllItemsWithFallback(currencyResource.getAlias(), gCurrencySpacingTag, currencySink, status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; }
Exemplo n.º 23
void DateFormatRoundTripTest::test(const Locale& loc) 
    UnicodeString temp;
    logln("Locale: " + loc.getDisplayName(temp));

    // Total possibilities = 24
    //  4 date
    //  4 time
    //  16 date-time
    UBool TEST_TABLE [24];//= new boolean[24];
    int32_t i = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < 24; ++i) 
        TEST_TABLE[i] = TRUE;

    // If we have some sparseness, implement it here.  Sparseness decreases
    // test time by eliminating some tests, up to 23.
    for(i = 0; i < SPARSENESS; ) {
        int random = (int)(randFraction() * 24);
        if (random >= 0 && random < 24 && TEST_TABLE[i]) {
            TEST_TABLE[i] = FALSE;

    int32_t itable = 0;
    int32_t style = 0;
    for(style = DateFormat::FULL; style <= DateFormat::SHORT; ++style) {
        if(TEST_TABLE[itable++]) {
            logln("Testing style " + UnicodeString(styleName((DateFormat::EStyle)style)));
            DateFormat *df = DateFormat::createDateInstance((DateFormat::EStyle)style, loc);
            if(df == NULL) {
              errln(UnicodeString("Could not DF::createDateInstance ") + UnicodeString(styleName((DateFormat::EStyle)style)) +      " Locale: " + loc.getDisplayName(temp));
            } else {
              test(df, loc);
              delete df;
    for(style = DateFormat::FULL; style <= DateFormat::SHORT; ++style) {
        if (TEST_TABLE[itable++]) {
          logln("Testing style " + UnicodeString(styleName((DateFormat::EStyle)style)));
            DateFormat *df = DateFormat::createTimeInstance((DateFormat::EStyle)style, loc);
            if(df == NULL) {
              errln(UnicodeString("Could not DF::createTimeInstance ") + UnicodeString(styleName((DateFormat::EStyle)style)) + " Locale: " + loc.getDisplayName(temp));
            } else {
              test(df, loc, TRUE);
              delete df;
    for(int32_t dstyle = DateFormat::FULL; dstyle <= DateFormat::SHORT; ++dstyle) {
        for(int32_t tstyle = DateFormat::FULL; tstyle <= DateFormat::SHORT; ++tstyle) {
            if(TEST_TABLE[itable++]) {
                logln("Testing dstyle" + UnicodeString(styleName((DateFormat::EStyle)dstyle)) + ", tstyle" + UnicodeString(styleName((DateFormat::EStyle)tstyle)) );
                DateFormat *df = DateFormat::createDateTimeInstance((DateFormat::EStyle)dstyle, (DateFormat::EStyle)tstyle, loc);
                if(df == NULL) {
                    dataerrln(UnicodeString("Could not DF::createDateTimeInstance ") + UnicodeString(styleName((DateFormat::EStyle)dstyle)) + ", tstyle" + UnicodeString(styleName((DateFormat::EStyle)tstyle))    + "Locale: " + loc.getDisplayName(temp));
                } else {
                    test(df, loc);
                    delete df;
Exemplo n.º 24
// -------------------------------------
// Gets the objectLocale display name in the default locale language.
UnicodeString & U_EXPORT2
BreakIterator::getDisplayName(const Locale & objectLocale,
                              UnicodeString & name)
	return objectLocale.getDisplayName(name);
Exemplo n.º 25
void DateFormatRoundTripTest::test(DateFormat *fmt, const Locale &origLocale, UBool timeOnly) 
    UnicodeString pat;
    if(fmt->getDynamicClassID() != SimpleDateFormat::getStaticClassID()) {
        errln("DateFormat wasn't a SimpleDateFormat");
    UBool isGregorian = FALSE;
    UErrorCode minStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UDate minDate = CalendarTest::minDateOfCalendar(*fmt->getCalendar(), isGregorian, minStatus);
    if(U_FAILURE(minStatus)) {
      errln((UnicodeString)"Failure getting min date for " + origLocale.getName());
    //logln(UnicodeString("Min date is ") + fullFormat(minDate)  + " for " + origLocale.getName());

    pat = ((SimpleDateFormat*)fmt)->toPattern(pat);

    // This indexOf check into the pattern needs to be refined to ignore
    // quoted characters.  Currently, this isn't a problem with the locale
    // patterns we have, but it may be a problem later.

    UBool hasEra = (pat.indexOf(UnicodeString("G")) != -1);
    UBool hasZoneDisplayName = (pat.indexOf(UnicodeString("z")) != -1) || (pat.indexOf(UnicodeString("v")) != -1) 
        || (pat.indexOf(UnicodeString("V")) != -1);

    // Because patterns contain incomplete data representing the Date,
    // we must be careful of how we do the roundtrip.  We start with
    // a randomly generated Date because they're easier to generate.
    // From this we get a string.  The string is our real starting point,
    // because this string should parse the same way all the time.  Note
    // that it will not necessarily parse back to the original date because
    // of incompleteness in patterns.  For example, a time-only pattern won't
    // parse back to the same date.

    //try {
        for(int i = 0; i < TRIALS; ++i) {
            UDate *d                = new UDate    [DEPTH];
            UnicodeString *s    = new UnicodeString[DEPTH];

            if(isGregorian == TRUE) {
              d[0] = generateDate();
            } else {
              d[0] = generateDate(minDate);

            UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

            // We go through this loop until we achieve a match or until
            // the maximum loop count is reached.  We record the points at
            // which the date and the string starts to match.  Once matching
            // starts, it should continue.
            int loop;
            int dmatch = 0; // d[dmatch].getTime() == d[dmatch-1].getTime()
            int smatch = 0; // s[smatch].equals(s[smatch-1])
            for(loop = 0; loop < DEPTH; ++loop) {
                if (loop > 0)  {
                    d[loop] = fmt->parse(s[loop-1], status);
                    failure(status, "fmt->parse", s[loop-1]+" in locale: " + origLocale.getName());
                    status = U_ZERO_ERROR; /* any error would have been reported */

                s[loop] = fmt->format(d[loop], s[loop]);
                // For displaying which date is being tested
                //logln(s[loop] + " = " + fullFormat(d[loop]));
                if(s[loop].length() == 0) {
                  errln("FAIL: fmt->format gave 0-length string in " + pat + " with number " + d[loop] + " in locale " + origLocale.getName());

                if(loop > 0) {
                    if(smatch == 0) {
                        UBool match = s[loop] == s[loop-1];
                        if(smatch == 0) {
                                smatch = loop;
                        else if( ! match) 
                            errln("FAIL: String mismatch after match");

                    if(dmatch == 0) {
                        // {sfb} watch out here, this might not work
                        UBool match = d[loop]/*.getTime()*/ == d[loop-1]/*.getTime()*/;
                        if(dmatch == 0) {
                                dmatch = loop;
                        else if( ! match) 
                            errln("FAIL: Date mismatch after match");

                    if(smatch != 0 && dmatch != 0) 
            // At this point loop == DEPTH if we've failed, otherwise loop is the
            // max(smatch, dmatch), that is, the index at which we have string and
            // date matching.

            // Date usually matches in 2.  Exceptions handled below.
            int maxDmatch = 2;
            int maxSmatch = 1;
            if (dmatch > maxDmatch) {
                // Time-only pattern with zone information and a starting date in PST.
                if(timeOnly && hasZoneDisplayName
                        && fmt->getTimeZone().inDaylightTime(d[0], status) && ! failure(status, "TimeZone::inDST()")) {
                    maxDmatch = 3;
                    maxSmatch = 2;

            // String usually matches in 1.  Exceptions are checked for here.
            if(smatch > maxSmatch) { // Don't compute unless necessary
                UBool in0;
                // Starts in BC, with no era in pattern
                if( ! hasEra && getField(d[0], UCAL_ERA) == GregorianCalendar::BC)
                    maxSmatch = 2;
                // Starts in DST, no year in pattern
                else if((in0=fmt->getTimeZone().inDaylightTime(d[0], status)) && ! failure(status, "gettingDaylightTime") &&
                         pat.indexOf(UnicodeString("yyyy")) == -1)
                    maxSmatch = 2;
                // If we start not in DST, but transition into DST
                else if (!in0 &&
                         fmt->getTimeZone().inDaylightTime(d[1], status) && !failure(status, "gettingDaylightTime"))
                    maxSmatch = 2;
                // Two digit year with no time zone change,
                // unless timezone isn't used or we aren't close to the DST changover
                else if (pat.indexOf(UnicodeString("y")) != -1
                        && pat.indexOf(UnicodeString("yyyy")) == -1
                        && getField(d[0], UCAL_YEAR)
                            != getField(d[dmatch], UCAL_YEAR)
                        && !failure(status, "error status [smatch>maxSmatch]")
                        && ((hasZoneDisplayName
                         && (fmt->getTimeZone().inDaylightTime(d[0], status)
                                == fmt->getTimeZone().inDaylightTime(d[dmatch], status)
                            || getField(d[0], UCAL_MONTH) == UCAL_APRIL
                            || getField(d[0], UCAL_MONTH) == UCAL_OCTOBER))
                         || !hasZoneDisplayName)
                    maxSmatch = 2;
                // If zone display name is used, fallback format might be used before 1970
                else if (hasZoneDisplayName && d[0] < 0) {
                    maxSmatch = 2;

            if(dmatch > maxDmatch || smatch > maxSmatch) { // Special case for Japanese and Islamic (could have large negative years)
              const char *type = fmt->getCalendar()->getType();
              if(!strcmp(type,"japanese")) {
                maxSmatch = 4;
                maxDmatch = 4;

            // Use @v to see verbose results on successful cases
            UBool fail = (dmatch > maxDmatch || smatch > maxSmatch);
            if (optionv || fail) {
                if (fail) {
                    errln(UnicodeString("\nFAIL: Pattern: ") + pat +
                          " in Locale: " + origLocale.getName());
                } else {
                    errln(UnicodeString("\nOk: Pattern: ") + pat +
                          " in Locale: " + origLocale.getName());
                logln("Date iters until match=%d (max allowed=%d), string iters until match=%d (max allowed=%d)",
                      dmatch,maxDmatch, smatch, maxSmatch);

                for(int j = 0; j <= loop && j < DEPTH; ++j) {
                    UnicodeString temp;
                    FieldPosition pos(FieldPosition::DONT_CARE);
                    errln((j>0?" P> ":"    ") + fullFormat(d[j]) + " F> " +
                          escape(s[j], temp) + UnicodeString(" d=") + d[j] + 
                          (j > 0 && d[j]/*.getTime()*/==d[j-1]/*.getTime()*/?" d==":"") +
                          (j > 0 && s[j] == s[j-1]?" s==":""));
            delete[] d;
            delete[] s;
    catch (ParseException e) {
        errln("Exception: " + e.getMessage());
Exemplo n.º 26
void CollationServiceTest::TestRegister()
    // register a singleton
    const Locale& FR = Locale::getFrance();
    const Locale& US = Locale::getUS();
    const Locale US_FOO("en", "US", "FOO");

    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

    Collator* frcol = Collator::createInstance(FR, status);
    Collator* uscol = Collator::createInstance(US, status);
    if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
        errcheckln(status, "Failed to create collators with %s", u_errorName(status));
        delete frcol;
        delete uscol;

    { // try override en_US collator
        Collator *clone = frcol->clone();
        URegistryKey key = Collator::registerInstance(frcol, US, status);
        // frcol has been adopted. We must not use it any more, nor rely on its attributes.
        frcol = NULL;

        Collator* ncol = Collator::createInstance(US_FOO, status);
        if (*clone != *ncol) {
            errln("register of french collator for en_US failed on request for en_US_FOO");
        delete clone;

        // The requested locale may be the same as the valid locale,
        // or may not be supported at all. See ticket #10477.
        Locale loc = ncol->getLocale(ULOC_REQUESTED_LOCALE, status);
        if (U_SUCCESS(status) && loc != US_FOO && loc != US) {
            errln(UnicodeString("requested locale for en_US_FOO is not en_US_FOO nor en_US but ") + loc.getName());
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        loc = ncol->getLocale(ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, status);
        if (loc != US) {
            errln(UnicodeString("valid locale for en_US_FOO is not en_US but ") + loc.getName());
        loc = ncol->getLocale(ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE, status);
        if (loc != US) {
            errln(UnicodeString("actual locale for en_US_FOO is not en_US but ") + loc.getName());
        delete ncol; ncol = NULL;

        if (!Collator::unregister(key, status)) {
            errln("failed to unregister french collator");

        ncol = Collator::createInstance(US, status);
        if (*uscol != *ncol) {
            errln("collator after unregister does not match original");
        delete ncol; ncol = NULL;

    // recreate frcol
    frcol = Collator::createInstance(FR, status);

    LocalUCollatorPointer frFR(ucol_open("fr_FR", &status));

    { // try create collator for new locale
        Locale fu_FU_FOO("fu", "FU", "FOO");
        Locale fu_FU("fu", "FU", "");

        Collator* fucol = Collator::createInstance(fu_FU, status);
        Collator *clone = frcol->clone();
        URegistryKey key = Collator::registerInstance(frcol, fu_FU, status);
        frcol = NULL;  // frcol has been adopted.
        Collator* ncol = Collator::createInstance(fu_FU_FOO, status);
        if (*clone != *ncol) {
            errln("register of fr collator for fu_FU failed");
        delete clone;

        UnicodeString locName = fu_FU.getName();
        StringEnumeration* localeEnum = Collator::getAvailableLocales();
        UBool found = FALSE;
        const UnicodeString* locStr, *ls2;
        for (locStr = localeEnum->snext(status);
        !found && locStr != NULL;
        locStr = localeEnum->snext(status)) {
            if (locName == *locStr) {
                found = TRUE;

        StringEnumeration *le2 = NULL;
        int32_t i, count;
        count = localeEnum->count(status);
        for(i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
            if(i == count / 2) {
                le2 = localeEnum->clone();
                if(le2 == NULL || count != le2->count(status)) {
                    errln("ServiceEnumeration.clone() failed");
            if(i >= count / 2) {
                locStr = localeEnum->snext(status);
                ls2 = le2->snext(status);
                if(*locStr != *ls2) {
                    errln("ServiceEnumeration.clone() failed for item %d", i);
            } else {

        delete localeEnum;
        delete le2;

        if (!found) {
            errln("new locale fu_FU not reported as supported locale");

        UnicodeString displayName;
        Collator::getDisplayName(fu_FU, displayName);
        /* The locale display pattern for the locale ja, ko, and zh are different. */
        const UChar zh_fuFU_Array[] = { 0x0066, 0x0075, 0xff08, 0x0046, 0x0055, 0xff09, 0 };
        const UnicodeString zh_fuFU(zh_fuFU_Array);
        const Locale& defaultLocale = Locale::getDefault();
        if (displayName != "fu (FU)" &&
           ((defaultLocale == Locale::getKorean() && defaultLocale == Locale::getJapanese()) && displayName == "fu(FU)") &&
           ((defaultLocale == Locale::getChinese()) && displayName != zh_fuFU)) {
            errln(UnicodeString("found ") + displayName + " for fu_FU");

        Collator::getDisplayName(fu_FU, fu_FU, displayName);
        if (displayName != "fu (FU)" &&
           ((defaultLocale == Locale::getKorean() && defaultLocale == Locale::getJapanese()) && displayName == "fu(FU)") &&
           ((defaultLocale == Locale::getChinese()) && displayName != zh_fuFU)) {
            errln(UnicodeString("found ") + displayName + " for fu_FU");

        // test ucol_open
        LocalUCollatorPointer fufu(ucol_open("fu_FU_FOO", &status));
        if (fufu.isNull()) {
            errln("could not open fu_FU_FOO with ucol_open");
        } else {
            if (*Collator::fromUCollator(fufu.getAlias()) !=
                    *Collator::fromUCollator(frFR.getAlias())) {
                errln("collator fufu != collator frFR");

        if (!Collator::unregister(key, status)) {
            errln("failed to unregister french collator");
        // !!! note frcoll invalid again, but we're no longer using it

        // other collators should still work ok
        Locale nloc = ncol->getLocale(ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, status);
        if (nloc != fu_FU) {
            errln(UnicodeString("asked for nloc valid locale after close and got") + nloc.getName());
        delete ncol; ncol = NULL;

        if (fufu.isValid()) {
            const char* nlocstr = ucol_getLocaleByType(fufu.getAlias(), ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, &status);
            if (uprv_strcmp(nlocstr, "fu_FU") != 0) {
                errln(UnicodeString("asked for uloc valid locale after close and got ") + nlocstr);

        ncol = Collator::createInstance(fu_FU, status);
        if (*fucol != *ncol) {
            errln("collator after unregister does not match original fu_FU");
        delete uscol; uscol = NULL;
        delete ncol; ncol = NULL;
        delete fucol; fucol = NULL;
void OrgTaskRevokedGenerator::run()
    qDebug() << "Email Generator - Generating OrgTaskRevokedEmail";
    OrgTaskRevokedEmail emailMessage;

    ConfigParser settings;
    QSharedPointer<Email> email = QSharedPointer<Email>(new Email());
    QSharedPointer<MySQLHandler> db = MySQLHandler::getInstance();
    QSharedPointer<User> user = UserDao::getUser(db, emailMessage.user_id());
    QSharedPointer<Task> task = TaskDao::getTask(db, emailMessage.task_id());
    QSharedPointer<User> claimant = UserDao::getUser(db, emailMessage.claimant_id());
    QString error = "";

    if (user.isNull() || task.isNull() || claimant.isNull()) {
        error = "Unable to generate OrgTaskRevokedEmail. Unable to find relevant data in the database. ";
        error += "Searched for user ids " + QString::number(emailMessage.user_id()) + " and ";
        error += QString::number(emailMessage.claimant_id()) + " and task id ";
        error += QString::number(emailMessage.task_id()) + ".";

    if (error.compare("") == 0) {
        ctemplate::TemplateDictionary dict("OrgTaskRevoked");
        dict.SetValue("USERNAME", user->display_name());
        dict.SetValue("TASK_TITLE", task->title());
        QString taskView = settings.get("site.url") + "task/" + QString::number(task->id()) + "/view";
        dict.SetValue("TASK_VIEW", taskView.toStdString());
        QString userProfile = settings.get("site.url") + QString::number(claimant->id()) + "/profile";
        dict.SetValue("USER_PROFILE", userProfile.toStdString());
        dict.SetValue("CLAIMANT_NAME", claimant->display_name());
        dict.SetValue("SITE_NAME", settings.get("site.name").toStdString());
        QString task_type = "Translation";

            case 1:
                task_type = "Segmentation";
            case 2:
                task_type = "Translation";
            case 3:
                task_type = "Proofreading";
            case 4:
                task_type = "Desegmentation";

        dict.SetValue("TASK_TYPE", task_type.toStdString());

        Locale taskSourceLocale =  task->sourcelocale();
        Locale taskTargetLocale = task->targetlocale();

        bool footer_enabled=(QString::compare("y", settings.get("email-footer.enabled")) == 0);
        if (footer_enabled)
            QString donate_link = settings.get("email-footer.donate_link");
            ctemplate::TemplateDictionary* footer_dict = dict.AddIncludeDictionary("FOOTER");
            QString footer_location = QString(TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY) + "emails/footer.tpl";
            footer_dict -> SetValue("DONATE_LINK",donate_link.toStdString());
            footer_dict -> SetFilename(footer_location.toStdString());

        std::string email_body;
        QString template_location = QString(TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY) + "emails/org-task-revoked.tpl";
        ctemplate::ExpandTemplate(template_location.toStdString(), ctemplate::DO_NOT_STRIP, &dict, &email_body);

        email->setSubject(settings.get("site.name") + ": Task Revoked");
    } else {
        email = this->generateErrorEmail(error);
    this->emailQueue->insert(email, currentMessage);
Exemplo n.º 28
static jstring ICU_getISO3CountryNative(JNIEnv* env, jclass, jstring locale) {
    Locale loc = getLocale(env, locale);
    return env->NewStringUTF(loc.getISO3Country());
Exemplo n.º 29
void LocaleBased::setLocaleIDs(const Locale& validID, const Locale& actualID) {
  uprv_strcpy(valid, validID.getName());
  uprv_strcpy(actual, actualID.getName());