Exemplo n.º 1
void DummyNodeTest<ElemType>::SetMinibatch(size_t minibatchSize, SmallVector<size_t> sampleDimensions,
                                               std::vector<ElemType>& data)
    // Set given shape and allocate matrices.
    TensorShape shape(sampleDimensions);
    if (shape.GetNumElements() * minibatchSize != data.size())
        LogicError("Data size is incompatible with specified dimensions.");
    MBLayoutPtr mbLayout = make_shared<MBLayout>();
    this->SetDims(shape, true);
    this->Value().Resize(shape.GetNumElements(), minibatchSize);
    this->Gradient().Resize(shape.GetNumElements(), minibatchSize);
    this->Value().SetValue(minibatchSize, shape.GetNumElements(), this->m_deviceId, data.data());
Exemplo n.º 2
void ComputationNode<ElemType>::WriteMinibatchWithFormatting(FILE* f, const FrameRange& fr,
                                                             size_t onlyUpToRow, size_t onlyUpToT, bool transpose, bool isCategoryLabel, bool isSparse,
                                                             const vector<string>& labelMapping, const string& sequenceSeparator, 
                                                             const string& sequencePrologue, const string& sequenceEpilogue,
                                                             const string& elementSeparator, const string& sampleSeparator,
                                                             string valueFormatString,
                                                             bool outputGradient) const
    // get minibatch matrix -> matData, matRows, matStride
    const Matrix<ElemType>& outputValues = outputGradient ? Gradient() : Value();
    let matRows   = outputValues.GetNumRows();
    let matStride = matRows; // how to get from one column to the next
    unique_ptr<ElemType[]> matDataPtr(outputValues.CopyToArray());
    ElemType* matData = matDataPtr.get();
    let sampleLayout = GetSampleLayout(); // this is currently only used for sparse; dense tensors are linearized

    // process all sequences one by one
    MBLayoutPtr pMBLayout = GetMBLayout();
    if (!pMBLayout) // no MBLayout: We are printing aggregates (or LearnableParameters?)
        pMBLayout = make_shared<MBLayout>();
        pMBLayout->InitAsFrameMode(1); // treat this as if we have one single sample
        // TODO: This can be done more efficiently, if ever needed.
    let& sequences = pMBLayout->GetAllSequences();
    let  width     = pMBLayout->GetNumTimeSteps();

    TensorShape tensorShape = GetSampleLayout();
    stringstream str;
    let dims = tensorShape.GetDims();
    for (auto dim : dims)
        str << dim << ' ';
    let shape = str.str(); // BUGBUG: change to string(tensorShape) to make sure we always use the same format

    bool sequencePrologueHasShape = sequencePrologue.find("%x") != sequencePrologue.npos;
    bool sampleSeparatorHasShape  = sampleSeparator.find("%x")  != sampleSeparator.npos;
    bool sequencePrologueHasSeqId = sequencePrologue.find("%d") != sequencePrologue.npos;
    bool sampleSeparatorHasSeqId  = sampleSeparator.find("%d")  != sampleSeparator.npos;

    for (size_t s = 0; s < sequences.size(); s++)
        const auto& seqInfo = sequences[s];
        if (seqInfo.seqId == GAP_SEQUENCE_ID) // nothing in gaps to print
        let tBegin = seqInfo.tBegin >= 0     ? seqInfo.tBegin : 0;
        let tEnd   = seqInfo.tEnd   <= width ? seqInfo.tEnd   : width;
        // [tBegin,tEnd) is where the sequence resides.
        // fr is also referencing where a sequence resides.

        // narrow to FrameRange if needed
        auto t0 = fr.IsAllFrames() ? tBegin : fr.m_timeOffset + (ptrdiff_t)fr.timeIdxInSeq;
        auto t1 = fr.IsAllFrames() ? tEnd   : fr.m_timeOffset + (ptrdiff_t)fr.timeIdxInSeq + (ptrdiff_t)fr.m_timeRange;
        if (t0 < tBegin)
            t0 = tBegin;
        if (t1 > tEnd)
            t1 = tEnd;
        // [t0,t1) is the range we want to print
        if (t0 > (ptrdiff_t)t1)
            continue; // skip this sequence

        // get sequence matrix -> seqData, seqRows, seqCols, seqStride
        let  seqData   = matData + pMBLayout->GetColumnIndex(seqInfo, t0 - tBegin) * matStride;
        auto seqRows   = matRows;
        let  seqCols   = t1 - t0;
        let  seqStride = pMBLayout->GetNumParallelSequences() * matStride;

        auto seqProl = sequencePrologue;
        auto sampleSep = sampleSeparator;

        if (sequencePrologueHasShape || sampleSeparatorHasShape)
            auto sh = msra::strfun::_strprintf<char>("%s%ld", shape.c_str(), (unsigned long long)seqInfo.GetNumTimeSteps());
            if (sequencePrologueHasShape)
                seqProl = msra::strfun::ReplaceAll<std::string>(seqProl, "%x", sh);
            if (sampleSeparatorHasShape)
                sampleSep = msra::strfun::ReplaceAll<std::string>(sampleSep, "%x", sh);

        if (sequencePrologueHasSeqId || sampleSeparatorHasSeqId)
            auto sh = msra::strfun::_strprintf<char>("%ld", (unsigned long long)seqInfo.seqId);
            if (sequencePrologueHasSeqId)
                seqProl = msra::strfun::ReplaceAll<std::string>(seqProl, "%d", sh);
            if (sampleSeparatorHasSeqId)
                sampleSep = msra::strfun::ReplaceAll<std::string>(sampleSep, "%d", sh);

        if (s > 0)
            fprintfOrDie(f, "%s", sequenceSeparator.c_str());
        fprintfOrDie(f, "%s", seqProl.c_str());

        // output it according to our format specification
        auto formatChar = valueFormatString.back();
        if (isCategoryLabel) // if is category then find the max value and output its index (possibly mapped to a string)
            if (formatChar == 's') // verify label dimension
                if (outputValues.GetNumRows() != labelMapping.size() &&
                    sampleLayout[0] != labelMapping.size()) // if we match the first dim then use that
                    static size_t warnings = 0;
                    if (warnings++ < 5)
                        fprintf(stderr, "write: Row dimension %d does not match number of entries %d in labelMappingFile, not using mapping\n", (int)seqRows, (int)labelMapping.size());
                    valueFormatString.back() = 'u'; // this is a fallback
                    formatChar = valueFormatString.back();
            // update the matrix in-place from one-hot (or max) to index
            // find the max in each column
            for (size_t j = 0; j < seqCols; j++) // loop over all time steps of the sequence
                double maxLoc = -1;
                double maxVal = 0;
                for (size_t i = 0; i < seqRows; i++) // loop over rows
                    let val = seqData[i + j * seqStride];
                    if (maxLoc < 0 || val >= maxVal)
                        maxLoc = (double)i;
                        maxVal = val;
                seqData[0 + j * seqStride] = (ElemType)maxLoc; // overwrite first element in-place
            seqRows = 1; // ignore remaining dimensions
        // function to print a value
        auto print = [&](double dval)
            if (formatChar == 'f') // print as real number
                fprintfOrDie(f, valueFormatString.c_str(), dval);
            else if (formatChar == 'u') // print category as integer index
                fprintfOrDie(f, valueFormatString.c_str(), (unsigned int)dval);
            else if (formatChar == 's') // print category as a label string
                size_t uval = (size_t)dval;
                if (!labelMapping.empty())
                    uval %= labelMapping.size();
                assert(uval < labelMapping.size());
                const char * sval = labelMapping[uval].c_str();
                fprintfOrDie(f, valueFormatString.c_str(), sval);
        // bounds for printing
        let iend    = transpose ?     seqRows : seqCols;     // true dimension of the data to print
        let jend    = transpose ?     seqCols : seqRows;
        let istop   = transpose ? onlyUpToRow : onlyUpToT;   // we stop at these dimensions (for debugging, one often needs only the first few values of those huge matrices)
        let jstop   = transpose ?   onlyUpToT : onlyUpToRow;
        let istride = transpose ?           1 : seqStride;
        let jstride = transpose ?   seqStride : 1;
        if (isSparse)
            // sparse linearizes the entire matrix into a single vector, and prints that one with coordinates
            // TODO: This can be done more nicely. We should keep the block structure.
            size_t numPrinted = 0;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < iend; i++) // loop over elements --we just flatten them all out
                for (size_t j = 0; j < jend; j++) // loop over rows
                    double dval = seqData[i * istride + j * jstride];
                    if (dval == 0) // only print non-0 values
                    if (numPrinted++ > 0)
                        fprintfOrDie(f, "%s", transpose ? sampleSeparator.c_str() : elementSeparator.c_str());
                    if (dval != 1.0 || formatChar != 'f') // hack: we assume that we are either one-hot or never precisely hitting 1.0
                    size_t row = transpose ? i : j;
                    size_t col = transpose ? j : i;
                    for (size_t k = 0; k < sampleLayout.size(); k++)
                        fprintfOrDie(f, "%c%d", k == 0 ? '[' : ',', row % sampleLayout[k]);
                        if (sampleLayout[k] == labelMapping.size()) // annotate index with label if dimensions match (which may misfire once in a while)
                            fprintfOrDie(f, "=%s", labelMapping[row % sampleLayout[k]].c_str());
                        row /= sampleLayout[k];
                    if (seqInfo.GetNumTimeSteps() > 1)
                        fprintfOrDie(f, ";%d", col);
                    fprintfOrDie(f, "]");
            for (size_t j = 0; j < jend; j++) // loop over output rows     --BUGBUG: row index is 'i'!! Rename these!!
                if (j > 0)
                    fprintfOrDie(f, "%s", sampleSep.c_str());
                if (j == jstop && jstop < jend - 1) // if jstop == jend-1 we may as well just print the value instead of '...'
                    fprintfOrDie(f, "...+%d", (int)(jend - jstop)); // 'nuff said
                // inject sample tensor index if we are printing row-wise and it's a tensor
                if (!transpose && sampleLayout.size() > 1 && !isCategoryLabel) // each row is a different sample dimension
                    for (size_t k = 0; k < sampleLayout.size(); k++)
                        fprintfOrDie(f, "%c%d", k == 0 ? '[' : ',', (int)((j / sampleLayout.GetStrides()[k])) % sampleLayout[k]);
                    fprintfOrDie(f, "]\t");
                // print a row of values
                for (size_t i = 0; i < iend; i++) // loop over elements
                    if (i > 0)
                        fprintfOrDie(f, "%s", elementSeparator.c_str());
                    if (i == istop && istop < iend - 1)
                        fprintfOrDie(f, "...+%d", (int)(iend - istop));
                    double dval = seqData[i * istride + j * jstride];
        fprintfOrDie(f, "%s", sequenceEpilogue.c_str());
    } // end loop over sequences