Exemplo n.º 1
bool StringHelper::endsWith(const LogString& s, const LogString& suffix)
    if (suffix.length() <= s.length()) {
      return s.compare(s.length() - suffix.length(), suffix.length(), suffix) == 0;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Finds start of millisecond field in formatted time.
 * @param time long time, must be integral number of seconds
 * @param formatted String corresponding formatted string
 * @param formatter DateFormat date format
 * @return int position in string of first digit of milliseconds,
 *    -1 indicates no millisecond field, -2 indicates unrecognized
 *    field (likely RelativeTimeDateFormat)
int CachedDateFormat::findMillisecondStart(
  log4cxx_time_t time, const LogString& formatted,
  const DateFormatPtr& formatter,
  Pool& pool) {

  apr_time_t slotBegin = (time / 1000000) * 1000000;
  if (slotBegin > time) {
     slotBegin -= 1000000;
  int millis = (int) (time - slotBegin)/1000;

  int magic = magic1;
  LogString magicString(magicString1);
  if (millis == magic1) {
      magic = magic2;
      magicString = magicString2;

  LogString plusMagic;
  formatter->format(plusMagic, slotBegin + magic, pool);

   *   If the string lengths differ then
   *      we can't use the cache except for duplicate requests.
  if (plusMagic.length() != formatted.length()) {
  } else {
      // find first difference between values
     for (LogString::size_type i = 0; i < formatted.length(); i++) {
        if (formatted[i] != plusMagic[i]) {
           //   determine the expected digits for the base time
           const logchar abc[] = { 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0 };
           LogString formattedMillis(abc);
           millisecondFormat(millis, formattedMillis, 0);

           LogString plusZero;
           formatter->format(plusZero, slotBegin, pool);

           //   If the next 3 characters match the magic
           //      strings and the remaining fragments are identical
           if (plusZero.length() == formatted.length()
              && regionMatches(magicString, 0, plusMagic, i, magicString.length())
              && regionMatches(formattedMillis, 0, formatted, i, magicString.length())
              && regionMatches(zeroString, 0, plusZero, i, 3)
              && (formatted.length() == i + 3
                 || plusZero.compare(i + 3,
                       LogString::npos, plusMagic, i+3, LogString::npos) == 0)) {
              return i;
           } else {
Exemplo n.º 3
* Tests if two string regions are equal.
* @param target target string.
* @param toffset character position in target to start comparison.
* @param other other string.
* @param ooffset character position in other to start comparison.
* @param len length of region.
* @return true if regions are equal.
bool CachedDateFormat::regionMatches(
    const LogString& target,
    size_t toffset,
    const LogString& other,
    size_t ooffset,
    size_t len) {
    return target.compare(toffset, len, other, ooffset, len) == 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Gets maximum cache validity for the specified SimpleDateTime
 *    conversion pattern.
 *  @param pattern conversion pattern, may not be null.
 *  @returns Duration in microseconds from an integral second
 *      that the cache will return consistent results.
int CachedDateFormat::getMaximumCacheValidity(const LogString& pattern) {
   //   If there are more "S" in the pattern than just one "SSS" then
   //      (for example, "HH:mm:ss,SSS SSS"), then set the expiration to
   //      one millisecond which should only perform duplicate request caching.
   const logchar S = 0x53;
   const logchar SSS[] = { 0x53, 0x53, 0x53, 0 };
   size_t firstS = pattern.find(S);
   size_t len = pattern.length();
   //   if there are no S's or
   //      three that start with the first S and no fourth S in the string
   if (firstS == LogString::npos ||
       (len >= firstS + 3 && pattern.compare(firstS, 3, SSS) == 0
           && (len == firstS + 3 ||
                pattern.find(S, firstS + 3) == LogString::npos))) {
           return 1000000;
   return 1000;
Exemplo n.º 5
bool StringHelper::startsWith(const LogString& s, const LogString& prefix)
    return s.compare(0, prefix.length(), prefix) == 0;