Exemplo n.º 1
// Loads a *_loot_template DB table into loot store
// All checks of the loaded template are called from here, no error reports at loot generation required
void LootStore::LoadLootTable()
    LootTemplateMap::const_iterator tab;
    uint32 count = 0;

    // Clearing store (for reloading case)

    sLog.outString( "%s :", GetName());

    //                                                 0      1     2                    3        4              5         6              7                 8
    QueryResult *result = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT entry, item, ChanceOrQuestChance, groupid, mincountOrRef, maxcount, lootcondition, condition_value1, condition_value2 FROM %s",GetName());

    if (result)
        barGoLink bar(result->GetRowCount());

            Field *fields = result->Fetch();

            uint32 entry               = fields[0].GetUInt32();
            uint32 item                = fields[1].GetUInt32();
            float  chanceOrQuestChance = fields[2].GetFloat();
            uint8  group               = fields[3].GetUInt8();
            int32  mincountOrRef       = fields[4].GetInt32();
            uint32 maxcount            = fields[5].GetUInt32();
            ConditionType condition    = (ConditionType)fields[6].GetUInt8();
            uint32 cond_value1         = fields[7].GetUInt32();
            uint32 cond_value2         = fields[8].GetUInt32();

            if(maxcount > std::numeric_limits<uint8>::max())
                sLog.outErrorDb("Table '%s' entry %d item %d: maxcount value (%u) to large. must be less %u - skipped", GetName(), entry, item, maxcount,std::numeric_limits<uint8>::max());
                continue;                                   // error already printed to log/console.

            if(!PlayerCondition::IsValid(condition,cond_value1, cond_value2))
                sLog.outErrorDb("... in table '%s' entry %u item %u", GetName(), entry, item);
                continue;                                   // error already printed to log/console.

            // (condition + cond_value1/2) are converted into single conditionId
            uint16 conditionId = objmgr.GetConditionId(condition, cond_value1, cond_value2);

            LootStoreItem storeitem = LootStoreItem(item, chanceOrQuestChance, group, conditionId, mincountOrRef, maxcount);

            if (!storeitem.IsValid(*this,entry))            // Validity checks

            // Looking for the template of the entry
                                                            // often entries are put together
            if (m_LootTemplates.empty() || tab->first != entry)
Exemplo n.º 2
// Rolls for every item in the template and adds the rolled items the the loot
void LootTemplate::Process(Loot& loot, bool rate, uint16 lootMode, uint8 groupId) const
    if (groupId)                                            // Group reference uses own processing of the group
        if (groupId > Groups.size())
            return;                                         // Error message already printed at loading stage

        if (!Groups[groupId - 1])

        Groups[groupId - 1]->Process(loot, lootMode);

    // Rolling non-grouped items
    for (LootStoreItemList::const_iterator i = Entries.begin(); i != Entries.end(); ++i)
        LootStoreItem* item = *i;
        if (!(item->lootmode & lootMode))                       // Do not add if mode mismatch

        if (!item->Roll(rate))
            continue;                                           // Bad luck for the entry

        if (item->reference > 0)                            // References processing
            LootTemplate const* Referenced = LootTemplates_Reference.GetLootFor(item->reference);
            if (!Referenced)
                continue;                                       // Error message already printed at loading stage

            uint32 maxcount = uint32(float(item->maxcount) * sWorld->getRate(RATE_DROP_ITEM_REFERENCED_AMOUNT));
            for (uint32 loop = 0; loop < maxcount; ++loop)      // Ref multiplicator
                Referenced->Process(loot, rate, lootMode, item->groupid);
        else                                                    // Plain entries (not a reference, not grouped)
            loot.AddItem(*item);                                // Chance is already checked, just add

    // Now processing groups
    for (LootGroups::const_iterator i = Groups.begin(); i != Groups.end(); ++i)
        if (LootGroup* group = *i)
            group->Process(loot, lootMode);
Exemplo n.º 3
// Loads a *_loot_template DB table into loot store
// All checks of the loaded template are called from here, no error reports at loot generation required
uint32 LootStore::LoadLootTable()
    LootTemplateMap::const_iterator tab;

    // Clearing store (for reloading case)

    //                                                  0     1            2               3         4         5             6
    QueryResult result = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT Entry, Item, Reference, Chance, QuestRequired, LootMode, GroupId, MinCount, MaxCount FROM %s", GetName());

    if (!result)
        return 0;

    uint32 count = 0;

        Field* fields = result->Fetch();

        uint32 entry               = fields[0].GetUInt32();
        uint32 item                = fields[1].GetUInt32();
        uint32 reference           = fields[2].GetUInt32();
        float  chance              = fields[3].GetFloat();
        bool   needsquest          = fields[4].GetBool();
        uint16 lootmode            = fields[5].GetUInt16();
        uint8  groupid             = fields[6].GetUInt8();
        uint8  mincount            = fields[7].GetUInt8();
        uint8  maxcount            = fields[8].GetUInt8();

        if (groupid >= 1 << 7)                                     // it stored in 7 bit field
            TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "Table '%s' Entry %d Item %d: GroupId (%u) must be less %u - skipped", GetName(), entry, item, groupid, 1 << 7);
            return 0;

        LootStoreItem* storeitem = new LootStoreItem(item, reference, chance, needsquest, lootmode, groupid, mincount, maxcount);

        if (!storeitem->IsValid(*this, entry))            // Validity checks
            delete storeitem;

        // Looking for the template of the entry
                                                         // often entries are put together
        if (m_LootTemplates.empty() || tab->first != entry)
            // Searching the template (in case template Id changed)
            tab = m_LootTemplates.find(entry);
            if (tab == m_LootTemplates.end())
                std::pair< LootTemplateMap::iterator, bool > pr = m_LootTemplates.insert(LootTemplateMap::value_type(entry, new LootTemplate()));
                tab = pr.first;
        // else is empty - template Id and iter are the same
        // finally iter refers to already existed or just created <entry, LootTemplate>

        // Adds current row to the template
    while (result->NextRow());

    Verify();                                           // Checks validity of the loot store

    return count;