Exemplo n.º 1
void cubeLocatorDrawOverride::draw (const MHWRender::MDrawContext &context, const MUserData *data) {
	MPointArray vertices =cubeLocator::vertices () ;
	// get cached data
	float color [3] ={ 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f } ;
	float multiplier =1.0f ;
	const cubeLocatorData *cubeData =dynamic_cast<const cubeLocatorData *>(data) ;
	if ( cubeData )
		multiplier =cubeData->multiplier ;
	// get state data
	MStatus status ;
	const MMatrix transform =context.getMatrix (MHWRender::MDrawContext::kWorldViewMtx, &status) ;
	if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess )
		return ;
	const MMatrix projection =context.getMatrix (MHWRender::MDrawContext::kProjectionMtx, &status) ;
	if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess )
		return ;
	const int displayStyle =context.getDisplayStyle () ;
	// get renderer
	MHWRender::MRenderer *theRenderer =MHWRender::MRenderer::theRenderer () ;
	if ( !theRenderer )
		return ;

	// GL Draw
	if ( theRenderer->drawAPIIsOpenGL () ) {
		// set colour
		glColor3fv (color) ;
		// set world matrix
		glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW) ;
		glPushMatrix () ;
		glLoadMatrixd (transform.matrix [0]) ;
		// set projection matrix
		glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION) ;
		glPushMatrix () ;
		glLoadMatrixd (projection.matrix [0]) ;
		if ( displayStyle & MHWRender::MDrawContext::kGouraudShaded ) {
			// See myShadedDraw
			glPushAttrib (GL_CURRENT_BIT) ;
			glBegin (GL_QUADS) ;
			for ( int i =0 ; i < vertices.length () - 3 ; i +=4 ) {
				glVertex3f (vertices [i].x * multiplier, vertices [i].y * multiplier, vertices [i].z * multiplier) ;
				glVertex3f (vertices [i + 1].x * multiplier, vertices [i + 1].y * multiplier, vertices [i + 1].z * multiplier) ;
				glVertex3f (vertices [i + 2].x * multiplier, vertices [i + 2].y * multiplier, vertices [i + 2].z * multiplier) ;
				glVertex3f (vertices [i + 3].x * multiplier, vertices [i + 3].y * multiplier, vertices [i + 3].z * multiplier) ;
			glEnd () ;
			glPopAttrib () ;
		if ( displayStyle & MHWRender::MDrawContext::kWireFrame ) {
			// See myWireFrameDraw
			for ( int i =0 ; i < vertices.length () - 3 ; i +=4 ) {
				glBegin (GL_LINE_LOOP) ;
				glVertex3f (vertices [i].x * multiplier, vertices [i].y * multiplier, vertices [i].z * multiplier) ;
				glVertex3f (vertices [i + 1].x * multiplier, vertices [i + 1].y * multiplier, vertices [i + 1].z * multiplier) ;
				glVertex3f (vertices [i + 2].x * multiplier, vertices [i + 2].y * multiplier, vertices [i + 2].z * multiplier) ;
				glVertex3f (vertices [i + 3].x * multiplier, vertices [i + 3].y * multiplier, vertices [i + 3].z * multiplier) ;
				glEnd () ;
		glPopMatrix () ;
		glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW) ;
		glPopMatrix () ;
Exemplo n.º 2
void AppleseedRenderer::createMesh(mtap_MayaObject *obj, asr::MeshObjectArray& meshArray, bool& isProxyArray)

	// If the mesh has an attribute called "mtap_standin_path" and it contains a valid entry, then try to read the
	// content from the path. 
	// The other way is to have a standInMeshNode which is connected to the inMesh of the mesh node.
	// In this case, get the standin node, read the path of the binmesh file and load it.

	MObject meshObject = obj->mobject;

	MFnMeshData smoothMeshData;
	MObject smoothMesh = this->checkSmoothMesh(meshObject, smoothMeshData);
	//if( smoothMesh != MObject::kNullObj)
	//	meshObject = smoothMesh;

	MStatus stat = MStatus::kSuccess;
	MFnMesh meshFn(meshObject, &stat);

	// check for standin_path attribute
	MString proxyFile("");	
	if( getString(MString("mtap_standin_path"), meshFn, proxyFile))
		// we need at least .obj == 4 chars - maybe replace by a useful file check
		if( proxyFile.length() > 4 )
			isProxyArray = true;
			createMeshFromFile(obj, proxyFile, meshArray);

	// check for standInNode connection
	MObjectArray connectedElements;
	logger.debug(MString("findConnectedNodeTypes ") + meshFn.name());
	findConnectedNodeTypes(MTAP_MESH_STANDIN_ID, meshObject, connectedElements, false);

	if( connectedElements.length() > 0)

		if( connectedElements.length() > 1)
			logger.warning(MString("Found more than 1 standin elements:"));
			for( uint i = 0; i < connectedElements.length(); i++)
				logger.warning(MString("Standin element: ") + getObjectName(connectedElements[i]));
			logger.warning(MString("Using element: ") + getObjectName(connectedElements[0]));
		MFnDependencyNode depFn(connectedElements[0]);
		if(getString(MString("binMeshFile"), depFn, proxyFile))
			logger.debug(MString("Reading binarymesh from file: ") + proxyFile);
			isProxyArray = true;
			createMeshFromFile(obj, proxyFile, meshArray);

	isProxyArray = false;

	// no standin --- we have a normal mesh here
	MItMeshPolygon faceIt(meshObject, &stat);

	MPointArray points;
    MFloatVectorArray normals;
    meshFn.getNormals( normals, MSpace::kWorld );
	MFloatArray uArray, vArray;
	meshFn.getUVs(uArray, vArray);

	logger.debug(MString("Translating mesh object ") + meshFn.name().asChar());
	MString meshFullName = makeGoodString(meshFn.fullPathName());
    // Create a new mesh object.
	//asf::auto_release_ptr<asr::MeshObject> mesh = asr::MeshObjectFactory::create(meshFullName.asChar(), asr::ParamArray());
	meshArray.push_back(asr::MeshObjectFactory::create(meshFullName.asChar(), asr::ParamArray()).release());
	asr::MeshObject *mesh = meshArray[0];
	// add vertices
    // Vertices.
    //object->push_vertex(GVector3(552.8f, 0.0f,   0.0f));
	for( uint vtxId = 0; vtxId < points.length(); vtxId++)
		asr::GVector3 vtx((float)points[vtxId].x, (float)points[vtxId].y, (float)points[vtxId].z);

	// add normals
    // Vertex normals.
    //object->push_vertex_normal(GVector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
	for( uint nId = 0; nId < normals.length(); nId++)
		asr::GVector3 vtx((float)normals[nId].x, (float)normals[nId].y, (float)normals[nId].z);

	for( uint tId = 0; tId < uArray.length(); tId++)
		asr::GVector2 vtx((float)uArray[tId], (float)vArray[tId]);

	MPointArray triPoints;
	MIntArray triVtxIds;
	MIntArray faceVtxIds;
	MIntArray faceNormalIds;

	for( uint sgId = 0; sgId < obj->shadingGroups.length(); sgId++)
		MString slotName = MString("slot_") + sgId;

	for(faceIt.reset(); !faceIt.isDone(); faceIt.next())
		int faceId = faceIt.index();
		int numTris;

		MIntArray faceUVIndices;

		for( uint vtxId = 0; vtxId < faceVtxIds.length(); vtxId++)
			int uvIndex;
			faceIt.getUVIndex(vtxId, uvIndex);

		int perFaceShadingGroup = 0;
		if( obj->perFaceAssignments.length() > 0)
			perFaceShadingGroup = obj->perFaceAssignments[faceId];
		//logger.info(MString("Face ") + faceId + " will receive SG " +  perFaceShadingGroup);

		for( int triId = 0; triId < numTris; triId++)
			int faceRelIds[3];
			faceIt.getTriangle(triId, triPoints, triVtxIds);

			for( uint triVtxId = 0; triVtxId < 3; triVtxId++)
				for(uint faceVtxId = 0; faceVtxId < faceVtxIds.length(); faceVtxId++)
					if( faceVtxIds[faceVtxId] == triVtxIds[triVtxId])
						faceRelIds[triVtxId] = faceVtxId;

			uint vtxId0 = faceVtxIds[faceRelIds[0]];
			uint vtxId1 = faceVtxIds[faceRelIds[1]];
			uint vtxId2 = faceVtxIds[faceRelIds[2]];
			uint normalId0 = faceNormalIds[faceRelIds[0]];
			uint normalId1 = faceNormalIds[faceRelIds[1]];
			uint normalId2 = faceNormalIds[faceRelIds[2]];
			uint uvId0 = faceUVIndices[faceRelIds[0]];
			uint uvId1 = faceUVIndices[faceRelIds[1]];
			uint uvId2 = faceUVIndices[faceRelIds[2]];

			mesh->push_triangle(asr::Triangle(vtxId0, vtxId1, vtxId2,  normalId0, normalId1, normalId2, uvId0, uvId1, uvId2, perFaceShadingGroup));

IECore::PrimitivePtr FromMayaCurveConverter::doPrimitiveConversion( MFnNurbsCurve &fnCurve ) const
	// decide on the basis and periodicity
	int mDegree = fnCurve.degree();
	IECore::CubicBasisf basis = IECore::CubicBasisf::linear();
	if( m_linearParameter->getTypedValue()==false && mDegree==3 )
		basis = IECore::CubicBasisf::bSpline();
	bool periodic = false;
	if( fnCurve.form()==MFnNurbsCurve::kPeriodic )
		periodic = true;

	// get the points and convert them
	MPointArray mPoints;
	fnCurve.getCVs( mPoints, space() );
	if( periodic )
		// maya duplicates the first points at the end, whereas we just wrap around.
		// remove the duplicates.
		mPoints.setLength( mPoints.length() - mDegree );

	bool duplicateEnds = false;
	if( !periodic && mDegree==3 )
		// there's an implicit duplication of the end points that we need to make explicit
		duplicateEnds = true;

	IECore::V3fVectorDataPtr pointsData = new IECore::V3fVectorData;
	std::vector<Imath::V3f> &points = pointsData->writable();
	std::vector<Imath::V3f>::iterator transformDst;
	if( duplicateEnds )
		points.resize( mPoints.length() + 4 );
		transformDst = points.begin();
		*transformDst++ = IECore::convert<Imath::V3f>( mPoints[0] );
		*transformDst++ = IECore::convert<Imath::V3f>( mPoints[0] );
		points.resize( mPoints.length() );
		transformDst = points.begin();

	std::transform( MArrayIter<MPointArray>::begin( mPoints ), MArrayIter<MPointArray>::end( mPoints ), transformDst, IECore::VecConvert<MPoint, V3f>() );

	if( duplicateEnds )
		points[points.size()-1] = IECore::convert<Imath::V3f>( mPoints[mPoints.length()-1] );
		points[points.size()-2] = IECore::convert<Imath::V3f>( mPoints[mPoints.length()-1] );

	// make and return the curve
	IECore::IntVectorDataPtr vertsPerCurve = new IECore::IntVectorData;
	vertsPerCurve->writable().push_back( points.size() );

	return new IECore::CurvesPrimitive( vertsPerCurve, basis, periodic, pointsData );
Exemplo n.º 4
void extractPolygons(Model* model) {

	MStatus stat;
	MItDag dagIter(MItDag::kBreadthFirst, MFn::kInvalid);

	for (; !dagIter.isDone(); dagIter.next()) {
		MDagPath dagPath;
		stat = dagIter.getPath(dagPath);
		if (!stat) { continue; };

		MFnDagNode dagNode(dagPath, &stat);

		if (dagNode.isIntermediateObject()) continue;
		if (!dagPath.hasFn( MFn::kMesh )) continue;
		if (dagPath.hasFn( MFn::kTransform)) continue;
		if (!dagPath.isVisible()) continue;

		MFnMesh fnMesh(dagPath);

		MStringArray  UVSets;
		stat = fnMesh.getUVSetNames( UVSets );

		// Get all UVs for the first UV set.
		MFloatArray   u, v;
		fnMesh.getUVs(u, v, &UVSets[0]);

		MPointArray vertexList;
		fnMesh.getPoints(vertexList, MSpace::kObject);

		MFloatVectorArray  meshNormals;

		unsigned instanceNumber = dagPath.instanceNumber();
		MObjectArray sets;
		MObjectArray comps;
		fnMesh.getConnectedSetsAndMembers( instanceNumber, sets, comps, true );


		unsigned int comlength = comps.length();

		for (unsigned int compi = 0; compi < comlength; compi++) {

			SubMesh submesh;

			MItMeshPolygon itPolygon(dagPath, comps[compi]);

			unsigned int polyCount = 0;
			for (; !itPolygon.isDone(); itPolygon.next()) {
				MIntArray                           polygonVertices;

				int count;

				for (; count > -1; count--) {
					MPointArray                     nonTweaked;
					MIntArray                       triangleVertices;
					MIntArray                       localIndex;

					MStatus  status;
					status = itPolygon.getTriangle(count, nonTweaked, triangleVertices, MSpace::kObject);

					if (status == MS::kSuccess) {

						VertexDefinition vertex1;
						VertexDefinition vertex2;
						VertexDefinition vertex3;

						{ // vertices

							int vertexCount = vertexList.length();

								int vertexIndex0 = triangleVertices[0];
								MPoint point0 = vertexList[vertexIndex0];

								vertex1.vertex.x = (float)point0.x;
								vertex1.vertex.y = (float)point0.y;
								vertex1.vertex.z = (float)point0.z;

								int vertexIndex0 = triangleVertices[1];
								MPoint point0 = vertexList[vertexIndex0];

								vertex2.vertex.x = (float)point0.x;
								vertex2.vertex.y = (float)point0.y;
								vertex2.vertex.z = (float)point0.z;

								int vertexIndex0 = triangleVertices[2];
								MPoint point0 = vertexList[vertexIndex0];

								vertex3.vertex.x = (float)point0.x;
								vertex3.vertex.y = (float)point0.y;
								vertex3.vertex.z = (float)point0.z;


						{ // normals

							// Get face-relative vertex indices for this triangle
							localIndex = GetLocalIndex(polygonVertices, triangleVertices);

								int index0 = itPolygon.normalIndex(localIndex[0]);
								MPoint point0 = meshNormals[index0];

								vertex1.normal.x = (float)point0.x;
								vertex1.normal.y = (float)point0.y;
								vertex1.normal.z = (float)point0.z;

								int index0 = itPolygon.normalIndex(localIndex[1]);
								MPoint point0 = meshNormals[index0];

								vertex2.normal.x = (float)point0.x;
								vertex2.normal.y = (float)point0.y;
								vertex2.normal.z = (float)point0.z;

								int index0 = itPolygon.normalIndex(localIndex[2]);
								MPoint point0 = meshNormals[index0];

								vertex3.normal.x = (float)point0.x;
								vertex3.normal.y = (float)point0.y;
								vertex3.normal.z = (float)point0.z;

						{ // uvs

							int uvID[3];

							MStatus uvFetchStatus;
							for (unsigned int vtxInPolygon = 0; vtxInPolygon < 3; vtxInPolygon++) {
								uvFetchStatus = itPolygon.getUVIndex(localIndex[vtxInPolygon], uvID[vtxInPolygon]);

							if (uvFetchStatus == MStatus::kSuccess) {

									int index0 = uvID[0];
									float uvu = u[index0];
									float uvv = v[index0];

									vertex1.uv.x = uvu;
									vertex1.uv.y = 1.0f - uvv;

									int index0 = uvID[1];
									float uvu = u[index0];
									float uvv = v[index0];

									vertex2.uv.x = uvu;
									vertex2.uv.y = 1.0f - uvv;

									int index0 = uvID[2];
									float uvu = u[index0];
									float uvv = v[index0];

									vertex3.uv.x = uvu;
									vertex3.uv.y = 1.0f - uvv; // directx


				Material material;

					MObjectArray shaders;
					MIntArray indices;
					fnMesh.getConnectedShaders(0, shaders, indices);
					unsigned int shaderCount = shaders.length();

					MPlugArray connections;
					MFnDependencyNode shaderGroup(shaders[compi]);
					MPlug shaderPlug = shaderGroup.findPlug("surfaceShader");
					shaderPlug.connectedTo(connections, true, false);

					for(unsigned int u = 0; u < connections.length(); u++) {
						if(connections[u].node().hasFn(MFn::kLambert)) {

							MFnLambertShader lambertShader(connections[u].node());
							MPlugArray plugs;
							lambertShader.findPlug("color").connectedTo(plugs, true, false);

							for (unsigned int p = 0; p < plugs.length(); p++) {
								MPlug object = plugs[p];
								if (!object.isNull()) {
									MObject node = object.node();
									if (node.hasFn(MFn::kFileTexture)) {
										MFnDependencyNode* diffuseMapNode = new MFnDependencyNode(node);

										MPlug filenamePlug = diffuseMapNode->findPlug ("fileTextureName");
										MString mayaFileName;
										filenamePlug.getValue (mayaFileName);
										std::string diffuseMapFileName = mayaFileName.asChar();
										std::string diffuseMapAssetPath = extractAssetPath(diffuseMapFileName);
										material.addTexture("ColorMap", diffuseMapAssetPath);

							MColor color = lambertShader.color();
							MString materialNameRaw = lambertShader.name();
							std::string materialName = materialNameRaw.asChar();

							Vector4MaterialParameter* diffuseColorParameter = new Vector4MaterialParameter("DiffuseColor");
							diffuseColorParameter->value.x = color.r;
							diffuseColorParameter->value.y = color.g;
							diffuseColorParameter->value.z = color.b;
							diffuseColorParameter->value.w = color.a;


					if (material.hasTextures()) {
					else {

					FloatMaterialParameter* specularPowerParameter = new FloatMaterialParameter("SpecularPower");
					specularPowerParameter->value = 1.0;

					FloatMaterialParameter* specularIntensityParameter = new FloatMaterialParameter("SpecularIntensity");
					specularIntensityParameter->value = 1.0f;

					FloatMaterialParameter* diffusePowerParameter = new FloatMaterialParameter("DiffusePower");
					diffusePowerParameter->value = 1.0f;


Exemplo n.º 5
MStatus splatDeformer::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data)
	// do this if we are using an OpenMP implementation that is not the same as Maya's.
	// Even if it is the same, it does no harm to make this call.

	MStatus status = MStatus::kUnknownParameter;
 	if (plug.attribute() != outputGeom) {
		return status;

	unsigned int index = plug.logicalIndex();
	MObject thisNode = this->thisMObject();

	// get input value
	MPlug inPlug(thisNode,input);
	MDataHandle hInput = data.inputValue(inPlug, &status);
	MCheckStatus(status, "ERROR getting input mesh\n");
	// get the input geometry
	MDataHandle inputData = hInput.child(inputGeom);
	if (inputData.type() != MFnData::kMesh) {
 		printf("Incorrect input geometry type\n");
		return MStatus::kFailure;

	// get the input groupId - ignored for now...
	MDataHandle hGroup = inputData.child(groupId);
	unsigned int groupId = hGroup.asLong();

	// get deforming mesh
	MDataHandle deformData = data.inputValue(deformingMesh, &status);
	MCheckStatus(status, "ERROR getting deforming mesh\n");
    if (deformData.type() != MFnData::kMesh) {
		printf("Incorrect deformer geometry type %d\n", deformData.type());
		return MStatus::kFailure;

  	MObject dSurf = deformData.asMeshTransformed();
 	MFnMesh fnDeformingMesh;
 	fnDeformingMesh.setObject( dSurf ) ;

	MDataHandle outputData = data.outputValue(plug);
 	if (outputData.type() != MFnData::kMesh) {
		printf("Incorrect output mesh type\n");
		return MStatus::kFailure;
	MItGeometry iter(outputData, groupId, false);

	// create fast intersector structure
	MMeshIntersector intersector;

	// get all points at once. Faster to query, and also better for
	// threading than using iterator
	MPointArray verts;
	int nPoints = verts.length();

	// use bool variable as lightweight object for failure check in loop below
	bool failed = false;

 	MTimer timer; timer.beginTimer();

#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for
 	for(int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {

		// Cannot break out of an OpenMP loop, so if one of the
		// intersections failed, skip the rest
		if(failed) continue;

		// mesh point object must be in loop-local scope to avoid race conditions
		MPointOnMesh meshPoint;

		// Do intersection. Need to use per-thread status value as
		// MStatus has internal state and may trigger race conditions
		// if set from multiple threads. Probably benign in this case,
		// but worth being careful.
		MStatus localStatus = intersector.getClosestPoint(verts[i], meshPoint);
		if(localStatus != MStatus::kSuccess) {
			// NOTE - we cannot break out of an OpenMP region, so set
			// bad status and skip remaining iterations
			failed = true;

		// default OpenMP scheduling breaks traversal into large
		// chunks, so low risk of false sharing here in array write.
		verts[i] = meshPoint.getPoint();

 	timer.endTimer(); printf("Runtime for threaded loop %f\n", timer.elapsedTime());

	// write values back onto output using fast set method on iterator

	if(failed) {
		printf("Closest point failed\n");
		return MStatus::kFailure;

	return status;
Exemplo n.º 6
MStatus boingRbCmd::redoIt()
    if (argParser->isFlagSet("help") || argParser->isFlagSet("h"))
        MString helpMsg = "boingRB - command : Boing - bullet plugin by Risto Puukko\n";
        helpMsg += "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
        helpMsg += "boingRB [flag] [args] \n";
        helpMsg += "\n";
        helpMsg += "flags :\n";
        helpMsg += "  -getAttr [name.attr]\n";
        helpMsg += "     example : boingRb -getAttr (\"boingRb1.velocity\");\n" ;
        helpMsg += "\n";
        helpMsg += "  -getAttr [*.attr]\n";
        helpMsg += "     example : boingRb -getAttr (\"*.name\");\n" ;
        helpMsg += "\n";
        helpMsg += "  -setAttr [name.attr] -value [float float float ]\n";
        helpMsg += "     example : boingRb -setAttr (\"boingRb1.velocity\") -value 0 4 3 ;\n" ;
        helpMsg += "\n";
        helpMsg += "  -addAttr [name.attr] -type [int/double/string/vector]\n";
        helpMsg += "     example : boingRb -addAttr \"sampleRb.IntAttribute\" -type \"int\";\n" ;
        helpMsg += "     example : boingRb -addAttr \"sampleRb.VectorAttribute\" -type \"vector\";\n" ;
        helpMsg += "\n";
        helpMsg += "  -create [ ( \"name=string;geo=string;velocity/vel=float,float,float;position/pos=float,float,float\" )]\n";
        helpMsg += "     example : boingRb -create (\"name=sampleRb;geo=pCubeShape1;pos=0,4,0\");\n";
        helpMsg += "\n";
        helpMsg += "  -exists [name]\n";
        helpMsg += "     example : boingRb -exists \"sampleRb\";\n" ;
        helpMsg += "\n";
        helpMsg += "  -delete [name]\n";
        helpMsg += "     example : boingRb -delete \"sampleRb\";\n";
        helpMsg += "\n";
        helpMsg += "---------------------------------------------------------\n";

        return MS::kSuccess;
    isSetAttr = argParser->isFlagSet("-setAttr");
    isGetAttr = argParser->isFlagSet("-getAttr");
    isAddAttr = argParser->isFlagSet("-addAttr");
    isType = argParser->isFlagSet("-type");
    isExists = argParser->isFlagSet("-exists");
    isAttributeExist = argParser->isFlagSet("-attributeExist");
    isCreate = argParser->isFlagSet("-create");
    isDelete = argParser->isFlagSet("-delete");
    isValue = argParser->isFlagSet("-value");
    //std::cout<<"argsList : "<<*argsList<<std::endl;
    //unsigned i;
    //MStatus stat;
    //MVector res;
    // Parse the arguments.
    for (i = 0; i <argsList->length (); i++) {
        //MString arg = argsList->asString(i, &stat);
        //if (MS::kSuccess == stat) std::cout<<"arg["<<i<<"] : "<<arg<<std::endl;
        if (
            MString ("-setAttr") == argsList->asString(i, &stat) &&
            MString ("-value") == argsList->asString(i+2, &stat) &&
            MS::kSuccess == stat
            ) {
            for (unsigned j=3; j!=6; ++j)
                res[j-3 ] = argsList->asDouble (j, &stat);
    std::cout<<"res : "<<res<<std::endl;
    if (isSetAttr && isValue) {
        MString sAttr;
        argParser->getFlagArgument("setAttr", 0, sAttr);
        MStringArray jobArgsArray = parseArguments(sAttr, ".");
        MString rbName = jobArgsArray[0];
        MString attr = checkAttribute(jobArgsArray[1]);
        //std::cout<<"attr : "<<attr<<std::endl;
        if ( attr == "custom" ) {
            MString customAttr = jobArgsArray[1];
            //char * custAttr = (char*)customAttr.asChar();
            //std::cout<<"customAttr : "<<customAttr<<std::endl;
            shared_ptr<bSolverNode> b_solv = bSolverNode::get_bsolver_node();
            bSolverNode::m_custom_data *data = b_solv->getdata(rbName);
            //std::cout<<"data : "<<data<<std::endl;
            if (!data) return MS::kFailure;
            //std::cout<<"data->m_int_data : "<<data->m_int_data<<std::endl;
            MString type = b_solv->getAttrType(data, customAttr);
            //std::cout<<"attrype : "<<type<<std::endl;
            if (type == "string") {
                //std::cout<<"saving custom string : "<<customAttr<<std::endl;
                MString value;
                value = argsList->asString(3);
                b_solv->set_custom_data_string(data, customAttr, value);
                //char * chars = (char *)value.asChar();
                //void * char_ptr = (void *)chars;
                //b_solv->set_custom_data(customAttr, char_ptr);
            } else if (type == "double") {
                //std::cout<<"saving custom double : "<<customAttr<<std::endl;
                double value;
                value = argsList->asDouble(3);
                b_solv->set_custom_data_double(data, customAttr, value);
                //void *val = &value;
                //b_solv->set_custom_data(customAttr, val);
            } else if (type == "int") {
                //std::cout<<"saving custom int : "<<customAttr<<std::endl;
                int value;
                value = argsList->asInt(3);
                //std::cout<<"argsList->get(3, value) -> value : "<<value<<std::endl;
                b_solv->set_custom_data_int(data, customAttr, value);
                //std::cout<<"data->m_int_data : "<<data->m_int_data<<std::endl;
                //void *val = &value;
                //b_solv->set_custom_data(customAttr, val);
                //std::cout<<"b_solv->set_custom_data,static_cast<void*>(&value)) DONE!!!"<<std::endl;
            } else if (type == "vector") {
                //std::cout<<"saving custom vector : "<<customAttr<<std::endl;
                MVector value = MVector();
                value.x = argsList->asDouble(3);
                value.y = argsList->asDouble(4);
                value.z = argsList->asDouble(5);
                b_solv->set_custom_data_vector(data, customAttr, value);
                //MVector *MVecPtr = &value;
                //void * vec_ptr = static_cast<void*const>(MVecPtr);
                //b_solv->set_custom_data(customAttr, vec_ptr);
        } else {
            if (attr == "velocity" ||
                attr == "position" ||
                attr == "angularVelocity")
                MVector value;
                value.x = argsList->asDouble(3);
                value.y = argsList->asDouble(4);
                value.z = argsList->asDouble(5);
                //std::cout<<"vector argument : "<<value<<std::endl;
                setBulletVectorAttribute(rbName, attr, value);
    } else if ( isAttributeExist ) {
        MString exAttr;
        bool result = false;
        argParser->getFlagArgument("attributeExist", 0, exAttr);
        //std::cout<<"exAttr : "<<exAttr<<std::endl;
        MStringArray jobArgsArray = parseArguments(exAttr, ".");
        MString rbname = jobArgsArray[0];
        //std::cout<<"rbname : "<<rbname<<std::endl;
        MString attrToQuery = jobArgsArray[1];
        //std::cout<<"attrToQuery : "<<attrToQuery<<std::endl;
        MString attr = checkAttribute(attrToQuery);
        //std::cout<<"attr : "<<attr<<std::endl;
        if ( attr == "custom" ){ // here we check if user attribute by the name attrToQuery exists
            shared_ptr<bSolverNode> b_solv = bSolverNode::get_bsolver_node();
            //char * queryAttr = (char*)attrToQuery.asChar();
            MString attrResult = b_solv->getAttrType(b_solv->getdata(rbname), attrToQuery);
            if (attrResult != "")
            //if (b_solv->attribute_exists(attrToQuery))
                result =  true;

    } else if ( isAddAttr && isType ) {
        MString aAttr;
        argParser->getFlagArgument("addAttr", 0, aAttr);
        //std::cout<<"aAttr : "<<aAttr<<std::endl;
        MStringArray jobArgsArray = parseArguments(aAttr, ".");
        //std::cout<<"jobArgsArray : "<<jobArgsArray<<std::endl;
        MString rbname = jobArgsArray[0];
        MString attrAdded = jobArgsArray[1];
        //char *added = (char *)attrAdded.asChar();
        MString attrType;
        argParser->getFlagArgument("-type", 0, attrType);
        //char *type = (char *)attrType.asChar();
        //std::cout<<"attrType : "<<attrType<<std::endl;
        shared_ptr<bSolverNode> b_solv = bSolverNode::get_bsolver_node();
        bSolverNode::m_custom_data *data = b_solv->getdata(rbname);
        b_solv->saveAttrType(data, attrAdded, attrType);
        //std::cout<<"attr "<<aAttr<<" added"<<std::endl;
        //std::cout<<"data->m_attr_type : "<<data->m_attr_type<<std::endl;
        //std::cout<<"data->m_attr_name : "<<data->m_attr_name<<std::endl;
    } else if ( isGetAttr) {
        MString gAttr;
        shared_ptr<bSolverNode> b_solv = bSolverNode::get_bsolver_node();
        argParser->getFlagArgument("getAttr", 0, gAttr);
        MStringArray jobArgsArray = parseArguments(gAttr, ".");
        MString rbname = jobArgsArray[0];
        //std::cout<<"name : "<<rbname<<std::endl;
        if ( rbname == "" ) {
            MString errorMsg = "ERROR ! boing -getAttr must provide a rigid body name!";
            displayWarning(errorMsg, true);
            return MS::kFailure;
        MString attr = checkAttribute(jobArgsArray[1]);
        //std::cout<<"attr = "<<attr<<std::endl;
        if ( attr=="velocity" || attr=="position" || attr=="angularVelocity" ) {
            //MVector result =
            MDoubleArray dResult = getBulletVectorAttribute(rbname, attr);
        } else if (attr == "contactPositions") {
            bSolverNode::m_custom_data *data = b_solv->getdata(rbname);
            MDoubleArray d_points = MDoubleArray();
            if ( data->m_contact_count > 0 ) {
                MPointArray points = data->m_contact_positions;
                for (int i=0; i<points.length();i++) {
        } else if (attr == "contactGeos") {
            MStringArray contact_objects = MStringArray();
            bSolverNode::m_custom_data *data = b_solv->getdata(rbname);
            if ( data->m_contact_count > 0 ) {
                MStringArray contact_objects = data->m_contact_objects;
        } else if (attr == "contactCount") {
            bSolverNode::m_custom_data *data = b_solv->getdata(rbname);
            int contact_count = data->m_contact_count;
        } else if (attr == "name") {
            MStringArray result;
            MStringArray names = b_solv->get_all_keys();
            //std::cout<<"names : "<<names<<std::endl;
            //std::cout<<"b_solv->getdatalength() : "<<b_solv->getdatalength()<<std::endl;
            for(int i=0; i < names.length(); i++) {
                bSolverNode::m_custom_data *data = b_solv->getdata(names[i]);
                if ( NULL != data) {
                    //std::cout<<"data->name : "<<data->name<<std::endl;
                    //std::cout<<"data->m_initial_position: "<<data->m_initial_position<<std::endl;
        } else if ( attr == "" ) {
            MString errorMsg = "ERROR ! boing -getAttr must provide an attribute name to query!";
            displayWarning(errorMsg, true);
            return MS::kFailure;
        } else if ( attr == "custom" ){ // here we handle user attributes
            MString customAttr = jobArgsArray[1];
            //char * custAttr = (char*)customAttr.asChar();
            //std::cout<<"customAttr :  "<<customAttr<<std::endl;
            MString type = b_solv->getAttrType(b_solv->getdata(rbname), customAttr);
            //bSolverNode::m_custom_data *data = b_solv->getdata(rbname);
            std::cout<<" type :  "<<type<<std::endl;
            if (type == "string") {
                //char * result = static_cast<char*>(b_solv->get_custom_data(customAttr));
                MString result = b_solv->get_custom_data_string(b_solv->getdata(rbname), customAttr);
                if (result != NULL) {
                    //std::cout<<"result : "<<result<<std::endl;
                    MString value(result);
                } else {
                    displayError(MString("Error getting b_solv->get_custom_data_string(\"" + customAttr + "\")"));
            } else if (type == "double") {
                //double *value = static_cast<double*>(b_solv->get_custom_data(customAttr));
                double value = b_solv->get_custom_data_double(b_solv->getdata(rbname), customAttr);
            } else if (type == "int") {
                //int *value = static_cast<int*>(b_solv->get_custom_data(customAttr));
                int value = b_solv->get_custom_data_int(b_solv->getdata(rbname), customAttr);
            } else if (type == "vector") {
                //void * result = b_solv->get_custom_data(customAttr);
                //MVector *vec_res = (MVector*)result;
                MVector result = b_solv->get_custom_data_vector(b_solv->getdata(rbname), customAttr);
                MDoubleArray value;
    } else if ( isCreate  ) {
        MString aArgument;
        argParser->getFlagArgument("-create", 0, aArgument);
        MStringArray createArgs = parseArguments(aArgument,";");
        int size = createArgs.length();
        MString inputShape;
        MString rbname = "dummyRb";
        MVector av;
        MVector vel;
        MVector pos;
        MVector rot;
        for (int i=0; i!=size; ++i) {
            MStringArray singleArg = parseArguments(createArgs[i],"=");
            //std::cout<<"singleArg : "<<singleArg<<std::endl;
            if (singleArg[0] == "name") {
                rbname = singleArg[1];
            } else if (singleArg[0] == "geo") {
                inputShape = singleArg[1];
                //std::cout<<"geo = "<<inputShape<<std::endl;
            } else if (singleArg[0] == "vel") {
                MStringArray velArray = parseArguments(singleArg[1], ",");
                vel = MVector(velArray[0].asDouble(),
                //std::cout<<"velocity = "<<vel<<std::endl;
            } else if (singleArg[0] == "pos") {
                MStringArray posArray = parseArguments(singleArg[1], ",");
                pos = MVector(posArray[0].asDouble(),
                //std::cout<<"position = "<<pos<<std::endl;
            } else if (singleArg[0] == "rot") {
                MStringArray rotArray = parseArguments(singleArg[1], ",");
                rot = MVector(rotArray[0].asDouble(),
                //std::cout<<"rotation = "<<rot<<std::endl;
            } else if (singleArg[0] == "av") {
                MStringArray avArray = parseArguments(singleArg[1], ",");
                av = MVector(avArray[0].asDouble(),
                //std::cout<<"initialAngularVelocity = "<<av<<std::endl;
            } else {
                std::cout<<"Unrecognized parameter : "<<singleArg[0]<<std::endl;
        // create boing node
        shared_ptr<bSolverNode> b_solv = bSolverNode::get_bsolver_node();
        MObject node = nameToNode(inputShape);
        float mass = 1.0f;
        MString tname = "boing";
        MStatus stat = b_solv->createNode(node, rbname, tname, pos, vel, rot, av, mass);
        if (MS::kSuccess == stat) {
        } else {
            MGlobal::displayError(MString("Something went wrong when trying to create rigidbody : " + rbname + " ."));
    } else if ( isDelete  ) {
        MString aArgument;
        argParser->getFlagArgument("-delete", 0, aArgument);
        //std::cout<<"delete aArgument "<<aArgument<<std::endl;
        if (aArgument != "") {
            shared_ptr<bSolverNode> b_solv = bSolverNode::get_bsolver_node();
            MStatus stat = b_solv->delete_key(aArgument, -1);
            if (stat != MS::kSuccess) {
                std::cerr<<"error occurred deleting "<<aArgument<<" ."<<std::endl;
    } else if ( isExists ) {
        MString exArg;
        argParser->getFlagArgument("-exists", 0, exArg);
        //std::cout<<"exArg : "<<exArg<<std::endl;
        if (exArg != "") {
            shared_ptr<bSolverNode> b_solv = bSolverNode::get_bsolver_node();
            bSolverNode::m_custom_data *data = b_solv->getdata(exArg);
            int result = false;
            if ( NULL != data ) {
                //setResult ( data->name );
                result = true;
    return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus probeDeformerARAPNode::deform( MDataBlock& data, MItGeometry& itGeo, const MMatrix &localToWorldMatrix, unsigned int mIndex )
	MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
    MStatus status;
    MThreadUtils::syncNumOpenMPThreads();    // for OpenMP
    bool worldMode = data.inputValue( aWorldMode ).asBool();
    bool areaWeighted = data.inputValue( aAreaWeighted ).asBool();
    short stiffnessMode = data.inputValue( aStiffness ).asShort();
    short blendMode = data.inputValue( aBlendMode ).asShort();
    short tetMode = data.inputValue( aTetMode ).asShort();
    short numIter = data.inputValue( aIteration ).asShort();
    short constraintMode = data.inputValue( aConstraintMode ).asShort();
    short visualisationMode = data.inputValue( aVisualisationMode ).asShort();
    mesh.transWeight = data.inputValue( aTransWeight ).asDouble();
    double constraintWeight = data.inputValue( aConstraintWeight ).asDouble();
    double normExponent = data.inputValue( aNormExponent ).asDouble();
    double visualisationMultiplier = data.inputValue(aVisualisationMultiplier).asDouble();
    MArrayDataHandle hMatrixArray = data.inputArrayValue(aMatrix);
    MArrayDataHandle hInitMatrixArray = data.inputArrayValue(aInitMatrix);
    // check connection
    if(hMatrixArray.elementCount() > hInitMatrixArray.elementCount() || hMatrixArray.elementCount() == 0 || blendMode == BM_OFF){
        return MS::kSuccess;
    }else if(hMatrixArray.elementCount() < hInitMatrixArray.elementCount()){
        std::set<int> indices;
        for(int i=0;i<hInitMatrixArray.elementCount();i++){
        for(int i=0;i<hMatrixArray.elementCount();i++){
        deleteAttr(data, aInitMatrix, indices);
        deleteAttr(data, aProbeConstraintRadius, indices);
        deleteAttr(data, aProbeWeight, indices);
    bool isNumProbeChanged = (numPrb != hMatrixArray.elementCount());
    numPrb = hMatrixArray.elementCount();
    // read matrices from probes
    std::vector<Matrix4d> initMatrix(numPrb), matrix(numPrb);
    readMatrixArray(hInitMatrixArray, initMatrix);
    readMatrixArray(hMatrixArray, matrix);
    // read vertex positions
    MPointArray Mpts;
    int numPts = Mpts.length();
    // compute distance
    if(!data.isClean(aARAP) || !data.isClean(aComputeWeight) || isNumProbeChanged){
        // load points list
            for(int j=0; j<numPts; j++ )
                Mpts[j] *= localToWorldMatrix;
        for(int i=0;i<numPts;i++){
            pts[i] << Mpts[i].x, Mpts[i].y, Mpts[i].z;
        // make tetrahedral structure
        getMeshData(data, input, inputGeom, mIndex, tetMode, pts, mesh.tetList, faceList, edgeList, vertexList, mesh.tetMatrix, mesh.tetWeight);
        mesh.dim = removeDegenerate(tetMode, numPts, mesh.tetList, faceList, edgeList, vertexList, mesh.tetMatrix);
        makeTetMatrix(tetMode, pts, mesh.tetList, faceList, edgeList, vertexList, mesh.tetMatrix, mesh.tetWeight);
        makeTetCenterList(tetMode, pts, mesh.tetList, tetCenter);
        mesh.numTet = (int)mesh.tetList.size()/4;
        // initial probe position
        for(int i=0;i<numPrb;i++){
            B.centre[i] = transPart(initMatrix[i]);
        // compute distance between probe and tetrahedra
        D.setNum(numPrb, numPts, mesh.numTet);
        D.computeDistTet(tetCenter, B.centre);
        D.computeDistPts(pts, B.centre);
    // (re)compute ARAP
    if(!data.isClean(aARAP) || isNumProbeChanged){
        // load painted weights
        if(stiffnessMode == SM_PAINT) {
            VectorXd ptsWeight(numPts);
            for (int i=0; !itGeo.isDone(); itGeo.next()){
                double w=weightValue(data, mIndex, itGeo.index());
                ptsWeight[i++] = (w>EPSILON) ? w : EPSILON;
            makeTetWeightList(tetMode, mesh.tetList, faceList, edgeList, vertexList, ptsWeight, mesh.tetWeight);
        }else if(stiffnessMode == SM_LEARN) {
            std::vector<double> tetEnergy(mesh.numTet,0);
            MArrayDataHandle hSupervisedMesh = data.inputArrayValue(aSupervisedMesh);
            int numSupervisedMesh = hSupervisedMesh.elementCount();
            for(int j=0;j<numSupervisedMesh;j++){
                MFnMesh ex_mesh(hSupervisedMesh.inputValue().asMesh());
                MPointArray Mspts;
                ex_mesh.getPoints( Mspts );
                if(numPts != Mspts.length()){
                    MGlobal::displayInfo("incompatible mesh");
                    return MS::kFailure;
                std::vector<Vector3d> spts(numPts);
                for(int i=0;i<numPts;i++){
                    spts[i] << Mspts[i].x, Mspts[i].y, Mspts[i].z;
                std::vector<double> dummy_weight;
                makeTetMatrix(tetMode, spts, mesh.tetList, faceList, edgeList, vertexList, Q, dummy_weight);
                Matrix3d S,R;
                for(int i=0;i<mesh.numTet;i++)  {
                    polarHigham((mesh.tetMatrixInverse[i]*Q[i]).block(0,0,3,3), S, R);
                    tetEnergy[i] += (S-Matrix3d::Identity()).squaredNorm();
            // compute weight (stiffness)
            double max_energy = *std::max_element(tetEnergy.begin(), tetEnergy.end());
            for(int i=0;i<mesh.numTet;i++)  {
                double w = 1.0 - tetEnergy[i]/(max_energy+EPSILON);
                mesh.tetWeight[i] *= w*w;

        // find constraint points
        for(int i=0;i<numPrb;i++){
            constraint[3*i] = T(i,mesh.tetList[4*D.closestTet[i]],constraintWeight);
            constraint[3*i+1] = T(i,mesh.tetList[4*D.closestTet[i]+1],constraintWeight);
            constraint[3*i+2] = T(i,mesh.tetList[4*D.closestTet[i]+2],constraintWeight);
        if( constraintMode == CONSTRAINT_NEIGHBOUR ){
            std::vector<double> probeConstraintRadius(numPrb);
            MArrayDataHandle handle = data.inputArrayValue(aProbeConstraintRadius);
            if(handle.elementCount() != numPrb){
                MGlobal::displayInfo("# of Probes and probeConstraintRadius are different");
                return MS::kFailure;
            for(int i=0;i<numPrb;i++){
            double constraintRadius = data.inputValue( aConstraintRadius ).asDouble();
            for(int i=0;i<numPrb;i++){
                double r = constraintRadius * probeConstraintRadius[i];
                for(int j=0;j<numPts;j++){
                        constraint.push_back(T(i,j,constraintWeight * pow((r-D.distPts[i][j])/r,normExponent)));
        int numConstraint=constraint.size();
        for(int cur=0;cur<numConstraint;cur++){
            mesh.constraintWeight[cur] = std::make_pair(constraint[cur].col(), constraint[cur].value());
        isError = mesh.ARAPprecompute();
        status = data.setClean(aARAP);
    }        // END of ARAP precomputation
        return MS::kFailure;
    // probe weight computation
    if(!data.isClean(aComputeWeight) || isNumProbeChanged){
        // load probe weights
        MArrayDataHandle handle = data.inputArrayValue(aProbeWeight);
        if(handle.elementCount() != numPrb){
            MGlobal::displayInfo("# of Probes and probeWeight are different");
            isError = ERROR_ATTR;
            return MS::kFailure;
        double effectRadius = data.inputValue( aEffectRadius ).asDouble();
        std::vector<double> probeWeight(numPrb), probeRadius(numPrb);
        for(int i=0;i<numPrb;i++){
            probeWeight[i] = handle.inputValue().asDouble();
            probeRadius[i] = probeWeight[i] * effectRadius;
        for(int j=0;j<mesh.numTet;j++){
            wr[j].resize(numPrb); ws[j].resize(numPrb); wl[j].resize(numPrb);
        short weightMode = data.inputValue( aWeightMode ).asShort();
        if (weightMode == WM_INV_DISTANCE){
            for(int j=0;j<mesh.numTet;j++){
                double sum=0.0;
                std::vector<double> idist(numPrb);
                for (int i = 0; i<numPrb; i++){
                    idist[i] = probeRadius[i] / pow(D.distTet[i][j], normExponent);
                    sum += idist[i];
                for (int i = 0; i<numPrb; i++){
                    wr[j][i] = ws[j][i] = wl[j][i] = sum > 0 ? idist[i] / sum : 0.0;
        else if (weightMode == WM_CUTOFF_DISTANCE){
            for(int j=0;j<mesh.numTet;j++){
                for (int i = 0; i<numPrb; i++){
                    wr[j][i] = ws[j][i] = wl[j][i] = (D.distTet[i][j] > probeRadius[i])
                    ? 0 : pow((probeRadius[i] - D.distTet[i][j]) / probeRadius[i], normExponent);
        }else if (weightMode == WM_DRAW){
            float val;
            MRampAttribute rWeightCurveR( thisNode, aWeightCurveR, &status );
            MRampAttribute rWeightCurveS( thisNode, aWeightCurveS, &status );
            MRampAttribute rWeightCurveL( thisNode, aWeightCurveL, &status );
            for(int j=0;j<mesh.numTet;j++){
                for (int i = 0; i < numPrb; i++){
                    rWeightCurveR.getValueAtPosition(D.distTet[i][j] / probeRadius[i], val);
                    wr[j][i] = val;
                    rWeightCurveS.getValueAtPosition(D.distTet[i][j] / probeRadius[i], val);
                    ws[j][i] = val;
                    rWeightCurveL.getValueAtPosition(D.distTet[i][j] / probeRadius[i], val);
                    wl[j][i] = val;
        }else if(weightMode & WM_HARMONIC){
            Laplacian harmonicWeighting;
            makeFaceTet(data, input, inputGeom, mIndex, pts, harmonicWeighting.tetList, harmonicWeighting.tetMatrix, harmonicWeighting.tetWeight);
            harmonicWeighting.numTet = (int)harmonicWeighting.tetList.size()/4;
            std::vector<T> weightConstraint(numPrb);
            // the vertex closest to the probe is given probeWeight
            for(int i=0;i<numPrb;i++){
            // vertices within effectRadius are given probeWeight
            if( data.inputValue( aNeighbourWeighting ).asBool() ){
                for(int i=0;i<numPrb;i++){
                    for(int j=0;j<numPts;j++){
            // set boundary condition for weight computation
            int numConstraint=weightConstraint.size();
            for(int i=0;i<numConstraint;i++){
                harmonicWeighting.constraintWeight[i] = std::make_pair(weightConstraint[i].col(), weightConstraint[i].value());
            // clear tetWeight
            // solve the laplace equation
            if( weightMode == WM_HARMONIC_ARAP){
                harmonicWeighting.dim = numPts + harmonicWeighting.numTet;
                isError = harmonicWeighting.ARAPprecompute();
            }else if(weightMode == WM_HARMONIC_COTAN){
                harmonicWeighting.dim = numPts;
                isError = harmonicWeighting.cotanPrecompute();
            if(isError>0) return MS::kFailure;
            std::vector< std::vector<double> > w_tet(numPrb);
            for(int i=0;i<numPrb;i++){
                makeTetWeightList(tetMode, mesh.tetList, faceList, edgeList, vertexList, harmonicWeighting.Sol.col(i), w_tet[i]);
                for(int j=0;j<mesh.numTet; j++){
                    wr[j][i] = ws[j][i] = wl[j][i] = w_tet[i][j];
        // normalise weights
        short normaliseWeightMode = data.inputValue( aNormaliseWeight ).asShort();
        for(int j=0;j<mesh.numTet;j++){
            D.normaliseWeight(normaliseWeightMode, wr[j]);
            D.normaliseWeight(normaliseWeightMode, ws[j]);
            D.normaliseWeight(normaliseWeightMode, wl[j]);
        status = data.setClean(aComputeWeight);
    } // END of weight computation

    // setting up transformation matrix
    B.rotationConsistency = data.inputValue( aRotationConsistency ).asBool();
    bool frechetSum = data.inputValue( aFrechetSum ).asBool();
    blendedSE.resize(mesh.numTet); blendedR.resize(mesh.numTet); blendedS.resize(mesh.numTet); blendedL.resize(mesh.numTet);A.resize(mesh.numTet);
    for(int i=0;i<numPrb;i++){

// prepare transform matrix for each simplex
#pragma omp parallel for
	for (int j = 0; j < mesh.numTet; j++){
		// blend matrix
		if (blendMode == BM_SRL){
			blendedS[j] = expSym(blendMat(B.logS, ws[j]));
			Vector3d l = blendMat(B.L, wl[j]);
            blendedR[j] = frechetSum ? frechetSO(B.R, wr[j]) : expSO(blendMat(B.logR, wr[j]));
			A[j] = pad(blendedS[j]*blendedR[j], l);
		else if (blendMode == BM_SSE){
			blendedS[j] = expSym(blendMat(B.logS, ws[j]));
            blendedSE[j] = expSE(blendMat(B.logSE, wr[j]));
			A[j] = pad(blendedS[j], Vector3d::Zero()) * blendedSE[j];
		else if (blendMode == BM_LOG3){
			blendedR[j] = blendMat(B.logGL, wr[j]).exp();
			Vector3d l = blendMat(B.L, wl[j]);
			A[j] = pad(blendedR[j], l);
		else if (blendMode == BM_LOG4){
			A[j] = blendMat(B.logAff, wr[j]).exp();
		else if (blendMode == BM_SQL){
			Vector4d q = blendQuat(B.quat, wr[j]);
			Vector3d l = blendMat(B.L, wl[j]);
			blendedS[j] = blendMatLin(B.S, ws[j]);
			Quaternion<double> RQ(q);
			blendedR[j] = RQ.matrix().transpose();
			A[j] = pad(blendedS[j]*blendedR[j], l);
		else if (blendMode == BM_AFF){
			A[j] = blendMatLin(B.Aff, wr[j]);

    // compute target vertices position
    // set constraint
    int numConstraints = constraint.size();
    RowVector4d cv;
    for(int cur=0;cur<numConstraints;cur++){
        cv = pad(pts[constraint[cur].col()]) * B.Aff[constraint[cur].row()];
        mesh.constraintVal(cur,0) = cv[0];
        mesh.constraintVal(cur,1) = cv[1];
        mesh.constraintVal(cur,2) = cv[2];

    // iterate to determine vertices position
    for(int k=0;k<numIter;k++){
        // solve ARAP
        // set new vertices position
        for(int i=0;i<numPts;i++){
        // if iteration continues
        if(k+1<numIter || visualisationMode == VM_ENERGY){
            std::vector<double> dummy_weight;
            makeTetMatrix(tetMode, new_pts, mesh.tetList, faceList, edgeList, vertexList, Q, dummy_weight);
            Matrix3d S,R,newS,newR;
            if(blendMode == BM_AFF || blendMode == BM_LOG4 || blendMode == BM_LOG3){
                for(int i=0;i<mesh.numTet;i++){
                    polarHigham(A[i].block(0,0,3,3), blendedS[i], blendedR[i]);
            #pragma omp parallel for
            for(int i=0;i<mesh.numTet;i++){
                polarHigham((mesh.tetMatrixInverse[i]*Q[i]).block(0,0,3,3), newS, newR);
                tetEnergy[i] = (newS-blendedS[i]).squaredNorm();
                A[i].block(0,0,3,3) = blendedS[i]*newR;
//                polarHigham((A[i].transpose()*PI[i]*Q[i]).block(0,0,3,3), newS, newR);
//                A[i].block(0,0,3,3) *= newR;
    for(int i=0;i<numPts;i++){
        for(int i=0;i<numPts;i++)
            Mpts[i] *= localToWorldMatrix.inverse();
    // set vertex colour
    if(visualisationMode != VM_OFF){
        std::vector<double> ptsColour(numPts, 0.0);
        if(visualisationMode == VM_ENERGY){
            makePtsWeightList(tetMode, numPts, mesh.tetList, faceList, edgeList, vertexList, tetEnergy, ptsColour);
            for(int i=0;i<numPts;i++){
                ptsColour[i] *= visualisationMultiplier;
        }else if(visualisationMode == VM_STIFFNESS){
            makePtsWeightList(tetMode, numPts, mesh.tetList, faceList, edgeList, vertexList, mesh.tetWeight, ptsColour);
            double maxval = *std::max_element(ptsColour.begin(), ptsColour.end());
            for(int i=0;i<numPts;i++){
                ptsColour[i] = 1.0 - ptsColour[i]/maxval;
        }else if(visualisationMode == VM_CONSTRAINT){
            for(int i=0;i<constraint.size();i++){
                ptsColour[constraint[i].col()] += constraint[i].value();
        }else if(visualisationMode == VM_EFFECT){
            std:vector<double> wsum(mesh.numTet);
            for(int j=0;j<mesh.numTet;j++){
                //wsum[j] = std::accumulate(wr[j].begin(), wr[j].end(), 0.0);
                wsum[j]= visualisationMultiplier * wr[j][numPrb-1];
            makePtsWeightList(tetMode, numPts, mesh.tetList, faceList, edgeList, vertexList, wsum, ptsColour);
        visualise(data, outputGeom, ptsColour);
    return MS::kSuccess;
Exemplo n.º 8
void NifMeshExporterSkyrim::ExportMesh( MObject dagNode ) {
	//out << "NifTranslator::ExportMesh {";
	ComplexShape cs;
	MStatus stat;
	MObject mesh;

	//Find Mesh child of given transform object
	MFnDagNode nodeFn(dagNode);


	for (int i = 0; i != nodeFn.childCount(); ++i) {
		// get a handle to the child
		if (nodeFn.child(i).hasFn(MFn::kMesh)) {
			MFnMesh tempFn(nodeFn.child(i));
			//No history items
			if (!tempFn.isIntermediateObject()) {
				//out << "Found a mesh child." << endl;
				mesh = nodeFn.child(i);

	MFnMesh visibleMeshFn(mesh, &stat);
	if (stat != MS::kSuccess) {
		//out << stat.errorString().asChar() << endl;
		throw runtime_error("Failed to create visibleMeshFn.");

	//out << visibleMeshFn.name().asChar() << ") {" << endl;
	MFnMesh meshFn;
	MObject dataObj;
	MPlugArray inMeshPlugArray;
	MPlug childPlug;
	MPlug geomPlug;
	MPlug inputPlug;

	// this will hold the returned vertex positions
	MPointArray vts;

	//For now always use the visible mesh

	//out << "Use the function set to get the points" << endl;
	// use the function set to get the points
	stat = meshFn.getPoints(vts);
	if (stat != MS::kSuccess) {
		//out << stat.errorString().asChar() << endl;
		throw runtime_error("Failed to get points.");

	//Maya won't store any information about objects with no vertices.  Just skip it.
	if (vts.length() == 0) {
		MGlobal::displayWarning("An object in this scene has no vertices.  Nothing will be exported.");

	vector<WeightedVertex> nif_vts(vts.length());
	for (int i = 0; i != vts.length(); ++i) {
		nif_vts[i].position.x = float(vts[i].x);
		nif_vts[i].position.y = float(vts[i].y);
		nif_vts[i].position.z = float(vts[i].z);

	//Set vertex info later since it includes skin weights
	//cs.SetVertices( nif_vts );

	//out << "Use the function set to get the colors" << endl;
	MColorArray myColors;

	//out << "Prepare NIF color vector" << endl;
	vector<Color4> niColors(myColors.length());
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < myColors.length(); ++i) {
		niColors[i] = Color4(myColors[i].r, myColors[i].g, myColors[i].b, myColors[i].a);

	// this will hold the returned vertex positions
	MFloatVectorArray nmls;

	//out << "Use the function set to get the normals" << endl;
	// use the function set to get the normals
	stat = meshFn.getNormals(nmls, MSpace::kTransform);
	if (stat != MS::kSuccess) {
		//out << stat.errorString().asChar() << endl;
		throw runtime_error("Failed to get normals");

	//out << "Prepare NIF normal vector" << endl;
	vector<Vector3> nif_nmls(nmls.length());
	for (int i = 0; i != nmls.length(); ++i) {
		nif_nmls[i].x = float(nmls[i].x);
		nif_nmls[i].y = float(nmls[i].y);
		nif_nmls[i].z = float(nmls[i].z);

	//out << "Use the function set to get the UV set names" << endl;
	MStringArray uvSetNames;
	MString baseUVSet;
	MFloatArray myUCoords;
	MFloatArray myVCoords;
	bool has_uvs = false;

	// get the names of the uv sets on the mesh

	vector<TexCoordSet> nif_uvs;

	//Record assotiation between name and uv set index for later
	map<string, int> uvSetNums;

	int set_num = 0;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < uvSetNames.length(); ++i) {
		if (meshFn.numUVs(uvSetNames[i]) > 0) {
			TexType tt;
			string set_name = uvSetNames[i].asChar();
			if (set_name == "base" || set_name == "map1") {
				tt = BASE_MAP;
			else if (set_name == "dark") {
				tt = DARK_MAP;
			else if (set_name == "detail") {
				tt = DETAIL_MAP;
			else if (set_name == "gloss") {
				tt = GLOSS_MAP;
			else if (set_name == "glow") {
				tt = GLOW_MAP;
			else if (set_name == "bump") {
				tt = BUMP_MAP;
			else if (set_name == "decal0") {
				tt = DECAL_0_MAP;
			else if (set_name == "decal1") {
				tt = DECAL_1_MAP;
			else {
				tt = BASE_MAP;

			//Record the assotiation
			uvSetNums[set_name] = set_num;

			//Get the UVs
			meshFn.getUVs(myUCoords, myVCoords, &uvSetNames[i]);

			//Make sure this set actually has some UVs in it.  Maya sometimes returns empty UV sets.
			if (myUCoords.length() == 0) {

			//Store the data
			TexCoordSet tcs;
			tcs.texType = tt;
			for (unsigned int j = 0; j < myUCoords.length(); ++j) {
				tcs.texCoords[j].u = myUCoords[j];
				//Flip the V coords
				tcs.texCoords[j].v = 1.0f - myVCoords[j];

			baseUVSet = uvSetNames[i];
			has_uvs = true;



	// this will hold references to the shaders used on the meshes
	MObjectArray Shaders;

	// this is used to hold indices to the materials returned in the object array
	MIntArray    FaceIndices;

	//out << "Get the connected shaders" << endl;
	// get the shaders used by the i'th mesh instance
	// Assume this is not instanced for now
	// TODO support instancing properly
	stat = visibleMeshFn.getConnectedShaders(0, Shaders, FaceIndices);

	if (stat != MS::kSuccess) {
		//out << stat.errorString().asChar() << endl;
		throw runtime_error("Failed to get connected shader list.");


	vector<ComplexFace> nif_faces;

	//Add shaders to propGroup array
	vector< vector<NiPropertyRef> > propGroups;
	for (unsigned int shader_num = 0; shader_num < Shaders.length(); ++shader_num) {

		//Maya sometimes lists shaders that are not actually attached to any face.  Disregard them.
		bool shader_is_used = false;
		for (size_t f = 0; f < FaceIndices.length(); ++f) {
			if (FaceIndices[f] == shader_num) {
				shader_is_used = true;

		if (shader_is_used == false) {
			//Shader isn't actually used, so continue to the next one.

		//out << "Found attached shader:  ";
		//Attach all properties previously associated with this shader to
		//this NiTriShape
		MFnDependencyNode fnDep(Shaders[shader_num]);

		//Find the shader that this shading group connects to
		MPlug p = fnDep.findPlug("surfaceShader");
		MPlugArray plugs;
		p.connectedTo(plugs, true, false);
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < plugs.length(); ++i) {
			if (plugs[i].node().hasFn(MFn::kLambert)) {

		//out << fnDep.name().asChar() << endl;
		vector<NiPropertyRef> niProps = this->translatorData->shaders[fnDep.name().asChar()];


	//out << "Export vertex and normal data" << endl;
	// attach an iterator to the mesh
	MItMeshPolygon itPoly(mesh, &stat);
	if (stat != MS::kSuccess) {
		throw runtime_error("Failed to create polygon iterator.");

	// Create a list of faces with vertex IDs, and duplicate normals so they have the same ID
	for (; !itPoly.isDone(); itPoly.next()) {
		int poly_vert_count = itPoly.polygonVertexCount(&stat);

		if (stat != MS::kSuccess) {
			throw runtime_error("Failed to get vertex count.");

		//Ignore polygons with less than 3 vertices
		if (poly_vert_count < 3) {

		ComplexFace cf;

		//Assume all faces use material 0 for now
		cf.propGroupIndex = 0;

		for (int i = 0; i < poly_vert_count; ++i) {
			ComplexPoint cp;

			cp.vertexIndex = itPoly.vertexIndex(i);
			cp.normalIndex = itPoly.normalIndex(i);
			if (niColors.size() > 0) {
				int color_index;
				stat = meshFn.getFaceVertexColorIndex(itPoly.index(), i, color_index);
				if (stat != MS::kSuccess) {
					//out << stat.errorString().asChar() << endl;
					throw runtime_error("Failed to get vertex color.");
				cp.colorIndex = color_index;

			//Get the UV set names used by this particular vertex
			MStringArray vertUvSetNames;
			for (unsigned int j = 0; j < vertUvSetNames.length(); ++j) {
				TexCoordIndex tci;
				tci.texCoordSetIndex = uvSetNums[vertUvSetNames[j].asChar()];
				int uv_index;
				itPoly.getUVIndex(i, uv_index, &vertUvSetNames[j]);
				tci.texCoordIndex = uv_index;

	//Set shader/face association
	if (nif_faces.size() != FaceIndices.length()) {
		throw runtime_error("Num faces found do not match num faces reported.");
	for (unsigned int face_index = 0; face_index < nif_faces.size(); ++face_index) {
		nif_faces[face_index].propGroupIndex = FaceIndices[face_index];


	//--Skin Processing--//

	//Look up any skin clusters
	if (this->translatorData->meshClusters.find(visibleMeshFn.fullPathName().asChar()) != this->translatorData->meshClusters.end()) {
		const vector<MObject> & clusters = this->translatorData->meshClusters[visibleMeshFn.fullPathName().asChar()];
		if (clusters.size() > 1) {
			throw runtime_error("Objects with multiple skin clusters affecting them are not currently supported.  Try deleting the history and re-binding them.");

		vector<MObject>::const_iterator cluster = clusters.begin();
		if (cluster->isNull() != true) {
			MFnSkinCluster clusterFn(*cluster);

			//out << "Processing skin..." << endl;
			//Get path to visible mesh
			MDagPath meshPath;

			//out << "Getting a list of all verticies in this mesh" << endl;
			//Get a list of all vertices in this mesh
			MFnSingleIndexedComponent compFn;
			MObject vertices = compFn.create(MFn::kMeshVertComponent);
			MItGeometry gIt(meshPath);
			MIntArray vertex_indices(gIt.count());
			for (int vert_index = 0; vert_index < gIt.count(); ++vert_index) {
				vertex_indices[vert_index] = vert_index;

			//out << "Getting Influences" << endl;
			//Get influences
			MDagPathArray myBones;
			clusterFn.influenceObjects(myBones, &stat);

			//out << "Creating a list of NiNodeRefs of influences." << endl;
			//Create list of NiNodeRefs of influences
			vector<NiNodeRef> niBones(myBones.length());
			for (unsigned int bone_index = 0; bone_index < niBones.size(); ++bone_index) {
				const char* boneName = myBones[bone_index].fullPathName().asChar();
				if (this->translatorData->nodes.find(myBones[bone_index].fullPathName().asChar()) == this->translatorData->nodes.end()) {
					//There is a problem; one of the joints was not exported.  Abort.
					throw runtime_error("One of the joints necessary to export a bound skin was not exported.");
				niBones[bone_index] = this->translatorData->nodes[myBones[bone_index].fullPathName().asChar()];

			//out << "Getting weights from Maya" << endl;
			//Get weights from Maya
			MDoubleArray myWeights;
			unsigned int bone_count = myBones.length();
			stat = clusterFn.getWeights(meshPath, vertices, myWeights, bone_count);
			if (stat != MS::kSuccess) {
				//out << stat.errorString().asChar() << endl;
				throw runtime_error("Failed to get vertex weights.");

			//out << "Setting skin influence list in ComplexShape" << endl;
			//Set skin information in ComplexShape

			//out << "Adding weights to ComplexShape vertices" << endl;
			//out << "Number of weights:  " << myWeights.length() << endl;
			//out << "Number of bones:  " << myBones.length() << endl;
			//out << "Number of Maya vertices:  " << gIt.count() << endl;
			//out << "Number of NIF vertices:  " << int(nif_vts.size()) << endl;
			unsigned int weight_index = 0;
			SkinInfluence sk;
			for (unsigned int vert_index = 0; vert_index < nif_vts.size(); ++vert_index) {
				for (unsigned int bone_index = 0; bone_index < myBones.length(); ++bone_index) {
					//out << "vert_index:  " << vert_index << "  bone_index:  " << bone_index << "  weight_index:  " << weight_index << endl;	
					// Only bother with weights that are significant
					if (myWeights[weight_index] > 0.0f) {
						sk.influenceIndex = bone_index;
						sk.weight = float(myWeights[weight_index]);


		MPlugArray connected_dismember_plugs;
		MObjectArray dismember_nodes;
		meshFn.findPlug("message").connectedTo(connected_dismember_plugs, false, true);

		bool has_valid_dismemember_partitions = true;
		int faces_count = cs.GetFaces().size();
		int current_face_index;
		vector<BodyPartList> body_parts_list;
		vector<uint> dismember_faces(faces_count, 0);

		for (int x = 0; x < connected_dismember_plugs.length(); x++) {
			MFnDependencyNode dependency_node(connected_dismember_plugs[x].node());
			if (dependency_node.typeName() == "nifDismemberPartition") {

		if (dismember_nodes.length() == 0) {
			has_valid_dismemember_partitions = false;
		else {
			int blind_data_id;
			int blind_data_value;
			MStatus status;
			MPlug target_faces_plug;
			MItMeshPolygon it_polygons(meshFn.object());
			MString mel_command;
			MStringArray current_body_parts_flags;
			MFnDependencyNode current_dismember_node;
			MFnDependencyNode current_blind_data_node;

			//Naive sort here, there is no reason and is extremely undesirable and not recommended to have more
			//than 10-20 dismember partitions out of many reasons, so it's okay here
			//as it makes the code easier to understand
			vector<int> dismember_nodes_id(dismember_nodes.length(), -1);
			for (int x = 0; x < dismember_nodes.length(); x++) {
				current_dismember_node.findPlug("targetFaces").connectedTo(connected_dismember_plugs, true, false);
				if (connected_dismember_plugs.length() == 0) {
					has_valid_dismemember_partitions = false;
				dismember_nodes_id[x] = current_blind_data_node.findPlug("typeId").asInt();
			for (int x = 0; x < dismember_nodes.length() - 1; x++) {
				for (int y = x + 1; y < dismember_nodes.length(); y++) {
					if (dismember_nodes_id[x] > dismember_nodes_id[y]) {
						MObject aux = dismember_nodes[x];
						blind_data_id = dismember_nodes_id[x];
						dismember_nodes[x] = dismember_nodes[y];
						dismember_nodes_id[x] = dismember_nodes_id[y];
						dismember_nodes[y] = aux;
						dismember_nodes_id[y] = blind_data_id;

			for (int x = 0; x < dismember_nodes.length(); x++) {
				target_faces_plug = current_dismember_node.findPlug("targetFaces");
				target_faces_plug.connectedTo(connected_dismember_plugs, true, false);
				if (connected_dismember_plugs.length() > 0) {
					current_face_index = 0;
					blind_data_id = current_blind_data_node.findPlug("typeId").asInt();
					for (it_polygons.reset(); !it_polygons.isDone(); it_polygons.next()) {
						if (it_polygons.polygonVertexCount() >= 3) {
							status = meshFn.getIntBlindData(it_polygons.index(), MFn::Type::kMeshPolygonComponent, blind_data_id, "dismemberValue", blind_data_value);
							if (status == MStatus::kSuccess && blind_data_value == 1 &&
								meshFn.hasBlindDataComponentId(it_polygons.index(), MFn::Type::kMeshPolygonComponent, blind_data_id)) {
								dismember_faces[current_face_index] = x;
				else {
					has_valid_dismemember_partitions = false;

				mel_command = "getAttr ";
				mel_command += current_dismember_node.name();
				mel_command += ".bodyPartsFlags";
				status = MGlobal::executeCommand(mel_command, current_body_parts_flags);
				BSDismemberBodyPartType body_part_type = NifDismemberPartition::stringArrayToBodyPartType(current_body_parts_flags);

				mel_command = "getAttr ";
				mel_command += current_dismember_node.name();
				mel_command += ".partsFlags";
				status = MGlobal::executeCommand(mel_command, current_body_parts_flags);
				BSPartFlag part_type = NifDismemberPartition::stringArrayToPart(current_body_parts_flags);

				BodyPartList body_part;
				body_part.bodyPart = body_part_type;
				body_part.partFlag = part_type;

		if (has_valid_dismemember_partitions == false) {
			MGlobal::displayWarning("No proper dismember partitions, generating default ones for " + meshFn.name());

			for (int x = 0; x < dismember_faces.size(); x++) {
				dismember_faces[x] = 0;

			BodyPartList body_part;
			body_part.bodyPart = (BSDismemberBodyPartType)0;
			body_part.partFlag = (BSPartFlag)(PF_EDITOR_VISIBLE | PF_START_NET_BONESET);


	//out << "Setting vertex info" << endl;
	//Set vertex info now that any skins have been processed

	//ComplexShape is now complete, so split it

	//Get parent
	NiNodeRef parNode = this->translatorUtils->GetDAGParent(dagNode);
	Matrix44 transform = Matrix44::IDENTITY;
	vector<NiNodeRef> influences = cs.GetSkinInfluences();
	if (influences.size() > 0) {
		//This is a skin, so we use the common ancestor of all influences
		//as the parent
		vector<NiAVObjectRef> objects;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < influences.size(); ++i) {

		//Get world transform of existing parent
		Matrix44 oldParWorld = parNode->GetWorldTransform();

		//Set new parent node
		parNode = FindCommonAncestor(objects);

		transform = oldParWorld * parNode->GetWorldTransform().Inverse();

	//Get transform using temporary NiAVObject
	NiAVObjectRef tempAV = new NiAVObject;
	this->nodeExporter->ExportAV(tempAV, dagNode);

	NiAVObjectRef avObj;
	if (this->translatorOptions->exportTangentSpace == "falloutskyrimtangentspace") {
		//out << "Split ComplexShape from " << meshFn.name().asChar() << endl;
		avObj = cs.Split(parNode, tempAV->GetLocalTransform() * transform, this->translatorOptions->exportBonesPerSkinPartition,
			this->translatorOptions->exportAsTriStrips, true, this->translatorOptions->exportMinimumVertexWeight, 16);
	else {
		avObj = cs.Split(parNode, tempAV->GetLocalTransform() * transform, this->translatorOptions->exportBonesPerSkinPartition,
			this->translatorOptions->exportAsTriStrips, false, this->translatorOptions->exportMinimumVertexWeight);

	//out << "Get the NiAVObject portion of the root of the split" <<endl;
	//Get the NiAVObject portion of the root of the split

	//If polygon mesh is hidden, hide tri_shape
	MPlug vis = visibleMeshFn.findPlug(MString("visibility"));
	bool visibility;

	NiNodeRef splitRoot = DynamicCast<NiNode>(avObj);
	if (splitRoot != NULL) {
		//Root is a NiNode with NiTriBasedGeom children.
		vector<NiAVObjectRef> children = splitRoot->GetChildren();
		for (unsigned c = 0; c < children.size(); ++c) {
			//Set the default collision propogation flag to "use triangles"
			// Make the mesh invisible if necessary
			if (visibility == false) {

	else {
		//Root must be a NiTriBasedGeom.  Make it invisible if necessary
		if (visibility == false) {

// Maps vertex points in uv coordinates (uPoints and vPoints) onto plane and creates a new mesh
// Only works with planes with the local normal along the y-axis for now (default Maya polyplane)
MStatus SplitFromImage::addPlaneSubMesh(MObject &object, MFloatArray uPoints, MFloatArray vPoints, const MFnMesh &planeMesh) {
  if(uPoints.length() != vPoints.length())
    return MS::kFailure;

  MPointArray planePoints;
  MIntArray planeVertexCount;
  MIntArray planeVertexList;
  planeMesh.getVertices(planeVertexCount, planeVertexList);

  cout << "planeVertexCount: " << planeVertexCount.length() << endl;
  cout << "planeVertexList: " << planeVertexList.length() << endl;

  double minX, minZ, maxX, maxZ;
  minX = minZ = 100000;
  maxX = maxZ = -100000;

  // Find min and max points of the plane
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < planePoints.length(); i++) {
    double x = planePoints[i].x;
    double z = planePoints[i].z;
    if(planePoints[i].x < minX)
      minX = x;
    if(planePoints[i].x > maxX)
      maxX = x;
    if(planePoints[i].z < minZ)
      minZ = x;
    if(planePoints[i].z > maxZ)
      maxZ = z;

  // Set plane's corner pos and width and height
  double planeX = minX;
  double planeY = minZ;
  double planeWidth = maxX - minX;
  double planeHeight = maxZ - minZ;

  // Prepare stuff for MFnMesh
  int numVertices = uPoints.length();
  int numPolygons = 1;
  MPointArray pointArray;
  int polygon_counts[1] = {numVertices};
  MIntArray polygonCounts(polygon_counts, 1);
  int *polygon_connects = new int[numVertices];

  for(int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++) {
    polygon_connects[i] = i;
    MPoint point(planeX + planeWidth * uPoints[i], 0, planeY + planeHeight * vPoints[i]);

  MIntArray polygonConnects(polygon_connects, numVertices);
  delete[] polygon_connects;

  // cout << "numVertices: " << numVertices << endl
  //      << "numPolygons: " << numPolygons << endl
  //      << "pointArray: " << pointArray << endl
  //      << "polygonCounts: " << polygonCounts << endl
  //      << "polygonConnects: " << polygonConnects << endl
  //      << "planeX: " << planeX << endl
  //      << "planeY: " << planeY << endl
  //      << "planeWidth: " << planeWidth << endl
  //      << "planeHeight: " << planeHeight << endl;

  for (int i = 0; i < vPoints.length(); i++){
	  vPoints[i] = 1.0 - vPoints[i];

  MFnMesh mesh;
  object = mesh.create(numVertices, numPolygons, pointArray, polygonCounts, polygonConnects, uPoints, vPoints);
  mesh.assignUVs(polygonCounts, polygonConnects);

  return MS::kSuccess;
Exemplo n.º 10
MStatus meshRemapTool::resolveMapping()
	// Get the list of selected items 
	MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( fSelectionList );
	if( fSelectionList.length() != 2)
		return MStatus::kFailure;

	MDagPath dagPath;
	MObject  component;
	if( fSelectionList.getDagPath(0, dagPath, component) != MStatus::kSuccess)
		MGlobal::displayError(" Invalid source mesh");
		return MStatus::kFailure;
	// Repeat this 3 times one for each vertex

	if( fSelectionList.getDagPath(1, dagPath, component) != MStatus::kSuccess)
		MGlobal::displayError(" Invalid destination mesh");
		return MStatus::kFailure;
	// Repeat this 3 times one for each vertex

	// Find the vertices in Object Space of the first polygon
	MPointArray srcPts;
	MIntArray   srcVertIds, dstVertIds;
	MItMeshPolygon faceIterSrc(fSelectedPathSrc[0]);
	unsigned srcFaceId = faceIterSrc.index();
	faceIterSrc.getPoints(srcPts, MSpace::kObject);

	// Tranfrom the vertices to dst World Space
	unsigned i, j;
	MMatrix m = fSelectedPathDst[0].inclusiveMatrix();
	for(i = 0; i < srcPts.length(); i++)
	    srcPts[i] = srcPts[i] * m;

	MItMeshPolygon faceIterDst(fSelectedPathDst[0]);
	while (!faceIterDst.isDone())
		MPointArray dstPts;
		faceIterDst.getPoints(dstPts, MSpace::kWorld);
		if (arePointsOverlap(srcPts, dstPts))
			// Set face and vertex indices
			fSelectedFaceSrc = srcFaceId;
			fSelectedFaceDst = faceIterDst.index();

			for (j = 0; j < dstPts.length(); j++)
				MVector v = dstPts[j] - srcPts[0];
				if (v * v < epsilon)

			for (j = 0; j < dstPts.length(); j++)
				MVector v = dstPts[j] - srcPts[1];
				if (v * v < epsilon)

			for (j = 0; j < dstPts.length(); j++)
				MVector v = dstPts[j] - srcPts[2];
				if (v * v < epsilon)

			return MStatus::kSuccess;
	return MStatus::kFailure;
Exemplo n.º 11
MStatus particlePathsCmd::doIt( const MArgList& args )
	MStatus stat = parseArgs( args );
	if( stat != MS::kSuccess ) 
		return stat;

	MFnParticleSystem cloud( particleNode );

	if( ! cloud.isValid() )
		MGlobal::displayError( "The function set is invalid!" );
		return MS::kFailure;

	// Create curves from the particle system in two stages.  First, sample 
	// all particle positions from the start time to the end time.  Then,
	// use the data that was collected to create curves.

	// Create the particle hash table at a fixed size.  This should work fine
	// for small particle systems, but may become inefficient for larger ones.
	// If the plugin is running very slow, increase the size.  The value should
	// be roughly the number of particles that are expected to be emitted
	// within the time period.
	ParticleIdHash hash(1024);
	MIntArray idList;

	// Stage 1

	MVectorArray positions;
	MIntArray ids;
	int i = 0;
	for (double time = start; time <= finish + TOLERANCE; time += increment)
		MTime timeSeconds(time,MTime::kSeconds);

		// It is necessary to query the worldPosition attribute to force the 
		// particle positions to update.
//		MGlobal::executeCommand(MString("getAttr ") + cloud.name() + 
//			MString(".worldPosition"));

		if (!cloud.isValid())
			MGlobal::displayError( "Particle system has become invalid." );
			return MS::kFailure;

		MGlobal::displayInfo( MString("Received ") + (int)(cloud.count()) + 
			" particles, at time " + time);

		// Request position and ID data for particles
		cloud.position( positions );
		cloud.particleIds( ids );

		if (ids.length() != cloud.count() || positions.length() != cloud.count())
			MGlobal::displayError( "Invalid array sizes." );
			return MS::kFailure;

		for (int j = 0; j < (int)cloud.count(); j++)
			// Uncomment to show particle positions as the plugin accumulates
			// samples.
			MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("(") + (positions[j])[0] + MString(",") + 
				(positions[j])[1] + MString(",") + (positions[j])[2] + MString(")"));

			MPoint pt(positions[j]);
			if (hash.getPoints(ids[j]).length() == 0)

	// Stage 2

	for (i = 0; i < (int)(idList.length()); i++)
		MPointArray points = hash.getPoints(idList[i]);

		// Don't bother with single samples
		if (points.length() <= 1)

		// Add two additional points, so that the curve covers all sampled
		// values.
		MPoint p1 = points[0]*2 - points[1];
		MPoint p2 = points[points.length()-1]*2 - points[points.length()-2];

		// Uncomment to show information about the generated curves
		MGlobal::displayInfo( MString("ID ") + (int)(idList[i]) + " has " + (int)(points.length()) + " curve points.");
		for (int j = 0; j < (int)(points.length()); j++)
			MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("(") + points[j][0] + MString(",") + points[j][1] + MString(",") + points[j][2] + MString(")"));

		MDoubleArray knots;
		for (int j = 0; j < (int)(points.length()); j++)

		MStatus status;
		MObject dummy;
		MFnNurbsCurve curve;
		if (!status)
			MGlobal::displayError("Failed to create nurbs curve.");
			return MS::kFailure;

	return MS::kSuccess;
Exemplo n.º 12
void CoronaRenderer::defineMesh(mtco_MayaObject *obj)
	MObject meshObject = obj->mobject;
	MStatus stat = MStatus::kSuccess;
	bool hasDisplacement = false;
	Corona::Abstract::Map *displacementMap = NULL;
	float displacementMin = 0.0f;
	float displacementMax = 0.01f;

	// I do it here for displacement mapping, maybe we should to another place
	getObjectShadingGroups(obj->dagPath, obj->perFaceAssignments, obj->shadingGroups);
	if( obj->shadingGroups.length() > 0)
		MFnDependencyNode shadingGroup(obj->shadingGroups[0]);
		MString sgn = shadingGroup.name();
		MObject displacementObj = getConnectedInNode(obj->shadingGroups[0], "displacementShader");
		MString doo = getObjectName(displacementObj);

		if( (displacementObj != MObject::kNullObj) && (displacementObj.hasFn(MFn::kDisplacementShader)))
			MObject displacementMapObj = getConnectedInNode(displacementObj, "displacement");
			if( (displacementMapObj != MObject::kNullObj) && (displacementMapObj.hasFn(MFn::kFileTexture)))
				MFnDependencyNode displacmentMapNode(displacementObj);
				getFloat("mtco_displacementMin", displacmentMapNode, displacementMin);
				getFloat("mtco_displacementMax", displacmentMapNode, displacementMax);
				MString fileTexturePath = getConnectedFileTexturePath(MString("displacement"), displacmentMapNode);
				if( fileTexturePath != "")
					MapLoader loader;
					displacementMap = loader.loadBitmap(fileTexturePath.asChar());
					hasDisplacement = true;
	MFnMesh meshFn(meshObject, &stat);

	MItMeshPolygon faceIt(meshObject, &stat);

	MPointArray points;
	MFloatVectorArray normals;
	meshFn.getNormals( normals, MSpace::kWorld );
	MFloatArray uArray, vArray;
	meshFn.getUVs(uArray, vArray);

	//logger.debug(MString("Translating mesh object ") + meshFn.name().asChar());
	MString meshFullName = makeGoodString(meshFn.fullPathName());

	Corona::TriangleData td;
	Corona::IGeometryGroup* geom = NULL;
	geom = this->context.scene->addGeomGroup();
	obj->geom = geom;

	for( uint vtxId = 0; vtxId < points.length(); vtxId++)
	for( uint nId = 0; nId < normals.length(); nId++)

	for( uint tId = 0; tId < uArray.length(); tId++)

	MPointArray triPoints;
	MIntArray triVtxIds;
	MIntArray faceVtxIds;
	MIntArray faceNormalIds;

	for(faceIt.reset(); !faceIt.isDone(); faceIt.next())
		int faceId = faceIt.index();
		int numTris;

		MIntArray faceUVIndices;

		for( uint vtxId = 0; vtxId < faceVtxIds.length(); vtxId++)
			int uvIndex;
			faceIt.getUVIndex(vtxId, uvIndex);

		for( int triId = 0; triId < numTris; triId++)
			int faceRelIds[3];
			faceIt.getTriangle(triId, triPoints, triVtxIds);

			for( uint triVtxId = 0; triVtxId < 3; triVtxId++)
				for(uint faceVtxId = 0; faceVtxId < faceVtxIds.length(); faceVtxId++)
					if( faceVtxIds[faceVtxId] == triVtxIds[triVtxId])
						faceRelIds[triVtxId] = faceVtxId;
			uint vtxId0 = faceVtxIds[faceRelIds[0]];
			uint vtxId1 = faceVtxIds[faceRelIds[1]];
			uint vtxId2 = faceVtxIds[faceRelIds[2]];
			uint normalId0 = faceNormalIds[faceRelIds[0]];
			uint normalId1 = faceNormalIds[faceRelIds[1]];
			uint normalId2 = faceNormalIds[faceRelIds[2]];
			uint uvId0 = faceUVIndices[faceRelIds[0]];
			uint uvId1 = faceUVIndices[faceRelIds[1]];
			uint uvId2 = faceUVIndices[faceRelIds[2]];

			if( hasDisplacement )
				Corona::DisplacedTriangleData tri;
				tri.displacement.map = displacementMap;
				MPoint p0 = points[vtxId0];
				MPoint p1 = points[vtxId1];
				MPoint p2 = points[vtxId2];
				tri.v[0] = Corona::AnimatedPos(Corona::Pos(p0.x, p0.y, p0.z));
				tri.v[1] = Corona::AnimatedPos(Corona::Pos(p1.x, p1.y, p1.z));
				tri.v[2] = Corona::AnimatedPos(Corona::Pos(p2.x, p2.y, p2.z));
				MVector n0 = normals[normalId0];
				MVector n1 = normals[normalId1];
				MVector n2 = normals[normalId2];
				Corona::Dir dir0(n0.x, n0.y, n0.z);
				Corona::Dir dir1(n1.x, n1.y, n1.z);
				Corona::Dir dir2(n2.x, n2.y, n2.z);
				tri.n[0] = Corona::AnimatedDir(dir0);
				tri.n[1] = Corona::AnimatedDir(dir1);
				tri.n[2] = Corona::AnimatedDir(dir2);
				Corona::Pos uv0(uArray[uvId0],vArray[uvId0],0.0);
				Corona::Pos uv1(uArray[uvId1],vArray[uvId1],0.0);
				Corona::Pos uv2(uArray[uvId2],vArray[uvId2],0.0);
				Corona::StaticArray<Corona::Pos, 3> uvp;
				uvp[0] = uv0;
				uvp[1] = uv1;
				uvp[2] = uv2;
				tri.materialId = 0;
				tri.displacement.min = displacementMin;
				tri.displacement.max = displacementMax;
				Corona::TriangleData tri;
				tri.v = Corona::AnimatedPosI3(vtxId0, vtxId1, vtxId2);
				tri.n = Corona::AnimatedDirI3(normalId0, normalId1, normalId2);
				tri.t[0] = uvId0;
				tri.t[1] = uvId1;
				tri.t[2] = uvId2;
				tri.materialId = 0;

Exemplo n.º 13
MStatus multiCurve::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
	MStatus stat;

	if ( plug == outputCurves )
		MDataHandle numCurvesHandle =  data.inputValue(numCurves, &stat);
		PERRORfail(stat, "multiCurve::compute getting numCurves");
		int num = numCurvesHandle.asLong();

		MDataHandle curveOffsetHandle =  data.inputValue(curveOffset, &stat);
		PERRORfail(stat, "multiCurve::compute getting curveOffset");
		double baseOffset = curveOffsetHandle.asDouble();

		MDataHandle inputCurveHandle = data.inputValue(inputCurve, &stat);
		PERRORfail(stat, "multiCurve::compute getting inputCurve");

		MObject inputCurveObject ( inputCurveHandle.asNurbsCurveTransformed() );
		MFnNurbsCurve inCurveFS ( inputCurveObject );

		MArrayDataHandle outputArray = data.outputArrayValue(outputCurves,
		PERRORfail(stat, "multiCurve::compute getting output data handle");

		// Create an array data build that is preallocated to hold just
		// the number of curves we plan on creating.  When this builder
		// is set in to the MArrayDataHandle at the end of the compute
		// method, the new array will replace the existing array in the
		// scene.
		// If the number of elements of the multi does not change between
		// compute cycles, then one can reuse the space allocated on a
		// previous cycle by extracting the existing builder from the
		// MArrayDataHandle:
		//		MArrayDataBuilder builder( outputArray.builder(&stat) );
		// this later form of the builder will allow you to rewrite elements
		// of the array, and to grow it, but the array can only be shrunk by
		// explicitly removing elements with the method
		//		MArrayDataBuilder::removeElement(unsigned index);
		MArrayDataBuilder builder(outputCurves, num, &stat);
		PERRORfail(stat, "multiCurve::compute creating builder");
		for (int curveNum = 0; curveNum < num; curveNum++) {
			MDataHandle outHandle = builder.addElement(curveNum);
			MFnNurbsCurveData dataCreator;
			MObject outCurveData = dataCreator.create();
			MObject outputCurve  = inCurveFS.copy(inputCurveObject,
												  outCurveData, &stat);
			PERRORfail(stat, "multiCurve::compute copying curve");

			MFnNurbsCurve outCurveFS ( outputCurve );
			MPointArray cvs;

			double offset = baseOffset * (curveNum+1);

			outCurveFS.getCVs ( cvs, MSpace::kWorld );
			int numCVs = cvs.length();
			for (int i = 0; i < numCVs; i++) {
				cvs[i].x += offset;
			outCurveFS.setCVs ( cvs );

		// Set the builder back into the output array.  This statement
		// is always required, no matter what constructor was used to
		// create the builder.
		stat = outputArray.set(builder);
		PERRORfail(stat, "multiCurve::compute setting the builder");

		// Since we compute all the elements of the array, instead of
		// just marking the plug we were asked to compute as clean, mark
		// every element of the array as clean to prevent further calls
		// to this compute method during this DG evaluation cycle.
		stat = outputArray.setAllClean();
		PERRORfail(stat, "multiCurve::compute cleaning outputCurves");

	} else {
		return MS::kUnknownParameter;
	return stat;
Exemplo n.º 14
bool SargassoNode::creatRestShape(const MObject & m)
    MStatus stat;
    MFnMesh fmesh(m, &stat);
    if(!stat) {
        MGlobal::displayInfo("val is not mesh");
        return false;
    MObject thisObj = thisMObject();
    MPlug pnv(thisObj, atargetNv);
    const int restNv = pnv.asInt();
    if(restNv != fmesh.numVertices()) {
        MGlobal::displayInfo("target nv not match");
        return false;
    MPlug pntriv(thisObj, atargetNt);
    const int restNtriv = pntriv.asInt();
    MIntArray triangleCounts, triangleVertices;
	fmesh.getTriangles(triangleCounts, triangleVertices);
    if(restNtriv != triangleVertices.length()) {
        MGlobal::displayInfo("target ntri not match");
        return false;
    m_mesh->create(restNv, restNtriv/3);
    MPlug prestp(thisObj, atargetRestP);
    MObject orestp;
    MFnPointArrayData frestp(orestp);
    MPointArray restPArray = frestp.array();	
    if(restPArray.length() != restNv) {
        MGlobal::displayInfo("cached target nv not match");
        return false;
    Vector3F * p = m_mesh->points();
    unsigned i=0;
    for(;i<restNv;i++) p[i].set(restPArray[i].x, restPArray[i].y, restPArray[i].z);
    MPlug presttri(thisObj, atargetTri);
    MObject oresttri;
    MFnIntArrayData fresttri(oresttri);
    MIntArray restTriArray = fresttri.array();	
    if(restTriArray.length() != restNtriv) {
        MGlobal::displayInfo("cached target ntri not match");
        return false;
    unsigned * ind = m_mesh->indices();
    for(i=0;i<restNtriv;i++) ind[i] = restTriArray[i];
    const BoundingBox box = ((AGenericMesh *)m_mesh)->calculateBBox();
    AHelper::Info<BoundingBox>("target mesh box", box);
    m_diff = new TriangleDifference(m_mesh);
    MPlug ptargetbind(thisObj, atargetBind);
    MObject otargetbind;
    MFnIntArrayData ftargetbind(otargetbind);
    MIntArray targetBindArray = ftargetbind.array();
    const unsigned nbind = targetBindArray.length();
    AHelper::Info<unsigned>("n binded triangles", nbind);
    std::vector<unsigned> vbind;
    for(i=0;i<nbind;i++) vbind.push_back(targetBindArray[i]);
    MPlug pobjLocal(thisObj, aobjLocal);
    MObject oobjLocal;
    MFnVectorArrayData fobjLocal(oobjLocal);
    MVectorArray localPArray = fobjLocal.array();
    m_numObjects = localPArray.length();
    AHelper::Info<unsigned>("n constrained objects", m_numObjects);
    m_localP->create(m_numObjects * 12);
    Vector3F * lp = localP();
    for(i=0;i<m_numObjects;i++) lp[i].set(localPArray[i].x, localPArray[i].y, localPArray[i].z);
    m_triId->create(m_numObjects * 4);
    MPlug pobjtri(thisObj, aobjTri);
    MObject oobjtri;
    MFnIntArrayData fobjtri(oobjtri);
    MIntArray objtriArray = fobjtri.array();
    unsigned * tri = objectTriangleInd();
    for(i=0;i<m_numObjects;i++) tri[i] = objtriArray[i];
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 15
MStatus CXRayObjectExport::ExportPart(CEditableObject* O, MDagPath& mdagPath, MObject&  mComponent)
	MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
	MSpace::Space space = MSpace::kWorld;

	MFnMesh fnMesh( mdagPath, &stat );
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Failure in MFnMesh initialization.\n");
		return MS::kFailure;

	MString mdagPathNodeName = fnMesh.name();

	MFnDagNode dagNode1(mdagPath);
	u32 pc = dagNode1.parentCount();
	for(u32 ip=0;ip<pc;++ip)
		MObject object_parent = dagNode1.parent(ip, &stat);
			MFnTransform parent_transform(object_parent,&stat);
			if ( MS::kSuccess == stat) 
				mdagPathNodeName = parent_transform.name();

	MItMeshPolygon meshPoly( mdagPath, mComponent, &stat );
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Failure in MItMeshPolygon initialization.\n");
		return MS::kFailure;

	MItMeshVertex vtxIter( mdagPath, mComponent, &stat );
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Failure in MItMeshVertex initialization.\n");
		return MS::kFailure;

	// If the shape is instanced then we need to determine which
	// instance this path refers to.
	int instanceNum = 0;
	if (mdagPath.isInstanced())
		instanceNum = mdagPath.instanceNumber();

	// Get a list of all shaders attached to this mesh
	MObjectArray rgShaders;
	MIntArray texMap;
	MStatus status;
	status = fnMesh.getConnectedShaders (instanceNum, rgShaders, texMap);
	if (status == MStatus::kFailure)
		Log("! Unable to load shaders for mesh");
		return (MStatus::kFailure);

	XRShaderDataVec xr_data;
		for ( int i=0; i<(int)rgShaders.length(); i++ ) {
			MObject shader = rgShaders[i];

			SXRShaderData& D = xr_data.back();

			status = parseShader(shader, D);
			if (status == MStatus::kFailure) {
				status.perror ("Unable to retrieve filename of texture");

	CEditableMesh* MESH = new CEditableMesh(O);

	int objectIdx, length;

	// Find i such that objectGroupsTablePtr[i] corresponds to the
	// object node pointed to by mdagPath
	length = objectNodeNamesArray.length();
		for( int i=0; i<length; i++ ) {
			if( objectNodeNamesArray[i] == mdagPathNodeName ) {
				objectIdx = i;
	// Reserve uv table
		VMapVec& _vmaps	= MESH->m_VMaps;
		_vmaps.resize	(1);
		st_VMap*& VM	= _vmaps.back();
		VM				= new st_VMap("Texture",vmtUV,false);

	// write faces
		using FaceVec = xr_vector<st_Face>;
		using FaceIt = FaceVec::iterator;

		VMapVec& _vmaps			= MESH->m_VMaps;
		SurfFaces& _surf_faces	= MESH->m_SurfFaces;
		VMRefsVec& _vmrefs		= MESH->m_VMRefs;
		// temp variables
		FvectorVec	_points;
		FaceVec _faces;
		U32Vec _sgs;

		int f_cnt				= fnMesh.numPolygons();

		_sgs.reserve	(f_cnt);
		_faces.reserve	(f_cnt);
		_vmrefs.reserve	(f_cnt*3);

//		int lastSmoothingGroup = INITIALIZE_SMOOTHING;
		MPointArray rgpt;
		MIntArray rgint;

		PtLookupMap ptMap;
		CSurface* surf	= 0;
		for ( ; !meshPoly.isDone(); meshPoly.next()){
			// Write out the smoothing group that this polygon belongs to
			// We only write out the smoothing group if it is different
			// from the last polygon.
			int compIdx	= meshPoly.index();
			int smoothingGroup = polySmoothingGroups[ compIdx ];
			// for each polygon, first setup the reverse mapping
			// between object-relative vertex indices and face-relative
			// vertex indices
			for (int i=0; i<(int)meshPoly.polygonVertexCount(); i++)
				ptMap.insert (PtLookupMap::value_type(meshPoly.vertexIndex(i), i) );

			// verify polygon zero area
			if (meshPoly.zeroArea()){
				status = MS::kFailure;
				Log("! polygon have zero area:",meshPoly.index());
				return status;

			// verify polygon zero UV area
/*			if (meshPoly.zeroUVArea()){
				status = MS::kFailure;
				Log("! polygon have zero UV area:",meshPoly.index());
				return status;
			// verify polygon has UV information
			if (!meshPoly.hasUVs (&status)) {
				status = MS::kFailure;
				Log("! polygon is missing UV information:",meshPoly.index());
				return status;

			int cTri;
			// now iterate through each triangle on this polygon and create a triangle object in our list
			status = meshPoly.numTriangles (cTri);	
			if (!status) {
				Log("! can't getting triangle count");
				return status;

			for (int i=0; i < cTri; i++) {

				// for each triangle, first get the triangle data
				rgpt.clear();//triangle vertices
				rgint.clear();//triangle vertex indices 

				// triangles that come from object are retrieved in world space
				status = meshPoly.getTriangle (i, rgpt, rgint, MSpace::kWorld);

				if (!status) {
					Log("! can't getting triangle for mesh poly");
					return status;

				if ((rgpt.length() != 3) || (rgint.length() != 3)) {
					Msg("! 3 points not returned for triangle");
					return MS::kFailure;

				// Write out vertex/uv index information
				R_ASSERT2(fnMesh.numUVs()>0,"Can't find uvmaps.");
				set_smoth_flags( _sgs.back(), rgint );

				st_Face& f_it		= _faces.back();
				for ( int vtx=0; vtx<3; vtx++ ) {
					// get face-relative vertex
					PtLookupMap::iterator mapIt;

					int vtLocal, vtUV;
					int vt = rgint[vtx];
					mapIt = ptMap.find(vt);
					Fvector2 uv;
					if (mapIt == ptMap.end()){
						Msg("! Can't find local index.");
						return MS::kFailure;
					vtLocal = (*mapIt).second;

					status = meshPoly.getUVIndex (vtLocal, vtUV, uv.x, uv.y); 
					if (!status) {
						Msg("! error getting UV Index for local vertex '%d' and object vertex '%d'",vtLocal,vt);
						return status;

					// flip v-part 

					f_it.pv[2-vtx].pindex	= AppendVertex(_points,rgpt[vtx]);
					f_it.pv[2-vtx].vmref	= _vmrefs.size();
					_vmrefs.push_back		(st_VMapPtLst());
					st_VMapPtLst& vm_lst	= _vmrefs.back();
					vm_lst.count			= 1;
					vm_lst.pts				= xr_alloc<st_VMapPt>(vm_lst.count);
					vm_lst.pts[0].vmap_index= 0;
					vm_lst.pts[0].index 	= AppendUV(_vmaps.back(),uv);
				// out face material
				int iTexture	= texMap[meshPoly.index()];
				if (iTexture<0)
					xrDebug::Fatal(DEBUG_INFO,"Can't find material for polygon: %d",meshPoly.index());
				SXRShaderData& D= xr_data[iTexture];

				int compIdx = meshPoly.index();
				surf		= MESH->Parent()->CreateSurface(getMaterialName(mdagPath, compIdx, objectIdx),D);
				if (!surf)	return MStatus::kFailure;	
			// copy from temp
			MESH->m_VertCount	= _points.size();
			MESH->m_FaceCount	= _faces.size();
			MESH->m_Vertices	= xr_alloc<Fvector>(MESH->m_VertCount);
			Memory.mem_copy		(MESH->m_Vertices,&*_points.begin(),MESH->m_VertCount*sizeof(Fvector));
			MESH->m_Faces		= xr_alloc<st_Face>(MESH->m_FaceCount);
			Memory.mem_copy		(MESH->m_Faces,&*_faces.begin(),MESH->m_FaceCount*sizeof(st_Face));
			MESH->m_SmoothGroups = xr_alloc<u32>(MESH->m_FaceCount);
			Memory.mem_copy		(MESH->m_SmoothGroups,&*_sgs.begin(),MESH->m_FaceCount*sizeof(u32));

			MESH->RecomputeBBox	();
		if ((MESH->GetVertexCount()<4)||(MESH->GetFaceCount()<2))
			Log		("! Invalid mesh: '%s'. Faces<2 or Verts<4",*MESH->Name());
			return MS::kFailure;
	return stat;
Exemplo n.º 16
MStatus finalproject::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data)
	// do this if we are using an OpenMP implementation that is not the same as Maya's.
	// Even if it is the same, it does no harm to make this call.

	MStatus status = MStatus::kUnknownParameter;
 	if (plug.attribute() != outputGeom) {
		return status;

	unsigned int index = plug.logicalIndex();
	MObject thisNode = this->thisMObject();

	// get input value
	MPlug inPlug(thisNode,input);
	MDataHandle hInput = data.inputValue(inPlug, &status);
	MCheckStatus(status, "ERROR getting input mesh\n");
	// get the input geometry
	MDataHandle inputData = hInput.child(inputGeom);
	if (inputData.type() != MFnData::kMesh) {
 		printf("Incorrect input geometry type\n");
		return MStatus::kFailure;

	// get the input groupId - ignored for now...
	MDataHandle hGroup = inputData.child(groupId);
	unsigned int groupId = hGroup.asLong();

	// get deforming mesh
	MDataHandle deformData = data.inputValue(deformingMesh, &status);
	MCheckStatus(status, "ERROR getting deforming mesh\n");
    if (deformData.type() != MFnData::kMesh) {
		printf("Incorrect deformer geometry type %d\n", deformData.type());
		return MStatus::kFailure;
   MDataHandle offloadData = data.inputValue(offload, &status);

   //gathers world space positions of the object and the magnet
  	MObject dSurf = deformData.asMeshTransformed();
  	MObject iSurf = inputData.asMeshTransformed();
 	MFnMesh fnDeformingMesh, fnInputMesh;
 	fnDeformingMesh.setObject( dSurf ) ;
 	fnInputMesh.setObject( iSurf ) ;

	MDataHandle outputData = data.outputValue(plug);
 	if (outputData.type() != MFnData::kMesh) {
		printf("Incorrect output mesh type\n");
		return MStatus::kFailure;
	MItGeometry iter(outputData, groupId, false);

	// get all points at once. Faster to query, and also better for
	// threading than using iterator
	MPointArray objVerts;
	int objNumPoints = objVerts.length();
 	MPointArray magVerts, tempverts;
 	int magNumPoints = magVerts.length();
 	double min = DBL_MAX, max = -DBL_MAX;
   //finds min and max z-coordinate values to determine middle point (choice of z-axis was ours)
 	for (int i = 0; i < magNumPoints; i++) {
      min = magVerts[i].z < min ? magVerts[i].z : min;
      max = magVerts[i].z > max ? magVerts[i].z : max;

   double middle = (min + max) / 2;
   double polarity[magNumPoints];
   //assigns polarity based on middle point of mesh
   for (int i = 0; i < magNumPoints; i++) {
      polarity[i] = magVerts[i].z > middle ? max / magVerts[i].z : -min / magVerts[i].z;
 	double* objdVerts = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * objNumPoints * 3);
 	double* magdVerts = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * magNumPoints * 3);
   //creates handles to use attribute data
 	MDataHandle vecX = data.inputValue(transX, &status);
   MDataHandle vecY = data.inputValue(transY, &status);
   MDataHandle vecZ = data.inputValue(transZ, &status);
   //gathers previously stored coordinates of the center of the object
   double moveX = vecX.asFloat();
   double moveY = vecY.asFloat();
   double moveZ = vecZ.asFloat();
   //translates object based on the position stored in the attribute values
 	for (int i=0; i<objNumPoints; i++) {
 	   objdVerts[i * 3] = tempverts[i].x + moveX;
 	   objdVerts[i * 3 + 1] = tempverts[i].y + moveY;
 	   objdVerts[i * 3 + 2] = tempverts[i].z + moveZ;
 	for (int i=0; i<magNumPoints; i++) {
 	   magdVerts[i * 3] = magVerts[i].x;
 	   magdVerts[i * 3 + 1] = magVerts[i].y;
 	   magdVerts[i * 3 + 2] = magVerts[i].z;
 	double teslaData = data.inputValue(tesla, &status).asDouble();
   MDataHandle posiData = data.inputValue(positivelycharged, &status);
   double pivot[6] = {DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX};
   //finds the pivot point of the object in world space prior to being affected by the magnet
 	for (int i = 0; i < tempverts.length(); i++) {
      pivot[0] = tempverts[i].x < pivot[0] ? tempverts[i].x : pivot[0];
      pivot[1] = tempverts[i].x > pivot[1] ? tempverts[i].x : pivot[1];
      pivot[2] = tempverts[i].y < pivot[2] ? tempverts[i].y : pivot[2];
      pivot[3] = tempverts[i].y > pivot[3] ? tempverts[i].y : pivot[3];
      pivot[4] = tempverts[i].z < pivot[4] ? tempverts[i].z : pivot[4];
      pivot[5] = tempverts[i].z > pivot[5] ? tempverts[i].z : pivot[5];
   MTimer timer; timer.beginTimer();
   //main function call
   magnetForce(magNumPoints, objNumPoints, teslaData, magdVerts, 
      objdVerts, polarity, posiData.asBool(), offloadData.asBool());
   timer.endTimer(); printf("Runtime for threaded loop %f\n", timer.elapsedTime());
 	for (int i=0; i<objNumPoints; i++) {
 	   objVerts[i].x = objdVerts[i * 3 + 0];
 	   objVerts[i].y = objdVerts[i * 3 + 1];
 	   objVerts[i].z = objdVerts[i * 3 + 2];      
   //finds the pivot point of object in world space after being affected by the magnet
   double objCenter[6] = {DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX};
 	for (int i = 0; i < tempverts.length(); i++) {
      objCenter[0] = objVerts[i].x < objCenter[0] ? objVerts[i].x : objCenter[0];
      objCenter[1] = objVerts[i].x > objCenter[1] ? objVerts[i].x : objCenter[1];
      objCenter[2] = objVerts[i].y < objCenter[2] ? objVerts[i].y : objCenter[2];
      objCenter[3] = objVerts[i].y > objCenter[3] ? objVerts[i].y : objCenter[3];
      objCenter[4] = objVerts[i].z < objCenter[4] ? objVerts[i].z : objCenter[4];
      objCenter[5] = objVerts[i].z > objCenter[5] ? objVerts[i].z : objCenter[5];
   //creates vector based on the two calculated pivot points
 	moveX = (objCenter[0] + objCenter[1]) / 2 - (pivot[0] + pivot[1]) / 2;
 	moveY = (objCenter[2] + objCenter[3]) / 2 - (pivot[2] + pivot[3]) / 2;
 	moveZ = (objCenter[4] + objCenter[5]) / 2 - (pivot[4] + pivot[5]) / 2;
   //stores pivot vector for next computation
 	if (teslaData) {
	// write values back onto output using fast set method on iterator
	iter.setAllPositions(objVerts, MSpace::kWorld);

	return status;