Exemplo n.º 1
/* Run the function at the top of the stack, which returns an actor description
 * table.  If the table was returned, return true and leave it on the stack.
 * If not, display an error, return false, and leave nothing on the stack. */
bool ActorUtil::LoadTableFromStackShowErrors( Lua *L )
	LuaReference func;
	lua_pushvalue( L, -1 );
	func.SetFromStack( L );

	RString Error= "Lua runtime error: ";
	if( !LuaHelpers::RunScriptOnStack(L, Error, 0, 1, true) )
		lua_pop( L, 1 );
		return false;

	if( lua_type(L, -1) != LUA_TTABLE )
		lua_pop( L, 1 );

		func.PushSelf( L );
		lua_Debug debug;
		lua_getinfo( L, ">nS", &debug );

		Error = ssprintf( "%s: must return a table", debug.short_src );

		LuaHelpers::ReportScriptError(Error, "LUA_ERROR");
		return false;
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
apActorCommands ActorUtil::ParseActorCommands( const RString &sCommands, const RString &sName )
	Lua *L = LUA->Get();
	LuaHelpers::ParseCommandList( L, sCommands, sName, false );
	LuaReference *pRet = new LuaReference;
	pRet->SetFromStack( L );
	LUA->Release( L );

	return apActorCommands( pRet );
Exemplo n.º 3
static void GetGlobalTable( Lua *L )
	static LuaReference UserDataTable;
	if( !UserDataTable.IsSet() )
		lua_newtable( L );
		UserDataTable.SetFromStack( L );

	UserDataTable.PushSelf( L );
Exemplo n.º 4
	static int Broadcast( T* p, lua_State *L )
		if( !lua_istable(L, 2) && !lua_isnoneornil(L, 2) )
			luaL_typerror( L, 2, "table or nil" );

		LuaReference ParamTable;
		lua_pushvalue( L, 2 );
		ParamTable.SetFromStack( L );

		Message msg( SArg(1), ParamTable );
		p->Broadcast( msg );
Exemplo n.º 5
void ActorScroller::LoadFromNode( const XNode *pNode )
	ActorFrame::LoadFromNode( pNode );


	float fNumItemsToDraw = 0;
	if( pNode->GetAttrValue("NumItemsToDraw", fNumItemsToDraw) )
		SetNumItemsToDraw( fNumItemsToDraw );

	float fSecondsPerItem = 0;
	if( pNode->GetAttrValue("SecondsPerItem", fSecondsPerItem) )
		ActorScroller::SetSecondsPerItem( fSecondsPerItem );

	Lua *L = LUA->Get();
	pNode->PushAttrValue( L, "TransformFunction" );
		LuaReference ref;
		ref.SetFromStack( L );
		if( !ref.IsNil() )
			SetTransformFromReference( ref );
	LUA->Release( L );

	int iSubdivisions = 1;
	if( pNode->GetAttrValue("Subdivisions", iSubdivisions) )
		ActorScroller::SetNumSubdivisions( iSubdivisions );

	bool bUseMask = false;
	pNode->GetAttrValue( "UseMask", bUseMask );

	if( bUseMask )
		pNode->GetAttrValue( "MaskWidth", m_fMaskWidth );
		pNode->GetAttrValue( "MaskHeight", m_fMaskHeight );
		EnableMask( m_fMaskWidth, m_fMaskHeight );

	pNode->GetAttrValue( "QuantizePixels", m_fQuantizePixels );
	pNode->GetAttrValue( "LoopScroller", m_bLoop );
	pNode->GetAttrValue( "WrapScroller", m_bWrap );
Exemplo n.º 6
void XNodeLuaValue::SetValueFromStack( lua_State *L )
	m_Value.SetFromStack( L );
Exemplo n.º 7
	template<> bool FromStack<LuaReference>( lua_State *L, LuaReference &Object, int iOffset )
		lua_pushvalue( L, iOffset );
		Object.SetFromStack( L );
		return true;