Exemplo n.º 1
 * post process of a mesh instance to update the values of all the nodes values
 * @pre: a valid mesh instance
 * @post: update the nodes values based on approximation of the average of neighbours values
		  refer to equation 9 on the notes
void post_process(MESH& m) {
  // Translate the triangle-averaged values to node-averaged values
  // Implement Equation 8 from your pseudocode here
  	// iterate through all the nodes
  for ( auto it = m.node_begin(); it!= m.node_end(); ++it)
	QVar sum = QVar(0,0,0);
	double sumTriArea = 0;
	// for each node, iterate through its adjacent triangles
	for (auto adji = m.vertex_begin((*it).index()); adji !=  m.vertex_end((*it).index()); ++ adji)
		auto tri = (*adji);
		sum += tri.area() * tri.value();
		sumTriArea += tri.area();  

	(*it).value() = sum/sumTriArea; // update nodes value